
Mockingbirds and Thrashers Towhees, Juncos and Sparrows Gray Catbird* B M C Eastern Towhee* B M C Naugatuck State Northern Mockingbird B Y U American Tree Sparrow M W U Brown Thrasher* B M R Chipping Sparrow B M C

Starlings Field Sparrow* B M C Forest European Starling Y U Savannah Sparrow* M U Waxwings Fox Sparrow M U Checklist Cedar Waxwing B M C Song Sparrow B Y C Wood Warblers Lincoln’s Sparrow M U * B M C Swamp Sparrow M U Worm-eating Warbler* B M U White-throated Sparrow M W C Louisiana Waterthrush* B M U White-crowned Sparrow M U Northern Waterthrush* M U Dark-eyed Junco* M W C Golden-winged Warbler* M R Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks and Buntings Blue-winged Warbler* B M U/C Scarlet Tanager* B M C Black-and-White Warbler* B M C Northern Cardinal B Y C Tennessee Warbler M R Rose-breasted Grosbeak* B M C Nashville Warbler M U Indigo Bunting* B M C Warbler M R Blackbirds and New World Orioles M R Red-winged Blackbird B M C

Kentucky Warbler M R Common Grackle B M C Common B M C Brown-headed Cowbird B M C Hooded Warbler* B M U Orchard Oriole* M R The Audubon Society designated Naugatuck American Redstart* B M C Baltimore Oriole* B M C State Forest an Important Bird Area (IBA) Cape May Warbler* M R Finches due to the wide diversity of bird habitats, Cerulean Warbler* M R Purple Finch* B M W U * M U House Finch B Y C early successional, shrubland, and young Magnolia Warbler* M U Pine Siskin M W U/R forest, created by active forest management Bay-breasted Warbler* M R American Goldfinch B Y C such as timber harvests and prescribed Blackburnian Warbler* M U Old World Sparrows burns. Yellow Warbler B M C House Sparrow Y U/R Chestnut-sided Warbler* B M C Date/Time: Weather/Temp: CT Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation M U Strategy (CWCS) Important * Black-throated Blue Warbler* M U Notes: Palm Warbler M U M = Migrant C = Common Pine Warbler B M U Y = Year Round U = Uncommon Yellow-rumped Warbler* M C W = Winter R = Rare Prairie Warbler* B M C Black-throated Green Warbler* B M U B = Breeding (Most likely breeds in Warbler* M U appropriate habitat in or near Naugatuck Wilson’s Warbler M U State Forest) Swans, Geese and Ducks Least M U Eastern Kingbird* B M C Canada Goose B Y C American Woodcock* B M U Vireos Mute Swan B Y R Gulls Yellow-throated Vireo* B M U/C Wood Duck B M U Ring-billed Gull W U Blue-headed Vireo* B M U American Black Duck* B M U Herring Gull W U Warbling Vireo* B M U Mallard B Y C Great Black-backed Gull W U Red-eyed Vireo B M C Ring-necked Duck M U Pigeons and Doves Jays and Crows Hooded Merganser* M U Rock Dove B Y U Blue Jay B Y C Common Merganser* B M W U Mourning Dove B Y C American Crow B Y C Grouse and Turkey Cuckoos Fish Crow B Y U Ring-necked Pheasant B Y U Yellow-billed Cuckoo* B M U Common Raven* B Y U Wild Turkey B Y C Black-billed Cuckoo* B M U Swallows Loons and Grebes Typical Owls Tree Swallow B M C Common Loon* M R Eastern Screech-Owl* B Y U Northern Rough-winged Swallow* B M U Pied-billed Grebe* M U/R Great Horned Owl* B Y U Bank Swallow* B M U Cormorants Barred Owl* B Y C Barn Swallow B M C Double-crested Cormorant M U Northern Saw-whet Owl* M W R Chickadees and Titmice Herons Goatsuckers Black-capped Chickadee B Y C Great Blue Heron* B M C Common Nighthawk* M R Tufted Titmouse B Y C Green Heron* B M U Eastern Whip-poor-will* B M U New World Vultures Swifts Red-breasted * M U Black Vulture B Y U Chimney Swift* B M U White-breasted Nuthatch B Y C Turkey Vulture B Y C Hummingbirds Creepers Kites, Eagles and Hawks Ruby-throated Hummingbird* B M U Brown Creeper* B M W U Osprey* M C Kingfishers Bald Eagle* M W R Belted Kingfisher* B M U Carolina B Y U Sharp-shinned Hawk* M U Woodpeckers House Wren B M C Cooper’s Hawk* B M U Red-bellied Woodpecker B Y C Winter Wren* B M U Northern Goshawk* M W R Yellow-bellied Sapsucker M U Gnatcatcher Red-shouldered Hawk* B M U Downy Woodpecker B Y C Blue-gray Gnatcatcher * B M U Broad-winged Hawk* B M U Hairy Woodpecker B Y U Kinglets Red-tailed Hawk B Y C Northern Flicker* B M U Golden-crowned Kinglet* M W U Falcons Pileated Woodpecker * B Y U Ruby-crowned Kinglet M C American Kestrel* M U Tyrant Flycatchers Thrushes Merlin M R Olive-sided Flycatcher* M R Eastern Bluebird B M C Plovers Eastern Wood-Pewee* B M C Veery* B M C Killdeer B M U Acadian Flycatcher* B M R Gray-cheeked Thrush* M R Willow Flycatcher* M U Swainson’s Thrush* M U Spotted Sandpiper* B M U Least Flycatcher* B M U Hermit Thrush* B M U Solitary Sandpiper M U Eastern Phoebe B M C Wood Thrush* B M C Semipalmated Sandpiper* M U Great Crested Flycatcher* B M U American Robin B Y C