An Interlibrary Loan Service for Kansas Public Libraries in Fiscal Year 1972
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 047 768 LI 002 658 TITLE Kansas Interlibrary Loan Study. INSTITUTION Kansas State Library, Topeka. PUB DATE 70 NOTE 327p. EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.65 HC-$13.16 DESCRIPTORS Financial Support, *Interlibrary Loans, *Library Networks, *Library Services, *Public Libraries, State Programs IDENTIFIERS *Kansas ABSTRACT This study was made to investigate new dimensions for a statewide interlibrary loan service and the means for financing an interlibrary loan service for Kansas public Libraries in fiscal year 1972. Some new dimensions considered worthy of investigation were: (1) inclusion of some system library headquarters as suppliers to a state interlibrary loan network, (2) investigation of American Library Association model interlibrary loan code, (3) study of the availability cf resources for interlibrary loan service, (4) experimentation with out-of-state networks,(5) experimentation with use of union list of serials for going directly to source for serial requests, (6) analysis of costs of interlibrary loan service, (7) analysis cf location of supplying interlibrary loan agencies on an interlibrary loan circuit and (8)study of types of materials requested on a network and the amount of duplication among the requests. These dimensions were explored by investigating the following aspects of the Interlibrary Loan Program for FY 1971: (1) placement of members on network based on availability of materials, time and staffing factors, (2) policy and procedure for acquiring serials directly from identified sources on the network, and (3) assessment of units interlibrary loan capability. The bulk of this study is presented in tables. (NH) U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECES SARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU CATION POSITION OR POLICY i i 7. 1 CO N- TABLE OF CONTENTS CD Preface CM 14.11 Introduction 1 Conclusions and Recommendations 5 Table I - Ownership by Item, Agency, and Type of Materials 7 Table IIa - Summary of Items Owned by Number of Owners 61 Table lib - Number of Owners Per Item; Summary by Day of Week and Type of Agency 63 Table IIc - Number of Owners Per Item 91 Table III - Analysis by Agency of Located Items Owned and Not Owned 144 Table IV - Analysis and Summary by Agency of Items Owned, Not Owned, Owned But Out, and Owned But Not Circulating . 155 Table V - Summary By Items Owned, Not Owned, and Type of Materials 168 Table VIa - Classification of Nonfiction Materials Owned - Partial Summary 172 Table VIb - Classification of Nonfiction Materials Owned 175 Table VIIa - Circuit Expansion Study - Summary 204 Table VIIb - Circuit Expansion Study 205 Table VIIc - Circuit Expansion Study - Time of Rela'r 207 Addendum I - Consultant's Report 20g Addendum II - Memorandum on Interlibrary Loan Study- "Availability" Study 216 Addendum III - Memorandum on Interlibrary Loan Study- Trial Runs, Expanded Network Study 222 Addendum IV - Kansas Information Circuit 229 Appendix I - Availability Study 284 Appendix II - Intrasystem Searching 291 Appendix III - System Interlibrary Loan Reports 299 PREFACE In the Spring of 1970, the State Librarian formed the State Librarian's Interlibrary Loan Committee for the purposes of in- vestigating new dimensions for a statewide interlibrary loan ser- vice, and means for financing an interlibrary loan service for Kansas public libraries in FY 1972. The material included in this study was compiled to meet this purpose. Appreciation is expressed to Miss Marjorie Pomeroy, con- sultant; to the administrators of the fourteen libraries involved in the studies; to the Interlibrary loan staffs of these libraries, without whose gracious cooperation the studies could not have been conducted; and to Mr. Allen Gardiner of the interlibrary loan staff at the headquarters (Topeka Public Library) for his assistance to the consultant explaining the operation of the Kansas Information Circuit and in collecting the data. Also, appreciation is expressed to Miss Marjorie Reed, Miss Lucile Wagner, and Mr. Duane Johnson for the reports included in the appendices; to the State Library Staff - Miss Claire Vincent, Mrs. Freda Dobbins, Miss Rita Gatz - for the time spent in preparing the study; and to the Central Kansas Library System in providing the funds for the con- sultant. 3 INTRODUCTION The Kansas State Library funded the first interlibrary loan network in Kansas in 1965 under Title I of the Library Services and Construction Act.The state agency contracted with the six largest public libraries in Kansas: Johnson County, Wichita,,Hutchinson, Salina, Kansas City, and Topeka, to perform interlibrary loan services for approximately 250 public libraries. This network, known as the Kansas Infor- mation Circuit (KIC), began operation on September 27, 1965. In 1966, the State Library granted LSCA funds to seven regions which covered the entire state for the purpose of planning for public library systems; under the grant each area established a teletype interlibrary loan center which filled requests for the region and transmitted unfilled re- quests to the Kansas Information Circuit headquarters. All seven areas are now legally designated regional systems of co- operating libraries and perform regional interlibrary loan services. Topeka Public Library was designated the Kansas Infor- mation Circuit headquarters. When the systems' unfilled re- quests (only requests for specific books were handled - no reference requests) arrived at the headquarters, as many as possible were filled by the headquarters library. The un- filled requests were compiled into one list and placed on a conference TWX call to the other five libraries. Each of the libraries searched the list for on-the-shelf availability. The order of search each day, after Topeka, was: Johnson County, Wichita, Hutchinson, Salina, and Kansas City. Johnson County was the first to search, and therefore, mailed every- thing on the list it had available for loan.Wichita then. supplied those items which it had available for loan and which had not been supplied by Johnson County. Wichita then reported to Hutchinson those items being mailed by Johnson County and Wichita. Then Hutchinson supplied those items .i.7!:ich it could and so on down the searching order until Kansas City. Kansas City then reported to Topeka the items being mailed by the entire Circuit. For those items not supplied by the Circuit, Topeka notified the system's interlibrary loan center so it in turn could notify the patron. On April 1, 1967, the Kansas State Library began to serve as a resource agency. Kansas State University agreed to serve as an additional resource library on June 7, 1967, un a no-cost, reciprocal basis. and continued to do so until September 1, 1969. The University of Kansas became the third resource li- brary for the Circuit on May 1, 1969. From its inception until early 1970, the Circuit has been administered by the State Librarian and the Kansas Information Circuit Council, originally consisting of the administrators - 2 - of the six participating public libraries on the Circuit. As additional resource libraries came onto the Circuit and as re- gional library systems developed, the administrators of these agencies became membersof the Council. The Council acted to advise on the establishment of policies and procedures for the Kansas Information Circuit. Since the federally funded demonstration period for the Circuit was drawing to a close, the State Librarian, on March 6, 1970, called a meeting of the administrators of the six KIC libraries, the seven regional library systems, Kansas State University and the University of Kansas.A one-year extension to end on June 30, 1971, of the federal demonstration was grant- 'ed. based on the agreement of the administrators that the Cir- cuit be expanded, and that the year be used to plan for the funding of the Circuit from sources other than federal, and that new dimensions for service and techniques for evaluation be developed for the Circuit. From this meeting, the Inter- library Loan Committee was formed. The purpose of the State Librarian's Interlibrary Loan Committee is to investigate new dimensions for a statewide interlibrary loan service and means for financing an inter- library loan service for Kansas public libraries in FY 1972. The subsequent investigations, analyses and experimen- tations were conducted for this purpose. It was agreed that new dimensions worthy for investigation were: 1. Inclusion of some sysFem library headquarters as suppliers to a state interlibrary loan net- work. 2. Investigation of American Library Association model interlibrary loan Code. 3. Study of the availability of resources for interlibrary loan service. 4. Experimentation with out-of-state networks. 5. Experimentation with use of union list of serials for going directly to source for serial requests. 6. Analysis of costs of interlibrary loan ser- vice. 7. Analysis of location of supplying interlibrary loan agencies on an interlibrary loan circuit. 8. Study of types of materials requested on a network and the amount of duplication among the requests. In order to investigate these dimensions the Interlibrary Loan Committee endorsed.the need for employing a consultant. The consultant's duties were defined as investigation and planning of the following aspects of the Interlibrary Loan Program for FY 1971: -:3- 1. FY 1971 placement of members on network based