Pustors' Conference WMU Convention [NEWS COPY ST
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^, ^^-^ S^eS^^-e-f'~ ^-^%.2^^ u y' Addresses: Pustors' Conference WMU Convention [NEWS COPY ST. LOUIS. 1961] FOR RELEASE: 11:45 A.M., Monday, May 22, 1961. by His spirit in the iimer man." We do npt faU because of con- CHRISTIAN MATUMTY ditions outside us but becaiise of weakness in the inner man. The ACCORDING TO THE POWER THAT Christian who is strong within can withstand any pressure from with- out. It is not what takes place in the worid about us that makes WORKS IN US us unhappy but a lack of this divine, energizing power in us. At the opening of the Second World War,-one of the first By H. FRANKLIN PASCHALL evidences of hostility was the sinking 6f tankers along the Atlantic Eph. 3:14-21 coast. The enemy decided that if he could halt the oil supply to Europe, the resulting shortage would help him to win the war, H. FRANKLINJPASCHALL is ^pastor of Fii-st Baptist^ Church, aad consequently the tankers became special targets. Several of them Nashville, Tenn. He came to this pastqrate m 1956 from the were lost until somebody devised a On First Baptist Church, Bowling Greeh, Ky. He is a native of clever scheme. each of the Hazel, Ky., bom May 12, 1922. He graduated_from Unioa Uni; boats a heavy air compressor was installed. When a torpedo bfew versity (Baptist), Jackson/Tenh., and Southem Baptist Theological open one of the bulkheads of the ship, air was quickly puilBped Semmary, LouisviUe. into that bulkhead to create enough pressure to keep the water out, so that the boat could make the nearest port for repairs. The pressure on the inside saved the boat because it was greater than "maturity" The Bible speaks The word is new but the idea is old."growth the pressure on the outsidp. If one is filled with the power of of Christian development m such terms as in "increasing "being grace," God within, the attacks frdm without will not imperU him greatly. with the'increase of God," and confonned into The gospel affords a new competence to face hardships and dis- the unage of His son." This is maturity. appointments, discouragements degree "Greater and fears with some of Dr. H. A. Overstreet said that it is better to speak of a maturing equanimity. is he that is in you than he that is in the rather than a matiire person. In this life the Christian is never worid." / mature, but always may be maturing. This power means enthronement—"that;Christ"Christ may dwell ia Christian maturity must begin within us. Growth is by expansion your hearts by faith." in you m the hope of glory." If and.not by addition. Regardless of how favorable the circumstances Jesus Christ is to be oui- Saviour, He must be our Lord. He does may be on the outside of a man, he cannot grpw if the imier man not enterthe believing heart today and leave tomorrow. He dwells right. after trying m vain to the dead is not The philosophers, "there get there by faith as Lord of lords, pre-eminent in all things, always man to stand up, concluded that is something lacking on worshipped and ever adored. theinside." This power means establishment—"thatye being rooted and The writer of Ephesians said that there is a power in us. What ia love." To be rooted is to be strong and set. To be kmd 6f power ig it? It is greater than rushing, mighty wind. The grounded is to have a secure foundation. Christians who are power of huge rocket engines by whichsatellites are launched into rooted and grounded in love are not carried away by every false space is nothing compared to it. The inside us is far power greater• and threatening wind. than the physical manifestatiofls of power outside us. This power means enlightenment—"thatye may be able to com- If this poweris greaterthan natural or cosmic powers, it is more prehend witfa all samts what is the breadth and length and depth thaa inherent human strength. It is more than will power, however and height, and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowl- great, or courage, however admirable, or sacrifice, however in- edge." The breadth of it includes both Jew and Gentile, the down- noble. It is more than what the spiring, or manhood, however"divine and-out and the up-and-out, all kinds of men. The length"depthof it philosophers have called the spark" in man. Shakespeare is from etermty before timeto eternityafter time. The of inust have had this philosophical idea in mind as well as Psalm 8 it reaches to the very bottom of the hprrible pit, to the .lowest hell. whenhesaid: He "What drank the dregs of the cup, suffering for the foulest and the a piece of work is man! fairest. The height of it vis beypnd all the stars in the realm of How infinite in faculties! the heavealies. The amazing thing about this love is how low it In form and moving how express and admirable! reaches and how high it lifts. In actipn how Uke an, angel! ^To be thus blessed is ,tp reveal kiaship and likeness in the In apprehension how like a god' i;Father's famUy. The sons pf God will resemble the only begotten The beauty of the world, the paragon of animals." ;Son .pf God. And to;be like;Christ is the glorious"people maturity to'ward The that is in us is no less than the omnipotent, all which we strive. power glorious Wheneyer'^u;I preach, to "yourwhb {knpw ;my God. God is m us because. Christ dwells in our hearts by faith family they say to me, lobk just like Dad/'^^ and we may be strengthened by His might through the Spirit ia the happy to be like him and I want in some measure tp be likeiny man. that we may be filled all the fullness ' '. .. :; -1' •'•l^l'i:: inner Paul prays"enthusiasm" with"God Lord." ./' .. ,' of God. The word which means in you," is How can we have this power workirig in us? If we w6uld.be best understood in thecontext of the Christian faith. filled with all the fulhiess pf God, we must beempty of Qurselyes. What a thought! God in man! The power of creation in man! Tqo many Christians are struck pn themselves, full of themselyes. The power over curses and circumstances in man! The power which Pride, boastfulness, ostentation are most inconsistent with the Chris- brought our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead in man! The power tian prpfessipn andcpntradictory^tp^Christianexperience. Paul in for victory through any battle in man! The sublimest truth, the describing his new life in Ghrist said, "I have been crucified with loftiest idea, the grandest expression—Godin man! Christ, neYertheIess I live, yet not ego but Christ liveth in me, and What does this power do? It works in us. It ?s not a storage and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the battery type of power. It is a power that energizes and moves. son of God who loved me and gave himself for me." The "I" is The power of God becomes energy for growth and service. We cancelled out by the cross. With ego crucifled it is normal for a cannot be dull, vapid, indffierent, inactive with this power working Christian to deny himself and take up his cross and followChrist. in us. It is like an electric eurrent flowing through us. It is the The less there is pf self the more there is of God in the Christian. power which matures us. The Holy Spirit is in us. His mighty power is avaUable tp us. This power in us means endowment—"thatHe would grant (give) The more we rely upon Him the greater'will be our strength for according blesses "out "living you "accordingto the riches of His glory." He us not the of these days" and more like the Master we shall become. of" but to" His riches. A boy needs assistance. He We must pray. Paul pours put his heart in prayer for the Ephesian goes to a millionaire and makes request. The millionaire gives him Christians and for us that all might be filled with all the fullness ten, twenty, one hundred dollars. He is helping the boy out of pf God. He bows his knees m prayer, suggesting great^fearitestness. his riches. But if he gives him a check book and authorizes him When our burdens are heaviest usually^we uncoilsciousl^ ~,pray on to draw from his resources as the need may demand, then he is ourknees. '" blessing hiu according to his riches. The Lord blesses us according Jesus said, "Men always to and • "faint" pught"cave pray not faint." The word to His riches. , for means to in." When men pray, they will not This power means enduement—"tobe strengthened with might cave in, though the rains descend—pressurefrom'above, and.the winds blow—pressurefrom the side, and the floods rise—pressure tion of church and state, they usually mean a dominant church from beneath. influencing a servile Catholic state, as in Spain. That partial control Prayer inspired by the everlasting promises of Qod's Word and of the state in Catholic countries is exercised by formal treaties or indicted by the eternal Spirit is the most way are kept "If effective to deepen concordats with the Vatican, and those concordats in opera- our lives.