MERCHANTS’ CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE FOR THE YEAR 2017-18 Merchants’ Chamber of Commerce & Industry MERCHANTS’ CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY (Established in 1901) REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE FOR THE YEAR 2017-18 15B, Hemanta Basu Sarani, Kolkata - 700001 Tel: 91 33 2248 1502 /6329/ 3123, 2262 5070 (5 lines) Fax: 91 33 2248 8657, Email:
[email protected], Website: Annual Report 2017-18 1 Merchants’ Chamber of Commerce & Industry MERCHANTS’ CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY 15B, Hemanta Basu Sarani Kolkata 700001 Dated: 5th September 2018 To ALL MEMBERS, Dear Members, The Committee has great pleasure in presenting to you the report of activities for the year ending on 31 March 2018 in terms of Articles 34 (C) of the Constitution. The Audited Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet for the year are also enclosed. Yours faithfully, Ramesh Agarwal President Vishal Jhajharia Senior Vice President Vivek Gupta Vice President Surendra Keyal Honorary Secretary Rajaram Chowdhary Treasurer Annual Report 2017-18 3 Merchants’ Chamber of Commerce & Industry CONTENTS Page No. 1. Committee for the year 2017–18 7 2. 116th Annual General Meeting 11 3. Interactive Sessions/Symposia/Workshops 22 4. MCCI Ladies Forum (MLF) 73 5. Other Important Events 75 6. Press Communique 77 7. Representations/Memoranda 82 8. Working of the Standing Committees 89 9. Other Activities of the Chamber 90 10. Advisory Council/MCC Foundation/Standing Committees 91 11. Affiliations 100 12. Representatives of the Chamber on Public Bodies 101 13. Meetings held during the year 102 14. Past Presidents 107 Annual Report 2017-18 5 Merchants’ Chamber of Commerce & Industry MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE FOR THE YEAR 2017–18 Office Bearers President : Shri Ramesh Agarwal Senior Vice President : Shri Vishal Jhajharia Vice President : Shri Vivek Gupta Hony.