Constituent priming in compounds Is Milkman a superhero like Batman? Constituent morphological priming in compound words Jon Andoni Duñabeitia○●, Itziar Laka□, Manuel Perea■ and Manuel Carreiras○● ○ Instituto de Tecnologías Biomédicas ● Universidad de La Laguna □ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU) ■ Universitat de València Short title: Constituent priming in compounds Key words: Compound words; morphological priming; morphological decomposition. Address for correspondence: Jon Andoni Duñabeitia Departamento de Psicología Cognitiva Universidad de La Laguna 38205 - Tenerife (Spain) phone: +34678635223 fax: +34922317461 email:
[email protected] Constituent priming in compounds 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The research reported in this article has been partially supported by Grants SEJ2004- 07680-C02-02/PSIC, SEJ2006-09238/PSIC, SEJ2005-05205/EDU, CSD2007-00012, SEJ2007-60751/PSIC, GIU06/52, and BFI05.310. The authors thank Oxel Uribe for his technical support and Marc Brysbaert and two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on an earlier draft. The authors also thank Margaret Gillon Dowens for her immeasurable patience. Constituent priming in compounds 2 Is Milkman a superhero like Batman? Constituent morphological priming in compound words ABSTRACT In the present study, we examined morphological decomposition of Basque compound words in a series of masked priming lexical decision experiments. In Experiment 1, Basque compound words could be briefly preceded by other compounds that shared either the first or second constituent, or by unrelated non-compound words. Results showed a significant priming effect for words that shared a constituent, independently of its position. In Experiment 2, compound words were preceded by other compound words that shared one of their constituents, but in a different lexeme position (e.g., the first constituent of the compound that acted as a prime was the second constituent of the compound that acted as a target).