Pierce Aide Also Refuses to Testify
20—MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday, Scpi. 26, 1989 APARTMENTS MISCELLANEOUS I FOR RENT FURNITURE IFOR SALE [ ^ C A R S CARS CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE MANCHESTER - Two WING Chair - Navy blue STU DEN T % size violin Cashing in bedroom townhouse check. Like new. 646- PONTIAC 1980 Sunblrd-2 1986 HONDA XR-250 In igyp DATAIIN Bin ovn No problem Caution With cose $100, 15 com with fireplace, all ap 1427. door, 4 cylinder, auto storage. Mint, mint engine annJ°;„^l°." pliances, heat, hot wa bination storm win matic, sun roof, 63,000 condition. 175 original tion $1050 6°43 407i"nf dows, variety of size. miles. $800 or best ter, carpeting, olr con LOOKING FOR an aport- miles, legal street re- ter ^rn ‘^^-4971 at- ditioning. Coll 649-5240. Best otter. Room di offer. 644-2833. qulred, light kit. $2400 ment? Be sure to check vider with cabinet, Students find receipts MHS girls soccer M A N C H E ST E R - 1 bed the mony vocancles listed OLDS 1964 - Dynamic 88 or best offer. 228-0787. Soviets modernizing shelves, desk, TVshelf. Station Wagon. Possi room and 2 bedroom In clossifled each day Best offer. 646-3830. 1981 H O R IZ O N -4 door, 4 5 1 ^ paying big dividends/3 apartments. Stove, re ble restoration or speed, olr condition- I Q o l TRUCKS/VANS e^ily blanks SW/11 forces, says Cheney/7 frigerator. $500 month parts. Best otter. 643- ^ng, low mileage. 649- FOR SALE CARPENTRY/ CLEANING SERVICES plus utilities, 646-5355.
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