Presidential Address 1878. John Frederic Bateman
2 ADDRESS OF THE PRESIDENT. of Sect. IT. of the Bye-Laws, as Students of the Institution :- JOHNFRANCIS ALBRICHT, ALBERT FRAQNFOIS LOUISALLIMAN, CHARLES HENRYBARRATT, WIL1,IAM HENRYBARRETT, JANEST’REMBATII BOASE,REGINALD PELHAM BOLTON, ALFRED Box, JOSEPHPRENDER- CAST COP, ALEXANDERSmwAw FORBES,ERKEST HALL HEDLEY, TVILLIAM INGLIS, GEORGELLOYD, JOSEPH WILLIAM PARRY, FREDERICK REILLY,RICHARD COTTON ROWLEY, DUKINFIELDHEXRY Scorr, ARTHUR SACKVILLETHOMSON, AUGUSTUS WORTHISGTON TOPP, CIIABLES ARROW- SMITH WALSH,THOMAS HENRY WILLIAMS, and OTWAP EDWARD WOODHOUSE. Mr. BATEMANaddressed the Meeting inthe followingterms, on takingthe chair for the first time, afterhis election as President :- THEduty of addressing the Institution becomes constantly more difficult oneach election of a President.Nearly everysubject which can be supposed to be of interest to the profession has been treated by mypredecessors. The Society was established in 1818 by five devoted men, only one of whom still survives. In 1828 a Royal Charter was obtained, incorporatingthe Society underthe presidency of Nr. Telford, who retained the office till his death in 1834. On his decease, Mr. James Walker was elected President, and, after ably contributing to the growing influence of the Institution, he resigned the post in 1845, having held it for ten years. The addresses of these two gentlemen were such as befitted an infant Institution struggling into importance, and gradually assuming a position which is now at once thopride of the members andthe admiration of the world. They were addresses pregnantwith sound advice and great encouragement. When Mr. Walker resigned, thenumbers were as follows :- Honorary Members ......... 35 Members ............. 177 Associates ............ 285 Graduates ............ 55 - Total ........ -552 They arenow :- HonoraryMembers ......... l6 Members ...........
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