EIS Scoping Report, Public Sale of Plum Island December 14, 2010 MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc. Project No. 3612102144 Draft APPENDIX F OTHER SCOPING COMMENTS Phil Youngbc.."Tg March 2 L 20 10 c/o John Dugan General Senices Administration I 0 Causeway SL Room 925 Boston. Mass. 02222 Dear Mr Dugan. 1read the article on Plum Island in the March 21 edition ofLong Is land Nev.sda) and \\C)Uid like to make a suggestion for the use ofPlum Island. I have written to seYeral State officials but bave never received a response. l bebc'c that Plum Island is an ideal location for a wind farm or solar energy installation. The\\ ind farm could appease the environmentalist that are opposed to installations along. the Long Island coast. r believe an installation on land would greatly imprO\·e the cost of such an installation and also provide less expensi\e security and maintenance. We are in great need ofrenewable energy and tllls seems to be an ideal use for this piece ofproperty. Thank you for your attention. I would be interested in any comments you have regarding 1his idea or if there are any legalities that rna) prevent such a development. Cordial ly Yours. Charles DeRosa 7 Philip Lane Middle Island. NY 11953 Haywood, Paul From:
[email protected] Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 12:15 PM To: jas kell Cc: Jenkins, Josh; Stelmack, Mark; John Dugan Subject: Re: plum island Thank you for your comments. They will be included in the project record and will be considered. From: jas kell [
[email protected]] Sent: 05/21/2010 04:42 AM MST To: Philip Youngberg Subject: plum island i sincerely think ,that to keep down any misgivings about the island, that it should be turned into a wildlife refuge for endangered species and other animals.