Immunizations for Preteens
INVITED COMMENTARY Immunizations for Preteens Emmanuel B. Walter, Richard J. Chung As a part of health supervision visits, all preteens should figure 1. receive the combined tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis vac- Immunizations Universally Recommended for North cine, the meningococcal conjugate vaccine, the human pap- Carolina Preteens 11-12 Years of Age illomavirus vaccine series, and an annual influenza vaccine. Because levels of vaccine coverage among preteens are gen- Meningococcal conjugate vaccine First dose (to be followed by a second dose at age 16 years). erally suboptimal, strategies for improving coverage should Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis vaccine be devised and implemented. Human papillomavirus vaccine 3 doses mmunizations are a major component of health supervi- Females – either HPV4 or HPV2 Ision visits for children and adolescents. Because immuni- Males – HPV4 zation recommendations change frequently, Bright Futures, Influenza vaccine an initiative of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Yearly that promotes the health of children and adolescents, has 2010 [3, 4]. In 2010, only 14 cases were reported in North issued guidelines that refer providers to the Web sites of the Carolina, and 11 of those cases were caused by serogroups Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) [1] and included in the current vaccine [4]. Although meningococ- the AAP [2] for the most up-to-date immunization sched- cal disease is uncommon, vaccination is critical, because the ules. For no other age group have routine immunization rec- consequences of infection can be devastating. ommendations evolved more rapidly in the past 8 years than In 2005 the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for preteens.
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