POST: Senior Chaplain


1. Details of Post

Role title: Senior Chaplain

Name of Chaplaincy: Anglican Chaplaincy in Norway

Archdeaconry: Germany and Northern Europe

2. Key Working Relationships

Stipendiary Colleague(s): Kirk Weisz (Resident Pastor, Bergen), Sheila Rosenthal (Assistant Chaplain, ), (Assistant Chaplain, Stavanger currently vacant)

NSM Colleague(s) e.g. Curate, Ass’t Priest: None

Clergy with PTO: Trond Bakkevig, Geir Barlaup, Andreas Hilmo Grandy‐Teig, Harald Grønnevik, Janet Heil, Vebjørn Horsfjord, Ragnhild Jepsen, Siv Limstrand, Jørund Midttun, Jan Otto Myrseth, Geir Sakseid, Steinar Skauge, Bodil Slørdal, Mary Strømmen, Harald Swendsen, Helene Selvik, Fredrik Ulseth, Stian Heggedal

Reader(s): Susan Bøyd and Priscilla Beck in Trondheim; Iris Evans‐Bjørnø in Bergen

Reader(s) in Training: Ekene Agbalakwe and Owen Thomas in Oslo

Congregational Worship Leader(s): None

Youth Leader(s): Sharon John (Children’s Church) and Anne‐Grete Larsen (Youth Group) in Oslo; Nora Kaggwa Kwagala (Sunday school teacher) in Bergen

Chaplaincy Administrator: Ingeborg Wörheide (“forstander” –a volunteer post under Norwegian law which involves communication with the Norwegian authorities and oversight of the membership list)

Musicians: John Chapman, Organist and Choirmaster in Oslo (40% post); some organists/pianists in other congregations are remunerated

Cleaner/Caretaker: Peter Ekeuluabia in Oslo

Other: 18 members of the congregations are authorised to assist in providing the sacrament

3. Responsibilities

General to role: To fulfil the calling and responsibilities of the clergy as described in the Canons, the Ordinal, the Code of Professional Conduct for the Clergy, and other relevant legislation. To collaborate with the , Archdeacon, Area Dean and any ordained and lay colleagues in any

initiative within the , Archdeaconry and . To develop the local church’s mission. To ensure the provision of a high standard of worship, preaching and pastoral care.

Roles, tasks, challenges, committees specific to this post:

 Resident priest and incumbent for St Edmund’s, Oslo

 Oversight of the three Assistant Chaplains and of the congregations in Stavanger, Bergen and Trondheim

 Leadership of the Anglican Chaplaincy in Norway (and Chair of the Chaplaincy Council)

 To develop and maintain ecumenical relationships within the framework of the Porvoo Agreement

4. Key contacts (e.g. ecumenical, local government, diplomatic etc):

The Senior Chaplain is Hon Chaplain to the British Embassy in Oslo: Ambassador Richard Wood. The forstander is the key contact with Norwegian state and kommune institutions. Kristen Gunleiksrud Raaum is leader of the Council, based in Oslo, Kristine Sandmæl is leader of the Church of Norway Council of Ecumenical and International Relations, based in Oslo, Dr. Sven Thore Kloster is co‐secretary of the Porvoo Communion Committee, based in Oslo. For the Balestrand Summer Chaplaincy, the key contacts are Kari Kvikne at the Hotel, Kjetil Netland, the Dean and Jostein, the administrator; for the Friends of St Olaf’s, the chair is Erland Fagermoen,. For the Norwegian Council of Churches, the key contact is Knut Refsdall, General Secretary, based in Oslo. Full contact for all of these individuals will be passed on.

5. Other relevant information specific to Chaplaincy:

The Senior Chaplain will need to travel regularly to all of the congregations to ensure that needs and issues are addressed, and for ecumenical meetings and representation. The role of Senior Chaplain is funded by contributions from all of the congregations, and the Senior Chaplain’s time is divided appropriately between Oslo and the whole of the Chaplaincy as needed.

6. Chaplaincy Summary:

Church Building(s)

Owned: St Edmund’s Church, Oslo and St Olaf’s Church, Balestrand (owned by SPG)

Shared: Mariakirken, Bergen and Vår Frue kirke/ , Trondheim

Rented: Facilities at Det Norkse Misjonsselskap, Stavanger

Hall(s): Hall in Bergen; Waisenhuset in Trondheim

Clergy Accommodation

Owned: Flat 512, Harald Hårfagres gate 2, 0363 Oslo

Rented: None

Churchwardens: Terry Bevan and John Glazebrook (Oslo and Chaplaincy), Sarah Warner Vik (Assistant Warden for Trondheim), Barbara McIntosh (Assistant Warden for Bergen)

Chaplaincy Council: Clergy, readers and churchwardens (ex officio), Ingeborg Wöheide (forstander), Sigrid Kvaal (Hon. Treasurer), Andrew Lane (Hon. Secretary), Pamela Brooks, Hilde Chapman , Jill Almvang, Rumi Achije, Susan Gjerde, Linda White.

Churchyard: None Usual Sunday Attendance: 80‐95 (Oslo), 30‐40 (Bergen), 10‐25 (Stavanger), 25‐35 (Trondheim)

Electoral Roll: 117 (54 in Oslo, 25 in Bergen, 26 in Stavanger, 12 in Trondheim)

Church tradition(s): The Eucharist is central to our worship and eucharistic vestments are worn at St Edmund’s.