arXiv:2010.07366v4 [math.PR] 29 Jan 2021 ihoeta losfrrglrt rsmtiglk t The non-Archimed (3) it. and probab probabilities. like probabilities conditional comparative something full or or (1) itative regularity probabilis are: frameworks classical for such allows the prominent replace that to one well- Ho made with is [8]. been events im As disjoint have the pairwise attempts circle. proba and many classical square uncountably heads in are a satisfied showing there showing be all cannot sequence coins condition the regularity fair in be of coins distinction sequence the the a instance, pro of non-zero for bility has capture, event nonempty should every condition that says that ability diiehprelpoaiiydfie o l ust fth -in of a for subsets all impossible for is defined it these probability instance, of For discussion hyperreal significant additive a 15]). been 9, also [3, has probabilistic there of 23]; symmetries 19, intuitive preserve to failing O-LSIA RBBLTE NAIN UNDER INVARIANT PROBABILITIES NON-CLASSICAL aeineitmlgssaeatatdt h euaiyc regularity the to attracted are epistemologists Bayesian hs prahshv enciiie ntephilosophical the in criticized been have approaches These e od n phrases. and words Key u h anproeo h ae st ffrtcnclresults technical offer to sophisticated is more paper briefl sy discussion the are philosophical of of further implications notion purpose make Philosophical strong main the one. the that right but plausible the it is well make here as to probabilities, results non-classical some “stron these certain cha by a complete preserved in giving be by understood and symmetries gap can which that symmetries under fills tions these paper This which under preserved. be conditions been the not has of there study but framework, can probability that classical symmetries the intuitive h preserve to approaches failing These for cized probabilities. q hyperreal probabilities, and conditional abilities full p drawback: pr to this approaches avoid same non-classical can three the are t There assign as well they possible. as are impossible situations, are that infinite cases many zero—to value—namely, in cost: cal Abstract. lsia elvle rbblte oea philosophi- a at come probabilities real-valued Classical rbblt;odtoa probability;invariance;hyper probability;conditional LXNE .PRUSS R. ALEXANDER 1. SYMMETRIES Introduction 1 aiaieprob- ualitative epeevdby preserved be iutos(.. [16, (e.g., situations . oaiiythat robability v encriti- been ave sb offering by as iiyter when theory bility systematic a discussed, y ae that cases o niino prob- on ondition ”wycan way g” we h possi- the tween a rhyperreal or ean ain finitely- variant lte,()qual- (2) ilities, racteriza- ntcrl to circle unit e ee,multiple wever, obability rtcss e.g., criticisms, mmetry i framework tic aiiy This bability. ohelp to cannot ieauefor literature nw,the known, he most three possibility reals;;regularity. 2 ALEXANDERR.PRUSS satisfy regularity for the reason that if x is any point on the circle and ρ is a rotation by an irrational number of degrees, then rotational invariance would require the countable set A = {x, ρx, ρ2x, ...} to have the same probability as ρA, but ρA = {ρx, ρ2x, ρ3x, ...} is a proper subset of A and hence regularity would be violated (cf. [5, 4, 16]). This counterintuitive phenomenon of a set A that can be rotated to form a proper subset ρA is a junior relative of the Banach-Tarski paradox where a ball can be partitioned into a finite number of pieces that can be reassembled into two balls. But there is an interesting technical question that has not received much exploration in the qualitative and hyperreal cases: under what exact con- ditions do there exist regular non-classical probabilities that are invariant under some group of symmetries? The point of this paper is to give a complete answer to this question in the case of certain “strong” notions of invariance for all three main non-classical types of probability. The answer in all cases will involve the non-existence of relatives of the Banach-Tarski paradox and of the above rotational paradox. We will be primarily interested in probabilities defined for all subsets of a space Ω, but consider invariance with respect to a group G of symmetries that act on a larger space Ω∗. Thus, each member of G is a bijection of Ω∗ onto itself and the product gh is the composition of g with h. This will let us model such cases as probabilities on the interval [0, 1] that are invariant under translations by letting Ω be [0, 1] and Ω∗ be the real line R, even though a translation can move a point in [0, 1] outside of that interval. As we will see in Section 5, this approach of enlarging Ω is equivalent to talking about invariance under what are called “partial group actions”, but makes for a more intuitive presentation. In the case of full conditional probabilities (or Popper Functions), the literature contains the ingredients for a complete answer in the case of a strong invariance assumption. For the sake of completeness we will put together the pieces of this answer in Section 2, but the main purpose of this paper is to prove analogous answers for the qualitative and hyperreal cases. The primary result of this paper will be given in Section 3, and it will be a complete characterization of when there exists a regular hyperreal measure or a regular strongly invariant qualitative probability on the powerset of a space Ω whose superset Ω∗ is acted on by a group G. Somewhat surpris- ingly in light of the fact that there are qualitative probabilities that do not arise from hyperreal ones, it will turn out that the conditions for hyperreal measures and qualitative probabilities are the same. In Section 4, we will consider a weaker notion of invariance and argue that it fails to do justice to our symmetry intuitions. We will end with a speculative discussion of some philosophical issues. This paper will assume the Axiom of Choice unless explicitly otherwise noted. INVARIANCE OF PROBABILITIES 3

2. Full conditional probabilities A full conditional probability on a space Ω is a P from pairs (A, B) of subsets of Ω with B 6= ∅ (the Popper function literature also allows for B = ∅ with the trivializing definition P (A | ∅) = 1 for all A) from an algebra F to R satisfying these axioms: (C1) P (· | B) is a finitely additive probability function (C2) P (A ∩ B | C)= P (A | C)P (B | A ∩ C) (C3) if P (A | B)= P (B | A) = 1, then P (C | A)= P (C | B). Although if we define P (A) = P (A | Ω), the unconditional probability function P (·) in many cases of application will still fail to be regular, full conditional probabilities can be seen as solving the problem of regularity in two ways. First, the main difficulty with lack of regularity is the difficulty in conditionalizing on possible, i.e., non-empty, null-probability events. Full conditional probabilities allow one to conditionalize on any event other than ∅. Second, intuitively, a possible event is more likely than ∅. Full condi- tional probabilities capture this intuition by allowing one to compare the probability of events A and B not by simply comparing P (A) against P (B), but by “zooming in” to the relevant area of probability space and comparing P (A | A ∪ B) against P (B | A ∪ B). The function P is strongly invariant with respect to a group G of sym- metries on Ω∗ ⊇ Ω provided that P (gA | B) = P (A | B) whenever g ∈ G while A and gA are both subsets of B and in F. Say that two subsets A and B in an algebra F of subsets of Ω are G- equidecomposable with respect to F provided that there is a finite partition A1, ..., An of A (i.e., the Ai are pairwise disjoint and their union is A) and a sequence g1, ..., gn in G such that g1A1, ..., gnAn is a partition of B, and where A1, ..., An, g1A1, ..., gnAn. If F is the powerset of Ω, we will drop “with respect to F”. Say that a subset E of Ω is G-paradoxical provided it has disjoint sub- sets A and B each of which is G-equidecomposable with E (with respect to the powerset algebra). The famous Banach-Tarski paradox says that if Ω is three-dimensional Euclidean space and G is all rigid motions, then any solid ball can be partitioned into two subsets, each of which is G- equidecomposable with a solid ball of the same radius as the original. Thus, any solid ball is G-paradoxical. The following follows by connecting the dots among known results and methods. Theorem 1. Let G act on Ω∗ ⊇ Ω. The following are equivalent, where all the probabilities are defined with respect to the powerset algebra: (i) There is a strong G-invariant full conditional probability on Ω (ii) Ω has no nonempty G-paradoxical subset (iii) For every nonempty subset E of Ω, there is a G-invariant finitely additive real-valued unconditional probability on E 4 ALEXANDERR.PRUSS

(iv) For every countable nonempty subset E of Ω, there is a G-invariant finitely additive real-valued unconditional probability on E (v) Ω has no nonempty countable G-paradoxical subset.

Remark: The Axiom of Choice is not needed for (i) → (iii) → (iv) → (v) → (ii). Clearly, (i) implies (iii) and (iv), since P (· | E) will be a G-invariant finitely additive real-valued probability on E. But a full conditional proba- bility needs to satisfy additional coherence constraints (C2) and (C3) besides defining a probability on every subset. It is interesting to note that there is no additional difficulty about finding a G-invariant conditional probability that satisfies these conditions. This result may thus be somewhat relevant to those who wish to define weaker conditional probability concepts without conditions like (C3) and (C4) (for one approach like this, see [13]). More- over, (iv) and (v) show that the root of the difficulty lies with countable subsets, which are classically always measurable. A special case where there are no G-paradoxical subsets of Ω is when G is supramenable, i.e., does not itself have G-paradoxical subsets [21, Sec- tion 14.1] (when we consider G as acting on G by left-multiplication). Every abelian (i.e., commutative) group is known to be supramenable [21, Theo- rem 14.4], so there are many examples where there are strong G-invariant full conditional probabilities. Moreover, if G is supramenable, then no nonempty subset of a space X acted on by G is paradoxical [21, p. 271]. Thus, pre- cisely for supramenable G, every case of G- allows for G-invariant full conditional probabilities. To prove the theorem, define a coherent exchange rate c to be a function with values in [0, ∞] on pairs (A, B) of subsets of Ω with B not empty such that: (E1) c(· | B) is finitely additive and non-negative (E2) c(A, B)c(B,C) = c(A, C) as long as B and C are nonempty and c(A, B)c(B,C) is well-defined (E3) c(B,B) = 1. (Cf. [1, 2, 19]) Here, we understand that 0 ·∞ and ∞ · 0 are the undefined cases of mul- tiplication on [0, ∞]. Any full conditional probability P defines a coherent exchange rate P (A | A ∪ B) c (A, B)= P P (B | A ∪ B) (where x/0= ∞ if x 6= 0 and 0/0 is undefined) and any coherent exchange rate c defines a full conditional probability

Pc(A | B)= c(A ∩ B,B)

(cf. [2, 19]). Moreover, PcP = P and cPc = c. We say that c and P correspond to each other provided that P = Pc, or, equivalently, c = cP . INVARIANCE OF PROBABILITIES 5

We say that c is strongly G-invariant provided that we have c(gA,B) = c(A, B) whenever A, B are subsets of Ω, B is nonempty, and the symmetry g ∈ G is such that gA ⊆ Ω. Lemma 1. If c and P correspond to each other, then each is strongly G- invariant if and only if the other is. Proof of Lemma 1. Suppose P is strongly G-invariant. Then for any nonempty A ⊆ Ω such that gA ⊆ Ω, we have c(gA, A) = P (A | A ∪ gA)/P (gA | A ∪ gA) and the ratio is well-defined. But P (gA | A ∪ gA) = P (A | A ∪ gA) by strong invariance, so the ratio is equal to one. Now, fix A and B with B 6= ∅, and again suppose that gA ⊆ Ω. If A is empty then c(gA,B)=0= c(A, B). Suppose A is nonempty. Then c(gA,B) = c(gA, A)c(A, B) provided the right-hand side is defined. But since c(gA, A) = 1, it must be defined, and indeed is equal to c(A, B). Thus, c(gA,B)= c(A, B) and we have G-invariance. Conversely, suppose c is strongly G-invariant and B is nonempty with A ∪ gA ⊆ B. Then P (A | B) = c(A, B) = c(gA,B) = P (gA | B) and so P is also strongly G-invariant.  Say that a [0, ∞]-valued finitely additive measure µ on the power set of Ω is G-invariant if and only if µ(A) = µ(gA) whenever both A and gA are subsets of Ω. Lemma 2. There is a strongly G-invariant full conditional probability mea- sure on the power set of Ω if and only if for every nonempty E ⊆ Ω there is a [0, ∞]-valued finitely additive measure µ on the power set of Ω such that µ(E) = 1. Proof. Letting µ be P (· | E) proves the left-to-right direction. Conversely, let S be the set of all G-invariant [0, ∞]-valued finitely addi- tive measures on the power set of Ω. Let F be the set of all finite subsets of S ordered by inclusion. For B∈ F , let BE = {µ ∈B : 0 <µ(E) < ∞}. Let µ(A) c (A, E)= Pµ∈BE B µ(E) Pµ∈BE when the denominator is non-zero and let cB(A, E) = 0 otherwise. Let F ∗ = {{B ∈ F : A ⊆ B} : A ∈ F }. This is a nonempty set with the finite intersection property. Let U be an ultrafilter extending F ∗. Then define

c(A, E) = lim cB(A, E) B,U to be the limit of the function B 7→ cB(A, E) along U. As long as B ∈ F is sufficiently large that BE is nonempty (fix a G- invariant µ such that 0 <µ(E) < ∞, and then all we need is that {µ}⊆B), if A ∪ gA ⊆ Ω, we have cB(gA, E) = cB(A, E) since each µ in BE is G- invariant. Thus, c(gA, E)= c(A, E). It remains to show that c is a strongly G-invariant coherent exchange rate, from which the existence of our full strongly G-invariant conditional 6 ALEXANDERR.PRUSS probability will follow by Lemma 1. Finite additivity and non-negativity of c follow from the same conditions for µ ∈ S. Now suppose B and C are nonempty and c(A, B)c(B,C) is defined. Assume B is sufficiently large that BB and BC are nonempty, and suppose that cB(A, B)cB(B,C) is defined. It is easy to check that for α, β, γ ∈ [0, ∞], the formula α β α · = , β γ γ holds whenever the left-hand-side is defined, and the equality

cB(A, B)cB(B,C)= cB(A, C) follows whenever the left-hand-side is defined. Thus, the same must be true in the ultrafilter limit. This yields (C2). For (C3), note that as long as B is big enough for BB to be nonempty, then cB(B,B) = 1. 

Proof of Theorem 1. By Tarski’s Theorem [21, Cor 11.2], there is a G- invariant measure µ on Ω∗ with µ(E) = 1 (or, if we prefer, with 0 <µ(E) < ∞) if and only if E is not G-paradoxical. Such a measure can then be re- stricted to Ω, and so by Lemma 2, if there are no G-paradoxical subsets of Ω, we have a G-invariant full conditional probability. Conversely, suppose P is a G-invariant full conditional probability. And suppose that E is a nonempty paradoxical set. Let A and B be the two disjoint subsets in the definition of paradoxicality. Then P (A | E)= P (E | E)=1 and P (B | E)= P (E | E) = 1, which contradicts finite additivity of P (· | E). Thus, (i) and (ii) are equivalent. Moreover, (i) trivially implies (iii) which also trivially implies (iv). Further, (iv) implies (v) by the same argument as above with P (· | E) replaced by the invariant finitely additive measure µ that assigns 1 to E. We now show that not-(ii) implies not-(v) and not-(iv). First note that if there is a nonempty paradoxical subset of Ω, there is a countable nonempty paradoxical subset of Ω. For suppose that E is a nonempty set equide- composable with two disjoint subsets A and B. The decomposition uses some finite set S of elements of G. Let G1 be the subgroup of G gener- ated by S, i.e., the set of all finite products of elements of S and of their inverses. Then G1 is countable. Choose any x ∈ E. Let E1 = G1x ∩ E, where G1x = {gx : g ∈ G1} is the G1-orbit of x. Let A1 = G1x ∩ A and B1 = G1x ∩ B. Then it is easy to see that E1 and A1 are G1- equidecomposable (just intersect every set involved in the decompositions E with G1x) and that so are E1 and B1. Now, if E1 is nonempty, countable and equidecomposable with two dis- joint subsets A1 and B1, there cannot be a G-invariant probability P on E1, since then we would have 1 = P (E1) = P (A1) = P (B1), which would violate finite additivity. Hence, we have not-(iv), as desired.  INVARIANCE OF PROBABILITIES 7

There is also a concept of weak invariance of conditional probabilities: P (A | B) = P (gA | gB) [19]. It is known that in general weak invari- ance does not entail strong invariance (notwithstanding the mistaken [1, Proposition 1.3]), though it does entail in the special case where G has no left-orderable quotient [17]. Otherwise, little appears to be known about this concept, though in Section 4 we will show that this concept does not capture our symmetry intuitions.

3. Invariant hyperreal measures and strongly invariant qualitative probabilities A partial qualitative probability / on a Boolean algebra F of subsets of Ω ⊆ Ω∗ is a relation that satisfies these conditions: (Q1) preorder: reflexivity and transitivity (Q2) non-negativity: ∅ / A for all A (Q3) (finite) additivity: if A ∩ C = B ∩ C = ∅, then A / B if and only if A ∪ C / B ∪ C. Note that additivity is equivalent to saying that A / B if and only if A−B / B − A. A total qualitative probability additionally satisfies the totality condition that A / B or B / A for all A and B. For a good discussion of basic results, see, e.g., [12]. In a general, a preorder is a relation satisfying (Q1) and a preorder / is total provided that A / B or B / A for all a and B. We will write A 0 whenever A 6= ∅ and invariance says that P (gA)= P (A) for all g and A. A hyperreal probability P defines a total qualitative probability /P by specifying that A /P B if and only if P (A) ≤ P (B). Regularity for P and /P are equivalent, and invariance for P is equivalent to strong invariance 8 ALEXANDERR.PRUSS for /P . Interestingly, not every total qualitative probability can be defined in this way [11]. An important tool will be local finiteness of action. Suppose G acts on ∗ Ω ⊇ Ω. Fix x ∈ Ω and let H be a subset of G. Let GH,x,0 = {x}. Given GH,x,n, let

GH,x,n+1 = {hx : h ∈ H and x ∈ GH,x,n and hx ∈ Ω}. Let ∞ GH,x = [ GH,x,n. n=0 Say that G’s action is locally finite within Ω provided that for all x ∈ Ω and any finite subset H of G, the set GH,x is finite. A failure of local finiteness within Ω means there is a finite H ⊆ G and a starting point x ∈ Ω such that we can visit infinitely many different points starting from x, moving by means of members of H (i.e., moving from some point y to a point hy for h ∈ H), without ever leaving Ω. In the special case where Ω∗ = Ω, local finiteness of action is the same as the concept of the local finiteness of the action of G [20], and if Ω∗ =Ω= G, it is equivalent to local finiteness of the group G, i.e., the claim that G has no infinite finitely generated subgroups. The main result of this paper is the following. Note that the equivalence of (i) and (ii) has been proved by [20] in the special case whereΩ∗ = Ω and our proof that (ii) implies (i) will be almost the same. Theorem 2. Suppose that G is a group acting on Ω∗. Then the following are equivalent: (i) The action of G is locally finite within Ω (ii) No subset of Ω is G-equidecomposable with a proper subset of itself (iii) There is a regular G-invariant hyperreal probability on PΩ (iv) There is a regular total strongly G-invariant qualitative probability on PΩ (v) There is a regular partial strongly G-invariant qualitative probability on PΩ (vi) For every x ∈ Ω, there is a total strongly G-invariant qualitative probability on PΩ that ranks {x} as more probable than ∅. (vii) No countable subset of Ω is G-equidecomposable with a proper subset of itself (viii) For every countable nonempty subset E of Ω, there is a regular G- invariant hyperreal probability on PE (ix) For every countable nonempty subset E of Ω, there is a regular partial strongly G-invariant qualitative probability on PE. Remark: The proofs of (iii) → (iv) → (v) → (vii) → (ii) do not need the Axiom of Choice. The proof of (ii) → (i) only uses K¨onig’s Lemma, so it only needs the Axiom of Countable Choice. INVARIANCE OF PROBABILITIES 9

It is interesting to note that (vii)–(ix) show that just as in the case of conditional probabilities, the difficulty in defining strongly invariant proba- bilities lies precisely with the countable subsets. Note that if G is itself a locally finite group, then (i) is automatically satisfied. Thus, just as supramenable groups G were precisely the groups that had the property that their action (even on a superset Ω∗) always admits invariant full conditional probabilities, so too the locally finite groups G are precisely the ones that have the property that their action (even on a superset Ω∗) always admits invariant regular hyperreal and total qualitative probabilities. Since a regular G-invariant hyperreal probability P defines a full condi- tional probability by the formula P ∗(A | B) = St(P (A ∩ B)/P (B)) (where St(x) is the standard part of a finite hyperreal), it is no surprise that con- dition (ii) entails the condition that there are no nonempty G-paradoxical sets in Theorem 1. Note that the condition that there are no nonempty G-paradoxical sets is strictly weaker. For instance, if G is the group of rota- tions and Ω = Ω∗ is the unit circle, then Ω has no nonempty G-paradoxical sets because G is abelian, and so there is a G-invariant full conditional prob- ability. But the set of points {x, ρx, ρ2x,... } mentioned in the Introduction is equidecomposable with a proper subset, since a rotation of it by ρ is is a proper subset. So, there is no G-invariant hyperreal probability or strongly G-invariant qualitative probability on the power set of Ω. For a slightly more complicated well-known application, suppose that Ω is the interval [0, 1], Ω∗ = R, and G is the group of all translations on R, which translations we can identify with members of R acting additively. Let r be any irrational number in (0, 1/2) and let H = {−1/2, r}. Inductively generate a sequence x0,x1,x2, ... of numbers in [0, 1] by letting x0 = 0, and then letting xn+1 = xn + r if xn + r ∈ [0, 1] and xn+1 = xn − 1/2 otherwise. It is easy to see that this sequence has no repetitions, and so GH,0 is infinite, so that the translations do not have locally finite action within [0, 1]. Any abelian group all of whose elements have finite order (i.e., gn = e for some finite e) is locally finite. For if S is a finite subset of elements a1, ..., an respectively of finite orders m1, ..., mn, then S generates the finite subgroup k1 kn of all elements of the form a1 · · · an where 0 ≤ ki

Proof of Theorem 2. We will first see that (i) → (iii) → (iv) → (v) → (ii) → (i), then (iv) → (vi) → (v), and finally see that (vii)–(ix) are equivalent to the earlier conditions. Assume (i). Suppose H is a finite symmetric subset of G, i.e., a subset such that if h ∈ H then h−1 ∈ H, and that B is a finite subset of Ω with the relative H-closure property that if h ∈ H, b ∈ B and bh ∈ Ω, then hb ∈ B. Let PH,B be uniform measure on B: PH,B(U)= kUk/kBk. This is a regular H-invariant probability measure on PB. Regularity is trivial. To check for H-invariance, suppose h ∈ H and hU ⊆ Ω. Then by relative H-closure, we have hU ⊆ B. But because h is one-to-one on Ω∗, the cardinality of hU must be the same as that of U, so PH,B(hU)= PH,B(U). Now, let F be the set of all pairs (H,B) where H and B are finite subsets of G and Ω respectively with B nonempty. For U ⊆ Ω, let P(H,B)(U) = ′ ′ −1 PH′,B′ (U ∩ B ) where H = {h : h ∈ H}∪ H and

′ B = [ GH′,x. x∈B Note that B′ is finite because the action of G is locally finite within Ω. Say that (H,B)  (J, C) if and only if H ⊆ J and B ⊆ C. Let F ∗ = {{β ∈ F : α  β} : α ∈ F }. This is a nonempty set with the finite intersection property. Let U be an ultrafilter extending F ∗. Let ∗R be an ultraproduct of the reals along U, i.e., the set of equivalence classes [f] of functions f from F to R under the equivalence relation defined by saying that f ∼ g if and only if {α ∈ F : f(α)= g(α)}∈ U. For U ⊆ Ω, let P (U) be the equivalence class of the function α 7→ Pα(U). Because each Pα satisfies the axioms of finitely-additive probability, so does P . Moreover, if U is nonempty, then let α = (∅, {ω}) for any fixed ω ∈ U. Then, if α  β, we have Pβ[U] > 0. Thus, {β ∈ F : Pβ[U] > 0} contains {β ∈ F : α  β}, which is a member of F ∗. Since U is an ultrafilter extending ∗ F , it follows that {β ∈ F : Pβ[U] > 0} ∈ U, so [β 7→ Pβ[U]] > [0], where [0] (often just written “0” for convenience) is the equivalence class of the function that is identically zero on F . Hence, we have regularity. It remains to show that we have G-invariance. Suppose g ∈ G and U ⊆ Ω is such that gU ⊆ Ω. We must show that P (U)= P (gU). This is trivial if U is empty, so suppose that U is nonempty. Let α = ({g}, {ω}) for some ω ∈ U. As in the case of regularity, all we need to show is that Pβ(gU)= Pβ(U) if α  β. Suppose then that β = (H,B). Replacing H and B with H′ and B′ as per their earlier definitions if necessary, we may suppose that H is symmetric and B has the relative H-closure condition that if b ∈ B, h ∈ H and hb ∈ Ω, then hb ∈ B. Let U ′ = U ∩ B. Then gU ′ = gU ∩ B by the INVARIANCE OF PROBABILITIES 11

′ ′ relative H-closure of B. Then Pβ(U) = PH,B(U ) = PH,B(gU ) = Pβ(gU), as desired. The implication (iii)→(iv) follows by letting the hyperreal probability define the qualitative probability, and (iv)→(v) is trivial. Assume (v). The axioms of qualitative probability imply that if A1, ..., An are disjoint and B1, ..., Bn are also disjoint, and Ai ≈ Bi for all i, then n n Si=1 Ai ≈ Si=1 Bi by [12, Lemma]. It follows that if we have strong G-invariance, then any two G-equidecomposable sets are equally likely. Suppose then A is G-equidecomposable with a subset B of itself. Then B ∪ ∅ = B ≈ A = B ∪ (A − B). So, by additivity ∅ ≈ A − B, which by regularity can only be true if A − B is empty, i.e., B is an improper subset of A. So, given (v), no subset of Ω can be G-equidecomposable with a proper subset of itself. That yields (ii). Now we need to show that (ii) implies (i). For a contrapositive proof that is based on ideas of [20], suppose the action of G is not locally finite within Ω. Thus, GH,x is infinite for some finite H ⊆ G and x ∈ G. Without loss of generality suppose that H contains the identity e and is symmetric. Following [20], we can consider GH,x an infinite connected graph where there ′ ′ is an edge between x,x ∈ GH,x if x = hx for some h ∈ H −{e}. By K¨onig’s Lemma there is a ray on this graph, i.e., an infinite path with a starting point and no repetitions. Suppose x1,x2,... is a ray, and suppose that xn+1 = hnxn for hn ∈ H − {e}. Let r = {xn : n ≥ 1}. For h ∈ H, let Ah = {xn : n ≥ 1 and hn = h}. Note that (Ah)h∈H is a finite partition of r and (hAh)h∈H is a finite partition of {xn : n > 1} ⊂ r. It follows that r is H-equidecomposable with a proper subset, and since H ⊆ G, the proof is complete. Next, clearly (iv) implies (vi). Suppose (vi) is true. Let {/i: i ∈ I} be the set of all partial strongly G-invariant qualitative probabilities on PΩ, indexed with some set I. Let ≺ be a strict well-ordering of I. Define the lexicographic ordering A / B if and only if either A ≈i B for all i or else A

4. Weak invariance For both full conditional probabilities and qualitative probabilities, we have a concept of weak invariance. In both cases, however, I will argue that this concept fails to capture intuitive symmetries in fair lotteries. Recall that a qualitative probability / is weakly G-invariant on Ω ⊆ Ω∗ provided that gA / gB if and only if A / B, assuming all four sets A, B, gA and gB are subsets of Ω. We say that a full conditional probability P is weakly G-invariant in these circumstances provided that P (gA | gB) = P (A | B) under the same conditions. For simplicity, in this section I restrict discussion to the case where Ω∗ = Ω. Then under a certain group-theoretic condition on G, weak invariance implies strong invariance. Suppose that F is a G-invariant algebra of subsets of Ω, i.e., if A ∈ F and g ∈ G, then gA ∈ F. Say that ≤ is a left order (respectively, total left preorder) on a group G provided that ≤ is a total order (total left preorder) such that a ≤ b if and only if ca ≤ cb for all a, b, c ∈ G. A preorder is non-trivial provided that for some a and b we have a < b. A quotient of a group is non-trivial provided that it contains more than one element. The equivalence of (i) and (iv) in the result below is due to [17]. Theorem 3. The following are equivalent: (i) G has no non-trivial quotient with a left order (ii) There is no non-trivial total left preorder on G (iii) Whenever G acts on a set Ω with a G-invariant algebra F, every weakly G-invariant total qualitative probability on F is strongly G- invariant (iv) Whenever G acts on a set Ω with a G-invariant algebra F, every weakly G-invariant full conditional probability P on F is strongly G-invariant. Corollary 1. Suppose that G is a group acting on Ω and generated by elements of finite order. If P is a weakly G-invariant full conditional prob- ability, then P is strongly G-invariant. If / is a weakly G-invariant total qualitative probability, then it is strongly G-invariant. Here, an element g has finite order n provided that gn = e, the identity element. A group G is generated by a subset S provided that every non- identity element of G is a finite product of elements of S. If a group is generated by elements of finite order, then the same is true for every quotient of the group. But a non-trivial group generated by elements of finite order cannot have a left order. For suppose that g 6= e, gn = e and ≤ is a left order. Then either e < g or g < e. If e < g, then g < g2 and g2 < g3 and so on up to gn−1 < gn = e, and so by transitivity g < e, a contradiction. If g < e, then e < g−1, and we run the previous argument with g−1 in place of g. So, the corollary follows from condition (i) in the theorem. INVARIANCE OF PROBABILITIES 13

Some very natural cases satisfy the finite-order generating set condition. For instance, all rigid motions on the line, in the plane or on the circle can be generated by reflections, which have order two. Similarly, the group of reversals of subsets of results in coin-flipping setups is not only generated by elements of order two, but all non-identity elements have order two.

Proof of Theorem 3. If G/N is a non-trivial quotient with a left order ≤ for a normal subgroup N, then define a w b if and only if aN ≤ bN for a, b ∈ G. This is clearly a non-trivial total preorder. Thus, not-(i) implies not-(ii). The converse is due to [6], and a proof is also given in print in [17] as part of the proof of the main theorem. Thus, (i) and (ii) are equivalent. The equivalence of (i) and (iv) is shown in [17]. We now show that not-(i) implies not-(iii). Let ≤ be a non-trivial total left order on Ω = G/N, and suppose that G acts on Ω in the canonical way: g(hN) = (gh)N. Let F be the algebra of all finite or co-finite subsets of Ω. Define A / B just in case for every x ∈ A − B there is a y ∈ B − A such that x ≤ y. The reflexivity of / is trivial as is the positivity condition ∅ / A, and the additivity condition is very easy. Totality is also not hard. Suppose that we don’t have A / B. Then there is an element x of A − B such that for no y in B − A do we have x ≤ y. By the totality of ≤, for every y in B − A we must have y 0. Choose one such element xnz. Since e

If D is empty then A ⊆ B ⊆ C ⊆ A, so A = B = C. Now suppose D is nonempty. Let x be the largest element of the finite set D. Renaming A, B and C if needed, we may suppose that x ∈ A − B. Then there is an element y of B − A such that x ≤ y since A / B. We cannot have x = y, so x

There are cases where there are weakly invariant qualitative probabilities on a powerset but no strongly invariant ones. For instance, let Ω= G = Z be the set of integers, acted on by addition. Then Z-invariance is translation invariance. Now Z is finitely generated (since it’s generated by the element 1) and infinite, and hence not locally finite, so by Theorem 2 there is no strongly invariant qualitative probability on it. However, [22] has proven that there is a regular weakly Z-invariant qualitative probability on the powerset Z (the proof generalizes to any abelian group). Nonetheless, the notion of weak invariance does not capture the symmetry notions that invariance is meant to capture. For it turns out that any regular weakly translation-invariant qualitative probabilities on the powerset of the integers Z exhibit significant skewing. Let Ln = {m ∈ Z : m

Proposition 1. Suppose / is a regular weakly translation-invariant total qualitative probability on the powerset of Z. Then one of the following state- ments is true:

(i) For every m and n, Lm < Rn (ii) For every m and n, Lm > Rn. INVARIANCE OF PROBABILITIES 15

In other words, / must either favor all the right halves over all the left halves, or vice versa. This also shows that if our regular total qualitative probability / has weak translation invariance, it does not have weak reflec- tion invariance for any reflection ρ (i.e., with respect to the group consisting of ρ and the identity). For weak reflection invariance under ρ would imply strong reflection invariance under ρ by Theorem 3, which would violate both (i) and (ii) in Proposition 1. Proof of Proposition 1. By regularity and additivity, we have the strict monotonicity properties that Lm < Ln and Rm > Rn whenever m Lm ' Rn, so Ln > Rn. By weak translation invariance, it follows that for every k we have Lk > Rk (since Lk = (k − m)+ Lm and Rk = (k − m)+ Rm). Now fix any j and k. If j ≥ k, then Lk > Rk ' Rj by monotonicity. If j < k, then also by monotonicity Lk >Lj > Rj. So, we have (ii). Now suppose that m ≥ n. Then Lm ' Rn ' Rm by monotonicity. By weak invariance (translating to the left by one), we have Lm−1 ' Rm−1. ′ ′ But Rm−1 > Rm, so Lm−1 > Rm. Letting m = m − 1 and n = m, we have ′ ′ Lm′ ' Rn′ and m < n . By the previous case (where m

There is no broadly accepted concept of fairness for an infinite lottery. That any two individual tickets are equally likely to win is generally taken to be a necessary condition. But intuitively, a significant degree of symmetry and lack of systematic bias is also called for ([14] recommends invariance with respect to all permutations, but that is likely too strong). A lottery with our radically skewed probabilities that nonetheless treat all individual integers as equiprobable does not intuitively appear to be fair. Thus, weak translation invariance plus equiprobability of singletons does not appear to be sufficient to capture our intuitions of fairness and symmetry. We would probably do better to focus on strong invariance—but we saw that that’s harder to get.

5. Partial actions There is some literature on the partial actions of groups which captures the same phenomenon as we captured above by letting G act on a superset Ω∗ of Ω. Specifically, a partial action of a group G on a space Ω is a collection of one-to-one functions (θg)g∈G defined on subsets (possibly empty) of Ω, such that:

(PA1) θe (where e is the identity in G) is the identity function on Ω, (PA2) Dom θg = Range θg−1 for all g (PA3) if g, h ∈ G and x ∈ Ω are such that x ∈ Dom θg and θg(x) ∈ Dom θh, then x ∈ Dom θhg and θhg(x)= θh(θg(x)). (Cf. [7]) For a (full) group action of G on a space Ω∗ containing Ω, we can define ∗ a partial action on Ω by taking θg to be a function on Ω with domain −1 (g Ω) ∩ Ω and defined by θg(x) = gx. We say that the partial action ∗ (θg)g∈G is then a restriction of the full action of G on Ω . Every partial action is a restriction of a full action [7, Theorem 1.3.5]. Consequently, our results about actions on a larger containing set Ω∗ are equivalent to results about partial group actions on Ω itself.

6. Philosophical remarks 6.1. Some examples. Let us restrict our attention to the stronger forms of invariance under G. Then it is strictly easier to get invariant full conditional probabilities than to get either invariant regular hyperreal or qualitative (regardless whether total or partial) probabilities for all subsets of Ω. The hyperreal and qualitative probabilities are equally hard to get, despite the fact that not every qualitative probability derives from a hyperreal proba- bility. Our characterizations show that the difficulty in getting invariance under symmetries always has to do with subsets that are countable, and hence classically measurable. In the table we have a summary of some examples, some which were already discussed, and most of which follow quickly from Theorems 1 and 2. INVARIANCE OF PROBABILITIES 17

Figure 1. Existence of (strongly) invariant non-classical probabilities.

Full Regular Regular Case Symmetries conditional hyperreal qualitative finite space any yes yes yes infinite translations yes no no lottery on Z infinite reflections yes no no lottery on Z infinite all no no no lottery on Z permutations infinite permutations lottery on any affecting only yes yes yes set finite subsets bidirectional infinite translations yes no no sequence of coin flips bidirectional translations infinite and finite no no no sequence of subset coin flips reversals arbitrary infinite permutations no no no sequence of coin flips arbitrary reversal of infinite subset of yes yes yes sequence of results coin flips [0, 1] translation yes no no circle/spinner yes no no surface of rotations no no no sphere subset of Rn containing rigid motions no no no cube, n ≥ 2 Rn, n ≥ 1 translation yes no no translation Rn, n ≥ 1 and reflection yes no no of coordinates 18 ALEXANDERR.PRUSS

In the table, all the “yes” entries under “Full conditional” are due to the symmetry group being supramenable. In all but the first and last cases, the lottery reflection case and the lottery with finite subset permutations, this is due to its being abelian. In the last case the result is due to [19, Theorem 3], and the group in the lottery reflection case is just a subgroup of the group in the last case. The case of the lottery with finite subset permutations is due to Ian Slorach and clearly satisfies local finiteness of the group action. A sufficient condition to lack any of the three types of invariant prob- abilities for all subsets is that Ω has a G-paradoxical subset. The triple “no” in the sphere case is due to the Banach-Tarski paradox and in the set- containing-cube (where a two-dimensional “cube” is a square) case follows from the construction of a bounded paradoxical set in two dimensions by [10]. The triple “no” for the infinite lottery case follows from the fact that if G is any countable non-supramenable group acting on itself (e.g., the free group on two elements [21, Theorem 1.2]), then the answer will be a triple “no”. Then via the bijection between G and Z, we can also take such a group G to act on Z, with each element’s action being a permutation, and we will still have the triple “no”. The triple negative result for the infinite coin toss case under permutations then follows from the fact that if we fix a countably infinite subset I of the coins, and let the subset Ω0 be the coin toss results that are tails everywhere except for one heads result in I, then we can embed Ω0 in the lottery on I (for ω ∈ Ω0, let φ(ω) ∈ I be the position of the unique heads), and I bijects with Z. Finally, the triple negative result for the bidirectionally infinite coin toss case with finite subset reversals is a modification of [23]. Let Hn (Tn) be the + event of getting heads (tails) on toss n and let Hn be the event of getting + heads on all the tosses n,n + 1,... . Then E = H2 can be partitioned into + + A = H1 ∩ H2 and B = T1 ∩ H2 . Moreover, shifting A to the right yields E, while reversing the result of toss 1 in B yields A, and shifting it to the right yields E. Thus, E is equidecomposable with both A and B, and hence paradoxical, so we have a triple negative row. All the other entries in the table were either discussed above in the paper, or are easy consequences of results earlier discussed in this paper. With the possible exception of the arbitrary infinite sequences of coin flips under permutations, it can be easily checked that all the “no” entries in the above table can be proved without any use of the Axiom of Choice. In the case of infinite sequence of coin flips under permutations, the Axiom of Choice is only used to show that the infinite set of coins has a countable subset, which only needs the very plausible Axiom of Countable Choice— and it won’t need any Choice if the infinite set is itself countable. Hence, denial of the Axiom of Choice does not appear to be a helpful tool to saving symmetries, especially as the proofs of the existence of the INVARIANCE OF PROBABILITIES 19 non-classical probabilities typically make use of some version of the Axiom of Choice (see also [18]).

6.2. Intuitions. There are multiple considerations that apply when choos- ing between probabilistic frameworks. Thus, non-classical approaches have advantages vis-`a-vis regularity or being everywhere defined.1 On the other hand, the classical approach has the advantage of being able to preserve significantly more symmetries. The table above may seem to suggest that the full conditional proba- bility framework has some advantage over the hyperreal and qualitative frameworks due there being so many positive answers in the full conditional column of the table. Rows that have “no” in the hyperreal and qualitative columns but “yes” in the full conditional column correspond to cases where there is a subset E of the space that is equidecomposable with a proper sub- set E1. The reason that full conditional probabilities can handle such cases is because there is an important sense in which full conditional probabilities only partly do justice to intuitions about regularity. The standard way to generate a probability comparison with full conditional probabilities is to say that A / B just in case P (A | A∪B) ≤ P (B | A∪B). It is easy to check that with this comparison, we have the regularity condition that ∅ < A for every nonempty A. But we do not have the stronger regularity condition that if A ⊂ B then A

1I am grateful to an anonymous reader for this point. 20 ALEXANDERR.PRUSS under any translation, but not under both translations and reversals, as we saw above. Similarly, there seems to be little difference between throwing a dart at random at the interval [0, 1] and expecting translational symmetry and throwing a dart at random at [0, 1]2 and expecting translational and rota- tional symmetry, while in the former case we have full conditional probabil- ities and in the latter we do not. And there is nothing particularly special about translations in the case of an infinite sequence of coin tosses: any permutation of the coins should just as intuitively preserve probabilities as a translation, and yet for translations we have “yes” for full conditional probabilities and for general permutations a triple negative. In any case, it seems that regardless of whether we prefer full conditional, regular hyperreal or regular qualitative probabilities, we need to abandon our symmetry intuitions in some but not other cases in ways that may seem intuitively ad hoc. This is an advantage for the classical framework of real-valued probabilities, where not all subsets have defined probabilities and where we lose regularity, but at least it is much easier to get sym- metries. Lebesgue measure on Euclidean space is always translation- and rotation-invariant, and product measures for infinite coin-flip situations will be invariant under all shifts, and indeed under all permutations of the coins. It is also worth noting that the sets that “block” the existence of strongly invariant probabilities can always be taken to be countable, and hence are all going to be measurable in the context of classical probabilities, though that measure may be zero. We can either say that the greater resolving power of the non-classical approaches brings to light difficulties with these sets that classical probability ignores, or we might think that the classical approach is superior in allowing for the symmetries.

6.3. Closing remarks. But this is philosophical speculation, and perhaps readers will find dissimilarities between intuitions about symmetry of prob- abilities that align with the necessary and sufficient conditions given by the theorems of this paper. A further area for future research is to find ways to measure the degree of deviation from symmetry and see whether deviations of that degree are acceptable.2 In any case, the main point of this paper is to provide the technical characterizations to help inform such philosophical discussion. Finally, there is a need for more mathematical investigation of the weaker forms of invariance. However, the results of Section 4 suggest that weaker forms of invariance are insufficient to do justice to our intuitions about symmetry.3

2I am grateful to an anonymous reader for this suggestion. 3I am grateful to Alexander Meehan and Ian Slorach for encouragement and discussion, and to two anonymous readers for a number of comments that have significantly improved this paper. INVARIANCE OF PROBABILITIES 21

Appendix: Construction of highly skewed weakly invariant probabilities To prove Propositions 2 and 3, we use the methods of [22]. Let B be the (real) vector space of all bounded functions from Z to R (i.e., functions f such that there is a real M such that for all x we have | f(x) |< M). Let M be the subset of B consisting of non-negative functions that are strictly positive at at least one point of Z and that are finitely supported, i.e., are zero except at finitely many points. For two functions f and g in B, define the convolution f ∗ g by: ∞ (f ∗ g)(x)= X f(y)g(x − y), y=−∞ whenever this sum is defined. The convolution will always be defined and a member of B when one of the functions is in B and the other is finitely supported. It is easy to check that convolution is commutative on M (this uses the commutativity of (Z, +)), and that we have the associativity prop- erty a ∗ (φ ∗ ψ) = (a ∗ φ) ∗ ψ whenever a ∈B and φ, ψ ∈ M. Observe that if δx is the function on Z that is zero except at x ∈ Z where it is equal to one, then f ∗ δ0 = f. Define the relation ∼ on B by a ∼ b if and only if a ∗ φ = b ∗ ψ for some φ and ψ in B. Clearly, ∼ is reflexive and symmetric. It is also transitive. For if a ∗ φ = b ∗ ψ and b ∗ ζ = c ∗ η, then a ∗ φ ∗ ζ = b ∗ ψ ∗ ζ = b ∗ ζ ∗ ψ = c ∗ η ∗ ψ, and so a ∼ c. Say that a decent cone is a subset C of B such that: (DC1) if a ∼ b, then a ∈ C if and only if b ∈ C (DC2) if a, b ∈ C and λ, µ ≥ 0, then λa + µb ∈ C. (DC3) if a is everywhere non-negative, then a ∈ C (DC4) if a is everywhere non-positive, and not identically zero, then a 6∈ C. Note that it follows from (DC1) and the fact that M contains a convolu- tional identity, namely δ0, that C is closed under convolution with members of M. Let −C = {−a : a ∈ C}.

Lemma 3. Every decent cone C0 can be extended to a decent cone C ⊇ C0 such that C ∪−C = B and C ∩−C = C0 ∩−C0.

I will call any such cone C a completion of C0. Proof of Lemma 3. By Zorn’s Lemma, all we need to do is to suppose that C0 is a decent cone such that C0 ∪−C0 ⊂ B, and show there is a decent cone C1 such that C0 ⊂ C1 and C1 ∩−C1 = C0 ∩−C0. To that end, fix c∈ / C0 ∪−C0. Let C1 be the set of all functions b such ∗ that b ∗ φ = c ∗ ψ + d for some d ∈ C0, φ ∈ M and ψ ∈ M = M ∪ {0}. Since 0 ∈ C0 by (DC3) and c ∈ C1, we have C0 ⊂ C1. 22 ALEXANDERR.PRUSS

For (DC1), suppose b ∈ C1 is such that b ∗ φ = c ∗ ψ + d, with d ∈ C0, φ ∈ M and ψ ∈ M∗. and suppose that b ∗ ζ = b′ ∗ ζ′ for ζ,ζ′ ∈ M. Then b′ ∗ ζ′ ∗ φ = b ∗ ζ ∗ φ = b ∗ φ ∗ ζ = c ∗ ψ ∗ ζ + d ∗ ζ, using the commutativity and associativity properties of our convolution. Since C0 is closed under ′ convolutions with members of M, we have d ∗ ζ ∈ C0, and b ∈ C1. For (DC2), note that clearly C1 is closed under multiplication by a non- negative scalar, so all we need to do is to show that it is closed under ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ addition. Suppose b ∗ φ = c ∗ ψ + d and b ∗ φ = c ∗ ψ + d , with d, d ∈ C0, φ, φ′ ∈ M and ψ, ψ′ ∈ M∗. Then: (b + b′) ∗ φ ∗ φ′ = b ∗ φ ∗ φ′ + b′ ∗ φ′ ∗ φ = c ∗ ψ ∗ φ′ + d ∗ φ′ + c ∗ ψ′ ∗ φ + d′ ∗ φ = c ∗ (ψ ∗ φ′ + ψ′ ∗ φ) + (d ∗ φ′ + d′ ∗ φ), ′ and so b + b is in C1 as C0 is closed under convolution with members of M and under addition. Condition (DC3) holds for C1 as it holds for C0. Next we need to show that C1 ∩−C1 ⊆ C0 ∩−C0 (the other inclusion is trivial). Suppose that b ∈ C1 ∩ −C1. Thus, b ∗ φ = c ∗ ψ + d and ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ∗ −b ∗ φ = c ∗ ψ + d for some d, d ∈ C0, φ, φ ∈ M and ψ, ψ ∈ M . Then c ∗ ψ ∗ φ′ = b ∗ φ ∗ φ′ − d ∗ φ′ and c ∗ ψ′ ∗ φ = −b ∗ φ′ ∗ φ − d′ ∗ φ. Since φ ∗ φ′ = φ′ ∗ φ, adding these two equalities we get c ∗ (ψ ∗ φ′ + ψ′ ∗ φ)= −d ∗ φ′ − d′ ∗ φ. If at least one of ψ and ψ′ is not identically zero, it follows that −c ∼ ′ ′ d ∗ φ + d ∗ φ, and hence that c ∈−C0, contrary to our assumptions. If both ψ and ψ′ are identically zero, then it follows d and d′ are identically zero. In that case b ∗ φ = d and −b ∗ φ′ = d′, so b and −b are both members of C0, and hence b ∈ C0 ∩−C0. Finally, suppose that a is non-positive but not identically zero. Then −a ∈ C1 by (DC3). Hence if a ∈ C1, we have a ∈ C1 ∩−C1 = C0 ∩−C0, which contradicts the fact that C0 satisfies (DC4).  Lemma 4. Suppose that C is a subset of B that is closed under right con- volution with members of M (i.e., if c ∈ C and ψ ∈ M, then c ∗ ψ ∈ C), is closed under addition, and satisfies (DC3) and (DC4). Then C∗ = {c ∈B : ∃φ ∈ M(c ∗ φ ∈ C)} is a decent cone. Proof of Lemma 4. To check condition (DC1), suppose c ∗ ψ = c′ ∗ ψ′ for c ∈ B, c′ ∈ C∗ and ψ, ψ′ ∈ M. Fix φ ∈ M such that c′ ∗ φ ∈ C. Then c ∗ ψ ∗ φ = c′ ∗ ψ′ ∗ φ = c′ ∗ φ ∗ ψ′. Since C is closed under right convolution with members of M, we have c′ ∗ φ ∗ ψ′ ∈ C, and so c ∈ C∗ as desired. Note that C is closed under multiplication by non-negative scalars since multiplication by a positive scalar λ is just convolution with λδ0, while INVARIANCE OF PROBABILITIES 23

0 ∈ C. It follows that C∗ is closed under multiplication by non-negative scalars. To check (DC2), we need only check that C∗ is closed under ad- dition. Suppose a, b ∈ B, a′, b′ ∈ C and φ, φ′,ψ,ψ′ ∈ M are such that a ∗ φ = a′ ∗ φ′ and b ∗ ψ = b′ ∗ ψ′. Then: (a + b) ∗ φ ∗ ψ = a ∗ φ ∗ ψ + b ∗ φ ∗ ψ = a′ ∗ φ′ ∗ ψ + b ∗ ψ ∗ φ = a′ ∗ φ′ ∗ ψ + b′ ∗ ψ′ ∗ φ. The right-hand-side is in C, so a + b must be in C∗. ∗ ∗ That C satisfies (DC3) follows from the fact that C ⊆ C as a ∗ δ0 = a. It remains to show that (DC4) is satisfied. Suppose a ∈ C∗ is non-positive but not identically zero. Then a ∗ φ ∈ C for some φ ∈ M. But a ∗ φ will also be non-positive but not identically zero, contradicting the fact that C satisfies (DC4). 

Let 1A be the indicator function of a set A, i.e., the function that is 1 on A and 0 outside A. Lemma 5. Let C be a decent cone such that C ∪−C = B. Stipulate that A / B just in case 1B − 1A ∈ C. Then / is a total regular qualitative Z-invariant probability. Proof of Lemma 5. Reflexivity of / follows from the fact that 0 ∈ C. Tran- sitivity follows immediately from the fact that a decent cone is closed under addition. Additivity follows from the fact that 1B − 1A = 1B−A − 1A−B. Since every non-negative function in B is a member of C0 ⊆ C, it follows that ∅ / A for all A. To prove regularity, suppose A is nonempty. If A / ∅, then 1∅−1A = −1A is in C, contradicting (DC4). Totality follows from the fact that C ∪−C = B. Observe that (1B −1A)∗δx = 1x+B −1x+A. But a decent cone is invariant under right convolution with members of M by (DC1), so x + A / x + B if and only if A / B, so we have Z-invariance.  West’s result on the existence of a total regular qualitative Z-invariant probability then follows by letting C0 be the collection of all functions in B ∗ that are everywhere non-negative, letting C be the completion of C0 , and applying the above lemmas. Now say that a function a ∈B has property X1 provided that it is negative ∞ only in finitely many places and that P a = Pn=−∞ an ≥ 0. Say it has property X2 provided that for infinitely many n> 0 we have a(n) > 0 and there are only finitely many n > 0 such that a(n) < 0. The sum of two functions with property Xi has property Xi, for i = 1, 2, and the sum of a function with X1 and a function with property X2 has property X2. Having property Xi is closed under right-convolution with a member of M: in the case of X2, this uses the fact that P(a ∗ φ) = (P a)(P φ) if a is negative in only finitely many places and φ ∈ M. 24 ALEXANDERR.PRUSS

Say that a function has property X provided it has X1 or X2. Having property X is thus closed under addition and right-convolution with M.

Proof of Proposition 2. Let C0 be the set of functions a ∈B that have prop- erty X. Note that any non-negative function has property X1 and hence is in C0, and the only non-positive function that can have X is zero. ∗ Let C be a completion of C0 . Define / as in Lemma 5. This will be a regular total G-invariant qualitative probability. ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Let’s examine C0 ∩−C0 . Suppose a ∈ C0 ∩−C0 . Then a ∗ φ and −a ∗ ψ have property X for some φ, ψ ∈ M. Hence, so do a∗φ∗ψ and −a∗ψ∗φ since property X is closed under right M convolution. Note that φ∗ψ = ψ∗φ. Let b = a∗φ∗ψ. Then b and −b both have property X. There are three cases to consider: both functions have X1, both have X2, and one has X1 while the other has X2. It is clearly impossible that both b and −b have X2. And if a function has X1, then its negation is positive in only finitely many places, and so that negation cannot have X2. Thus, the remaining case is where both functions have X1. The only way this can be is if both functions sum to zero and are finitely supported. But if a ∗ φ ∗ ψ is finitely supported, so is a, and if one sums to zero, so does the other since P a = (P a)(P φ)(P ψ). ∗ ∗ Thus, any function in C0 ∩−C0 is finitely supported and sums to zero. Conversely, any finitely supported function that sums to zero has X1 and so does its negation. ∗ ∗ So, C0 ∩−C0 = C ∩−C is the set of all finitely supported functions that sum to zero. Suppose B has infinitely many positive members and A does not. Then 1B − 1A has property X2, and hence is in C, and so A / B. If we also had B / A, we would have 1B − 1A in C ∩−C, which would require 1B − 1A to be finitely supported, which it’s not. Thus, A

Proof of Proposition 3. Let C be as in the proof of Proposition 2. By abuse of notation, use / both for the qualitative probability in that proof and for our vector space preorder. We then have A / B if and only if 1A / 1B. It follows from the non-negativity and regularity of the qualitative probability that 0 / 1A for every A, with the inequality being strict if A is nonempty. Define c(A, B)= γ(1A, 1B ). It follows from Lemma 6 that this is a coher- ent exchange rate. Then Pc will be a full conditional probability. Moreover, γ(a ∗ φ, b ∗ φ) = γ(a, b) for all φ ∈ M by (DC1). Letting φ = δx, we see that c satisfies the weak Z-invariance condition c(x + A, x + B) = c(A, B). It follows that P = Pc is weakly Z-invariant by Lemma 1. Next, suppose m and n are distinct integers (the case m = n is trivial). Let aα = 1{m} − α · 1{m,n}. If α> 1/2, then −aα has property X1. It follows that −aα ∈ C, so 1{m} / α · 1{m,n}. Thus, γ(1{m}, 1{m,n}) ≤ 1/2. On the other hand, if α < 1/2, then aα has property X1. It follows that aα ∈ C. The only way we could have −aα in C as well is if aα ∈ C ∩−C, which according to the proof of Proposition 2 would require that aα sum to zero, which it does not for α < 1/2. So, we do not have 1{m} / α · 1{m,n}, and hence γ(1{m}, 1{m,n}) ≥ 1/2. Thus, γ(1{m}, 1{m,n}) = 1/2, and it follows that P ({m} | {m,n}) = 1/2. Swapping m and n we get that P ({m} | {m,n})= P ({n} | {m,n}). Now, suppose that A has only finitely many positive integers and B has infinitely many. Then P (A | A ∪ B)= c(A, A ∪ B)= γ(1A, 1A∪B). Fix any α > 0. Then α · 1A∪B − 1A has property X2, and hence is in C, so 1A / α·1A∪B. Thus, γ(1A, 1A∪B ) ≤ 0, and by Lemma 6 we have γ(1A, 1A∪B) = 0. Thus, P (A | A ∪ B) = 0, and so we must have P (B | A ∪ B) = 1 by finite additivity.  Proof of Lemma 6. For convenience, write: γ+(a, b)= γ(a, b) and γ−(a, b) = sup{α ∈ R : αb / a}, whenever b 6≈ 0, with the expressions undefined otherwise. Observe that a / αb if and only if (−α)b / −a, so we have the duality γ+(a, b)= −γ−(−a, b). It is very easy to see that γ+(·, b) is subadditive: γ+(a + a′, b) ≤ γ+(a, b)+ γ+(a′, b) and that γ−(·, b) is superadditive: γ−(a + a′, b) ≥ γ−(a, b)+ γ−(a′, b). In particular, if b 6≈ 0, we have 0 = γ+(0, b) ≤ γ+(a, b) + γ+(−a, b) for all a. Hence, −γ+(−a, b) ≤ γ+(a, b). Suppose −γ+(−a, b) < γ+(a, b). Choose α ∈ (−γ+(−a, b), γ+(a, b)). Since α < γ+(a, b), we do not have a / αb, and hence we have αb < a by totality. Thus, we have −a < −αb, 26 ALEXANDERR.PRUSS so γ+(−a, b) ≤ −α, or α ≤ −γ+(−a, b), a contradiction to the choice of α. Hence, γ+(−a, b)= −γ+(a, b), as long as b 6≈ 0. The same is true for γ− by the earlier proved duality between γ+ and γ−. Therefore, γ+(a, b)= −γ+(−a, b)= γ−(a, b), if b 6≈ 0. It follows that if b 6≈ 0, then γ(·, b) is both subadditive and superadditive, and hence it is additive. Now, if 0 / a and 0 < b, then γ(a, b)= γ+(a, b)= γ−(a, b). If 0 < a and 0 ≈ b, then γ(a, b)= ∞. And if 0 ≈ a and 0 ≈ b, then γ(a, b) is undefined. I claim that if 0 / a, b, c, and γ(a, b)γ(b, c) is defined, then γ(a, c) = γ(a, b)γ(b, c). To see this, consider first the case where 0 < b and 0 < c. Then if a / αb and b / βc, we have a / αβc. It follows that γ+(a, c) ≤ γ+(a, b)γ+(b, c). Moreover, if αb / a and βc / b, then αβc / a, and so γ−(a, c) ≥ γ−(a, b)γ−(b, c). But since γ+(u, v) = γ−(u, v) whenever 0 < v, we thus have γ(a, c)= γ(a, b)γ(b, c). Next, consider the case where 0 ≈ c. Then γ(b, c) is either undefined or equal to infinity. If it is undefined, we don’t need to prove anything. So suppose it’s equal to infinity. For γ(a, b)γ(b, c) to be defined, we must have γ(a, b) defined and strictly positive. This will happen only if 0 < a. But in that case γ(a, c)= ∞, and so we have γ(a, c)= ∞ = γ(a, b)γ(b, c). For the last case, suppose that 0 < c but 0 ≈ b. For γ(a, b) to be defined, we must have 0 < a. In that case γ(a, b)= ∞. For the product γ(a, b)γ(b, c) to be defined, we must have 0 < γ(b, c), which is impossible if b ≈ 0. Next, suppose 0 6≈ b. Then γ+(b, b) ≤ 1 and γ−(b, b) ≥ 1 by reflexivity of /, hence γ(b, b)= γ+(b, b)= γ−(b, b) = 1. Finally, if 0 / a and 0 < b, then 0 ≤ γ−(a, b)= γ(a, b). 


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