Remember D-Day Jun e 6 , 19 44 June 6, 1944 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, June 6, 2002 Published Every Thursday Since 1890 OUR 112th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 39-112 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J.
[email protected] FIFTY CENTS PRIMARY 2002 RESULTS $6 Million Westfield Bd. of Education, United States Senator, 4 Candidates, 6-Year Term Debt to Be Public Debate Open Lunch Combined By ROBERT COAKLEY Police Chief Bernard Tracy said that Dr. Petix’s argued to keep the open Specially Written for The Westfield Leader By TRACY EVANS students are better behaved than they lunch, stating that the juniors and Douglas Forrester Diane Allen John Matheussen Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Robert Torricelli Tuesday night’s meeting of the used to be and that there has been a seniors are given a lot of responsibil- (DEM) (GOP) (GOP) (GOP) During Tuesday night’s public Westfield School Board focused on decline in violence. ity and are maturing. Many will be meeting of the Westfield Town the open lunch policy of Westfield The committee members recom- going away to college soon, and he Votes Unavailable 95,275 votes 79, 124 votes 40,111 votes Council, the first reading of an High School. Parents, teachers and mended that the open lunch policy feels it is really a good idea to pre- Member of House of Representatives ordinance allowing for the con- students spoke to the school board be retained for juniors and seniors. pare them by allowing increased solidation of debt accrued be- from both sides of the controversial They requested stricter enforcement privileges.