Land Sale May Shape Future of YMCA by R
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Rih-vay Free Public library 1176 St. George Ave. nah/ray, N. if. 07065 RAHWAY m New Jersey's Oldest Weekly Newspaper-Established 1822 VOL. 160 NO. 40 RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1982 USPS 454-160 20 CENTS Land sale may shape future of YMCA By R. R. Faszczewski told The Rahway News-Re- tribute any more to keep said the Rahway HospitaJ and supervise the group of Union and at the Elizabeth reports Mr. Armstrong. For Sale--a piece of pro- cord, it was decided by the the facility open. has been negotiating to pur- volunteers. YMCA. However, he added, the perty at the former Squire Board members by a vote, A major part of that fun- chase the tract, he added Although the former exe- However, that arrange- members will have to con- Estate off of St. George instead of a formal resol- draising effort, according to the details have not been cutive director, Donald ment was only temporary, tact each facility on their Ave., Rahway. Immediate ution, they would do all in Mr. Armstrong, will be a finalized, and other poten- Keen, has offered his ser- and the financial situation own to see to what extent necessity requires disposal their power to keep the city stronger effort to dispose of tial buyers are welcome to vices to the city "Y" for two has forced a termination of their contract are being of the property in order to YMCA functioning. the St. George Ave. proper- contact Phillip Carr at the weeks, Mr. Armstrong said it. honored. help a community organiza- The Irving St. facility was ty, which is located near the Markey Realty or Dudley this would not be enough As for the two main types tion to keep functioning. temporarily closed last week front of the Rahway Hos- Painter at the Painter Real time to establish the staff of people who use the Rah- As for those registered in According to Christopher until the Board decides how pitaJ that the YMCA has ty to obtain the details. the facility would need. way "Y"-those with mem- specific programs, Elizabeth Armstrong, the chairman of to solve the financial crisis been trying to dispose of for After the YMCA tern bership contracts and those will fit people into spaces the Board of Directors of facing it. several years. Another option being porarily closed following a who participate in only a not filled in similar pro- the Rahway Young Men's The chairman said the The site was originally looked into by the YMCA Ire last November which few programs-they will be grams it sponsors if they are Christian Assn., this is a major funders of the YM- planned for the construc- is the employment of a destroyed 75% of the lo- provided for to some extent available. fairly accurate assessment CA have asked it to show it tion of a new YMCA, but voluntary, as opposed to a ng St. structure, the city through the facilities of of the situation involving For information on get- can obtain a great deal of the plans were abandoned paid staff, reports the head organization entered into a other YMCAs. ting into these programs or his group's recent closing of community support, and ge- due to opposition from of the Board. management contract with The Rahway membersh- its Irving St. facility. on obtaining refunds of fees nerate greatly-increased some segments of the com- However, he added, one Kathie Dunn of the Eastern ips are being honored com- already paid residents At a Sept. 30 meeting of revenue from the member- munity. of the main problems is try- Union County YMCA for pletely by the Elizabeth and should write to the Rahway the Board, Mr. Armstrong ships before they will con- Although Mr. Armstrong ing to get a director to form her to serve the city facility Union facilities and to a cer- YMCA, noted Mr. Armstr- n addition to her duties at tain extent by the Scotch ong. the Five Points YMCA in Plains-Fanwood YMCA, EXECUTIVE CONFERENCE - More than 125 business executives as advisers to more than 1,200 teenage participants in the Junior Achievement economic and Chamber to hold business leadership training program discussed the possible products to be manufactured by the achievers in the program, which will start operations the week of Oct. 11. Participating in the discussion are: James C. Hook, left, a manager for Exxon Co., U.S.A., a member Landmarks benefit of the Junior Achievement Board of Directors and the host to the group and Carl Schultz of Merck & Co., Inc. (Please see a picture inside.) be available shortly. of Commerce," Post Office of Rahway. Other executives who will serve as The members of the Rah- Because the Rahway Box No. 595, Rahway, N. volunteer advisers from Merck, but not shown are: way Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce J. 07065. Michael GeHer, Herman Johnson, George Hedrick, recently met with Robert believes the acquisition and Dorothy Ruddy, and Steven F. Prato. Larsen, the manager of the the restoration of the Old NAACP tets Rahway Huffman-Koos Rahway Theatre by the furniture store, \ and an- Rahway Landmarks, Inc. is meeting nounced on Friday evening, such a worthwhile endeavor The regular membership Dec. 3, at 8:30. o'clock, a for the community, the meeting of the Rahway Holiday Gacktail-P^ty will chamber hopesythe turnout Branch of the National .for .fhis-'benefir will^show Assn. for the Advancement 8Sh»axJ^i)atoJ*5.- Inc. Ihe^people' andjsusiheasesirt - [.ol Colored. People will be ft>ir;thr-f*fora|«jf of- the the' area . iarfe about the, • convened on. Monday, Oct. Old Rahway ^fl^ theater, Mr. Oliveira urged! 11, at 8 p.m. at the Eben- A chamber spokesman ezer African Methodist Epi- announced through the co- This event will launch the Rahway Chamber of scopal Church at 253 Cen- operation of Huffman-Koos' tral Ave., Rahway. the firm's showroom facil- Commerce's 1982 holiday festivities, and the group The president of the bra- ities on St. George Ave., nch, John J. Robertson, an- Rahway, will be the loca- welcomes everyone to par- ticipate in the holiday party nounced on the agenda of tion of this gala holiday this meeting will be the for- benefit. for the Rahway Land- marks, Inc., a non-profit, mation of a nominating VERY IMPORTANT PERSONS - Lighting the fire to burn Fred Oliveira, the chair- tax-exempt corporation. committee for the upcom- the mortgage on the Zion Lutheran Church of Rahway's man of the chamber's fund- ing election of branch of- Frederick Fairclough Educational Building on Sept. 19, raising committee, stated Tickets can be acquired ficers and the members of shown, left to right, are: Jean Ric«, The Rev. W. Ed- tickets for thefundraising by sending a check payable the executive board. ward McHale, the supply pastor; the bishop of the New party are $10 each, and will to "The Rahway Chamber "All members are urged Jersey Synod of the Lutheran Church in America, The to attend this meeting in Rev. Herluf M. Jensen and Harry McDowell and Dudley order to participate in this Painter, members of the congregation. Jean Rice and A Gift to the preparatory function in ad- Mr. McDowell signed the original deed to the building AMERJCAT1 CAHCER. SOCIETY vance of the election of of- and Mr. Painter helped obtain the insurance. ficers," stated Mr. Robert- son. The actual election pro- MEMORIAL cess will take place at the LOOKING UP THEIR FUTURE - Rahway's Franklin membership meeting that is PROGRAM School Parent-Teacher Assn. will hold its Annual Book to be held in December, he Fair at the school library from Tuesday to Friday, Oct. means so much in cancer control. concluded. 1 2 to 1 5, as a fundraiser. A variety of "new" books for all age levels will be available. Parents may browse after City Hall time capsule class visitation on "Back-To-School Night" on Tuesday, Oct. 12. Jason Sweeny and Donna Sunquist share a to be placed Oct. 16 book at the school library Rahway Mayor-Daniel L. something about our socie- taining newspaper clippings -Bicentennial patches Martin and former ty in general and our com- of bicentennial events and' worn, American Revolu- Hopefuls told Assemblyman, Herbert H. munity in particular." programs including city of- tionary Army, Rahway, Kiehn, who served as chair- The time capsule is ficials and Bicentennial Washington's Army Re- man of the Mayor's scheduled to be opened in Committee. treat. Bicentennial Committee, the year 2076, Mr. Kiehn --Rahway Centennial -Official map and guide announced today cere- noted, to mark the nation's release dates Historical Book 1858 to of New Jersey during 1976. monies for the placing of third centennial. 1958. -A patriotic service ATTENTION: All. the official community time -Golden Anniversary medal awarded World War THERE WILL BE ABSOLUTELY capsule at the new City Hall Mayor Martin pointed CANDIDATES IN I UK NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS DUD out Thomas Caulfield of Kiwanis Celebration I veterans by City of TUESDAY, NOV. 2, will be held on Saturday, Booklet 1923 to 1973. < Rahway. LINE, except in the case of Rahway was instrumental GENERAL FLECTIONS. an election cancellation, in Oct. 16, at 11 a.m. -Small flag of the United in working with the city and Mayor Martin conclud- The Rahway News-Rec- which case the editor will Mayor Martin and Mr. States of America presented Mr. Kiehn in preparing the ed, "every citizen of ord and The Clark Patriot have complete discretion as Kiehn explained the at Flag Day ceremony by capsule, and was responsi- Rahway Lodge No.