TUB colony of New Zealand and the Province of Canterbury have no history in common. The former UNITBD CHUBCH OP ESGLAND .L·D I REL.l.. ·D. eontains the latter geographically, but, in the eye of the historian of current events, Canterbury must appear Vicars- Gene,·al. an entity wholly apart and remote from the colony within whose boundaries it is to be found on the . Bi3lwp8:- The Very Reverend .T. Forest, .T. ~f'D nal ~e R~7ht Rev. George Augustus Selwyn, Bishop ~! 'D on a ld , ma The story of each for the past few years, including that of which we have now to write, must be of. ew uland W . .T• .T.P. O'Reilly, L. Parsby. a d, tolr~eparatelv. New Zealand would have her war, her native population, her gold fields, almost evcry. Clerg!! r-r-- The Hi~ht I v, Henry John Chitty H arp er thing on which her notoriety :ests, even though <;ante;bury ~id not exist withm.her territory. .on th e other , The. RC\'e:~nds Ottavi us Barsan ti. Simon Dart

Turn ing now to lighter matters, we have been well supplie d with amusements . W e have now, lIARcn. rmanent Theatre, where the highe t and the shght~t productions of the older and the more modeti lst.- Session of the Supreme Cour t, criminal cases. ramatists have been placed on the stage in a .,.ery creditable manner. 'Ye must.not pretemut, to use, l 5th.- Sitt ings for the dispatch of civil business. Eotch phrase, the visit of the Lyster Opera Company, who presented us with a .-ane~y of op~rns of every hool of music, in the most excellent style. Theil'. stay ~ongst .us was an epoch ill OU! history, They l6th.-Horticultural Show in Cathedral Sqnare Gardens. Achieved a grand sucee , their performances ~lDg rceelv~d with the greatest en thusiasm, and beUlt 21st.- Hansom's Cabs introduced into Christchurch. Daring robbery of jewellery, at the house of Mr furnished at the highest price paid here for theatrical entertainments, G. Taylor, Lytt elton. The world-renowned All England El even arrived at Ly~telton on ~ebr uary 6th, and. were receired 30Ih.-Concert for the benefit of the Christchurch Orphanage at Bennington's Hall. with acclamn tion. The days of their stay were kept almo st entirely as holidays, th e whole city wearing III aspect of gnietv. Several matches were got up on the ground at lIngley Park, where some good play took 31st.- Bazllllr for the same institution at K ohler's Gardens. place, the Canterbury Club sustaining their reputation. ~fter being fHed in e.,.ery possible way, and entertained by hi. Honor the Superinte ndent, they took their departure from Lyttelton on February 20th, APRIL. amidst the cheers of the assem bled crowds. lIth.- P ublie meeting (preliminary) at the Town Hall, on the subject. of the Panama contract . ~{ us i caI tnste has al 0 made some progress here. Our Musical Society comprises several accomplished ISth.-Anothel" meeting held on th e same subject. .Swing-bridge across the Heathcote opened. amateurs, and they exec ute d in capital style many difficult ma sterpieces of music at the various concertI News of the discovery of gold at the 'Vest Coast reach ed Christchurch, which they have given. 20th.-?fr. W . Wilson elected M. P .C. for K aiapoi, During the past twelve months a variety of races, both flat and steeplechase, have taken place. Two of the latter look place in the neighbourhood of Christchurch, one at Kaiapoi and one in the Heathcou 25th.- Meeting at the Town Hall, on the subject of Acclimatization. Valley. Some good sport WaS shown at all of them, This is the first year in which thi s kind ofraeing hal been witnessed here. YAY. 'Ve have had to deplore the deaths of some of our oldest settlers, who were so thoroughly identified 16th.-Trotting-match at Timaru . P illar letter-boxes introduced into Christchurch. with the establishment and continuance of the settlement. Mr. Ebenezer H ay, so well known and l ith.-Confil·mation by the Dishop in Lyt tellon ; 25 you ng persons confirmed. re 'peeled at Pigeon Bay, lost his life by accidentally fallin~ from the cliffs, as he was passi ng from Cluisl. church to Lyll clton, dur ing th e month of October, 1863. l he Venerable the Archdeacon of Akaroa died 29th.- ::New Roman Catvolic Church on the Fe rry Roa d opene d. (after a short illness) on the 18th June. H e was one of our oldest settlers, and was grea tly regretted, ITe was buried in thc cemetery, Christchurch, on the 21st, amid e"cry demonstration of respect, tho Free, J UNE. masons, of which body he was the Depnty Provincial Grand Master and Chaplain, attending the lat.-Session of the Supreme Cour t, criminal eases ; civil business commenced on the 10th. procession. ::Ifr. George Ith odes died on the same day, and almost at the same hour, as the Archdeacon. 2nd.- Foundation Stone laid of the new Presbyterian Church, in Lyttcllon. lI is death, wh ich took place at Pnra.u, ca ~cd a gl'eat fceling .of re!l'reti :His remains were interredin Lyttelton cemetery on the 2Jrd . The Inhabitants of Lyttelton did all III their power to show their respe,1 4th.-Great Fire in Colombo-street. " Ivanhoe" bro ught out th e apparatus for the light-house on for lhe deceased gentleman. Godley Head. J!,- conclusion, wc may remar~ that Canterbury has great reason to be sat isfied with the advance it hal l7th.-Distribution of prizes at the Chr istchurch Grammar School. made ill every respect, and may 'nth confidence look forward to th e great future which awaits it. l 8th.- Dcaths of Archdeacon Mathias and Mr. George Rhodes. 28th.- Fire at the Golden Fleece. MEMORABILIA OF THE YE AR, 1863-4. JULY. Ist -Meeting of the Church Institnte at Bennington's Hall; Mr. Louis read a pap er on the establish ­ ment of chu rches in the colonies. The first plant of th e Gas W orks arrived by the" Amoor." DECE:llDEE. l Gth.-Annivcrsary, kept as a holiday in the Province. 6th.-Meeting of the Governors of the Hospital for the purpose of handing over its management to the Government, lith.-Examination at Grammar School. 2!th.- Fire at the Villa Hotel, Akaroa. 23rd.- Confirmation by the Dishop; 45 candidates confirmed . 21lh.-Donnington's H all opened by a Concert by the Canterbury :.\fusical Society . A U GU ST. 2 th.- Akaroa Races, 2nd.- The Diocesan Synod met and continued in session until the 13th. 20lh.-Moorhollse Tun nel .illuminated, 4th.-Canterbury Maiden Steeplechase , 31sl.-Mr. 'Villiaill Thomson, M.H.n" addressed his constitu ent s at P apanui. I Oth.-Foun dation Stone of Lyttclton P arsonage laid. I Ith.-Ploughin g Match at K,aiapoi; testimo nial to Mr. W. W hite. J AN U A RY. 25th.-Fire at the stables attached to the Oxford H otel. New Year:s D .ly . -R e~atta at Lyttelton and at Akaroa , New Presbyterian Church opened, as well a a Ccngregntionul one, temporarily, at Donnington's Hall. SEP TEMD ER. lOth.-Canterhury Races. !St.- F ire in Colombo-str eet, on the prem ises of Mr . Younghusban d. Session of the Supreme Court. 23rd.-:.\[r. Rol~3toll, Pro vincial Secretary, elected M.P.C. for the Heathcote . the civil cases commenced on the 10th. 2Gth.-Meeling of Canterbary Presbytery. 6th.- Arrival of th e " British E mpire," the larg est ship which ever visited th e port of Lyttelton. 2ith.-Thc com er-stone of the new 'Vcsleyan Church laid. 8th.- Annual Ploughing Ma tch at Leithfield. 29th.-Mr. Jolli e, M.H.R., addressed his eonstitucnts at Timar u. l 6th.-The new Town Hall inaugurated by a concert.

PEDEI'Any. l i th.-Opening of the new Union Bank of Australia in H ereford -str eet, Christchurch, Gln.-Arrival of E nglish Cricketers. 19th.-Daring robbery at the stores of Messrs. Walton, W arner and Co. 20th.-Departure of the Eleven. 28th.- Opening of Victoria Bridge, 2Hh.-Timarll Haccs. 24th .- H eatheote Steeplechase.


R ATE OF Dt'T J.RTICL:iS. R ATE OF D UTY. ARTICLES. BY NUMBER OR UNDER WHAT BY NUMBER OR UNDER WlIAT QUA.NTITY. HEADING. QUANTI TY. HEADING. I - Grain, Yiz.,- Dholl Bushels F ree Iron, viz.-buoys ...... Number Frce Gra m " chaIrs ...... Packag es 4s, per ewt Maiz e coffee mills large or small ... Free Malt " draining pipes ...... Ton"s Oats " gas pIpmg ...... " P eas " gu tt er angles ...... P a;kages 4s:'per cwt Wheat " ~ut tering ...... Grindery Package" s " oop ...... Tons" Free" Grinds tones Number " hurdles .,. ... Packages Groats I Packages " mangles ...... 4s." per cwt Gu ano 'I'ons " ornamental for roofing ~ " .. Fr"ee Gum arabi c Packages Apothecary wares " P!g...... Tons" Gum Stationery " pIp'mg ...... Packages Ironmongery. 4s. per cwt Gun barrels (importation prohibited except } " " Tons Free Number 5s each railway ...... und er license) ... " ridge caps ...... Packages 4s. per cwt. Guns (importation prohibited except under} " " 5s each rivets ...... license) " rod ...... Tons" Fr"ce Guns, whaling Free " safes ...... Packages " 4s. per cwt Gun metal Cwf: " screws ...... " Gutta percha ... Packages " screw plates ...... " " " Note.-A manufacture of any article in " Ton"s " E·;~ c screw piles and fittings for ditto ... " Section 7 of tariff in which gutta percha " sheet ...... " is used merely. " for ships' use ...... " " . " standards for desks ... Packag" es 4s."per cws H ard ware 4s per cwt " " for fencing ... Free Ton"s H aberdashery 5s per foot " telegraphic wire ... " H ames, separately imported 4s per cwt " tiles ...... Packages H arness and saddlery Free " wire, small ...... 4s:'per cwt H arrows Numb" er " for fencing ...... To~ Free H ats, all kinds Packages 5s 'per foot Ironmo" ngery " ...... Packages 48. ncr cwt Hay forks, iron Ironmongery 4s per cwt Isinglass ...... " ~'ree .. " wood Woodware Free " H ides . Oilmen's stores 5s. per foot P;~hibIted Jams ... .. " " infected Jellies ...... Confectionery F;~ c H olloware Packages 4s per foot Jelly, calves foot ...... " H oney Free Jewelry and watch es ...... " H oofs Nu;;'ber Jews-harps ...... " " " infected P;~hibit ed Jujubes ...... " 5s: 'per foot H ops Pockets Free " " H orsehair Packages Keys ...... Ironmongery 4s. per cwt Horse shoes Hardware 4s'per cwt Kip leather ...... Cwt." Free H orsc shoe nails Cwt' Free Knife cleaning machines ...... Packages Machinery H orns Number " ., infected P;~hibited Laee ...... Packages 5s. per fool U osicry Packages 5s per foot Lacquered ware ...... Hardware 4s. pel' ewt H ouses, wood or iron Free Lamps, glass or porcelain ...... " Glassware Free " iron spouting for ditto Cwt." 4s per cwt " metal ...... " Hardware 4s. p CI' cwt Huckaback P ackages Linen manufacture 5s. per foot Lamp black ...... " Free Hurdles, iron Free tard ... " " ... " " Lanterns for ships use only ...... " Icc Tons " other kinds ...... " Hardware 4s. per cwt Packages Iudia-rubber 5s:'per foot Lathes, iron turning ...... " Hardware 12 ~'. goloshes Lavender water (see perfumcd spirits) ... Gallons" per gallon Stationery. F;~o Ink Lead, importation prohibited except unde r } Cwt. Frce Instruments, musical heense ... " scientific " Lead pipe, ditto . ... Insurance plates ; Hardware. 4s:'per cwt " " To~ " linings for cases, ditto ...... I ron, yiz.-angle : Free Leather ...... " " " balcony railing Leather leggin gs ...... Pa"ckages " bar ,. bags . - ... . . " " " ... " " ~ - HOW ElfTBRBD. IIOW ENTERBD.

R ATE OF DUn ARTICLES. JJlTICLllS. lU.TB OP DUTY. BY NUM BBR OR UNDER WIIAT BY NUMBBR OR UNDBR WHAT QU.LIfTITY. IIEADING. QUAN TITY. H EADING. - Lemons ...... Packag es Free Nectar (Prince of Wales liqueur), contain. J Lemon syr up ...... ing less than 25 per cent alcohol P ackages 5s per foot Lime ...... " " Needles and pins ...... Haberdashery 5s per foot Lime juice ...... " " Night lights, wooden or ~ork floats ... " Free Linen manufactures (see tex t of tariff) .. . " 5s"per tool wax or stearino .. . " 4s per cwt, Liqueurs (see cordials, spirits, &c.) ... Gaiions Sweetened spirits 12s per gallon Nine pins ...... " Woodware Free Liquorice ...... Packages ~Apo theeary ware Free Nut s, fruit of all kinds ...... " L ithographs ... Nuts, iron 4~ ... P;~hib i t e fangles, wood '" ... Drapery per foot ...... floor cloth ... " Free iron ... " Ironmongery 4s'pcr cwt, " '" !>far~ehino Oilmen' s stores ...... " 5s per foot (see cordials, liqueurs, spirits) ... Gaiions Sweetened spirits 12s pcr gnllo: Olives " ~larbl e ...... Oilmen's stores ... '" Packages Frce Olive oil " Marbles, for playing, importation ...... " prohibited J Olive oil, perfumed ...... " P erfumery Fre"e except under license ... " Onions, fresh !>farmalade " '" ... " ...... Confectionery 5s per foot. bottl ed, pickl ed ...... " Oilmen's stores 5~ per foot Matches ...... " Frce Opium" .. . " !>fats, woollen ... Apothecary ware Free ...... " Woollen manufac, 5s per fool " in ships under 40 ton s burth en } " cocoa or coir ...... " Frce " in packages und er 45 lbs nett " china " Prohibited Prohibit ed lf~tting ...... " in packages with any other goods ...... " " Orang e bitters, see cordials and spirits, if con.} Meal , all kinds ... Ton"s " ... taining over 25 per cent. Gallons 12s pcr gallon M cats, pott ed or preserved ...... Packages " alcohol ... Medicated lozenges, if in small lots ... Apothecary wares " To~ ifcontaining less than 25 per J }fetal, yellow ...... " " cent. alcohol Packages :Free Millinery ...... Packages 5s"pel' foot Oyster s, preserved ...... Mill ing machinery ...... Free " Milking machine...... " " Mortising machines ... Paintings ...... " " indecent ... " Molasses (sugar and golden syrup) ... Lbs". .. . Pr" ohibit ed 1d per lb. Paints" ...... Packages F ree Musicnl instrument...... Package. Frce Painters' materials !>Iustard ... '" ...... Oilme n's stores 5s per foot Paper ...... " " " collars ...... " " Nails of all kinds. (Describe sorte.) ... Cwt. Free " Naptha oil " hangings ...... " " ...... Gallons Papier-mache goods ...... " " " " " 85



Fre~ Resin Packages Frcc Pears, fresh ...... Packages Revoh-ers (see arm s) Pearl barley ...... Rope Owt, P eal of bells .. .. . Numb" er .," 5s. per foot !tum (see bal rum) Pepp er ...... Packages " (see spirits} Ponimbulators ...... Free P ercussion caps (see Arms, Caps) ... " " 81lSh weights ...... Numbers Ironmongery 4s. per cwt . Perfumery, not oth erwise enumerated .. . Sacks, bags ...... Packages Free Perfumed spirits ...... Gallons" 12s. per gal. Safes, iron .. , .. ... Packages Free 4s. per cwt. Photographs ... Saljo . " " :Free indcc ent ...... Prohibited Frce SRII cloths ... " Pianos" ...... Salt .. To~ ; " P ick axes, picks ...... " Ironmongery 4s. per cwt. " 5s. pcr foot " rock ... " Pi ckles, in casks ...... Snltpctre-e-impor tation prohibited, except under P~~kag cs " Pin s, iron , for ships and boats ...... " Free ·ls. per cwt. license . " for bullock drays , imported separately ... "~, . Samp les unfit for sale or use . Pip es, iron drain ... " ... " Fre" e Sardines . " Oilmen's stores 5s:'per foot " earthen draining ...... " Earthenware Sarsaparilla bitters . " ... " Apothecary war e Free f,"S .. . " " Sauces . " Oilmen's stores 55. pel' foot " tawse ...... Sausage machines . " " ... " Ironmongery 4s:'per cwt. .. Machmery F ree ,. iron ... Saws . Ironmongery 4s. pel' cwr, tobacco ...... " Free .. p j ~i{)ls " Saw files ... (see Arms), importation prohibited ex- Number 5s. each Scah specific for sheep ...... " Freo" cept under license ...... Scales, small weighing ... " Packages Fr~c .. 4s. per cwt. Pi tch nd tar ...... Screws, iron ... Ironmongery , ... Pl ants .. " wood .,_ " Woodware Fre ~ ' Plate, silver and gold ... " " ... 4s."pel' ewt. Screw piles, iron ... Numbers" Plated ware .., .. . " I IFree " bolts ... I P ackages Ironmongery Pl oughs ...... N;{mbcl' ., jacks '" . Pollard ...... Bushels Apothecary ware " Scyt hcs . " " " Pontefract cakes ...... Packages Seeds .. " :". ICwt. " Free" Plaster of Paris ...... Sharps . ... Tons" Bush els Posts, iron, for fencing ... " Sheaves, metal, for ship's use . P ackage s wooden ...... Number T'~;lltoc s, Packages " " wood '" .. preserved ...... Sheep .. Numb" er grcen ...... Tons " I Pow;i~r , " " infected '" P;~hibi ted sporting (importation prohibited ex- } Lbs. 3d. p ~r lb. Ship chandlery ... Pa ckages eept under license) ...... Free Free Shot - importation prohibited, except under .. blasting, do ...... license ' " Cwt. Precious stones ...... Package" s Oilmen's stores 5s."per foot Shovels . Packages 4s." per cwt , Preserves and preserved fruits: ~ickles ... Silk and silk goods (see text of tariJf) Prince of 'Vales Nectar, containing less " than} Silver coin '" ... Free 25 pel' cent. alcohol ... " Fr~ e " plate '" ' " " Prints ...... Skins with fur ...... " Prohibited Furs ss"per foot indecent .. . Fr~e Siales... ' " Th~~sands PI:inting materials ...... Freo " Snull' . lbs, '1s. 6d. per lb. Prohibited goods (see end) ..: ... 4s. per cwt, .. in ships under 40 tons burthen, in pack­ P rovisions gen erally (bnt sec oilmens stores) ... " P ackages" Ironm ongery ¥r~e al\"es un der 60 lbs. nett, or in pack ages Pumps ." ...... With other goods'!! ... . Prohibited Quartz ... " " Soap... '" . ewt. 4s. per cwl. Quartz emshing machi ne ... . " " powd er ... '" . Packages Free Quicksi lver ... " '" ... Tons" " Soda, washing ... Rnilway plant ... 4s." per cwt • " carbonate ... " " Itailings, balcony iron ...... P;ckages I ronmongery Soups, preserved ... " P rovisions " garden ... " Spades ...... " ~. per cwt, " ' 0' " tomb .. . " 5s:'per foot Specie (see coin) " Raisins and currants ...... Dried fruits " Oilmen's stores Spices . Packages 5s. pel' foot Haspbcrry vinegar ...... Spirits . Tons" Freo" Gallons 12s. per gallon Rice .. , ' " not superior to ordi- Rick cloths, if materials P ackages * Suspended, see Cigar•• nary sail cloth ... " 86 87


Spirits, not being perfumed or medicinal, in ships und er 40 tons bur then, in casks under Umbrellas and Parasols ...... H aberdashery 5s. per foot 14 gallons, in glass or stone bottl es, " each exceeding 3 pint capacity •.. Prohib ited Varnish ...... Free Spirits of tar and turpentine •.. Packages Free Vegetable ...... " Standards, iron for fencing . Vermicelli ...... " Oilmen's stores 5s. per foot Starch ... . I " Vinegar ...... Gaiions Free Stationery ... . " " Raspb erry ...... Packages Oilmen's stores 5s. per foot Steel ... . ewt." " "Toilette ...... P erfum ery Freo Straining machines for wire fencing . Pack ages " volunteer uniforms ...... " Apparel 5s. per foot Viees ... " Ironmongery 4s. per owt• Sugar... ..• . lbs, Id. per lb. ... " Sugar candy ... •.. Packages Confectionery 5s. per foot ashing powder " barley... .•. W ...... Free " Watches and Jewelry ... " Sulphur... •.. Free ... " Syrup, golden (sec molasses) . Ibs." ia, per lb. Wax ...... Owt. " Syrups ... . Packages Free Wax niil'ht lights ...... Packages 4s. p"er owt• Supports for wire fencing . Tons Web GIrth ...... 5s. per foot Swords, importation prohibited, except und er Number Cutlery 4~. per ewt. We i ghin~ Machines ...... " Machinery Free eighbridge " license W '" ... Machinery w:ell chains ...... " Ironmongery 48. per cwt, Tacks ...... cwt. Nails Free Whalebone ...... Owt." Free Tallow... . cwt. Whaling-gear ...... Pa ckages Tanks, iron ... . Number " Wharf or screw piles (iron) '" ... Tons " " Whiiting . .. . Packages " Tapioca...... Packages .. " Tar and pitch . " Whiic~:rwork ...... Saddlery Tarpaulins ... . " W ...... " " Tarpaulins of materials superior.to sail cloth . 5s." per foot Winches for ships ...... " " Tea ...... Ibs." ca. per lb. Wiindlasses " ...... " " Telegraph wire . Tons Free weme ...... aaiions 4s. per gallon mat erials ... . Packages Winnowin~ Machines ...... P ackages Freo Tents of material not superior to ordinary sail " " loths, if not superior to ordinary cloth ... . sail cloth Ifsuperior to do. . " 6~. per foot wire, large, for fencing ...... Tons" " Threshing machines ... " Free 1t small, " ...... Owts. Ironmongery 45. p"er owt. Timber, battens . Nu~b er nett ing " '" ... Free " " Telegraph ...... " " felloes . " wire straining machines ...... Pa~kages " " naves .0. oollen manufactures " palings ... " w ...... 5s. per foot Fe ~t " w:ooIpaek " Free " sa,vn "0 ' 0' ...... " shingles . Thousands " " " yam, woollen, worsted, linen, silk 5s. per foot " spokes . Number y ... Tin in blocks . cwt. " cast ...... " Free Tin, in plates . ewt. " " Tin ware... . Packages 4~. per ewt. Zine, sheet ...... Tons Tobacco ... . Ibs. 2s. 6<1. per lb. ware ...... Packages Hardware 4s. "per ewt. " in ships und er 40 tons burthen, in .." guttering ...... Hardware paekages und er 60 lbs. nett, in pack- " " ages with any other goods «< .. . Prohibited Tobaeeo, sheepwash ... Ibs. Free Toilette vinegar ... Packages Perfumery Tomb railings ... Ironmongery 4s. "per cwt, Treacle (sec molasses) ... Ibs." Id. per lb. Trowels . Packages Ironmongery 4s. per ewt. Trunks, empty . Free ~~ntine, Spirits of ::: ::: GalYons " lbs, " Upholstery Packages Free • Restriction suspended; see Cigan. 88 89

PROHIBITED GOODS. \Q C> co C':) c: 0 0 0 ...... , p:: ...... I>'l ~~ rJ~ ~~ · -"-\ ;:.; ~~~~~cq~~;:~~~g'{ Books, protected by copyright, unless printed in Opium, in ships under 40 tons burthen, or in ...,; the United Kin gdom packages under 4Slbs. nett, or in packages with ... Books, obscene any other goods -< ;::: -' Caps, percussion, except unde r license co .... ,;0 t- ...... ;0 t- ee Iii P ainting s, indecent to ~ -e ~ < ~ pack ages less th an GOlbs. nett, or less than 10,000 ~I "*" ,--.,"""-'" ,--A-,,.....-.., ,--A-, ...::> ~~ "1I IQ~ t'-o oo c)S:::~~ ~ ~ in numb er, or in packages cont aining other Sheep, infected A goods Snuff (see cigars) \Q C> ON <:0 .... C':) eo Coin, spuri ous, false, or counterfeit sterli ng, or Shot, except under license .... sterling of British possession below standard Skins, infected weight or fineness Spirits, in ships under 40 tons burthen, or in casks under 14 gallons, or in glass or stone bottl es co <:0 J:-o J:-o J:-o Gold, exportation at port s not approved by the each ex c e ed i n ~ three pints, unless perfumed or Govern or or cont rary to the Governor's Regu. medicinal Spirits lations Swords, except under license Hides, infected *Tobacco, in ships under 40 tons burthen, or in Hoofs, C> C> ON \Q I packages under 6Olbs.nett, or in packages with ce co .., co 00 .... 0 .-< 0'1 I; 0 ...... 1 0 12 30 12 26 15 12 51 76 45 12 co ...... ;< t- ...... J:-o 0 I 2 1 4 27 16 4 52 31 4 77 46 4 I:-! cq cq cq ~ ~ -.:: 3 1 16 28 16 16 53 31 16 78 46 16 '" \Q 00 0 ce 4 2 8 29 17 8 54 32 8 79 47 8 A 5 3 0 30 18 0 55 33 0 80 48 0 "' 1~1 ~ ~ :1:: ~ i" ~~ 6 3 12 31 18 12 56 33 12 81 48 12 ~I of: :l: .,; ...... , e, 7 4 4 32 19 ,t 57 34 4 82 49 4 '* 8 4 16 33 19 16 58 34- 16 83 49 16 \Q .-< ON to ,,; \Q to J:-o 00 ~ .... 0 10 6 0 35 21 0 60 36 0 85 51 0 I 11 6 12 36 21 12 61 36 12 86 61 12 I 12 7 4 37 22 4 62 37 4 87 52 4 .-< .... .-< ON C':) 13 7 16 38 22 16 63 37 16 88 52 16 '" A I

EUMPLE-T.S. 1.149. 99 cases spirits at 1« gulls. = 176 it galls. RULE.-First find the whole gallons 99 + 1 = 99 galls.; thcn in a line with 25 in the first column, and under the number 90 will be found 70.10, also uuder 9 is 7.1; making tho fractionol quantity 77.11, which, added to tho whole gallons, = 176 n.

30 40 50 60 70 80 00 100 3 4 _5 1 ~ 1 ~ 8 9 I 10 I 20 i; - --'- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 1.8 1.18 1.28 2.6 2.16 2.26 3.4 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 1.8 1.28 2.16 3.4 3.24 4·12 45 5.20 6.8 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 1.28 2.26 3.24 4.22 5.20 6·18 7.16 8.14 9.12 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 1 1.4 1.8 2.16 3.24 5 6.8 7.16 8.24 10 11.8 12.16 5 10 15 20 25 30 1.3 1.8 1.13 1.18 3.4 4.22 6.8 7.26 9.12 10·30 12.16 14.2 15.20 6 12 18 24 30 1.4 1.10 1.16 1.22 1.28 3.24 5.20 7.16 9.12 11.8 13·4 15 16.28 18.24 7 14 21 28 1.3 1.10 1.17 1.24 1.31 2.6 4.12 6.18 8.24 10.30 13.4 15·10 17.16 19.22 21.28 8 16 24 1 1.8 1.16 1.24 2 2.8 2.16 4.5 7.16 10 12.16 15 17016 20 22.16 25 9 18 27 1.<1 1.13 1.22 1.31 2.8 2.17 2.26 5.20 8.14 11.8 14.2 16.28 19.22 22.16 25.10 28.4 10 20 30 1.8 1.18 1.28 2.6 2.16 2.26 8.4 6.8 9.12 12.16 15.20 18.24 21.28 25 28.4 31.8 co 11 22 1.1 1.12 1.23 2.2 2.13 2.24 3.3 3.14 6.28 10.10 13.24 17.6 20.20 24·2 27.16 30.30 34.12 o 12 24 1.4 1.16 1.28 2.8 2.20 3 3.12 3.24 7.16 11.8 15 18.24 22.16 26.8 30 33.24 37.61 13 26 1.7 1.20 2.1 2.14 2.27 3.8 3.21 4.2 8.4 12.6 16.8 20.10 24.12 28.14 32.16 3G.18 40.20 14 28 1.10 1.24 2.6 2.20 3.2 3.16 3.30 4.12 8.24 13.4 17.16 21.28 26.8 30.20 35 39.12 43.24 15 30 1.13 1.28 2.11 2.26 3.9 3.24 4.7 4.22 9.12 14.2 18.24 23.14 28.4 32.2G 37.16 42.6 46.28 16 1 1.16 2 2.16 3 3.16 4 4.16 5 10 ts 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 17 1.2 1.19 2.4 2.21 3.6 3.23 4.8 4.25 5.10 10.20 15.80 21.8 26.18 31.28 37.G 42.16 47.26 53.4 18 1.4 1.22 2.8 2.26 3.12 3.30 4,.16 5.2 5.20 11.8 16.28 22.16 28.4 33.24 39.12 45 50.20 56.8 19 1.6 1.25 2.12 2.31 3.18 4.5 4.24 5.11 5.30 11.28 17.26 23.24 29.22 35.20 41.18 47.16 53.14 59.12 20 1.8 1.28 2.16 3.4 3.24 4,.12 5 5.20 6.8 12.16 18.24 25 31.8 37.16 43.24 50 56.8 62.16 21 1.10 1.31 2.20 3.9 3.30 4.19 5.8 5.29 6.18 13.4 19.22 26.8 32.26 39.12 45.30 52.16 59.2 G5.20 22 1.12 3.2 2.24 3.14 4.4 4.26 5.16 6.6 G.28 13.24 20.20 27.16 34.12 41.8 48.4 55 G1.28 68.24 23 1.14 2.5 2.28 3.19 4.10 5.1 5.24 6.15 7.6 14.12 21.18 28.24 35.30 43.4 50.10 57.16 M.22 71.28 24 1.16 3.8 3 3.24 4.16 5.8 6 6.24 7.16 15 22.16 30 37.16 45 52.16 60 67.16 75 25 1.18 s.n 3.4 3.39 4.22 5.15 6.8 7.1 7.26 15.20 23.14 31.8 39.2 4,6.28 54.22 62.16 70.10 78.4 26 1.20 2.14 3.8 4.2 4.28 5.22 6.1G 7.10 8.4 16.8 24.12 32.16 40.20 4·8.24 56.28 65 73.4 81.8 27 1.22 2.17 3.12 4.7 5.2 5.29 6.24 7.19 8.14 16,28 25.10 33.24 42.6 50.20 59.2 G7.16 75.30 84.12 28 1.24 2.20 3.16 4.12 5.8 6.4 7 7.28 8.24 17.16 26.8 35 43.24 52.16 61.8 70 78.24 87.16 29 1.26 2.23 3.20 4.17 5.14 6.11 7.8 8.5 9.2 18.4 27.6 36.8 45.10 54.12 63.14 72.16 81.18 90.20 30 1.28 2.26 3.24 4.22 5.20 6.18 7.16 8.14 9.12 18.24 28.4 37.16 46.28 56.8 65.20 75 84.12 93.24 31 1.30 2.29 3.28 4.27 5.26 6.25 7.24 8.23 9.22 19.12 29.2 38.24 48.14 58.4 67.26 77.16 87.6 96.28 1 ~ 2 2 3. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

~~O~~~O~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ O ~~O ~ OO~ Q~~~~ ~ 9. IP~ ~~ }f§'~ 8 ;:;:~ S't;'S'S'~S'S'S'S'1 S'S'S'is '~~~ r;t;l~ ~aJ~~ ' ~~~g.~1;l~'!f~~~§ .?~ ""I;j .. . - ";!..J'Q"~ ...... C"0l I ...... C"" I"''''" "=-"" "'6'''' · "' ''' s '' ''' ,, =- s ... -e.....·''''Po .... ';;1>­ ~s 8 ~.'" ~ § ~ §.g.g ~ 0 .g.g ~ 0 .g.g 0 ~ 1; -;., 6' ~ 6':'.g .. " "'1:.1; I';; ~ .!" ~ ~ Eo.~ "'18­ :::-...... ~ g--=. re:<' ~ ~ ~== gPo Qg~b8• ..... Po1of~::;e..c;;;-p.."C p.." " co"(t~" co"S";-~,,>: (l)5»~Po'l' "':" ~c;rS. f'" ?''' C"p.. 5'("t-'C1)~aq"" _ :--' OIl -0 "'.., ...e ...O" ...(D ...o.. go f:S=Q 0:-' $I) ~~ & ...Iof ~o ~t:r...:::.s o..~::t:l o..o..aqO'Q ~Q.,Q"Q.?-t:1 - 0..... l:T'~a- 0'" ...rrJ~ .=-,e. r- ~. ~ =.~ ~ 1!.~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a Poo E' ..00 g'"c § F- r:.. E- . aq a· . I>-OIl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.fu ~",tel Po"" Q 1-1 - p.. a a :; a r:§ r- . ., '" ~s= 8a. ",telSIJ::t. SIJ - ';IJ ~ c., a. c..- lJtl [~ q'" 0-. •• Ctl (') rn · .. Ul .. tel • ;;:;0; • • ••• (t> •• • "'?" ' . e..' • n1 ~ !~~:: ~~:: ~~: ~:::::~::: ~ ~ S·::: :: .: ~r; ~ •• ~~ ~~ ~~ n :a • ..'" ,..., ""~ g...... ~ ~ g~ ~ ~ ~ s§ ~ ~ ~ "C .. ~ -+ 5' [s.;:; "d cJ ,,~g' l":l ~. ~ '".... '":q <:'001 t-4I>- ~ o " g ·tl ~... I>-~ g.e, ~ 8 ~ 9.~ ~ 1;:' I' " .; ; "gp.... ~ f ;: I I ~.. ~ ..... ~~.- ~ s: ot0:>0:> ooeo'tt If:lo.~ ~t¢ g.8- g / I::j Po 1 co I I I 1 I '<:0"" "'0"'0:> "'0"'0:> 000 1I>o~1I>o1 <:0"' 11>00 ",,,, 1,,, ,,, II ~ ~ .... H 5' if;·•• .. ". 00 ~ ~ ~ ..... I ... :l 0 00 0 .... 00 <:0"'<:0 ,, "'0000<:00'<>"""'0 ....."" .....""00 00000...... 00. '" " I'd I I I I I I 1..... 1 ..... "'/ =l E. I>- 2 £­ Q QOO':lC') 0)000) Victoria. m 1:"4 [- a 000 O~C)wo) OOOOOCJ:lOO 00 0000000,,", ~ ~ .... -... l>- 8' I>- I>" I::i; ~ ... f1 0000 0000 ...... [ ""11>0"" 00 "''''0''''''00...... "'. , New South :i1 ~ ... 1111111: CJ:l0':lc"c" ~ Eo. .. I>- ...... 000 ::: II :::II ::I:: 00 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ""' 'Vales. s ~ ~ t:d .g .0 "" .... o 0 .....00 ~~O ~ ~ <:0"''''' ...... ,a ...... "'/ " .. - II 00000 0 0 • South Aus- ~.t'" .., 00 :::::::1::::: COO)Q 000 I I: II ::::I OOCJ:lQO 0000000,,", tralia, . ~ go ...... P- 0'000 ""~"" 0 0 00 1111111111111 "' ''' ''' 11 <:0 , I ""<:0 II "" 1 t:-:l~1-' "''''~''''''~~?'I Queensland. [ ..... 000 00:>0 '<><:0';" 00 0 00 0000000,,", i l>- 11>00:>';"11>0 1I>o0:>1I>o~ c:.w~~ ~o~ t-:lt¢ ...... I II II I I I 1 """""" .....l~ I ...... l~~. ~ l¢ l~ ~ I- ' Vestern 0 0 0 0 0000 000 000 0""0 00:> II { II -+ II "'''' I . o 00000,,", Australia. ~i 92 93 INFOBMATION F OR PASSING 'l'HE .FOLLOW I NG ENTRIES AT THE CUSTOlI·HOUSE, USEFUL TABLES. LYTTELTON, TO BE LANDED OR SHIPPED AT LYTTELTON ONLY. No. 1. P rime Eutry, 4 Copies, for Collector, Landing Surveyor, Lan ding W ait er, and Tide W aiter. Sight RULE FOR C01IPUTING OVERPROOFS ON SPIRITS, IN CASKS CONTAINING Entry, 4 copies, for Collector, Landing 'Waiter, Tide 'Waiter, and I mporter. P erfecting of Sight E ntry, 3 TWENTY GALLONS AND OVER. copies, for Collector, Landing Surveyor, and Landing ·Wait"r. Transhipping Entry, 4 copies, for Collector, lfULTIP1:Y the n.um~ er of gallons by the stre ngth per cent.; sct off th e decimal point and divi de by 100 · Landing Surveyor, Searcher, and Tide \ Yaitcr. Bonding Entry, 5 copies, for Collector, Landing Surveyor, reml\lllde~ Landing ' Vaitcr, Locker, and Tide Waiter. Home Consumption, 3 copies, Collector, Landing Surveyor, the will grve th e number of gallons of ovcrproof to be added to th e liq uid qu:mtity. ' Locker. Samp ling Order, 1 copy, Warehouse Keeper. Export or Removal from W arehouse, 4 copies, N~ dtt~"t~~ ehargedbupon any ~rac tional ~art of a gallon, au the strength of spirits, un less i t Collector, Landing Survey or, Scarchcr, Locker.E xpor t Frec Goods, 3 copies, Collector, Landing Surveyor, amoun a 0 - parts; ut any fra ction exceeding that to be charg ed with du ty as a gallon. Search er. E:LUlPLB 1. _ ELU1PLlI 2. 87 gallons rum , 10.0, O.P. 56 gallons bra ndy, 1.5, O.P. NO. OF COPIES REQUIRED .FOR ENTRIES PASSED AT LYTTELTON, FOR GOODS 87 gallons. 56 gallons. TO BE L ANDED AT CJIRISTCH URCH . 15.9 o.r, 1.5 O.P. S ights.-Collector's deposit note; Lnnding Surveyor ; Christchurch Landing 'Waitcr ; Importer; Tide 783 .840= 1 gallon. 1305 Waiter. 56 Primes.-Collector; Lnnding Surveyor; Landing '"aiter; Christchurch Lnnding Waiter ; Tide W aiter 13.833=13 gallons. 57 galls. for duty. (permit). -- 87 Bonding Entries canno t bc passed in Lyttclton for goods to be landed and bonded in Christchurch. 100 galls. for duty. H ome Consumption E ntrics; same remark appli es. Perfectinq ofS igllt.-Collector ; Landing Sur vcyor; Landing Waiter. If deposit insufficient to cover duty, an extra copy of Perfecting of Sight for Christchurch Landing No .2. Waiter required. RULE FOR COMPUTING 1'JIE OVERPHOOF ON SPIRITS IN ULLAGE CASKS Post E ntry on.[Joods passed fo r at L ,ytt elt oll, but landed and examined at Cltristclturclt.-Collcctor; CONTAINING LESS THAN TWENTY GAL LONS. ' Landing Surveyor; Landin g Wat t.er; Christchurch Landing W aiter. F,illD t~ethdecim~ .f~r th ? number of gallons in the fol!ow;ng table, which place beside th e number or Removals e.r uiarehous e, und er bond, to Cltris tcltu,·clt.-Sub-Collector; Locker -Christchurch. Col. ~W::b:r' re e~ ~ tl p.y bby th ehstrefngth per cent, ; set off the decimal point, and divide by 10 · the whole lector; Landing Surveyor; Sear chcr ; Locker-Lyttclton. rnauung will e tent s a a gallon. • To K aiapoi.-Collector ; Landing Surveyor , Locker; Scarcher-Lyttelton . Sub-Collector-e-Christ­ N OTE .-In charging th e overproof o u spiri ts in ullage casks, &c., no charge must be made unless it church. Locker-Kaiapoi. :;:::o~~~t;~~t~ of a gallon, and th at one -tenth must be complete, via., 9·100th parts not being EXAMPLB. NO . OF COPIES REQUIRED F OR ENTRIES PASSED AT CHRISTCHURCH. 3 gallons an d 23 gills brandy 5.3 O.P. 3.72 ' , Prime.-Sub-Collector ; Landing W aiter; Lan ding Surveyor ; Tide 'Vaiter. 5.3 Sig ht.-Sub-Collector ; Landing Waiter.-Lytt elton Landing Surveyor; Tide Waiter. B 01uling.-Sub-Colleetor; Landing Waiter.-Lyttelton Landing Surveyor; Tide Waiter : Locker ; ' 1116 1860 Warehousemnn. Posf.-Sub.Colleetor; Landing Surveyor ; Landing W ait cr. 19.716=·l o=3 gills. R esnooai ex ioarehouse, ululer bond if di rect to P ort s other than L y tt elton. Christchurch Sub­ gals. gilL.. Collector; Scarcher; Locker. Liquid quantit.y 3 23 Add over pro of 0 3 R emooal ex warehouse, under bond, to L ytteltou. - Chri stchurch Sub-Collector; Searcher ; Locker Lyttelton Collector; Landing Surveyor ; Warehousekeeper. Proof for duty 3 26

U S1' OF ARTICLES NECESSARY TO BE KEPT BY OWNERS OF BONDED A TABLE OF TENTHS AND DECIMAL PARTS TO EVERY THIRTY .SECOND WAREHOUSES. PART OF A GALLON.. Pumps for drawing off; syph on; valinche for sampling large or small casks; approved weigh ing I machine, and weight s to ten huudredweight.; approv ed small scales, from half an ounce to twenty pounds Tenths Gills. Dec. Tenths Gills. Dec. Tenths Gills. Dec. 'Tcnths Gills. Dcc. weight ; large lump of chalk (not whiti ng) ; paint pot, and black, white, and red paint; whit ewash; paint brushes and whiti ng brushes; wat er ju g; two good-sized plain tumblers ; hand tr ucks in sufficient ------number ; screw jacks or purchase for rai sing upp er tier casks, so as to remove lower ones if warehouse is - • not fitted with rack s; buckets of water; good supply of stout scantling; large supply of three-cornered I .03 0 .28 17 .53 25 .7!l chocks and rack s on which to place casks ; spare bungs and rags; spiles , piece of calico or linen rag' ; 2 .06 3 10 .31 18 .56 8 26 .81 approved small desk or writing-place, and inkstands, pens, and oth er requisitcs for locker and offices, with 1 ~ .09 11 .34 6 10 .59 27 .&t lock and key; one cooper's driver ; one cooper' s adze; one cooper's hammer ; one common ham mer; 4 .13 12 .37 20 .62 28 .87 one cold chisel; nail s assort ed; one gimblet ; block and tackle nud two slings, and two can-hooks, iron 5 .16 4 13 .40 21 .65 9 29 .90 eyes, for using ditto on wooden runners or othe r approved purchase for lifting goods; skids ; two bung 2 6 .19 14 .43 7 22 .69 30 .03 sta rt ers , two bung screws ; t wo pu nches for opening case goods; sheet lead and tacks for leaky casks ; large 7 .22 15 .4·7 23 .72 31 .97 funnel ; approved superior locks on doors; set of stcncilling plates with letters and numbers for marking 8 .25 5 16 .50 24 .75 10 32 1 gal. and numbering warehoused goods, together with bru shes and paint for the same. I

96 97

CUBIC, OR SOLID ~rnASURE. Thc solid contents of .sqUlU'ed timber are found ~Y measuring tho mcau. breadth by th c mean thick. 1728 inches make 1 solid foot nC3', and th e produc t ng-am by th e length . Or multiply th c square of what IS called the quarter girt h in 27 feet ... 1 solid yard inches by th e length in feet, and divide by 144, and you have th e contents in feet. . 'to feet of rough, or 50 fcct of hewn timbc r 1 ton or load Boughs , the qu arter girth of which is less than 6 inches, and parts of the tr un k less than 2 fect in 12 feet 1 ton of shippin.. circumference, are not reckoned as timb er. 1~~~ 1 ~ 0 It inch in every foot of quarter girth, or ~ of the gIrth, is allowed for bark, except of elm. 1 inch in Th us, a CORn of wood is 4 feet broad, 4 feet deep, an d 8 fcct long, being 128 cubic feet.-A Sue, the circllmference of the tree, or whole girth, or one-twelfth of the quarter gir th is the general fair average of' wood is 3 feet broad, 3 feet dcep, and 12 feet long, being 108 cubic feet . allowance. The dim ensions of timbe r, stone, excavatio ns, and all works which have len gth, breadth, and thick ness The quarter girth is half tho sum of the breadth and depth in the middle. 0\1'" taken by lineal measure; but the contents are calculated by cubic measure. ' The nearest approach to tr uth in the measuring of timber, is to multiply the squaro of t of the gi rth, A CUBE is a solid body, and contains lengt h, breadt h, and thickness. A cubic number is produced or circumference, by double the length , and th e product will be the cont en ts. by mult iplying thc simple n umbc r twice into itself : thus, 343 is a cube number, bcing produced by multiplying thc number 7 twice into itself ; as, 7 x 7 x 7 = 343. COAL WEIGHT. U 'pounds make 1 stone 20 cwt., or 10 large sacks 1 ton ANGULAR ME ASURE, OR DIVISIONS OF TIlE CIRCLE. 28 pounds 1 quarter ewt . 21 tons 4 cwt... . 1 barge or keel GO seconds 1 minute 90 degrces 1 CJ.uadrant 56 pounds 1 half cwt , 20 koels, or 421 te ns 1 ship load 60 minutes 1 dcgree 3GO degrees or 12 sIgns = 1 circumference 1 sack of 112 pounds ... 1 cwt, 1·10cwt., or 7 tons 1 room 30 dcgrecs 1 sign 1 double sack of 224 pounds 2 cwt. IIA.Y AND STRAW. MEASURE OF TI1lrn. 30 pounds m nke 1 truss of straw 19 cwt. 32 lbs, 1 load of now hay GO seconds 1 minute 28, 20, 30, 31 days 1 calendar month 56 pounds 1 truss of eld hay 11 cwt, 6 1, Ib8. 1 load of straw GO minutes 1 hour 1 ~ calendar months 1 year 60pounds 1 truss of new hay 1 square yar d of new hay Gstono 21 hours 1 day 365 days 1 common ycar 36 tr usses 1 load 1 square yard of oldish hay .. . 8 stone 7 days 1 week 366 days 1 leap year 18 cwt. 1 load of old hav 1 square yar d of old hay 9 stone 28 days 1 lun ar month IIay is considered as new for thrce months, and is called old in Eng-land on th e Ist of Soptember. In 400 years, 97 are leap years , and 303 common. In th e E ngli sh ar my, a horse in full work is allowed 161us. of hay, and 100bs. of corn per day ; or 101us. of oats, 121bs. of hay, and 81bs. of straw per day. . WEIGIIT OF E N GL IS II COIN. Tofind the fDei,ght ofHa.'1 contailled ;1I a Sta ck.-Multiply the length of the stack by its breadth , and multiply the result by its height, all in feet ; divid e the total by 27, which will gi"e tho number of square dwt s. dwts. gr. gr. yards ; this multiply by 6, 8, or 9, according to the age of th o hay, as above, and the product will be the Gold : Sovereign 5 3!. I Florin .. 7 6 e.nu, weight in stones. In meas uring the heigh t, allow off two-thirds oil' th e amount of feet from th e eaves to H alf-so, ereign ...... 2 13t Shilling . 3 15 3.11th, the top .Thus, say a stack is 30 feet long and 20 feet broad, th is multiplied is 600 feet, th e height to the D ouble Sovereign ...... 10 6! Sixp cnce . 1 19 7-11lh, caves 8 feet, from th e eaves to the top 3 fcet-take off this last 1. and add it to the 8= 9, then mu ltiply 600 Silver: Crown...... 18 44-111hs F ourp encc . ~ 5 1·11lh by 9=5400; the n M OO divided by 27 gives 200 square yards, and 200 multiplied by 6, makes 1200 stones 22-1lths I .Half-Crown () ofnew ha,.

PLA.NTING ORCHAR DS, GARDENS, &e. CARPE NT RY TAB J,ES. Trees required to plan t an acre of land. The square of 10 feet-100 superficial feet: 100 superfi cial fcet- l square of boarding, flooring, &e. 39 deals, 12 feet long, 2t inches thick, mak e 1 ton. Distance. D istance. Distance. fef'!. in. No. f eet. in, .J.Yo. feet, in . No. Ten feet boards to a S IJ IIlII·e. 1 0 ·j;3,560 6 0 1,210 12 0 302 21 boards 5 in ches broad 15 boards 3 inches broa d 1 n 19,360 (l e i.oai 13 0 258 20 6 13 9 add 2ft. 6in. 2 0 10,890 7 0 889 11 0 223 17 7 add 1 foot 12 " 10 " 2 6 6,960 7 6 775 15 0 19·\ I " " ..,, 0 4,84.(J 8 0 680 16 0 171 Twelve feet boards to a Squaro , :l (; 3,556 8 6 602 17 0 151 20 boards 5 inches broad 12 boards 8 inches broad, add 4 feet 1, 0 2,722 9 0 538 18 0 135 16 6 ndd 4 feet 11 9 add 1 foot t 6 2,151 9 6 ·j82 19 0 121 It 7 add 2 feet I 10 " 10 ii, 0 1.742 10 0 -J·3G 20 0 109 " 13 12 feet deals 1 square of wroug ht flooring {> 1;4-10 10 6 301 21 0 !> 99 12} 12 feet deals 1 square of rough flooring 11 12 feet battens 1 square of wrought flooring TO MEASURE UNSQUARED TIMBER. BRICKLAYING TABLES. In order to ascert..in the contents, multiply the square of th o quarter girth, or of ! of the mean CIrcum ference, b;r th e length. When ~h e . bu>:er. is not a~l ow ed his choice of !:,irth in tape! trees, .he may 1 square yard of clay makes 460 bricks 10 bricks 1 foot supcrfieial guag-cdarching tak e th e mean dimen sions, either by gutlnng It III th e middle for the mean girth, or by girthing It at the 1 burnt brick is 9 inches long , 4!- inch es wide, 2;\- 272 sup erficial feet 1 rod of reduced brickw ork, 1!- two ends, and taking half of their sum. If not, girth the tr eo in so man y places as is thought necessary, inches thick, and weighs 4 lbs. 15 oz. brick thick then tho sum of thc several girths, divided by th eir number, will gi,o a mean circumference, th o fourth 32 bricks cover a square yard 306 cubic feet 1 rod part of which being squared, and multiplied by the length , will gi,e th e solid cont ents. 16 bricks 1 foot of reduced brickwork 450 stock bricks 1 ton The superficial feet in a board or plank is known by multiplying the length by the breadth. If tbe 7 bricks 1 foot sup erficial marle facing, laid Flemi sh 1 rod of brickwork 13 tOM hoard be tap ering, add th e breadth of th e two end s together, and take half their sum for the mean breadth, bond 500 bricks 1 load and multiply the length by this mean breadth. Brickwork is generally measured by the rod of 16t feet, or 272t square feet. 98 99 Brickwork is estimated at Ii brick thick, which is eallcd the standard thickn ess, To reduce cubie ret: :to the standard, multiply by 8, and divide by 9. If a wall be more or less than the standard, multiply the superfieial contents of the wall by the I n umber of half bricks in the thickness, and divide the product 3. ;.: ~~~~~~~~~~~~oo~~o~~~~~~Q~O~~~ 36 bushels of cement, and 36 of sand, for 1 rod of brickwork < M.-tP"""4r-t P"""4 .-t 2i 1 yard, or 9 superficial feet A 1t briekwork ~OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP"""4P"""4P"""4~~~~~~IO ! " of pointing ~ :I- " of plastering s: Limc, newly slaked 1 part } is considered the ~oocooooooooooooooooooooocooo Fine sand 3 parts best proportions Coarse sand 4 parts for good mortar 1 hundred of lime 26 striked bushels 2 57! cubic feet 1chaldron 1 " 100 pecks :< A ~~~~~~~~O~~~~c~~~~OO~~~06~~~ 18 nearly, heaped bushels 1 square yard, or load r'l., ~ M ~ ~ 22 nearly, striked bushels 1 square yard, or load ;. i hundred lime, with sand proper . ... 1 load ~OO~M~~~~~~~~~~kO~~~~~~~C~QO~OO ~ 27 bushels of chalk lime, and 3 loads of sand for 1 rod of brickwood r'l """'''''"'''''"' """'",,",r"'"'I 18 bushels of Dorking, Merstham, or Guildford stone lime, and 3t } ~oooooocooooocoooooooooo~~~~~ loads ofsand for ...... 1 rod of brickwo rk "" 1 hod of mortar, nearly half a bushel I MASONRY TABLE. ~ AOO~ooo~ooo~ooo~ooo~ooo~ooo~ooo~ooo~ooo 16 cubic feet of Po rt land stone 1 ton '1 121 cubic feet of Granite H 1 ton Z 17 Bath stone " 13 " Marble 0 15 " Yorkshirc stone ..." 14i " P aving stone ~ ~"""'~~~OOS=~~~~O~M~~OOS=~S~~O~~SO ~ It is common for masons to reduce their work to 2 fcct in thickness. r'l All stones above 2 inches thick are usually calculated at so much per eubic foot. W ork is paid for by ~OOOOOOOOOOOM ~M""",~ ",,",~,,,,",~~~~~~=~oo the foot superficial appearing outside the wall. ""

~ PLASTERING TABLE. -< r'l ~~~~~~=~OOOS~~~~~~~~~~g~~g~~gg 1 bundle of laths, and 500 nails, cover 41 yards 13 hundred of lime, 4 loads of sand, and 10 bush els of . 4i hundred of lime, 6 loads of sand, 15 bushels of hair, required for 200 yards of render sct " I rl hair, 2 loads of laths, and nails, cover nearly 1 Single fir laths ar e less than ! inch thick '- rod, plaster set Double fir laths are f of an inch thick 0 ~ ~ SLATING TABLE. '"c 0 ~ Q 0 ~ ,., <>1 0 .,;e '" '" . ~ C> C'1 00 C'1 ~ lQ 120 slates make 1 hundred Countesses . 1 ft. 10 in. by 0 ft. 11 in. '" """0 00 ,,, 0 ... ." c"" I to~ " rl"' ... 110 Duchesses "' d 1 square Duchesses .. 2" 2"byl" 3 " ~d -200 Countesses ~ ... ..; 1 squarc Rags and Queens 0 0 0 0 00 Q g' 3" 3" by 2 " 3 " !oil'" ~ 00 00 Q Q '" ·0 P-4 rl " " " ;:: " d DIGGING TABLE. £ 1 cubic yard of wavel or earth 1 load cubic feet of sand ...... 1 ton '"0 17 cubic feet of clay 124 1 ton 1 load contains 16t heaped bushels before digging, . ~'" 18 cubic feet of earth 1 ton and 27 when dug i:i 8 WELL-SINKING TABLE. ",' A 3 diam, well fcet per foot 44 galls' l A well 7 fcet diam, per foot gall .j, 239 s, '"" 73 " "B" " 313 ] 5 122 " "9,, " 396 .s '"0 6 176 " " 10,, " 489 " .S .s... WEIGHT OF CATTLE. '" Meas ure round the animal close bchind the shoulder, then along the back from the fore part of the " shoulder-blade to the bone at the tail. IIfultiply the square of the girt by five times the lenglh both .... expressed in fcet . Divide thc rcsult by 21, and you have the weight of the four quarters in StO;'CSof '"0 ~ 14lbs: Thus, if th~ girt be 6} feet, mult!ply it by 6}, making 42;\- fect-then if the length bc 5t feel. '"u 5:I'ooiI~";'-QQOOCOOe-10 ~ • """' _...-.l multiply by 5, making 26:1- fcet: next multiply the results 42t by 26t, and you have n09r., this divided . I { :S~~~~=~~~= by 21, givcs 52 stones nibs. as ncarly as possible.I n very fat cattle, the weight is about a t~ventieth mol" H '" lS ~ lO Q::l ~ a: DlE!!CE. ABSTRACT OFPOSTAGE RATES ON LETTERS, BOOK· PACKETS, &a. or partial, and on Procuring S.lLES ASD PlrnCIIASES. Return of Premium (on amount _ On Private Sales of Merchandise or recovered} including Brokerage .. D LETTERS. I'roduee ...... '" 5 pel' cent COMMISSION FOR GENERAL AGENCY. Exceeding 1 oz., and not exceed. On Private Sales of H ouses, Land, 5 On ~Ianagemen t of Estates as A~ e';'t, From any part of N ew Zealand to any other ing 2 029. 4-s. or Ships-Up to £1000 ... .A.ttorne,Y, Executor, or A~lIllIDlS. part of New Zealand:- A nd so on, increasing 25. for every additional Ounce And for th e amount over £1000 2} " trator (on amounts received or Not exceeding t ounce ... 2d. or fraction of an ounce. £5000 ... 1:1-" disbursed) ... . 5 per cent Exceeding t ounce, and not ex- Letters sent to or bT. seamen and soldiers in Her On Pri,,;;e Sales ot P urehase of Runs On Leasinz or Lettmg Land 01' ceeding 1 ounce 4d. Maj esty's service WIll be transmitt ed within the or Stock-Up to £10,000 .. . 2! H ouses" if for less than three 1 ~ EXCl'e~ingo1 ounce, and not ex. Colony, and between th e Colony an d an y post -office And for the amount over £10,000... years-'On One Year's Rent ceedmg ~ ozs. ... 8d. in the British dominions, at a charge of 1<1., provid ed On Sale or Purchase of Government For three to ten years-On Two that the following regulations are observ ed- Seeurities ...... :.. 1 " Years' Rent...... i' And so on, increasing 4d. for eyery additional ounce or fraction of an oun ce. Each lctter must not be more than half an On Sale or Purchase of Shares III For ten years and upwards-On ounce in weight. Public Companies ...... 2 Three Years' Rent .. . . 5 To the United Kingdom, by direct ship or ordinary On Sale or Purchase of Bills of Ex- On Collectinz and Rem itting Rents . mail via Sonthampton. It must be sup erscribed with tho name of the ii· writer, description or class in th e vessel or change ...... 1 "Inter ests ;j Not exceeding t oz. 6d. On all Goods Withdrawn, re .~ll\p~ed, On lm~~stin~ Money 0;; Mortg"age .. . regiment, and sign ed by th e officer at the or Delivered to order (on lll.v~)lee) 2} On Recovering Debt s and other Ac- Excccding t oz., and not exceed. time in command. ing 1 oz. '" Is. On Goods consigned ,for Cond itional 2"; counts ...... ii Postage must be prepaid. De livery (on mvoico value) • On Cash Payment s-If in fu?ds 01 Exceeding 1 oz., and not exceed- :[ Letters on the puhlic service of lIer :nfajcst'y's III ... " ing 2 ozs, 2s• On Goods Received and Forwarded If not funds ii naval and military forces are exempted from the (on invoice value) ...... On ASmne(' ;~ Produce for Ship ment 0 1 ... :: " And so on, increasing Is. for every additional ounce payment of postage, if bearing the words "On H cr On Guaranteeing" Salce, BillsorBonds On Advan ces and Current Accounts orfraction of an ounce . Maje sty 's Service,' and the signature of th e omcer by endorsement or oth ~rwlse .... 2}.. not liquidated at th e end of the To the United Kingdom, by :Marseilles :- in command of the force on tho service of which the On Purchase of Merchandise, Ships, season, say 31st March, th e bal- letter is despatched. Houses, Land, 01' Produce-s-nob anee to be charged as !' .fresh Not exceeding t oz. in weight 10d. Agricultural-If in funds ~!. ndvance ,subjcrHoaCommlsslOf!0f ;) Exceeding oz., and not ex- Letters on the publi c service of the General Go. t vernment of the Colony are transmitted free by post If not in funds .. . On becoming Guarantee or Security ceeding 1 ozs, ... Is. 8d. A gri cultur~l Pro~~cc if bearing th e words "On the publi c se r-viea only," On Purchase of 5 for Contracts (on amount of Exece~ing01 oz., and not ex- On Goods Sold by Auct ion (m.add'tlon penalty) ...... 2t and th o signat ure of an officer of the General Go. eeedmg ~ ozs, ... 3s. 4d. vernment authorised to frank official letters. to Auctioneer's Commission) 2} On Acting as Trustee under ASSIgn - Exceeding 2 ozs., and not ex- SIIIPPISG AGE~CY. ments (on amount collected and On P rocurinz Money on Bottomry disbursed) ... v: 5 ('eeding 3 ozs. 6s. 8d. and Resp~ndentia , or on Procur- On Granting Letters of Credit 1 Every ounce after th e first Is. 8d. NEWSPAPEHS. ing Freight or Char.ter for Vessels, I:fTEEEST. To British Colonies and foreign countries (for Sent free to any part of the Colony, if published and Collecti ng Freight and Pas- .; On Advances, including Disburse- which mails arc made up direct):- t?erein, and post ed within seven dllys from publ ica, lion. sal;reMoney ... "'d 0 't' monts for Frcight, Duty, or 10 Not exceeding t oz. 6d. On Ship 's Disbursements an u • Lig"hterage, per annum ._. Exceeding t oz., and not-exceed. If no t published in the Colony, or not posted fit-If in funds ~!" On Accounts Currcnt...... 10 within seven days from publication, one penny. If ing 1 oz. ... Is. not in fund s ... o. " RE-RXCIIANGR. Free to the United Kingdom, via Southampton, (including amounts paid to Captains On Interprorinc.ial Bills D ishonoured E,;ceeding 1 oz., and not exceed - <) or by dircct ship. when in port.) (with notarial charges) ...... 5 mg 2 ozs, ... _so To the United Kingdom, via Marseilles, 3d. each. On P rocuring Vessels for Charter ... 2} On Bills on any of th e. Australian And so on, increasing Is. for e"ery additional ounce On Entering Vessels from E.ng"landor Colonies (with notarial charg~s) 10 orfraction of an ounce . To the continent of Europe, vi a Trieste, 2d. each. elsewhere (the Au stralian Colo- £3 3s Or! On English and Fo reign Bills (WIth o' Special rates are payable to France and Algeria, nies only except cd) 3s Od notarial charges, postages, &c.)... ~O On Clearing ditto ditto £3 CIIAnGES. andforeip countries, through France-to the Con­ BOOK P ACK E TS. tinent Of Europe, via Tricste-to China and the On Entering Vessels from the Au s- £ 1 11s 6<1 On Local Bills Dishonoured or Re - Eastern Archipelago. For th e United Kingdom, cia Southampton, and trnlian Colonies £ 1 11s 6d ncwed ...... 2} .. from one part of the Colony to anoth er, not exceed. On Clearing ditto ditto . . T Heceiving and Stowing General !>~er . Letters addressed to officers serving on board any ing 4 ozs. in weight, 4d.; exceeding 4 ozs, and not On Entering or Clean?g Coasting chandise and Produce (cxceptmg of Her Maj esty's ships on a foreign station, when exceeding 8 ozs., &I .; ex.ceeding 8 ozs , lind not over Vesse ls not exceeding 20 tons £0 l Os Ud wool), per ton ...... , ... Is 6d lent throngh the United K ingdom, are chargeable as 1 lb., Is. 4<1., and Sd, for every additional half-pound follows :- burthen £ 1 I s Od Delivering dit to (excepting wool), per I s 6d or fraction of half-a.pound. Above 20 tons bnrthen .. . Stow. ton ...... i No t excee ding i oz. I s. The above rates are doubled to the United K ing. Fcc for Survey of Hatches or £ 1 I s 0<1 Receiving, W eighing, Marking, an, Exceeding i oz., and not exceed. dom via Marseilles. age (each sur\·0.Y). ':. r Delivering Wool, per balo .., 2s ing 1 oz. 2s. Clerk's Att endance Discharg ing Yos- d Storage on Goods and Liqui ds, by £0 15s .0 t t er Fcc soforls (pel' Surveyday)of Da...maged .. . Goods... I s & u . 'w"ceieght,,k me.a.s. urem.e..n per... on p... I s RE G ULAT ION S. (each Sur l'eyor) .. . .., ... 2 P Storage on W ool (full-sized bales), (accord ing to circumstances.) per week, each ...... 6,1 All lette!'s, packets, and newspapers, if liable to postage, posted in New Zealand, mu st be prepaid by On Insnrance Effect('d, or a.rders Smaller ditto per w e e~ , .eaeh... 4d affiring postage labels of the Colony of sufficient .alue. W ritt en for Insurance of Shlps.or Commission on HeeelVing and For. Cargo, whcn dno othe r Commls- t per cent warding Wool, per bale ... k ~d 6d All letters recei" ed from beyond scas, at any post -office in th is Colony, which lin"e not been regularly sion is charge ... 1 Ya rd Stor age, pCI'ton, per ,,,ee posted at th e place of despatch (loose letters) are char geable with full postage, according to the establis hed lates, unless they are lett ers which it is not compulsory by law to send by post, in which case th ey are On Settling I nsurances Losscs, tota t and tare 10 lbs. per baJe. chargeable with the inland rate of postage only. N.D.-Draft on Wool to be at the rate of 1 lb. per cw .,

CHRIS~TCHURCH , " -, • .iI •

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107 LOCAL POSTMASTERS. ELECTORAL OFFICERS. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. AROWIIENUA-D. Ferguson. Principa l R eturn ing OjfiCCl' (for /the election of Lance, J. Dupre Lance, W. K. )facdonald. E. lIf. ASlIBURT ON- ,nlliam.Turton. Superintendent).-Will iam Donald; Deputy A. B. J. Aeland, H . P. ~L Aynsl ey, A. Back, J. Macpherson, B. M. Moorhouse, " Tilliam S. Moor. D UvAUCHELLES BAy-F. Vanstone. ditto ditto.- Will iam Wilson. Bealc!, his H onor S.Bealey, H. Belfield, W. C. house, T. W. Maude, J. Ollivier, H . Ph illips, J . ASIID URTON F ORKS-A. Thompson. BesWlek, J. Birch, C. R. Blnkiston , C. Bowen, C. C. Palmer, R. P ark, w. K. Purnell, J . H. Potts, R. R. R egistra tion and R etm'ning Ojfielfrs (for the elee. Rh odes, G. A. E. Ross, 'V. Ree"es, H . E.Reader, FERRY ROAD-J. H opkin s. tion of Members of the H ouse of Hepresenta. Dowen, J. C. Boys, J . T. Brown, J . Brittan, R.M. , H EAD OF TIlE BAY, 1,"HTELTON-Wm. Blatch- W. G. Brit tan, J. Carew, T. Cass, E . Chapman. lion. J. C. Watt s Ru ssell, H . A. Scott, A. 'V. tires), viz. :-Christchurch, Lyttelton, Kaiapoi, 'V. Shand, lIf. P. Stoddart, J. Studholme, 1\I. Stud. ford. Avon, H eathcote, and Elle smere, 'V. D onald· r.T.Cookson, A. Cox, H . Coole, A. R. Creykc, A. H EATH COTE RAILWAY STATION- G. Fitzmaurice. IT. Cunnin gham, W . Donald, R.M ., C. Dudl ey. J. holme, E. G. Stcricker, F. E. Stewart, R C. Shear. Deputy, 'V. 'Vilson. M aroa, J . Watson; man, lIon. II. J. Tanered, C. O. 'L'orlesse, C. H EATH COTE VALLEY-W . Sinclair. Deputy, W. Weston. Cheviot, H on. G. II. E. FitzGerald, E . Gray, R.Greaves, W. J. 'V. H URU:'\' UI-J. Hastie. I1armlton, R.M., J . H all, R.M., T. W . Hall, R. J, 'Vard, L. Walker, E. J . Wakefield, S.L. " ' orsley Lee ; Deputy, W. B. Pauli. Timaru, B. J. Watst> n, RM., A. E. White, T. W. White, J . C: Kow.u-R. W oodhous('. Woollcombe ; Dep1,ty, P. B. Luxmoore. S. Har man, D. Inncs, F.J ollie, E. J ollie, G. Kirton, LITTLE AKALoA-Geo. Boleyn, R. Latter, G. L. Lee, E. J . Lee, A. Lean, H . P . Wi lson, C.B., B. Woollcombe, R.lIf., F. A. Welrl R eturn ing Ojficers (for the election of Members of R. Wilk in, J. Worsley, W. H. Simms. ' :MAC KENZIE PLAINS-E. J. Stericker, th e Provincial Council), viz. :-Christehureh, MOERAKI D OWlS" s-J. Messont. Lyttelton, Kaiapoi, Ran giora, Mandeville, Sef­ . _ _ _ _-_ _ _ __.- . OK.H:'\" S BAy- G. Bishop. ton, Oxford, Avon, H eathcote, Lincoln and ORARI-'V. Stranks, DIOCESAN SYNOD. OXFORD-T. Woodfield. Port Victoria, W . Donald; Deputy , W. wu, PAPAlS" UI-F . T. H askins. son. Akaroa, 'Vainu i, and the Bays, Edw ard Latter ; D ep1lee Soeiety . Montgomery, H. P . Murray-A ynsley, :,,:". K. one year: vacant. Dudley Divinity Scholarship, Treasur er, C. 'V. Bishop. Solicitor, F. Slate r. P reside nt , C. F. Worth; Tre asurer, R. Clephaue ; ::II'Lean, J. Milton, L. E. Nathan, J . Ollivi er, J. £15 per annum: vacant. Bankers, Uni on Bank of Australia. Secretary, G. Secretary, '\'. Alexa nder ; Corresponding Secretary, Palmer, J. T. P eacock, 1'. Pavitt, E. Pavitt, II. College Lib"ary, ;1£ connection ioitl, Christ« Furby. J. G. Baker ; Committee : Messrs. A. Flora nce, Henshaw, 'V. Reeves, E. Richardson, 1'. Ritchie, E. College, and under control of its go v ern in ~ body­ The Ly tt elton. Tnlstees: ' V. Donald, E . A. Ford, P rice, Cutter, Guiness, McIIutchison, Kerr. Reece, ::II. Sprot, R. Symin gton, R. T. Stanley, r, Librarian. R ev, G. Cotterill. Subscription (one Hargreaves, J. T. House, B. Buchanan, F. E . Conn al, Smeal on, Dav ey. E . Stewart, F. 'I'odhuut or, C.O. Torlesse, C. W. guinea per annum) entirely devoted to th e purchase Wright. Treasurer: S. E. " -right. Solicitor: R Turner, F. Thiel, .J. H. Ward, J. T. White, ,Y. of books. Open on ~londay s , Tuesdays, Th ursdays, W. C. D'Oyly. Secretary : J . S. 'YilIeoK. Eire Brigade. Wilson, R. " 'Hkin, D. Wood. and Fridays, from 12 to 1 p.m., on Saturdays from The Cant erbury. Trustees : E. A. Hargreaves, Chief E ngiueer, C. F. W orth ; Assistant Engi. J. T. Peacock, W. D onald, J . G. Fyfe, F. E. A ssurance Societies. 12 t0 4 p.m. nee r, 'V. H arris. No. 1 Company: Cap ta in, D. Wright.. Treasurer: F. E. " 'right. Secretary : Anderson; Assistant E ngin eer,J. Suckling; Bran ch­ The Liverpool and London: Agents, Lyttelton Chrlstcluir ch. High School (established 1858). J. S. Willcox. ma n, E. Brooker, j unr.] Assistan t Branehman, lI. and Chri stchurch, 'V. Bowler, Th e Northern: Directors : Rev. C. Frazer, Minister of St. An· Provincial Investmen t and Loan Association. H eaps. Xo, 2 Company : Cap tain, J. Reeves : Lyttelton, II. Renshaw : Chri stchurch, F. Thomp­ dr ew's Church. Chairman, J. S. Turnbull, ) LD.: Trustees: 'the H on. J ohn Hall, ~ fe s srs . W. S. Assistan t Captain, J. C.Atkinson : Branchm an, l son. Th e New Zenland : Lytt elton lind Christ­ Secretary, J ohn Lillie , D.D..; R Wilkin, T. W. Moorhouse, R. W ilkin, w. G. Brittan, and 'V. Coe ;Assistan t Bran chman, \L E-, Samuels ; church, J. M. H eywood and Co. The Australasia!,: )laude, :Mark Sprot, W. Wilson, J. Anderson, J. Wilson. Manager: )11'. E. C. J. Stevens. Treusurer, C. H. Smith; Secretary, N. Suckling. Christchurch, ::IIatson and Torlesse. The Imperial J ohnston; Rector, David Scott ; Classical ~I llS tcr, Solicitor: Mr. E. F. B. Harston. Valuators : ~[es srs. Fire Insurance Company of Lond on: Lyttelton --; English Master, Charle s Cook ; Music 1l[a ~ ter , Mountfor! and Luck. Bankers: The Bank of Canterbw'!l T!lpoyJ'apM c«1 and PI'ovid,mt and Christchurch, Dalgety, Bucklcy and Co. The -- Waddington; Drill Master, J. Marshall. New South Wales. A ssociat ion. ::'Iorth British and ::IIcrcantile Company: Lyttelton N ewspap ers. President, H enry F. Bak er; Vice. President, J. and Christchurch, R. Symington. Victoria: "'alton, Presbytery of Canterbury. Armi tage ; Treasurer, J. Smith; Secretary, F. J. Warner ami Co. Au stralian: J. Lewis. Pacific The "Lyttelton Tillles,"published by the pro. P earson. BOllrd: )lessrs. Ogier, J. Jones, F. Fire and :Marine: J . 1'. Peacock, nevds. C. Frazer (Moderator); G. Grant, W. 'V. Kirton, 'V. II0i>g; Messrs. G. Duncan, J . Gil· prietors, Messrs. 'Vard and Hecves, every Tuesday Hatch, G. Cox, T. Bcrry. ~I1- Thursday, and Saturday, at their ' Offices, GJouee s~ C.~ristchlll·ck j,llechallics' I/£stitute. lespie, J. MacmIllan, Presbytery Clerk; .•1. J. Fletcher, Treasurer. tel' street, Christchurch. Tho" Canterbury Stand­ Freemason/'y-Provincial G;'aud Lodge. President, his Honor the Snp crintendent; T"C'I­ ard," published for th e Proprictor, e"ery Tue sday l'.G.M., H Oll. John Chal'!es Watts Russell ; surcr, G. Miles; Librarian, Dr. Prins; lIon. Ol"'istcltttrelL i'oung Men's Clll'istian Association. and },'riday, at his Olliee, Oxford Terrace " Test th~ D.P.G.M., William Donald; P.S.G.W., James Seerctary, J . Cuff: Clerk, C. J . Header . President, Hev. J . Bull er; Secretary, Mr. Tho,. Christchurch. "," published for Grant; P.J.G.W., Cyrus Davic; P.G. Registrar, Cox; Treasurer, Mr. J. E. )Iarch; Librarian, Mr. Proprietor, by W . Collins, daily, at " The Press" Chas. 'Vellington Bishop; P. G. Treasurer, J. G. St. Mickael's Clutrch Institute Choral Class. A. Gee. Committee: Rev . 'V. J . Habens, B.A. ; Office, Cashel street, Christchurch. Hawkes; RG. Secretary, Augustus Frederick Noel President, the Hev. H. Jacobs: Committee, Messrs. J . ,V. Shackleton, J. I'. Jameson, W. Blak iston ; P.S.G.D., George },'rederick Day ' ::IIessrs. Button. Crooks, Hobbs, and Seager; Trea­ Hislop, R. Dawson, J. S. Gutlu~e, D. B. Bowie, J. Pl'ilosophical Institute of Canterbul'!J' I'.J.G.D., Charles Ffrench P embert on ; p.d. surer, R . S. Jackson; Choirmaster, J. Bilton; G. Baker. • Presidcnt, Julius IIaast; Treasurer, J. Bealey; Superintendent of " 'orks, A. Beetham; I'.G. Di. Organists, :Messrs. Bilton, and D. Inwood. Hon Secretal'J, E. C. J. Stc,·ens. rect or of Ceremoni es, J. S. Willcox; P .G. Assistant CI,ristchur clL HOl·ticultul·al Soeiety. D.C. , 'Villiam Kentish McL ean; P.G. Sword­ Cltristchurch Orpltan Asylum. President, his Honor S. Bealey, E sq.; Vice' Saltlcater Creek and Kaiapoi Coasting Steam bearer, lienry Renshaw; P .G. Pursuivant, John Navigation Company, Limited. .F~l er;. p.G. Stewards,_.J. L. B lIl e ~ti ~e , G. Taylor, The Institution is under the control of the Stand· President, Thomas H. Potts, E sq.; Treasurer, '~Jlson, Gr osvenor Miles, Esq.; Secretary, Mr. Andrew '\. Strmger, G. II. W. Gilktson, J. San. ing Committee of the Dioce san Synod. Secretary, Ineorporated under the Joint Stock Companies' derson; P.G. l'yler, W. Dorsett. 110 I II T he St . AUgllStille L odge, No. 600. Christ"h"" cl, RaillOay Rowing Club. TRADES AND CALLING S. W.M., C. W. Bishop; P.M., James Grant; S.' V., President , G.H olmes, E sq.; Vice-Presidents, E. J oshua Cuff; J.W., G. H. Tribe ; S.D ., - Sha ckle­ Richardson and W. Reeves, Esqrs, ; H on, Secretary ClIRISTCRURCH. ton; J.D., -W oodforde; I .G., - Brooker; Secre­ and Treasurer, R. P. Crosbie. tary, F. C. Tribe ; ~!. C . , G. H. W ilson; Stewa rd, •I, C. Brooke; Tyler, W. G. Dorsett. Uegular Christchurch. G,ymnasi"," A ssociat ion• AUCTIONEERS. BANKERS. BO OK SELLERS AKD Chairm an, W. Wilson, E sq. : J.Ollivier, G. Bird, STATIONERS. meetings, W ednesday nearest to each full moon, at -s- H ereford street- the )lasonic H all, Christchurch. w. S. Moorhouse, w. K. McLean, C. M. O ll i vie~ R . E. Alport -St. Quenti n, G. Sale, G. Turner, Crosbie Ward; Union Bank of Australia, J . Colombo street- Luck and Cook Palmer, Manager :NelC Zealand L odge of Ullanimit!!, N o. 604. Treasurer, E . C.Stevens ; R on. Sec. R. P. Crosbie. Benjamin and Co. J . Younghusband Bank of New South Wales, ' Theeler mid Son D.P.G.M., W. )!., Will iam Donald; P .lI!. and Cobb and Co.'s Telegl'aph Line of R ogal Mail Higl' str eet- J. Hill, lIIana::;er Coaches. Aikman and Wilson Mrs. P ope Treasur er, J ohn Smith ' Villeox; S.'V., George Savin gs Bank, at . Ieehanies' A. T. W. Bradwell Tayler; J.W., John Thomas Rouse ; S.D.,Thomas L. E . Na than and Co. Institu te, F. E. Wrigh t, Proprietors, L. G. Cole and ce., offices, High. T. B. Craig H igh street- Preece; J .D., Henry Laurance; I.G., J ames D. street, next. Birdsey's British Rotel. Coaches of "'-lanager S. Easton Graha m ; Secretary, Charles 1I100n Igglesden. Ollivier and SOil Cashel str eet- tbis line leave regularly three tim es a week for J. P . Raphael A. J. Ste....ens W eeden's, Selwyn, Rakaia, Ashburton, Rangitata, Bank of Au str3.llIsia, W. C'' street- Cltristchurch F oot-Ball Club. Colombo street- G. Ramsgar :Messrs. Fyfe, Willcox, Grubb, Preece, and Casl..l street-s­ W hatele,yRoad­ Genet. Surveyor, C. ~!. Igglesden; Town Clerk, Central H otel, Moil' and President , G. "'-riles; Vice-Presidents, th e Rev, George Inwood Campb ell J ohn Caygil l C. Bowen and IIIark Sprott ; Committee, A. F.N. ,V. Godfrey ; Inspector of Nuisances, J. H odgson, S. Gibbons Tu am. street- Blakiston, II. 1'. Crosbie, A. Cuff, F. M. Ollivier, T. Colombostreet- L,lltt eltOll Fo resters' Court. T. Pring G. Packe, I{. Ross, F. Strouts, and G. Turner; James Sipthorp Rawley BLACKSMITHS AJ.'\"D Oxford Terrace-s- Hon, Secreta ry and Treasurer, C. M. Ollivier, Court Queen of th e Isles, No, 2,703 : C.R., Andrew Ritchie FARRIERS. D. JII'Clannan Thomas Sutt on; S.C., It R Forbes; Treasurer, Jameson and Hicks Gloucester street­ Mlls ic-Canterbur!! jlIll sical Societs), 'V. Uayner; S.W. , George Auttay; J.'V., J. John Aulsebrook Arma.q" street­ l 'hos. Cary President, Rev, J. 'Vilson; Vice-President, ,,,. Chaney ; Secretary, J . S. Willcox. T. Gee Geeson and Ball Durham street­ Colombo street- Stringer; Treasurer, G. Miles; Secretary, It. Davis ; BOWLING ALLEY. Leader and Conduc tor, C. Bonnington; Librarian, Lyttelton SavinfJs Bank. Quine and Cain A. Wilson .J. B. Stansell. Tuam street­ Hel'~fOl'd stre et-s­ President, His Excellency the Governor ; Vice­ James Walker Thos. Anderson Colombo street- President, J. Hamilton, Esq.; Trustee s, Messrs. Central ITotel, :Moir and H eathcote R egatia Club. "r. E. H. Banks Man cltester street­ E. D . Byrne, I,'. Banks, J. L. Coster, E. Ivens, 'V. High street-s­ W . Armstrong Campbell Patron, Hi s lIonor th e Superintendent ,Com­ Reeves, Thom as Ritchie, J. 1'. Rou se, R Syming­ Robert Gilkes Montreal street­ modore, S.Moorh ouse, E sq.; Vice-Commodore, ton, C. F. Beeby, George Buckley, F. N. Campbell, ,Y. Glollcest.,· street­ John Johnston BRICK AND TILE MAKEHS. George H olme" E sq. Committee : Chairman, w. Donald, E. A. Hargreaves, R Latter, H. S. T. Wilson J. Williams .John . Olli,-ier, .Esq.; Treas ure r, W. ~golDery, M'Kellar and th e Rev. F. Knowles. Trustees of C~tehureh Ozford Terrace­ Cashel street- Ferr!! Road­ J':'q.; Secret ary, 1'. " ' . Moor e, E sq.; Committee, the District Branch : Messrs. IT. E. -Allen G. Jackson Messrs. J. 1'. I'eaeoek, R P. Crosbie, A. F. N. Alport, .T. Bealey, , G. Gould, Manchester street­ Papanui Road- Hereford street Blakiston, - Kissling, A. M'Kellar. Grosvenor Miles, C. W. Turner, and W. D. W ood. \ A. Thiele R . Wagstaff G. Reynolds

114 115

FRUITERERS AND GREEN. GROCERS AND GENERAL Gloucester street- Cath d ral.quare- Bel·dora strest ­ IIfERClIANTS, TDIBER, GROCERS. STOREKEEPERS. New Zealand, J, M. Hey. W. Edds Criterion, J ohn Coker : b r i c k ~ , Shakspeare, H. C. We st wood and Co., agents J. Collins (Firewood, coal, lime, Colombo street- Colombo street-s- Australasian, Matson and slat es, cement, &c.) Charl es P rince, Sydenham T. :Mummery Corporation, J. Nesbitt G. Morgan S t. A saph street­ Torlesse, agents Glo"ee.ter street­ Colombo and Cashe l streets and IIouse Go uld and )Iiles Ohristchurcl; quay­ Barrett' s, J. Barrett North British Mercantile, B, Bruce and Coo • .J. lIargootl J am eson and Hicks Symington, agent Montgomery, Todhunter and Bigh street- Whately Ro ad- Tua m street- H . P ra tt H ereford street- Co. J. Car ter and Co. W. Smallwood Britann ia, J . IIfummery W Anderson (Royal) Victoria, Walton, Warner O·rford terrace leest- M anchester street mid UlliOla w, Fisher M . M. Wyatt Carlton , G. Oram ,eh",:! H el'iford stl'eet- and Co., agents T. Shaill er TVhateley Road- D. Bloom Royal, lIIile. and Co., agents. Mill ton and Co. W . Tremayn e N . ",Vaxman and Co, Collins', J . Collins Jfal'ket p lace-s- M ontreal street- Colonial (Life) Burnell, A. W. Money M allehester street and Heath-: Oefor« Ter race-s- Benjamin and Co. Bennett, and Sprot, cot e .cliarf- J. J . Bennetts C. Riddle Crown, T. Sharp Colombo sll'eet- ngents Aikman, Knight and Co, Cashel street- H. T. Gourlay European, Harman and LOAN AND TRUST AGENCY Cathedral s'l''''''e west­ Thos. H ar ris H igh street- Central, l\foir and Campbell COMPANIES. H illton and Co, Caledonian, F. Newnham Stevens, agents -P eacock Fis her and Co. O.rfurd terrace-s- H igl. street- Gloucester street- J. H . J ackman Golden F leece, Smith and H 61'iford street- N ewton . Northern, F. Thompson, Laugdown and Co. -H award W . H. Davenp ort agent Trust and Loan Agency Glolteester street ami H eathcote Davis and Co. Hope Temperance, C. F. Company of Australasia Worth Higl' street-s- steam 10""':1'- GARDENERS. Alexand er Ma thews I mperial, Dalgety, Bueklev, C. R B1akiston ' '1.'. and E .Pavit t Liclgwld stl'eet­ :Mrs. Williams Oxford Family, A. A. Adley and Co., agents • Provincial Trust and Loan J. Dix Garrick, G. Dell Company, Harman and W. Wilson Albion, J . H. Tompkins Pacific }'ire and Mariue, T. MERCIIAKTS, GENE RAl" Colombo st reet-s­ J . Longman P eacock, agen t St even s A. J . White R aih\ay Chop House, T. D. Cashe ] st!'Cet- Colombo "fl'eet­ .J. Tunmer 'Ihompkms T. Cleph ane T. D. Jones lRONMONGERS. New Zealand'l'mst and Loan Geo. Gould C. Riddle A 1, Commercial, J. Blake Compa ny, IV. D, Car. Gould an d Miles Antilfua street­ Mechanics,' J . Fuchs \V. IIislop Cash e! stl'eet­ Culombo stree t- ruthers Brown ell and Co. C. Kiver . Prince of ",Vales, J. Whale K Reece and Co. E. Reece an d Co. Barbadoes stl'eet­ H 'g h stl'eet- W. Neeve IIfrs. J. Dew R. and D. Sutherland LODGING AN D BOAR DIKG High street-s- Kilmore street­ H .J.Hall Th e City, J. G. Ruddenklau ll;,q1l street- 1?algety, Buckley and Co. J .King White liart, w. J ones T. w. Gourlay and Co. H OUSE KE EPERS. W. Sr'eet­ and Co. Towl< B elt east- The Standard, W. W illis George Booth C. Money-The Victoria J. K. Kite hingman H . Lowther St. Asaph street- E. S. Da lgety and Co Whatelu Road- The Royal, J. Cuff A. Loui sson ' D urha m stl'eet- Tuan, street- E . Seager - Burlington, Tren t and K uapman hou se Cat liedral square-s- J ohn P earce Star H otel, H. Allehin L1:\]) & ESTA'l'E AGEXTS. A conside-s- John R utland Tuam street-s- J . M. IIeywood and Co. T/lam street- White H orse H otel W l ~ . ('"10,,,110 street-s- W. Swalc Samuels , . J. Swinbourn, Swinbonrn's R. Symington W . Cuddon Luck and Clark H ereford .,II·eet- Gl oucester street­ W illiam Gourlay The Wellington, Gosnell and H . E. Alport ~1rs . Alfrey GENERAL TIOOKING MeDermot Urquhart Jlfaepherson OF F IC E S. Xi/more street east Cathedra l s'l"are- :JfOfI fl'eaI stl'eet - Cashel sfl'eet- S UlI/ lle1' R oad- Malso n and Torlesse S. Brooker )1 rs. Grey Montgomery, Todhunler and High street­ Caversbam H ouse, J. Blake DeRourbel and Co. Co. Cobb and Co. HAIRDRESSERS. Mar ket P laee- H itt], street-s- :MED ICA L P RACTITIONERS. Taylor and Co. Gl oucester street-s­ Colombo street­ Royal Oak, J. Bank s Aikman and Wilson L iel!field sfl'eet­ Bruce and Coe Casliel street- Ollivicr and Son A. •~ w : s Arma.ql' ,street- P eacock and Co. ti . and S. H ooper Provincial, W . Styeh e Hereford street­ Tuam st"eet- S. Jl. Stiffe w, Deamer, M.D. GLASS, CHINA, AND C.Griffiu Tweed House, N. Edgar McLean, Th iel and )[vlton EAIGIIENWARE DEPOTS. P ark er's H otel, J. P ar ker C. F. Beeby Colombo sll'eet- Cath edra! '<'1 ual'e east­ J. D. F rank ish, sr.n. R. 1'. Stanley • 'V. Brice W indmill Ro ad- Harman and Stevens J.fan e],ester sfl'ed­ Colombo street-s- Shearers' Arms, - D earing Burnell, Bennett, and Sprot E. H . )fnrshall, surgeon Charl es Prince, Sydenham Hi,qh street-s- 1J'Iadras strcet- lIlillton and Co. IIouse C, Prebble A. Fl oranc e, surgeon Tu am street- INSTTRANCE COMPAXIES, LIYIm y AND COMMISSION H. Leake, London and Paris Casllel street- STABLES. J. S. Turnbull, M.D. IIfERCHAKTS, WINE AND House J . P"i estnall C. Leach, surgeon SPIRITS, &c. Liv erpool and London, W. (Jas],el street- J. W . Anderson, China and Bowler, agent High st>'ut- Colombo street- Glass House HOTELS AND PUBLIC W . D. Barnard R. Iliffe, surgeon IIOUSES. Colombo street- J. Ladbrookc E. B. and F. A. Bishop High street- London and Lancashire, J . Xi/mol" strect- J. Grant C. Oswald Cath edral S'1/1'li'e- Cobb and Co. S. S. Stedman, ::U.D, J . Lewis, agent Higl. street­ Man ehestel' street- navis and Co. White's H otel, W. White Australasian Mutual Prov i. O~ford t.rrace w. st­ E, Pilbrow Sal isbll?~ Road- MatlCheste1' street- W, Jones C. Nedwill, surgeen T. Sherl,d Knapman dent Associati on (Li f,'), Joseph P age He1'r;~rd stl'eet- The Railway, J. O'Neil J , Lewis, agent J . l\'. S. Coward,surgeon urnell, Bennett and Sprot H 116 117

MILLERS (FLOUR.) Ma"ch.,ter street­ L ineoln road-- Montreal stre et south-« UPHOLSTERERS AND R. W . Kobler SERVANTS' RE GISTRY. H ereford street- G. W . Nald er Brook and Gregg CABINET.MAKEHS. Gl oucest er stre et- Charles Zincgraf Cathedral square north­ 'V. II. Lane P. Hanmer, Louis, Travers Lich.field street­ ~s. Ancell'. Colombo street­ T ow,. belt , north- STOCK AND STATION J . Baldwin and Hanmer William Speedy Cashel str eet­ CO~IMISSlON AGENTS. W. T. Stevens Cashel street- Mainwaring G. E dmond F Mda l Tow" road- J. CH elmore RESTAURANTS. H ereford street-« High street- W.D. W ood SEEDS~EN. Miles and Co. W. W ebb PLU~IBER S , Colombo street- MiLLINERS AND DRESS. P.:UKTERS, Burnell, Benn ett, and Sprot Oxford terrace west­ GLAZIERS, &c. "The Provincial Lardtr," MAKERS. OUl'Mter stre.t­ C. Fred. Beeby G. Clark Anslow and Co. Duncan and Son. H igh street- Cambr idge terrace-« Colombo street- Colombo street- High stre et- W. S. Baker hal street- J. D. Macph erson A. Osborn lIrs. Edward Williams "The Dunedin Club," Mol'. II. J. Burnell. Dnlgety, Buckl ey, and Co. IVlzateley road­ Mrs. A. :U. Smith Button and P aton ton and Robinson A. C. Sutherland Colombo str eet­ CathedraI sqllare- ' Yalters and Co. ~Irs . Willi am., Glasgow ·holL,e H ereford street- W. Hislop. De Bourbel and Co. J . H ark er Axup, Steward an d Bell, Lea- Durham stre et- "The Volunteer," N. T. J ones and Smith L ickjield street-s­ Colombo street­ Cashcl street- mington H ouse J ohnson W. Wilson. G.Gould D. Le Comte ~Irs. 'Yalters Thomps on and Baldwin Cashei street- Gloucester str eet- Salisbury street-s­ D urham street- Holmes and FeamIey SLATERS. TAILORS. Thomas Milner Mrs , Jackson W. E. Samuels High stre et- Market Place- British IIotel, J. Birdscy Cathed" al sqllar o­ Colombo st reet- M m' ket Placc- VE TE RINARY SUR GEONS. Miss M. Smith Lummis and Smith Gibb and Midgley, G. Fl etcher High street- SADDLERS. Tuam street- H obbs and SOli D urha m.street-s- G loucester street-s­ . J . Booth. lIl iss IIicks St. Quentin D. Phillips E. Knnpma n Tow" B elt east- Colombo street­ St. Asaph. stree t-s- Gl oucest er street-s­ Armaqh. street-s- Mr s. Coe G. Boggis . J. Stills Ma'tch estlYl' st rect--« W. Bush J ohn Morgen UiJI and :Fish IVhat el.if road- H igh stre et­ J . Papprill Tllam st reet-s- Mr s. Butle;· J ames 'Yood H et'eford street- G.W. Allan SOLICITORS. H ig" stre et- .1. Hule, Sen. G. H ollingworth W . Pe ngclley Kilmm'o street­ 1.Irs. Cuthbert PHOTOGRAPIIIC ARTISTS. Market place- High street- P ap auu; B oad- Oxford Terra ce west- O. W. Oakes H. Moss T. Hankins S. J. Buxton. Caehe! street- Mr s. J. T. Pain J . Elsbee Whately "oad- ]rallchcstc,' str eet­ K ilmore street- -Martin . G. W. Nal der Sawtell and Th ompkins W AT CH )IAKERS AND J. Earnshaw - Mills J.Irs. Reid Colombo street­ G. Peters 1'. S. Du ncan J EW ELLlmS. Miss Win skill L ichfield street- 'Yheeler and Son Cashel street­ TINS)IITHS. Co70mbo street-s­ OJJ 01'd T errace-s- Lic7!field street- John C. Angus, F. Slater G. Coates Miss 'V. ~ O l'l' ow E. 'Yalker I . T. J oynt Cashel street-s- A. Urquhar t Cashel st reet-s­ High street- Gloucester street- W. Calvert H . H . Smith Miss Hamilton Mrs . R. Smith SCIIOOLS. Louis, Travers an 1H anm er High street- Sewell and Cottre II D . C. Anderson, Mrs..Jones Mu ndy and La'Mert A,.tigua st reet-s- J. Rowley H igh st reet-s- Mrs. 'V. Pratt Ma11Ch ester street- "College Grammar," R. Cathedral sqlUlrc- W. Calvert J. Cockroft Mr s. Nesbitt - We stropp Broughton, M.A. H. J . Perham Gloucester str eet­ P . P etersen . High street­ w, S. 1IIoorhouse POTTElty. Durham street- C.Blorc . Cashel str eet-s- . Misses Hawley "Church of England," F. Garrick and Cowlishaw L iclifield street-s­ Barnard and Sandstein Miss Strange and Co. B arb adoes street- G. Hawley J. D. Bamford John l 'ompkins W. Blunde ll. NEWS AGENTS. Jackson and Bishop, "The Manch ester sli'eet- Cashel street- Mar ket squa re- Gl oucester st reet­ Canterbury" "St. Luke's,"·~s. Young Foster and H elmore J. H. Nieman J. "'oodford Colombo stre et-s­ Hereford st"eel-- POULTERERS. L ower Lincoln. "oaJ- Mr s. Pope "High School," D. Scott w, H . Wynn Williams TOBA.CCONISTS. A. 1'. 'V. Bradwell Cashel street­ WIIEELWRIGHTS. H igh street- Colombo street-s­ J . Youngh usbnud 'V. Dorset " W esleyan," J. Cumber­ STEA~I SAW AND P:UANING K ilmo"e street-s­ H ig" street-s- - Milbank. . MILLS. II. H. Smith Cooper, Thomus worth, Master ; Miss A. Ayers A. J. Stevens PRINTERS. Pemberthy, Mistre88 T um" st reet-s­ Cashel street- Ferr¥ road-­ S. and S. H ooper Coupe, Robert Gloucester street- Armagh street-s- F. J enkin s. H igh street- J. G. Baker 'Yard and Reeves ,,'P reparatory School," Thc Cash et street­ T IlO III street­ Simpson and Marks H ossack, J ohn NEWSPAPERS. Oxford T errace west­ Misses Hi cks J . Booth . CasllBl street-s- L ichfield street- . T uam street-s­ L y tt elto" T imes, office, Gloucos­ "Canterbury Standard" office J . Samuels Fred. Hitches Cashel etreet-« " Ladies' School," The MissC8 Martin, Peter. tel' st reet Hutcheson Man chester street-s­ Press, ofllce, Cashel strc eb H Press" office STONEMASONS AND CON· TOWN CRIERS. " Infan ts' Day School," Mrs. TRACTORS. L'addoek, C. Standar d, office, 0 "ford Terrace PROFESSORS OF :UUSIC , W eerlen ; ditto Miss K il more street­ P eterborouqb strcet-« west Charl es Cambridge t erra ce-s­ E . Redman P rice, P . E "Clti"g Mail, office,Cathedral sq. Cashel street- C.Bennington Cranmer square- Hemmingway and Sheriff Papanui road-- NOTARIES PUBLIC. - Waddington " P reparatory School," Mrs, Durham stl'eet- C. Wigsell ZINC WORKERS. Armaqh. street,east­ Alabaster J. McCosker Cathedral Square- Colombostre et- bigh st reet- W. P. Cowlishaw, Garrick Mrs. J ohnston Town B elt south- UNDERTAKERS, John Longman. Oxford terraee-« " Ladi es' School," ){in J . Forgan and Sons and Cowlishaw Montreal street­ Colombo street- Armagh street­ Hereford street- ~s . Clark Cameron E. Iliorns. ..t.o"si de- -Tate J. Baldwin H . B. J ohnstone and W . II. Hereford str eet­ Cambridge terrace- Mm'k et P lcrce- John Bilton ],frs. Charles Th omson Cheste,' street­ W. W illilUllB Willi am Blythe A. Osborn. J . H . Niemann. 118 110

LYTTELTON. HAIRDRESSER. MILLINERS .t DRESSlUKERS. H eron, A., Norwich quay Mrs Dl1Sh, Lond on street Alexander, Miss, Lond on street FJfe, J G, London atroet AERA TE D WATER llLCiU. Young, 'William, Canterbury COAL YARDS. Austin, Mrs 'V, do Johnson and J enk ins, London-sr, FACTURER S. street HOTELS AND PUBLIC IHamilton, :lfrs, Dampier'. Ba)' M 'A"oy, Th os, London str eet Julian, William, Oxford street HOUSES, P earce, Mr s 1\' C, London street Merson, 'I'hos, Londo n st reet Gel', T M, Can terbury street Stamford, W, (and curri er,) Lon . Hurgroaves and Co, Norwich don street Albion, London street, J Ohn 11ill Chapman, Mrs, " 'i nehester street Miller, An drew, Londo n street Milsom, R, London street quay l\futt on, Thomas , Oxford street O'Hara, 'W, Oxford street W ebb, Samuel, Lond on street Peacock and Co, "narf Canterb,!r)', Norwich quay, R Da VIS JS"EWSPAPER AGENCIES. H ester, Thomas, Oxford street Stout, J B, London st reet ARCHITECT AND SURYE YOR. DUICKLAYERS. COMUISSIOX AGE NTS. Mitre, Nomi eh qua y, Edward L.vttelt Ol' Ti mes, Oxford street Salt and Hinet, Tieehurst road Nu rse P ress, Lon don street Bradfield, Rd, London atreet I gglesden, Ch as, :'f, Exeter street Salt, William, H awkhurst road Genet, Edward , Sumner Road Odd Fel low's Arm s, RP earson, E vm i"9 Mail, Canterb ury street Gibbons, 'Vm, Canterbury street P reece, Thomas, London street AUCTIONEERS. '''mehester street BUILDERS & CONTUACTORS. J ohnson and J enki ns, do Qaeen's, London street, JN JS" OTARY P UBLIC. STONEMASONS. Hargreaves, E A, N or wich Qua)" Alison, J ames, Simeon Quay " 'illea", J ohn , Bri dle path Fairhurst D'Oj'I)', RW C, London st reet Chane)', W m sen, " ' inehester-st Hargreaves, 1\' I1linm do Alison, John,St D avid street COACH PROPRIE TORS. Railway, London st reet, D P almer Chaney, W'm j un, Dampier's Bay W oledge, C JI, Oxford street England, Brothers, Oxford street Rising Sun, London street, It ORGANI ST & PRIYATE TUTOR. Bu rton, 'I'homas, J ackson road P reece, Thomas, Londo n street Cobb and Co, Queen's ITotel, Graha m and 'Weyb ul'll, Oxford Belgra"e F lood, H ., " 'inehester street Blackler, E dward, Br iuchlev stree t Lond on stree t Robin H ood, N orwieh qua)', P P inch, W m, Ripon street • BAKERS &; CONFECTIONE US. Mutton, Thomas, Oxford street Bruce and Coe, Canterbury street Cameron PAINTER S A...'\D GLAZIERS, Gee, Thos :.r, Cauterb ury street Salkield, Willi am, Dampi er's Ba)' Wheat Sheaf, London street, F SUHGEONS. CUSTOM HO USE AGENTS. Allwrigh t and Str eet, Canterbury Gibbons, 'William, do Stout, J ames B, London st reet :lfason street Rouse, JT, London streot Westell, Anthony, St David stree t Olliver, William, London street H eywood and Co, Norwich quay IRONMONGERS. Balestiee, JL,St David street Mottle)', Chas, Lon don street Bradfleld, Richard, do l\l'Ara and Co, Oxford stree t Johnson and Jenkins, London Cummins, " 'm, London street JIunter and Lock do Chalm ers & H all, Brcnchley farm street Reecelind Co, E, Oxford street H eslop, Canter bury street TAILORS AND OUTPIT'l'Ell:S. Dunker and Son, do Latter, Robert, Norwich quay Wright, S E, Norwich qua y BUTCIiEUS. Brooke, R ichd, London street Loui sson, A, Oxford street Austin, 'Vm, Lond on street PRINTERS. IIANKS. Armitage Brothers, Lond on st. Macpherson , J D, Oxford street K ellaway, Thomas, Canterbury.st LIGIITERMEN. Ward and Reeves, Oxford street Kirkpatrick, London street New Zealand, London street, J Bennett, Edwin, Norw ich qu a)' Miles and Co, Norwich qu"y F ox and Co,Lond on street K isslingo, manag-er 'Voledge and Co, Oxford street Cameron, Bros, N orwi ch qu,Iy SAILMAKERS. UNDERTAKE US. Wright, S E, Norwich qu ay Rhodes, Alfred, Oxford street U nion Bank Australia, Norwich CADINE'l' MAKERS. lIester, 'l'homas Oxford stre et l~ Dalgety, Buckle)' and Co, Nor- :Macdonaltl, James, H awkhu rst Duusford, n, Norwich quay Quay, Byrne, ma nager Bund y, D, London stree t Stout, JB, Loudon street N ow South Wal es, Xorwich Qua )', wi ch quay road F orbes, Rober t, Can terbury str eet 'Vilcox, J S, Can terbury street Peacock and Co, Norwic h quay :deAra and Co, Oxford street " 'estell, A, Da vid street n. Gouldstone, manager Godfrey , William, E xeter street SCIi OOLS. DAIRYMEN . LI VERY STABLES. Church of England, " ' inehester W ATCHMAKEI!. BALLAST.UE N. CARRI ER . Baker, Charles, Lon don Street l1bion, London street,J Kennell, street-J 'I' " .ard, master Hales, :.lark, London street Donningt on, J ohn, London street Stanford, W , London street Presbyt erian, " 'inehester street­ Fitssimmonds, " ' m, do Buckley, H enry, Gollau's Bay keeper Coc, J ames Ferjl'uson, master WATERMEN (LIeH" H D). Hutchinson, Rober t, do CARPE~'TEUS . Chalmers, A, Brenchly F arm Bruce and Can terbury street lI'Ara and Co., Oxford street Oldfield, "1", College land Cobb and Co, Queen' s stables, W'esleyan, 'Vmehester street­ .Agar, Georg e, St. David street Allison, J , Dampier's Bay Day, William, Du blin street London street 1\lrs Miller, mistress England Bros ., Oxford street CochrsneJolm,"'inehester stre et. RI,ACKSllITlfS. Dowdall, Thomas, Cass' Day Derry, '''m, 'Vineh ester street P errin, Mrs, Canterbury stree t Burns, ' Yillimn, Loudon street M utton, Thomas do Ford, H enry, do Chil ds, J, Oxfo rd street ' Vestell, A, -. do LLOYD'S AGENT. Durham, J ohn, Sumner road SHIPWRIG HTS . Plumber, George, St. David 5t Corder)', B, " 'inehester and Ox­ Stout, JB, London street DEALERS IN FA...'\CY GOODS. :Yacpherson, J D, Oxford street Salkie ld, 'Wm, Dampi er's Bay Grubb, John, London street Messiter, George, Canterbury .( ford strcets Tayler, George, London street Allen, Magnus, J ackso n road Edwards, J ames, Norwich Quay Grange, Thomas, Bridle path loIERCHANTS. CARTER S. Tu ck er, R, do Allen, --, J ackson road '" oods, W m, London street Mills, E, do Dalget)', Buckle)' ADd Co, Nor. Arkiss, J , Dampier's Bay Sutton, H enry, do BOARDn m HOUSES. Dimond, David, Wmehester st. Billens, Robert , Oxford stree t wich q UllY Fl ett, Robert, H awkhurst road Dimond, Sydney, do O'Neil, James do ~Irs, Davis, D, Nor wich quay W estlake, James,Dampier' s Bay Card , H awk hur st road Gr aham, J ames, St Da vid street O'Neil, D, do Derry, 1\' H , W'inehester street DRAPERS A...'\D CLOTIIIER3. Dransfield, J oseph, London street J enkins, R, Sumner road Genet, ' VIll, Sumner Road Graham and " 'heyburn, Fooks lind Co, Norwich quay Clapman, J ohn do Brenehly F arm Cameron Brothers, N orwic h qua)" Mar tin, P eter, do Hall, Ritchie and Co, Norwich SHIP CH.L' W LE U. Smeatou, Thomas, London stree t Gundry, S, W aiclilfe house, Merson, J ohn, Voelns road H eslop, Geo, Can terbu ry Stre et quay D ampi er's bay Mers on, Thomas, London street Dunsford, H, N orwich qua)' Brown, George, 'V inehester st Read, ' Villiam, do Hargreaves and Co, N orwich W elsh, J ohn, London street Leslie, 'I'hom as, Saxon D ining Nurse, Charles, Norwich qu a)' P earce, W C, do Rooms, Norwich Quay quay v,nyman, Thomas, Nor wich Qua)' Scott, Geo F, Cant erbury street Brooke, Richard, do Heywood lind Co, J M, N orwich SOLICITORS. Whayman, T'hos, Norwich Quay Phillips, A and S, do P earson, Samu el, 'Vinchester st. quay D'Dyly, R 'V C, Lond on street WH ARFIJS" GEUS. Herbert, 'Villiam, Lond on street Fi sher, J ohn, Lond on street Latter, Robert, Norwich quay Priest, Thomas, Oxford street Rangeeroft , H , Cant erbur)' street EJS"GINEER AND MACHINIB'l" P eacock and Co., Norwich Q Uit)' BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS. :lIacpherson, J D, Oxford street Kenner, J, Exeter street Grange, Thomas, Bridle path Macpherson, U, Norwich qu a)' STOREKEEPERS, and Govermne n t Wharf Mills, E, London street Olliver, W, do lfiIes and Co, Norwich qua)' Billens, R, Oxford street WINE & SPIUrr MERCIIAXT:;. Ta)'ler, Geo, do GARDENERS. Peacock and Co, Norwich qua y Bunker and Son, Lond on street CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Arthur, Z, Jackson road Renshaw, H, London street Cameron Bros ., .Norwich quny F ooks and Co., Norwich Quay DOOT AND SHO EMA KEUS. Lawrence and Co, Canterbury st. Carral!, John, Jackson rom] Symington, Hobert , Norwich quay Chillingworth, Mrs, Canterbury W oledge and Co., Oxford streot :Milnes, John, Norwich Qua)' Elleston, E S, London street Carrall, Louis, Jackson road Taylor and Co, Norwich quay street Percy. John, London street Dale, Thomas, Hawkhurst road Walton, Warner and Co, Canter- Gee, Thomas :'1, Canterbury st. WOOD TUR;>\EHS. TreVItt, Thomas, do COOPER. Wells, ThomM , College land bury street Hawkins and Co, London street Bundy, Da niel, London stre et 'Valker, William do Duncan, William, London street WiBhart, 'V, Jackson road Woledge and Co, Oxford street Hunter and Lollke, London street SalIticld, '''ill, Dampier's Bay