Can Statistical Zero Knowledge be made Non-Interactive? or On the Relationship of SZK and NISZK

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Citation Goldreich, Odedm Amit Sahai, and . 1999. Can statistical zero-knowledge be made non-interactive?, or On the relationship of SZK and NISZK. In Advances in cryptology-CRYPTO `99: Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Cryptology Conference, August 15-19, 1999, Santa Barbara, California, ed. M. Wiener, 467-484. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1666: 467-484.

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Can Statistical Zero Knowledge b e made NonInteractive


On the Relationship of SZK and N ISZK

y z x

Oded Goldreich Amit Sahai Salil Vadhan



We extend the study of noninteractive statistical zeroknowledge pro ofs Our main fo cus is

to compare the class NISZK of problems p ossessing such noninteractive pro ofs to the class

SZK of problems p ossessing interactive statistical zeroknowledge pro ofs Along these lines we

rst show that if statistical zero knowledge is nontrivial then so is noninteractive statistical

zero knowledge where by nontrivial we mean that the class includes problems which are not

solvable in probabilistic p olynomialtime The hyp othesis holds under various assumptions

such as the intractability of the Discrete Logarithm Problem Furthermore we show that if

NISZK is closed under complement then in fact SZK NISZK ie all statistical zero

knowledge pro ofs can b e made noninteractive

The main to ols in our analysis are two promise problems that are natural restrictions of

promise problems known to b e complete for SZK We show that these restricted problems

are in fact complete for NISZK and use this relationship to derive our results comparing the

two classes The two problems refer to the statistical dierence and dierence in entropy

resp ectively of a given distribution from the uniform one We also consider a weak form of

NISZK in which only requires that for every inverse p olynomial pn there exists a simulator

which achieves simulator deviation pn and show that this weak form of NISZK actually

equals NISZK

Keywords Statistical ZeroKnowledge Pro ofs NonInteractive ZeroKnowledge Pro ofs

An extended abstract of this work app ears in CRYPTO GSV


Department of Computer Science Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot Israel Email odedwisdomweizmannacil

Work done while visiting LCS MIT Supp orted by DARPA grant DABTC


Lab oratory for Computer Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge MA Email

amitstheorylcsmitedu Supp orted by DODNDSEG fellowship and DARPA grant DABTC


Lab oratory for Computer Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge MA Email

saliltheorylcsmitedu Supp orted by DODNDSEG fellowship and in part by DARPA grant DABT C

Intro duction

ZeroKnowledge pro ofs intro duced by Goldwasser Micali and Racko GMR are fascinating

and extremely useful constructs Their fascinating nature is due to their seemingly contradictory

nature they are b oth convincing and yet yield nothing b eyond the validity of the assertion b eing

proven Their applicability in the domain of cryptography is vast they are typically used to

force malicious parties to b ehave according to a predetermined proto col which requires parties to

provide pro ofs of the correctness of their secretbased actions without revealing these secrets Zero

knowledge pro ofs come in many avors and in this pap er we fo cus on two parameters The rst

parameter is the underlying communication model and the second is the type of the zeroknow ledge


The communication mo del When Goldwasser Micali and Racko prop osed the denition of

zeroknowledge pro ofs it seemed that interaction was crucial to achieving zero knowledge that the

p ossibility of zero knowledge arose through the p ower of interaction Indeed it was not unexp ected

when GO showed zero knowledge to b e trivial ie only exists for pro ofs of BPP statements

in the most straightforward noninteractive mo dels Surprisingly however Blum Feldman and

Micali BFM showed that by changing the mo del slightly it is p ossible to achieve zero knowledge

in a noninteractive setting ie where only unidirectional communication can o ccur Sp ecically

they assume that b oth Prover and Verier have access to a shared truly random string called

the reference string Aside from this assumption all communication consists of one message the

pro of which is generated by the Prover based on the assertion b eing proved and the reference

string and sent from the Prover to the Verier

Noninteractive zeroknowledge pro ofs on top of b eing more communicationecient by de

nition have several applications not oered by ordinary interactive zeroknowledge pro ofs They

have b een used among other things to build digital signature schemes secure against adaptive

chosen message attack BG publickey cryptosystems secure against chosenciphertext attack

NY DDN and nonmalleable cryptosystems DDN

The zeroknowledge guarantee For ordinary interactive zeroknowledge pro ofs the zero

knoweldege requirement is formulated by saying that the transcript of the Veriers interaction

with the Prover can b e simulated by the Verier itself Similarly for the noninteractive setting

describ ed ab ove the zeroknowledge condition is formulated by requiring that one can pro duce

knowing only the statement of the assertion a random reference string along with a pro of that

works for the reference string More precisely we require that there exists an ecient pro cedure

that on input a valid assertion pro duces a distribution which is similar to the joint distribu

tion of random reference strings and pro ofs generated by the Prover The key parameter is the

interpretation of similarity Two notions have b een commonly considered in the literature cf

GMR GMW For BDMP BR Statistical zero know ledge requires that these distribu

tions b e statistically close ie the statistical dierence b etween them is negligible Computational

zero know ledge instead requires that these distributions are computationally indistinguishable cf

GM Yao In this work we fo cus on the stronger security requirement of statistical zero


Since its intro duction in BFM most work on noninteractive zero knowledge has fo cused

on the computational typ e cf BFM DMP DMP BDMP FLS KP With non

interactive statistical zero knowledge the main ob jects of investigation have b een the sp ecic pro of

system for Quadratic Nonresiduosity and variants BDMP DDP DDP Recently De

Santis et al DDPY op ened the do or to a general study of noninteractive statistical zero

knowledge by showing that it contains a complete promise problem

Notation Throughout the pap er SZK denotes the class of promise problems having statistical

zeroknowledge interactive pro of systems dened in App endix A and NISZK denotes the class

of promise problems having noninteractive statistical zeroknowledge pro of systems dened in


Our Contribution

In this work we seek to understand what if any additional p ower interaction gives in the con

text of statistical zero knowledge Thus we continue the investigation of NISZK fo cusing on

its relationship with SZK Our rst result is that the nontriviality of SZK implies nontriviality

of NISZK where by nontrivial we mean that a class includes problems which are not solv

able in probabilistic p olynomialtime The hyp othesis holds under various assumptions such as

the intractability of Discrete Logarithm Problem GK or Quadratic Residuosity GMR or

Graph Isomorphism GMW but variants of these last two problems are already known to b e


Furthermore we show that if NISZK is closed under complement then in fact SZK

NISZK ie all statistical zeroknowledge pro ofs can b e made noninteractive We note that

DDPY have claimed that NISZK is closed under complement and OR but these claims have

b een retracted DDPY

We also show the equivalence of NISZK with a variant in which the statistical zero knowledge

requirement is weakened somewhat

Complete Problems Central to our metho dology is the use of simple and natural complete

problems to understand classes such as SZK and NISZK whose denitions are rather compli

cated In particular we exhibit two natural promise problems and prove that they are complete for

NISZK The two problems refer to the distance in two dierent senses of a given distribution

from the uniform one These two problems are natural restrictions of two promise problems shown

complete for SZK in SV and GV resp ectively Indeed our results ab out the relationship

b etween SZK and NISZK come from relating the corresp onding complete problems This general

theme of using completeness to simplify the study of a class rather than as evidence for computa

tional intractability as is the traditional use of NP completeness has b een evidenced in a numb er

of recent works cf GMW LFKN Sha ALM AS and has b een particularly useful

in understanding statistical zero knowledge cf SV SV DDPY GV

The noninteractive mo del

Let us recall the denition of a noninteractive statistical zeroknowledge pro of system from BDMP

We will adapt the denition to promise problems Note that our denition will capture what


The only exception is an unpublished manuscript of Bellare and Rogaway BR who proved some basic results

ab out noninteractive p erfect zeroknowledge and showed a noninteractive p erfect zeroknowledge pro of for the

language of graphs with trivial automorphism group


A promise problem is a pair of disjoint sets of strings corresp onding to yes and no instances

yes no

of a decision problem


Actually only noninteractive perfect and computational zeroknowledge pro ofs were dened in BDMP The

denition we are using previously given in BR DDPY is the natural noninteractive analogue of interactive

BDMP call a bounded proof system in that each shared reference string can only b e used once

In contrast to noninteractive computational zero knowledge cf BDMP FLS it is unknown

whether every problem that has such a b ounded noninteractive statistical zeroknowledge pro of

system also has one in which the shared reference string can b e used an unb ounded p olynomial

numb er of times

A noninteractive statistical zeroknow ledge pro of system for a promise problem is dened

by a triple of probabilistic machines P V and S where V and S are p olynomialtime and P is

computationally unb ounded and a p olynomial r n which will give the size of the random reference

string such that

Completeness For all x the probability that V x P x accepts is at least


Soundness For all x the probability that V x P x accepts is at most


Zero Knowledge For all x the statistical deviation b etween the following two


distributions is at most jxj

r jxj

A Cho ose uniformly from f g sample p from P x and output p

B S x where the coins for S are chosen uniformly at random

where n is a negligible function termed the simulator deviation and the probabilities in Con

ditions and are taken over the random coins of V and P and the choice of uniformly from

r n

f g Note that noninteractive statistical zero knowledge is closed under parallel rep etition

so the completeness and soundness errors ie the probability of rejection resp acceptance for

yes resp no instances can b e made exp onentially small in jxj

We also dene a weaker notion of zero knowledge known as a weak noninteractive statistical

zeroknow ledge proof system where we ask only that for every p olynomial g n there exists a

probabilistic p olynomialtime simulator S whose running time may dep end on g such that the


simulator deviation as dened ab ove is at most g jxj This is the natural analogue of a notion

dened in the interactive setting for statistical zero knowledge DOY as well as concurrent zero

knowledge DNS

The class of promise problems that p ossess noninteractive statistical zeroknowledge pro of

systems is denoted NISZK and we denote by weak NISZK the class of promise problems that

p ossess weak noninteractive statistical zeroknowledge pro of systems Note that by denition

NISZK weak NISZK De Santis et al DDPY recently b egan a general investigation of

the class NISZK They intro duced a promise problem called Image Density and claimed that

is complete for NISZK and that the latter class is closed under OR and complement We were

able to verify that some variants of Image Density are NISZK complete and indeed the ideas

used towards this goal are imp ortant to our work However they have retracted their claims that

NISZK is closed under OR and complement DDPY

In this pap er in addition to examining NISZK on its own we also consider the relationship

noninteractive statistical zeroknowledge pro ofs have with interactive statistical zeroknowledge

pro ofs In the context of interactive zeroknowledge pro ofs another issue that arises in the zero

knowledge condition is the b ehavior of the verier The general denition of zero knowledge re

quires that the zeroknowledge requirement hold for any probabilistic p olynomialtime verier A

statistical zero knowledge GMR


Recall that a function is negligible if it is eventually less than g n for any p olynomial g

weaker requirement called honestverier zero know ledge requires the zeroknowledge condition

to hold only if the verier b ehaves honestly However it is known that these two conditions are

equivalent for statistical zero knowledge in the sense that every statistical zeroknowledge pro of

against the honest verier can b e transformed into one that is statistical zero knowledge against

any verier GSV Thus we write SZK for the class of promise problems p ossessing statistical

zeroknowledge pro ofs against any p olynomialtime verier or equivalently against just the honest


Note that in the case of noninteractive zero knowledge the issue of honest veriers do es not

arise since the verier do es not interact with the prover Also note that we can always transform

a noninteractive zeroknowledge pro of into an honest verier zeroknowledge pro of since we could

have the honest verier supply a random string which can replace the common reference string

required for noninteractive zero knowledge That is NISZK SZK recalling the equivalence

of SZK with honestverier SZK

Our Results

The primary to ols we use in our investigation are promise problems that are complete for SZK

or NISZK In SV a promise problem called Statistical Dierence SD was intro duced and

proved complete for SZK providing the rst completeness result for SZK Recently it was shown

in GV that another natural problem called Entropy Dierence ED is complete for SZK as

well In this work we show that onesided versions of these problems which we call Statistical

Dierence from Uniform SDU and Entropy Approximation EA are complete for NISZK To dene

these problems more precisely we rst recall that that statistical dierence b etween two random

variables X and Y on a nite set D denoted X Y is dened to b e



j Pr X Pr Y j X Y max jPr X S Pr Y S j


All the promise problems we consider involve distributions which are enco ded by circuits which

m n

sample from them That is if X is a circuit mapping f g to f g we identify X with

n m

the probability distribution induced on f g by feeding X the uniform distribution on f g

Since circuits can b e evaluated in time p olynomial in their size yet are rich enough to enco de

general eg Turing machine computations they eectively capture the notion of an eciently

sampleable distribution

Denition Problems involving statistical dierence The promise problem Statistical Dier

ence denoted SD SD SD consists of

yes no


fX Y X Y g SD



SD fX Y X Y g


where X and Y are distributions encoded as circuits which sample from them The promise problem

Statistical Dierence from Uniform denoted SDU SDU SDU consists of

yes no


SDU fX X U ng



SDU fX X U ng


where X is a distribution encoded as a circuit outputting n bits and U is the uniform distribution

on n bits

For the two problems related to entropy we recall that the Shannon entropy of a random

variable X denoted HX is dened as



HX Pr X log Pr X

Denition Problems involving entropy The promise problem Entropy Dierence denoted

ED ED ED consists of

yes no







The promise problem Entropy Approximation denoted EA EA EA consists of

yes no


fX k HX k g EA



EA fX k HX k g


In these problems k is a positive integer and X and Y are distributions encoded as circuits which

sample from them

Our rst theorem which is the starting p oint for our other results is

Theorem EA and SDU are NISZK complete The promise problems EA and SDU are complete

for NISZK That is EA SDU NISZK and for every promise problem NISZK there is a

polynomialtime Karp manyone reduction from to EA and another from to SDU

From the pro of of this theorem we also obtain a metho d for transforming weak noninteractive

statistical zero knowledge pro ofs into standard ones

Theorem weak NISZK NISZK

Armed with our complete problems we then b egin the work of comparing SZK and NISZK

First we show that the nontriviality of NISZK is equivalant to the nontriviality of SZK This

is shown by giving a Co ok reduction from ED to EA

Theorem nontriviality of NISZK SZK BPP NISZK BPP

In this theorem and throughout the pap er BPP denotes the class of promise problems solvable

in probabilistic p olynomial time

In fact it turns out that the typ e of Co ok reduction we use is a sp ecial one and by examining

it further we are able to shed more light on the SZK vs NISZK question Sp ecically we

observe that the reduction we give from ED to EA is an AC truthtable reduction That is it is

a nonadaptive Co ok reduction in which the p ostpro cessing is done in AC Formal denitions

are given in Section Further we can prove that if NISZK is closed under complement

then NISZK is closed under AC truthtable reductions Thus we deduce that NISZK b eing

closed under complement implies that NISZK SZK In fact we can show that closure under

complement and a numb er of other natural conditions are equivalent to SZK NISZK

Theorem conditions for SZK NISZK The fol lowing are equivalent


NISZK is closed under complement

NISZK is closed under NC truthtable reductions

ED resp SD Karpreduces to EA resp SDU general versions reduce to onesided ones

EA resp SDU Karpreduces to its complement onesided versions reduce to their com


Theorem can b e interpreted as saying that if NISZK has a relatively weak closure prop erty

closure under complement then the class is surprisingly rich equals SZK and has a much

stronger closure prop erty closure under NC truthtable reductions At rst it might seem

implausible that a class like NISZK with such an assymetric denition would b e closed under

complement But SZK which has a similarly assymetric denition is known to b e closed under

complement Oka In light of this the closure of NISZK under complement would not b e quite

as unexp ected and Theorem illustrates that proving it would have wider consequences

The last two conditions in Theorem show that these questions ab out noninteractive versus

interactive statistical zeroknowledge pro ofs are actually equivalent to basic questions ab out rela

tionships b etween natural computational problems whose denitions have no a priori relationship

to zeroknowledge pro ofs

The equality of SZK and NISZK has interesting consequences not just for NISZK but also

for SZK Currently the b est known generic proto col for SZK against cheating veriers making

no computational assumptions requires a p olynomial numb er of rounds Oka GSV For

NISZK however by DGW it is known that every problem in NISZK has a constant round

statistical zeroknowledge pro of system against general cheating veriers with inverse p olynomial

soundness error Whether every problem in SZK has such a pro of system is still an op en question

which would b e resolved in the p ositive if SZK NISZK

A wider p ersp ective

The study of noninteractive statistical rather than computational zeroknowledge pro ofs may

b e of interest for two reasons Firstly statistical zeroknowledge pro ofs provide an almost abso

lute level of security whereas computational zeroknowledge pro ofs only provide security relative

to computational abilities and typically under complexity theoretic assumptions Secondly by

analogy from the study of zeroknowledge interactive pro ofs we b elieve that techniques develop ed

for the cleaner statistical mo del can b e applied or augmented to yield results for computational

zeroknowledge The pro of that oneway functions are necessary for SZK to b e nontrivial Ost

was later generalized to CZK OW More recently the transformations of honestverier zero

knowledge to general zero knowledge presented in Dam DGW DGOW GSV apply

b oth to statistical and computational zero knowledge whereas the original motivation was the

study of statistical zero knowledge It is our hop e that the current study of NISZK will even

tually lead to a b etter understanding of NICZK where there are still imp ortant op en questions

such as the minimal conditions under which NP has NICZK pro ofs


Under the assumption that the Discrete Logarithm is hard however there is a constant round cheating verier

SZK pro of system with inverse p olynomial soundness error for all of SZK Oka BMO


Recall that a promise problem is a pair of disjoint sets of strings corresp onding

yes no

to the following decision problem Given a string x decide whether it is in

yes no yes

ie is a yes instance or in ie is a no instance A string in is said to satisfy

no yes no

the promise and all other strings are said to violate the promise A function f is said to b e a Karp

or polynomialtime manyone reduction from a promise problem to a promise problem if f

is p olynomialtime computable x f x and x f x If such a

yes yes no no

reduction exists we write


Recall that all the promise problems we are considering involve distributions which are enco ded

m n

by circuits which sample from them That is if X is a circuit mapping f g to f g we identify


X with the probability distribution induced on f g by feeding X the uniform distribution on

m n

f g The support of X is the set of strings in f g which have nonzero probability under X

n m k

ie fy f g r f g st X r y g For any distribution X on a set D we write X


to denote the distribution on D consisting of k independent copies of X

EA is in N ISZK

In this section we show that EA has a noninteractive statistical zeroknowledge pro of system The

pro of is given in Subsection assuming a certain lemma Lemma Subsections to are

devoted to the pro of Lemma which is technically somehwat involved Therefore the reader is

encouraged to read only Subsection from this section on rst reading

The pro of system

Our aim in this section is the prove the following

Lemma EA NISZK Moreover there is a noninteractive statistical zeroknow ledge proof

system for EA in which the completeness error soundness error and simulator deviation are al l


exponential ly vanishing specical ly where s is the length of the input

The transformation given by the following lemma proved in Subsection will b e applied at

the start of the pro of system

Lemma There is a polynomialtime computable function that takes an instance X k of EA

and a parameter s in unary and produces a distribution Z on f g encoded by a circuit which

samples from it such that


If HX k then Z has statistical dierence at most from the uniform distribution

on f g and


If HX k then the support of Z is at most a fraction of f g

Lemma essentially transforms an instance of Entropy Approximation into an instance of

Image Density the complete problem of DDPY Given this transformation it is straightfor

ward to give a noninteractive statistical zeroknowledge pro of system for EA

Noninteractive pro of system for EA on input X k

Let Z b e the distribution on f g obtained from X k as in Lemma taking s to b e the

total description length of X k in bits Let f g b e the reference string

P selects r uniformly among fr Z r g and sends r to V

V accept if Z r and rejects otherwise

It is immediate from Lemma that the completeness error and soundness error of this pro of


system are For zeroknowledgeness we consider the following probabilistic p olynomialtime


Simulator for EA pro of system on input X k

Let Z b e obtained from X k as in the pro of system

Select an input r to Z uniformly at random and let Z r

Output r


It follows from Part of Lemma that this simulator has statistical dierence at most

from the distribution of transcripts of P V Thus assuming Lemma we have established

Lemma In fact we need not require that s b e the length of X k Instead s can b e taken to

b e an arbitrary security parameter and the completeness soundness and simulation error will b e

exp onentially small in s while the running time of the proto col only dep ends p olynomially on s

We can use this to prove the following which will b e useful to us later

Prop osition If any promise problem reduces to EA by a Karp ie manyone reduction

even if it is lengthreducing then NISZK

Pro of A noninteractive statistical zeroknowledge pro of system for can b e given as follows On

an instance x of b oth parties compute the image X k of x under the reduction EA and


execute the pro of system for EA on X k except that we take s to b e the length of x Hence the

completeness and soundness errors and simulator deviation of this pro of system are exp onentially

small in jxj rather than jX k j which could b e shorter than x

Flat distributions and the Leftover Hash Lemma

Here we discuss some standard notions and techniques that will b e useful in the pro of of Lemma

We use the clean formulations of these to ols given in GV A distribution X is called at if all

strings in the supp ort of X have the same probability Notice that if X is at then by the


denition of entropy Pr X x for every x in the supp ort of X We quantify deviation

from atness as follows

Denition heavy light and typical elements Let X be a distribution x an element pos

sibly in its support and a positive real number We say that x is heavy resp light if


Pr X x resp Pr X x Otherwise we say that x is typical

A natural relaxed denition of atness follows The denition links the amount of slackness allowed

in typical elements with the probability mass assigned to nontypical elements

Denition at distributions A distribution X is cal led at if for every t the proba



bility that an element chosen from X is t typical is at least

By straightforward application of Ho efding Inequality cf App endix C we have


Lemma attening lemma Let X be a distribution k a positive integer and X denote

the distribution composed of k independent copies of X Suppose that for al l x in the support of X


m k

k mat it holds that Pr X x Then X is


The key p oint is that the entropy of X grows linearly with k whereas its deviation from atness


grows signicantly slower ie linear in k as a function of k Note that if X is a distribution

dened by a circuit with input gates then Pr X x for all x in the supp ort of X so the

conclusion of Lemma holds with m The other main to ol we will use is

Lemma Leftover Hash Lemma ILL Let H be a universal family of hash functions

mapping a domain D to a range R Suppose X is a distribution on D such that with probability at

least over x selected from X Pr X x jR j Then the statistical dierence between the

fol lowing two distributions is at most O

A Choose h uniformly from H and x according to X Output h hx

B Choose h uniformly from H and y uniformly from R Output h y

In particular notice that if X is a at distribution then for any parameters s t X


HX ts t

satises the hyp othesis of the Leftover Hash Lemma with jR j and


As we will b e applying Lemma to sets of strings we dene for any pair of p ositive

integers a and b H to b e one of the standard universal families of hash functions mapping


a b

f g to f g eg ane GF linear transformations

Overview of Lemma

The transformation pro ceeds in four stages which are roughly describ ed b elow

Let X consist of many copies of X so that the entropy gap b etween yes and no instances

increases and the distribution b ecomes quite at relative to its entropy

Hash X so that yes instances b ecome close to the uniform distribution while no instances

have much smaller entropy than the uniform distribution That is let Y b e of the form

h hX where h is uniformly distributed in a universal family with appropriate param


Let Y consist of many copies of Y so that for no instances the entropy deciency as

compared to the uniform distribution b ecomes large and yet Y b ecomes quite at relative

to its entropy while yes instances remain close to uniform

Hash the inputs to Y so that no instances have small supp ort rather than just small entropy

while keeping yes instances close to uniform That is let Z b e of the form Y r h hr

where h is uniformly distributed in a universal family with appropriate parameters

Pro of of Lemma

Let X k b e an instance of EA let m resp n denote the numb er of input and output gates to

X and let s b e the extra parameter in the transformation By increasing s if necessary we may

assume that s is greater than the total description length of X k Thus all the intermediate

circuits we build will b e of size p olys Also note that it suces for the transformation to achieve

s s

error parameters just rather than as this can b e comp ensated for by rst increasing s

by a linear factor

Many copies I The rst step is to take many copies of each distribution this has the eect of

increasing the entropy gap b etween yes and no instances relative to X s deviation from atness


Namely let q sm and let X X ie X consists of q indep endent copies of X Then



sm m s m In particular HX q HX and by Lemma X is at for

we have established



s s If HX k then HX q k q q k

If HX k then HX q k q q k

Hashing I Now consider the distribution Y on pairs h hx induced by cho osing h uniformly

from H and x according to X Say that elements of H take u p olyq n q k

q nq k q nq k

p olys bits to represent Then Y is represented by a circuit with inputs resp outputs of length

m u q m resp n u q k Y has the following prop erties



If HX k then Y has statistical dierence at most from the uniform distribution


on f g

If HX k then the entropy of Y is less than n

Pro of Part follows from the atness of X and the Leftover Hash Lemma Part follows

from the fact that the entropy of Y is at most the entropy of X which is less than q k plus the

entropy of the uniform distribution on H which is u

q nq k

Many copies I I We now take many copies of Y so that the entropy deciency of no instances

b ecomes large relative to the atness while yes instances remain close to uniform Sp ecically let


Y so that Y has M m q input gates N n q output gates q s m and let Y



sm m s m Then we immediately have and Y is at for


s s

If HX k then Y has statistical dierence at most q from the uniform


distribution on f g


If HX k then HY N q N s s

Hashing I I The nal step is to make a distribution which for no instances has small supp ort

rather than just low entropy in the case of no instances while yes instances remain close to


uniform Consider a circuit Z which takes as input r f g and a hash function h H

M M N s

and outputs Y r h hr Then


Claim Z satises the requirements of Lemma with error parameters rather than


That is


If HX k then Z has statistical dierence at most from the uniform distribution

N M N s

on f g H f g and

M M N s

s N

If HX k then the support of Z is at most a fraction of f g H

M M N s

M N s

f g

The intuition for this is the following In the case of yes instances Y is close to the uniform


distribution on f g so for almost all y f g there will b e ab out values of r such

that Y r y Thus hashing r down to M N s bits will still result in a nearly uniform


In the case of a no instance Y has large entropy deciency and is nearly at From this


we can deduce that Y lands in some small subset T of f g with very high probability Thus

p oints y T must have very low probability under Y ie there are very few inputs r such that

Y r y So for each y T the pairs h hr will only hit a small subset of the p ossible values

Therefore Y r h hr has small supp ort b ecause either the rst comp onent lands in a small

set namely T or the last two comp onents land in a small set


Pro of Supp ose HX k From the fact that Y has statistical dierence at most


from uniform it follows that with probability at least over y selected according to Y

Pr Y y


Fix any y satisfying Inequality Conditioned on Y r y r is selected uniformly from fr Y r


y g which by Equation is a set of size at least Thus by the Leftover Hash Lemma


conditioned on Y r y the distribution of h hr has statistical dierence at most from


uniform Therefore the total statistical dierence of Z from uniform is

Now supp ose HX k We want to show that the supp ort S of Z is a small fraction of

N M N s

D f g H f g To do this we divide S into three parts dep ending

M M N s

on the probability mass given to the y comp onent by Y Recall that a typical y for Y has


s s HY N

probability mass

N s

S fy h z S Pr Y y g much to o light

N s N s

S fy h z S Pr Y y g to o light but not much to o light

N s

S fy h z S Pr Y y g not to o light

s s

Clearly S S S S We will show that jS jjD j for i and so jS jjD j



N s M N s

First we b ound jS j For any y such that Pr Y y there are at most

values of r such that Y r y Thus for any such y and any h the set of z such that y h z S

M N s

is of size at most b ecause each such z must b e of the form hr for some r such that

M N s M N s s

Y r y This implies that S is at most a fraction of D

N s N s

Now we b ound jS j We show that the set A of y such that Pr Y y is at

s N s

most a fraction of f g From this it follows that S is at most a fraction of D Every

p p

y A is s light since Y has entropy at most N s s By the atness of Y

s N s

Pr Y A is at most Since every y in A has probability mass at least under Y

s N s N s

jAj is at most as desired

N s

Finally we b ound jS j Clearly there can b e at most values of y such that Pr Y y

N s N s N s

From this it follows that jS jjD j

EA and SDU are N ISZK complete

In this section we complete the pro of of Theorem First we establish that SDU NISZK by


Lemma SDU EA In particular SDU NISZK


Pro of Let X b e an instance of SDU We assume that log n where n is the output length

of the circuit X otherwise once can decide in probabilistic p olynomial time whether X is a yes

or no instance of SDU by random sampling Let U denote the uniform distribution on n bits We

claim the map X X n is the reduction required by the lemma

If X SDU then X U n Now we use the fact cf App endix B that for any


two random variables Y and Z ranging over domain D it holds that

jHY HZ j log jD j Y Z H Y Z

where H denotes the entropy of a random variable with mean Applying this with Y U

and Z X we have

n HX n n H n

Hence X n EA


If X SDU then X U n By the deniton of statistical dierence this implies



the existence of a set S f g such that Pr X S Pr U S n This implies that

Pr X S n and Pr U S n

Thus HX Pr X S log jS j Pr X S n n log n n n n and we

have that X n EA


The in particular part of Lemma follows immediately from Prop osition

Now we establish b oth Theorem and Theorem by showing that all promise problems in

weakNISZK and hence all promise problems in NISZK are reducible to SDU and hence by

the previous lemma to EA

Lemma Every promise problem in weak NISZK Karpreduces to SDU

Pro of Let b e any promise problem in weak NISZK As weak NISZK is preserved under

parallel rep etition we may assume that has a weak NISZK pro of system P V with complete


ness and soundness errors at most on inputs of length n Let r n p olyn b e the length

of the random reference string in P V and let S b e a randomized p olynomialtime simulator S

such that the statistical dierence b etween the output distribution of S and the distribution of true

transcripts of P is at most r n Such an S is guaranteed by the weak NISZK prop erty

Let U denote the uniform distribution on r n bits

Let x b e an instance of Dene M to b e a circuit which do es the following on input s


M s Simulate S x with randomness s to obtain a transcript p If V x p accepts then


r n

output else output

We claim that the map x M is the reduction required by the lemma Supp ose x In



this case we know that the random reference string in the output of S has statistical dierence


less than r n from U In addition since the completeness error of proto col P is at most


S x can output rejecting transcripts with probability at most r n r n Hence

M U r n r n r n and M SDU

x x


n n

Supp ose x Since the soundness error of proto col P is b ounded by for at most a


fraction of reference strings do es there exist an accepting transcript p Since M only outputs


r n n r n

reference strings corresp onding to accepting transcripts or M U


r n Thus M SDU



Clearly Lemmas and combine to prove Theorem Lemmas and show

that any promise problem in weakNISZK reduces to EA by Prop osition this implies that

NISZK and establishes Theorem

Comparing N ISZK and SZK

Armed with NISZK complete promise problems so closely related to problems known to b e com

plete for SZK we can quickly b egin relating the two classes

Nontriviality of NISZK

First we establish Theorem by giving a Co ok reduction from Entropy Difference ED com

plete for SZK to Entropy Approximation EA complete for NISZK

Lemma Suppose X Y is an instance of ED Let X X resp Y Y consist of

independent copies of X resp Y and let n denote the maximum of the output sizes of X and

Y Then


Y k EA X k EA X Y ED

no yes yes



Y k EA X k EA X Y ED

yes no no


Pro of Supp ose X Y ED so that H X H Y Let k bH X c Then


H X k On the other hand k H X H Y and hence H Y k

Supp ose instead X Y ED so that H Y H X Then for all k dH X e we


have H X k So for all k dH X e we have k H X H Y

From this reduction we conclude that SZK BPP NISZK BPP which is Theo

rem Again by BPP we mean the class of promise problems solvable in probabilistic p olynomial


Pro of of Theorem By denition NISZK SZK recall that SZK equals honestverier


Now supp ose NISZK BPP so in particular there is a probabilistic p olynomialtime machine

M which decides EA with exp onentially small error probability To show SZK BPP it suces

to show that ED BPP since ED is SZK complete We now describ e how to decide instances of ED

Let X Y b e an instance of ED Letting X and Y b e as stated in Lemma we run M X k

and M Y k for all k n If for some k we see that M X k and M Y k we

output Otherwise we output By Lemma this is a correct BPP algorithm for deciding


Conditions under which NISZK SZK

The reduction given by Lemma is a very sp ecial typ e of Co ok reduction which we call an AC

truthtable reduction In this section we use the sp ecial prop erties of this reduction to show that

if NISZK is closed under complement then in fact NISZK SZK We now precisely dene

the typ es of reductions we are using taking care how they are dened for promise problems

Denition truthtable reduction LLS We say a promise problem truthtable reduces

to a promise problem written if there exists a deterministic polynomialtime computable


function f which on input x produces a tuple x x x and a circuit C such that


If x then for al l valid settings of b b b C b b b and

k k


If x then for al l valid settings of b b b C b b b

no k k

where a setting for b is considered valid when b if x and b if x and b

i i i i i i

yes no

is unrestricted when x violates the promise


In other words a truthtable reduction for promise problems is a nonadaptive Co ok reduction

which is allowed to make queries which violate the promise but must b e able to tolerate b oth yes

and no answers in resp onse to queries that violate the promise We further consider the case where

we restrict the complexity of computing the output of the reduction from the queries

Denition AC and NC truthtable reductions A truthtable reduction f between promise

problems is an AC resp NC truthtable reduction if the circuit C produced by the reduction

on input x has depth bounded by a constant c independent of x resp has depth bounded by



c log jxj If there is an AC resp NC truthtable reduction from to we write


AC tt



NC tt

With this denition we observe that Lemma in fact gives an AC truthtable reduction

since the formula given in the lemma can b e expressed as an AC circuit and the statement of the

lemma shows that the reduction has the robustness prop erties against promise violations that are

required in Denition Thus we have


Prop osition ED EA

AC tt

We say that a class C of promise problems is closed under a class of reductions if and

C implies that C By the ab ove if NISZK is closed under AC truthtable reductions

then ED NISZK and hence NISZK SZK Thus we would like to capture the minimal

conditions necessary for a promise class to b e closed under AC truthtable reductions Here care

must b e taken to b ecause of the p ossibility of promise violations Keeping this in mind we dene

the following op erator on promise problems to capture the notion of an unb ounded fanin AND

gate for promise problems

Denition unbounded AND For any promise problem we dene AND to be the promise



AND fx x x k i k x g


yes k yes


AND fx x x k i k x g



no no

We say a class of promise problems C is closed under unb ounded AND if C implies that


We have dened AND so that it has the weakest promise condition p ossible to remain well

dened In particular we see that AND is dened to include x s that violate s promise as



long as just one of them is in C AND C We also need a way of combining two


promise problems

Denition disjoint union For any pair of promise problems and we dene the disjoint

union of and to be the promise problem DisjUn dened as fol lows


DisjUn fg fg

yes yes



DisjUn fg fg

no no


We say a class of promise problems C is closed under disjoint union if C implies that

DisjUn C

With these denitions we can give the following lemma which gives some conditions sucient

to give closure under AC truthtable reductions

Lemma A promise class C is closed under AC truthtable reductions if the fol lowing conditions


C is closed under Karp ie manyone reductions

C is closed under unbounded AND

C is closed under disjoint union

C is closed under complementation

Pro of First note that any unb ounded fanin circuit can b e eciently converted into a circuit

with only unb ounded fanin NAND gates allowing also unary NAND gates with only a constant

factor blowup in depth So as a rst step we observe that C is closed under unb ounded NAND


AND C by closure under unb ounded AND and for any promise problem NAND

complementation To generalize this to constant depth circuits with unb ounded fanin NAND

gates we rst need a denition


Denition For any promise problem and for al l natural numbers d we dene Depth

to be the promise problem whose instances are tuples C x x x where C is a circuit of


depth at most d using unbounded fanin NAND gates only The yes instances are those such

that for al l valid settings of b b b C b b b whereas the no instances are those



tuples such that for al l valid settings of b b b C b b b Here a setting for b is


k k

considered valid when b if x and b if x and b is unrestricted when x

i i i i i i

yes no

violates the promise

Using the fact that every AC circuit can b e eciently transformed into one with only NAND



gates we see that means that there exists some d such that Depth under a


AC tt


Karp reduction Hence if we can show that for all d and promise problems Depth C

the lemma will b e established We will prove this by induction on d

First observe that a depth circuit is simply a variable negations of variables are achieved

with one unary NAND gate so count as depth Hence Depth C Now assume that



Depth C Observe that a depth d circuit is simply a NAND of some numb er of depth d

circuits Using this observation we will argue that that

d d d

Depth DisjUnDepth NANDDepth



By the hyp othesized closure prop erties of C this implies that Depth C The reduction

works as follows The input to the reduction is a tuple C x where x x x x If C is


actually a depth d circuit then it simply outputs C x If not then it extracts from C the

circuits C C C that provide input to the topmost NAND gate Then the reduction outputs



C x C x C x It is clear that map gives a Karp reduction from Depth to


d d

DisjUnDepth NANDDepth completing the induction step and the pro of

Which of the conditions of Lemma do es NISZK satisfy We argue that Conditions

and are satised by NISZK

Lemma NISZK is closed under Karp reductions

Pro of Supp ose NISZK and Since EA is complete for NISZK we have EA

Karp Karp

By comp osing reductions we see that EA By Prop osition NISZK


Lemma NISZK is closed under unbounded AND

Pro of First we argue that ANDEA NISZK by describing a NISZK pro of system for ANDEA

Let X k X k b e an instance of ANDEA and say is the total length of the instance

m m

Articially pad each circuit X to b e of description size by adding unused gates and let Y b e

i i

the resulting circuit Now execute the NISZK pro of system for EA given by Lemma on each

pair Y k in parallel and have the ANDEAverier accept if the EAverier would have accepted

i i

on each pair

If every pair X k is a yes instance of EA the ANDEA verier will accept with probability

i i

at least m as the completeness error of the EA pro of system is at most

Similarly running the simulator for the EA pro of system m times indep endently will give a

simulation for the ANDEA pro of system with simulator deviation at most m Finally

if just one pair X k is a no instance of EA even if the others violate the promise the verier

i i

will accept with probability at most in the ith execution of the EA proto col and so the ANDEA

verier will accept with probability at most

This shows that ANDEA NISZK Now let b e any promise problem in NISZK Since EA

is complete for NISZK there is a Karp reduction f from to EA This induces a Karp reduction

from AND to ANDEA in the obvious way ie x x f x f x As ANDEA is

k k

in NISZK and NISZK is closed under Karp reductions AND NISZK

Lemma NISZK is closed under disjoint union

Pro of For any two promise problem and in NISZK the Karp reductions f from to EA

and f from to EA induce a Karp reduction from DisjUn to EA given by x f x By

Prop osition DisjUn NISZK

Combining everything we can give a condition under which SZK NISZK

Prop osition If NISZK is closed under complementation then SZK NISZK

Pro of Supp ose NISZK is closed under complementation Combining this with Lemmas

and it follows that NISZK is closed under AC truthtable reductions Applying


Prop osition ED EA and Lemma EA NISZK we conclude that ED NISZK

AC tt

Since ED is complete for SZK GV and NISZK is closed under Karp reductions Lemma

we have SZK NISZK As NISZK SZK is true from the denition of NISZK we conclude


Finally we deduce Theorem which gives a numb er of conditions equivalent to NISZK


Pro of of Theorem

This follows from the result of SV that SZK is closed under NC truthtable reductions

The rst is trivial and the second is Prop osition

This follows from Theorem which asserts that that EA and SDU are complete for

NISZK the fact that ED and SD are complete for SZK SV GV and Lemma that

NISZK is closed under Karp reductions

This follows from Theorem that EA and SDU are complete for NISZK and Lemma

that NISZK is closed under Karp reductions


We thank the CRYPTO program committee and reviewers for helpful comments on the pre



ALM Ra jeev Motwani and Mario Szegedy

Pro of verication and hardness of approximation problems In Proceedings of the Thirty

Third Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science pages

AS Sanjeev Arora and Probabilistic checking of pro ofs In Proceedings of

the Thirty Third Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science pages

BDMP Manuel Blum Alfredo De Santis and Giusepp e Persiano Noninteractive

zeroknowledge SIAM Journal on Computing Decemb er

BFM Manuel Blum Paul Feldman and Silvio Micali Noninteractive zeroknowledge and

its applications extended abstract In Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual ACM

Symposium on Theory of Computing pages Chicago Illinois May

BG and Sha Goldwasser New paradigms for digital signatures and message

authentication based on noninteractive zero knowledge pro ofs In G Brassard editor

Advances in CryptologyCRYPTO volume of Lecture Notes in Computer

Science pages SpringerVerlag August

BMO Mihir Bellare Silvio Micali and Rafail Ostrovsky Perfect zeroknowledge in constant

rounds In Proceedings of the Twenty Second Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of

Computing pages

BR Mihir Bellare and Noninteractive p erfect zeroknowledge Unpub

lished manuscript June

CT Thomas M Cover and Joy A Thomas Elements of Information Theory Wiley Series

in Telecommunications John Wiley Sons Inc nd edition

Dam Ivan Damgard Interactive hashing can simplify zeroknowledge proto col design In

Proceedings of Crypto Lecture Notes in Computer Science volume pages


DDN Danny Dolev and Nonmalleable cryptography extended

abstract In Proceedings of the Twenty Third Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of

Computing pages New Orleans Louisiana May

DDP Alfredo De Santis Giovanni Di Crescenzo and Guisepp e Persiano The knowledge

complexity of quadratic residuosity languages Theoretical Computer Science

Septemb er

DDP Alfredo De Santis Giovanni Di Crescenzo and Giusepp e Persiano Randomness

ecient noninteractive zeroknowledge extended abstract In Pierpaolo Degano

Rob ert Gorrieri and Alb erto MarchettiSpaccamela editors Automata Languages

and Programming th International Col loquium volume of Lecture Notes in

Computer Science pages Bologna Italy July SpringerVerlag

DDPY Alfredo De Santis Giovanni Di Crescenzo Giusepp e Persiano and Moti Yung Im

age Density is complete for noninteractiveSZK In Automata Languages and Pro

gramming th International Col loquium Lecture Notes in Computer Science pages

Aalb org Denmark July SpringerVerlag See DDPY

DDPY Alfredo De Santis Giovanni Di Crescenzo Giusepp e Persiano and Moti Yung Im

age Density is complete for noninteractiveSZK May Preliminary draft of full


DGOW Ivan Damgard Oded Goldreich Tatsuaki Okamoto and Honest veri

er vs dishonest verier in public coin zeroknowledge pro ofs In Proceedings of Crypto

Lecture Notes in Computer Science volume SpringerVerlag

DGW Ivan Damgard Oded Goldreich and Avi Wigderson Hashing functions can simplify

zeroknowledge proto col design to o Technical Rep ort RS BRICS Novemb er

See Part of DGOW

DMP Alfredo De Santis Silvio Micali and Giusepp e Persiano Noninteractive zero

knowledge pro of systems In Carl Pomerance editor Advances in Cryptology

CRYPTO volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science pages

SpringerVerlag August

DMP Alfredo De Santis Silvio Micali and Giusepp e Persiano Noninteractive zero

knowledge with prepro cessing In S Goldwasser editor Advances in Cryptology

CRYPTO volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science pages

SpringerVerlag August

DNS Cynthia Dwork Moni Naor and Amit Sahai Concurrent zeroknowledge In Pro

ceedings of the Thirtieth Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing pages

DOY Giovanni Di Crescenzo Tatsuaki Okamoto and Moti Yung Keeping the SZKverier

honest unconditionally In Advances in CryptologyCRYPTO pages

FLS Dror Lapidot and Multiple noninteractive zero knowledge

pro ofs based on a single random string extended abstract In st Annual Symposium

on Foundations of Computer Science volume I pages St Louis Missouri

Octob er IEEE

For The complexity of p erfect zeroknowledge In Silvio Micali editor

Advances in Computing Research volume pages JAC Press Inc

GK Oded Goldreich and Eyal Kushilevitz A p erfect zeroknowledge pro of system for a

problem equivalent to the discrete logarithm Journal of Cryptology

GM Sha Goldwasser and Silvio Micali Probabilistic encryption Journal of Computer and

System Sciences

GMR Sha Goldwasser Silvio Micali and Charles Racko The knowledge complexity of

interactive pro of systems SIAM Journal on Computing February

GMW Oded Goldreich Silvio Micali and Avi Wigderson Pro ofs that yield nothing but their

validity or all languages in NP have zeroknowledge pro of systems Journal of the

Association for Computing Machinery

GO Oded Goldreich and Yair Oren Denitions and prop erties of zeroknowledge pro of

systems Journal of Cryptology Winter

GSV Oded Goldreich Amit Sahai and Salil Vadhan Honestverier statistical zero

knowledge equals general statistical zeroknowledge In Proceedings of the Thirtieth

Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing pages

GSV Oded Goldreich Amit Sahai and Salil Vadhan Can statistical zero knowledge b e

made noninteractive or On the relationship of SZK and NISZK extended abstract

In Michael Wiener editor Advances in CryptologyCRYPTO Lecture Notes in

Computer Science SpringerVerlag August

GV Oded Goldreich and Salil Vadhan Comparing entropies in statistical zeroknowledge

with applications to the structure of SZK In Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual

IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity pages Atlanta GA May

IEEE Computer So ciety Press

ILL Russell Impagliazzo Leonid A Levin and Pseudorandom generation

from oneway functions extended abstracts In Proceedings of the TwentyFirst An

nual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing pages Seattle Washington


KP Jo e Kilian and Erez Petrank An ecient noninteractive zeroknowledge pro of system

for NP with general assumptions Journal of Cryptology Winter

LFKN Carsten Lund Lance Fortnow Howard Karlo and Algebraic meth

o ds for interactive pro ofs In Proceedings of the Thirty First Annual Symposium on

Foundations of Computer Science pages

LLS R E Ladner N A Lynch and A L Selman A comparison of p olynomial time

reducibilities Theoretical Computer Science Decemb er

NY Moni Naor and Moti Yung Publickey cryptosystems provably secure against chosen

ciphertext attacks In Proceedings of the Twenty Second Annual ACM Symposium on

Theory of Computing pages Baltimore Maryland May

Oka Tatsuaki Okamoto On relationships b etween statistical zeroknowledge pro ofs In Pro

ceedings of the Twenty Eighth Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing

See also preprint of full version Oct

Ost Rafail Ostrovsky Oneway functions hard on average problems and statistical zero

knowledge pro ofs In Proceedings of the Thirty Second Annual Symposium on Founda

tions of Computer Science pages

OW Rafail Ostrovsky and Avi Wigderson Oneway functions are essential for nontrivial

zeroknowledge In Proceedings of the Second Israel Symposium on Theory of Comput

ing and Systems

Sha Adi Shamir IPPSPACE In Proceedings of the Thirty First Annual Symposium on

Foundations of Computer Science pages

SV Amit Sahai and Salil Vadhan A complete promise problem for statistical zero

knowledge In Proceedings of the Thirty Eighth Annual Symposium on Foundations

of Computer Science pages

SV Amit Sahai and Salil Vadhan Manipulating statistical dierence In Panos Pardalos

Sanguthevar Ra jasekaran and Jose Rolim editors Randomization Methods in Algo

rithm Design DIMACS Workshop December volume of DIMACS Series

in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science pages American

Mathematical So ciety

Yao Andrew C Yao Theory and application of trap do or functions In Proceedings of the

Twenty Third Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science pages

A Denitions

Following GK we extend the standard denition of interactive pro of systems to promise prob

lems That is we require the completeness condition to hold for yes instances

yes no

ie x require the soundness condition to hold for no instances ie x and do

yes no

not require anything for inputs which violate the promise ie x

yes no

We are mainly interested in such pro of systems which are statistical zero knowledge

Denition A Statistical Zero Knowledge SZK Let P V be an interactive proof system

for a promise problem

yes no

We denote by hP V ix the view of the verier V while interacting with P on common input x

this consists of the common input V s internal coin tosses and al l messages it has received

P V is said to be general statistical zero knowledge if for every probabilistic polynomial

time V there exists a probabilistic polynomialtime machine called a simulator S and a

negligible function N called the simulator deviation so that for every x


the statistical dierence between S x and hP V ix is at most jxj

SZK denotes the class of promise problems having statistical zeroknow ledge interactive proof


Honestverier statistical zeroknowledge pro of systems are such where the zeroknowledge re

quirement is only required to hold for the prescrib edhonest verier V rather than for every

p olynomialtime computable V Every honestverier statistical zeroknowledge pro of system can

b e transformed into a general statistical zeroknowledge pro of system actually meeting an even

stronger zeroknowledge requirement GSV

B Statistical Inequalities

Fact B For any two random variables X and Y ranging over a domain D it holds that

jHX HY j log jD j H


where X Y

This fact can b e inferred from Fanos Inequality cf CT Thm and a slightly weaker

b ound can b e found in CT Thm A more direct pro of follows

def def

Pro of Assume or else the claim is obvious Let px Pr X x and q x Pr X x



Dene mx minfpx q xg Then mx Dene random variables Z X and


Y so that


mx Pr Z x m x


Pr X x p x px mx


Pr Y x q x q x mx

Think of X resp Y as b eing generated by picking Z with probability and X resp Y

otherwise Then



Observing that Pr X x on at least one x D it follows that HX log jD j and

the fact follows

Comment The ab ove b ound is tight Let e D and consider X which is identically e and Y

which with probability equals e and otherwise is uniform over D n feg Clearly X Y

and HY HX log jD j H

C Pro of of the Flattening Lemma

For every x in the supp ort of X we let w x log Pr X x Then w maps the supp ort of X

denoted D to m Let X X b e identical and indep endent copies of X The lemma asserts


that for every t






k t m w X k HX Pr




Pr X x w x HX for every i Thus the lemma follows by Observe that E w X



a straightforward application of Ho efding Inequality Sp ecically dene random variables



k and use w X let E and tm

i i





Pr exp k

k m

exp t

The lemma follows