Sacred  Heart

Pastor March 21, 2021 Fr. Yves Francois   Parish Assistant Fr. Sean Mulcahy  Parish Office The office is open Monday thru Fri- day from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m   Telephone: 8637633727 & 7633737  Fax: 8637639334  Email: [email protected]

Secretary: Mary Ann Temple Maintenance: Lupe Mojica Gift Shop: Sandy Olson Music Ministry: Alberto Soto  Kevin Kinnaird  Oscar Hernandez  FILAM Choir Spanish Ministry: Francisco Mandujano  Alvaro Garcia Mass Schedule Weekday Mass Schedule:  Monday thru Friday 8:30 am (English) Wednesday 7:30 pm (Spanish) Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4:30 pm (English),7:30 pm (Spanish) Sunday: 7:30 am (English) 10:00 am (English) 12:15 pm (Spanish) CatecismoN1112 Domingo 901 S.W. 6th Street Okeechobee, FL. 34974  Social distancing will be observed and face coverings will be worn. Thank you. Email: [email protected] Sunday, March 21, 2021 Blessed by the Best, Twentyfour Seven, Seven Eleven, all the way to Heaven!   Religious Education Ministry  Director: Sandy Olson Telephone: (863) 7633727 Baptismal and Marriage Preparation  Fr. Yves Francois Telephone: (863) 7633727 Sacrament of Reconciliation  Please see the after Mass for an appointment Parish Registration Newcomers are expected to register as  members of the Parish. Forms are available in the foyer of the church.  Parents and Godparents preparing for the of their child must attend a baptism seminar. Please call the office to arrange for a seminar.  Telephone: (863) 7633727

Ministerio Hispano Ministries of the Parish: Actividades:   Alvaro Garcia Food Bank:  (863)8015758 Olivia Van Eman, Roy Padgett, Bonnie & Tom Peer  1st & 3rd Friday of the month from 9AM to 11AM Catecismo:  (863)7633727 Paulina Mohorek  (863)7630675 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:  Mary Ann Temple (863)7633727 Juan XXIII:   Guadalupe Lectors: Sanchez Mary Ann Temple (863)7633727 (863)8010222   Youth Ministry: Grupo de OraciQn:  Fr. Yves Francois (863)7633727 Alvaro Garcia. (863)8015758  English Group:  Monaguillo: Dr. Leni Espiritu, Dr. Trini Garcia, Ellen Cea and Anabelle Juana Mandujano: (863)2611511 Coroza.    Grupo de Mujeres:  Bible Study: Griselda Gonzalez: (863)6976097, Laura Mederos (863)447546 Walter Goggans  (863)6348483 Grupo de Lectores:   Francisco Mandujano:(863)2270899 or (863)4670579 Men’s Club (Bingo):  Tom Peer Ministro Extraordinario de la Eucharistia:  (863) 7633727 Francisco Mandujano, Guadalupe Mojica   (863)2270899 Women’s Club:   Kay Bartlett  (863)7633727 Grupo Carismatico De La Misericordia:   Mayra Talavera Knights of Columbus: Comité de la CelebraciQn de Guadalupe:  Kurt Jansen (561)7228668  Griselda Gonzalez (863)6976097    Pastoral Juvenil: Padre Yves Francois (863)7632737  Grupo Ministerio de Ninos y Jovenes Lectores Mariela Leal (863)6976148 Yesenia Salgado (312)9053931

 Blessed by the Best, Twentyfour Seven, Seven Eleven, all the way to Heaven! Sunday, March 21, 2021   Sick List  Please pray for the sick of our parish   Doris Lecair, Mariquita Torres, Lorraine Mroczek, Irene   Romero, Carol Cunningham, Jesus Cabrera, Ron Urschel, Terrie   Saret, Prescott, Leslie Lewis, Maureen Ryan, Lori Doney, Helen & James O’Connell, Elvia Ramos, Sally Renuart, Alice Arms- trong, Judy Raulerson, Anna Sweezer, Debbie Metevia, Bob Mullins, Mario Martinez, Carson Broderick, Ramona Romero, Roger Sulenski, Guadalupe Villalpando, Peg Guydosh, Jessica Allen, Callie Mosley, Rosamaria Lomeli, Dennis Carlson, Larry Johnson, Nick Cameron, Jan Boswell, Susan Forrester, George D. Jenkins, Everleigh Grace Rivera, Marisela Luevano, Yareli Ramirez, Roman Espinoza, Peggy Hand, Trudy Carren, Mary Williams, Alice Moreno, Colleen Meo, Stanley Breedlove, Connie Carlill, Ron Kruger, Richard Thivierge, Regina Buettner, Mary, Greg and Danny Wallace, Marge Cain, Kayleen Kenen- ske, Noel Smith, Tony Beckman, Louise Petty, Michael Stout, Sherri Owens, Jennifer Owens, Geneieve Solimani, Elizabeth Velaquez ,Tere Beebe, Jim Glancy, Edna Whaley, Perez Family, Melanie Anderson, Louise Keefe, Judy Mix, Margaret Bagley, Carol Doucette, Zelda Mixon, Trudy Bledsoe, Gary Cantrel, Betty Jo and Steve Bell, Helen Rich, Nancy Steiert , Deacon Dan Hoppe, Bennet Eger, Brian Mass, Nick Petrykowski, Jim Whitmore, Rose Owens, Joyce Conrad, Donna Spaniola, Barba- ra & Henry Dill and Seth Benningfield.

Sacred Heart Holy Week Schedule  Calendario de la Semana Santa   April 1: Mass of the Lord’s Supper6:00 pm Jueves Santo7:30 pm April 2: Good Friday Services3:00 pm, followed by Stations of the Cross Estaciones de la CruzN5:00 pm, seguidas de Servicios de Viernes Santo  April 3: Easter Vigil5:30 pm Vigilia pascual5:30 pm  April 21: Easter Sunday 6:30 am  Sunrise Mass, Okeetanie Boat Ramp (bring your own chairs) 7:30 am & 10:00 am Domingo de Pascua12:15 pm   Sunday, March 21, 2021    March 23St. Turibius of Mogrovejo Catholics in Latin America and throughout the world will celebrate the life and ministry of St. Turibius of Mogrovejo on March 23. The 16th century upheld the rights of 's indige- nous peoples, and became one of the first canonized saints of the Americas.

Turibius was born in Spain during 1538, to a noble family in the kingdom of Leon. He frequent- ly prayed, fasted, and gave to the poor even as a child, and eventually developed the daily habit of praying the Rosary along with the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

He went on to study law at the University of , and eventually served as a judge for five years in the territory of . His judicial wisdom and diligence drew the attention of King Philip II, who wanted Turibius M who was still a layman M to be consecrated as a mission- ary archbishop for the Spanish colony of Peru.

Turibius became greatly dismayed, protesting to the king and Church authorities that he was not even a priest and could not possibly accept the charge. In a series of letters, he pled that he was not personally capable of serving as the Archbishop of Lima M nor, he reminded them, did can- on law permit a layman to become an archbishop.

Eventually, however, he had little choice but to comply. He was consecrated as a bishop in 1581, at the age of 43, and immediately left for Lima, Peru.

The new archbishop undertook to travel throughout the rugged and mountainous diocese, where he observed many of the worst effects of colonialism M both upon the enslaved and oppressed natives, and on many of the colonists who seemed to have lost their souls in the pursuit of wealth.

He responded with constant prayer and penance, as he traveled throughout his territory adminis- tering the sacraments, teaching the Catholic faith, and establishing schools, seminaries and hos- pitals.

To the indigenous Peruvians, the archbishop was a herald of the Gospel who held their lives as more precious than their country's supplies of gold and silver. But to the many colonists whose behavior showed no sign of their Catholic origins, he was a prophetic scourge M whose efforts to awaken the public conscience earned him rebukes and opposition.

Turibius ultimately managed to make three visitations of his diocese, under rugged and danger- ous conditions, which occupied about half of his 25 years as Archbishop of Lima. He united the Peruvian Church at an administrative level by holding several local councils of its clergy, but was also known to spend days traveling to reach a single individual with the message of Christ. The archbishop became seriously ill in 1606. He sensed that his death was imminent, and de- creed that his possessions should be distributed to the poor. St. Turibius died on March 23, and his body was found to be incorrupt the next year. He was declared a saint in 1726, and is now regarded as the patron of native peoples' rights and Latin American .  Catholic News Agency Sunday, March 21, 2021 GOSPEL MEDITATION  March 21, 2021 5th Sunday of Lent  Any good teacher or parent will tell you that once a lesson is really learned it doesn’t need to be taught again. When we internalize things we have learned, they become a part of who we are and influence how we perceive and interact with our world. The same is true for the law God has written upon our hearts. Once humanity learns this lesson, we will simply know it to be true and act accordingly. Some- times, it is hard to get people to learn the lessons they need to learn. They are often distracted, disinter- ested, conflicted, misdirected, or just too stubborn and unable or unwilling to see what is right before their eyes. Understanding that God is in a loving and committed relationship with those fashioned and formed in God’s own image, seems like such a simple lesson to learn. But history and experience has proven that it is not.   We struggle with faith, especially when that faith asks us to learn something very particular about our- selves. We must, like a grain of wheat, fall to the ground and die. Because God’s DNA is at the very core of who we are, there are specific pearls of wisdom that must be acquired before we can live a full life. One very powerful lesson is that it is not the task of the world to tell us who we are and what has meaning, but God. For many, death is not an opportunity for greater life but a permanent ending to the life they have known. Jesus knew every dimension to what it means to be fully human because he was! He knows the joys, limitations, sorrows, frustrations, wonders, suffering, opportunities, and joys of the human experience. Jesus can teach us a wealth of knowledge and life’s lessons from his example, espe- cially obedience.   When we accept the law God has placed in our hearts and gain wisdom from it, then when we suffer we learn to listen more attentively to the Voice behind that law. We naturally flee to our Creator for inspi- ration, consolation, hope, direction, and comfort as we navigate through this time of darkness. We will not need to run from it, subdue it, fight it, or be overcome by it because we will know, having internal- ized this profound lesson before, that God will bring new life. God’s law is love and love never fails. Even in the moments of Jesus’ deepest despair, he glorified the name of his Father. What he learned al- lowed him to put everything in perspective and be obedient to the tender, loving Voice that echoed within. As Lent quickly winds down, may we learn the same! Then, may we gain the fortitude and wis- dom to help others see what is right before their eyes. ©LPi  MEDITACIÓN DEL EVANGELIO 21 de marzo de 2021 5º Domingo de la Cuaresma Jesús dijo: “Desátenlo y déjenlo caminar” (Juan 11:44). Ya estamos al umbral de la Pasión del Señor. A lo largo de la Cuaresma, hemos escuchado el amor de Dios por nosotros en cada mensaje del Evangelio. Desde las tentaciones de Jesús en el desierto, la transfiguración, la samaritana, el ciego de nacimiento, y hoy, la liturgia que nos sitúa en la resurrección de Lázaro, el Evangelio es de amor y vida. De estar atado de pies y manos, ha desatado, caminando libremente. Hoy el Señor nos desata de nues- tros pecados, si lo deseamos. La promesa del Padre sigue viva en su Hijo Amado. Jesús lo afirma con sus palabras: Y o soy la resurrección y la vida. El que cree en mí, aunque muera, vivirá. El que vive, el que cree en mí, no morirá para siempre” (Juan 11:2526).   Con Lázaro resucitado, Jesús anuncia su resurrección. Quien entendió bien el mensaje fue Marta, con su respuesta dada a la pregunta de Jesús: “Sí, Señor; yo creo que tú eres el Cristo, el Hijo de Dios, el que tenía que venir al mundo” (Juan 11:27). El Santo Padre, dijo que el Señor “Nos invita, casi nos ordena, que salgamos de la tumba en la cual nuestros pecados nos han hundido. Nos llama insistentemente a salir de la oscuridad de la prisión en la que estamos encerrados, conformándonos con una vida falsa, egoísta, mediocre. ‘Salí afuera!’, nos dice. ‘¡Salí afuera!’”. (Radio Vaticana 6 de abril 2014). El reto es salir sin miedo, confiando en la providencia de Dios, y en todo lo que se pueda hacer por desatar los  nudos de la vida de los unos y los otros. ©LPi  Blessed by the Best, Twentyfour Seven, Seven Eleven, all the way to Heaven! Sunday, March 21, 2021

  Weekly Weekly Activities Announcements of the Parish   Actividades de la Parroquia        2021 Diocesan Services Appeal CCD“Our BOOKS Faith, FOR CATECHISM Our Future” 20162017  2021 Colecta Para Los Servicios  Diocesanos CCD Every books family for catechism attending are Mass now readyis asked for distribu- to offertion. Register a generous and buy pledge your bookto advance in the church the mis- office Nuestra Fe, Nuestro Futuro  sionand pay and $20.00 ministry for the of year the 2016church.2017. Our All goal CCD stu-is  dents from Kindergarten to 9th grade must have a book for$47,000.00. learning and Please studying take about an Jesus’ envelope works andand learn La meta de 2020 es $47,000.00. Por howsubmit to become your donation.a good Christian. You make CCD classesa differ- start on favor, tome un sobre de donacion Sunday,ence! Your September support 18th, is 2016 greatly from 11:30appreciated! AM to 12:30 PM. Registration forms are in the foyer of the church ubicado en los lancos y cajas laterals. and in the church office.    Stations of the Cross  Stations of the Cross will take place in Estaciones de la Cruz Church Workshop every for Friday Teachers during and AidesLent at will 6:30 be pm on Thursday, September 15th, 2016 at 6:30 PM in the Las Estaciones de la Cruz se llevaran Educationin English. Center. For more information call the acabo en la iglesia todos los viernes de church office at 8637633727. SacramentWomen’s of Reconciliation Club  la quaresma las 7:00 pm en espanol. The Women’s Club will be meeting on Wednesday,  SeptemberConfessions 14th will after be the heard 8:30 mass.Monday All arethru Fri- after the 8:30 am Mass. Banco de Alimentos  El banco de alimentos está abierto el 1o y Adults InterestedPenance in Learning Service More about their 3er viernes del mes de 9 am a 11 am. A Penance Service willFaith be held on March   Fr.25th Sean at 6:00is preparing pm. for his discussion group for  Done Sangre adults interested in learning about our Catholic Domingo, 28 de marzo de 2021 Faith.Sacred More Heart information Annual will Lenten be coming. Blood Drive The blood drive will take place on Sunday, 8:30 amN2:45 pm March 28, 2021 fromBINGO 8:45 am to 2:45 pm. Haga el bien, sientase bien.   BingoWe hope at Sacred to Heartsee lots Church of starts people on Monday, trying September to save lives12, 2016 as at we7:00 have PM . We in needprevious helpers. years.Call 763 Make3727. Ofrenda Para Flores De La Pascua  Por favor llevese un sobre para flores sure you have eaten RCIA& are hydrated. Bring your ID. Let’s get on “The Bus”. Do good, de Pascua, localizados en la entrada; feelFor good!those interested in becoming Catholic, RCIA- para conmemorar a un ser querido. begins Tuesday, September 20th at 7:00 p.m. in the Education Center. Call the office to register. Los nombres seran publicados en el Bible Study boletin durante el mes abril.  LONGJoin the TERM Lenten NEEDS Bible FOR THE study SANCTUARY from 8:45   Ouram Sanctuary to 9:45 needs am theon following Sunday. items: The  topics  are 2 prayer,processional fasting candle holders: and almsgiving$2500 each. Las declaraciones de impuestos de  2 fixed candle holders: $2500 each. 2020 están disponibles en la oficina. hosted by Walter Goggans. Everyone isThese invited Sacred itemsto attend can be memorialized.  for your  family or for any loved one. We thank you for your generosity. Let’s beautifyFood the Bank sanctuary of our Church! God bless you! The Drive Thru Food Bank Is open on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month from 9 am to 11 am.  Sunday, March 21, 2021 Blessed by the Best, Twentyfour Seven, Seven Eleven, all the way to Heaven!

Scripture    Readings for the Week Masses for theWeek  Masses for the Week  MisaMisa porpor lala SemanaSemana       SaturdayM March 20: Sunday:  5th Sunday of Lent SaturdayFebruary 1:    Jer 31:3134/Ps 51:34, 1213, 1415 [12a]/Heb SabadoSabadoM20Febrero: de Marzo:     5:79/Jn 12:2033 or Ez 37:1214/ 4:30 4:30 PM: PM: Rose Dee Wermer, Coffman, Intentions RIP  Rom 8:811/Ps 130:12, 34, 56, 78 [7]/Jn 11:1 7:30 7:30 PM: PM: Sergia Pro Populo& Oscar Padgett, RIP  45 or 11:37, 17, 2027, 33b45    Monday: Dn 13:19, 1517, 1930, 3362 or 13:41c62/Ps SundaySundayMarchFebruary 21: 2:   23:13a, 3b4, 5, 6 [4ab]/Jn 8:111 DomingoDomingo21Febrero de Marzo: 2:   7:30 7:30 AM: AM: George Tom Flanagan, Blair, RIP RIP   Tuesday: St. Turibius of Mogrovejo, Bishop 10:00 9:00 AM: AM: Pro Pro Populo Populo     Nm 21:49/Ps 102:23, 1618, 1921 [2]/ 12:15 10:30 PM: AM: Maria Paula Torres, Merlino, RIP RIP     Jn 8:2130 Tranquilina Domingues, Int.  12:45 PM: Pro Populo  Wednesday: Dn 3:1420, 9192, 95/Dn 3:52, 53, 54, 55, 56        [52b]/Jn 8:3142 Monday  February 3:   MondayLunesMFebreroMarch 22:3:  Thursday:  The Annunciation of the Lord Lunes 8:3022 de AM: Marzo: Pro Populo   Is 7:1014; 8:10/Ps 40:78, 89, 10, 11 [8a, 9a]/ 8:30 AM: Dr. Leni Espiritu, Intentions    Heb 10:410/Lk 1:2638    Tuesday   January  28: Friday:  Jer 20:1013/Ps 18:23a, 3bc4, 56, 7 [cf. 7]/ TuesdayMartesEneroMarch 28: 23:    Jn 10:3142 Martes 8:3023 de AM: Marzo: Pro Populo   8:30 AM: Pro Populo Saturday: Ez 37:2128/Jer 31:10, 1112abcd, 13 [cf. 10d]/ Wednesday  MJanuary 29:    Jn 11:4556 WednesdayMMarch 24:    MiercolesEnero 29:  Miercoles 8:30 24AM: de ProMarzo: Populo   8:30 7:30 AM: PM: Pro Pro Populo Populo    7:30 PM: Pro Populo   ThursdayMJanuary 30: Your Gift to God ThursdayJuevesEneroMMarch 30: 25:   Jueves 8:3025 deAM: Marzo: Pro Populo   Su Regalo a Dios 8:30  AM: Pro Populo   FridayMJanuary 31:  Weekend/Fin de Semana: March 14, 2021/  FridayViernesMMarchEnero 26:31:   14 de Marzo 2021  Viernes 8:3026 AM: de Marzo: Pro Populo  Weekly Expenses/ Gastos Semanales: 8:30  AM: Pro Populo $7,200.00  Weekend Collection/ Colecta de la ultima    Thought of the Week  semana $ 4,246.00  Shortage/Corto $ 2,954.00 Pensamiento de la semana  CJeaL[ T Ae3 =eTŅ 2nd Collection this weekend is for:  > C[, O GoY! Seminary  La 2nda Collecta esta semana es por:  O_ Dio , 6JeT 9 C` N Seminario  cErTzE HNr! DSA Goal$47,000.00 Shortfall$31,435.00 Thank you! Gracias!   Matthew P. Buxton, LFD 400 N. Parrott Avenue • Okeechobee, Florida 34972 Contact Mark Hiller to place an ad today! (863) 763-1994 [email protected] or (414) 507-6500 The Only Family Owned Funeral Home In Okeechobee HAPPY TAX SEASON If Tax Season doesn’t make you happy, we can help! Doctor’s Clinic Internal Medicine Dr. Neeraj Julka MD Dr. Kiran Naidoo MD OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE Rachel Erwin ARNP Phone calls that are always returned Kyla Hargraves ARNP 204 SE Park St., Okeechobee, FL 34972 (863) 467-1040 • • 863-467-1117 We provide transportation with ROGO transportation. 110 SE 4th St • Okeechobee Now Accepting New Patients EYE CENTER FREE ESTIMATES | 954-534-0671 Gutter Installation • Gutter Cleaning OF OKEECHOBEE Half Round Gutters • Copper Gutters Quality Products with Affordable Pricing Eye Exams, Glasses & Surgery Highest quality of seamless gutter service with over 16 years experience and thousand of gutter installations completed NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL Michael J. Mehay Optical on Premises WILL BEAT ANY COMPETITORS PRICE Owner All Services Done Locally Medicare Accepted - New Patients Welcome MIGUEL A. ESPIRITU, M.D. 304 NE 19th Drive • Okeechobee, FL 34972 (863) 467-0533

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