Ochoco National Forest, Paulina Ranger District; Oregon

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Ochoco National Forest, Paulina Ranger District; Oregon Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 12 / Thursday, January 17, 2013 / Notices 3879 Stop 7602, Washington, DC 20250– Frequency of Responses: Young, Range Specialist, at 3160 NE 7602. Copies of the submission(s) may Recordkeeping; Reporting: On occasion. Third Street, Prineville, Oregon 97754, be obtained by calling (202) 720–8958. Total Burden Hours: 95,253. or at (541) 416–6500, or by email at An agency may not conduct or jmarszal@fs.fed.us and Charlene Parker, sponsor a collection of information jcyoung@fs.fed.us unless the collection of information Departmental Information Collection Clearance Officer. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: displays a currently valid OMB control number and the agency informs [FR Doc. 2013–00856 Filed 1–16–13; 8:45 am] Purpose and Need for Action potential persons who are to respond to BILLING CODE 3410–34–P The purpose of this proposal is to the collection of information that such reauthorize livestock grazing consistent persons are not required to respond to DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE with the Ochoco National Forest Land the collection of information unless it and Resource Management Plan (Forest displays a currently valid OMB control Forest Service Plan), as amended, and other applicable number. legal requirements within the project Ochoco National Forest, Paulina area. Paulina Ranger District data Animal and Plant Health Inspection Ranger District; Oregon; Fox Canyon indicates that throughout the project Service Cluster Allotment Management Plan area, stream shade and bank stability do Title: Foreign Quarantine Notices. Project EIS not meet Forest Plan standards. In OMB Control Number: 0579–0049. addition, several streams in the project Summary of Collection: Under the AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA. area are listed on Oregon DEQ’s 303(d) Plant Protection Act (PPA) (Title IV, ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an list for water quality limited streams, Pub. L. 106–224, 114 Stat. 438, 7 U.S.C. environmental impact statement. due to high summer water temperatures. 7701–7772), the Secretary of Agriculture Livestock grazing is one of multiple SUMMARY: The Ochoco National Forest is is authorized to prohibit or restrict the factors that can contribute to low levels preparing an environmental impact importation, entry, exportation, or of shade, high summer water statement (EIS) to analyze the effects of movement in interstate commerce of temperatures, and unstable stream changing grazing management in four plant pests and other articles to prevent banks. In these four grazing allotments, allotments on the Paulina Ranger the introduction of plant pests into the there is a need to facilitate the District. The Fox Canyon Cluster project United States. Regulations authorized achievement of the following standards: area is located approximately 35 miles by the PPA concerning the importation forage utilization, stream shade, bank east of Prineville, south of Big Summit of nursery stock, plants, roots, bulbs, stability, and width-to-depth ratio. Prairie. The four allotments are Antler, seeds, and other plant products to Brush Creek, Fox Canyon, and Gray Proposed Action include log, lumber, and other Prairie. The Proposed Action would unmanufactured wood articles are The proposed actions vary by reauthorize term grazing permits, contained in Title 7, Code of Federal allotment, and are specific to the construct rangeland improvements, Regulations (CFR) part 319. resource situations within each manage livestock use and distribution, Implementing the laws is necessary to allotment. The Proposed Action for all and conduct riparian restoration allotments includes reauthorizing prevent injurious plant and insect pest activities to facilitate the improvement grazing and reauthorizing existing from entering the United States, a of riparian conditions for streambank rangeland improvements. The actual situation that could produce serious stability, riparian vegetation, and water season for livestock use may be less consequences for U.S. agriculture. The temperature. These actions are needed than permitted in order to meet Forest Animal and Plant Health Inspection to achieve and maintain consistency Plan goals and objectives/desired Service (APHIS) is require to collect with the Ochoco National Forest Land conditions. The number of days information from a variety of and Resource Plan, as amended. livestock spend on each allotment may individuals, both within and outside the be adjusted annually based on United States, who are involved in DATES: Scoping comments must be received by February 18, 2013. The draft variations in weather and range growing, packing, handling, readiness or unpredictable events such transporting, and importing foreign environmental impact statement is expected to be completed and available as wildfire and drought. The actual plants, roots, bulbs, seeds, importing season of use may also be adjusted foreign logs, lumber, other for public comment in May, 2013. The final environmental impact statement is annually based on variations in weather unmanufactured wood articles, and and range readiness. The dates listed in other plant products. APHIS will collect expected to be completed in September, 2013. each allotment description are target this information using a number of dates for grazing. The season of use may ADDRESSES: Send written comments to forms. occur sooner or later than indicated Sandra Henning, District Ranger, Need and Use of the Information: based on annual conditions. The length Paulina Ranger District, Ochoco APHIS will collect information to of grazing also depends on meeting National Forest, 3160 NE Third Street, ensure that plants, fruits, vegetables, utilization standards or thresholds Prineville, Oregon 97754. Alternately, roots, bulbs, seeds, foreign logs, lumber, (triggers) for pasture moves. other unmanufactured wood articles, electronic comments may be sent to Allotment-specific proposals are as and other plant products imported into comments-pacificnorthwest- follows: the United States do not harbor plant ochoco@fs.fed.us. Electronic comments diseases or insect pests that could cause must be submitted as part of the actual Antler Allotment serious harm to U.S. agriculture. email message, or as an attachment in This allotment would continue to Description of Respondents: Business plain text (.txt), Microsoft Word (.doc), consist of 843 acres divided into eight or other for-profit; Individuals or rich text format (.rtf), or portable pastures: One (172 ac.), Two A (61 ac.), households; Farms; Federal document format (.pdf). Two B (74 ac.), Three (173 ac.), Four (52 Government. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: ac.), Five (60 ac.), Six (82 ac.), and Number of Respondents: 95,730. Jeffrey Marszal, Project Leader, or Jacob Seven (168 ac).The current permitted VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:19 Jan 16, 2013 Jkt 229001 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\17JAN1.SGM 17JAN1 pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with 3880 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 12 / Thursday, January 17, 2013 / Notices amount of 433 AUMs (Animal Unit Gray Prairie allotment, and two pastures range readiness indicators. The grazing Month) with 92 cow/calf pair from June in Brush Creek allotment. The modified system would be a modified nine 16 to September 30 would be nine pasture rest rotation would include pasture rest rotation; four pastures in reauthorized. Existing structural yearly adaptations in duration and Fox Canyon allotment, three pastures in improvements would be reauthorized, timing of grazing use in some pastures. Gray Prairie allotment, and two pastures including approximately 11 miles of This would include partial rest of one in Brush Creek allotment. The modified fence. The grazing system would be an or more pastures a year and/or may nine pasture rest rotation would include eight pasture deferred rotation with include full rest of a pasture based on yearly adaptations in duration and partial rest of pastures on a seasonal resource management objectives. Active timing of grazing use in some pastures. basis. Active management of livestock management of livestock would be This would include partial rest of one would be recommended, but due to the required. or more pastures a year and/or may frequent rotation through the eight The following actions were proposed, include full rest of a pasture based to essentially riparian pastures the analyzed and authorized within the Big resource management objectives. checking may not be as regular. Summit Cluster Allotment Management Existing structural improvements would Plans Final Environmental Impact be reauthorized, including 12 water One Pasture Statement (Record of Decision, developments and approximately 20 • Riparian restoration activities September 18, 2009), and would be miles of fence. Five new water would take place on .5 miles of Jungle carried forward in this Decision. developments are proposed. Active Creek; activities would include in- • Existing structural improvements management of livestock would be stream placement of wood and/or rock would be reauthorized, including 3 required. structures, planting hardwoods, and water developments and approximately Fox Canyon Pasture creating physical barriers (such as 10 miles of fence. One new water wood, rock or fences) to protect development is proposed. • Construct four and reconstruct two hardwoods and improve bank stability. • Modify existing pasture layout to water developments to improve Wood and physical barrier material may create a riparian pasture on Jungle Creek livestock distribution. come from on-site
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