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神州城外西湖暗流:十九世纪上半叶马六甲新加坡中文出版初探 = Western undercurrent along the coast : a study of chinese printing and publishing in the first half of 19th‑century Malacca and Singapore

庄钦永 Chng Khin Yong


Chng, K. Y. (2006). 神州城外西湖暗流 :十九世纪上半叶马六甲新加坡中文出版初探 = Western undercurrent along the China coast : a study of chinese printing and publishing in the first half of 19th‑century Malacca and Singapore. Doctoral thesis, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Nanyang Technological University

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Western Undercurrent Along the China Coast A Study of Chinese Printing and Publishing in the First Half of 19th-century Malacca and Singapore

Chng Khin Yong

Centre for Chinese Language & Culture

A thesis submitted to the Nanyang Technological University in fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

2006 ZfiVb ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

2kWik¥ ( University of Puget Sound ) &J&M& ( Suzanna Wilson Bernett) WiWSt jtmnms. 1973 ¥m^^B±^mn±^x, m&m (scow pan) mftmn®

4$ft (The British Library) , f&fb^^ttff^Mfg ( School of Oriental and

African Studies Library, University of London ) , $J #f ~fc ^P S 4$ i^ (Cambridge

University Library), ^^^C^^fjSHH^tt ( Bodleian Library, Oxford University )

Ri&W^^m^ ( University of Birmingham Library ) %&>UM6f£JT&o £H m, #m*¥&mft®5mm%ttmfmmm'&m®%m:$, mm-, ^mm*®

45 tt (Harvard Yenching Library) „ $c&tHlfeBW¥®:ftt% ( Andover Harvard

Divinity Library) , ^±^S^tf (Houghton Library) , #S#S^t5tt ( Lamont

Library) W&HHM& ®$\8 ( Widener Library) 0 i^WHilii^

( American Bible Society ) 1teMftMfflM'£tfyft£1ft&o

^lH^r^^lSl^rSt^ (Amherst College Library, Amherst, Massachusetts)

HiUft^T^llW$}Ulfcffl0&B]£.¥£ (Belchertown Historical Association,

Belchertown, Massachusetts)

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^mi£W-k¥ib&&&m% ( Bodleian Library, University of Oxford )

8OT&WJ§5##£-&fS^fi[ ( Detroit Public Library, Detroit, Michigan )

fe^MHiE^ffl^ft ( The Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine,

Boston )

#^#F^l£c$-n IS4$tg ( Graduate Theological Union Library )

^##^gtS4$i£ ( Luther Seminary Library )

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Massachusetts) IMW^^cE^S^ig ( The Burke Library, Union Theological Seminary )

mis, $mm®Pi?nimQ & 20 ^*, m^m^mE^^mmm^n.

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I wish to thank the numerous individuals and institutions who have assisted me along this journey. I owe a debt of gratitude to both of my supervisors. To Professor Eddie Kuo Chen-yu, despite his heavy administrative works first as Dean, School of Communications and Information (till June 2003), and later Interim Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, he spent many hours in reading my manuscripts. To Professor Chew Cheng Hai, Director, Centre for Chinese Language and Culture (till October 2003, and later Adviser to the Centre), who helped me refine my thoughts over the years and also painstakingly read through the entire manuscript. The following archives and libraries in United Kingdom and the United States of American allowed me to access and use their collections: American Bible Society Archives, The Oriental and India Office Collection, The British Library, Cambridge University Library, Harvard-Yenching Library, New York Public Library, The Burke Library of the Union Theological Seminary, University of Birmingham Library, School of Oriental and African Studies Library of the University of London. The following institutions provided me with microfilms and photocopies: Amherst College Library, Amherst, Massachusetts, Belchertown Historical Association, Belchertown, Massachusetts, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, Detroit Public Library, The Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, Graduate Theological Union Library, Luther Seminary Library, New Hampshire Historical Society, The Rhode Island Historical Society, University of Leeds Library, W.E.B. DuBois Library, University of Massachusetts, and the National University of Singapore Library. I also wish to thank the Nanyang Technological University for providing me with a Research Scholarship which enabled me to concentrate in research and finish the writing in time. I can never say, or do, enough to thank my wife Chiew Kuan who unfailingly makes my work, and my life, better than it ever could be without her. CKY

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%tmmim±mmMmmimmtmmmW:, vm&&%immis\®j&%&

©TM*H«t, WTOi^lA, -EfnSiJT^^M, f^lfWAifk^i, £#*H**!i

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Both the London Missionary Society (LMS) and the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) came to Malacca and Singapore in 1815 and 1834 respectively to establish Chinese printing presses. They produced religious pamphlets, as well as secular material (such as universal geography and world history, among others) written in Chinese by Protestant missionaries and their assistants. This thesis, after a brief literature survey of works on LMS and ABCFM, is broadly divided into four parts. The first part consists of Chapters 1-2. The first chapter deals with the political conflicts between the Qing and the British governments that led the two missionary societies to set up Chinese printing presses in the Malay peninsula, while the second examines both presses' workings (financial sources, printing process, number of titles published, print-run, etc.). The second part (Chapters 3-5) deals with the content of the publications. They examine the messages in the pamphlets, which were part of a ferocious multi-pronged attack on the beliefs of Taoism and the Chinese folklore religion; Chinese attitudes toward foreign trade; the ideological fence separating the Chinese and Western civilisations; and the humiliating restrictions of conduct and personal freedom. In order to change the Chinese belief that Middle Kingdom was at the centre of the world both politically and culturally, missionaries wrote books and articles introducing new geographical knowledge to the Chinese in Late Qing. The third part (Chapter 6) reveals the various ways missionaries employed to ship the publications (which were banned) into China and how they were circulated among the Chinese intellectuals. The fourth part (Chapters 7-10) looks at the impact of these publications on the Chinese scholars who read them. Chapter 7 examines the linguistic contributions of the missionaries to the modern Chinese lexicon. To express some Western ideas, missionaries had to coin new terms, which were later employed by the Chinese scholars. These new terms were the tools that allowed the intellectuals to tap into the mine of Western knowledge and widen their perspective of the world. Chapter 8 deals mainly on the influence on the thought of Hong Xiuquan (1814-1864) by the book written by Liang Fa titled Quan shi Hang yan (Good Words Exhorting the Age). Chapter 9 then examines how these publications proved to be a source of information from which Chinese intellectuals such as Wei Yuan (1794-1857) understood the world. In Chapter 10, we trace how these

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publications transformed the minds of some Chinese intellectuals. In examining their works, we discover that the age-old phrase "All under heaven" (5^T) gradually disappeared from their minds and they were awoken from their false sense of Chinese superiority. In conclusion, we quote a Chinese scholar, Professor Li Cunpu (^#+h), who wrote

that without the missionary publications produced in Malacca and Singapore in the first half of the 19th century, a Chinese scholar like Wei Yuan would not have been able to produce his Haiguo tuzhi (An illustrated treatise on the maritime kingdoms). We can only say that the significance of these publications in the history of thought of Modern China cannot be ignored.

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mt-. mftrnttimm 1 m-m f£»±##£flm 11 m-^ £, mw*mm.mmMimtkzi%%: 12 %-*$ #mfeWL£i$m±*& 15 HH^ ^A¥«^gtlM'J3: 18 mmn mmmMisticto&iiL 20 IH mmwzsM 24 Kir* fflJK "^TO&" M**^ 30 m-t> iHJK^^*as 30 ^-Hf TOJftJiSl^ 36 mHu ^##^t, ^w^s^a 40 IHT- mv\ 44 Sf$3/ff i«# 50 HAtr WJM 52 miEM #?m®z—. #«*^+aRRS?*#w;fcje/* 64 H-T> Sf "it#^T" , "BJUMr Wi£2£ 66 m^T M "%&&&" WiS*! 73 mmn ^fJ^W^zi: #«£i*AWW 82 S&-15- Jfrg "M^AIT' 85 ^-^ ^^r^+H^ff^aii 91 ^£# WJl*jW;t=: S^ttt^-^^if^ 101 H-Tf ,&UfeS£iW*S*flAtH:JH« 102 35-F MiiW$l*imm*m$iA$rftfc% 112

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16 Patrick Hanan, 'The Missionary Novels of Nineteenth-Century China," Harvard Journal of Asian Studies Vol. 60 No.2 (December 2000) : 413-443, j&it^t/R'BcA Patrick Hanan, Chinese Fiction of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries (New York: Columbia University Press, 2004), 58-84; ^^ti? x&mnm. t*&i*<+siatt'Haw^je> (±.m-. ±.n&ti&mtt, 2004), H68-ioi0 17 1997 *£ 4/3 8 HilHM + HWASMffStfc (Paul A. Cohen) &£POlffiT:k^B7FM£H8t

a££»£SMK*Bt£Hfc:fc*> (frfll: MftiBJKtt, 2002) , £80,

1994) , 5193-141, 19 m^^u. s,m±m(SM^+H^M)mem(m-. mimiiftmt, 2004), M 362-391, 20 rnzmw-, ftM$i±*a «s#g?tw^» m e m <#*: £«£&*«**:, 2003 >, 5x 239-


22 i£S:fc*, *ijft£.6tt «Haif^#H^B&» , ft £ 92 ^ ( 1997 ^ 9 £) . M 1-70, Mil^Jffi 1979 ^ST0lg£ (^jtitaW) ( m 1832 ^/N^SMJlSfiJ* ) ££ mm i8^w*, 23 *&&, ^B^WSE imi&®%nmzm m iimn*>%ftmd.m #*#?T 20 nt& 90 ¥ft*„ « 20 title 20 ¥tt, £^£*£W*itWffl^t&mifctIiJ7 <&ttt . <*H#*MSJmi2#> ^J*. ^^T-«i*|6lSrt^#^«o £60*eft, 80 W, &»3*

(*fl¥ft$) (RHT-A^ZI^SJR*) , MA^MC + Pim^i) UfcSC: -J8H5JE, 1955) , M 365-378; ^^ (ifcifc < &1tttfW§ gEiBte > - -aft+X^ftJU-W) , $ (Hit JferfHSt&t&FJ) * 1 mm 4 ft ( 1968) , M 27-40; HaS <*# <*H##«^£i£#> - - + H itrtm-wsift^^^fij)), «im^L^^m^^^m % 2 mm 4 m 1i%9), M 23-46;

(Ui^: illl^kfc^i+.JKth, 2003) , 31256-268, 269-284, 24 *£ <3fcB£«£ifcflD (±f$: ±«*HrUJ!Rlt, 1998) , 51 258-278, 25 3££<*ffi£«[£ifcJ«> , £245-257, 26 £PU+AAi£> (±»: ^^!W^A^fh«gtt., 2001) , £28-31, 27 SAM «&W5*i£» («WH: SfllgH&.+.JKtt, 1998) , M 169-179, itfc^IIftJ (HJ&t &sm> &ss is m t ms % 2 n), m 1-6, 28 ««ffltigiie (^H^Mitif > m~M(±.m: ±mx^:^mt, 2000 , M 189-205, 29 * <*sft&#w> m 2 mm 2m <2003 ^5 ^ >, 3186-94, 30 « <£fi3MR ( tt£f4^l>£ ) » 2003 *m 5 #9 ( 2003 %• 9 ^ ) , M 99-105, 31 ^{^S^^»2002^m2«, II 28-30, 32 *ttffcfc±lfi »A« (»*H: *&rri)Ktt, 2003) , £ 148-161, ft Elijah C Bridgman ft 1838 ^TUffM (HlllF'&WS^*) *ffl«« "MX" , £ 1846 ^^ffeftjfi1 (A

33 aausau $#«&±is<'f^^^i: ifi*4^ifN^» (dt«: ^assstt, 2004), 5; 367-381,

10 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

Ha#tfc±£^§£ ( Rufus Anderson, 1796 ~ 1880 ) '

Am "AT" ^-^I^MMt^: #WAifete&tit^;£4^, ^h-M-M^i^

Ji^frifc ( Sinocentrism ) 0

(Eurocentrism) 0 g 16-17 tttfaHraK#£tS:W&^;'j/5, #ifn>«##ttl xikjf^mAiRo mmmmm, mnMrn^ikiRmm^^-mm^mit, m ^BkMtp'bXfciWit (Eurocentric diffusionism) , &W&fe 19 t^rM^A^fM

ii ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

if, &m±£xwi&m*m, &%&M*m. JST u#?mtt&n , timmikftm

mmmito *, ^nmm -stir, M -mmtm

A" (perishing heathens) ; MmmSfoMR&mMtf) "£^$c±^" „ 6 19 ta:£±w, m£tt&wm±£XikftMT, m%m%L#i%L±fc®¥m±i&o m&

To "T^, ft 1517 *f, &ttffiT*Wi£VJ.&M.*nto&H*&m£lE&X±.&} mm, HSW^T5&li (Martin Luther, 1483~ 1546) #b&7-^5g^Mto*5ifc

tfc-^S#frtfc (Protestantism, l£#FMlEtfc ) WAP£#o

\2 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

*&®tmmittjim, mux, t**mi%m&*m, Mmmt^Mmmm.^,

Wto Mfftf, *'J>&%msfegffi%£.X (Evangelicalism) ftfUW, &%M^Mfe

M% (evangelists ) 0 ^M^iC^i^isfsm^^MgX^^WS^, -j&¥ftil£!i

(Moravian Brethren) ^fSUti^ (pietism) WfPfo, fi&fn^ttgifc^i&^ftM

m^&m±£5A3LQ mm&^mfozj "m-fc^s" s^ (the First 7 Awakening) 0 &T$;^»&% "fg^i^jis/f ftfi^#J-teA%^:E$f

Mil (John Wesley, 1703-1791) , mit^M&VtmiX&xhZ) "III!

n % ( Wesleyan Revival) 0 mm±X% &%t &&£&&&¥& fr&nm&^WiX Wj^i»i, &«fit±, iifg^+^&futwsi^fe, arm, ^2»fiw?§w± ^wwsi^^siw, £*&«&&&&. &#s&*f is, 19 t^a^s

18 tags*, ^±^ii^^£^@£nA£nlB{fcJI?f, *g#«H*#jt^ii

-^BgiJifo Hgfcit, £1785^, ^SSIfc 16,000 tfc±+, ftW300Ailfc*rig

#*/£ ( 1.88%) , 507 1830 *£, £ 18,000 %%L±*P, B^f 3,000 £|§#^, £ 16.6%o 8 ffi&ifr^**flit#W&;&T, ^SfflSi-^rSftiiMfe^-W

¥, &¥%faZ%%-fck%MM%} (1776-1810) o 9 iiai!a*0f«fttw5*&A7«*Mr, M7^Mfm*Rf»S«Jl^#»

13 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

^ik0 n-fc*%:m&*j}j$.%Mm£:j*'±ti}Mm&%jj]o 1792 *, ^g^^sp

Baptist Missionary Society) , fo£.%j&—^^S^j^— i^ft/^o 3^ (1793

*£) , tS^iMlJ^ 'MMB*± ( William Wiberforce, 1759-1833) ^P—^N

Jtt*S!j{E7$^f£3l# (Church Missionary Society) . 1795 *£, —f¥ f^Wife

£) (7fa? Evangelical Magazine) &&&{§%\&j&M}ZVt£, fe^M-UZfo ftjffclfcftJjzTffclfcft$k£ (London Missionary Society) . 1796 ¥^&^f#il£

(The Scottish and Glasgow Missionary Societies) &J$LALT «

T^^fJSdttt/h^^ (Religious Tract Society) 10, #SlW«JtB/{S7##i^tltt atfclftWJo 5^/s (1804^) X^AL75i#S^# (The British & Foreign Bible

Society) , ftS«#, tiJJ&#?»r,i§£M££. " i£5&fcj±#Hi£r$M£ • £H3M£ (Jonathan Edwards, 1703-1758) . 1792 ^p, %

jE&&mmmtttm^ ^^x^m^^^mx-mmw (Timothy Dwight, 1752- 1817) „ Mutter, *#*^££-&js^g3*. 1802^, ^^WH^-W ^«H»§§rft mnmn'±toi£jfi, m®%M. m%, x^mmmzx^mm &^m&m&]¥Uinx$.uMim3frm, ^m^^mm^mmm, mmmum± Bo

WSVfeo 1796^, fMMAL7M^f^Jl^ (New York Missionary Society) ; 1810

¥, Xj&^TM-^VJ.ft±m%-i^m^%%%&}mM£ (American Board of

Commissioners for Foreign Missions ) ; 1816 ^J55c3l7llflJMS;zrS# ( American

Bible Society) ; 1825 *Etil3LT£M%}1&'b=$£ (American Tract Society) , %f

14 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

mr.ixxD£mm*hi$i^, mmmmmmmm, {mm^^n^mmw

^mJs, jt^iJW^&^]£#?E;*L£ (Alexandre Valignani, 1538-1606) ffi^m

H#;^#£telftlg+-¥, ^@ffcl£#ffifc±^?Li& (Robert Morrison, 1782- m^mmm—rm—\t^m±&mUo

is mzM^mmmffi%&4;U^r.ixmm±'%w&xh (1776 ~ ISIO ) 0 1793 ^•W.—^-s.W&l^X'^mi^ ( Baptist Missionary Society ) £WM£##jfk &J&&, ^^^S-^aE^ii^J^r^^mWII^o 1795 ¥ 9 £, -ft «?g#£ i£) (77ie Evangelical Magazine) ^^M^it^K^^X^M^l^W^ZJ^^, £ |Wj6ijAL7fk$Mtfc£ (London Missionary Society, WTIi^I "ffc^" ) o *£!£

WL&feWL^j&jtm 2 *zis, -mt*mm^&®&}M±mwim (wiiiiam Mosley) ep£7-#tfl#, SITO® "ifcfc-'hMt, M^AnM^lft&7jKJ£

i^m zmw , fr%m£±m&3LmH£m0 &&%&£=&& (The British

15 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

and Foreign Bible Society) fejg/L^^o 15 ^i£, Mf$f—&££;#^#M±

1806 ^, mvi&mTo feWL&%::fim&i&m%:M±m$}&i&, mm-ik^u 22 Ptf}^lW&M (Robert Morrison, 1782-1834) IlJ^lft+^Si, »M

17 A^liCo 1807 ¥ 9 J3, 3*^^*-^-**E?iJ#^^^W¥WA^^#^HA n^iiiM^^o &fom±*mzm, £tkTmmmi&, ^mnummn, t&i$&m±

%-fe&%mftqim/Amty&m&m (James Flint, 1720-?) mWo 1662 ¥, *TgI0@&^xt*S?&i§ft3liftHifc, ^gg*fe0f*rn£*WS!Mo 1685 ¥,

KAi^KigjSio 1689 ¥^-M^a^^s^^isjifl*iijTrWo ^^r

1753 ^, ^EprA^^llElie^ilfto I8 Wk g^HrM^

fi, S^T^ttr^HW, t^^^efJ^I&WtTih, S^Ffl&^h^^rtlfetfS

16 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library n%#*]E^m±, fM$p*±, & 1757 *zzfc, rmmTm-imtimmn

1759 ¥ (&m-ftm¥), -GLftQim&mMRm&m, *mimzum, n mn±m, Hiin^o20

mmmmjm^mm.21 fem±£mmr, *sm, i&am&%ji*A, mm* ffeo 1725 ^, *JE^JE^a^ft«±6«l^5&maPB^^fc]sSr^H, "*8?A#

1804 ^ (B^^L¥) , ikM^^LibMii+s^HijH^, nnmmi?m±m

t£*mmx&±, mum^mmmmw^^jm^fs^o n-. 1759 *m

22 tmitWLttm--n&, mfc& 85 *zx , -itsi 1842 ^mft&^M%±0 flr, *7Jta&nHIBfr&, 1760 ¥ffir^f^#^«^T > , «

23 isinstto s-^i^-i:iy^fiij i843 *z%±0 &H, vfEiA^^$^^ #£££, nm^m "ft&m&^i&wmmMAim, mmm®" , tm, mm mmm "iEfe^^, #rt*&«i, MM, mxn*&W3m*Mn »24 £

17 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

turns*, xmttfctomnAm, £^c#^, ^n^^mxm^^m, wm&M »ru ML mxjtm&mttwm, -&&&<,"25 m$m±mmA&*m%

mem, rmm±m*mEtmm0

rtm&&m*mmu&m, mum. m%m&m&mmm&)j5%:m%im

&itmm%jE^m$mux&*¥mm%, ^*x, m&^&o mm, &.(®wm

1812 ¥12^, m\Mffi&te*mztm&&-^3.8L&o torn, mumx^

z m*i^&JtiV$Lfcm± ?&} ( Prince of Wales Island, ^A$t%&M ) iCTjg/BMM

M&jkm& (Batavia, Wm^ZWl!a& ) i3£t:£fcMl, &3BPM**6l^m> HH& EMrtJKTOJ^i&WJ, &/5#&3sA*S£rtffc£, S«JHl*^«fS^WW»

Mo S¥, f£Sfc^it7cT1@l^'&stfc±*'lt4M (Rev. William Milne,

1785-1822) o 1813 ^ 7 M , ¥£ft^L2M^W#W##&&*rio 26 11 £ , M ADc^4'@^±^h#ficl:^Sitfe-*amtito 1814 ¥ 2 Jl i4B#tmr*H£

MI'J&M, it^ffMH^ 7 ^M&*E%£O 3 ^ 10 0, *M&j£/Rni, £3PM

JI^M 5 ^MMBtm, 21 9tfe3\\mM (Bangka) , B&*|M, 4*Pft

(Madura) #itfeo J5#, ffe?6#:Jfc±IlMft^*^&iafrfiJ3-ftft^£o *!£,

18 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

mm i: 3A¥£$MSK

so* ,

ft#Bfc^-^^^^^*,^t?i f5*fe?^SttRB3


Ikfs^-PWkm® (1825) ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

m%, rfiLB^*t&&«$± (Stamford Raffles ) #-»^A±#^3:£H&S^

Wo29 Sr^L3tM®-^ftic#, &*fe&£m*fai£^^&&fy&mift'M.m.tti ( Ultra-Ganges Mission ) ffiB^MMM&o 1815 ¥ 4 ^, ^Dt^ffeft^ttt/i^^iat^:**^, *mu*n£@, mrs, TN^O 5,3 21 B, {Mi*4AEPo 8^ 5 B*##f±l6W <<^MH5imi£f£>> G'J ffJ-^-iE^ffJ^, ^Jfe^^^K^^iiilKepJSW^WiE^^i&o BI/5, f^m^X^E^

R 1815 ^ 5 i!*mft:i£5r/NEP, flj 1846 ^ 6 ^Mlfcil^ft (John Stronach, i8io~ 1888)imi)mffiMmmn, fe&^mjs&m. mfi*x%im&im±-'&

4o 1812 ¥, JE^Affm^iBtSf*!^^, HSP#tft££#&±M ( Boston ) rfr/§

^^dt^i 30 R&ttnMmmmmM (saiem) JE^«£0 *X, tm&m.u

19 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

uHM?mM&±n PJ3EJHIW-®*^r*#»o 30 1824 ¥, -tkHc^H^^^^T

1827 ¥, srw+H^imm, ^UM-HSIISWA, i&±iB*m^o f&in

#o &¥ 11 ^HSl^AH^:^ (D.W.C. Olyphant, 1789-1851 ) ^A^iMWMJJL nmm$£m%mM£^o 1829 *zm$.#m®mmzm. n^rmm^mm

(American Seamen's Friend Society) , HSl^^f^, T&Tsi&MJLfeo 31 S¥ 2

^ , W&X ( 1801 ~ 1861 ) fPflM ( David Abeel, 1804-1846 ) ^A$tffti*r *H, Kftmv&rwm'MMLtmo32

Zhm^ffim^&W&m^mm, mmSB, BIAhnrJSLo #?&:fciUf, HiL $

1833 ¥, £*#PJ-*£tflfcfflfttfli6fciffi3h *«##$&»£, ^ 1,800

£H7cMft#3£ep&0f ( The Bruin Press ) ^^^r^i^^To 34 1833 ¥ 8 j!^#

£ 26 BH^llrf#tfc±f$?L± (Ira Tracy) JfP^IHjXKTAH-g: (Samuel Wells

Williams, 1812 - 1884 ) M&rW , tfrflft WJfiJJKXfto

20 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

*&, fi&^&ffiRtmT-mEftM&itfmo & 1332-34 *mrnm& £«-&**«, {£&-£**§*$&+§, ^#fik^m^^:Mo 1832 *p, £i£J95

36 ^##, xftmm&tmfzBzxno AHP^JB, «S,?LM#, #£&

( Hugh Hamilton Lindsay, 1802 ~ 1881 ) HI "KH±^" •§• (r/ie Lorrf Amherst) , !i^7i»7, lfel&Jb±, -tHI#Tf7mif^i^W##±f^±lP$^^ftff^Mo f&maiag, fr^ mtt> aj^^*, ^iy-*fc, iSW&M, SP*^ <*£SA

1820-30 ¥ft, ffcSfc#SRM^£ ( 1789-1854) ^SS^M^^: (The Christian

Union in China, ^f^N ) 38> ^S^JtM:/h^^ ( Religious Tract Society ) 39 , ^H

^^^ ( British & Foreign Bible Society ) SilfS^^ ( American Bible

Society) ^falftAijMT, £r^«JftJ{g7/l#at^:i:'J, #*ijffl4*¥£i£

JM|pJ#£fd£o i££ 1832 &-*£, ^£&OTJ>M©ttt <<£^B»J^«r3>>

40 ( WT«» <^^BW> ) m&nmm^M?#} i isMo 1833 ^ 10 j§,

2,500 m m&am & «^jta:^w» ^^*^#^^-^E^^^^M42O i834

^^^^^^?LitfJ^JH45o43 ^ff$w^, ^£*flns£, ffe&Jtflc&afc ^, ^^f^#torW^^%^mai:^45:PJo mig»^^C^4M^ (John Robert

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Morrison, 1814-1843) ftffi£, &&%.-*E%i2t^&rH\Wm&T 4 7j#Wgt4$ f«J, " 5,900 ^ <£-BBW> (nm5M) R 5,000 0Wfco ^ftftUfc, fem±&

ftS «£^0i$» itirH (ioo «) *q£«-/§ (400 *) m^o 45 £ifc£flfr&£

^^^3c^^tio *t*£SW*;frKa, EM^^^, fiJ^fi^A^o

1832^!§£iii2i!&: S 1834^4^ 22 Bjg, &EM£tfJ*f^M#J«T E^IT (Henry J.T. Palmerston ) BbRSMtf, T&W^'lE'&T r*H, ftSW&£-K!A3£ MSR$, fS£9^Wo 1833 ¥^i$ll«ftifr-ft±ilim^, &¥&-&# m%. (Lord William John Napier) %&'%&&&&, *&^?f £1ftl»lftj^-^r

1834^7 ^ 15 Bwm%.&&nn0 +^3, «&rw, SE^^sntt, w mwy-fiw&^T-wAm, mxmm&&ffin0 mr&&£*¥ (1773 ~ 1835) iM£®/5, iA* "*^SI£, *«^#aifc" , ME. "^^fr&#j^*a

A^MS, J>UG^@™, ^^i^^, B-^TOJ^; JLi^SBPWlttil, ^

u mm m%Mm&Aftft, B**H*£ 3mm%ftm&xM$zm" , m&i

&mxmnxvwm^zftmmp, mmmmm—mmmtt^imo481835 ¥ 6 i? 26 0 (mjt-t^TsM fll) il^M^TT-iiilj^:

22 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

p^w^fi^o g 1821 ^wtt&mjEj&Mmmnmm%L, %wr&mnmn 52 ^nmmmiko MT^MT^SAW^, MM, ftrrafcTflrairjewT it, *&, t^^^w^HA,

23 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

m, ^^j&^m^mm^mm^m, mx 1833 ^s/g- 3-4

#>& 1834 ^ 2 ^iBjHiJfiJHp^ 6,000 JWttflHFMrtfftSsSMHTft, &J&*8sPJ


M»&X£fl:, A£l&^ E«HK-*3»ft*h &««, M?3rm, tSAfU ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library tim^tio 55 tSAHTffi^^WiHAi* "M" ft, &^W>WZ% "%n , 56 Mwm^^/ -&#" o57 ^r#i+H5ittM^#^ffl^^±, xt&*

2M*P*§iIii*ff&£ff; f^±*f£ft*@Afftt *l«Ti*SAtfcWi£, &

58 #, *m®ffisn -mm." M=F*K -£ii" &iftfSA4>m&iMfc;#ji;**o %

j$^|5t^. 2001) , K571, 573o 2 mm , it «£H##» if 3fcTffl¥+-£ , nf no T ( M 306) „ 3 «£^» , <*i5##) Jt3tTM¥-^ , nf 8 ± ( 51204) 0

mm^mmm, mm*mx&m&x#iX4k

25 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

i^KI Raymond Dawson, The Chinese Chameleon: An Analysis of European Conceptions of Chinese Civilization (London: Oxford University Press, 1967), 65-89; fflRfe {XitffiM: ffift&^lftJFi&JtpW; xiixm , «(&%.*&&& (A*tt#f*^jK)»2001 ^msm, n84-85, J. M. Blaut, The Colonizer's Model of the World: Geographical Diffusionism and Eurocentric History (New York: Guilford Press, 1993), 1-43. 7 #*«&±j5c&'£inffitBtf:P-JW3!gj*&. "immmM <»#££•&: &£$£M+A+ (#*£: M§T^i!§. 1999) , 51 266-268. 8 -m%m > (#*§: MffS«, 1999) , 15 287. 9 ^%%%m®m&®±-%:mmm, W&W&&M (Earle E. Cairns) 2, «&£# f£ mm ft $1 (±) = i£-in«££^£» c&ft: «its&£, 1994), 5193-133, a*** K^-LJli:^^^)> Ufe&i WVWJKtt, 2001) , M 12-76.

William Jones, The Jubilee Memorial of the Religious Tract Society (London: The Religious Tract Society, 1850), 5-16» " — M^'M The British & Foreign Bible Society #^^H5 !$£# ($n&JB&^ fnj X3t# (fetfcflsA-^flJa) [#*i SBtfciStfiJKtt. 2000], M33) , EtiT-&$it£fiJFi-ii*l£&

i: @^-ltt^M^^» (§?§: fc^Bft, 2001) , E571. 13 ««S#ffftfcAMil3*J, RT#fiI^S»f (Earle E. Cairns) *, feHH# <&*&*flft

£#) Ut*: B*»itjjRtt, 2001 )0 14 C. Silvester Home, The Story of the LM.S,, 1795-1895 (London: London Missionary Society, 1894),

120; iilKtHlfSi) (ftdt: ft^[^^Ep45m, 1968) , M 590 15 — fl*±, ^#$ME The British & Foreign Bible Society i?2j3iH3:43£-£ ( JPiSSSft [ M. Broomhall] *, ®X^1$ (ft«#A4*l£> [#*t: MftXSrBJEtt, 2000] , K 33) , ft T.0 HJftjilfifeXWitiRK* 19 tJJ:*r2±W, 0f«, ft** 1822 ^##£i£A?rriJKM

16 »&«*> ISfXJti? <^U[#A^L2fc> (#*§: »fdt2tfiJKtt, 2000) , 51 33-350 ffe«£B'M3>FX, »«SttBW*b!9i«WXjbni4, isos E, tfcifcJtiX£j&£ IO^/FT, -£;* ?fi&*«i»i*ma^«#w»*, wus 19 « (1786) *epm&mfoiittMttft&ftm%u#i Mm&LfoWi±¥8i (Prince of Wales Island, !si$tff&M#3 Penang ) Ift>t'f'fr. £Sffl, i*T-M

17 (£1&7jSfc#> itHAn "-IEt0*, BP-^HTE'&^Ao " ( a <*M> IK KII^AJ] , flf 30 T ) ; Quarterly Chronicle Vol.2 (1821): 3 PJ& 146,000,000 Ao iiJi 19 tSIS H^rAtfjftit, *&, migfBJMfP^jif^, £ 1805 W, ^HAn^^ 264,ooo,ooo A, tfc <^ift TJgB&ff» ^f^f^R^^^rfi 83%o #Rl Ho Ping-ti, Studies on the Population of China, 1368-1955

(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1959), 56Q 18 1698 ¥, &m*fym&n±m&eTmt$M1%, ft%*t&m%f&m&o J- L. Cranmer-Byng, 'The First English Sinologists: Sir George Staunton and the Reverend Robert Morrison," Symposium on Historical, Archaeological and Linguistic Studies on Southern China, South-East Asia and the Hong Kong Region (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1967), 247-248; >PJ#^L «#*t, ftlll-^—tfJlJt flH^£HM*f*Nftfc> , E£ <#*£#&> (#*t: «§M54k, 1998) , 5i390 191662 wi, EfcT£Btt^*m*MfeEft£Wffltt, mmm&mnmmm%, tur^sf* ftftJgKffiMfllffifc* 30-50 MMrtitk, «]fc*9l*iS*£$tof&#&8So Immanuel C. Y. Hsu, 77ie th /toe of Modern China. 6 ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), 140-1410 20 Immanuel C. Y. Hsu, The Rise of Modern China, 138-139. 21 T#«<«I3HW£»»*> («: ^mfr&ftWmt, 1999) , 51199-204, 22 Immanuel C. Y. Hsu, The Rise of Modern China, 141 —142 „

26 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

23 %wm*£.m<*nj953fe*fift> (^m&-. miux^mmt, 1999), ^ 135-06; &*«j *, ffikm., *B&m wmftttA) (±M) , 3u48-i49 24 0 (+mm\\}M^, m-xx, rmz, ^io-na 25 =?*m {m±m#i^%iM.m , ^220-2210

*^o £r*n, *•&& "#ft" M#M&W, Miiitf^T.^, mm, &^*im, m^m^,

Robert Philip, The Life and Opinions of the Rev. William Milne, D.D. (London: John Snow, 1840), 130-131. 7 "Religious Intelligence," The Panoplist and Missionary Magazine for the Year 1815, Vol XI: 365; Robert Philip, The Life and Opinions of the Rev. William Milne, D.D. , 140-153. 28 Robert Philip, The Life and Opinions of the Rev. William Milne, D.D., 149. 9 William Milne, A Retrospect of the First Ten Years of the Protestant Mission to China (Malacca: Anglo-Chinese Press, 1820), 135-137; Robert Philip, The Life and Opinions of the Rev. William Milne, D.D., 120-121. 30 Clifton Jackson Phillips, Protestant America and the Pagan World: The First Half Century of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 1810-1860 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 21-22. 31 m$.#%mmmAo 19 m^^Erw^m^mw daibot) mm&Tn daibot, oiyPhant & co) 0 &&mm*mmft&^tfMm-*mmmftMt\-mm7> nmx®fr(+m&m) (The Chinese Repository) ii^Hftfe^ijMric, ffe&.+,£*3£Sffc&£fSU^MS.+,JK «M3fW^

H» (Hokkien Dictionary) 0 1851 *f£ig|t&*f&*ET?f^0 #JB. + H*t#$-^Kifitt£flr£JJIfffil

i*£ («: tStt^^r#aj«ttt, 1981) , E3640 32 Clifton Jackson Phillips, Protestant America and the Pagan World, 172-175. 33 ABCFMAR 1832,55. 34 ABCFMAR 1833,144. A Report of the Anglo-Chinese College, with an Appendix, from January 1830 to June 1831 (Malacca: Printed at the Mission Press, 1831), 14. S^fpFT 1794 *£&WJPJJK ( Eccles) MLB2M&, 4o Xi^i^^lSi (John Marjoribanks ) 3/gTigTUK (Lord Provost) , %H%%&

(baronet) 0 ^R^^*^=^o ^^W-M4\ «f££gTii^»1£^W0 1811 ¥, £.+.# ^m&epm&^MmMji&mfiLX. (m&x) ^R^ (campbein mmr, i&A^m^m^mm

%a 1812 ^, 18 ^W^-m^mmn^imMiZ (junior writer) 0 *Q WM«*r T.ftlft £EA*KMJ1. ^T^*^ 1821 ^fiffiSSLIRM ( supra-cargo ) , 1825 ¥«?|-2j«tf$ (secretary) . ®M, *^B#fit&££, MitttfrSHifeFflr^o 1827 ^, ItkHSiJ + ao 1831 ^, 36 ^Mffeefffl-ftsfclKo 1831 *£, gJ^T + P^Sfflfito wm&.&*m&&m#., %ttmfeW(.&2:miRmtoKm, ik%e.rwL&R/&m®ft±m&, 5,%mm&m^w. mi %• 1 £+«3s0 HJ^JFT. ^W£i9tfftfflr&$&, 1832 ¥aAH#, as tt±«RS5HiEJ**, #^F7j7jto£PA^J&&iM3tfiJ, **4, ftfcjtftS^Mo #03 Roger Marjoribanks, 'The Life of Service, At Home and Abroad," The Marjoribanks Letter (October 1991): 2; ^

ft: fSfSN^^, 2000) , ]Ell5 ft 20 36 Immanuel C. Y. Hsu, 'The Secret Mission of the Lord Amherst on the China Coast, 1832," Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 17 (1954): 231-252. 37 {m%m%36M(±*: *&&&%*&, %mjis*p*wJimmmm.^kKMW&o mum**. •^Hi^^mmf&mmmmw^mnLc mm, imm±m, r*W£&\tmm*nm0 mftr%%

27 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

(&&-. mn^m±, 1993), K39-40; mm&(mtr^tt^w&m ^», m*ih±^w&%m (*ih±^&^Mmm-m (rw-. r&ARHi»±, 1992), M

130-144o X; ilTt^^WJtilTi^, rWM ((^^iAJU» (Chinese depository ) tiiffi'S^.A.f: i^££, fUS^h 1832^ 11 H-^-Jl. 38 *mmnmmm&i£ 1830^ n n 5 B&rw&jLo ®%&%mii&'£?. mnm, w-ftic

&HTOA£M ( Charles W. King) ^0 l££W < M 0 if »Hiffl » WJ!£&#lft#ft|tilJK„ IAL "Brief History of the Mission of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in China, from its Commencement in Feb. 1830" [ABC 16.3.11]. William Jones, The Jubilee Memorial of the Religious Tract Society: Containing a Record of Its Origin, Proceedings, and Results, A.D.I799 to A.D.1949 (London: The Religious Tract Society, 1849), 479-4820 J*9^:ti$/N»^<> , (MKmMit} , <*MS> > {&&$&) , /h^^wiij 18,000 mzepmiHfc&o 1832 ^a 9 wx^-fij, M^J <#jttmw>, ftrwabJKo a

Alexander Wylie, Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the Chinese , 23-240 40 *g£M fi£S£^#H.JKM Scripture Lessons ft**!?*, &r« EpfiHJM»:= -&£ 1831 ¥, 8-fc£ 1832^, ^-^.+,JKHfH^HffifA*ao 8$~«'JPJrt?£« f J , 45^ (British & Foreign Bible Society) £#0 iiWltSrWifc^, '£tME F HM /&^ £p/gB i*lft3E, S^SIII^Mffo $B$fl^&£#IflB*£KI&iaH£#:£0 $(3 "Shing-shoo jih-ko, tsoo-heo peen-yung; - Scripture lesssons for schools," Chinese Repository (June 1832): 77; Alexandra Wylie, Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the Chinese (Shanghae: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1867), 22-23„ m <*B, mn mi%tRm*M9m%) c&m-. mm , iti£Wm 4 (1996) , 5X93-98» 43 im^m #-A-t (as 37 jf), E 96; BM «iAff^aiw^^5,^Lia^^f^^^#if SWflAW^) , 3S 93-980 44 £;*&& ioo«5» ctftt) . 45 "Missionary Labors for China and the Chinese in Other Countries," The Missionary Herald Vol.XXXI No.6 (June 1835): 232. 46 ii7t+H¥A^ mr&*r*#$m%w%***xmmmm¥M&mB)!r), &*§!&- fi&wm^m %-m(±n-. ±mx^mmt, mi), mi480 47 "American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions - Preparation of Books in Chinese, and Their Distribution Among the People," The Missionary Herald Vol.XXXI No.l (January 1835): 17.

49 «?t^^»^37iDt, #-A-b, M95-960 50 i^fft] "Missionary Labors for China and the Chinese in Other Countries," The Missionary Herald Vol.XXXI No. 6 (June 1836): 229-232; George Hunter McNeur, China's First Preacher: Liang A-fa (Shanghai: Kwang Hsueh Publishing House, 1934), 72; Michael C. Lazich, E. C. Bridgman (1901-1861), America's First Missionary To China , 9. 51 Robert Philip, The Life and Opinions of the Rev. William Milne, D.D., 130-131. 52 #/h# C^Jt$#>mf^Mmr£*ASife>> , «4>L1JA^M (ttftJK) » 1996 $$-% 6 m,

5X92-100o 53 ABCAR 1836, p.98.

28 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

54 Bridgman Journal, 19 May 1834; ABCAR 1834, p.95; "American Board of Mission. Canton," The

Missionary Register (October 1837): 462; Missionary Herald (June 1837): 2633 Xjg 6,000 ffl^FfaMft. #W (MfHlf) ( ±> T# ) ( 2,000 * ) R

2003 ) , ffi 166-182o 56 ^^mmmxm^mxmzB "4J&" , "»*" ; %mw "#&" , -k®* -#m^" ;

( 1981^ 1 J! ) , ^83-910 z&, ^Ttitm" . #H <£#*±JK.R&<*>, ?i^ii {mmftmmmTto&m- -vim m. T&ymiR%*&) ut*: ARSB#tt, 2003), ^n90 58 M. 1930 ^ItTOItflJ 1990 *f ttftHi^W^MMEf ( Alain Peyrefitte ) Mj£|SJgaE&

uk&*m, is tHrid 40 ^f-t* 7,500 mfi, +^^«inT-^, £IIB3*j£tt#fl&S3Mlr)fifBj^

fc 56,000 Hfc, S-fcfflte&^Bl* 97,000 *fe, SSI 19 M 20 ^fti8fj|&,&in£{&egi®xi 12 7Jin£0

£> 1993^2$, M 97-106; &Ri| (£ft-£jgf&7M#jiS«? - -18 tttM^Mf^tfj^tS fcfc®m*m9«(2oo2), ^2-28; s,n^ «^t^Hmf?Tsti^H- 4 umm. mytm®%*^) (»: AR.+.KS* -., 2003), M 1270

29 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

4^L2fcl!c^fiJM^ta:/h^#^ff S (M 0 1833 ¥ 10 ft 22 0 )2

19 tt££±W, ^^^^foMS^^irfJ^JW^Jt^fiJ^^W^:^: (-)

( silent but powerful messenger) 3 WJ JEftkfn^f^f^ilWffl^^gf^f 5F*o

**, &-mm*.mxft&$L, MJfmzm*, M^mm^^o %it^itm^n

®fr&%>$t±.m&®mcw0 &&mwLWfattj&mGmft: -n%m*®£<£ m , tm±wz% "^45^" (&&&&&£) o -Efn^: ^§^45^ (British

& Foreign Bible Society ) ftJjiSlf^:^^ ( American Bible Society) 0 #—ftJlr^ a^itilKSffifclcaW^Sffg^, te#±*fc*:fc "*&1ft**£" (***fHP £) o -SfflJi: ^jflfefrlflyh^ (Religious Tract Society) ftHtS^ttt/h^

30 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

(American Tract Society) 0 ST«H4WJ, ^t^lttiA^ffM^t^M

1±. 1835 ^zm, &*mimm±±, mx%. mfe-tekftzm, tsam >b$to N#^, £, m*mttimmi#z£&4ejk&niasyi, -zttvbftm^* mx^m^tio mm, £ m\ ¥. 1833 ^m^^m^mm^mx^^m^w&} (mmmmm\ mzttf) {^mm^&m}5-, mm^^mm^-t^u &m<¥X<£m ; 1833 3s 1834 *§m*^W^Xm&£&&&&*M ^o 6 *&, liJT 1834 ¥^^^^i?tn*i5i:^^jm^^, ffc«#-M*P#£fil

K$®t&}&mm±, m&^MTMwun, gf^wwato7 *-w^w**u* *, ft£&:£#&±Wffe, fi^$aft^f»fi, fifeM#£te#WJMtbJK,

m& (i&wf!) , ep&ttftwm (j$^*fc&. mm, mmu mi) -, & waft ifw^ * mmmfi w o

ffe*£W^a&ffl»#iir**Mfe, sitt, i 19 title 20 ^fttiy 1834 ^ s jwua

31 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

term, miftmmmi&epm&nmRHmvMicfto ms^mmfo&m M# (Court of Directors) Bfcfflf, &&&n&M&±&8}&8r% "3£S-5*SA si 1841 *z6n, mammoth, ikQim&mym&^&w 1,200M^H

(Manchester) -^#&}g ( Salford ) W^JfcrlTftfs^kW^ftft^^ttJ&W

IfJfcWk, MM^TSMM^t^fS^W^ (Manchester and Salford Anglo-

Chinese Association) , ^^^ffiff^&MlfiftSs&o i 1825 M 1838^1* 13

13 ¥Mi^#^m^45^^^:^^ 931 £&0 &®m&m, &MWi®5&foM3k*

/J^£, W#^g?Jfl#^i$£^r ( Prayer Book & Homily Society ) 0 ^^£j£

5:T 1804^3 ^, *EJI—-tm&utt£&wm0 &5L&^m.${&jmwM&(£& u ±%$h&ftmX£&Z$mm&fo%ifflXjfe0 hk i8ii ¥M IS28 ¥i* n ^(Sj, i£#£^«tl*: 9 &Ml4$l£4>2: «^£» MMl$5WuX.ft, &im& 6,600 ^

15 £0 1832 ^, ^XttMjTftff 130 1$ «#A^r$» frif^ftl «MW1$» (#

TOJ 500 flit) o 16

$]m^££tt 1799 ^ 5 nxmxfS.AL, ^nk&-^mmm^m^m.m.m0

TMMmmmmm&tm&jM.,7 ^& 1812 ¥ 12 j§, 4*Latt*B#*+:*:

^T«JiiJJK£3fr, -^£7fjfc#0f&teo 1814 ¥ 2 J| 7 H, *tmr*N#-#:£i£

^¥ffo JAJL ^tft/h^#«*SP«fc?fJ&^ffelJ[^MiiJJK^^^i:o ^X 1814 *z Ml834^^20¥^fH], ^1fl:/h^#^fl&^^^KW+^:^fli!l{±JlKX^^6^, *f|

32 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

&£& 2,900 £#, 18 -£ClJtffif£fJfT4*U&l8 (tfBtiPftMffiftfcfS) , «#

( John Ince , 1795 ~ 1825 ) W « £ i£ £ A f5] ^ » . ^ 1" *L ( James

Humphreys, ? -1829) ft {W^flc'bU) , <§f*t#'fr*N£> , r^AHl (David

coilie, ? ~i828) m <£&mx), mttw (s&ntaw). i#sw <*M*J&

21 mx±mmwix^} < #TOJ 2,000m) „

22 &m5¥nm 700 TO^^^WJ^ «AT§TB» £HM; ^J^KSE

II (William Parry ) £jf 1,000 OT3fil^ffl*«J*»T^^o 23 MfN¥# ft (Olyphant & Co.) H^Htd 100 BJBFfg7Gtf^&£*:££&UJ#ajJK#g 45fj^ffl,24 ^^L^AAtii^^ 400 jtft^mmttM i^^m^^mmm 25 m>z$m0 i8i6 ^m&m&im~&mWiT 400 ^#, ^M^OTJ*^^ fflo E*K ^AJIW «£g£ig&ik» 2\ l££W <*M£Mi&ifc} 2\ %Mti «&H£i2fn£» S C&MLME) 28 &-*ffMimi«i»29 ^4$fJ#Ji

33 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

&%imM&&#mWL, ^^^.mmm^ix±3\mo 1833 sm^mmwrnm ^HtfcMtfie » ( 77ie /owrrca/ 0/77iree Voyages ) g&H&^l&l irj 0/5, X#3 I^^ t^rgKiai^iio ^fM^iit, fcftMJ/MISffllrS&ttM^jfeS) {American Tract Magazine) W^M^A^f^Mtfc^iko ^^t^, IP^ ^^m7-^fg#: ^ssne^MT, te«±Rma*ini+sAfi«o 1833

1832 ^ 1835 *mm&£%&^mmwmt'W4;&mfofa5toA*mt$mm± ft^J, as»w+:fc£*tWPJo30 ns^^x i8i6 ^ 5 i! 11 RtmmfltiLo31 ^£$£^t±^jt£it aim»r {mm zmm, mmmmx^mm «^M» 0 1832 ^rmmM fc*ui-E*iH# <££>, uy&im, ititff^^A^fSiio f#$t£ JftWt&fc3i!l+^B«#™frM-5ftiB, BWfftlW] inJU&^+SA- *<£^> , 4±«fc^i^^A^rtgijRl^o " i^K^j&jiffSfT^iT^a^^^# £*£MhlIJiWIIS*±^*ikfi^Wm^^i&^A^S^IJ:*: iko 1832 ¥, -££§fc 3,000 7C^HS#, ijf^^ftEP** <££> = 1833 ¥ m^X#^l^ 3,000 7C, ffc#£*NIBfS#±, 4*L^ $P£®-5£ltM (Charles W.King) ^A&*Btfc£££ltt^3lo 32

34 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

w#%mtE*mMM&m*ho341839 ^, tzm& 1,200 %, wm-mwm

mmmK^mwimmm&^i £S**p*£r^M4jH&§£ (society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge in China, ^T$fF^^$ffl£fli,Rf^£ ) =, 4* ss^#^£ 1834 ¥ 11 n 29 B&mmrmtmmftm±&mfcAL&)--^xfc ®&, smmm u%%mm, m&&jft&, vxmvtwtt, m&#&Mm®&m

XWM>b&o 3? MK#ft@IJL¥, &mft&&M2£Ws, i«MM:T# m®&&&, ^xmmpm&To tm¥£&mTmmm u. Turner) #,38 ^^n^]^5,itkE ( James Matheson ) , ^M ( William Jardine ) , ^%W ( John C. Green) ^u^xmn^. ME> ^*i ^^m^A, t&#^n§^-&-

#J#Um»l#?T (Russell & Co) fl££0 *X®im-M&&gffi5nfeX%

[William Jardine] WLUX^AZiP&MZft ) '\ fPg^ff^W .

W^tlM^tfeS: «±tk^^S» . «;t^T#@^S»o 40

41 £*#> zm0 ^uat^^t^^^^MT+^t^^w^w^*^^ (sopwa 42 Martin) -!«*, f^^MWJ 0H&H^> £MJ0

So ffcHc£&4flJS&fcfS, HSP^lJliJ&TIH-g (Samuel Wells Williams) ft^0 3£

35 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

I»Iffefn**3FFittao 43 1834 *? 8 J! 3*Lay?t&J5, ffc«£M&£glt»IfM£ &VAWL?miffi& ( John Robert Morrison ) MW-f^^fo

fk^-&A^®£M&#Jira*#M, M^i|^+HA»a^#^r^ep»iaiA

&£, ^£ 19 titter, ££pSg^$ (Serampore) Miif^t^ (Baptist Missionary Society) ff£HrB&&ffl^WJdiJK4':£^T'J7o &JimW&M-#

m^mmmmx, mR5ft^mtt^Mm£%, *$t$:fto Mm 1833 *mm

mm, mR&x&m&vio46 £ff#tefc«fH«t*+:fcE^ffc»##«±«fc

(, 1804-1843) m^^M^^o 47 *&, %$&&%&. MM4$|£^ %.*xqim&mm±, i&m%im*xm¥xftte*&&G%j&o48 ww, wtmtt 36 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

50 mmmmmifmmm%g, IE^VP^, K^&& w^zujj^, m^wmmm^o &J^N-^4^ mx%&mmmmL xit&

ft*, «#^r^H»mEW(5ifio

H. mmmmix %mmwi>\xtfjxft&&tErMM$±mftiBL±ft:%o vmu&*m, ma&m m^mixfc, ft&±m5mnmmmRxft&wmmj%o xxmi&js, wrm

37 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

x^m)i^mm^mrmiim0 -m\xzm±ftxn-tn 10-20 m% (^ 2-4 ^ ®; 6.15-12.3 W)^1JHIO ^UiP, £ 1835 ¥ 12 £ , Jt^#£t^&nSfTffT 4 £2R|I S9MJH5R*, ^^Iffi¥, ^xffr 20 7u (^ 4 ^, 12.3 M) o ->i\E ^, f^^±xsr#iiiTt^6^iijxsi^^^o &&!&%.: mnmmwwtx^n

0ffll*W«^-*, ftfttt 10 HTU (^ 2 ^^; 6.15 M ) o £MfB*#&, i*#X

Mo 54

H&±, £^$^I2J5, f^X^tf* a A^M^W (native teachers ) J&U 55 mmm\£$GSittf??&±mftX¥mm, #H&0 mm, MJZJLIE%!& <%•%&% m$.Mxmm®m&io56 mum*±, m%&m&mmxtt£mm%&mxft mr.&$m$Lm%mtfy&%, mn%: m^rn^m (chek Kiok cheng), n*

H^MM^iftft&JlX^o 58 ®3i%m&&®m&£ (American Baptist Board of Foreign Missions) feWL±M%fc. (William Dean, 1807- 1895 ) #J—%%jl®i

^01838 ^i&mmmmfe, ^#M3j§fM#, s&miAoR^a, Bt^gg^ 59 ££**, tommftm*xm?xmzmixft0 xfNTo mm, 1822 *zmu%vLm%LMffimi%^x¥!5, te&^fcmffim

&nw i£$&mm &/»?„ 60

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2. xm%®

1837 ¥^Mit^/»iT CA^MO + «^ww», onm*) s-*^ #i5, ffiL^*niE#«^^^#^^^i6^l»II^M^ (Editorial Subcommittee)

61 %mo N#fft, HSff^Htt/h^^^^W Hi JK^M ^ ( Publishing Committee) , *fcStiiJfcg3fr#iiH$, Hf^fUrtW**^ £fif^I#o ^M£$ MfcM: ^r^WlP^^t, i^a^t, £M£&Uih/B#T (Rev. J. Taylor Jones) ( 1836 *P&#M:#ft ) HAo 62 1838-1839 ^ gfcffi^

^4$l£*^ ^R^r.X*£MMBm^W, 65 MMM^I£tfj-SStfc± mn&TKM^W, fcftMlh&r'Mto-ikmtkMZB (Lew Chechang) ZXo 66

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ft, Um^Z^^MR^mSi. >nJ^:^-A0

mm*ftmnn, nmimmm^ik, TOJ 10,000 mmx s »tw/»^, § 100 JH (goo pf) Hffl^T 2 &4- 10 f£±ig 3 5fe^ 2 ^±^jSio 67 l&itfc£ ft, m&ommmt&^m&Bmxmizmo MM 5,000-10,000m, PM* W'MftM^ 100 # 2 9t-$ 8.5

&, m%m&i vmmmzmmmT 14,100 &0 -fii0MHWj±£« ^mimmmrt, tmmmnmM^fc, mn i83o~3i ^3M$i&£M£p <& mm^mt}-^, 2tmtoM*ffi.tfi&&*ffiftm, mux, R&mmmms., nn £», 68 ^io¥/s (1840¥) MM4$I£M», X#-^^iJ^-iSI'J^o

?F#JT 1815 ^ 5 ^^Mi^A^Etf, flj 1846 ^ 6 £fife|fc;*J^ (John Stronach) JE^^ffiPJKM^fJJKn, fc& 31 ¥; H^jfliJigM 1834 *£*®sL%l &f£, X$^-£l842¥¥^3£, VS^H^fBJiX^MMW 8 ¥o ffi*3l¥M, ffc^t

£W&IISfr£-#fiJ2(iJ7 162 #*£WJ^£^»Jo l^mig-*Sl6XSJt, ^£

^-: 1815-1845¥^A¥> £fjD^tfiJ^+^^fJ-m^" )o

W ^ 19 mz±*nfmX£mT$m7KfP (^4^|£) , UrM (frU^

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^^ «7TMS£H» ##T 1838 ^^ffftl^fJlRl ( oJt&lT 1842/43 ¥^T^

|sI#M1S^, jR^c^SdS^Sf^^^taifcWJB^) *t« 1838 ¥WfW ££#«£ "t^^" W «@lttt^W»73 ££SrJn#ifiJK, E-iA* "«#" # BP£f&*L±£££o 74 g$, "£££" ##£*L±££« (ffeW^I«* HiZX

g, «**&KifcfctBJfcep«l7 162 ftWJ, ¥-n%%- 5.23 ftD ^#f&tfi£it, ft 1811 - 1867 ^3* 56 m*\, 338 £3fc^fffMfitt:—&fflT 490 ft^JtWJ, 76 fl5WEW®3i¥ft*f4J?ftfJJRW, sfc£7#j33%, ^i(M^^4-APt:tlCo $pmw^#*it», mx^-mmr 101 ft, £&«£ 62.35% (&&^ 43^ 86 ft. §rlH«l£ 10 ft, j£ft#r±7& 5ft), HSP^miJW 61 ft, £

37.65%0 mt\\%^im%-^m$ik, \>x%-&#%m\&im±-~^, mx^ ttHSP#*WtSKo ££*M, mffc3fc££4#¥& 31 ^£J5£, CTJfrT 101 ft, ¥*^¥H£bJRT3.26ft, MH§P^ft^M8¥WB^(SJ, £p»JT6ift, ¥

±^4f 7.6 ft, ttm^Mih 132%0

41 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

ik 1815*PM 1835¥, Ji^^^^^^tepffi'JiiiiKfg^^^fgK^^, £^*T ^&££—^A#^M, ajJKi£^fcaiaM*»*fjrW«at, REMfcVffi-,

=L*'M¥o 3fe£^^&1tg^f£ftl^H*, MS4$l£*P£ 1835 ^PJ 1842 ¥£

Wife, £4#¥&*:£WJ£BJK5li±, 1815 ¥ltPJ 1835 *£%fe$L&Mm&tfM, m 1835 ^s 1842 m^m^Mmiz-MMMmmo mm. £W. MWiW^ffi1?^) M^ 125 #, £m&&£ 77.16%, MM,

^m^mmmwu 37 #, £ 22.84%D C#KI -H i: isis-1845 ^A?, m M.

si>, «*4^"s^», nmxM , mm® mw&m

&^/Mtmfefe5WMmmm£±z*xM&£m5c£ftfcMm%., &m it, ftM&wfr^&Mo mmf, w*mwMm&±mmm (Mattew Rica), m ifiUc (Diego de Pantojfa) , M^M ( Sabbathin de Ursis ) i^lT 120 ^#f4^4? m, %mt&mft*m&z\mmmzx, mn¥&m.WLM?ipmmz'j>o77

i%m, im±zmftm&&$Lmn%&mj±m¥ftm) 0 HH, #^J^#-MW^, 19 tfr*B 30 ¥ftfr^^MS^!^WJ7W^mtIttt

42 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

&&T%m±ft±-t±M, E*#, vm 16, n mm%m%LMMM±%m, m

Wo &~mmm^m^T 1,000 &, &zFty9m\mn£±*ng, nmsmtfe

mi: 1815-1845 ¥^A¥. ffJP^^^fJtfrtW^^S

rtW ^##^ W#tfc ff^ 86 53.09 £&«$ 12 7.41 «f£iE 7 4.32 ^$31 IMS 6 3.70 %-m.n'g 6 3.70 £i# 5 3.09 #f*s 3 1.85 ^«ns&# 125 77.16 wi 10 6.17 mm 5 3.09 ®¥ 4 2.47 «2S mx 9 5.55 &m 5 3,09 mv\ 4 2.47 Ittft&GMR 37 22.84 Aft 162 100.00

43 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

$, m^mm" ^mm%mxL^ffltmi$mK%:o78 ^m®, &mk!&fe&±fe tfr, ikA&g*MfcWHg&t, ^gSJRI&Mfcifir 79 M«Sfe#te*£*«« ffl^^rfe*^#ffsw^^L^o & 1819 tznftm {mmmim&wt?) m, f&

^-^MSJllAJf^ii^-^W^^^^Sifefflmc J5#, *f§\ ^H (Samuel Kidd, 1799-1843, €£&26) <&SH5fe«l, #5^7 <&iffiW£*Bifc> , f#*

m>, tegmm-zxmmtimxm&i i^m &x, in (£%&m>, xm-E*^

*i&«+SAS@W£X;&»S&, in <£#•&&> . 80

*h 81 if¥Mife-*£bjRT 5 #ffifij, £* 4 #^^4A?fJft, £CWi: (l)

WW? 1815 ¥^^±^&); (2) wj7 1822 ^w+^tiwifJo ffj^^^o t:^^<^m^>^T

84 <*H##^^^iB#> ( WTfgfl* «£M#%» ) 0 £& 5 M8fiJ+, {W

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m®2: £$MSK, suwmm*xmwm (-)

tf JJ ^ 4 e.^^4 * ^^t^^yf • * m mi *£ & A. © i f & i. fc it * ; * * 4 * ^ * A

• •* St. • It A & • J •fc . 1 4 ii 'i :ii.a.i)K(ww «^®##^^iBf^» fefflj*£ti&

-? •** ft ** **. JL *. ¥T£ • I•*u & x $ JN 2g it -r *• # 1 -£ *» *. *o % "— o^ «- ^^ « I.** £. . 1 ft.4t.Aa7 T -r ^o-^-^^fi^?^- - flL»* *•] * *;o* i« *> *}- *t # «0* * * *-„*!.#£• ft #• *JL m j$#e«i >#. **• £ ^0^o-H- P- &°3 «*j* y *-* #-#- ^0.#: * £4 «b *» X £ $ -- * &°f?\1\ Itti ^oii.^-^0#o«t» *-&& *• a ofl-otfc. * 3 !& % ft, ^ o^ rfi» ft O #. {* 5*. *. -£0^ tft * *• 3*.*fJt ^ *, *'] ^ -rtTo'll •»• * * • %. •* * *„.*. * »¥„ Hf §^ «. * ^oJA, 4L A3 * * # # ft *f" *» ft # <-•** A *• ^ t A t « t «^o 4& -J- •*, -ft * If «t ft * • 0- ft ^ <%- *-0-^o^r #LoJW & Jft-ft-o* T ^o* * fc° :St ^o^^oi* » f> * %- 3P * *f # .ft * f -2- *fc *L>0x. ** % M &* ^o-*0 *!,*» *] ^0^ A *f ilo^ !. R.^-f- ^o^v«-*5 ^ * * * * ^0^-0i .». *- *a ;« ^ «t # *- W A *.4L*J- ft # ^ 4- * t ' hS sg ^^ !=• f 4 & <£• " ^5 #A 4«T 4l)r-ttMjftc-f-^f-^ S&^ , 6 <. ^ ^ JJ^O^; &.0#p0 tlo-* ] ^ -f 0^ J&o*'"# * * *• A ft* 0 A 4- « #| ; ^o*t +±0 *i #of- ^ ^^~ ft as *- i # ^ -& * *•- *.<.,*£.:* * &o0 t % T| m *« * •# ft m M. ^L'$t\ £. $L -f #,^, < A * *i;#4 4 *o#^ioS

;«M##^^i2#» ftJW«i^ >

44A ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

i 1927 ^*mu&&¥%%&Mfot%*mmm*&z&wfc, iMsi-^Htt *B, ^#£J>USift, 85 *&, #1££fl!llttBiS*i&$*fP*fc*&3j "The Chinese

Magazine" i£ "The Magazine" 86 , oU5L, ^H^flfe^^^fil^J^MJi-^^^:^ ffl. 2MMftiftJn:fe&*g0fifco 87 Hjtfc. ISfflHtBifc, <£M>Jt+S$*M&-

i3¥filTiJM<^TifH>To 88 mx, mimvmmi&Rmftmmo immm ^£ IBIS ¥ s ^ 15 a faBt^fJ, R"JW-#iftfeo W*^:#i&i£ 1821 ¥ (il7t7u¥) o 1867 *f#£4M

^J (Alexandra Wylie ) WfMifto fikiA^/ «^M?» & 1815-1821 4f-£trJJjg7 7 89 #, /L 524 pf0 £&s«4bt*jii%tt. *> x^^#i^^^3i7t-¥-^ (1822 ) o m^M'kM «^«» ilfti^-^ (1822 ^2^22 0M3^22

^ttt£iI^¥f§t:P];£i£&o ^KXmigam/5-^, ir^iA 1815 ¥I'J 1822^^ f -^T 541 of, m^m 524 Mo 91 3*^W^ <£tfrfS> MfftOT 3M*, ^A^^ifto 92

93 gtidf^) W^» -£M, «*r'E-#fWT7 8 #0 i?R;£*lifcJlW£-£«l£ So S#±, ^iT*JiW^¥^-#, WiPo H^M7¥ (1816) £# Unt^l^W^B^Ifc^'J "^M#-@iT , H^M¥ (1820) £#iH«'J "^tH:f§#7N@^" , W. 0fW, ^WA^a^m^f^ilTt^E^ (1821) ^iT *sw^a^, fa^^#-fc*i$o it^i^¥ (1822)-^jiffw-¥, JWUX, n

45 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

BiS, 1822^2 n 20 B (Mlt^tf-nftJlB ) , &=?%$%&, fi^ff^A wm&ti&nm, 3 ^ 20 B (-n-tt-tB) s^a^^, f&^H: "#$* ihHc^tS-^^0^, «c^(iMJn£f§f], JLi"JHc^ft±*^J^x^o

&nm^$\em Bf&£tt»3ut, ^^feiatfi^o 6j§ 2 0, f&sfe&?FAiB]

R#7J®#, <&1&f&> ^fH-JEM^#ttWtoo MMS1B 70 £$ 234 jg ^^f*I#^Tll3^^it, ^JSTa^Mft:*^ 174 jj£ ( 74.36% ) ( g* 96 H [41.02%] ?cTOi£l*l; 78 H [33.33%] JSX^W. tfcPiy#ika£^ ) ; MMXff

m&mMR^mw 14 g, &£&»£ 5.98%0 ^W «^MO> £«£###* nm>. «itf#s». ^^t, £#A, x, -£&ic7 {^^BIS

«&» , WMMHBTftJKU SE#H> H#H> «, WS#SWtfP, An, i&fcK ft

H> : 1828 ^ CATKTS) w pjff^*^a±^«iafm-*ft -«X£Air' £ ftWTF&o 95 1827 ^, £&#^*LM|5]ji/5, Mfc^mi (Magniac & Co, 1832 M£te#l#f? ) W^ifeE (James Matheson, 1796-1878) faf'$\%QW&Wt %m%3,m¥-~A&%, %®%qm&w+f «ATffB» o

46 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

i^rmmy ntt i828 ^ 4-5 nmmu % •&* mmm m\ 6 ¥^^^

mma imi&m Mr-®&teWL

+£+£rasw§riro#, w&^fflM^r^^-^iww-^ftWo97 ra«<£3s

AIlMKI^i "H" Affj&fe, M^fM#ii«AtfH>&, ii>6MH^ §f*P, ^^it^o 98 &-*HSi&, <*T#«>*«A£ftf£lf;fr*t^ XW, f4^#J^SiS, MiJ^^SA^^AI1^*^^-^, *JHlfoRtt#i|S#*fi|Sg

AtfjATM, £f«0 WJAftffiWJ^ffi "AT" &-il0i£iE3MW£l&7& ^#L "AT" mm^xm^m^-Tt^rmz -AT" , &&#*H-t;^mMA m (Great Britain ) ^Btil^S—ff, Ji "AT" £-@o Sift, «AT§?H»

S^Av^A^^^S^«ATirH»^^^^, M^f^ifto 10° ££. S^TiEaWo ^£«ATirffl»^lt^^^^W^^^^M^-rx^^o ^fli^T 1799 4jp 6 ^ 19 B irj££&&i^i£ |*& ( Hull) tfj-^hg^fc® ( Welton ) ft)

/Jvft, 1824 ^ 11 J^ft 25 PtommS}^, JE&1mA*mM%L$kfi.o 1827 *$- ftfeJf^^i^^Wt^t^So S¥2^^^A2itti:i5, ffeg#^^^5^-K:-m, ^1^3^, itu 1832^mmm^mn^0^0 0^, £ 1837rnmim^A ^ (University College, London) ^gifWl^tfcig, 411 1842 4£ 10 M$J±, 3?

101 T%m±¥ummzKNo m=f 1843^6^ 12 nnm, ^¥44^0 mrm

103 fw , «^@» o 47 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

i^rmm} zumim&m-^^, fo^mum^., m=F 1829 ^frwTo ^tmmMmmmj&^g'j?, ummnftttj^o 1828 ^ n n 1 Bnmm tE3±*£%fcm#mnT&}-M4n, in*&R mrm®} m~mm&m0 x 1830 mum m*wmAmmfa&> \eM, & 1829 ^m, f^±mar 2,250 B* xu&, m^mmtfiz 2,000 f#0 fom&mm^m, immu^i uxmzwttim

,04 74^, &4Mtfyn.nmim4a5oi&, %-%m^ 1,000#±TQ

To ;L¥M, E^S^I^MK iP$^^»w«^H##»#-^fi^m^, ft

B$^*iR#Jo A3l3t+H^7N^ ( 1833 ¥8^10) fclfij, M3M+H^

(1834)5^, «£H#%»-±tft){S7 12 m, Zfs, A+K¥TN^M+-^,

^fiJ7 7^^0 il7t+3:¥(1835)iE^M7A^gfiJ, #J!g7 6$, ££, £X£ £#+£¥ ( 1835 ) -tnmMjft-tT^if ( 1836 ) Slll-^ll-j^fiJ, -JtlOit ft-HrTM^ (1837 ) IEJl£§fJn&Xft:PJo

105 m, mmX% 1837 ^0 ^3i^ (Roswell S. Britton ) £ (

Chinese Periodical Press 1800-1912) M^'JiA^^ 1838 ^f?f)J0 SR^i^fe^ *£3kf£3UBo 106 ^*^MJtt*^t£l838¥l0;i#fiJo 107 *&, £lft$

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MC*J!&HB±, #^?IJ «&B#%» nmmiMiftm^, MR, hk i838 ^ 12 ^± «+s^ffi» wm#: "^^t^meffsumr*, mmrngmm u tm 1833 ^^q 1834 *twmm, mm^^^ii^m^^" mm, «£H##» -MftVM 1838 ^jg, fW^XoTfgo iB 1838 ^raffi 12 ^^(^W+^+£0M+ -fl+EH, ft 1838 ^T#¥W£iTMW, ^$£^£7? -Hm«+-

108 £#, +rJ!#££fl|£iiiJK7? f«X^fg#^T*0 " M&Zmfem-fe Mum®* 2003 ^ 5 ^, ^£n@£3a7 «&H#%»if«$;-H!M+-^-§- m) ^7-n 300 £n\ g& «^w» #J£$, M*^-&^m: "imiffi, m iismm, =mmm, js^mm, ^B*A», mtbwvmm, m*m^, mx& m, wmz, ttmm* mm&&, mftnmz, ^Am0 £fcwtm&ft, urn %m, fmzumwm, mxm, &#, mm0 mm, %^mz, m*n 109 M ^ffltiio - mwsw, JM-H^M, £+ "ii^i ^iftji^fj

•##» xnft®m%km.&M#-xw$o & 36 ^ttksm^w^s^tit^M^iifea

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0 [^A^ft^M^Ai^R

wnm^m^oU5 #&£##, *^r 22 # (16.67%)ll6, n&MMws., *

17 # ( 10.49% ) , MttLtl 13 # ( 8.02% ) 0 #®M%toftfoM& 10ftMT, 35 &m3fe**8£7o

(21.6%) , M£&ep«lJ»»iS& 63,192 Mo Wm&¥B.f&&imX, &&&

mMu-XM, Hiit, hAtmffzmmmmmmmm&imMmmo MINIMI

temK^&ffcmtt&^znfmm*, ^* 1,396 pf0 W*PW§ 500 ^#tf-

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*H 3: *##&

3*L3fc,( 1782-1834) UfoJ© (1796-1857)

i^^ #t£ (1785-1822) f (1803-1851)

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mmm£*mmx<£±-imM:mm&)AV>)o "7 £ 19 ttt*a 30 mmm^

8 #iH^M0 )«^^^#m, 19 tttta 30 ¥it^mm^$.^m^mmmo " IP

RJ^T 1803 ¥7^8 Bft££^#±^ti/EM (Prussian Pomerania) tfi—^/JN

119 «M»T (Pyritz) 0 ^ 15 #B*, tb^^HEWffc, ff%®2tttf&A^J&% —£fftfc±W:soko 1824 ¥^f£l&£ ( Netherlands Missionary Society ) ^SfM ^jJST&iHro 1826 ¥ 7 ft 20 0 , ¥*BRW 23 ^fflffe, JE^Sa^^A M, ?F^ftk^#^*iko ,2° iA 1827 ¥io 1830 *?m, n%ffi&®mjzmm, ^* ^&, a^^^tg^io JS*, %Tm*m#?&, m^m^^^^^wM. 1830

S^fik^-^IiJ^Sr&vi^Mftf^^o ffifs, £ 1831-1839 *?m, 4k±&ftttm&

10^0121 1834 ¥ 12 i!, IBK&tt£@&^&il£##J*:fcfl#o SlJfrflHMBIB!, flltB

HM&^fa^m (information officer) , #H!fJ5g^£fctt£&Jk #L[J X ^#^H *&££fl£o 1843 tZfof&%%rM^&&&MM& ( Sir Henry Pottinger ) TOJSTWft <£il (Chinese Secretary) , JfJIJ 1851 ¥ 8 ft 9 B &#*§$¥£*, M^iS*, 3c m&intm^Mmm& (HaPPy vaiiey) #^s^^, *¥ 48 ^ o

Uo 122 1785 ¥f&*^t&MPnrmTfP (Aberdeenshire) |ft#7^# (Kennethmont) iii^o ¥#J^£, E^#**fc#KA, tf^fftifcWo 123 ¥gtf, ##£#*&! ft, ^f^-g^XSXo *^1809¥, ^fikiS^24^&U#¥Bt, riE*l"lffea^*fll jfcfcS&±, #I'J^»# (Gosport) 3H*##0 1815 ¥, ftWfci*^A¥, 7F&

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^f"J (^m^MfCm (Indo-Chinese Gleaner) , Mv£*X£&, &^Tft£^ ,24 XMgL'bMT. 1822^6^ 2 B^ttittt^ih, ^RW37^0

%ft~&m&WL£&jAV9M-m&m0 m&Mitt 1796^4^ 29 B&m^mit

^A¥i£3:7«J#f, fife^TfHtia#JPI^o mmJs, 1816 ¥ 9 ^, ffeg&|fr& g^itko S¥ 6 i!Mii^AEP, i^MtJ&^^Si^M^o 1823 *fVXJs, H-^

#tHfet&*3\ iiJEMl^gWi, m&ZP&ffi, % 30 ^ffrtf, ^^7A¥, f?M#!£ffi:£, mi 1842 ¥fIir^f#^±S^m^^5:WH^:ttim**^-o

M^M—^^7-+/L^0 1842 ¥Hlt^^W^, ftfe^^JGrS^S^

±0 "^ 3: 1815-1846 #4?#«Jfi" Ji^clgKf^-rtW^^Saffil^o -SS#

M o

epits) o SJ«:, ^nsbe^n^^it, && 31 ^m, ffcHc£, mm^mrm

%L& 531,261», epsy^^Mij^ 3,216 TJ&0 Q)mwt%±tomt, m^mn

^-^n^mm 17,000 w^, ns^ 103 7jnt0 vm^nff 300 ^atir, n^ mm 3,400 pf, if> TOW^J 1,700 pfo vL^m\%i'¥, m^umviMMik

52 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

T^jtra*. m^ummM^u^mf, smti&mftmM, ^msa 2,000

u&3: 1815-1846 #^ft«JM" fJLM^flato m-, R "^ 1: 1815-1845 ¥S>AEJ3, ifiPJK + ^tfJ^rt^^^^" , ^fH ^ii^^^^fj (®&*x£*m*Mi$m%m.n%:fl\) 125 ft, £77.16%, mta fSftiRi£«m37ft, £22.84%0 &ftlfc$^|i!i«#±j£iEI£a inUffcfM 3t 3 ffmm&g&WZ&fyfflM&to&k, *W 460,461 #, £ 87.73% ( %*&& *X&& 134,220 M, £&3J«Hfct 25.09%; #^ 336,241 flfr, 62.87%) , ffitftfg

Wmitm'JftW 64,400 »/&, K £ 12.04%0

*-, &®mmmm 1 ;»#JW 12 #0 a 12 #^:AJ»»* 346,540 m, &

30 ¥¥ff-itfe^©J^^fC^ 65.27%0 £+*£ «^M» 134,220 flfr ( 25.57% ) , #^4g|fcWJllft, ^ 212,320^ (39.70%) , £+MT#te±aS-^&B> ), ^#m 2 ft ( imw&mzTk) s imumzLBZit) ), ^m 1 ft ( «m^», 14,500 flU). f&£i ft( (#rttt&W> ) 0 £& 11 ft#3M»j£*. K##fiH*«m&ffiife>-*«#««&» to £^£ 1819¥f»m^MT*^^lLi!J 1842 ¥, -&£§frML ^ATO^L fi UI7 9 &, MJM@/$ 52,500 flfr, MS'Mfc^^&ffi 1825 ¥. 1830 i$H 126 1831 ^& 3 ¥#JMMt (^itt&^mm 3 ^^s^jtif) 0 ^M^fflMg a 3 ^m^mxm^i'Ymmi:'^, ±m 100,000 «h 127 ^^nrnttiitfT -Mt*. <^sw^ffii&>-^^ 19 m^mwLftm±^x%WL^mmtL, »\t

«&M#%» , ^ftHM «&H£iE?R^» &«J 1,000 *£#, IfcfcSMMttfBn

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(^jimmm KEPT 142 m, <*&mm&> m% 58 m-, mm&x® mm

1,000 flfr, 8P4, *ff£-&ffi#7!iP£££4£*^ja««lft, ;ftg£ (tf^S

#**£rh 3fc£0fUJt&m&, M-^WliWo ^ffMiW^H^, WJJMft w 142 mm {-s^ummm , ^^wu 20#M

M^nm Rfyffl 500 *, ip^rti «£4$£gfi» K3UW 300 M, mi&m 200 m, m#%mw%ftm* mmmm m A i&n&mft&m mftm*48Rnm„ zpmtm, mmmmg-, %

128 7, Siit, S^WM±MM#I£^AO ^tfc±ittimxfWJiWM£

XZtfiJKtt, 2002 ) , M 346 (,&K 5126 ) „ 2 "Letter from Rev. Dr. Morrison to the Committee of the American Tract Society Dated Macao, China, October 22, 1833," The American Tract Magazine Vol. IX No. 9 (Sept. 1834): 122. 3 #|§] Eliza A. Morrison, Memoirs of the Life and Labours of Robert Morrison (London: Longman, 1839), 346. 4 ft: jmftM&mtfszmtiLR 1,000$.M®m&mo

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5 ah mfe&m 1,000 mz$im&m0 6 &3B&I&&WJ7 6,223 * ( 1833 ^ 1,223*; 1834^5,000*) 0 #SI "Brief History of the

Mission of the ABCFM in China, from its Commencement in Feb. 1830" [ABC 16.3.11]0 s^iio #l'£]"China - Extracts from the General Letter of the Mission, Dated Sept. 8th, 1836," The

Missionary Herald Vol. 33 No. 6 (June 1837): 262; Missionary Register (October 1837): 462 = 8 H-&Ji£ 1835 ¥, %&]%% 125 £$; !&-&££ 1838 ^, #fl&»# 801 TG0 #ffl "China, and India beyond the Ganges. Bible, Tract, and Education Societies," The Missionary Register for MDCCCXXXVI (Feb 1836): 96; Missionary Register (February 1836): 94; Missionary Register (March 1839): 122. 9 *"rtfrU «^H» , «£4$T>)$» Rm^XWW&m.&&feWL%ft&Wft$l. #131 Report of the Anglo-Chinese College and Chinese Mission at Malacca (Malacca, 1825?), 9-10; A Report of the Malacca Mission-Station and the Anglo-Chinese College, from January 1830 to June 1831 (Malacca: Printed at the Mission Press, 1831), 6; ftffi (^It&Q, 1825-1873) , fp£ m^LS^^IC^^l^, M) (ftdt: £?^£^, 2000) , 3ll75o 10 Km {*¥X^*V, 1825-1873) , M 175, " ^tft¥^Al!C S^LiaSq, MB 1831 ^1^7 HrM^Hl^tgo EA Report of the Malacca Mission-Station and the Anglo-Chinese College, from January 1830 to June 1831 (Malacca, 1831) ffj^lflS $H £iM$&)E 26, A Report of the Malacca Mission-Station and the Anglo-Chinese College, from January 1830 to June 1831 (Malacca, 1831), 25-27. 13 £BQ The Annual Report of the Manchester and Salford Anglo-Chinese College Association ffl— ( 1826 ) ~ +0 ( 1839 ) l^flz^o The Ninth Report of the Anglo-Chinese College; for the Years 1832 and 1833 (Malacca, 1834), 15-16, i£ftiim¥^M^4^Ei*i*£^l^fto fSfllHltm^ll?^

14 *Wi=^t-£i£} (3AEF: %*W&, 1822) , Bfl2±-15±0 15 J&feJS 1811 *£$}& 9 Mmfcmfc&lh 500 £&, 1814 ^, 1815 *p, 1818 ^, 1820 ^S

1823 ¥#3/ 1,000 ^^; «S 1827 ^ ft 1828 ^#^7 300 3I!£3 #1$ 77ie Sixteenth Report of the British and Foreign Bible Society for the Year 1820, pp. lxxvi-lxxvii; Missionary Sketches No.IX (1820), n.p.; Missionary Sketches No.IX (April 1820), n.p.; "Chinese Version of the Bible; Manuscript in the British Museum; One Version Undertaken in Bengal, and Another in China; With Brief Notices of the Means and Measures Employed to Publish the Scriptures in Chinese Previous to A.D.1830," 77ie Chinese Repository Vol. IV No. 6 (October 1835): 257-261 „ X Robert Philips £ The Life and Opinions of the Rev. William Milne., Missionary to China (New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1840)%, #iM 1823 ^^#^45^ Mtf£l&£ 6,000 ^m^%^Xmi, ®%\fc*m% 1827 R 1828 gJFTWfc# 300 ^uDJilfc ( £

160) 0 16 The Ninth report of the Anglo-Chinese College; for the Years 1832 and 1833 (Malacca: Printed at the Mission Press, 1834), 15. 17 W^^S^tByJ^£j5xUL#f:, #(S] William Jones, The Jubilee Memorial of the Religious Tract Society (London: The Religious Tract Society, 1850), 5-16, — J&±, ^#&J^*HJE Religious Tract society m$tt*i}&ftifcMs& ({^LJ&^+XWJ.+.IK}, ^ \D , •M^itx&mn 19 ffi^W^iftJigS*, &Hlrt£ffl*1t <=£f.#ifc> mXW: i*M£4$l£, 1822)*fj*#l

18 -£fn##JJi 1814 ^ffllft 400 %<&; 1815 ^ 700 ^|# ( -&g 300 £&, E-&1: 400 $

ft) ; 1817 ^p 500 ^^; 1825 ¥ 300 ^^; 1834 *£ 1,000 3i^3 #fg) William Jones, The Jubilee Memorial of the Religious Tract Society: Containing a Record of its Origin, Proceedings, and Results. A.D.1799 to A.D. 1849, 471-483, 489-490; Robert Philip, The Life and Opinions of the Rev. William Milne, D.D., 160.

55 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

A Report of the Malacca Mission-Station and the Anglo-Chinese College, from January 1830 to June 1831 (Malacca: Printed at the Mission-Press, 1831), 6-7; The Ninth Report of the Anglo-Chinese College for the Years 1832 and 1833 (Malacca, Printed at the Mission Press, 1834), 15; William Jones, The Jubilee Memorial of the Religious Tract Society: Containing a Record of its origin. Proceedings, and Results. A.D.1799 to A.D. 1849, 9-10, 475, 479-481; Missionary Register (January 1832): 29; Missionary Register (May 1834): 231; Missionary Register (February 1835): 90; "Liang Afa to American Bible Society, 1833", ABS Historical Essays Vol.VI, p.E-63, Missionary Register (February, 1834): 66; Su Ching, 'The Printing Presses of the London Missionary Society Among the Chinese," pp. 134-135. Report of the Chinese Mission at Malacca (Malacca: Printed at the Mission Press, 1830), 3; 3Kfjf ( mi®M*xm\ftM%m , tmmmM3&5*x%m&m (Git-. &rn¥3L$m, 2000

, 3t43-440 21 Report of the Chinese Mission at Malacca (Malacca, 1830), 3; ^f| {^tLia-^^CWJ.+iliS » , ft 49o 22 77ie Sixth Annual Report of the Anglo-Chinese College; MDCCCXXV11I (Malacca: Printed at the Mission Press, 1828), 14; Report of the Eleventh Year of the Anglo-Chinese College, being MDCCCXXIX (Malacca: Printed at the Mission Press, 1829), 10-11; 3>f| (X^mM: £pJrgiJ.+,M£K#l±£g-§-^#

Robert Philip, The Life and Opinions of the Rev. William Milne, D.D., Missionary to China, 116; "Chinese Version of the Bible; Manuscript in the British Museum; One Version Undertaken in Bengal, and Another in China; With Brief Notices of the Means and Measures Employed to Publish the Scriptures in Chinese Previous to A.D. 1830," The Chinese Repository Vol. IV No. 6 (October 1835): 258.; ^LitAA m, mikp& imi&mrm) (&&-. rHffi^*»t, 2004), Mm, 24 The Sixth Annual Report of the Anglo-Chinese College (Malacca, 1828), 14. 25 Report of the Eleventh Year of the Anglo-Chinese College, being MDCCCXXIX (Malacca: Printed at the Mission Press, 1829), 49-50 <, 26 Report of the Anglo-Chinese College and Chinese Mission at Malacca (Malacca, 1825?), 9D ii^rS -£WJT500flJro 7 Report of the Protestant Mission at Malacca (Malacca: Printed at the Mission Press, 1828), 7. 18 Report of the Chinese Mission at Malacca (Malacca: Printed at the Mission Press, 1830), 3. Report of the Anglo-Chinese College and Chinese Mission at Malacca (Malacca, 1825), pp.9-10. Jessie Gregory Lutz, 'The Grand Illusion: Karl Gutzlaff and Popularization of China Missions in the United States During the 1830s," Patricia Neils, ed., United States Attitudes and Policies Toward China: The Impact of American Missionaries (Armonk, N.Y.: M.E.Sharpe, 1990), 46-77.

'hA-^J'^zs-fPiifc^^fa i^\§\ An Abstract of the American Bible Society, Containing an Account of Its Principals and Operations (New York: Daniel Fanshaw, 1830), 5-6 & 13. 2 ABS Historical Essays, Vol.VI; John R. Hykes, The American Bible Society in China: the Story of Eighty-two Years' Work (Shanghai: Printer by the Commercial Press, n.d.), 4-6. 33 '£%:%&&il$t}%$l.'bM^F£ ( New York Religious Tract Society ) ( J&iT 1812 ¥ ) ^££ & ( Andover ) Wfr^^hflfH^ ( New England Tract Society ) ( &AL1? 1814 ^ 5 R 23 0 ) %

34 "Gutzlaff s Distribution in China," The American Tract Magazine Vol. IX No. 2 (Feb. 1834): 13. 35 Twenty-fifth Annual Report of the American Tract Society, Boston, Presented at Boston, May 29,1839 (Boston: Printed by Perkins & Marvin, 1839), 56 ^R^Wi 1,200 HTUO ^&, £—XMMW&

40,000 % ( J£ James Milnor, Chairman. Dated New York, 25 July 1839 [ABC 16.2.4]) 8 %L%\k%%^ it«^ft1£'h^£*&#*#J£ 40,000 in, R%mmU£ 1,200 T£MB, mMM&m£ 1840 ^ ¥$, &i*-¥HM*ttJ:/j^£Htt^ L213.28 7£ft%mt&T,ftMjt®; M&r$in$t.m\Rm T430 7Co 36 "Proceedings Relative to the Formation of a Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge in A China," The Chinese Repository Vol. Ill No. 8 (Dec 1834): 3830 ^XWXUL^^X^. {&'£WLH &® £|B]» (T'>H: r&tfcWrtJt£*t, 2000) , M 421 „ fflWmtfflX.!JlT- "First Report of the Society

56 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge in China, with the Minutes of the First Annual Meeting, Held at Canton, October, 19th, 1835," The Chinese Repository Vol. IV No. 8 (Dec 1835): 355. "Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge in China," Missionary Herald Vol. XXXI No.7 (July 1835): 268-269. 38 €#»«-#£**, ftX&toj&WmffjZiSF-o ^mm^Xmim (Robert Bennet Forbes) ft ^#**&Hfc£Sl*A*H«^ 1839^ 3 n 28 B&fcriMfo ftT^f6^4Ms^R£il£#*fl£ £ (Mr Turner) ffi*H.&££ , 0f Wffcffj^fclfl&^am+Hftg^fco #19 Robert Bennet Forbes, Letters From China: The Canton-Boston Correspondence of Robert Bennet Forbes, 1838-1840

(Mystic, Conn.: Mystic Seaport Museum, 1996), 1150 39 J. Beeching, The Chinese Opium Wars (New York: Harvest, 1976), 61. 40 "First Report of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge in China, with the Minutes of the First Annual Meeting, Held at Canton, October, 19th, 1835," The Chinese Repository Vol. IV No. 8 (Dec 1835): 356; 'The Third Annual Report of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge in China; Read at a General Meeting Held in Canton, Nov. 20th, 1837," The Chinese Repository Vol. VI No. 7 (Nov 1837): 339; "Fourth Annual Report of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge in China; Read at a General Meeting, Nov. 21st, 1838," The Chinese Repository Vol. VII No. 8 (Dec 1838): 403. 41 "Gutzlaff s Letter of Thanks," American Tract Magazine 12 (3) (March 1837): 67; Jessie Gregory Lutz, 'The Grand Illusion: Karl Gutzlaff and Popularization of China Missions in the United States During the 1830s," 51. 42 "Brief History of the Mission of the ABCFM in China, from its Commencement in Feb. 1830" [ABC 16.3.11]. 43 Jos. T. Dickinson, Ira Tracy, Stephen Tracy, A. North and Jos. S. Travelli, to ABCFM, "Annual Report, 1837. Dated Singapore, 8 Feb 1838." 44 $m%& «*Pi> -4SM, tt«*« 2,000 SBAff*** (££> %m, tr*{bH#*HM stf&omij&mQimitoto mm^m^am^m^^M^HiM, m^ 1,901 •&&, rsw&pj*

1,515 £®0 5$;fr&*#M, RH 1,262 %®, HJHSil? 600 ££&„ #(3 W. H. Medhurst, China: Its State and Prospects (London: John Snow, 1838), 569-571 „ C^^AO tilW—^XMtt$i mm, M, Tg^ffijKMrit*. m®35 i^m} -^u^m^zm^o #1$ Typography Sinensis, "Estimate of the Proportionate Expense of Xylography, Lithography, and Typography, as Applied to Chinese Printing; View of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Each," in The Chinese Repository Vol. 3 No. 6 (Oct 1834): 246-252 45 0 im «4>£5£P» , VL& im\M5*xfvm&m, n m-m0 46 ABCAR 1834,97-98. 47 ABCAR 1835, 71; ABCAR 1837, 89-90; fflfe itSi^^^XfS^) , K 197 48 0 J M3\ 1843 ^JKfcfttJM. MLWLM1b&£. M^#'K^^m^^^^^lSH45K4 ^EPffi'J.+1 mm±mm, *&&%&&& 1,540 T-, H^sosm- 3,232 T-^M-#= mmm mfc5*x %¥> , M 191-202, 49 wtsmm^, ^^mmm^xim*, mr^m (samuei Kidd) rn m^HEim B&i6> ( 1829 WfT) JifflS^JR^l^, ^ftfc^ff^PIStliSWL #ISI Report 0/ ie5e Mission at Malacca (Malacca: Printed at the Mission Press, 1830), 3; Alexandra Wylie, Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the Chinese (Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1867), 49, XC8I

UtJiC: ^SHJXikfriJRtt, 1995) ,5172, 50 mmm® {&.rkmiatM&Mf£¥), &n {is&ew%$.8.nfa—&-&%&%&&%. XM) (#&: 4>g4$*tbJK$t, 1998) , 51427, 51 Typographus Sinensis, "Estimate of the Proportionate Expense of Xylography, Lithography, and Typography, as Applied to Chinese Printing; View of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Each," The Chinese Repository Vol. 3 No. 6 (Oct 1834): 248-249; Ifcft (S'firtfc't'PfSifc^lk^—?£JafO> , g * {mm5*xm\ftm , n i460 52 "Inventory of the Chinese paper, ink, and printing materials for Chinese, in the possession of the Singapore Mission, January 20, 1841." [ABC 16.2.4 Vol.1]; "Extracts from a Letter (by E. C. Bridgman)

57 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

Dated Canton, March 18, 1836," in Monthly Extracts ABS No. V & VI (Oct 30,1836): 43; "Extracts from a Letter Dated Canton, March 18, 1836," Monthly Extracts (American Bible Society) No. V & VI (Oct 30, 1836), 43. 53 »ft***F. *mMx-amxm^M¥ iooi\ T.^-AETN+S:, %MJL%K& 1,500- i,8oo Xo nnm-mm 0.5-0.6 x-zmm* umitnm% 1,000 x$tn, mzmm&ft^ 1 i M5^iH8 & #f*a^jg. «4'Pl7ift[?U$»fuI£» (±fS: ±fSAK.+,Mt., 2000) , K3663 54 "Letter from Rev. Mr. Bridgman," The American Tract Magazine Vol. XI No.3 (Mar 1830):40-41. 55 tkmmxm, mnftmm%fc*mAm%%fe^*^>*^xit*mmtk, u&mm S^T.fl, ^AEF/EO "Singapore. Report of the Mission for the Year 1837," The Missionary Herald Vol. 34 No. 11 (Nov 1838): 419. £*h *R«ffe«&0fi28 12 £^#rj£3/S'gL|£4', Bfc7^££*K (^W{£^£ (literary graduate ) MZ^t ( Lew Chechang ) W^vt ( Choo Tsing ) . ^%\M, *MA M??'IIW&]i£%.£W%t.±i%'iftX'T? #fftl "Circular from the China Mission," The American Tract Magazine Vol. X No.9 (Sept 1835): 135, The Report of the Directors to the Thirty-Second General Meeting of the Missionary Society, Usually Called the London Missionary Society, 1826, 27. 57 "China," in The Missionary Herald Vol.24 No.2 (Feb 1828): 196. { B&L&iiE) MnmR&&M (%) ¥fgrtf£#3 " nmn^^m±^ (%MB) , a LMS Archives 0 9 William Dean, "Chinese Worship - Additions to the Bangkok Church," The China Mission AdvocateVol.l No.6(June 1839): 161. Robert Morrison, Memoirs of the Rev. William Milne, D.D. Late Missionary to China, and Principal of the Anglo-Chinese College: Compiled from Documents Written by the Deceased To Which are Added Occasional Remarks (Malacca: Printed at the Mission Press, 1824), 109. 61 BFBS Minutes of Committee, Vol. 26, 3 July 1837. 62 From Bridgman to Rev. Anderson. Dated Canton, March 7, 1827. [ABC 16.3.8 Vol.1]; Tenth Annual Report of the American Tract Society (New York, 1835), 81; Eleventh Annual Report of the American Tract Society (New York, 1836), 91. ^BflMW, &ft^ftUfe^&M%#Xfo%T&3\&tW &£#If£ttfS«±*£Mfitt, B#£#*H*&t, SUfc, 1840 ¥M&£iXH3SF3SJ!rttt/h4s# £«H. »&, &**, 3A¥£Ei£M##J«:£^#J^£#*¥lr^;tto mm "Letter from Rev. Mr. Medhurst," 77ie American Tract Magazine Vol. XV No.10 (Oct 1840): 122. 63 "Approved for Publication Abroad," The American Tract Magazine Vol.XXIII No. 8 (Aug 1838): 134; "American Christian Press Abroad," The American Tract Magazine Vol.XIV No. 2 (Feb 1839): 16. 64 m\, 1837^ ii ft 30 Bftrfl^ja zm^T.ft, msxtexm** mm&nmf&^mL XIB^T- is36*&n*%&{ft4-7jmm£>zxw5, mumf&w. filfT-^frMT^TfrlHSo #81 Bridgman Journal, 30 Nov.1837; J. W. Hayes, ed., "Letters from China,

1835-36,'VoMr/ja/ of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Vol.11 (1971), 55 a 65 William C. Hunter, Bits of Old China (Shanghai: Kelly and Walsh, 1911), 261. 66 Um 1840^4^ 12 Bi&n (Peter Parker) E£M-iM$i*, *J£gg£r'>H^ffiJtHM ^^^tft/J^^&ll^^-o E "China. Letter from Doct. Parker, Dated Canton, April 12th, 1840," in The Missionary Herald Vol.36 No. 11 (Nov 1840), 431. 67 "Extracts from the Journal of Mr. Milne, Missionary at Malacca, for 1815", Quarterly Chronicle Vol.1: 88 68 A Report of the Malacca Mission-Station and the Anglo-Chinese College, from January 1830 to June 1831 (Malacca: Printed at the Mission Press, 1831), 6-7. 69 *EfrU!&± (John Innes) ft <£4S#|5)£> ( 1832 ^fij ) , (A«> (? ) ( The Beatitudes) (1834 *£) , £#!* «A^» (? ) (Tract on Heaven) ( 1835 ^flj) , m%. «i£JI ; H£tfrjftT&£H«> (1836¥fJ)$^K«}§ g-&i6» (1839) 0 70 #Ri»H!i <»«^»j£9sfs«£> (f^jb: timmzw^'®, ms), m iss-m-, m ftZ {®¥JEffi5$tmtt.£} (±M: ±tSAR{l5lKtt, 1994) , H 140-141,,

58 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

71 &&& <*£* (ummm^m) wttmRnmx}, 2003 ^ n n 21-22 awmmmn^

72 <*^ifc&> (The Chinese Repository) ^-HgmXMZ ifl&MM) Zft&, fM^Wi*^ ZmmRmitfift. ft MM ~h W\ iX #-£.+, US =f 1840 ¥, l^&BflffJSiJilil.^ #13 "Literary Notices. Mowyih Tung Che, or A Comprehensive Treatise on Commerce. 8vo. pp.61. With a Chart," The Chinese Repository Vol. VIII No. 12 (April 1840), 646-647; Alexandra Wylie, Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the Chinese (Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1867), 61 „

: m) o #l3i£5±*fS> («:


JS&SW5fe»f[^> (i£tP: EJllAKriiHSIt, 1999 ) PfT^—. H, 15 340-367. 9 "Christian Missions in China," 77ie Chinese Repository Vol. 3 No.12 (1835), 566. 80 Patrick Hanan,"The Missionary Novels of Nineteenth-Century China," Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies Vol. 60 No. 2 (December 2000), 413-443, especially pp.413-431. 81 StT-MMttJiSf^^fJ, f£fn#f»*£3 1822 if 9 n 23 0M£ffffc±*frl£ (Samuel Milton, 1788-1848) f}g# "f^iiWf^AEtJigTE (type-cutters) i4tf-*fft + ltfflfJ

—f^+JCffiTfJ^SIS^ifB^fi^Jo #KJ Su Ching, 'The Printing Presses of the London Missionary

Society Among the Chinese," pp.154-155,4010 The Report of the Directors to the Thirtieth General Meeting of the Missionary Society, Usually Called the London Missionary Society, on Thursday, May 13, 1824, 48-49; The Report of the Directors to the Thirtieth General Meeting of the Missionary Society, Usually Called the London Missionary Society, on Thursday, May 12, 1825, 47. 83 ft mmtmm±&±m m, ftm&j]&mto*jvem*w& i824 ^s i826 ^lut 1 FJfT—%Mtfife$L$- %i, #•& 1824^D[flJ1+l 26^o #1*3 Alexandra Wylie, Memorials of Protestant

Missionaries to the Chinese, 46 0 84 m «&H##» m {*mn%nRmzm m%m%mm?m%zmvmmfoo mm* £E3H--£ ClSJig) , Pf72± (63) 85 a %£m(*mm¥&}. M 64; jm^{*mmtmi%.) (±m-. ihmm^^,m±, 198D , j5n-12; MM (*mmmnm?£m£.) (±m-. %E.X^^M\., 2001 >, 5ti3-i50 86 Robert Morrison, Memoir of the Rev. William Milne.D.D. (Malacca, 1823), 50, 52 & 54. 19 tft*g BT, %% "magazine" -^ "newspaper" , "gazette" 0f#f Jl ?!::£: ^I^W^fc (So "magazine" fftfc± tftiEf^} , "^EiEf^" Jk^in "magazine" ZJtJL^X&MHo M "newspaper" !£ "gazette" f£i&± 4>£i?ft "DfPC , "ffiW . "gffSiar = 1828 ^fc±£M (^TSfH>^if

87 MS, ffffJ^ifi 11 ¥/S, Afn£Jt#&f#J$fW, tfelU "The Chinese Magazine" ffct, # |£] "Literary Notice. The Chinese Magazine", The Chinese Repository (September, 1833): 235.

59 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

88 (^rmm) mmmmMM im-fiBM} $-7 n ¥, autism—»+:*:« (#*: =m$fc, 1955), 31369; lifcjS (f^i-^ifift+P) (_hrt: ±f$A&ftJ,fiS*t., 2004) , M 35; 4rt£ <4>Pli£ftM£Jit£: 1815-1874) (IfiT J l fig) 91(ft*: 4 Ptf±#fW f:K£?t, 2002) , Sl8o m& c« (mmmnm^ft)», {m^^^m^^^m mi mm 4m, n 36-37 0 92 n*$ (ifto^^imfjiitft) (tfM: frit, 1987), £ i4; wm« (mmm nm^) «>, RMtf&i.m iiEmicmtw) m~m (±m-. ±mx^:^m±, 2001 >, 51 198-200o 93 TO4* < <^t&f^^^gtiEffSf^> > , £ 198-200, 94 Robert Morrison, Memoirs of the Rev. William Milne, D.D., 107. 95 Suzanne Wilson Barnett StoM^Pnfl&A^Wtf^i< "Practical Evangelism: Protestant Missions and the Introduction of Western Civilization into China, 1820-1850" ( ]5 64-65 ) iA^ft 19 tft

%o nm, JEmmi&, &wm£tm&mft^ i828¥ i^rmm) z^m0 96 STi^AMffi 1828 ¥ 2 J3 27 Hittl:, M 1828 ^ 5 i! 20 B Afa/acca Observer ( «5,A^ m^ffi) ) $fit 1828^6^ 5 0 Singapore Chronicle ( <£fJjn#2r2*flO ) U^ «ATff«» fclflj ^\dmM±2i2.m$., mi i^rmm} &&&& i828*M-5n®, 97 ^fft-^W^ F\W.ll (pp.48-49) W^c «?cT$fPfl» &}U&, 7C±kk 1829^^ 100 ftx&m <+iW££>, M 67, mm i^rmm} zm%%mu&zfc, ^*«m

1 ' London Missionary Society: A Register of Missionaries, Deputations, etc. from 1796 To 1923, prepared by James Sibree (London: LMS, 1923), 24; Wylie, Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the Chinese, 47-49. Si^tlifflT^SAffl 6 #*h ftW <#?«##&*&> . 102 S^ftM^iL 103 (tX.inWtt^-^^H+^)) ~Z.i£.%x*h Lecture on the Nature and Structure of the Chinese Language, Delivered at University College; (^PPI) —^fS^^^a^J China, or Illustrations of the Symbols, Philosophy, Antiquities, Customs, Superstitions, Laws, Government, and Literature. Derived from Original Sources, and Accompanied with Drawings from Native Works-_ jSW^^HJlJ^f 1838 %-R 1841 ^ftf&lfc

&) Taylor and Walton Hi fig3 ^CSJ Report of the Chinese Mission at Malacca (Malacca: Printed at the Mission Press, 1830), 2; Su Ching, 'The Printing Presses of The London Missionary Society Among the Chinese," p. 144 & 443 note 101105 c &%&=?%&&&% 1867 %-m*&iii£ «s#ifc£iisf#!$[±iHi«»: " vmn*,m m&m o 4 #0 r^ffftniS, 1833-18370 SiJT^T 1833 ^8/3l Bttr#UHJKo Mfc, -s^ffin^.Hifig, m&ti%mmiiW, M$\ 1837 %-*3L$\*m&m%." g-mwrn* (#KI

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Alexandra Wylie, Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the Chinese, 58 ) fri?!J.*E^JSISi5J^ifelP$5R Rftj£l833¥(HE^) M1837^(TM¥) WI6#, 1838 ^£)Ff «£H##» M£&«t* + !

106 ^m^itA^i^, ia^<«fafift«ika«^: isi5~i874» (itiTiK) (»: +Hit^ ft^tiUK*4:, 2002) , 51 44, 'rftjl. Tffi^JPJift: '-BWViMm\Mmfc-Mfc]faT 1838 ^ 4 aii&^.+.jKtt, 2003), m 272; im^m {#m$itt*±M$.) HIM-. taAR^^.+.jR ft, 1996) , S2720 107 £&& {%m&xn±m>m) (±f§: ±^tt^Pr^Kaiffittt, 1997), 5i2o3

£&£#> (»: + 9M5M. 1997) , M 53 109 (*H##> £##/£¥+-£ , At 16 T - 17 ±0 110 £**L&& 1821 ^9^ 4 Hffi&JiTNEpo S^6i! 22 B^ttM^, £^4$l£Rfc-HRSt

H) , ftUf-* "^<£«;£S*L«" "H*M" o f**¥BPilft = ¥ ( 1823) o #I'SI Robert

Morrison, Memoirs of the Rev. William Milne, D.D., 99; LMS Transactions (October 1823): 3660 111 ttJL&gTRitiT (Aberdeen) %&Zmo 1821 ^ 9 ^ 28 BffcSfc£&gf&S/te«±o 1822^6^ 26 HftfeiA^HMii^Aff1, S¥$^#H^4>£^ittg, 1827 ^J^M^fL, tfSft

£3H5K6£fc0 1828 ¥B*ftfit«£tt, «.^0^^^o 2 £ 26 0/S?ffgfM, **4ilTSB£ l&±^ffio 1828 ¥ftMM&n±JLMW® im#) %mR±m-'*3±1i:W*o #ISl "Confucius," Canton Register Vol.1 No.28 (19 July 1828): 112; Alexandra Wylie, Memorials of Protestant Missionaries To the Chinese, 45-46; James Sibree, A Register of Missionaries, Deputations, etc (London: London Missionary Society, 1923), 23; Charles Marjoribanks, "Some Account of Malacca," Missionary Register (October 1834): 447; Su Ching, 77ie Printing Presses of the London Missionary Society Among the Chinese. Ph.D. dissertation, University of London, 1996. p.401; ^fflft, tt&£ «&$t£H$3fc> ( UH : JttttaWaiJKtt, 1997) , 5134-36, 112 £rt*JB± ( John Ince ) rrl^T 1795 ¥ 8 R 20 0 „ 1818 *f 2 £ 17 0 ( ftiM;rji#£ 4 £ 1

0 )^ff^H, 9^ 14 0-^AA$^Mii^7NEjPo ft^¥9ffl^no 1819^6^ 28 0R ^Afpa&fimw, isj^A^a, M 1825 ^ 4 ji 24 aauM, *¥RW 29 #0 HET <^£

Director Report of the LMS, 49-50; Thirty-second Director Report of the LMS, 31; Robert Morrison, Memoirs of the Rev. William Milne, 109; Wylie, 42-43; James Sibree, A Register of Missionaries, Deputations, etc, From 1796-1923, 18; William Dean, China Mission, 2870 1,3 M~JC±, Jfug Theodosia Ann Barker, 1819^3^ 29 0 rU&T ~$Mft M ( Thetford ) 43

#tft^c0 17 £07, iM^ttftW# (Society for the Promotion of Female Education in the East) mmm.3wmfe&o 1838^2^ 10, ^ 19#&im, t&&mn, %%&&%%&*, fi# K^^ + Xo lnl¥ 3 ^ 27 0^HH^^L^ ( American Baptist Board of Foreign Missions ) ft±ft &'£%%£. (William Dean, 1807-1895 ) $&&&.&, Ws, ftfcPJ*#, —J[S"J 1842 ^3^M#

*t, 1¥ 3 Jl 29 BHA±3&fc*ltt, 3PH"J*fJlil!» 24 $4B0 #fg| "Eastern-Female-Education Society," Missionary Register (March, 1839): 122; BFBS 1841, lxxviii; Alan Harfield, Early Cemeteries in Singapore, 74 ; William Dean, The China Mission, 233-235, 239-240; Alexandra Wylie, Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the Chinese (Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1867), 85, 88; M


% The Rambles of the Emperor Ching Tih in Keang Nan. A Chinese Tale (2l) , 1843 ^rtif£lfcB>J

61 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans tBl&o i*45H^±^J Tkin Shen WfkfiI)&^2M'X%':¥i2M fat-tun^'m (/L45 0) D /jH^fe^tf^^sifoi^^M^fp^: fltf*sp®j«iEii¥^BPfi[,

115 ftvfit^*, »$f**£JS£:fc "**" , BP Kari ^i?w (a (wnMr^aMMlSrtfi &Bfr£S?##A«$f> (it*+E¥JE^-+A0 ) {mftt&&ttf£&ft(i) » , M 179; XW #ft "H5±fiJ" , £nMi*«4>M*» (fcih M^tt, 1988) , 3T490 ffii^^^W^^^if * "lP±tt" W, 5P$^»I <»&#»|:fr£#$fcj&> (fctt: ft8ffifcep^t&, 1985) , Hi

100; ^F? (±»: ^*Wi?£A^*JKtt, 1998) , M 1870 ffctflfUJl (Gutzlaff Papers) M, WM#»$^^«0rWW^X^Pi5, £+M + :ft:£«i$f£ "*£»" ; ffi 1,6 -a^ciictft±wftKs&ie». c«*n£*iMwfe>, «#*$#«»&&» , ««

117 ^^cfP^^^^ii, nT#l^l Scott Shao-chi Pan, "An Appraisal of Karl (Charles) Gutzlaff and His Mission: The First Lutheran Missionary to East-Asian Countries and China"; "[Obituary - Death of Gutzlaff]," Littell's Living Age 13 December 1851, 497-498; William Dean, The China Mission, 284; Arthur Waley, The Opium War Through Chinese Eyes (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1958), 222-244;

W^ftiJKtt, 2004) , Ji 115-160o 118 Scott Shao-chi Pan, An Appraisal of Karl (Charles) Gutzlaff and His Mission: The First Lutheran Missionary to East-Asian Countries and China, p.3. 119 ^ B Ifc*/ Pyrzyce, ft^fc^fHOW Szczecin jfci£8P«J 30 1, 120 Arthur Waley, The Opium War Through Chinese Eyes, 223 $tl&£?£;i;ft 1824 *fS^ff |fc£

121 Scott Shao-chi Pan, An Appraisal of Karl (Charles) Gutzlaff and His Mission: The First Lutheran Missionary to East-Asian Countries and China, pp.34-97. 122 W^c^t? Z£.¥-^M, "I#K William Dean, The China Mission, 337-338; <£&& { &$&%&. %9m—*mmy, mmmm±m (±n-. ^mmmt, 2004), n 161-2080 123 William Dean, The China Mission, 324 MM£3t%Ml&J5, #-rtrtl^j£#:#£A0 124 «&##£$#££«£, *&, ^AlanHarfieldilJ^A^fllMftt4*^**^*^, #* J&WfIMi$#lM^;fct^itl£lk$^ft^#^^o #E Alan Harfield, Christian Cemeteries and

Memorials in Malacca, 6Q 125 "Extracts from Letters of Mr Tracy, Dated at Singapore," The Missionary Herald Vol.32 No.5 (May 1836): 181. 126 (£$A^ff ( Patrick Hanan) tMS&ftijW-^ifcX+ift, R 1819 ^7N?fiJ£i]W!f§--T- ffifcm 1886 *f, «iffiW£*Bit» -*.+.JK7S4> 30 #*|s]|ftJig^0 gM 1918 ¥*)RW George A.ciayton W <*M«.+iJK&^BiC£> iESHJ 20 tftfrlW 7 ft^WHSUME+H&rtaE, Mffi ft 19 t&iE^ifi 1,000 ftgfc&ifc+X^aitffflH^, (*isM*M) *TiftJtSSgir.«±j|ftfflo

#f#] Patrick Hanan, 'The Missionary Novels of Nineteenth-Century China," 4160 127 mimt 1825, 1830 ig 1831 ¥&& 3 ^S^fflHRJt-T-ffiAft?. BSrt&lg ((^HiA M» 1833 ^ io^w##, %HimM (KissM) n&iBf&m&sjim, ns&% 1833^ ftrWfiffjH^t, ik£pJ@'J7 2,000 Mo #S3 "Brief History of the Mission of the ABCFM in China, from

62 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

its Commencement in Feb. 1830" [ABC 16.3.11]; "Literary Notices. Dialogues Between Two Friends," The Chinese Repository Vol. 2 No. 6 (Oct 1833): 283 0 128 Carl T. Smith, "A Register of Baptized Protestant Chinese, 1813-1842," Chung Chi Bulletin 49 (1970): 23-26.

63 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

*w mn (mrm) >#•

&±mm*m&}M&%Lt&o &mmrm&WL&nT, £rttf£tfc±Rt&&r#k mn

it^mmmmfommm. MIL ^mmmmm^o ®$L%±m#&ffim

64 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

^±#, mum. Mft&. ±mn, ai^&ft&±zWo m.M&mmtoxt+m-

m±£M^-^%mjE0 tinmmmmfo. mmmmfem, r&UAxk&m-

itmm^o m^mmmmummmmmmxmmit. ®Bit, vmmMmt&x^ $jAftm$.$io mn&M&itm. Bmitm^n^ (%wm¥) mftnmm^

HW#AIRfMimi*l£WJ, ^JA^/#O £0£W, ft <$«$!&> &£3S?1H

$, *£**" ®&ikBmM:#akM,m&*o #W^C^£±M «A±^&

5 m, M.&mjstto "ffimmx, xwmz, xmt&z, mmmz, AM&Z, n

65 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

MJIZ, tm&tfi, mmma sttAfii^, ^-^HW#, &#*&##, %± Hlio " 6

&<£«o , (3m#%>smi&nymvmxm, ^m^-m^^\^m, mm vj.mtmm&itimftmm%£^A&ft, tt&mm, &w&mjm, vxmmm.

•znmm®'b$Lx^frm, mti;'£in&>to®^fk, ^^.mmmtimmm, $ ^o mmm&^m^Mm, m&m&risvkiTfeo mm, &i&A-f-¥ (1795),

AvEW <£*£> *«jf£SiIliMJ, *Ji "£A££g»H" o 91832 ^f#gfc±#S#

66 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

(i659~?) sft#sim7-*#j&$& {^mmmm} , MftiTiMiw^fe,

a n -#A", wir «*; (xtmiKmrn -mtxzm, wmmwsi, mm±mn z^, £«£A&3i»m, mmmmmmimttmfcm, m%m amrmmm^^, tft: umf?h%, wmmtm, mm±m" „14

£&-^M, a#«,WJP£^M (£A££> 15, ##W <5fcSM£*B i6»"\ i^mm^Zit}20. «±^£B£i6»2\ «^m^^H^i^»22^/h#

u n mm mmmn , -mmmik" R "%#<&&" H^HIHM^O -. m%mwm%Asmfe ttmmm^ji^±^fom: #s, &JE (&&¥) , ¥^> J££, g^. *

#> H£^0 #^^^aM^^^tm**wfa^, m&jE, y-%, x&. mm. n£%M%ft&/tA5ft£mttiAz®m*ffi, mzM, M^m^mm^^o mm n, ^fn^ihAfn^ic, 3&j£iR-&fi>*\ sd^PSi$^tt#Pi^o 23^t#w^& ^^s#^^f^am^fflfw.24 -mfimmmwr 25, *&, £f$tfc±##, *^ &mfem&mmm&&Affi®fe, xR&m^AMmmmm&mm. mm. mmftmfemmm, mux, tmn*mmR±£Ammmmmm^ "*M w o 26ffw, mmm& i^A&M} mmimmm#itmfo%% "A^WAfk rfiPf^WAffc, *nWt&±;£5g\ £> m, M^^lW^^^^A^" o 27£#Ri# "Affe" Mfemm, 5m%m&ffiA5±ft£%M "Ate" ^tfcffcSAffi&^o IP

67 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

mm, -±^^^^±, mmw&xm, &&&z, m*to&LWtfLK2.Bo wm

Mtitfc£foo IPftiA;*?, £lfH+M ( KM% 1-20 15-) ^»iftg

liismi ( «^AI§^» 2M-t$) *w "Ate" , £±^m%-±&m&&%mm


teSfo£±, #> X, j^#^M&31^±#^AJl^i#mMfgM?£o fikWjM'B'^ 29 msm^&Km&mxnmft, A/J^N^^^A^, m% -*&

+S*t£*fls«£«L, ^Bfsfn#£Att^#&ifto <*tfl3b*H&>Sfeift: "&#, ^"^^MM^f^^fittjmo " 31 AW5fe^**jlfcWitll*iR, £&3ltl

^mmwim, ma, umx~wm^^^^^jn , m uT%xm\f&%%sxLn %

wm%. "^nmfimz&M. s&xtffitt, &&&&&, mMmaa mmz

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33 "*HUI£BM*, %mz%&" o &mtmfc%M:^m^®&: ±M^BTM

g&f£, MB*" ( [ HJ ] ait [ 1535-1608 ] m ) , 34©^lfcM*Rfg, £#i!l

*t& i*&®&mm) zmmmm, mum, "?sifr£$c*£A" 0 ffe^W#KE+SAWffea)ffi^li[^)ffio £iitfcffc3Sf*£T, 3ffiiAMk^#A, "MSPB*fti>TW^JfcAWg4*&, ^i^A^, *ifirA£$l, *HAA

^, HMW^S, *73^ X&^&±i£tfJift4\ ir^T^^SMW^*, IE7 n, mvi, A#W "j^n" o si, *®WL$£*z&immim

2M>, a*p

a#, *«#*»&&&" o *xzmutfim*ft&£B, &&}&hk±%±^*M

±, K#Mf«i#±, ^ma 3tf]BPMimi*iitra, fix***. tt**#±

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nm, ^*#" 39o A*T##j±ftji±#, ^Ao mmmwbmfr%*to3Lft&

#. *S»aJ»o A^EiSlEit, tt^ttA^r. #j##?y, MMim, *§Sih

%&&tovmz&. &fctoMm&2M. ML tm*. &£> t», £&#*rft

41 A, nm^umnmik" , x&: 'i^if^m*^®, ±Mw*»jfg, *

&S: "A^#, &ftft%-$]2»o ^ffiuxfrftzn, mmfrftzma, MMA if" " «£H#%» *-HgS£^ <^flra&> ft: ":£lXl¥#*l#fc£#M;£

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&»sm, m^ns, nxzwm, mzMg? sWittM^?n 4<,t£fem±®m

ra#*PJl "B&:ffi" #j0

s: unzxx, ^ji^^^xazm, m^^mm-iExm^ro T^mmm, /*

^^ttw "tw , -^SIM, &!&#£. ^ti^, mmmz, ^mmz"

31, XTM, 7X^, 5&ZZM.^" , "&*VXZ%1k" 50o

M "A^'lf" W^ic^iKfN-tbS^, iA^*@A#f*BftiMBmMtt*±Mtfc mtom-^Am^ftz&mgmzMfr, ^wn±.%?mmmmF\; %&%

71 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

52, &0fti#W "^A?E/s, ^^TA^o " 53MJ., 4*£0Hfttt#», *

*£#£#-, #^mi#, fcsmnjs; *n3m%, ^z^nnm^r , #£ji

K)££#, f»r&JgT-M&*, f«J££A£*&? " 55, Afr#0f®WMft ittfe&AittfWtm, ffi£S#M5iitm, "#A£frM##±;tm^ * >!>£££, ^JtJ^fjg^^nT 56, A£#IiJ±^$c%#J "JBST (JS*)

tfM, **m«^, ##f*§ "$mft5»fM^M, i2£5»¥4#/i§£o " ft

&£, #^7#o"59 m^^Mim9tzm&5MJkBM%£&*Mm, % ffeffi, fMMfcfn, ^itviw^, ^ffeff]«sa£#«. 3rt&#m±iB#, &*mitt*

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&§*, ^n°n-^®[^{!Jt^:^^#Afnffi?E*^:fi5fc^^ttM*#^, SB "sJl^/S^

u n ten mmmn . "HUMT m&mn&R&>mrt, im±&rt*mA

fijx^jattt^rswfif?s«^, na*#w*. K^r^gw, mmMmn, mn

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w o "aft, mnttmmmm, mmm^mm^^m^mmn, aw#«^m

$±A, rmmmmr. 7jc*w~w mmmm, &Mm&i$$L±ffi*m®&

f^lfflT^Bt^m±l:^lffl*iJ(T&4,lKfB]fffPW «£^IS^ • i#£!» m 115 £t

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Kfti; MfW, t£*tfc£o x#Wfc*ffcfcbWiiio " 70«i»#iWff^, "tp £*> 5, *E> &, s^trftfew, M^E, &E. ISE^A^JX^" , %mm

To frm?*M®±ft%Mmmwm%M&Kfc, ^A±^, te£Jug\MA H tt±%mnm&mnm*MJfi&A%ii&faMJiA*-w, &%&&&#*%&&

^t&*fttiLm3k&&&MMtomn—&%$<>72 im^mw&mxn, imn mm, -Mmwgwgmnfc, mikzmM^mmm0

*, &&#A, *J33ltil" iTo 74i£TS§t»^, ^tPSiA^^WAitkfH]K W-#£lft±#, "^±#W-^±#, ^/AitkAtf^Ai^" 75, fifll "*i£ 76 *re, S^M^, MAMW" 0 &*m£n&*&Afffmm%too mmm&m "*>M^A, fP*&£, /frA*J5, «*i#, %ffi»f%, ^ittAniMB" 77^ftA, "oJ^7±^? sWitfcM? " 78j*^^KXt3i^it#^fe-^#m^AfH]

m. fl&iiftft&^&s"**£# , m^mmm, *£JW79, "-# [*] * tk, *mn*h, *m?&, wmm, &mwz%i9M*>im&?. n MR, ttmm

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(RIH«» "^M" ), www (3tM#wtkT, ?£s, mmmtzm, &&

ifcg, SW^Mc; MHfc&Jttt, gfo&'Nfc; ^Ai2£ff-S$#, ElWh #; ^^^^i$#, l^S-Hc; ^##mg#, glpjSM^fc " 82*f*'it*

WA%, ?inw~ik*mmn&jMn'! mB&mnwR&&%Ai&m*mMimo

^SAtfjffHM^M, s*£ "WM^±^, ft-, Js-, ±-, T-, ?ISL#

»Sft < &*&££ 0 Zit» . « ±#£ 0 £i£» xftitmte A#iftMJift}

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1 The Sacred Edict, Containing Sixteen Maxims of the Emperor Kang-he, Translated from the Chinese original, and illustrated with notes by the Rev. William Milne (London: Printed for Black, Kingsbury, Parbury, and Allen, 1817), xi-xii. 2 (tyUffiZM} , LMS Archives, Personal Box No. 2 o 3 muks. mm^mm} r, m <«*Mm m 12 m (&U: E^Btt, 1992 >, ^ en0

4mmmt{-btt*mn.£5Xfo-fi?r) («: m^x^^mt, 2002), Mm, 5 $R'j«*#^fiii—mm^fcm} am-, m)\\A&ftmt, 1994), Mn9D 6^«it«Kfa]*#^» (±M: tm^mftfott., 1995) , M 3, <> WM3i #, ET 1830 ^r#l.+i){gW ({rWISWS)) ( 77ie Canton Register) ± ( E "Doctrine of Rewards and Punishments," The Canton Register Vol.3 No.14 (17 July 1830): 58-59 ) 0 — ffl^J+Zl^, —^^f— W^, 51 Paul Carus and Teitaro Suzuki, Treatise of the Exalted One on Response and Retribution (1906), 52.

MM®) , <#£«> . <«m^> (Vf a^a±^^W»fJ ) mm, #R]"Catalogue of Chinese books", in Gutzlaff Papers, DA 19/1/3/1; Andrew C. West, Catalogue of the Morrison Collection of Chinese Books (London : School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1998), 212-232. 8 D! <8*HH5> m 28 ffi ( &U: E^4$*t, 1992 ) , 5t 296-458, #£*tf]X^W (#^fC »> (?tM^H¥ssi^:pj)s«^^i:^vc^» d«cA<^«g> )m^o "lU^^^A^^+Wi*^^, fiiA^-E^-^ "^-1-^ffiBUffea^" ( a very excellent work on morality ) 0 #fft] "Catalogue of Chinese books", in Gutzlaff Papers, DA 19/1/3/1. 1 Alexandra Wylie, Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the Chinese, 16. " m%& (*im?&«*i>, a [»] »«*», 3S#E*M* «««» #ra, ^Ift, &«lg 158 ffi(M : ##4^t; ftj£: £/•*£#:«, 1995) , S 712-

7i70 & <«iMf > 4>w-it^ «^^ftti¥-3K*^», mm\mT aimmm) -$zi¥x0

<**!«?&*«> = #19 (2M6> #Em^E?P¥+-i! , nf79±0

$> (l£tP: HJllARttfiStt, 1999) W^Zl, H, 51340-367, ,3#t££ «=Sr.#it> StTOIPIM Religious Tract Society i?f£ "3?^ti±^JN-fS^" , ft$[£l[ f0L'm=?% "#^" nt "*ttt3t"; m%mt£$&±.m%LMm^mfo% -#A" (nt9±, IO±, n±-iiT) o 15a^^rtirS^MX^I^Si836^fiJgiJf5]tti:o ^4^itW5#, >L3ont, «j 15.000 ?„ 16 (5feSM2t«Tfe>®5fe**<*tftf&>#H*^Ta¥A^ (SB-, -®) . +-fl (£= 0); ^mmfcrtfiJEn (nmm) . -^ (^sun . H^ (fgAnn , mn i%-t®), %.n ($A@) , A/i (H7L0) , -fc^ ($+HJ) ; #IL*^EW¥A^ [? ] (&+-HJ) , 7l£ [? ] (ftll)L 1819 ¥^^^KTiJ*J4TiJ^*J*o 3i^JiW^rt^^*0i*:ii1?f/hiftWi* ir*M, £££J 14,000^, aj|*4H--liItt/h«l»**##*li, ±A3tRWWA, «#£¥££

77 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

-&i£l§o X, ««3fe±# (Daniel H. Bays) Wttit, JA 1819^10 1906^, *tt#J&# «&J&W i^iiflj—ITTTflfl-o #18 Daniel H. Bays, "Christian Tracts: The Two Friends," Christianity in China: Early Protestant Missionary Writings, edited by Suzanne Wilson Barnett and John King Fairbank (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1985), 23. 17 {tSim&^m&m} &mniE ISIS *&B,?sf¥ww£mumM> J*«T& 1832^ S^P, 1847 ^ft^r&X^'S^^ ( Alexandra Wylie, Memorials of Protestant Missionaries To the Chinese, i6) 0 S&»^WJ££37NWJ£P, fspjgm%±, mz^mmm^Wtmmm «s*o rmm^\mzm^nmmyt=.-i-t^ (1847)

18 {%m%mt} Ji*'rt (MX) t^j-^/ww^o hkm-fcjt* (1867) KWiuu^mmi (\%m%mt) wmmmMftmm, mmm isis ^*j,%tmi\*zft®%ftmikvmi£ <&«> ±: -^sis^TPf^ (isis) AM , ®%% immz^mt) (ft 50 ±-56 ± >, ^-^IJ^TL^, ®* «#±*0f^*q*^^si^» (of 57 ±-58 T). i¥*^}eawgtf

*fif*. Mja, KWiumm*zx^5 (mn±®> ±M^, SBM^J, ESSMILMH*. &&# *«T, ^as^ia^f, Kffi*« <«tt#r> mx^, 19 M'MB1,, &^mmR^ 7Pt, ^w 3,200 Mo -emsft 1823 ^T^T (#&»£> &-±= 15 ifZfc (1838 ^) X&ffllMS«fi£p, H£PT 8,100 »0 «#0fE Zi^mm-kZit} , #EW&£. rtW-l[^iA±MT, #;<:#;*/=lfMh +|S]*®g "#SM w & "MmtiL^umm." . IE^HS^^W^, n^nzmxmi; KS^±W -#&»" , W4 jEXiMHku <#&M> ^-zmmmmmm, 21 mmw «±*^H^it> mm i*2A*:nmtmm±mtfi*xm:ft umms) #-a, m %m

"mM^mm. fiL&$MmmmmY9&, 1837 ^m^MMm^RmM&m.^mm T 8,1001", ^ii. Missionary Herald (Jan 1838): 43 WJFf&Wft 5,0001", HciA^^Wffi^if^f^ Mi, 22 (iiM^B^ifc) J^fJf^ 1825 %-MU® «#M^» #H±, 1828 i5 1833 ^WIBJll tUttSJR^tt, fIR£JS£ftli, ^ffMW#^-S^4 1836 ^gijepWo AH^lPtW^, ^rtWM

T37 "Mmi£W£MW o fig^W^fiM, nt*3, fiW "#i*«^" . "#0" #^#0 olEiltij ^J^f&ffl l0¥lu^m©ftE3iiiM(#j*®^>SI)iS, KJilil-iflintm^Ifii^o «#m^£B ^life> W««S»Sffi, tt{XW5Pt, ^Jt^it2,230 mZ£o

/ 1 «> , «4# A^> , E«it»« «Kfa]*#^> (±*: ±?il r^1+1){fi?±, 1995) , M 57-67, 127, 378,

78 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

24 &ijn*if-rts+;tm«: "#^ffi- (^Bi^fFiaiiEPssA) m mxmm mi^ 34-37 "P: -mmmfc, &%%«, ^^-m, MAJ^^^O ^#tM«, ^u^^ir tfe*^^«j|fc#: "l§AitfeWiiEi|5#, ?l#BJW^^*" ; «3A iti^Af 3f: "WMtm, ttm%, £^ir (fam$&iBt&, xmw&z-toT&tt

(il^g^fflSiJiDiUM^: "*J£*oL©, .^JAL^PM,, BEE^oTfc, T-£b£S£i;fc:i:fr ; <^MS#> USES 44i?: -^SMI^M, ^spjiM^fnw^^" , (xstfaaiMiiii)

77ie Sacred Edict, Containing Sixteen Maxims of the Emperor Kang-he, Translated from the Chinese original, and illustrated with notes by the Rev. William Milne (London: Printed for Black, Kingsbury, Parbury, and Allen, 1817), xi-xii.

'f I^S'lKlESa " H. The Sacred Edict, Containing Sixteen Maxims of the Emperor Kang-he, Translated from the Chinese original, and illustrated with notes by the Rev. William Milne (London: Printed for Black, Kingsbury, Parbury, and Allen, 1817), xi-xii. 27 SM <£A*§£> mz- (MM[£K^UMWL, £#+*¥&) , nt2To 28 sa# < ±x&m»mz-, «t 2 r „

30» <££&¥££&> , ft 1T0 31 iwmimm), m{m^m^}^i2M(^U: e^*t, 1992), M7i0

174, 178; Cynthia J. Brokaw, The Ledgers of Merit and Demerit: Social Change and Moral Order in Late Imperial China (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1991), 3-4.

^^Mi, 1993) , 3l510o "WMMiTJimm}, &M®WL (Rmahm^y (±m-. tntimmmt, 1995), jt n0 35 [*#] (mmmmR^mmu, £#-+¥*$), nt38±-38To 36 g«# « £A£31» #23, nt 3 To 37 [#ft] «ftisW£fflit» , nt38±0 38g?l# «£A&21» #£.=., nt 3 To $P£^£5#-*®# <<^#£itfl>> «rt§+tilW#§ ftlWmfe: "M!T#3J, #«tt£&5&0 tt£#&3cHM>, ttffc»3#. #»&&£#, MStt &&&., &r.%mtL, &&%&:%, &*n%&o" #Ristx#* {ffi^zmm (ffUfME^ mm, M+AW), «t 16To XIH^S^amm®)#Amw-m^^ n x$ifewiwj#wi^i3: " attA****, mmt&m, mmx* &^Pj&.n%&&, n%m x, m%£%, M#A^JSI-, mnm&®$.z, iw^t»ii#^i, &#>%&, wm®% &, %X, 2/Mo " 39 [#fc] «&£M£ffli£» , Bf29±-29T3 &&ifai±£%m, u%umt&Bft. xw&\ mRZTtmm^zfc, £.z?ft, «* #, tm^rnvmrnzx, %i&m®o m^mzAiLm$mimmnmxm, awffl*ittA«iia

^o " 51 LMS Archives, Personal Box No.2 „

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41 £*** (£A&m) mt.-. (%mig.

^¥Ai##BA;*/, Aft#IRi£sW:*M&TM: "£M, *#»**? Bfc£*i#il, *» A, *#&, *M, IWASI, if Aft* „ ffiSff«. &##fr, H«&fta¥? f5Jffl« mx-A^zm®, *wjfe^&**AAo awt, A^^&a*, ±#it#a^, ni*i#£ff §, rfn^SH, ££fc{*JMJ3*o if&^Mffc^h &*ftiLMTffi£ia*#jfcteo " (JSJB ^^(^IM^ia^fe) [*Stt[tt]£K*flHMK. B3fc+A¥l&*«!] , nf3±-3T) 42 grX#«£A*§«>#£-, of3T-4±3 43 ga#«£A£3I »#£=., of2T-3±0 44 , E <} mytm^An, nt 101 ± (26i) 0 n&mn£ {Rmnhmsy urn-. ±##f*ajJK*t, 1995), 51201, 49 [**] «SW£fflit» , nt20To 50 [*ft] <§fc8W&«ifc> , »t38±a 51 [##] (fSWSM) , Pti0±-i0To 52 [#t£] «ftisW£ffli6» , 0f27±o 53 [*&] i^^m^mt), Bti2T-i3±3 54 [##] <*3WSfflife> , of 10To 55 [##] (fiWSffiit) , nt27T, 56 [*#] (fSWSM) , PtioTo "*m& iRmzhmn) (±n-. ±m^man&n., 1995), MS 58 0 mmwi , 3i80

M> (m immm %-m$iz.^~tR, *t 1 ±-3 r); <^¥AM> ($(«#«> ii*^ E¥A^^, nt 33 T) ; ggfPS <*JH5#> ( [ 3A¥£#H5B6«1fi, ^HlJKHJfi] , Pf 9 T) , »&#Afl£##jto fP£$£$#+M+£T#)12:#-&tilS: "«£:#, A&£

MS^KiKfc, myt-i-^m] , nf4T) o

4' o f&MffiR&r&A&JE, f¥5fc= X£E#*hW, A&SK&&^#AWa0 Aitk-

g*t*." ( , a <&«§;?&££} %fcm&%x, pf 6 ±-6 T ). mm

B*. sfcil&T <£g> W8ill|0 mU&& «#AJl6?Hf£» *#J-II£;*7 {Ojifc^ttifc) sfcS:

Pf 16±-16T) o

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so ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

64 ft'm {mw&mzfe>, nt3±o 65 vtmrn imwftmzit}, nt 6T,

2002) , ^12,

«&: "S^s: 'MA±*, 77&££5<:, *i££AJlA, H-Ji*^*^ ' &m^£± 4 i ^M&®1K?, SffcA/R, sS^ ^, ffi.T%W, faA^mm^ ®*1i£ZiR.*%V>jMMim, e.#®&\ • o - mm <#»> , ^ (&%>•. HJHAK.+.Mt, 1994), ^40 #, W^WfPJf, W#*P*iS«, W^iP^I^, WWWtfct, ^mmik^m^Po " 71 «itH^##it», m mmm m=(mfcrm%- [mi] AM ), Pt5i±-5ir= 72*J#fiM*£¥

M: A&£2:ftfi5tt, 1999) , ^ 192-194, 15mmm {±%%.azit), pf2± 76 3 nmm (±f*a^), nt2±0 77 ftmu «±^^H^it», of 1 To 78^^.^«±^4 0^it» , nt2±, 79ftH^«MMB£it» ($flK*M5K««, [1836] ), Pt5To 81 &m% (mnm^QZit), nt5± 82 0 immz^mt}, mmi$t®)m=(%mTw*?[isn]Aji), nt5i±-5iT0 83 ivgmzwmt}, m mm®)#=. (mmTW [ wn] AJI ), ntso±0 M Mm{±.%r$Lazit}, nt2±0

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<£^£*s>, m<*mm&vfp>%imm6M (1839^6^ )2

[r.j.i-1] -^ft^%-%_¥} [*MSj] 4u*T [#**] #-* [ifcte&SMM

#db (Dr Adam Smith) # , -%fci£#f (Malthus ) , £&#&# (McCulloch) VXJL®$i (Mill) ^A^#&^##Ji:#*L*f>M^o #2Ui£ ajm, [ tS ] £A^iM&& #•&#;*.* -n^a#fii***^o [ AiU ] #

^o 4Mn#fft$*;ir2Jii£i:* [ft**] (rW^*m> 1831^5^ 20 H3

g 1793 ¥3£SJ^^itM^^&JMffl (Macartney Mission) , 1816 ^PRTH; ±m&m (Amherst Mission) frWs, ^Si^J^ltB^ft^^^m^Eff^ + Sdb SP*8$inj^ &#»r^£ffi&l£#J&*o &#ftm-»H*5r3J 1834 ¥££M

82 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

*&&ttrmn%WJ&*MAjmM&m±%£:&%L; mm^mrnxmn, •&&

^^IPc^tf^WiHA^Ji: ^fnf (Charles Marjoribanks, 1794-1833) , 4itfeE (James Matheson, 1796-1878) 5^lP$^o 6 4^¥^££pjg£TJj£#IR

m&&£femWft (Jardine Matheson & Co.) ftt'J&Ao fte^SMfftfl^lft^T

MA^¥ik£0 ft-jA 1818 ¥, 3fl!i&Ji-+iiJ*W¥#AH*, ffettlUJMtfAti

^C^tS^Jo f&-^'f£*n#??tfj£—f^AcASM ( William Jardine, 1784-1843) iSf^ f@3£@^r"^MMf#rS! ( Adam Smith ) g&§?Mfift, MAMiM^BM*f

tir^ftffto81827 ¥s,*E^&r#iai^'j*^ami^w^^^^Mfj <*m&U) (Chinese Repository) , fOi^fr ^SftEffi, fefc'ZKWLg.&n

1828 ¥, &Bt*<*@&ffi> MttJK, 3&e7F#?-^fSt&±!&-#:8g^£ft

83 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

Sr" W^^f^iK^#7MM-¥£^WHtrB], &f&«rm«;£Wtir&T, «ATF

#<^TffH> W£!fc, ^¥#^igo 1831 ¥, f&XS-^HS^epffi

1834 ^ li ^^itkE^^^m^^rffl^^T^Bsi^^o *S£g£M$

flR^-o IM#&#J:PJifcg+m##?im3£, +@AHiA^ "±S" , HMiKJ&;*7 "HA" »M?B:fcfc58;, "MA|g^±®r#I^SftKiMiM, ^*S£ft£

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(mmit) m-Mxnmmv, rnrnn, 38 pt, ^im 12,200 ^Q -M^# m%m& 1832 ¥ 9 ^ "psr^±^" -^ (Amk^) ^ts^n^^u:^ M ji*n^^j«Wo 14 «^#B&it»m^0jrf0^^Ht#/jH^o 15 -&m "psrn±

B" m®&®K* (Hugh Hamiton Lindsay) -^±y§^MM^#££4^37ift a, £/JnftM, MMfP^^^^*a^WHtf0l|s|#S^^:vfil7t+-¥(1832) ,

M$S*. JIK^3t£BA*JSfc»&*fc* "51" flfffttHfcWXJB:*:^,,, 7 *£

##M "JMT 3££#§0 B&##^$H*&M«, ffeWWifcft*7&ll«iaffn#«

£/M£m, &, ^wAnt^s^: "MMzmn -ymnxim, "^±@" -TG


5i£*" , "Kn^j^e" m*%m*&m&%t, mmism^&mntfsmmo n ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

«ffl4: i»mit/i^iL=MMSXtiia

a£&f*»* [mnm o '^M i 1 •/• to

50£.' 30 of b*s

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ffl ir. X

IT) .O ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

18 *IM (EPami), M*is*0" &A*mtEM®mmM£;mm., ^m^

jt3»#, a#a^:R«^ai, ®mmmu-%"21, HA, *SA##«r££ ft, m&hk&mmzftjj (t^)a^a*: M£^£#, ftswc^B*, A^ ^&K, SAI^IM^^O ^irsm, HH^M, jiitzife®., ZLRMMZ n 22 mi?, mnmm, &*mmt± „ K&ttfiM:#K#]&spjM^ XMMJS

&£&, Blt^S, ^7jc»J-, i^A^«i?M, aiSRm&tt-t&o 73 m, m%ffite*mj:w®Ai&Rfc&z*o ^«T#R#*fe»«a--fts "#iw «, #^TW##W£;m Mi&*#, fi^^M^o " 24 #OT!:#±#R#«

&ft£-§P5b BJE^^Pitt:, X*£il*jlfofcfc*7#S±Wflc«o 25 Silt, ^SA £i*fi5imMt«-W£^ift&M, lfe*t&«#SA3r»g«l UM" . 3/ "# A" To 26 *@A*&i»gA, "2?J#J£M^, #B3/A, BSKfS, WA $f&, 3£#fHiA" 2\ MJ^^nTa^«it@-M^m»0fmwa "0&£rt, W1 J^^iH" To

86 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

1832 ^ 6 nw*±mg&miE&m*\PimK*tim, mt^m® uMn -^n

-nmz&, ttmzM, ittrmzft, &mM. «, im, m, S^M^, &

^Mjit^Pf0 #14^#^3ti#;lrA£A, &Tm&: 'If, £^£Atil; XI,

#tS4LO*> , $> it. $, is. fclMh ^tSWrto ;t£S&

£&, ££, £-frT#^&-f? &A#, ^##^0 &&tt&: '£4**^r

¥? " £-, &##%, "H^^nTW^g^l^^iil" 31 , JAJtflJim##, 4> SA^rTfc) "HA" £ "£TW^, M^*^" o **2, ^@A "ft&%m*

87 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

"M^X^ZA, &mmm^zmtA®, #£+s, n^akm^mmxmn an UAmn^zmm, wmmft&'Miz&w. imA^&mArmm, wmm A xm, mtz &, n^Ammix^mzmfttiLo"32 ^R«#+BAM;&*s«ui "M^ ^/kiLtjaju " m^^mx^Mist^xm, m&tft uMn A, mnm*mA- #, # "»*&, &2. xm, m£z^, ^Ammix^wzmftfe" 0 1837 *f «&B##» TiMT-ftSM 700 £^@£# «g^» 6

A (Hf&teM3£BA) ^£TO0 i^^tt, "+S^ESB#OT£«, # A^Tii; {SftA5fc£fi#^IS^iil, AT^AoJil^o R*W—ft^^fe, M -fttt^fco fo**mm&wmzxfe, mzm^nxm^, -*H^IH« Azmw&ttmuLo" M%&mmmAMGXikM, mm, &=?M]to&M*tii &m*x, mux*mA*mig.'£ir]Zfc&, "Am&z&^vm^., mmnzg. u $^i&M%c , MR, %&mnnm, m

n 33 Mo XTVEW "mnmA^m, &Gmnm£ , M%*RMmati&mmi?xw

484?-425) , Um$rJ& (ItSi Thucydides, W&TtM 460-400) , &W0 (mmm xenophon, ^jtsm *&~n 355), # "jtmR^^" ^m±fcw.

( &T%3LW& Democritus, fcltMi*) 460 - ^ 370 ) ft&ffiMft (Isocrates, ^TCBU 436-338, mmmnm). unyim=Fmmn n&g (*e&s, piato^TEBIT427~

88 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

347) Rm.m±g%TM (M.M±gm Aristotle, &7UHif 384-322) , 3^G fe^B,

B*ft, W "ffr#*g^#" Sfc^ (H^^ Vergil, ^7Cff70~19) ^»H!± («#

Iff Horace, ^jtm 65 ~ 8 ) , >fljlfc ( ^H Livy, &7nff 59 ~ ^7U 17 ) fP^H

£ ( mmfe Tacitus, &7G 55? ~ #J 117 ) , "&Si@S¥#" TOU ( SM"£ Lucius

Annaeus Seneca, AiLm^ 3~£TU 65) , 1$#^#$[fijBJS (WWB Pliny, ^7U

u 23-79), ^0 xmm^m-. nu, ±nn. m-&&mmim%vmm, m

s&m. Mm§>&mzmx, mzmMo -

zjztijtojffemm "ffittw^i" To tm&ttm, msmm^m^nzm

*0 *S£, *?&'&, #££t£ "o #9: '£«, ##-|-^^-^o " it

•&i&.tiL*nvf-&&0 £^9: " 3H-^ it f-!^ , ft^&JLfW, ±4-%

4M**fc, -5A&, 54L&R, *T#^o " #EJ : "*H^**f-#, £&«; #*»^##, «&;£; ##*##, *&«; 4?iL*4f#,

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(«Miii») o Ainm*fc^^^«#, MMUM "t" (t$g). "*r us

jm&M; ma*n&t nrn^M-, nm-n^, nm&m0" < ) =

E" , 0fif "Jg&*. !*,«*, -5A&, S£i«, ^PI^^O " ( <^&£t> ) mm*mx5i&n±&R&im%-ft. &&&mzxw&m-utk, mm un i #Mmmm&, ^P^H, nuj&&um-AZM0 m&tmx, =f-B-. mmz

35 BAMJjfc3Ni0 flf#MHW&, ^^SA^t^o "

%: -n^^sAiyr*. %£xtm, x^mmw, vmmt&A, ft^&tt

«*r*L' , 'Ey§^rt, g^tHo ' w&mm%-m, wi®.ik-fo, t^A *^&, faffct '#jfc' ¥? jtttilfe^^A^W, Jte*UE£., ES&OTEo &4«S WA, 3&m*LJ££A@, JijfeifcjWi^iS, SW**l*L¥? " 36 BE&TL^ft^ ^4 "vnmztH, WWHW , -m^mmx*, %A«W*L" , WA, ^4- u u *mxmmm&A* M" , % %r , £#«»£«#, HM«B#A^* "5ia" , ji^i^swjt^o &-*ji£m, +BA*I**M?S± "QM^AZ n, mtimx" zmzttifto m&, *mAm&mffi&mm&}>b&, -gmm

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u n 37 tmmnx, mm\% ^mx , -s^" T0

^¥M (MSA^ft) Ji^SABi^fcM. KH±^SWyh^ffl^!^ Js%E.fcmT&WLmB&&%B--&[°immM$i&o 1832 ¥, 4ft¥£fl!ilel££li!f

r*H-nKMM«l0ff£M "Is" i£ "W tk^iS^/B, HH±fl$fflH;»

jtafcCtfcE, ffefnm^^^J, fttffflUfco MM£7*@£^£, MtifeffiXBi ####. %mm£&m&xwn&&%Lo39

-. ^p^MfW^MS^SlEfiJ £ «§§i6» + , 3£S^r^MMf#r^ (Adam Smith, 1723-1790) i£j£7

ilf»gSlfciMXt+£WBKB5*flASK "^S^M^itPW^is@^±^^'J 3fic4Mll, 0fitia#*#Jt»»H«*, £n^, ^ £WBi$A£»tt8B, fi^KW lAf#, #«:, ^^A, ffiHMrfl^o £M+95£^E&#-H¥£X, £4>

#¥K&ffl#&n«£Bjfc&i&WA+AK;££. E&JH:, «e«-WA^rx Af&£? " ^ft^H/HitS, *B^ "£M*&B" . H "«HOJA*WI*flr . $c

91 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

m, &&KMKm, ummim, mm\. ^xmm iitt^AMi

#sis*ij#*ho ft-m®£3j

42 ^o fcmmmm, >&%*%&, vmmmffi&0 " -^mm^mmm^.m^

92 itmm^^, mmm^Mo &®.mti%, mr^mzmm, *#m5W®%, WL& ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library m*m, mz, *z, mz, MZ, mz, mz, ^L^^m.%, &m, m n u •&, mm^m, ^^m^i &&mz, Krmft, MmteG&&0 m

RA^-m^w ft, &mmmzr&-^m^%, "JJ®^&" 0 mux, #tt-HS


IBIH^m^ftiffiA; *hfT«A^pf &:£«&, tim^ftftitft^, 45 't#MA^K £&i£&A^, -Wi^lAA, InGmmMft, SUm^-^A 5^^#, BPJB^ifr&lPo " 46 i*it^hi^^*^#f'J^^^W^M)(^WH^o

rtr^i^fs, *Mn*#^Pih &m^ft^m%^^M^, rt=fffiWL%z%&Zifttt

93 ik, %±MZ*, mmmvt, #3fc.tm0 A^m^ftK^±p, mAm&w&, & ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

3 s 47 u m&v^m^F, ftBim%&RA%®& f2.m ¥-'! " x^: -*zzft, JITS A

a, -MF****, ^K$m$ni\, %mh%h^o *Ut, ^$*|A|

Mi&m, "ffn?MI&&igJ», *^i£#*f, ffiit#A5^, ftggiWISf1 tHo " &#, "&@^MJ, &i«£*Ri, &A»£i*, iMtfiWMIT , §915

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nnm &%&&& (i838) JEST^M «^M» -XVL:

25, &EJJ#, 1HHft, £Si«, it^^^c, r&&&, &&tiii:&}&&,

^TJ&^o 50

^m^x^m^n®, two, ttmi&i&m&^m*, ikmmmyaftimm, M mmj, mux, ttm^mm uac , ur#mm, %&&%%&&, **m rtto

i76o ^mum^mm-. tm^immjmm, ^n^^^rw^^t^tm,

95 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

m&m-%&&m0 #<£#•&&> m, m^mmnmmnm: WMAMmnm

vmmm., &«m, %m%, WMK ^mx^^mmzm, -&M&t%&m0 Mfo^z®, vxtmft%, mmm, vmm, &&®, %MW#O ^^&m^mm A^HM, m%M&, mmrnm, %&'bx&&, t#i^^,n 51 m


M, «!&7*l±aU&o #7i«Kf?gHA "^ftWK" , vimxMIWi^S ^r^H+HtT-^hfXW 300 m 200 ^J/L3r#j/JvM£|B]m, tHMkfil-^HAg

fcfco ttxmg-£*JBfr&£A£e&0!l, lfc##^&tff€ff7-**JMJgte3- tt„ 3s£#Ii^ftg0f:£ "^h£AKf" , ^^#W^£#Jf&&, *f+@£@ Bfr, A£^M:ifto iP^ih^^g*^^, "fl'J?L»Jt7" , M.*h@A "HI n y tt#i5iB*, aHmtM, B^^WG^? *&, ^^@^vgj-ti-s h#^^

$##Wlffl*@£A£i£*nw&ii!f, ftkift: "«^7»5: 't#*^o ' Hcffl ^MWMm, ^%m%, MMWJ? £*ttmflHS2, W?S£, «ffi£, XStt

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55 #M#^, am^tM, ^j>m%0" xm, *sA*K&^sji*njtt:iE&£

jL-fr#ifci&A*fc:fc, Hit**;MMfc, •bZMfc&Jz.^'l ^Mi&ift.*, M

H, £1*7:3:, &»«»&, -&i*7#t, VLftit, jLtSJiS, ^Jlb, «'Ji«Ji, H^7

«*£»«**#»»? Wat: m%mmn "fmmmmt, %-im^$m

ffiXfc&m.&m, 1996) , 3T58, 2 'The Bible in China," China Mission Advocate Vol. 1 No. 6 (June 1839): 171. 3 The Canton Register, 20 May 1831 „ S,^g£$T ( Thomas Robert Malthus, 1766-1834 ) . W%M¥& Ht ( John Ramsey McCuloch, 1789-1864 ) RBWl ( James Mill, 1773-1834 ) IMkJH^IIgftrS&i

JC^«3E^»r«fil$*S ( D. Ricardo, 1801-1823 ) #JiiGg#0 4 Gienn Melancon, Britain's China Policy and the Opium Crisis: Balancing Drugs, Violence and National Honour, 1833-1840 (London: Ashgate, 2003), 43-44.

97 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

5 The Sixth Annual Report of the Anglo-Chinese College; MDCCCXXV11I (Malacca: Printed at the Mission Press, 1828), p. 14; LMS 35 Report (1829), p.24; Report of the Eleventh Year ofthw Anglo-Chinese College, Being MDCCCXX1X with an Appendix, Concerning the Laws of China (Malacca: Printed at the Mission Press, 1829), p.12. ^itfcEJi£ 1818 ¥Mr-H\, igfcl-*ilrEC£-0Cgi8f, 1832 ^Mlftr*H&l -^•feW#ft ( Jardine, Matheson & Co.) , HS^^o 1840 if&WW\i£WM®fflo #l'^]cPHtt.^4^ gii&R&mftmM&mm{mt^^mx^^m) am-, ^mtt^m^twmt, mi), n

3173 6 Michael Greenberg, British Trade and the Opening of China, 1800-1842 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1951), 72. 7 Report of the Eleventh Year of the Anglo-Chinese College, being MDCCCXX1X (Malacca: Printed at the Mission Press, 1829), 3, 11-12. j*¥M^lgfi£*£Bfl 1829 ^, fl^-SM^W 1828 %-! ft \ BS 1829 ¥ lift 31 BfKWI^0 «M*i2icMB^fi¥SM^^£frfi!jA, ^rfff^fil omi^M^Rrt^T 1828 %• 4-5 ftm\ ixrmm) m^zmo 8 ^^m&&&J^.:sf, #151 Robert Blake, Jardine Matheson: Traders of the Far East (London:

Weidenfeid & Nicolson, 1999), 38-410 9 Suzanne Wilson Barnett £4feMinl1rH$A^:t#±i£:£ "Practical Evangelism: Protestant Missions and the Introduction of Western Civilization into China, 1820-1850" ( 5X 64-65 ) iA^jft 19 tftffi 30 ^ 1 £, iEflftwa, zwrnsn^mmi 1&28^ {^rmm) ZWKO 10 ^ft¥zmMirw%%fc%m%£W;^miitmi{M5i!k, mmMmmfrw. 1830^, ttiKi^ftk.+.ttAH^Hu-^, xmm&±m&}MMmzmfc, i&i^^mmirhKmnm^mArmm

isL^RiEgi&m^jnm; ^m®pnm&*Rmi%i%f&$Mf&ftn®&m^fcm^&Mo &mms

im&jfcwm&m-ft&iitiMMMo aitt, R^J I¥x 1 T-^AH/FT, 1832^ 1 nmtmim ^^0^To #» <#»^^> mr.^-hMmm, pt2o±-27T (S2071-2086); %m ix*5 MM-. mifcf&i£wm±m^m**tf)%&), mn (mu&^^x^m^m (&#: f??^£ 4^M, 2000) , M 1150 " if^T"-^ ( 1832) ^^KTiJIfiJM {±$HA*Hiji) o ^T^SHCX®*; "Brief

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%-. mitif&tEwm±m^mtt*M%&), 51127-128, n mnz. m^m^mm^} (±.m-. ±mx^^mt, 1994, ^ m)im&$%iEB,

13 JAL "Prospectus of a Monthly Periodical, in the Chinese Language," The Canton Register Vol. 6 No.

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35 im , f? <&ffi#%> ilftHE^AU , uf l ±-2 T ( 5i 3) o 36 «»B&i6> , Pt2T-3±, 37 i&imit), Dt 4 T3 FiftmtmniT at), m <&H##» myt%z*An, nt M T (51 23) o W^ 1830 iZiV?\-mA&fo5l "MA." ttffi, #f*] Sloth ( nmmX^im Robert Thorn Z%L& ) , "On the Meaning and Use of the Character % E," The Canton Register Vol. 10 No. 31 (1

August 1837): 128 0 38 ^3mw.*m*m3Li±R%^m, Btmm&vi (£#: tinrnz^'®,

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1823), 16-17; jglStfc ((nk + ^T^) (TW: r£A£.+,J{£t±, 1999) , £ 144D 46 ££*IE&*S C^n-At^mr^^X^^:^) , M 340 x, -MW8PS*&^Aft«i5j£gfi!ifn2f

0|SS Frederic Wakeman, Jr., Strangers at the Gate: Social Disorder in South China, 1839-1861 (Berkeley:

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