Leading the Way
Investor Information Attica Group in figures *In the course of 2006, the Group sold 4 vessels and as at 31st December, 2006 owned 15 vessels. Attica Group operates modern, fast, cruise-class, car-passenger ferries providing year-round Tickers transportation services for passengers, private vehicles and freight, in the Adriatic Sea, Certified Auditors the North Sea and the Greek domestic market. Attica Group: Reuters: EPA.AT DRM STYLIANOU S.A. Bloomberg: ATTICA GA A member of RSM International 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 ATHEX: ATTICA Kifissias Avenue & 84, Ethn. Antistasseos Street Sailings 8,113 9,855 8,988 7,568 6,228 Tenfore : ATTICA.at 15231 Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 674 78190 Passengers 3,919,946 5,041,332 4,741,660 4,366,945 4,027,896 Blue Star Group: Fax: +30 210 672 6099 Freight units 301,811 346,644 332,930 339,381 298,090 Reuters: STR.AT e-mail: drmstyl@otenet.gr Bloomberg: BSTAR GA Private vehicles 650,538 791,573 733,874 635,976 579,881 ATHEX: BSTAR Leading the way Tenfore : BSTAR.at Annual General Meetings Ships 23 21 16 18 19 Attica Holdings S.A.: 14th June, 2007 Average Fleet age 10 9 8 7 10 Investor Enquiries Blue Star Maritime S.A.: 14th June, 2007 Ports Served 31 33 27 30 30 Yannis Criticos ATTICA GROUP 157, C. Karamanli Avenue (in million Euro) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 16673 Voula, Athens Revenue 318.61 385.87 371.25 385.12 326.60 Greece Tel.: +30 210 891 9500 ΕΒΙΤDΑ 60.99 100.83 104.72 99.10 71.53 Fax: +30 210 891 9509 Depreciation 32.98 40.12 37.98 37.39 29.93 e-mail: ir@attica-group.com Net Interest Expense -38.57
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