--=------ .:- - - . EVERY pîoneerlocal.comDAY DECEMBER 4, 2008 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLtCATION * S1.25 24/7 COVERAGE ENTERTAIN!NG IDEAS MOVIES SPORTS . Daily news from Musings on pop Reel Time blog with Heard in the Halls Your Local Source culture and the arts Bruce Ingram athletics blog NIIks THIS WEEK DIVERSIONS SUITE SOUNDS Park Ridge Civic Orchestra and Ballet Chicago Studio Company present 11The Nutcracker." PAGE Bl DIVERSIONS L HANDEL BARS Handel's "Messiah" is i sung at Carter-Westminster Laverne and James Kozak, and Janet Supergan, are served chicken by Michael United Presbyterian CUISINEAlpoqianis on Nov. 23 at White Eagle Banquets durinq International Taste of Filles. Church ¡n Skokie. QUEUE PAGE 3. PHOTP BY STACIA TIMONERE/FOR PIONEER PRESS PAGE B8 SERVING OUR READERS SINCE 951 * YOUR LOCAL SOURCE Visit Oakton. Cothe and discover why Oakton is the ideal place o:-to9 i: SB! to begin or continue your college education. j_s4o1:Q M 0969 . Tuesday, December 9, at 5:30p.m. i:,ZG.ksra A:8I1 AèIt:1ar1 3X1t1d zrienj S11N s-x Room 1506, Des Plaines Campus 'ÇOOQOOO ÇicX3 Çi0Q-310- 4eOaktonReserve your seat at www.oakton.edu. 'I' ( Community College1600 East GoifRoad, Des Plaines -,--- '?'' ' A Pioneer Press Publication Thursday, December 4, 2008 3 2 Thursday, December 4, 2008 A Pioneer Press Publication MANAGINGEDITOR:Marc Aberf s News
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