Approved by the full council – 26 June 2014

Worplesdon Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual meeting held on 22 May 2014 in the small hall, Memorial Hall – 7.30pm

265-14 - Present There were present Chairman Dr P Cragg, Mr T Cater, Mr M Dillon, Mrs J Messinger, Mrs S Morgan, Mrs E Nagle (late arrival), Mrs J Panton, Mr V Searle, Mr D Slaymaker, Mr R Watson and Mr R Welch. Miss S Brown and Mrs G White - Clerk to the Council were also in attendance. 266-14 - To accept apologies and reason for Absence in accordance with the LGA 1972, Sch12 para 40 Apologies and reasons for absence were received from Mr R Clark, Cllr D Elms, Mr D Howard-Jones, Cllr R McShee and Mr C Venables. Apologies accepted. Apologies were also received from Cllr K Witham. 267-14 - Election of Chairman Mr T Cater nominated Dr P Cragg, seconded Mr V Searle. No other nominations being made Dr P Cragg was duly elected as Chairman for the forthcoming year.

268-14 - Declaration of Acceptance of Office signed by the newly elected Chairman Dr P Cragg duly signed the acceptance of the Office of Chairman. 269-14 - Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPIs) by Councillors in accordance with The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012. (SI 2012 No. 1464) No declarations were made. 270-14 - To receive and consider written requests for new DPI dispensations.

No requests were received.

271-14 - Declaration of non-pecuniary interests in accordance with the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct

Mrs J Panton declared that she is a member of FLAG – Item 33 on the agenda.

272-14 - Amendments to the Register of Interests No declarations were made. 273-14 - Declaration of Gifts or hospitality over £25 No declarations were made. 274-14 - Police matters in Worplesdon

A report had not been received. It was anticipated that PC Chowtee was busy as the European Elections were being held on 22 May.


Approved by the full council – 26 June 2014

275-14 - Election of Vice-Chairman

Mrs S Morgan nominated Mr C Venables, seconded Mr R Welch. No other nominations being made Mr C Venables was duly elected as Vice-Chairman for the forthcoming year.

276-14 - Election of the General Purposes and Finance Committee

It was resolved that the following members be elected to serve on the General Purposes and Finance Committee:

Mr T Cater, Mr M Dillon, Mrs S Morgan, Mrs J Panton, Mr D Slaymaker and Dr P Cragg as Ex-Officio.

277-14 - Election of the Health, Safety and Welfare Committee

It was resolved that the following members be elected to serve on the Health, Safety and Welfare Committee:

Mr T Cater, Mr M Dillon, Mrs S Morgan, Mrs J Panton, Mr D Slaymaker and Dr P Cragg as Ex-Officio.

278-14 - Election of the Planning Committee

It was resolved that the following members be elected to serve on the Planning Committee:

Mr T Cater, Mr M Dillon, Mrs S Morgan, Mrs J Panton, Mr D Slaymaker and Dr P Cragg as Ex-Officio.

279-14 - Election of the Staffing Committee

It was resolved that the following members be elected to serve on the Staffing Committee:

Mrs J Messinger, Mrs S Morgan, Mrs J Panton, Mr C Venables and Mr R Watson.

280-14 - Election of the Traffic Committee It was resolved that the following members be elected to serve on the Traffic Committee: Mr T Cater, Dr P Cragg, Mrs S Morgan and Mr D Slaymaker. Mr Watson suggested including an item in the next parish newsletter inviting representatives of the community to join the Traffic Committee. Agreed. 281-14 - Staffing Committee Meeting - To review the pay and conditions of service of existing employees.

The Staffing Committee meeting is to be held Monday 9 June 2014 – 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall.

282-14 - Parish Representatives – Annual reports

The following reports were received:

 Mrs E Nagle – Stoke Hospital

As representative of Worplesdon Parish Council on the board of trustees for Stoke Hospital Alms Houses in Stoke Road , I have attended most of the trustees meetings in the past year and am on the sub-committee overseeing the retirement of both the warden and clerk this summer. I have also been on the interviewing panel for new residents.


Approved by the full council – 26 June 2014

Stoke Hospital Alms House offers one bedroom flats to females over the age of 55 who are of 'little means', and who have a connection to Guildford.

 Mrs S Morgan – Fairwood Helpers

I have attended most meetings and the volunteers are doing an amazing job ferrying around clients to hospitals and doctors. The Worplesdon View care home donated £500 to the group after a most successful fair and all clients were given a poinsettia and box of chocolates at Christmas.

 Mrs S Morgan – FLGCA

Meetings are held several times a year and I give a brief report on the work of the Parish Council and listen to any problems they have and hopefully help e.g. disposal of a large HGV parked on . They are hoping to get a new Treasurer, but so far have been unsuccessful. I have been told that the Basket Ball Ring at the back of the Community Centre is their responsibility and they will write to confirm this.

 Mr T Cater – Worplesdon Memorial Trustees Report 2013/14

The Trustees comprise of three Parish Council representatives: Terry Cater (the current Chairman) Roger Welch and Eric Oldham, along with four Donor Trustees; Peter Elsing Tony Heather, Mary Broughton and Tim Hunt. They are ably assisted by Roger Forder the current Hon Sec. who contributes a great deal and keeps us in line.

The Trustees aim is to provide the maximum recreational and social facilities that the Hall and Ground can provide, for primarily, the residents of Worplesdon.

We are happy to report another satisfactory and productive year for the Trustees, which has seen the following work completed:-

(a) A new fire alarm system fitted to the Hall.

(b) A CCTV Security System fitted to the Hall.

(c) A new double sized cooker fitted in the Kitchen.

(d) A dishwasher fitted in the Kitchen.

(e) 150 New Chairs provided for the Hall.

(f) New improved lighting provided in the Sime Gallery.

(g) The Hall electrics tested and improved where necessary.

(h) Stage and Small Hall floor repaired and refurbished.

(i) Donations enabled two Sime pictures to be cleaned.

(j) Various small improvements costing £7,500

These at a total cost of around £55,000 with over half the costs being met from grants from:-


Approved by the full council – 26 June 2014

Worplesdon Parish Council, Guildford Borough Council, County Council and various small grants from different sources.

Without these most valuable grants, for which we are most grateful, the majority of the improvements would not have taken place .

Finally, the extension to the car park has at last started; this should increase the car spaces by at least 50%.

I confirm that the Sime Gallery seat and the three benches alongside are the responsibility of the Trustees. The bench by the oak tree nearest the tennis courts is the Parish Council’s responsibility.

Reports are awaited from: Mr R Clark (JWRA), Cllr R McShee (WSVA) and Mr R Watson (Worplesdon Charities).

283-14 - Appointment of Parish Representatives (2014/2015)

Representatives were appointed to the following organisations:

 Stoke Hospital Mrs E Nagle  Fairwood Helpers Mrs S Morgan  JWRA Mr R Clark  FLGCA Mrs S Morgan  Worplesdon Charities Mr R Watson  WSVA Cllr R McShee  Worplesdon Memorial Trustees (New Parish Council Trustee to be appointed July 2014 – Potential candidates should contact Mr T Cater) – To be added to the agenda of the next full council meeting.

284-14 - To fix the dates and times of the full council and committee meetings It was resolved that the full council meetings would continue to be held on the on the fourth Thursday of each month (excluding August and December) and that Committee meetings be held on the second Thursday of the month. 285-14 - To appoint a councillor to undertake the quarterly financial checks in accordance with Financial Regulations It was resolved that Mrs J Messinger be appointed to undertake the quarterly financial checks for the financial year 2014/2015. Mrs White expressed her personal thanks to Mr Howard-Jones and Mrs Messinger for their support last year. 286-14 - To consider/approve the NALC model Standing Orders

The Clerk had been unable to review the new model Standing Orders in time for the meeting. As the External Audit papers have to be prepared in June this item was deferred until the July 2014 full council meeting.

287-14 - To consider/approve the NALC model Financial Regulations.

Mr Mulberry had not yet been able to review the NALC model financial regulations or make any comment on them. As the External Audit papers have to be prepared in June this item was deferred until the July 2014 full council meeting.

288-14 - To review all other policies and procedures of the Council 116

Approved by the full council – 26 June 2014

The Clerk had been unable to review the policies and procedures of the Council in time for the full council meeting. As the External Audit papers have to be prepared in June this item was deferred until the July 2014 full council meeting.

289-14 - To review the Council’s insurance policy

The Clerk/RFO read out the current insurance schedule the Council. It was resolved that: The present sums insured were adequate and the level of Fidelity Guarantee Insurance did not need to be increased.

Appendix 1 – Current insurance schedule.

290-14 - Borough Councillor’s report

A report had not been received.

291-14 - County Councillor’s report

Cllr Witham had provided the following report:

1. The Bus Shelter on Woking Road Jacobs Well - opposite Stringers Avenue has now been installed and I have received positive feedback from residents. I would like to arrange the installation of a litter bin at that location to help keep the area tidy. If the Parish Council is happy, as previously, to take ownership and responsibility for the bin, I will arrange for the capital cost of its installation. Please let me know.

2. A Pedestrian island near Fairlands - The pedestrian island on Aldershot Road near Fairlands is in the budget for this financial year. SCC has issued this to the design team and will follow up progress.

3. Road Safety Scheme, Broad Street - Likewise the road safety scheme for Wood Street Village, Broad Street, for which funding has been allocated for this financial year. At the request of the WPC Traffic Committee I have asked SCC and the roads design team to consider chicanes to slow the traffic, permanent VAS signs and hatch markings on the road. I will report back when proposals are known.

4. Salt Box Road Safer Crossing Point for Pedestrians - I made my concerns known at the last WPC meeting regarding the delay in implementing the Salt Box Road safer crossing point for pedestrians because of the need for a bat survey on the strips of the grass verge on either side of the road, managed by Surrey Wildlife Trust. I have subsequently sent a formal letter of complaint to the Chief Executive of Surrey Wildlife Trust regarding the 15 month delay, caused mainly by a six month lack of response by SWT. I have copied that letter to the Clerk and would ask that it is attached to this report.

Appendix 2 – Copy of letter to Nigel Davenport SWT

5. Grass Verges, Salt Box Road - At the request of Cllr Derek Slaymaker I have also asked SCC for that stretch of road (notwithstanding the above scheme) to have a flail cut along the verge so that pedestrians can walk along Salt Box Road from Grange Road to the junction with Woking Road, including access to Britten’s Pond. I'm told by the clerk that this was done until some years ago, but at the time of writing I do not know if all that land is under the management of Surrey wildlife Trust, which may be the problem, i.e. putting the welfare of the wildlife residents ahead of human pedestrians.

6. Jacobs Well Road, junctions with Clay Lane and Woking Road - There are also funds approved to make improvements to these two locations. I am chasing the plans, and understand, although no confirmation as yet, that at the Clay Lane end it may involve putting in a pedestrian island to improve pedestrian crossing at that busy location. I do not know as yet what the plans may be for the Woking Road junction. 117

Approved by the full council – 26 June 2014

7. Speed limit Worplesdon Road, School Lane to Pitch Place and Salt Box Road - This is currently 60mph and the Traffic Committee have asked for this to be reviewed, with a view to reducing it to 40mph. If the Parish Council concurs, would you agree such a request and submit that to Highways for it to be placed on the work programme of such requests.

8. Worplesdon Road/ The Avenue, Perry Hill, near Worplesdon Place - At the request of Cllr Jan Messinger I asked SCC about the installation of a "right turn ahead" sign and this was agreed.

9. Worplesdon Memorial Hall, entrance from the road - I have asked SCC highways to look at the configuration of the entrance, as drivers have to drive over pavement to gain entrance to the Hall’s car park.

10. Safety fencing, outside Worplesdon Memorial Hall, and gaps outside the shops at Fairlands - I have asked for both these locations to be considered for the low level fencing to be replaced or extended.

11. Junction of Broadacres and Wood Rise - I would appreciate the view of the Parish Council regarding whether the priority of traffic at this location should be changed. Priority is currently along Broadacres in both directions, but traffic at that location turning right into Wood Rise seems not to appreciate this, so would a change in priorities help?

12. Small grants to Voluntary Groups - Finally, if any local organisation in Worplesdon parish, which has not had County Council financial support in the past couple of years, would like to be considered for a small grant (usually in the region of £500) to help with the purchase of some equipment or for a project (but not for ongoing costs) please let me know and I will be happy to advise. Preferably via email, as the applications are now all done online.

Email: [email protected]

13. White House Lane, Jacobs Well. I'm pleased to say that after a dispute regarding responsibly for a broken water pipe that was leaking in White Hart Lane, I raised this with the Head of Estates at SCC and it was agreed that the Council will fix the pipe.

292-14 - Minutes of the previous meetings

It was proposed Mrs J Panton, seconded Mrs S Morgan and resolved that the minutes of the full council meeting held 24 April 2014 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record.

It was proposed Mr R Watson, seconded Mr T Cater and resolved that the minutes of the Extra-ordinary meeting held 8 May 2014 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record.

293-14 - Finance

a) Bank reconciliation – April 2014

The RFO had prepared the bank reconciliation for April 2014 in accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2011 copies of which were issued to all members. The Chairman duly signed the bank reconciliation and bank statement.

Appendix 3 – Bank reconciliation April 2014

b) Monthly budget report – April 2014


Approved by the full council – 26 June 2014

The RFO had prepared the monthly budget report for February 2014 copies of which were issued to all members. The Chairman duly signed the monthly budget report.

Appendix 4 – Budget report April 2014

c) Internal Audit undertaken 21 May 2014 – To receive and approve the Internal Auditor’s report

I enclose my final report for presentation to the council. Overall the systems and procedures you have in place are entirely fit for purpose for your Council; I make no recommendation for change. I am pleased to confirm I have signed off the audit report showing no errors. I would like to extend my thanks to Gaynor for her kind assistance this year and am pleased to see her high standard of work continues.

Worplesdon Parish Council


I am writing to finalise matters in respect of the internal audit for the year ended 31st March 2014. My audit was conducted in accordance with current practices and guidelines and testing was conducted in line with the inherent risks assessment. Whilst I have not tested all transactions, my sample has where appropriate covered the entire year to date.

I visited the Council on 3rd December to conduct an interim Internal Audit and Wednesday 21 st May to conduct the final audit. Amongst others the following areas were covered in my testing:-

• Review of the Financial Regulations & Standing orders • Review of the Risk Assessments • Review of the Budgeting process • Proper Bookkeeping – review of the bank reconciliation at the year end • Review of the Fixed Assets Registers • Review of payments and receipts • Review of the Payroll calculations and Year End procedures • Review of the Accounts • Review of the annual return

Attached to this e-mail is a full copy of the audit pack for your records, it will be necessary for you to discuss with your council how the audit was conducted and the findings of my report so that the effectiveness can be reported on. The comments below are in the order of the headings in Section 4 of the Annual Return, followed by any additional items specified in the Council’s Audit plan as attached. Recommendations are shown in bold, and any responses received from Council will be added in italics.


The Scribe and manual system was tested to verify the brought forward balances and to review the entries made to the cashbooks. Entries were posted in a clear and logical manner and the brought forward balances were correct. I make no recommendation to change this system.


The Financial Regulations and Standing Orders were up to date and current and I make no recommendation to change at this time.


Approved by the full council – 26 June 2014

I selected at random items to test from the financial regulations and noted that per 3.1 and 3.2, that council is aware of the proper procedure in respect of virements and budget overspends, and that council documents these appropriately.

I also tested 5.2 and can confirm that a schedule of payments is prepared for council approval and at the same time tested 6.2- 6.3; and reviewed an invoice drawn at random and was able to verify this to the cashbook and the nominal ledger and follow this through to the cheque stubs which are initialled twice. I confirm invoices are signed off, paid and annotated per financial regulations and VAT is properly posted to the Scribe system.

Payment procedures, including invoice authorisation, purchase order matching and cheque signing are satisfactory; and in accordance with financial regulations, this is a robust system that allows for the monitoring of expenditure through all stages and for advanced cash-flow planning and I make no recommendation to change.


A Regular review of risks is carried out and I am satisfied that all appropriate risks are accounted for and documented properly. I was pleased to see the council has a good system of risk assessment and documentation.


Budgets are reported on regularly and there is sufficient detail to show if a deficit is going to be created. Council has a good system of budgetary control.


I tested the various streams of income namely, precept, grant VAT and miscellaneous income. I am able to confirm that income was properly recorded in the cash book and agreed to the bank statements and where applicable third party confirmation.


No petty cash.


I was able to reconcile the wages per the payroll records to the annual return. I also tested the tax deduction and can confirm this is properly calculated.


Assets were properly shown at book and proxy value on the annual return.


Reconciliation for current bank account is carried out regularly. The March 2014 reconciliation and cashbook was verified in detail to ensure correct transfer of opening balances. There are no reconciling errors.



Approved by the full council – 26 June 2014

I reviewed the annual accounts and agreed with the RFO the information will need to be prepared before submission to the external auditors.



Mark Mulberry Internal Auditor 21 st May 2014

Appendix 5 – Copy of the full Audit Plan

d) To review the effectiveness of the Council’s internal control including management of risk

All members had received a copy of the full audit plan via email. Members duly undertook a review of the effectiveness of the Internal Audit as follows:

Scope of Internal Audit – Terms of Reference issued December 2012. Audit takes into account risk management processes and wider internal control. Terms of reference define audit responsibilities in relation to fraud.

Independence – Internal Auditor has direct access to those charged with governance. Reports are made by Mark Mulberry of Mulberry & Co to the Council. Auditor does not have any other role within the Council.

Competence – The internal audit work has been carried ethically, with integrity and objectivity.

Relationships – Responsible officer and one member of the council consulted on the Internal Audit Plan (November annually) and on the scope of each audit. Evidence is on audit files. Responsibilities for officers and internal audit are defined in relation to internal control, risk management and fraud and corruption matter.

The responsibilities of the council members are understood: training of members is carried out as necessary.

Audit Planning and reporting – The Audit Plan properly takes account of corporate risk. The plan has been approved by the Council. Internal Audit has reported in accordance with the plan.

Internal audit work is planned and is based on risk assessment and designed to meet the Council’s governance assurance needs.

Understanding the whole organisation its needs and objectives – The Annual Audit Plan demonstrates how audit work will provide assurance in relation to the Council’s governance risk assessment.

Catalyst for change – The Internal Auditor offers a supportive role of audit for corporate developments such as corporate governance review, risk management and ethics.

Add value and assist the organisation in achieving its objectives – Demonstrated through positive management responses to recommendations and follow up action where called for.

Forward looking – Identifying risks and in formulating the annual audit plan. Internal audit maintains awareness of new developments in the services, risk management and corporate governance.


Approved by the full council – 26 June 2014

Challenging – Internal audit focuses on risk and encourages members to develop their own responses to risks.

Correct resources available – Full documentation is provided to enable the internal auditor to complete the audit. Internal auditor understands the body and the legal and corporate framework in which it operates.

It was proposed Mr D Slaymaker, seconded Mrs S Morgan and unanimously resolved that the Review of Effectiveness of Internal Control/Audit be approved.

e) To approve the Annual Accounts 2013/2014

It was proposed Mr R Watson, seconded Mr R Welch and unanimously resolved that the 2013/2014 accounts be approved.

It was also proposed Mr R Watson, seconded Mr R Welch and unanimously resolved that earmarked reserves for the year 2013/14 be agreed at £72,450. Monies set aside for the following:

Tennis Court Repairs/re-painting (courts to be re-painted 9,000 this year - to be re-surfaced in 9 years’ time @ cost of £35,000?)

Worplesdon Memorial Car Park - Grant to the Memoria l Trustees 5,400

Accrual for ponds (John Gunner's estimate for £2,000 3,000 already accepted - work scheduled for Oct 14)

Accrual for new playground equip/fencing (quote fo r new 14,000 fencing to be obtained in the near future)

Field behind Jacobs Well Village Hall - Initial deposit 26,000

Tree Surgery 2,700

Ditch Maintenance 3,000

Christmas Tree Perry Hill Green/or LED lights 350

Affordable Housing - Option Rights 2,500

Maintenance bus shelters, seats, etc. 3,000

Maintenance Play Areas 2,000

Land Management/Nevins Copse 1,500

Total 72,450

f) To approve the Asset Register 2014

A copy of the Asset Register 2014 had been issued to all members. It was proposed Mrs J Panton, seconded Mr M Dillon and unanimously resolved that the Asset Register be approved and adopted.


Approved by the full council – 26 June 2014

g) To approve the Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2014 – Section 1 “Statement of Accounts” and Section 2 “Annual Governance Statement”

It was proposed Mr R Welch, seconded Mrs J Messinger and resolved that Section 1 of the Statement of Accounts be approved.

The Clerk read all statements to the Parish Council. Members responded as follows:

i) Unanimous Yes ii) Unanimous Yes iii) Unanimous Yes iv) Unanimous Yes v) Unanimous Yes vi) Unanimous Yes vii) Unanimous Yes viii) Unanimous Yes ix) The Council does not hold a trust fund

It was proposed Mrs S Morgan, seconded Mrs J Panton and resolved that Section 2 of the Annual Return be approved.

h) Concurrent Functions Grant Aid 2015/2016

The Clerk asked members to consider any one-off projects that may be required next year as the deadline for applications is soon approaching.

It was proposed Mr R Welch, seconded Mr R Watson that the following projects be delayed to enable the Parish Council to claim con-current functions grant aid in 2015/16.

 Fencing of Fairland Play Area  Replacement notice board for Pitch Place

Mr Watson asked whether the Parish Council could request a grant towards the improvement of Pinks Hill pond. The Clerk advised that this would not be possible as the pond is owned by Surrey County Council and managed by Surrey Wildlife Trust.

Mr Watson asked that action be taken to ensure that Surrey Wildlife Trust properly de-silts Pinks Hill pond this autumn to prevent any further accidents from occurring.

To date Surrey Wildlife Trust has fenced off the slippery areas of the bank and has erected warning signs.

i) Maypole – Wood Street Village Green – Repair existing rotten maypole £350 & VAT – Installation of a new Maypole £800 & VAT

It was proposed Mr R Welch, seconded Mr M Dillon and unanimously resolved that the quotation for the erection of a new maypole be approved.

Power to spend: LG (Misc Provisions) Act 1976 s19

j) Road drainage Coombe Lane

Gullies and culverts need to be jetted. ACO drains need to be replaced? Anticipated cost £3,680 & VAT (other estimates awaited).

A third quotation was still awaited. This item was therefore deferred until the next GPs meeting.


Approved by the full council – 26 June 2014

k) LCAS advisory service seminar

24 September 2014 (Burnham nr Windsor) – One free place – cost per additional delegate £30 & VAT.

It was proposed Mrs J Panton, seconded Mr T Cater and unanimously resolved that Mrs G White and Mrs S Morgan should attend this event on behalf of the Parish Council.

Power to spend: LGA 1972 s 111.

l) Health and Safety course

Chainsaw use, maintenance and felling - £650 & VAT per delegate (Merrist Wood College)

It was proposed Mr T Cater, seconded Mr R Welch and unanimously resolved that Dr P Cragg and Mr C Venables should attend this training which will save a considerable sum of money over the long term. The Clerk was asked to request a discount.

Total cost £1,300 & VAT.

Power to spend: OSA 1906, ss 9 and 10

m) Health and Safety course – Safe Use of Pesticides PA1 and PA6 – Total cost £300 & VAT per delegate (Merrist Wood College)

Total cost £300 & VAT.

It was proposed Mr R Watson, seconded Mr V Searle and unanimously resolved that Mr P Trevena should attend this training to enable him to carry out weed spraying which will save a considerable sum money in the long term.

Power to spend: LG (Misc Provisions) Act 1976 s19

n) S106 monies (Development in Jacobs Well)

A BACS payment of £372 had been received from Guildford Borough Council.

o) Notification of Actuarial valuations

Email dated 28 April 2014 received from Phil Triggs SCC stating that SCC worked hard to turn around the actuarial data as quickly and as early as possible, however, they are constrained by the stringent quality checks required by SCC and the actuary’s offices. The revised contribution rates are set in tablets of stone for the next three years and have to be accurate and correct. The results were sent out to all employers after Christmas. They will take on board the Parish Council’s concerns regarding the timing of the communication process in relation to the setting of the parish precept. It was agreed that the Parish Council write to SCC requesting that future notifications in respect of pension contributions would be appreciated by letter rather than email.

p) Purchase order – GBC grass cutting grant 2014/15

Notification received from GBC that the grass cutting grant for 2014/2015 will be £10,030.00.

294-14 - Invoices for payment


Approved by the full council – 26 June 2014

It was proposed Mr T Cater, seconded Mr M Dillon and resolved that payments to the value of £5,435.69 be approved and signed.

Chq No: Payee: Payment for: £:

500231 Mulberry & Co Internal Audit 201.06 500232 Ee's and Er's pension conts 772.88 Online Salary/exps Online Salary/exps Online Staff costs Salary/exps 3,611.55 Online PAYE/NIC Online Blue Sky H&S Inspections May 2014 850.20

Total 5,435.69

295-14 - Clerk’s Report

a) Guildford in Bloom 2014

Deadline for entries – Friday 13 June 2014.

b) Wood Street Village Show and Barn Dance – Risk Assessment

A copy of the risk assessment had been received. The Parish Council’s concerns regarding parking at junctions and beside the pond and the electrical system have been addressed. A copy of the risk assessment had been issued to all members.

296-14 - Chairman’s Report

Dr Cragg gave the following report:

 Surrey ALC Director`s meeting, Smallfield 10 th April - This item could not be reported at the 24 th April meeting, being deferred due to time constraints.

Of most interest to WPC is the right being acquired by the public to film and/or record Council meetings. SALC has prepared a protocol for Parish Councils to deal with this matter. The equipment might conceivably cost more than an individual Council could afford and it was suggested that adjacent Councils might be able to share, dependent upon dates for requirement.

 SALC Conference 1 st May at Dorking Halls

This was attended by Cllr Sandra Morgan, the Clerk and myself. A presentation made on the use of Social Media for Town and Parish Councils showed how such internet communication could benefit Councils by its immediacy. Councils would have to decide if they wish for a social media presence and a degree of training, whilst designation of person or persons authorised to add material on a Council`s behalf were discussed. Use of Social Media by Councillors or employees would still need to pass the check of “are you speaking on behalf of the Council or on your personal behalf”. Guidance on the use of Social Media was issued by SALC. Advice was also given on managing the local elections due in 2015. Advice and suggestions on encouraging new candidates to stand for election was given, as was an enjoinder to encourage older, experienced councillors to seek re-election so that the accumulated fund of knowledge is not lost to the newly elected Council. The latter is something I have been, and still am, at pains to encourage in this Council.

Meeting adjourned for a comfort break – 9.03pm 125

Approved by the full council – 26 June 2014

Meeting reconvened 9.15pm – Mrs E Nagle arrived.

297-14 - Planning Applications for consideration

Planning Application No: 14/P/00791 – 3 Frog Grove Lane, Wood Street Village, Guildford, GU3 3EY – Single storey side/rear infill extension between garage and dwelling following demolition of existing store building.

The plans were still in circulation.

Planning Application No: 14/P/00792 – 1 Brocks Drive, Guildford, GU3 3ND – Proposed single storey extension following demolition of existing garage.

The plans were still in circulation.

Planning Application No: 14/P/00795 – 13 Hillbrow Close, Wood Street Village, Guildford, GU3 3DF – Erection of a single storey infill extension.

No comment.

Planning Application No: 14/P/00826 – The Institute, Ash Road, Pirbright, GU24 0NF – Outline application for redevelopment of the site to include up to 60,000 sq.m. of floor space including Class B1 research laboratory campus floor space, together with ancillary conference centre, sports and other facilities and including two new road junction access points onto Ash Road (All matters reserved).

The plans and supporting documents were available on CD for members wishing to view them.

Members considered this planning application to be an enormous expansion into the Green Belt and were concerned about the traffic implications as well as the loss of Green Belt.

Members were asked to give their comments to the Clerk ASAP.

Planning Application No: 14/P/00838 and 14/P/00839 – Stringers Barn, Salt Box Road, Worplesdon, Guildford, GU4 7PX – Demolition of single storey extension and construction of new single storey extension on similar footprint AND Listed Building Consent for Demolition of single storey extension and construction of new single storey extension on similar footprint.

Insufficient information available. Leave to planners.

Planning Application No: 14/P/00846 – Vine House, Coombe Lane, Worplesdon, Guildford, GU3 3PF – Erection of 2.75 metre chain-link mesh fencing to new build tennis court.

No comment.

298-14 - Draft Local Plan – Proposed development affecting the Parish of Worplesdon - Meeting with FLAG held Tuesday 20 May 2014

Dr Cragg gave the following report:

“The Vice-Chairman, the Clerk, myself and several other Councillors met various representatives of community groups in the Parish to discuss our mutual and very serious concerns about the proposals contained in the Draft Local Plan.


Approved by the full council – 26 June 2014

Useful and mutually supportive suggestions were made as to the modes of addressing the proposals being made for development in Worplesdon.

It was particularly noted that were the developments proposed in Blackwell Farm, Keens Lane, Liddington Hall Farm and on the euphemistically designated “safeguarded” site encircling Fairlands (“safeguarding” meaning safeguarded FOR development beyond the scope of the Plan ). If all this development takes place Worplesdon could expect up to a 70% increase in housing in the none too distant future.

We discussed publicity for our responses to the Draft Plan – the media and locations to be used and agreed by Full Council. The Clerk listed a series of bullet points detailing suggested action and objections.

Prior to this meeting the Vice-Chairman had suggested we make a map showing the geographical extent of this proposed development and this was duly prepared by the Clerk. It has immediately concentrated minds of Councillors and residents alike. The map is being displayed at the County Show by CPRE this coming bank holiday and has been widely distributed by residents` groups. It will be sent, with appropriate increase statistics, to every Borough Councillor. It is also suggested that every Parish Councillor carries a copy with them so that they can demonstrate the impending catastrophe for Worplesdon to all and sundry.

Please don`t miss an opportunity to let all your acquaintances know of this ticking time-bomb and make their objections known. I make no apologies for telling you that a Concrete Tsunami is threatening to engulf our Parish.”

The Clerk had prepared a draft Open Letter to all 48 borough councillors to accompany the map showing the proposed development within Worplesdon, which was read to the council. It was agreed that following the correction of a couple of typographical errors and the strengthening of the final paragraph the email should be sent ASAP.

Appendix 6 – Open letter to all borough councillors

An invitation had been received from the Airfield developers to their preview event in advance of their public exhibitions. The meeting is being held on 8 May 2014 at the YMCA Guildford.

299-14 - Health and Safety Inspection Report

Mr Trevena had undertaken the weekly and monthly inspections as a result of which the following report was given:  Fairlands - The adopted bench near White’s Farm House is to be renovated rather than removed .  Perry Hill Green – Bench beside the notice board – One side of the concrete has a surface crack which the Groundsman will put a screed over.  Jacobs Well – Damage to brackets on one bench – Repairs carried out.  Wood Street Village Cricket Ground – Golden jubilee memorial bench needs to be fixed into the ground.  Wood Street Village Green – Xmas tree stump is still in the ground (this has been left in situ to prevent anyone turning their ankle in the hole)  Nevins Copse – Ash tree on adjacent land still to be felled by SWT.

 Mrs Nagle advised that one of the posts is missing from Pitch Place which would allow vehicular access onto the Green. Mr Trevena to be asked to replace the missing post ASAP.

Report accepted and approved by the Council.

Miss S Brown left the meeting 9.45pm

300-14 - Land Management Committee

Dr Cragg gave the following report: 127

Approved by the full council – 26 June 2014

The most recent meeting was held on 14 th May. This is a digest of suggested actions.

Scheduling of works

Lindsay has scheduled works on the calendar, and will continue to organise work parties.

Diseased Ash Tree in Nevins Copse

Lindsay has made contact with Mark Havler to arrange for the tree to be cut down.

Bamboo at Jacobs Well Pond

Leaves are not yet sprouting. We are going to research the use of appropriate weed/root killer for use near fresh water.

Lights for Christmas Tree at WSV Green and on Chestnuts lining Perry Hill Green

John Gunner will see how many lights he has, if required may obtain more, and will provide a quote for erecting the lights in the trees and suitable electrical supply. John has suggested that the cost of purchasing LED strings is prohibitive but that of incandescent lights is very economical. The White Lyon and Dragon, Worplesdon Place and Worplesdon View have all offered to contribute towards the costs of lights.

Wood Street Village

Two recent incidents at Pinks Hill Pond, one where a dog drowned and the other where a small girl fell in and was stuck in the mud under the water, have both been reported to SWT.

John Gunner has been asked to provide quotes for a new Maypole, a new cover for the Christmas tree and electrics, and installing land drains on WSV green near the Maypole.

Merrist Wood

At our next meeting with Merrist Wood we should ask them to clear their ditch which drains into ours at Coombe Lane.

Health and Safety

Peter (as a lone worker) is employed to carry out routine checking and maintenance tasks for WPC, such as clearing weed from a water filled ditch or working up a ladder. He will assess if the task requires more ‘hands’ and ask for help from the Land Management group as needed. He will assess if a task is safe to carry out, and as a lone worker will inform his wife of when, where and what he is doing, and on the completion of the task.

301-14 - Traffic Committee meeting held 13 May 2014

Mr T Cater gave the following report:

The following items were considered by the Traffic Committee. Cllr Witham had made reference to this item in his report given earlier in the meeting.

 Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS)


Approved by the full council – 26 June 2014

 Speed Data Recorder (SDR) – Traffic Survey undertaken by Surrey Police along Aldershot Road (opposite the entrance to Hunts Farm), which confirms a speeding issue at this location.  Proposed pedestrian crossing - Aldershot Road  Salt Box Road – Proposed crossing facility beside the railway bridge  Inconsiderate parking in and around Worplesdon Primary School  Proposed junction improvements at either end of Jacobs Well Road  Request for reduced speed limits Worplesdon Road (School Lane to Pitch Place & Salt Box Road) from 60mph to 40mph.  Speeding in Wood Street Village  Community Speed Watch.

302-14 - LED Christmas lights – Perry Hill Green

Mrs Messinger gave the following report:

“I have spoken to the Worplesdon View Care Home. Sonia Hamilton-Martin has left and I spoke to Sylvia Lavan. In principle, as this is a community venture, the Care Home is willing to contribute towards the cost of the lights, but need to know the proposed costs.”

A formal request needs to be submitted by the Parish Council to the Care Home. The Assistant Clerk would be asked to carry out this task.

“I will contact the Manager of the White Lyon and Dragon in the near future.”

303-14 - Date of next meeting – Thursday 26 June 2014

Meeting closed 10pm.