REV RECORD olume 48 - Number 6 July 2007 - V

Western Ohio Region’s RE, Steve Demeter, prepares to do battle at the Ohio Valley Region National at Mid-Ohio.

Inside... An Evening with Vic Elford ED’s First Pit Crew New Bylaws

Sports Car Club of America * Western Ohio Region * Rev Record - July 2007 2 937.254.9480 [email protected] Debby Rudy Activities Chair 937.454.1060 [email protected] Bob Jennings Treasurer 937.236.2619 [email protected] Pam Poppe Secretary 937.866.3419 [email protected] Everett McCauley Assistant RE 937.427.4187 [email protected] Steve Demeter Regional Executive WOR BOARD If you’dliketo seeyouradvertisementinthe RevRecord,pleasecontact theeditorforratesandavailability Sports CarClubofAmerica, Inc(SCCA) Copies ofthisandpastissuesthe second T Rev Recor [email protected] orP and notnecessarilythoseof the (in theHills&DalesShoppingCenter) Please directall uesday ofeverymonth(e WOR MembershipMeeting: Layout andDesignofthe d isapublicationofthe 937.257.7915 [email protected] Mike Wright Rev RecordEditor 937.254.9480 [email protected] Dave Rudy Rally Chair 937.238.2686 [email protected] Christian Moist Solo Chair 937.554.2875 [email protected] Dave Howard Road RaceChair 937.294.1533 [email protected] Steve Colletti Membership Chair 3150 SouthDixieDr Christopher Club Dayton, Ohio R ev R 7:30 pm . Allviewsand/oropinions arethoseoftheauthor(s) .O R ev R . Bo ecord W W Rev Record ecord estern OhioRegion,SCCA., Inc. x 181,Enon,Ohio45323-0181 estern OhioRegion(WOR) correspondenceto: canbeviewedatwww byJoyWright x cept December) . [email protected] Larry Dent Area 4Director 937.866.5729 [email protected] Nancy Edgerton Historian 937.238.2686 [email protected] Christian Moist Webmaster 937.866.3419 [email protected] Starla McCauley WOR GamesChair 937.866.5729 [email protected] Mike Edgerton Publicity Chair ofthe .

WRIGHT WRITES 3 Rev Record - July 2007 July - Record Rev Membership Report:

by Mike Wright July Anniversaries: Chris Reinke 25 yrs Rev Record Editor Trevor Sonderman 15 yrs Rudy Oliver 5 yrs I’m not sure what’s going on out there in WOR country. meeting? The postage increase works out to about $25, Why haven’t any of you contacted Starla to volunteer to so it isn’t enough to break the bank, but believe it or work any of the Pro Events? By the time you are not, production costs of the Rev comprise a significant reading this, two events have already passed, but there portion of the WOR yearly budget. Therefore, the are still five events waiting for you. I took my wife and board is contemplating making the August issue an two kids to the Emco Gears Classic at Mid-Ohio, and electronic delivery only issue in order to save the we had a great time camping and hanging out with roughly $350 it costs to print and mail hardcopy. The LEC and WOR. We would sure like to see more of club bylaws state only that the Rev be published nine WOR there. As they say, the more the merrier. times a year. They don’t clearly define what is meant by publish, so we’re considering web-based publishing Here’s another question. Why don’t you attend the to meet the intent of the bylaws. Again I’d like to monthly meetings? In June, Steve Colletti secured for know what you’re thinking. Drop me an email. us a wonderful guest speaker, Dale Pelfrey (pictured next to Steve), who told us about his experience fielding The club could also use a few more volunteers. In a race team for the Indy 500. Dale owns Enginetics in order to increase participation and spread the load out, Huber Heights. I’d like to see WOR institute the same good deal for workers that I see other regions doing. That is, to offer tangible rewards to volunteers in the form of paying for their regional or national dues, offering free club merchandise, paying for solo/rallyx registrations, etc. Any thoughts, either pro or con, I’d love to hear them.

If any of you saw the Grand Prix held at the Fraze Pavilion this year you might have caught a glimpse of legendary Porsche racer Vic Elford tooling around in a go-kart. (You may also have seen Kettering Mayor Don Patterson get his kart toppled during the same race.) Vic was part of a larger series of events that weekend, one of which was “An Evening with Vic Elford” held at the Taj Ma Garaj Porsche Museum. WOR member Richard Docken was He talked about his 7th place finish in 1998 and 8th place there and he again volunteered to give the Rev a in 1999. Along the way he told us about such drivers as report of the event which you’ll find this month. Robby Unser, Billy Boat, , Sarah Fisher, Lyn St. James and Sarah McCune. Why don’t you The bylaws have been rewritten at long last. In order attend? Is it too late in the evening? Is it too far to to ratify the changes we need to properly notify the drive? Are the meetings too boring? I’d like to know membership and to take a vote at the next monthly what the membership is thinking. Please drop me an meeting. Please read in this issue and follow the email. instructions on how to vote.

Last month the postage label on the Rev was wrong. I hope to see you at the next club event whether it’s a This month the postage rates went up by about 30%. Solo, , membership meeting, Pro Event at Are the two connected? More importantly, are you Mid-Ohio, etc. There are many opportunities waiting getting the Rev before the monthly membership for us all to take part in. Rev Record - July 2007 4 need deadweight todragaround. to seeitgrowandprosper are dedicatedtothiscluband want club. board membersworkhardfor your thing intothisbecausemostof the Now don'tgotryingtoreadsome- other reasonswhytheycan'thelp. they aretoobusyorhaveamillion when askedtoparticipateorhelp an of amazes methatafewpeoplerunfor board thepastfewyearsanditstill club’ people torunforaseatonyour to startaskingandtryingget call!! ItisJulynowandtimeforme Ok folksitstimeforawakeup back straight.Resetbrakebias.No Spun twiceunderbrakingatendof not workthatwaythistime.NoGrip. 1:32 lastyear turned 1:33lapswiththeoccasional to getquick.Forreference,Ieasily session: New 1:39. Lookinggoodsofar obviously nocornerspeed.Laptimeof just runningthemotorin.Halfthrottle, session: lastyear W W of theyear listen tomewhineaboutmyfirstrace before. you arehavingfun.Heardthatone The yearishalfover Out oftheHorse’ EXECUTIVE ORDERS eather wasperfectSaturday ent totheOVRNationalatMO. s board.Ihavebeenonthis fice andthenjustsitthere This clubneedspeoplethat This monthyouallwillhaveto . . Let’ T Assistant RE by EverettMcCauley Regional Ex by SteveDemeter ires, motorrunin. ’ s tires,freshmotor s justsaythatitdid . T s... ime flieswhen . PM . ecutive W . AM e don't T ime , this clubhas,such astheChristo- when weaddtheotherexpenses that budgetisshot. for theRevtookasubstantial hitso budget.) Iunderstandthatpostage voted on(exceptthemembership those budgetswereturnedinand to besubmittedbyallchairsand club andhavenoreply budget fortheyearentire asked theREifhehasdonea we areontrackforbudgets?Ihave our club and doesanybodyknowwhatshape W would liketobeconsideredfor me andletknowwhatof make thecommitment.Justcontact All youhavetodoisstepupand good memberoftheclub’ I thinkcouldandwouldmakea There areanumberofyououtthere carousel andaroundthecarwent. I gotonthegasatouchearlyin closed backupandunderthepressure, between us.BUUUUUTTTThe and managedtoputacoupleofcars done, pulledoutabitofgaptohim it took4or5laps.Oncethatwas have beenabletoeasilypasshim,but only FCbehindmeatthestart.Should Sunday arrived atthetrackfromIreland (John andCoreyFer very fastS2000’ kind ofweather thrash tochangeback.Gottalovethat slicks wouldbethetireofchoice.Mad before ours,itbecameprobablethat wets on,halfwaythroughraceright Sunday race:Naturally tomorrow have notcomeinyet. behind thewheelorsimplynewtires Decided ithadtobeeitherthenut right places.Nothingamissfound. possible forbeingtightandinthe What isup?Checkedeverything more spinsthere.Besttime:1:41. e arenowhalfwaythruthisyear AM. Gotsnookeredbythe T . reasury isin,orwhether . Ohandbytheway s startingintheback gus) astheyonly What happens W , itrained.Had . Budgetshad ill get‘em s board. fice you . , 2 the doorsonthis club? years andatwhatpointdowe close only gottensmalleroverthelast few with Fast our Nationalof hard copypayforthepostage. Even publishing, andthosethatwanta have hadtodo,ie:electronic Record andfollowwhatotherclubs needs tolookatthecostofRev treasury I thinkwewillshowalossinour finish theyearundertheirbudgets Solo, RallyCross,or commit toadate.Ifforsomereason however onlyacouplewould Some saidtheywouldwork, working theproracesatMid-Ohio. some extracashintoourtreasuryby club hadtheopportunitytoput know anditdoesn'tlookpretty done aroughbudgetwithwhatI pher Clubandinsurance,etc.Ihave will wanttodoitagain,butIhopeso. W help ourownRevRecordEditor Scott, JoeKellandrookiegreat Thanks totheinfamouscrewofMike Ledges inacoupleofweeks. the weekend.Soitisof no clue.Carwasscaledrightbefore their counterparts.Howthathappened, were about40poundsheavierthan behold, theLeftRearandRightFront putting thecaronscalesandlo following Sunday shocks, anythingpossible. every suspensionpiecesidetoside, home, Iwascheckingeveryangleof Checking outthecarcarefullyat excitement. to theendofracewithnofurther the exactsamespot. next lap,didexactlythesamethingat seconds behindhimandthe going quicklyagainonlyacoupleof fun experience,butnocrash.Got in theeyeisnotwhatyouwouldcalla Looking anotherdriverinahurryright right. Don’ . Ithinkthisclubreally T racks. Our t knowifafterallthishe fice hasdonethis , finallygotaroundto What isup?Got WOR games f toNelson T reasury has The VER , Mike . Y This

MEETING MINUTIA 5 Rev Record - July 2007 July - Record Rev WOR Board Meeting for June 5, 2007:

by Pam Poppe Board meeting called to order at 7:40 p.m. Publicity Chair: press release Secretary for our guest speaker at our next membership meeting was sent out. A Rally and Solo event press release was also sent out. WOR Games Chair: Would like to use credit cards this year for WOR Games. Starla checked with National City and the software cost is $220.00 and a monthly service fee of $10.00. This is for dial-up service. Motion was made to purchase the software and seconded, vote taken, motion accepted. Rally and Solo will also be able to use credit cards at their events. Pro Races at Mid-Ohio we need club members to sign up to work these events. Fund raising activity: sell Dayton Dragons tickets for the Labor Day game. Motion made and seconded, motion accepted. See Dave Howard's report for further information. Activity Chair: speakers for up coming membership meetings. This month Dale Pelfrey will be our guest. Pizza being served. See activity report. Rally Chair: reminded everyone about this Saturday's rally event at Dwire's. Zoning inspector-neighbor complained. Rally now has a water truck on site to help with the dust. See Rally report for further information. Rev Record Editor: Good news-mailings better, Bad news-postage went up. Mailing out 224 rev records. Extra copies given to chairs for their events. Web Master: web site doing well. Solo Chair: Next solo event is June 17th at the Nutter Center Lot 8. Need work on timing unit, has a bad port? It is still usable at this time. Repair during off season. Treasurer Report: looking for income to help offset the cost of the Rev Record. See Treasurer’s report for further information. Road Race Chair: no report. Membership Chair: have lined up guest speakers for the next 3 months for our membership meetings. Assistant RE: no report. Re Report: see Steve's article. Reminder: we are participating in the 4th of July parade in Fairborn. If you are planning to put your car in please call Starla McCauley. Bylaws: Marilyn McCauley read the suggested changes to the current Bylaws. These proposed Changes will be printed in the Rev Record for all members to consider. Marilyn and Starla had a meeting set up for Wednesday with the newly formed Wright State Car Club. They have 12 board members and their own bylaws in place. New Business: Fund raisers- local business coupons, see Deb Rudy for more information. WOR members worked the AMA events at Mid-Ohio. A request was made by Mike Edgerton for WOR to sanction an event for the Concours on Sept 16th. Motion made and seconded, vote taken and accepted. Old Business: none. Motion made to adjourn, seconded, meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Pam Poppe

Membership Meeting Minutes for June 12, 2007:

General membership meeting was called to order. Rally Report: last Saturday had 21 cars and lots of dust. Dave did a road rally and came in tied for 3rd. See Dave's report for more information. Publicity: haven't spent a dime, no Report at this time. Rev Record Editor: 250 rev records printed, less mailing problems. Still some members not getting the Rev in a timely manner. Treasurer Report: no report given. Steve didn't call on the treasurer for his report. Web Master: Rev Record issue on the web site-send out notice to members. Web site is up to date. Solo Chair: Next event is June 17th at Lot 8. Set up will be Saturday at 4:00. Help needed. Road Race: regional racers awards, drivers to send in results, 4 events and must run WOR games to be eligible. Keep checking the Rev Record for the race schedule. See Dave's report for more information. Group outing for WOR Sept 3rd. Fund raiser. Dragon's game. These are reserved seats. Tickets will run $15. See Dave Howard or Deb Rudy for tickets. Activity Chair: check website for information for next meeting. Assistant RE: no report at this time. RE Report: looking for sponsorships for two races. See RE Report for details. Secretary: working on Membership Directory, still waiting on members’ business ad information. To date I have only one business ad. Membership Chair: a mem- bership drive is in the planning stage. New SCCA flyers available for $20.00 per 100. Special speaker list given. See membership report for further information. New Business: We are happy to welcome Allen Cline and Justin Baker as our special guests from Wright State Car Club. The club was started in March of this year. They have their bylaws and a budget and are in good standing with Wright State. Our club has stepped up to assist them in any way we can. Old business: none. A motion was made to adjourn, seconded, voted, meeting was adjourned. At this time we would like to introduce our guest speaker for the evening Dave Pelfrey. Respectfully submitted, Pam Poppe YES______NO______Executive Boardmeetingoftheirintention toattend.” like managementoftheClubaf is tomeetmonthly The ExecutiveBoardwillconsistofthe nine(9)electedandfour(4)appointedof “Section 1.ExecutiveBoard: RECOMMENDA Board meetingoftheirintentiontoattend. management oftheClubaf monthly The ExecutiveBoardconsistsofthe9electedand4appointed Regional Executive, Section 1.ElectedOf 4. by the “Article III,Section5. RECOMMENDA are receivedbytheREor 3. any action,theExecutiveBoardmaysuspendforadefinitetermorexpelmemberwithoutsecondopportunitytobeheard.” available tothemembernotlaterthan45daysfromdateofhearing.Inaddition,ifExecutiveBoardisoriginalsuspendingbody hearing andissueasuspensionforspecifiedperiodoftime,rescindthesuspension,orexpelmember member shallthenbeentitledtoareasonableopportunityheard(butnotlaterthan45daysfromreceiptofsuspension). member beforeahearingcanbeheld. Member willbeheardinpersonorthrougharepresentative,priortoanyactionbeingtakenbythehearingcommittee,unlessitdeemsimperativesuspend the the Club. “The ExecutiveBoardmaysuspendamemberatanytimeforinfractionofClubruleorothercauseincludingnon-paymentduesandisinthe bestinterestof RECOMMENDA apply formembershipatanytimeaftertheendofyearexpulsion. of thoserespondingbyballotwilldecideiftheaccusedpersonisguiltyornot Executive Boardwillactasaninvestigativebodyanddetermineifareasonablecaseexists.Ifsuchinfactexists,thecommonmembership by a2/3majority which isseriouslyunjusttoafellowmemberoftheClub. 2. YES______NO______YES______NO______Article IV Article III:Section5. Article II:Section4.Expulsion: ballots willbeacceptedaftertheJulymeeting. or bringtomembershipmeetinginJuly 729 E.Central,MiamisburgOH45342 Revsubmit tothe After completingvoting,signanddate Recordchange mustbevotedonseparately “no” ifyoudonotapproveofthechange.Each -agree withtheproposedbylawchange.V Julysubmitted forapproval.Pleasemark“yes”ifyou The followingWORbylawchangesare 2007 Assistant REpriortothestartofmeetingwhenvotingisheld.” 6 , ormoreifnecessary The ExecutiveBoardwillaf : Or ganization WOR BYLAWCHANGES TIONS: ChangeoldSection1toreadasfollows: TION: Replaceold TION: Replacethiswholesectionwiththefollowingnewsection. , ormoreifnecessary Assistant RE,EverettMcCauley Assistant RegionalExecutive,Secretary ficers: V oting. V Assistant REpriortothestartofmeetingwhenvotingisheld. oting. fairs. ExecutiveBoardmeetingsshallbeopentoallmembersingoodstanding. Non-boardmembersshouldnotifythehostofExecutive There shallbe9electedof , toattendtheadministrativebusinessofClub,recommendpolicyand programstothemembersandprovidebusiness-like V fairs. ExecutiveBoardmeetingsshall beopentoallmembersingoodstanding.Non-boardshouldnotify thehostof oting byproxyshallnotbeallowed. V oting byproxyshallnotbeallowed. A membermaybeexpelledfromtheClubfornon-paymentofduesorotherjustcauses.Othercauseswillconsistanyact, The suspendingbodyshallimmediatelynotifyamemberwhohasbeensuspended,inwriting,ofthesuspension. Article III,Section5withnew ford theMemberareasonableopportunitytobeheardbyitoranindependentcommitteeappointedExecutiveBoard. , toattendtheadministrativebusiness oftheClub,recommendpolicyandprogramstomembershipprovide business- . . No ficers: ote Accusation maybeinitiatedbyanymemberandmustdeliveredtotheExecutiveBoardinwriting. , T reasurer ficers. Absentee ballotswillbeacceptedforelectionsandbylawvotingprovidingthearereceived Article III,Section5asstatedbelow YES______NO______RECOMMENDA Article IX:Section1 Article Article Article IV Article III:Section2 Article II:Section4 in thefollowingitems: 1. Board,ExecutiveOf Absentee ballotswillbeacceptedforelections,Bylawandexpulsionvotingprovidingthe All havevotingrights,onevoteperperson. , Activities Chair VII: Section3,4 V : Section1,4,6 : Section1,2 ficers. . Iffoundguilty TION: UseExecutiveBoardineachoftheseareasforconsistency All havevotingrights,onevoteperperson. , MembershipChair , theaccusedpersonwillbeexpelled. ficer – . . The decisionshallbefinal. These termsareusedinterchangeablythroughoutthebylaws , RoadRacingChair The purposeoftheExecutiveBoardistomeet The ExecutiveBoardwillreviewthe , SoloChair The purposeoftheExecutiveBoard The decisionmustbemade , andahearingisheldpriorto The expelledmembermayre- , RallyChair The suspended . . The The

FOR MEMBER APPROVAL 7 Rev Record - July 2007 July - Record Rev

5. Section 2. Appointed Officers: There shall be 4 appointed officers: Rev Record Editor, Publicity Chair, WOR Games Chair, and Web Master. All have voting rights, one vote per person. These officers shall be appointed by the RE and approved by the board.

RECOMMENDATION: Delete original Section 2 and replace with the following:

“Section 2. Elected Officers: There shall be nine (9) elected officers: Regional Executive, Assistant Regional Executive, Secretary, Treasurer, Activities Chair, Membership Chair, Road Racing Chair, Solo Chair, and Rally Chair.”


6. RECOMMENDATION: “Add a Section 3 to read as follows:

“Section 3. Appointed Officers: There shall be four (4) appointed officers: Rev Record Editor, Publicity Chair, WOR Games Chair, and Web Master. These officers shall be appointed by the RE and approved by the Executive Board.”


7. Article V: Duties of Elected and Appointed Officers

Section 1, 2nd paragraph ...... The RE shall also be held accountable for club property......

RECOMMENDATION: Delete the above sentence and add to duties of Assistant RE duties.


8. Section 2. Assistant Regional Executive: The Assistant RE shall assist the RE as required and be ready to stand in for the RE in his or her absence. The Assistant RE shall be responsible for elections.

RECOMMENDATION: Add the following sentence to the old Section 2. “The Assistant RE shall also be held accountable for club property and maintain records of all club property as appropriate.”


9. Section 4. Treasurer ...... All contracts, checks, drafts, notes or other orders for payments of money shall be signed in the name of the Club by the Treasurer ......

RECOMMENDATION: Add the following words to the above sentence. “and other Executive Board members as required by current board policy.”


10. Article VII: Election of Officers

Section 5. Replacement of Officers: Replacement of an elected official shall be by special election, which will be held at the next regular business meeting after the vacancy in office occurs.

RECOMMENDATION: Replace old Section 5 with new Section 5 below.

“Replacement of an elected officer will be by the RE with the approval of the Executive Board after the written notice of the vacancy is presented to the Executive Board but not later than 30 days from receipt of vacancy notice.”


11. Article XIII. Expenditure of Club Assets.

Section 1. The acquisition of new fixed assets with a life expectancy exceeding three years must be approved by the Executive Board and ratified by the membership at a regular monthly meeting.

RECOMMENDATION: Add the following words to the end of the sentence “prior to acquisition”.


NAME:______MEMBERSHIP NO:______Rev Record - July 2007 8 Y help youinlearningthethingsthatmustbedone.Ifareinterestedpleasecontactme. race. WOR GAMESandMORE December -Party -Dec8thstartingat6:30 attheChristopherClub. November willbeBoardMember Elections-S October istimeforBoardMember Nominations-Snacks(donation). September isthe‘oldiesbut goodies’-Snacks(donation). August istheBratBash$4 withsidedishtoshareor$5without. bring atoppingtoshareorpay$2perperson. The JulyMembershipMeetingisgoingtobeanIceCream Social.Iwillbringtheicecream.Memberscan ours fortherace... This wayyouwouldseeallthatgoesintoplanningthisrace. have onedaytoofferthat’sok!Letsgoracing!! have tobeaSCCAmemberwork-socallyourfriendsandgreattime.Ifyouonly dates, socheckoutyourscheduleandcalloremailgetslotforthefun.Y get abetterdeal?There’snoexperienceneededjusttheloveofracing!!Belowislistrace you helptheclubtoputmoneyinouraccountdootherfunthings.NowIask-Can the gatesforyourshif Come worktheP Calling AllW WOR GamesChair by StarlaMcCauley Activities Chair by DebRudy Y ours fortherace,StarlaMcCauley(937)[email protected] ro EventsatMid-Ohio.Justimaginethefunyouandafriendwillhave.W t andthengetinFREEtowatchtheraces.That’srightIsaid ester 29 June-1 for the2008season.Nowwouldbeagreattimetoassistwiththisyear Games Chair I againwouldliketoannouncethatthiswillbemylastyearas each monthatDonatosinCentervilleonParagonRd.(justof Games andPDXmeetingshavebeenscheduledforthefourth T 21-23 14-15 27-29 20-22 ime isracingawayandtheseasonhasstarted. n OhioR 3-5 The scheduledspeakerforJulyisLeeGrimesfromKoni. Sep Sep Aug July July July teak Dinner($5/person) . The clubneedsavolunteertostepupandagreetakeover egion MembersandF AMA GrandNationalChampionship NASA NationalChampionship Honda SuperCycleW AMA VintageMotorcycleDays Acura Spor Vintage GrandP This isayearlongef ts CarChallengeHonda rix eekend fort andIwillbehappyto ou donot riends The monthly f 725)at7:30. ork T WOR uesday of WOR ’s

CHAIR CHAT 9 Rev Record - July 2007 July - Record Rev

by Dave Rudy RallyCross Chair

There was a RallyCross on June 9th and it was AWE- SOME. Well, other than the dust that is. The dust however was worse at the May event and the June event had a little help from Mr. Dwire. He had aquired a were close battles in most of the classes with Jim water tank between the two events and mounted it on a Hardesty beating me by 0.2 seconds total time in the trailer, built a watering system, and watered the track Rental Altima. down between run groups. I will say it helped. The watering of the track also made it interesting for the I am running out of ideas for course design so if anyone first couple of cars as it was quite slippery! All in all we wants to come out and give it a try please do. It would had 21 competitors, 5 in the rental, 1 from Indiana and help out greatly. The fresh ideas will bring the program 1 from Milwaukee . A very good turnout despite being a up a notch and also give people the understanding of little warm. what is involved in course design. The next event is not until July 28, a long break. There The top spot overall was taken by Orion Fairman in a is a possibility the next event could be cancelled due to Subaru followed closely by Allen Dwire in a VW. There the makings of a drought in the area. Allen stated that if there is not some good rain before the event it will be too dry to run. Now that is a big change from last year when it was too wet! Just stay tuned to the website and forums for updates.

Thanks to the Dwires for the use of their farm, Wagner Subaru for Sponsoring the series, Jim Hardesty for handling the timing and scoring as well as the Rental Car. And THANKS to all of the competitors who make this all possible. Now lets get dirty…

(Photos by Seth Miller)

ran on schedule all day. At lunch, Some very exciting events are right by Christian Moist racers took advantage of the Wright around the corner. The next solo Solo Chair State baseball stadium’s concession points event, PE4, will be held at stand to fill their stomachs. Kil-Kare Speedway the 8th of July. July 22nd we will be hosting a joint As of this writing, we have now had There was a great turnout in the WOR/Cincy SCCA Points Event three solo points events this year. stock classes, with five in BS, seven back at the Nutter Center. We are Our third event, held at the Nutter in ES and an amazing nine in DS. looking forward to some very close Center’s Lot 8 had a great turnout Top time of the day went to Chris- racing. In the meantime, several of and ran very smoothly. Fifty-seven tian Moist with Ken Schaper in a our WOR soloists will be making racers attended and received seven close second, while Frank Levinson the trip to the Peru National Tour runs each as well as optional fun brought home another top PAX event in Indiana to test their skills runs at the end of the day. The event time. against the big boys. Rev Record - July 2007 10 would havebeen about14yearsold. attended theBritishGrandPrix in1949,whenhe by inspiration,onefirmlyplanted in his desiretoracewasdriven not bythepaycheckbut compared tolivingstandards backintheday poor V frankness hadtheaudiencehangingonhiseveryword. accented voice,unassumingmanner having apersonalchatwithyou.Hissoft,pleasantly friends witheveryonewhowasthere,andthathe the gatheredmasses.Itwasalmostasif the nextthreehours, any motorsportenthusiast’ “LeMans” and“TheSpeedMerchants”(musthavesfor The eveningbeganwithacoupleofclipsfrom made the917legend. racecar technicians andassemblyworkerswhomadethe917 nothing. Inthebooktherearepicturesof driver engine, transmission,suspension,andsoon. design andtestofthevehicle,specifics book providesfascinatingdetailuponaboutthe Martini 917atLeMans,drivenby W book, “Porsche917: Coincidently about hislife’ meet him,talkwithandhearhimrelateevents accounts, historicalrecords,andoldflicks. otherwise reachoutandtouchthroughwritten road racingandPorschehistorythatIcanonly V put onaspartofthe day of However transitioned latertotheIndy500,likeIdomostyears. racing classics.IstartedwiththeMonacoF1and Memorial DaySunday-mydaytoenjoythemotor VIC ELFORD-RACELEGEND ic Elfordracedatatimewhencompensationwas ic Elfordisaracingicon.He’ ingrove. Interestingly , notonlybytoday’ , though,evenacarasgoodthe917is f byattending“AnEveningwith . This articleisabriefbitaboutmanwho , thisyearwasdif , Irecentlyfinishedmyfirstreadofthe s experienceswastrulywonderful. Roving Reporter by RichardDocken The UndercoverS T V ajKreuzers charityweekend. ic entertainedquestionsfrom , thecoverpictureis s standardsbutalsoas s library!) ferent inthatIcappedthe s apartofanera V , and“thereIwas” ic Elford. V Then, forabout That inspiration ic whenhe tory” byGordon V V ic,” anevent ic were T . However o actually W The ithout a , era butexcelled initistrulyremarkable! edge oftheenvelope. last lapwasafutileandfatal attempttopushbackthe the unknown. new gadget,everyunproven theory wasajourneyinto generations ago.Everymilean hourincrease,every has beendefinedandconfined.Notsoacoupleof computer product ofcomputerizedscientificcalculations,and across-the-board science.Nowadays,racecarsarethe more theresultofunfinishedengineeringandless V realize theirdream. passionate thattheywouldriskandsacrificesomuchto life, I’vemetpreciousfewotherswhohavebeenso eat, andstay“atit”untilhegothisfirstbreak.Inmy somehow honorableandworthyofpursuit,live, convince hisfamilyandfriendsthatracingwas intervening period,hehadtocompletehiseducation, been, keepingthefirelitforover10years.Duringthat I canonlyimaginehowdeepthatinspirationmusthave to drivehisfirstrace. became realityaboutadecadelater ic alsoracedduringaperiodwhenmotorsportswas -predicted andassistedtesting. W e canappreciatethatmanya driver That V ic notonlysurvivedthat , whenhesuitedup The envelope ’s 11

He related some illustrative anecdotes, two of which I I marvel at these stories. Imagine being put in a car 2007 July - Record Rev will share here and which involve the and that you know has not been completely engineered and LeMans. One: the 917 long tail really kicked top sorted, although it has been prepared to the best speeds into the stratosphere, so to speak. Engineers at standards of the day. Nothing less than top speed is Porsche had computed the top speed of the 917 long expected. Others perished doing this. Now, you go all tail to be 250 miles per hour, yet Vic continually “hit out and survive, whew! But wait—an even more the wall” at 245 on the Mulsanne Straight. The formidable task is in front of you. You have to come unaccounted factor, discovered later after much head back into the pits and somehow explain to a battalion scratching, was that the high speeds along the Straight of scowling, skeptical (Porsche) engineers that maybe generated enough heat to cause the tire diameter to they missed a point or two, or a key factor, in their increase ever so slightly. This was enough to knock the calculations! speed down by a couple percent. Back then was a time when all members of the team, Two: when Vic first lapped LeMans in the 917 long especially the driver, were vital to the car’s tail, he had to make a few passes down the Mulsanne development and ultimately, success in the races. Each before he was able to take the kink at full speed. Before car was a unique solution to the problem, in a time the long tail, this was no big deal but at 245 mph and when restrictions were far fewer. If you look at the with the long tail’s suspect handling it suddenly period cars from road racing, Formula 1, or Indy, you’ll became one! Time after time Vic would try to press see what I mean. There were no common templates, through flat out, but to no avail. Finally, he persevered spec tires, or single engine suppliers. The driver was and it was like night and day: a marked, not marginal, instrumental in hustling the cars down the track, improvement in performance! Without the aid of pushing them to their limits. At the same time the today’s computer aided dynamic analysis, the team did drivers had to collect and store sensory information, not appreciate that even a slight lifting of the throttle and relay that in a productive and meaningful way to was upsetting the front to back balance of the car. This the technical staff. After listening to Vic Elford Sunday caused the ill handling that led to the trepidation for evening, I believe that he and the Porsche 917 were flat out travel through the kink. vital to the success of each other.

Lastly, Vic Elford could be/is an ambassador for the racing industry. I’ve seen too many of today’s drivers who are consumed with and by their own celebrity. Vic Elford and a few others are just the opposite. I saw him engage with everyone equally, on break or not; it didn’t matter. Further, I believe that he did this not to hear himself talk but because he cares.

Well, that’s probably enough for now. I really enjoyed the opportunity to see one of the top drivers of yesterday, because seeing the drivers, and the cars that they drove, help me to put my sense of motor racing history into perspective. I plan on going to the Rennsport in November at Daytona; maybe I’ll meet up with Vic once again. If you can’t make it, you can always catch up with Vic through his biography “Vic Elford: Reflections on a Golden Era in Motorsports” or read the forthcoming article, “Lunch with…” in Motor Sports magazine.

(Photos from Rev Record - July 2007 12 arrival, whichwas tosignthewaiver I justdidwhatsawS I’ve neverbeenpartofacrewbefore, so headed of Saturday morningarrivedearly and we nickname. into detailsabouthowJoegotthat stands forluckybastard,butI’llnotgo Ohio, andJoe“LB”Kell. instructor atthelast Mike Scott,whocoincidentallywasmy the othertwocrewmembersthere; and throwdownasleepingbag.Imet could carveoutasectionofmotelfloor weekend. Room,inthiscase,meantI provide roomandboardforthe Part ofthedealwasS on HanleyRd.)theFridaynightbefore. I arrivedatS crew islike. me fromF&CsoIcouldseewhatrace asked herifshewouldmindexcusing Knapp, wasveryunderstandingwhenI coordinator forMid-Ohio,Ronda OVR National/Regionalrace. with theLECbunchforthisevent, Originally IwasscheduledtoworkF&C Executive S realize thatthisisourownRegional Demeter Racing.Ofcourseyouall the FormulaContinentalteamof to beinvitedacrewmemberfor First” article. other articles,herecomesanother“My Continuing inthesameveinasallmy MY FIRSTPITCREW f tothetrackaround0700. teve Demeter teve’ This timeIwasprivileged Fingers inEverything by MikeW s motel(T WOR PDXatMid- teve would teve doupon . The LB right ravelLodge The LEC Many oftheother crewshadgolfcarts to thepitwallandwatchevent. for thetrackcrewwouldwalk down into hisracegear took thetrack,S W Ford andDSportsRacer DiPasquale whoracedbothSpecRacer and hisSpecRacerFord,Charles D ProductionNissan, Mazdas, plumberMarkCrellinandhis of FredandJason Spec RacerFords,thefather/sonteam Race crewwiththeircolorfulshirtsand Besides S from discovered therewerequiteafewracers time roamingaroundthepaddock.I the racecar cart, etc.forzippingaroundthepits. some typeofscooter hill. Ifyouarearacermusthave Honda Expressscootersbackupthe signed in,IgottotakeoneofS back toregistrationgetof signed inasacrewmember Registration buildingtogetof later thatIshouldhavestoppedatthe and drivethroughthegate.Ifoundout ith about30minutesbeforehisgroup WOR allclusteredtogether teve thereweretheHippi . Ididgettospendalittle teve wouldstartgetting . Oncethecartookof Albright andtheirIT7 , motorcycle,golf Amid Shayesteh . working on races or watching the little time spent very seems likeI downtime. It have alotof is thatyou working crew noticed about One thingI . Forthetrip ficially ficially teve’ . s f opportunity toenjoymyselfatthetrack. Once again,thisclubhasgivenmean (fun) andhadourselvesagreattime. with alltheotherracersandworkers the trailer and brats,MikeScotttookafewnapsin Along thewaywecookedsomedogs I’ll letS up, andgetthecartostagingarea. to getthetireschanged,S for me. excitement duringthewholeweekend mount thedrytires. flying backtothecamptellingus 30 minutesbeforehisrace,S seemed todryup,andwithonlyabout his timedrewclosertheweather frazzled oldraintirestoo.However tires, andS rain. Sunday morningcameandwithit,the bolts. inspecting andtighteninganyloose any strayliquidsfoundonthecar consisted ofidentifyingthesource already there. to thepaddockfindS session wasdonewewouldwalkback battery andafirstaidkit. just hadbasicallyawagonwithcar and scooterstogetintopositionbutwe The firstgroupsouthadtouserain W teve tellyouhowhisracewent. , wepartiedonSaturdaynight e actuallyhadtohustleabit teve hadusputonhis The post-raceinspection This wasthemost teve andhiscar After the teve came teve suited , and , as

THE EDGERTON REPORT 13 Rev Record - July 2007 July - Record Rev Mixing Drinks and Drives...

by Mike Edgerton You are familiar with the concept of pairing wines and beer with food. You Automotive Edge have been advised on the proper wine to drink with rack-of lamb, spaghetti, roast prime rib and swordfish. If your taste is for beer, there is a recom- mended proper malt beverage for bratwurst, burgers, catfish and sushi. But, has anyone ever suggested a wine or beer that compliments the vehicle you drive? Probably not. So, after exhaus- tive research, I have some recommendations. Your comments are welcome and, as always, do not drink and drive.

Audi Corvette Subaru 2005 MontGras 2005 Quatro wine Maker's Mark KY Bourbon Mollydooker Shiraz the Boxer Werstiner beer KY Hemp Beer Kirin Ichiban Shibori Beer Honda Toyota MR2 Sapporo Alcoholic beverages not recommended Momokawa Silver Sake (Made in the USA) Pride of Dayton Merlot Kia Pick-Up Truck Charles Schwab (AKA: Two Buck Chuck) Red Truck Wine O'Douls Beer Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer BMW Piesporter Michelsberg Hofbrau Oktoberfest Beer MINI Maxima Black Box Chardonnay 2005 Jack Daniels Schoenling Little Kings New Knoxville India Pale Ale Ferrari Monte Carlo Andretti Wine Canadian Club Pironi Beer Molson Canadian Rolls-Royce Ford Fusion Dom Perignon ($500) Jose Cuervo Buy a brewery of your choice Dos Equis

Nanjing Automobile (Group) Corporation says it's reached a deal with Healey Automobile Consultants Limited, to bring back the Healey and Austin Healey nameplates.

The Chinese company, new owners of the MG Rover brands and their Longbridge, U.K., factory, and the Healey group, "are delighted to announce their intention to collaborate with each other on the future development of the Healey and Austin Healey brands and sports cars bearing their name," according to a press release.

The companies had been in discussions over the future of the nameplates, which were not clear when Nanjing bought the rights to the MG nameplate in 2005.

While Nanjing is busy relaunching the MG project in the U.K., plans for U.S.-built MGs are more hazy. Initially the company had announced an Oklahoma facility to build sportscars under the MG nameplate, but in April Nanjing leadership said the plans were still under discussion.

The AUTOMOTIVE EDGE Photojournalism for the Sport & Industry Rev Record - July 2007 14 MUCH TODO... Nov. 10-11 3-4Nov. Oct. 27-28 Oct. 20-21 Oct. 12-14 Oct. -7 6 Sept. 29-30 Sept. 22-23 Sept. 14-16 -9 Sept. 8 Labor Day Sept. 1-2 Aug. 24-26 Aug. 18-19 Aug. 10-12 Aug.4-5 9 8-2 July 2 2 1-2 July 2 5 4-1 July 1 -8July 7 June 130-July June 23-24 AEDIE' COL EINL NATIONALS REGIONALS DRIVER'SSCHOOLS DATE

MarNL-Nelson Ledges k Your NL-Nelson Ledges GM-GingerMan Calendars regionsinvolved 29 June-1 D=Double 21-23 14-15 27-29 20-22 6-7 3-5 28 24 22 10 5 8 3 ORP - O'Reilly's ORP Raceway Park Oct Oct Sep Sep Aug July July July July July July July July July CIN @ M-O - D - R (IT,SM,SRF) WMR @ GRA@ WMR -(IT,SM,SRF) R - M-O @D CIN NEO @ Cleveland GP - T - GP - R Cleveland @ NEO 24 Hour Enduro @ NL - R SBR @ GM SBR @ Hour NL 24 Enduro- R @ WMR @ GRA -D-C GRA @ WMR W OR @ M-O -D-C OR M-O @ W -D-C ORP @INDY OVR @ M-O - D-C- M-O @ OVR FWR @ GM - D-C NEO @ NL AMA Vintage M-O@ AMA NL @ NEO D-C GM - @ FWR GRA-Grattan R=Restricted T= Tentative C=Champ Series C=Champ Tentative T= R=Restricted GREAT LAKES DIVISION 2007 RACESCHEDULE 2007 42nd AnnualWORGames atMid- WOR PDXatMid- AMA GrandNationalChampionship * NASA NationalChampionship * Honda SuperCycleW WOR RallyXPE5atSmok AMA VintageMotorcycleDays* WOR GamesPlanningatDonatosCenter WOR SoloPE5atNutterCenterLot8 Acura SportsCarChallengeHonda* WOR MembershipMeeting WOR SoloPE4atKil-Kare WOR BoardMeeting Vintage GrandPrix* AS AS OF12/21/06 * SCCA RUNOFFS VSCDA @ M-O@ VSCDA SCCARUNOFFS Ohio INDY @ ORP @ INDY eek WOR money mak WAT-Waterford Hills WAT-Waterford Hills e &Mirrors end * M-O-MidOhio SCCA PRO EVENTSSCCAPRO orOTHER Honda SuperM-OHonda@ Cycle Vintage Grand Prix @ M-O@ Prix GrandVintage JA Mini GP @ Wayne Fort @ GP JAMini Ohio AMA Super Bike @ M-O@ Bike Super AMA ALMSM-O &IndyCar @ IRL/ALMS @ Belle Isle Belle IRL/ALMS@ Cleveland Grand PrixCleveland GrandAm @ M-O@ GrandAm PDX10/5 M-O @ VSCDAGRA @ AMA @ M-O@ AMA ers E V E NTS ville

ET CETERA... 15 Rev Record - July 2007 July - Record Rev Have you always wanted to try RallyCross but you don’t want to get your own car dirty?

Well here’s your chance to see what all the fun is about. At this year’s WOR RallyCross events a RallyCross rental car will be available.

The rental car is a ’93 Nissan Altima with an automatic transmission and snow tires. Last fall it got hit by a falling tree that put a dent in the roof and removed the back window. It sat outside with no window for several months slowly filling with water. Now the interior has been gutted, the gallons of water sucked out and it has some stylish cardboard and plastic covering the missing back window. In other words, it’s the perfect RallyCross car. The car will run in it’s own RC class with trophies awarded.

The fee for the RallyCross rental car is $30 in addition to the event entry fee. For more information about the RallyCross rental car contact Jim Hardesty- [email protected] or 937-426-0778.

The next WOR RallyCross is scheduled for Saturday, June 9th. For more information about RallyCross or to see the WOR RallyCross schedule go to

The Stevenator. Rev Record - July 2007 16 $20 $ 5 $15 W estern Ohio/086 SCCA 15

ADVERTISERS 17 Rev Record - July 2007 July - Record Rev The Christopher Club

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