1 Deadliest American Disasters and Large Loss
DEADLIEST AMERICAN DISASTERS AND LARGE LOSS-OF-LIFE EVENTS1 Homepage: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/ A Catalog of, and Notes on, Natural and Man-Made Events Causing Ten or More Fatalities in America/The United States and its Territories Since 1492 CHRONOLOGY B. Wayne Blanchard, PhD Blue Ridge Summit, PA June 5, 2018 Copyright August 2017 Go to Homepage to access: Event Typology (e.g. aviation, epidemics, explosions, fires heat, mining, hurricanes, violence). Breakout of Events by States, District of Columbia and Territories. Rank-ordering within Types by State. Spreadsheet. Lines highlighted in Yellow indicate there is a narrative document with more information and sources in the Spreadsheet accessed by clicking on the URL at the end of the entry. 1. 1492-1800 -- North American Native American population decline, esp. disease--~2,800,000 2. 1527 -- Nov, Hurricane, Matagorda Bay, TX -- 200 3. 1538-1539, Unknown epidemic, “Cofitachequi”2 Natives, central SC -- Hundreds 4. 1539 --~Sep 16, Napituca Massacre, Hernando de Soto executes Timucuans, No. Cen. FL-30-200 5. 1540 -- Oct 18, Spanish (de Soto) battle/massacre, with Atahachi, Mabila, AL --2,500-6,000 6. 1541 -- ~Mar 10, Hernando de Soto forces and “Chicasa” battle and “slaughter,” MS3 -- >20? 7. 1541/42 Winter, Coronado’s Expeditionaries burn-at-the-stake Tiwa Natives, NM4 --40-50 1 We use the term “Large-Loss-of-Life Event to denote ten or more deaths. There are a number in instances where, for a variety of reasons, we enter an event with fewer than 10 fatalities. We do not, though, include these in tally.
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