Events to Honor O'meara Special to the Observer Theodore Hesburgh Will Deliver College of Business Adminis­ the Homily

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Events to Honor O'meara Special to the Observer Theodore Hesburgh Will Deliver College of Business Adminis­ the Homily Wednesday, May 1, 1996 • Vol. XXVII No. 135 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Events to honor O'Meara Special to The Observer Theodore Hesburgh will deliver College of Business Adminis­ the homily. tration atrium from 4:30-5:30 Timothy O'Meara, who will A retrospective entitled "Tim­ p.m., to be followed later in the retire June 30 as provost of the othy O'Meara: Scholar, Admin­ evening by a private reception University of Notre Dame. will istrator, Catholic Layman" will and dinner on campus. be honored in a series of events be presented from 2:30-4:30 As provost, O'Meara is the today on p.m. in the College of Business University's second officer-di­ campus. Adminstration's Jordan Audi­ rectly after the president. His O'Meara's torium. University President primary responsibilities are outstanding Father Edward Malloy will par­ academic, and the deans of the contributions ticipate as will Nathan Hatch, four colleges, the Law School to the provost-elect and vice-presi­ and the First Year of Studies University in dent for graduate research; report to him, as do the vice 18 years as Sister Alice Gallin, former exec­ president for graduate studies provost will utive director of the Association and research and all other be celebrated O'Meara of Catholic Colleges and chief academic administrators. in a Mass of Universities and a Notre Dame A professor of mathematics thanksgiving at 12:30 p.m. in Life Trustee; Father James since joining the University's the Basilica of the Sacred Heft, provost of the University faculty in 1962, O'Meara came Heart. Father William of Dayton; and Alex Hahn, pro­ to Notre Dame from Princeton Beauchamp, Notre Dame's fessor of mathematics at Notre University, where he had re­ executive vice president, will Dame. ceived his doctorate in 1953. preside and the University's A public reception for president emeritus, Father O'Meara will take place in the see O'MEARA/ page 4 The Observer/Brian Hardy Studen~s rehP.::Hs., rh., upcoming production of 'A Miasummer Night's Dream, aearcatea to senior Mandy Abdo. SMC favors dining hall smoking ban 'Dream' performances By DONNA MIRANDOLA News Writer Should SMC Ban Smoking dedicated to Abdo A recent vote of Saint Mary's students showed an over­ in its Dining Hall? By PATRICK MCGOVERN Company and had planned to whelming majority favors ban­ New\ Wrirer dirnet a student play this ning smoking in the dining hall. spring. Aftnr the accident, 72 pereent, or 308 students, In anotlwr show of support students who knew of t\bdo's voted "yes" to thn proposal of NO 28% for Mandy Ahdo, the senior plan approached English banning smoking while 28 per­ snriously injurPd in a ear Professor Paul Hathburn cent, or 120 students, voted accidrHlt last NovnmiH~r. the about directing a play in her "no" to the proposal. snnior rlass is sponsoring thn honor. The April 24 vote was spon­ YES 72% production of Shaknspeare's Hathhurn, who has taught sored by a group of concerned "t\ 1\1 ids ummr~ r N i g h t' s Abdo in three of his elasses, students led by freshman Am­ llrr•am." Tlw play will be readily aecepted and now ber Fraiser with the backing of turn out, the results were dis­ gers of smoking and second dndieatnd to Ahdo and her leads the east of primarily the Board of Governance (BOG). carded and Fraiser decided to hand smoke. family. seniors from all dif'l'erent Students are currently al­ hold another vote aiming for a "By throwing statistics up, we l'erfornHtnCt)S will takf~ majors. lowed to smoke in the in the much higher level of student really wanted students to real­ plal'n during srmior week on "We had so many students dining hall, in a designated area interest and participation. ize the dangers of second hand May 15-17 in Washington who auditioned for the play by the grill bar. Flyers were posted around smoke," stated Fraiser. II all. and wanted to be a part of A previous vote concerning campus publicizing this second The second vote had a much Ahdo was a nwmber of the the smoking issue was held on opportunity to vote. On the fly­ Not So Hoyal Shakespeare see ABDO/ page 4 March 20. Due to a low voter ers were faets about the dan- see SMOKING/ page 4 Minimum wage raise balances politics, economics liy lliLL CONNOLLY minimum wage be a living in Public Service, Dole's threat Assi\r.1111 News EJirnr wage." They considered this not is not a very realistic: one. "I Women shoulder an economic issue at all, but don't think his threat is viable Tlw issLw of raising tlw min­ "an issue of values and the kind given that the Hepublicans ean't imum wage has hr~come one of of society we would like to be ... look like they're against the tlw most contPntious dt~bat•~s in If we value work and we value working class. At best, he can Washington. The public has burden of low wages families, we ought to raise the threaten to wrap the bill in with p rHSSIHI tlw By CONNIE CASS "When I started working, value of the minimum wage." other proposals not promising issue upon its Associated Press my picture of someone mak­ In doing so, they defined a liv­ to the Democrats and organized r n p ing minimum wage was a ing wage as $5.15 an hour. labor." resentatives, PHINCE GEORGE, Va. high school student working They felt this increase would The main reason Hepublicans with over HO She's a woman. over 20, liv­ in a fast food joint," said increase workers' standards of want to stop an increase in the )H~rcent of ing in the South and working Dorothy Metcalf, 26, a living and spending power and minimum wage is the fear of Arnnrieans in part time. She may be serving teacher in a southern Virginia help the economy at the same inflation caused by the increase favor of an in­ up burgers and fries, but a child care center. "As an time. in workers' salaries. Further, l:rease of the typieal minimum wage earner adult, it's hard getting by on However, in his 1992 election some fear that many employers Ill i II i Ill ll Ill Clinton also might be found tending minimum wage." campaign, Clinton did not in­ will fire the workers they can no wagr~. accord- to the siek, the elderly or chil­ When she started at James clude raising the minimum longer afford to employ at the ing to most polling data. dren - jobs considered Child Development Center, wage as a key part of his plat­ new minimum wage, resulting Tlw plan favon~d by most in "women's work" and paid as Metcalf, 26, was working part form. He did not even instruct in a dramatic increase in unem­ Washington. including nearly all such. time, as do about two-thirds his officials to discuss the issue ployment. eongressional l>mnoerats and Three out of five workers in of minimum wage earners. until this year. At the start of l'residrwt Bill Clinton. is an line for raises if the minimum She has since increased her 1996, Democrats began trying see WAGE/ page 4 inerease from $4.25 an hour to wage goes up to $5.15 an hours - slowing her pursuit to attach a minimum wage in­ $5.15 1111 hour. hour are women. They are of a college degree - and crease to numerous pieces of Mathematically, it seems ob­ sales clerks and farm work­ continues to live with her Republican-sponsored legisla­ This is the last vious that sueh an inerease in ers and janitors, married and parents. as do a third of tion. pay would lw bnnelidal in the single, mothers and daugh­ In response, Senate Majority regular issue of the short run for those making the ters still living at home. see WOMEN/ page 4 leader Bob Dole, Clinton's main campaign rival, has threatened 1995-96 school year. minimum wage. llow1wer. like It took five people to write the Hepublicans. On April Fool's to keep any minimum wage bill any other topic in Washington, article - Treasury Secretary The commence­ Day. the Wall Street Journal off the floor. Dole runs the risk thn politieal and r~eonomie ben­ published an op-ed piece from Robert Rubin, deceased Com­ off becoming extremely unpop­ ment issue will tdits of an inerease in the mini­ m·erce Secretary Ron Brown, the Clinton administration in ular in doing so, as an over­ mum wage are two entirely dif­ Labor Secretary Hobert Heich, appear May 17. favor of a minimum wage in­ whelming amount of Americans frm•ntthings. and two of the administration's crease. It was the beginning of favor a minimum wage Have a safe and Politically, the issun is turning Clinton's move to make the is­ top economists, Joseph Stiglitz increase. into a trump eard for sue a focal point for the country and Laura Tyson. Their con­ pleasant summer. Democrats and a burden for According to Peri Arnold, di­ during this election year. tention was to "insist that the rector of the llesburgh Program . I I Itt I_ --------- ~-~- ~- -- ~-- --~ page 2 The Observer· INSIDE Wednesday, May 1, 1996 • INSIDE ColUMN • WORi..D AT A GLANCE All the Flood waters recede in the Midwest, states begin cleanup Torrential rains eased and the cleanup Midwest flooding D lnchesabovefloodstageTuesday began Tuesday in the Midwest, where hun­ • Inches above flood stage Wednesday (anticipated) dreds of people were forced out of their I Right homes by weekend storms that killed six ····--, ) people, including two children.
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