This document has been written and illustrated on behalf of Elmbridge Borough Council by Forum Heritage Services Telephone: 01258 450542 email:
[email protected] Thames Ditton and Giggs Hill Green Thames Ditton and Giggs Hill Conservation Area Character Appraisal & Management Proposals This document has been commissioned by the Town Planning Division, Elmbridge Borough Council, as part of its rolling programme of undertaking conservation area appraisals and preparing management proposals. The document has been produced through collaborative working by the Thames Ditton and Giggs Hill Green Conservation Area Working Group. The group included residents, members of the local Conservation Area Advisory Committee, representatives from a variety of historical, amenity and conservation societies, local Councillors, and officers from Elmbridge Borough Council. Forum Heritage Services and context4D were appointed as heritage consultants to facilitate the project, organize training workshops and co-ordinate and produce the Appraisal and Management Proposals. The designation, review, protection and management of conservation areas are part of the statutory duties of Elmbridge Borough Council as the local planning authority. However, community involvement is essential in understanding the special nature and different issues for each individual conservation area. The Working Group identified many aspects and issues and these were incorporated into the document at its initial draft stages. This document has been the subject of wider public consultation for a six-week period commencing on 30 January 2009 and comments received have informed the final document. This guidance document will be a material consideration with regards to the implementation of saved policies in the Replacement Elmbridge Borough Council Local Plan 2000 (REBLP 2000), and used in the preparation of the Local Development Framework (LDF), as a basis for understanding the area, informing decision making, monitoring and management.