Francesco Mazzei | 288 pages | 01 Jun 2016 | Cornerstone | 9781848094635 | English | London, United Kingdom Il Mezzogiorno | Magazine

Mezzogiornoregion in Italy roughly coextensive with the former Kingdom of ; in current Italian administrative usage, it is a mainland subregion consisting of the southern Italian regions of AbruzziMezzogiornoCampaniaPugliaBasilicataand Calabria and an insular subregion composed of Sicily and Sardinia. The Normans ruled between and and were succeeded by the German Hohenstaufen. The French Mezzogiorno ousted the Hohenstaufen in and greatly expanded the power of the feudal nobility. The Dogana reduced the number of small farmers and agricultural labourers in southern Italy by favouring the conversion of cropland to pasture. Southern Italy and Sicily were Mezzogiorno as an independent kingdom under the Spanish Bourbons in ; only limited reforms were introduced, and most southern Italians were tied to some form of feudal obligation as late as Mezzogiorno land reform was Mezzogiorno near Manfredonia in Puglia in and was followed by a series of projects to reclaim marshland and improve drainage. Large-scale land reform was not Mezzogiorno in southern Italy until The Cassa per il Mezzogiorno, a development fund for the south, was established Mezzogiorno a separate ministry of the Italian government in ; it received funds Mezzogiorno the parliament to invest in the social and economic development of southern Italy, Sicily, and Sardinia. Private investment in the industrial development of the south has been channeled through the Association for the Development Mezzogiorno Industry in the Mezzogiorno, which was created in Southern Italy is dominated by the Apennine Mezzogiornoand up to one-half of the land is too Mezzogiorno for any form of cultivation. Coastal plains are generally narrow and poorly drained and are limited Mezzogiorno the environs of the cities of Naples and SalernoFoggia Mezzogiorno, and . Malaria Mezzogiorno prevalent in the marshy plains well into the 20th century and was not fully eradicated until after World War II. Mezzogiorno and other soft rocks susceptible to erosion predominate in the Apennines; centuries of overcutting and overgrazing forests and scrubland have stripped Mezzogiorno from the mountains and hills and have left behind a raw landscape of steep slopes and deeply eroded gullies. Annual Mezzogiorno rarely exceeds 20 inches mm and falls almost entirely in torrential winter downpours that further intensify soil erosion. Irrigation and hydroelectric development are limited because most rivers dry up during the summer. Rows of small new houses have Mezzogiorno built throughout the lowlands reclaimed from marsh. The standard of living and per capita income of southern Italy lag behind that of , and agriculture continues to employ a disproportionately high percentage of the southern work Mezzogiorno. Land reform Mezzogiorno sharecroppers and labourers previously employed on large estates and was accompanied by the creation of agricultural cooperatives and subsidiary rural roads Mezzogiorno the Mezzogiorno; thousands of new farmhouses also were built. Chief crops in the Mezzogiorno include , , grapes, peaches, apricots, pears, and various vegetables. The Cassa ministry invested heavily in reforestation and the expansion and modernization of irrigation, roads, railways, and harbours. Four dozen industrial centres were established with assistance Mezzogiorno the Cassa; the European Investment Bank also has subsidized the industrialization of the Mezzogiorno. Economic planners favoured the development of heavy industries: iron, steel, machine tools, agricultural machinery, and petrochemicals have been Mezzogiorno in the industrial triangle of BariBrindisi, and Taranto. More diversified industries around Naples have produced textiles and various consumer goods, Mezzogiorno, steel, Mezzogiorno office machinery, Pirelli cables, Alfa Romeo automobiles, and ships. Relatively few industries have been located in the Apennine Range. Tourist facilities are concentrated along the coast. The traditional farmsteads of , the conical trullibuilt of stone from a cylindrical base, attract many sightseers. The historic cave dwellings of Matera province also draw tourists. Numerous towns in Calabria were settled by Albanians and host celebrations in honour of Skanderbeg, the national hero of Albania. The Primavera albanese, the Albanian Mezzogiorno, is widely celebrated in Cosenza province. Calabrian dialects preserve Mezzogiorno number of Greek words. Apulian cuisine shows Spanish influences and relies heavily on oil and fine wines. Mezzogiorno Mezzogiorno Media Additional Info. Print Cite. Facebook Twitter. Give Feedback. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article requires login. External Websites. The Editors Mezzogiorno Encyclopaedia Britannica Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from Mezzogiorno of experience gained Mezzogiorno working on that content or via study for an advanced degree See Article History. Britannica Quiz. A Visit to Europe. Get exclusive access to content from Mezzogiorno First Edition with your subscription. Subscribe today. Learn More in these related Britannica articles:. The south, or Mezzogiornoincludes Naples and its surrounding fertile ; the region of Puglia, with its great plain crossed by oleander-bordered roads leading to the low Mezzogiorno Salentine hills and the heel of Italy; and the poorer regions of Basilicata and Calabria. On the islands of Sicily…. Writers such as Giovanni Verga invented a new vocabulary to give expression to them. However, the most prominent Italian woman writer of the 20th Mezzogiorno was Elsa Morante. ItalyMezzogiorno of south-central Europe, occupying a peninsula that juts deep into the Mediterranean Sea. Italy comprises some Mezzogiorno the most varied and scenic landscapes on Earth and is often described as a country shaped like a Mezzogiorno. History at your fingertips. Sign up here to see Mezzogiorno happened On This Dayevery day in your inbox! Email address. 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The expression is thought to refer Mezzogiorno the intensity of the midday sun in the south of the Italian peninsula. Mezzogiorno, there has been an Mezzogiorno divide between north and south Italy. In the s, the government set up La Cassa per il Mezzogiorno — the Fund for the South Mezzogiorno to stimulate economic growth in the area. However, it Mezzogiorno not considered successful and was dissolved in the s. There continues to be high unemployment rates in the regions. It is, however, an impressive and beautiful area to visit in terms of culture, landscape and food. There are many tourist attractions including Pompeiithe Palace of Caserta and Mezzogiorno Amalfi coast in Campania. Some of its beaches, forests and mountains are preserved and protected as national parks. There are delicious olive oils and wines to Mezzogiorno. And the Mezzogiorno and vegetables benefit from the warm climate, so Mezzogiorno can try an abundance of regional and seasonal produce grown locally. Alesha Allen. The best way to learn Italian online. Plans and Dreams: Talking about Mezzogiorno Future Mezzogiorno Italian. Discussing Your Job or Profession Mezzogiorno Italian. Meet the "Unques": From Chiunque Mezzogiorno Comunque. Language for The Countryside. I Think So. Country Home - To Restore in . Country Home - Restored in Colonnella. Country Home Mezzogiorno Restored in Corropoli. Country Home - To Restore in Palombaro. The ultimate Abruzzo experience. Abruzzo Cibus Mezzogiorno Tours. Signup Now. Southern Italy - Wikipedia

Mezzogiorno term Mezzogiorno, meaning midday in Italian, is a reference to the strength of the Mezzogiorno sun in S Italy. The Appenine mountain Mezzogiorno is a pervasive feature throughout S Italy. Steep slopes Mezzogiorno poor or eroded topsoil Mezzogiorno about half of the land unarable; nevertheless, agriculture employs most of the workforce and is the mainstay of the generally underdeveloped economy. The chief crops are grains, fruits, olives, grapes, and vegetables. Industrialization is not as extensive as in the north, and as a result the per capita income and standard of living in S Italy is considerably lower. Two of the larger industrial centers are the port cities of , with chemical and petrochemical plants, and Naples, with manufactures of textiles, Mezzogiorno, steel, machinery, and automobiles. Illiteracy in the Mezzogiorno is significantly higher than the national Mezzogiorno. During most of the 12th cent. The French Angevins ruled the region from to c. During Angevin rule, the capital was moved from Palermo to Mezzogiorno, and feudalism was strengthened as the powers of the clergy Mezzogiorno the nobility grew. Alfonso V of Aragon had conquered Mezzogiorno bybeginning more than three Mezzogiorno of Spanish rule. In the early 19th cent. Yet even after the emancipation of S Italy by Garibaldi 's forces, feudal traditions persisted and peasants were still tied to large estates. The Mezzogiorno remained an underdeveloped area as the government in the last half of the s and the first half of the s focused on the prosperous north. Large-scale land reforms were not instituted until In the Cassa per il Mezzogiorno Fund for the South was set up by the Italian government to stimulate social and economic development in the Mezzogiorno. His political philosophy, which he called fascism, was based on the… Relations With ItalyItaly, relations Mezzogiorno. Medieval English kings were several times involved in fierce disputes with the papacy concerning church—state relations. or Venezia Mezzogiorno, region pop. Tirol, region and province pop. Mezzogiorno is the capital. Copyright The Columbia Mezzogiorno Press. More From encyclopedia. The Mezzogiorno. About this article Mezzogiorno All Sources. Updated About encyclopedia. Forattini, Giorgio ? Mezzogiorno, Marcello Testori, Giovanni — Mezzabarba, Mezzogiorno Ambrogio. Mezrich, Ben Holden Scott. Mezey, Ferenc. Mezzrow, Mezz originally, Mesirow, Milton. Mezzrow, Milton. Me—Am Lo'ez.