WARD: Acocks Green DATE: Weds 5th Sept 2018 VENUE: Fox Hollies Forum, Greenwood Avenue, Acocks Green, B27 START/FINISH TIMES: 7pm – 9.35pm 7RA COUNCILLORS: Roger Harmer and John O’Shea NOs OF ATTENDEES: 14 OFFICERS IN ATTENDANCE: Beverly Edmead - Community GUEST SPEAKER(S): None Governance Team, BCC Red Watch - WMFS


MATTERS DISCUSSED AT THE MEETING: 1. Welcome and Introductions Following introductions, Cllrs welcomed everyone to the first meeting following the Local Elections in May and the changes to the Ward Boundary. The Ward was now served by two Councillors. 2. Notice of Recording – noted by all present. 3. Fire Service – Information Update Watch Commander Darren briefly advised of the following:- - An increase in grass fires throughout the summer due to the very hot and dry spell of weather, most of which had been deliberately started. Rubbish/household waste fires had also increased. - The increase in fly-tipping across the ward – proactive partnership working with council officers to deal with the issues and to remove as quickly as possible. Recent fly-tipping included several caravans which had been dumped in the street. - Household/domestic fires had also increased, most of these being ‘chip pan’ fires. 1

- An increase in street begging/rough sleepers/vulnerable people in the ward. Residents were reminded not to give money to street beggars or homeless people as often the money given was used to fund any addictions they may have (drugs/alcohol). A number of partner agencies including the police, council and WMFS were involved with offering help/support/signposting to these groups, and residents should seek their advice in the first instance or contact their Ward Councillor. - Safe and Well Home Checks continued to be available for all residents, this included home/fire safety advise and home risk assessments as well as fitting smoke alarms. Residents could contact WMFS on 0800 389 5525 or via the website to arrange a home visit. - WMFS were keen to become more involved with all sections of the community locally as well as across the city; open days were held at the main stations in , Highgate, Billesley and Sheldon. The local station also worked with schools in the ward to engage/increase fire safety awareness in young people.

Residents and Members commended the work of the local Fire Cres and thanked Red Watch for their attendance and update.

4. Working Together in ’s Neighbourhoods. Residents were briefly advised of the document which was currently out for consultation, which sought residents views on working together in partnership with the City Council/partner and public sector agencies and how things could be done better or differently. Suggestions of differing working practices included different models of Local Governance, including Parish/Neighbourhood and Community Councils.

Residents made the following points:- - The ward was very well served by very good active community and voluntary groups, including the Acocks Green Neighbourhood Forum and Acocks Green In Bloom. - Another layer of governance – i.e. Parish/Community/Neighbourhood Councils was unnecessary – greater efforts should be made to build on/support current groups and organisations, not introduce another level of bureaucracy which residents would have to pay extra for. - Not every resident/household would be able to afford the additional charge/precept that another layer or governance would bring, even if the additional charge was ring-fenced. - Consideration should be given to properly supporting/resourcing local structures, community groups and wider partnership working. - Several residents had attended the information session held at Stirchley Baths and were very disappointed by the ‘hard sell and


push’ towards the Parish Council model. - The Kerslake Report and its findings did not show a level of understanding of Birmingham as a city, its structures and residents.

Residents were actively encouraged to submit their comments and views before the consultation closing date on 28 September 2018.

5. Residents News/Updates/Local Concerns - Rockwood Road- fly-tipping/rubbish continued to be a problem. Residents suggested that the relocation of bollards from Alexander Road could help to reduce the problem. Action: Cllr Harmer agreed to investigate - Trade Waste Contracts – several businesses appeared not to have the appropriate trade waste contract; these included a number of fast food outlets. Residents would like to see a more robust and proactive approach by officers to ensure that businesses had the appropriate arrangements in place for their waste. - Welcome to Birmingham Signage – AGNF would like to see appropriate signage in the ward boundary from Solihull. - Community Cohesion Strategy for Birmingham Green Paper – a number of issues, concerns and comments were raised at the recent AGNF meeting, including the lack of timeline for implementation following the consultation process. A copy of the comments was submitted at the Ward meeting for submission to relevant officers. Action: Community Governance Manager to forward comments to the relevant Council Officers - Conservation Area - Julia Larden advised of an economic review by Planning & Regeneration Officers of all the Conservation Areas across the city. Residents remain committed to preserving and protecting Conservation Areas and would continue to lobby officers for their retention. In the meantime, Arthur Moor Hall, which was Grade II listed remained in a state of disrepair, which was a cause for concern and had been raised with Heritage . - Acocks Green Police Station – earmarked for closure by the end of 2020. Proactive campaigns against the decision to close/dispose of the station were ongoing. The West Midlands Mayor Andy Street and PCC David Jamieson had been invited to attend future AGNF meetings. - Acocks Green in Bloom - had been invited to host the Midland Event on 27th September by Heart of England in Bloom. Residents and Members commended Fran and the team for their hard work and wished them well with the event. - Parking Charges had been proposed by Network Rail at Acocks Green Station – this would add to increased parking problems on the roads around the station. Robert and Oxford Roads were already problematic, with traffic congestion and obstructive parking an


everyday occurrence. Residents felt that consideration should be given to a Residents/Permit Holders Only Parking Scheme, and that a Park and Ride facility by Network Rail would be a much better proposal. Action: Cllr O’Shea agreed to ask the District Engineers to investigate - Increase in dog fouling, particularly around Robert Road. Details to be passed on to Cllr Harmer for referral to the Dog Warden. - Increase in crime in the ward; personal attacks including robbery/muggings. Residents reminded to continue to report all incidents to the police so that resources could be deployed where hotspot areas had been identified. Action: Local Policing Team/Sgt to be invited to a future meeting

6. Any Other Business - Residents were advised of the passing of local residents Ray Newton and Bernard Rainbow – both were very active and community minded, and were supportive of many activities in the ward. - Acocks Green Neighbourhood Forum Meeting – to be held on Weds 27th November, 7pm

7. Dates of Future Meetings To be agreed.

All to held at Fox Hollies Forum at 7pm

Meeting closed at 9.35pm