Elected Governor. OCTOGENARIANs CELEBRATEI I. 0. 0. F. Chief. Tuscola Favors Two Fatalities BIRTH ANNIVERSARIES FITZGERALDELECTED GOVERNOR Mrs. John ~~ .... ~-~...... ~ her Repubiican State in Auto Accidents eighty-sixth birthday on Saturday, OF EHiGAN; REPUBLICANSWiN November 5, quietly in the home of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. R. D. Ticket 4 to 1 in Tuscola County Keating, on Garfield Avenue. Mrs. OTHER OFFICESON STATETEKET Karr w~s born in Hamilton, On- tario, and came to Cass City 68 ii:iiii?ii!::::iiiii!iiiiiii:': ii :iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil years ago soon after her marriage ii~!i~i~i~,~!i!~',i~ii:~ ~ii~i~i~ili;~: ~~'~i~i~i'~i~ Tuscola Republican Can- Sebewaing Man and Caro to the late John Karr, who passed Poor Season for Harry D. Mead, Murphy's away twenty years ago. Mrs. Karr Ca~npaign Manager, Con- didates H~ve Easy Vic- Lad Are the Victims in has three daughters, Mrs. Walter Pheasant Hunters Two Mishaps. Mark, Mrs. R. J. Knight .and Mrs. ceded the Governor's De- tory for County Offices. Frank Reid, all of C~ss. City. Numerically speaking, it was the In honor of the eighty-fifth tiiiiiiiii ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilbest pheasant season in several feat Wednesday Morning. L ...... birthday of Chris Schwaderer, years. Yet, paradoxically, it was Tuscola Coun.ty citizens favored OWlS narrls, ~o, oI ~eoewalng ..... ~ .... a paor season for many pheasant Fitzgerald over Murphy by nearly was fatally injured Sunday at 5:30 :nncnbw:sfxv~°:%a~il~7°s~emte~u~. ' hunters. Harry D. Mead, campaign man- a four to one vote, it was indicated p m when his automobile ran into ...... " J'~ -.. - Although there were more pheas- " " ...... aay w~gn mm ana en]oyea a cnicKen in early returns from 19 of the 24 a cemen~ aDu~mer~v a~ ~ne curve on . .... , ~ ants than in several years and ager for Governor Murphy, con- ...... , . ~ . olnner. ~ues~s were Mrs. ~. 15. ceded the victory to Frank Fitz- precincts. ±Vi-~, a nalI nine sou~n oI union- ~ ...... ~,~ although the birds were more fully .,. ~.~ ... . ,..,, ~cnwaaerer and EWO ann(Iron, aJ(:l- gerald, according to special editions Elkland Township gave the Vllle. ne (ne(1 a~ seven-IlI~een .... ,~ ..... ph~med than for the 1937 season, ~tro~gest Republican vote. Re- making it easier to distinguish of daily newspapers issued Wednes- ... ..~. .. • I Mrs. ~eola ~ml~n ann cnnaren. turns showed a better than seven ~Vllle l-lospl~Jal. • . cocks from hens, weather condi- day morning. FRANK D. FITZGERALD. ~ ~ rri s 'ravelin nor.hlMr. Schwaderer was born m Erie Returns from 2,696 out of 3,553 .to one vote for Fitzgerald. Fre- ~wr..na s wa ~_., g, ~ ]County, New York, November 7, DR. CHARLES F. KLUMP .tion.s were against the hunter dur- mont Township voted better than mone in a new car wmcn was va y .... ~ ..... ing most of the recent season. precincts in Tuesday's election for ...... t 15o~, ana was marrle~ ~o Ivlary six to one for Fitzgerald. smasnea when 1~ sI;rucK an aDUt-[-~ ~...... is the. recently elected head of the I The abnormal heat and dryness governor gave Murphy (D) 524,369 The following table gives an in- ment on the east side of the road. '~ ,~jne O~m~en:~s~m~sS ~i~y in Michigan I. O. O. F. Lodge. Dr. ! of ground conditions were a handi- and Fitzgerald (R) 611.229. Klump was honored recently at a lca p on dogs as well ashunters. According to state dailies, Secre- dication of how Tuscola County Use 0f L0cal .. Gilberto~.. Riojas,,.,. . 5, son.. of. Mr "~and ~_ ~uc~ooer, . ; .~Y^155u, ana. -nave ',.IIveG , yhere voted on governor and lieutenant Mrs. ~511as ~lojas, ivlexlcan Dee~ • Danque~ at ~as~ Tawas sponsore~ i Gume____ Inves_"ti~ators of the deuart~ - tary of State Leon D. Case led governor. Other Republican candi- workers at Caro, died in the Caro since. by Baldwin Lodge, No. 37, I. O. O. l ment of conservation believe that Democratic incumbents ~ of other dates on the s.tate ticket received Library is Tripled Community Hospital Monday night Fo_ He is a dentist at East _Tawas" 1because the weather which pro- state offices, but all of them trailed corresponding majorities over their of injuries received late that after- Three Are Injured Dr..K]ump is a son of the late vailed, especially during .the first their Republican rivals by sub- stantial margins. Democratic opponents in Tuscola noon when crushed by a truck in ~reaeric~ ~mmp, lounaer ol ~nefe w days of the !season, the bird~ County° front of a group of tenaat houses When Automobile Cuss City Chronicle. He spent his received an early "education" on With 2/001 precincts reported~ Average Number of Books owned by the Michigan Sugar Corn- boyhood days in this community, the meaning of the ~hooting, with- Harry F. Kelly, Republican, led ~Governor~ Lieut. Gov puny and located directly behind Rolled Over out as heavy a kill as would have Case 414,132 to 339,969. Loaned Each Week Grows the Caro sugar plant. ] been scored had hunting Conditions In 2,005 precincts, Luren D. Dick- been more favorable. The game inson, veteran Republican cam- from 35 to 130. l The truck, a semi-trailer type, 1 Two Marlette men, Dewey Arm- • ]was driven by V. Gonzalez Mallen, 1 Vassar YouthGiven men point out that hunters did not paigner, led Lieutenant Governor strong, 26, and Louis. Armstrong, find .the weather conducive to coy- Leo ~owicki 435,371 to 323,494 for of Houston, Texas, who came to 18, were seriously injured when a Almer . . . 286 86 276 79 When the Woman's Study Club .Caro to transport beet workers ering a great deal of territory, while the office t.o which he has been Columbia . 893 85 386 83 car driven by David Bader of May- Pris0n Sentence the dogs were not only slowed 1elected 'six t~mes. 56 206 50 in early summer turned over their back .to Texas after the sugar cam- ville tipped over and was badly Dayton . . 209 library of over 1,200 volumes to [paign" The truck going about four down physically also, but the dry In other state contests, Thomas Denmark.. 508 89 491 90 wrecked Saturday night at ten m the village, it was with the hope miles an hour ran over the child ground conditions made it more Read, another veteran Republican, Elkland . . 683 94 665 88 o'clock. The accident occurred a difficult for them to pick up the led Attorney General Raymond W. Ellington . 217 64 212 60 that the use of this library might when the boy raced away from a half mile west of Silverwood on Perjury Increased Prison group of children he was playing birds' scent than when there is Starr 415,932 to 321,131 in 1,975 Elmw(~od.. 305 119 be greatly increased. That this M-38. In attempting to make a precincts; Miller Dunckel, Repub- Fairgrove . 486 127 477 112 hope is being realized is evident. with and slipped under the front Sentence Judge Told the moisture. left hand turn to go on a country However, hunters who didn't lican legislator, led State Treasurer Fremont.. 448 65 433 12~ During the four months of July, wheels of the machine. road, the right brake locked and Lad in Court on Monday. have much luck and who didn't Theodore I. Fry 404,973 .to 321,206; Indianf. 1 652 169 637 1~2. August, Septembe r and October in Indianf. 2 507 151 495 the car was badly wrecked when it find hunting in mid,summer tem- and Vernon J. Brown, anather Re- 515' 1937, the average number of books Juniata . . 178 56 171 rolled over. David Bader, the peratures very comfortable, "may publican legislator, led Auditor 931loaned each week was 35. For the Kingston.. 270 93 256 driver, suffered head .and back in- I Fred Burrows, Jr., of Vassar, take ~ome consolation from the General George T. Gundry 418,875 1421same months in 1938 the average Community Club MilIington. 467 153 472 juries and was treated by a May- was sentenced to five to 15 years fact that a large crop of birds will to 317,480. Novesta .. 209 39 203 36tnumber of books loaned each week ville physician. The two Arm- Vassar . . 685 221 658 2221 was 130. in the Southern Michigan prison at be carried over. A severe winter, strong men were taken to a Lapeer Jackson Monday by Judge Louis C. of course, might reduce the carry- Watertown 308 109 302 961 There are now 217 persons who Elects Directors hospital. over, but game investigators have Wells . o . 90 54 90 5~lhave library cards. On year ago Cramton, Burrows having several " ~weeks ago pleaded guilty to the discovered that pheasants ordinari- 173 Local Citizens Wisner. . 150 40 143 1668 there were 90. "For,merly this was Totals. 7051 1870 6573 COMING AUCTION. charge of breaking and entering a ly are not seriously affected, unless a subscription library. Now any Republican candidates had an Seven Men Chosen to Act store at Vassar. The offense was heavy and prolonged snow buries resident of Cass City or Elkland Peter Burian, because of illness, easy race for county offices in Tus- committed l~st June and the fact their cu~stomary feeding areas. It Township may obtain a card with- with Pastors and Super- will sell his live s.tock, farm ma- Enroll in Red Cross cola. Here are the successful con= that the youth had perjured him- is known that they will travel con- out cost. A small rental fee is chinery and feed at auction, oppo- testants: intendent of Schools. self on the witness stand in ~ .the siderable distances to find feed and charged for the latest books only; site the Deford School, on Monday, will congregate in bunches on find- Prosecuting .attorney, Timothy all others may be drawn without trial of Vernon Mills, 22, Vassar, This Number Will Be November 14. Worthy Taft is the increased the sentence, Judge ing it. When .the grain in farm C. Quinn; sheriff, George F. Jef- cost. More than half of the per- auctioneer and the Pinney State frey; clerk, Clare W. Homing; Cramton told Burrows. fields is covered, the pheasants Increased Before the End sons using .the library are children The eight-piece high school dance Bank is clerk. Full particulars are often will seek plant seeds to be treasurer, Arthur M. Willits; regis- and youth of high school age. A divorce decree was granted orchestra played during the dinner printed on page seven. found in the marshes. ter of deeds, Alger L. Bush; circuit Of the many new books recently hour of the ,Cass City Community Monday in the case of Helen Fur- of Campaign. csik vs. George Furcsik and a simi- court commissioners, Myron David added to the library, thirty-five Club's November meeting Tuesday ~w Orr, Warren S. Rundell; drain com- are for this younger age group. evening and their rendition of mu- lar decree in the case of Gertrude mi~ssioner, James Osburn; coroners, For ,the lovers of mystery stories, sical numbers and the excellent Mrs. Nique Heads Delong vs. Harold Delong. One hundred seventy-three in H. Theron Donahue, Lee Huston; there are 14 new volumes; Nine meal served by women of the Temporary alimon7 of $I0 a this communty have taken mem- road commissioner, Albert W. At- new western novels will interest Catholic Church made a pleasing week was granted by the court in Michigan berships in the Red Cross and that kins. other thrill lovers. Other new books combination for club members. the petition filed by Ruth Kelley number will be considerably aug- The vote on county Clerk and Thumb 0. E. S. vs. Art Kelley. are: President B. H. Starmann intro- mented before the campaign doses, Turn to page 5, please. "As I Live and Breathe'--Willie duced Lester Ross, coach, and Ar- Mirror reports Guy W. La~don in charge Ethridge. thur Hesburn, music instructor, as Rawson Popular in A Non-Partisan of the annual roll call. "White Ladies" -- Francis B. two new members of the school Mrs. Florence Ryckman, State News Letter Members enrolled to date include Alex Tyo, George Dillman, John Young. faculty. W. G. M., Was Guest of Home Township By GENE ALLEMAN Tusc01a Has 27 West, Otis Heath, Mrs. Fred Bige- t "Hearts Unknown" ~ Frances Walter Mann presented the re- ® Michigan Press Parkinson Keyes. port of the nominating committee. Honor at Ubly Meeting low, R. N. Holsaple, Francis Elliott, "Listen! The Wind"--Ann Lind- The report was adopted and the Audley Rawson of Cass City, can- Association Bert Ellio.tt, Mrs. Bert Elliott, Mrs. Fifty-p0und Cows bergh's new book destined to be as following were declared elected didate for state representative to Edward Pinney, W. D. Striffler, popular as her first, "North .to the succeed himself, was the strongest Angu~s McLachlan, Ben Kirton, Mrs. members of the club board of di- Mrs. Otto W. Nique of Decker Lansing--While victors were still Orient." "vote getter' 'in Elkland Township, Ray McCullough, Mrs. Nell Mc- rectors: Dr. P. A. Schenck repre- was elected president of the Thumb celebrating the outcome of Tues- "Wisdom's Gate" bby Margret securing 704 of the 780 votes cast Larty, Roy Taylor. senting the Presbyterian Church; Association of the Order of Eastern day's ballot tussle, the capital city Jerseys and Guernseys Ayer Barnes deals with some of on Tuesday. For governor, Fitz- Mrs. Sophia Striffler, Mr£ Geo. Dr. E. C. Fritz, M. E. Church; E. Star at the 42nd annual session of this week was reminded of the faot the problems of modern life. gerald received 683 and Murphy 94. Ackerman, Albert Creguer, Ed Rank High in North, A. Wanner, Baptist Church; Glen the society held at Ubly High that less than 60 days remain until "Here I Stay," by Elizabeth This represented approximately the Golding, Ford Garagd, Clifton McClorey, Catholic Church; Ed School auditorium on Saturday. the state legislature convenes here. Coatsworth, presents a girl with majority of Republican over Demo- Champion, A. R. Kettlewell, Recre- Holsteins in the South. Schwegler, Evangelical Church Other officers are: First vice presi- Numerous are the serious prob- courage to face great odds. cratic nominees for state and coun- ation Parlor, Smith Store, Alex William Profit, Bethel M. E. dent, Mrs. Milda Clara of Gage- lems. "She Was Carrie Eaton," by Church; and Ralph Ward, commu- ty offices. There were 615 straight Henry, I. Parsch, Ed Baker E. A. town; second vice president, Walter Republican and 59 straight Demo- Because Michigan's economic life The North Tuscola Dairy Herd Elizabeth Corbett, is a portrayal nity representative. These men Wanner, G. & C. Folkert, M. B. Hunt of Mayville; secretary, Mrs. crat ballots cast. is due to a combination of indus- Improvement Association had 17 of the youth of the unforgettable with pastors of local churches and Auten, Cass City Oil and Gas, C. Mildred Schmidt of Unionville; Only one amendment, that per- trial, agricultural and recreational fi£ty-pound cows in October, their Mrs. Meigs. the superintendent of schools con:- M. Wallace. treasurer, Mrs. Martha McKenzie taining to state highway funds, car- incomes, the legislature will be "Free Land"--Rose Wilder Lane. Clark Knapp, H. Tare, Joe Diaz, butterfat records show, while the stitute the governing body of the of Bad Axe; chaplain, Mrs. Nellie called upon to consider a wide A stirring story of pioneer life in ried in Elkland Township, the rate N. Bigelow & Sons, Joseph Knep- South Tuscola Dairy Herd Im- club. Officers of the society will be Young of Cass City; marshal, Mrs. variety of measures. Dakota. standing 459 yes to 203 no. On the per, Chas. Robinson, G. B. Dupius, provememt Association hac110 fifty- selected from among their number. Leona Adams of Decker; and or- Social legislation will probably "Handsome Road," by Gwen Guy Landon, A. J. Knapp; Dr. P. A. pound cows in the same month. Wesley Dunn, chairman of the ganist, Mrs. Irma Carter of San- include a labor relations mediation The following table gives the Bristow. Louisiana in the sixties 'school group responsible for Tues- dusky. Turn to page 4, please. Turn to page 4, please. a~t and a minimum wage-maximum names of the owners and the indi- day evening,s pF :ram, introduced Officers were installed by four hour act. The first will be a baby vidual records of the 27 high cows Mr. Kimmeron, ~ representative of past grand chapter officers--Mrs. Wagner act with an emphasis on in the two groups: the Goodyear Tire Co., as the eve- Viola Walker, Bad Axe, Past Grand mediation of labor disturbances, Hunters Start Trek North Association. rJng speaker. He outlined the de- Ada; Mrs. Mayme Calkins, Sebe- while the second will apply to in- velopment of the rubber industry to North Woods Harriet McDonald, Cass City .... 59.7 Guess This One .7 waing, Past Grand Martha; Mrs. tra-state commerce, what the Fair from the early manufacture of Mary Morrison, Mayville, Past Cleveland Neal, Akron ...... 58.6 Taken When We Were Young Standards Labor Act, otherwise bicycle tires to the use of the mam- Grand Martha; and Mrs. Ida El- known as the Wage-Hour Act, does The annual trek to the north Cleveland Neal, Akron ...... 58.2 moth tires for farm tractors. Rufus F. Wark, Akron ...... 56.9 stone, Detroit, Past Grand Organ- to interstate commerce. woods by Cass City deer hunters Moving pictures of tractor plowing ist. These two measures alone will has started. George Seeley, Miles Rufus F. Wark, Akron ...... 56.5 on farms and the development of Clayton Rohlfs, Fairgrove ...... 56.1 Mrs. Florence Ryckman of De- mean days of serious deliberation Dodge, Steven Dodge, William Par- safety tires for automobiles made Harriet McDonald, Cass City.... 55.9 troit, worthy grand ,matron, was in committees. Con,sequences will rott and son, Maurice, left Wednes- more interesting the evening's pro- guest of honor, and spoke on East. be far-reaching. day for Seney. Frank Hutchinson Cleveland Neal, Akron ...... 54.9 gram. R. C. Humm, Fairgrove ...... 54.1 era Star work in the afternoon and son, Grant, will leave today On Tuesday, December 13, the Cleveland Neal, Akron ...... 53.2 session. Eleanor L. Thieoff gave Milk Price-Fixing (Friday) to join the party. next meeting of the Community Harriet McDonald, Cass City .... 52.4 a talk on "Old Mexico" and re- Marketing agricultural surplus- Keith Day of Flint and Fowler Club, the program will be sport- S. J. McCreedy, Unionville ...... 52.2 marks were made by Grand Lodge AUDLEY RAWSON. es at a profit is the objective Hutchinson leave Saturday and will Turn to page 4, please. officers. The Unionville Chapter sought by influential groups of hunt at Stalwart. J. W. Hickey & Son, Fairgrove..51.7 others, voters declared themselves had charge of a memorial .service Michigan growers, Lyle Lounsbury, Ezra and Ernest James O. Coan, Kingston ...... 51.3 as follows: No. l~Yes 159, No and vocal musical numbers included Milk producers are toying with Kelley expect to leave today for Clayton Rohlfs, Fairgrove ...... 50.5 Lost Hand in :Corn 472. No. 2--Yes 285, No 339. No. a selection by the Ubly High the idea of a state milk price-fixing across the Straits. Milton Adam!s, Fairgrove ...... 50.1 4~Yes 110, No 396. School Glee Club and a solo by Miss act which would guarantee a fair John Crawford, Sam Vyse and Rufus F. Wark, Akron ...... 50.0 Shredder Accident Novesta Township voted on the Veda Bixby of Cass City. basic price to the dairy industry E. Moshier will make camp at "This month the Jerseys" and amendments a's follows: No. 1--51 The morning session was opened and at the same time not penalize Eckerman, Chippewa County, in Guernseys took most of the high yes, 143 no. No. 2---86 yes, 116 no. Samuel Helwig, Elkland Town- by Mrs. Mayme Calkins, the invo- the consumer. A legislative com- the upper peninsula, close to Lake places," says Clayton Reid, tester. No. 3--172 yes, 38 no. No. 4--44 ship farmer, had his left hand so cation was given by Mrs. Wallace mission is studying the plan which Superior, where they will prepare "The Jerseye took the .two-year-old badly mangled in a corn shredder Laurie and the presentation of the yes, 108 no. and large herd honors. The Guern- comes from the East, and a bill for a first sho.t when the season accident Thursday afternoon, No- flag by Gifford Chapter. R.S. will be ready for introduction in opens. They expect to leave Mon- seys took the four-year-old and yember 3, that it was found neces- Hagen welcomed the members of medium-sized herd honors. Clayton Fire Damages Lansing next January. day. Harold Crawford and Vernon sary to amputate the hand at the the order and Mrs. Nique gave the Michigan apple and potato grow- Turner are planning to join them Rohlfs' Holsteins were high small wrist at Pleasant Home Hospital. respon.se. Mrs. Alfred Sauer gave herd and highest in the association. A. Doerr Garage ers are determined to do something later in the week. The accident occurred at the farm a reading. A musical number was in a cooperative way to combat the The association average was 27.4 of the victim's brother, Edward given by Mrs. E. C. Hensen and = advertised virtues of Maine and Pancake Supper. pounds of butterfat, 2.5 pounds Helwig. The corn, because it was Mrs. John Ross. Shortly after midnight Thursday higher than last month." Idaho potatoes and Washington so dry, did not enter the machine Lunch was served at noon by of last week, fire was discovered apples. These two products mean The men of the Evangelical South Association. Last week guessers were 100% readily and in trying to force it pupils of the home economics de- in the two-ear garage at the rear Turn to page 2, please. Church will serve a pancake and George Foster, Fostoria ...... 65.0 right and this week the record is into the shredder, his hand was partment of .the Ubly school. of the ArLthony Doerr home on saNsage supper at the church, Harold Blaylock, Vassar ...... 64.3 100% wnong. However, last week caught in the rolls. Mr. Helwig The 1'939 session of the Thumb West Main Street. Firemen were Members of the Cass City Exten- Tuesday, November 15, beginning George Foster, Fostoria ...... 60.2 23 ventured estimate's and this left the hospital for his home two Association will be held in Mar- able to save the Doerr ear but a sion Club are requested to brin:g at 5:30 and continuing until all are Michigan Farm Colony, week A. H. Henderson was the only miles northeast of Cuss City on lotto under auspices of the Decker coupe in the garage owned by Mr. paper and pencil and samples of served. The supper is held under Wahjamega ...... 58.11 one to register. He thought the Monday. Chapter. Greenlee was destroyed. The rooms cosmetics to their all-day meeting the auspices of the Young People's Michigan Farm Colony...... 57.3]picture was R. D. Keating. If he Mr. Helwig's nephew, Keith Those in attendance from Cass throughout the house were badly next Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Missionary Circle and .they promise Michigan Fa~m Colony ...... 56.5 had guessed Herb Greenleaf, he Klinkman, had his right hand am- City Saturday were Mrs. S. B. damaged by smoke. The loss was Levi Bardwell. Hostesses are Mes- that the men will furnish and serve Harold Blaylock, Vassar ...... 54.3 [would have been right. putated a few weeks ago because] Young, Mrs. A. A. Ricker, Mrs. estimated at about $1,500 and is dames Frank Hall, A. A. Ricker, all the pancakes, sausage, dough- Michigan Farm Colony ...... 53.9 Well, this week's picture looks of injurious received in a hunting Geo. Dillman and Mrs. Berkley covered by insurance. The cause Levi Bardwell and Herman Doerr nut,s and coffee one can eat for Turn to page 4, please, l easy to us. What's your opinion ? accident here. lPatterson. of .the fire is undetermined. and Miss Lura DeWitt. thirty-five cents.--Advertisement. PAGE TWO. CASS CITY CHRONICLE--FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1938. Cass City, l~iehigam Cass City Chronicle. will meet at the home of Mr. and Lawn Raking Is Dangerous. Early Name for Cincinnati One Form of Indian Torture Mrs. W. J. Schwegler, with Mrs. Turning Bacl Dearborn~Raking a lawn, usual- Losantiville was the name origi- One form of torture practiced by Published every Friday at E. W. Kercher leading the meeting. ly supposed to be a harmless oc- nally given to the settlement which the Indians consisted of sticking Cass City, MicHigan. This will be the day for opening the Pages cupation, proved to be quite haz- is now Cincinnati, Ohio, by its found- sharp, short splirkers all over the~ The Tri-CounW Chronicle estab- Presbyterian Church--Paul ft. Al- the mite boxes, and a large attend- ardous for William Ruddiman. He ors, who had purchased land from body of a man tied to the stake. lished in 1899 and the Cass City lured, Minister. Sunday, Novem- ance is desired. Items from the files of Cass was raking the lawn at his home, the Scioto company in 1788. The Then they would set fire to the splin- Enterprise founded in ber 13: City Chronicle of 1903 and 1913. when his rake struck a bottle of name was changed in 1790. ters. 1881 consolidated un- grape juice. The bottle exploded, der the name of the Morning worship and church I Michiga and the jagged neck of it struck Koh-i-nor Existed in 1304 Cass City Chronicle on school, I0:30 to 12:30. Sermon:, Twenty-five Years Ago. j An Honest and Free Man "Living Creatively." William on the right temple. Forty The famous diamond, the Koh-i- He who cannot wish that the whole April 20, 1906. En- November 14, 1913. tered as second class Adult class: "Thou Shalt Not stitches were necessary to close the nor (mound of light), the private world may think and act like him- matter at the post office at Cass Kill," the sixth commandment. Ex. The livery men of the Thumb wound, property of the British royal family, self, he has no right to call him- ~i~y, M~rb~ ,l~er Ae~ o~ March is known to have existed in Tn,di~ 8, 1879. llltll ~Lt~, I * ~t:(), ,llllkl W t:~t:~l~ DI ~*IU organization ~or their mutual beam- _~dvertise it in t:~e Chronicle. I in the year !304. u~ tsl~. Subscription Price--In Tuscola, study: "Biblical Facts Which We A fit and protection. The main pur- Huron and Sar,ilac counties, $I.00 Non-P~rtisan a year in advance. In other parts Should Know." State News Letter pose of the organization, says the of Michigan, $1.50 a year. In " By GENE ALLEMAN Bad Axe Tribune, will be to agree | il United States (o~tside of Michi- First Hungarian Assembly of Michigan Press on a uniform schedule of rates and | gan) $2.00 a year. God C~hurch, Fairgrove. Rev. John Association through means of legislation pro- For information regarding news- R. Panda, Pastor. teat regular livery men against paper advertising and commercial Hungarian services -- Sunday: ~ ...... auto owners who engage in the I and job printing, telephone No. carrying of passengers at cut rates. 13-F2. Worship, 11:00 a. m. Thursday: Concluded from first page. H. F. Lenzner. Publisher. Prayer meeting, 7:45 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coulter, Sr., English services--Sunday: Sun- millions of dollars a year to Michi- celebrated their golden wedding on LI gan growers, yet the Michigan U WILL OF THE MAJORITY. day School, 9:30 a.m. Evangelis- home market h~s been unable to November 11. 1 The American people have plenty tic service, 2:30 p.m. compete with imported foodstuffs. Thomas Murphy received ,the of faults, and the philosophers Standardized grading and pack- first shipment of live stock unload- grieve deeply over their various Free Methodist Church, Wilmot~ aging of apples and potatoes are ed at the Greenelaf station. ff#tBN B f QlIAUff$l FIBS]"CHOICE $: N//OWES[MBTBBISTS ! and many failings,. One thing can F. H. Orchard. Pastor. also sought by growers who pro- Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Kelsey are be said in their favor, which is Evergreen~ Quarterly meeting pose that the state join them in receiving interesting letters from that they don't get over excited will be held commencing on Friday financing a marketing-advertising their son, Spafford E. Kelsey, who Make your oil-change NOW .... be safe| about elections. Even though evening at 8:00, Saturday, 2:00 p. campaign. left Cass City recen~tly on a trip to they holler vociferously for their m. Sunday School Sunday, 10:00; Upper Peninsula farmers are in- Jerusalem where he is pursuing a |SO V|S |O-W MAgES COLD STARTING favorite candidates before elec- Love Feast, 10:30; followed by terested in spud prospects, for cli- course in Biblical history under the tion, and prophesy that ,the country preaching. Service again at 7:45. tactical condition, s are ideal for instruction of Prof. Robinson. is going to the dogs if their candi- EASIER THAH ANY OTHER OaLl. Rev. A. E. Potbury of Fenton, disk good potato growing and there is Friday evening was a joyful time dates are not chosen, they don't .trier eider of the Port Huron Dis- plenty of room for expansion. for ,the Baptists of Cass City and IT'S TIME, RIGHT NOW, to change to Iso-Vis 1e-w--to make sure proceed to tip over the whole apple- .trict, will have charge• vicinity when they celebrated the of easier starting on any cold morning that comes. cart when they get defeated. "Come with us and we will do Tourist Dollars event of burning the church mort- It's safe to change to Iso-Vis lo-w now--because it gives your The losers quiet down, and have thee good." gage. a tendency to keep out of sight Wilmot: Services will be taken Michigan's central location in en~me ample lubrication, even on the warmest days. or not to talk politics. They con- up so everyone can attend quarterly the Mid-West where millions of It's smart to change to Iso-Vis lO-W now for it will save your sole themselves with the thougkt meeting, people dwell has made the state Thirty-five Years Ago. battery the fatal extra drain of slow cold startLug--save your bat- that nothing very bad will happen. a favorite with tourists. November 13, 1913. tory now for quick, carefree starting in the winter days ahead. Therein our people differ tre- ~aptist Church, Case City~L. A. It's Big Business, and no fooling! The dedication of the Church of mendously from the way other Kennedy, Minister° Lord's Day, Figures compiled by .the Ameri- Christ, three miles south of the nations act. In some South November 13, Bible Sunday: can Automobile Association, the 4 FiNE city, was a splendid success Sun- MOTOR OiLS American countries, the defeated 10:00 a. m., Bible School. The U. S. department of agriculture, day when many people attended Sacredness of Human Life. Exod. and the four tourists associations ISO-VlS in cans,bulk party are very apt to dig their the three services held during ,the QUAKERSTATEin cans guns out their hiding places, 20:13; Matt. 5:21-26, 38-42. of the state indicate that Michigan provided by Standard Oil Deal- from day. ers,whichmaysaveyoucosflyen- POLARINE in bulk and organize revolutions among 11:00, morning worship. "Lip- had approximately 10,700,000 viM- The Orangemen surprised Wil- glne trouble. It only takes about STANOLIND in bu|k the discontented elements. The ing Stones." tors during the past resorting sea- it's safe ! liam Bayley on the evening of No- 30 seconds to be SURE crowd that controls the army comes 6:30 p. m., B. Y. P.U. son. This was a 10 per cent de- © 1938 vember 5 at his home south of nearer controlling the country than 7:30 p. m., gospel service. "Je- crease from the 1937 volume, or a 1938 estimated gross income of town, the occasion being his 79th the crown that has a majority of sue Bare Our Sins in His Own -AT $TANDAND OIL DEALERS the votes. Body on the Tree." $300,000,000. t birthday. Noticeable was the growing pop-I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grigware In our country one idea has sunk Thursday, 7:30 p. m., prayer and f very deeply into the minds of ,the praise meeting at the home of Mr. ularity of week-end trips. !have moved their houeehold goods people, which is that the majority and Mrs. Frank Benedict, Deford. In the "tourist" classification of]to North Branch where Mr. Grig- are entitled to rule. Any attempt Cars will leave the Baptist parson- legislation will be fishing and hunt- ware is employed as station agent. Come in and let us service your car for winter driving. to overcome the verdict of ,the age at 7:00 p. m. Tranporta- ing bills, state park bills, and con- Henry Butler, an old time at- majority by a popular uprising tion will be provided for all who servation measures in general. torney of Cass City, arrived here Prestone, Super Anti-Freeze, Alcohol. would not merely be impossible, desire to go. If possible phone Along with more good roads yesterday. For the past 12 or 15 but it would arouse such laughter parsonage, 203, if you will go with northern Michigan wants improved years he has resided in Virginia. facilities for accommodating and that the instigators would quickly US. Dr. Treadgold promises to give Oils of Highest Quality. 'subside. They would consider Thumb Bible Conference, First entertaining the out-of-state viM- a free exhibition of h~s X-ray tors. themselves lucky if ,they weren't Baptist Church, Bad Axe, Friday, machine in the near future. ® given the privilege of a con- November 18. Pastor Weaver has sold his siderable residence in jail. 24 Million Fish famous roadster to Banker H. Wal- So although other countries seem Because Michigan is famed for ter of Clarkston. The purchase Karr's Standard Service Erski~e Church Lord's Day, No to go back on democracy, it still -t good fishing, the state conservatmn price i's $200. rules in the United States. The vember 13: .... I department goes to elaborate prep- 2 00 p m, Bible School k, J American people say the majority :,,~ • • ." ,, ~.arations each year to restock our :vu p. m., church service. L~Stllakes and streams. are entitled to have their way, NOVESTA. 1 Sheep." ] ~;orkers began the perennial and try out their ideas. So long Wednesday, 8 00 p m, prayer as our people cling to that prin: : " " ]task this week Of distributing 24,- Mr. and Mrs. James Black of I meeting.... ,at ~the , home of Delbert__ 803,000 small flsh--brook trout, Care visited Sunday at the hemal ciPle, they won't get into any very ±vic&tpme wemome to all at all bad trouble. ' brown trout, rainbow trout, blue- of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zotlner. of these services, gills and blaek bass. Perch plant- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cargwright IDLE BILLIONS. ing will be done in December. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weld and Bank deposits and currency in Methodist Episcopal Parish-- Increased pollution of streams family of Detroit were Sunday af- circulation are estimated to aggre- Charles Bayless, Minister. Sunday, due to industrial waste is a serious ternoon visitors at the Claud Peas- gate the vast total of $57,700,- November 13: handicap to efforts of the eon- lay home. 000,000. This is an unprecedented Cass City Church--Morning wor- servation department to replenish Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Henderson amount, and it indicates what an ship, 10:00, with vested choir, and the fish life for tourists. The state visited Sunday at the home of Mr. enormous expansion of business sermon by the minister. Subject: stream control commission, headed and Mrs. George McArthur. and employment can occur when "The Open Road." by Highway Commissioner Murray D. VanWagoner, received a report Mr. and Mrs. Milton Strong and conditions are favorable. A con- Sunday School, 11:15, with spe- family and Norman Wilson of Pon- siderable part of this great amount cial feature in opening assembly. from Secretary-Engineer Milton P. Adams that several beet companies tiac visited Saturday night and can be classed as idle funds, which Daniel Kroll, platform chairman, Sunday at the home of Mr. and could be used to finance bu,siness for November. Department super- have been ordered to submit plans for adequaote waste disposal by Mrs. All ffarman. Little Vivian expansion. intendants: Mrs. A. H. Higgins, Wilson, who has spent the past With not far from 10,000,000 cradle roll; Mrs. John McGrath, Jr., February, 1938, and to have plants in operation by October, 1939. !week at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. people seeking employment, why primary; Walter Schell, high ffarman and Mr. and Mrs. Tallman, do not the owners of these great school; Clyde Chaffee, adult. Class- returned to Pontiac Sunday evening sums get busy, and borrow money es for all ages. A cordial welcome Goiter, Jitter-Bugs with Mr. and Mrs. Strong. to everyone. and use it to finance good projects ? Use of iodine for thyroid dis- The Novesta F. W. B. Ladies' The desire to make money is just Bethel Church--Sunday School, turbance, as sponsored by the state 11:00, Herbert Maharg, supt. Our Aid will meet a week later this as keen as it ever was. People are board and health and county medi-i month. It will be Tuesday, No- not sitting on any idle money just attendance is improving. Come cal associations, has reduced goiter vember 15, at the home of Mr. and because they are indolent and do next Sunday and share the good in Michigan from more than 30! Mrs. Robert Horner. A potluck no.t want to work. things of Christian faith and fel- per cent to 1 per cent ...... 'lowship ...... " ~" .. t olnner wm ~e serveo. The answer seems to be that . us~eopa~nle pnyslcmns in ~etro~ people are failing to set this money Morning worship, 12:00 (noon), ho.~ 1~ ~.~.... ~ A w.~d ~'t Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jackson and to work because of their fears of with story for children and sermon Sa~}nnw-'..~t"~es;de~t"~ ' #t~:I son and M~s. Dins Bonsteel of the business future. It is well for everyone. American ~;~eop~thic A~soeiation; Flint spain: tnhe l~kk-~nd pa~n if: that they have some caution, be- - warn that swing addicts will de-I no e oi " a 6 " o nn g " cause many who are not fearful Mennonite Churches, Cass River Iv Mop thick" ankles and f ra yed .. Mr • and~ Mrs• Lloyd.... Perry are go into unwise .speculations and ...... 'n~rw~ I.~ne parents oI a babz boy born ulrcult~5. ~VL UIDSOn, raszor. ~un .... ~ .... 1 " " lose their money. _ ~. . ~, l~unaay morning, ±November D, a~ oay, z~ovem~er ~: .... Gasoline--What--(~sIt" IPleasant Home Hospital. Some will say business people ~iverslae unurcn~rreacnlng a~ ' • are too timid, and that if they ever 10:00 a.m. Sunday School at 11:00 Plgs• are p!gs,• and gasohne• can I ~ Mr. •...... and Mrs ~" Adam.... Bauer of expect to make money, they must a. m. Evening service in this be cheap and inferior and still be i~evrol~ wm~ea ~un~ay ag tale nome expect to take some risks. That church at 7:45. Revival eervices gasoline to many motorists, of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brooks. may be true in many cases, for it are continuing, and with growing Out of the recent price war has Mr. and Mrs. Ira Black and -- yet it operates the radio often happen,s that people miss interest. Our evangelist, Rev. R. come a euggestion that producers, family of Care visited Sunday at wonderful chances to make money D. Dean, is bringing up helpful refiners and the state department the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. ft. because of their over caution. messages. Services each evening of agriculture co-operate in grading Sprague. Others will ~ay that they fear except Saturday at eight oMock. gasoline so that the consumer is Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burgess from any room in your home! ,the taxes that will have to be paid Mizpah Church--Sunday School fully informed what he is getting. were Sunday guests at the home of to pay the great debts which the at 10:30 a.m. Preaching at 11:30 This state regulation would be Mr. and Mrs. Clmrles Cunningham. Now you can change stations, control volume, government, states, and cities are a. m. The returning interest in done without added taxes. even turn off this new 1939 Philco from any incurring, or that they think the the Sunday School is encouraging; room in your home . . . without a single wire government is interfering too much everybody do his part, and, keep it or connection of any kind! No more tiring with private business. Whether Finger-Printing up. The good attendance of Miz- effort to tune programs.., no need to even go such.fears are well founded or not, pail folks at the Sunday evening A state law requiring the finger- near the set. Philco Mystery Control offers a it is desirable that business should service at Riverside was greatly printing of a person applying for Who Is RiEhl! be encouraged. Business has to appreciated. Come again, and as ~ a permit to carry a concealed new radio convenience.., complete enjoyment earn a profit before labor is era- often as you can. weapon is advocated by ~ com- The fellow who is willing to . . . and never-ending thrills for you and your ployed. The chances of getting mittee representing the Prosecu- leave his products with you on family! New cabinet beauty . . . clearer, richer some profit have to be fairly good, tors' Association, the Michigan trial .to prove they will do tone, too . . . all you can ask for in a radio. Evangelical Church--Dr. R. N. everything he claims, or the fel- before people are inclined to ~take Sheriffs' Association, and the Po- See it today! Holsaple, Minister. Week begin- lice Chiefs' Association in co-opera- low who must have his money serious business risks. in his fist before he leaves any- ning November 13: tion w£th the state police. Next Sunday morning at ten, the thing- with you ? I am so sure Continuous Free Demonstration GOOD CO-OPEI~ATION. The same committee also seeks that Watkins Mineralized Ho~ Sunday School• Ed Helwig, super- a law making it a crime to sell A gentleman who recently got Tonic will make money for you intendent. Classes for all with ammunition to persons under 18 up a highly successful demonstra- that I'll leave it with you on competent teachers. years of age without the written trial. If you are not satisfied ,tion for a certain organization, was Come in. Try It ! At eleven o'clock, Dr. Holsaple authority of a parent or guardian. with the results, you do not complimented for these good re- will preach on "The Great Church need to pay me a cent. That's ~ults. He replied by expressing Builder." fair enough, isn't it? You'll Be Amazed and Mystified t appreciation for the splendid co- i At seven o'clock in the evening, Curiosity Buried. Watkins Tonics speed up operation he had. Everyone who Marjory Schwegler will lead the Bangor--Oil wells; like steam growing time, make healthier was asked to help, he said, took E. L. C. E..meeting, using the shovels, attract large numbers of animals and poultry and will . hold and did what was requested, .subject, "How Young People Can spectators to watch operations;. The save you money• They pay for New 1939 Phflcos from $20 up. so that the affair went over with I Help Build a Warless World." At crew drilling an oil well here was themselves many .times over. I a bang', and everyone was happy carry a complete line of the eight Dr. Holsaple will preach on good natured enough when specta- famous Watkins products and about it. .the subject, "A Haunted House." tors told them how they thought have some real bargains to offer That is the secret of success in The mid-week prayer meeting is the work should be done, but ques- you when I call. Save your any organization or in town life. held each week at 7:30 at the tions regarding the depth of the order for me and I'll save money if people would only do what they church and lasts just an hour. well irked the drillers. As a re- for you. were asked to do, and refused only Everyone is invited to attend this sult, there is now a freshly dug Ca ss City Oil and Gas Co. when forced to do so by some very important meeting of the grave on the project, with the head- LEW WITHERBY urgent neceseity or good reason, church. stone inscribed: "Here lies the last Box 132, Cass City Stanley Asher, Mgr. Phone 25 a great many good things could be Friday afternoon, November 18, guy that asked us how deep we done which are not now attempted. the Woman's Missionary Society are now." .:~:~:~:~::~:~:~:~:~::~..~....~:..~::~:..:~::::~...... :....~:~:..~:f.~:f.::....::f.~:~....:::~::..~:::::::::::f...:::::::~:~:~::~:~:::~:~..::::::~:::::~:::~::..::~:~::~:~:~:::::::~:~:~::::::::::..~:..:~:::~::..::~:~:~::~:~:~ Cass City, Michigan. CASS CITY CHRONICLE--FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1938. PAGE THREE.

and spent the week-end with her very ill, but is much better at this urday until Monday with her Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kritzman, White for Snake Farm ~~ .... . SHABBONA. daughter, M~s. Avon Boagg. time. daughter, Mrs. Herman Jess, of Marian and Bonnie Lou, spent Sat- The snake farm of the Pasteur Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Karr visited B. F. Phetteplace, who has spent Sandusky and attended the Eastern urday night and Sunday with rela- institute in Bangkok uses white tives and friends in Detroit. paint to lower the inside tempera- :[[$~ ~ ~ spent week Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dorsch at Owen- the past two weeks with his son, Michigan District Conference of man a few days last Andrew Hamilton l~s completed ture of the concrete igloos in which Ivisiting old friends and neighbors dale Sunday. Fred, at Curran, returned home the L. D. S. Church in that city. Monday. a modern poultry house and a two- the reptiles are kept. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sandham here. Mr. and Mrs. Guy and faro- Mrs. James Colbert entertained Sunday guests at the g. D. Jones car garage which adds greatly to were Detroit visitors Friday. fly left here twenty years ago and the Ladies' Aid in her home on Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Reagh home were Mr. and Mrs. John the appearance of his farm home. Wednesday. entertained Mr. Reagh's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Wilson visit- havetime. resided at Hillman since that Butch of Flint and Don A. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. floe Tesho and son, Pet Cats Are Part Wild Miss Genevieve Freshney is em- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Reagh, ~f C~ss of Cass City. Mrs. Burch and Mrs. Robert, of Cass City were supper The modern domestic cat is chief- ,,ed relatives in Royal Oak Sunday. Mrs. Henry Phillips of Marlette pbyed in the home of Mrs. M. J. City at dinner Sunday. Jones are si,sters. Mr. Hunter is guests at the J. P. Neville home ly a cross of tame Egyptian cats Mr. and Mrs. Howard Connell of visited Mrs. Lewis Travis Friday Ehlers of Bay City. who has been Mrs. J. A. Cook soent from Sat- their father. ~af~rd~y ~iffhL with wild Eu~ol~ean cats. iJe~roi~ visited 2~.irm. Ev~ iiov~ :Friday. Harry Tiller and Mrs. H. 0. Greenleaf of Millington were C~ss City visitors Saturday. [ Chauncey Campbell of Detroit spent Saturday as ,the g~est of Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Wood. i Mrs. Alex McArthur of Wilmot visited her sister, Mrs. Margaret Levagood, Friday afternoon. ! Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bailey were Sunday dinner guests at ,the home of their son, Clare Bailey, in Mid- ]and. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Holmberg and daughter, Joan, were dinner guests Friday evening at the home De b e of Mrs. Hotmberg's brother, Dr. E. MEN'S HEAVY Woo| Jacllte,s C. Swanson, at Vassar. Mrs. John Haley continues quite l ed B a ke¢$ ill at her home on South Grant W rk Street. Her daughters, Mrs. Ed- Now ward Rusch, of Orchard Lake and Mrs. Ethel Dickinson, of Saginaw Part Wool. are caring for her. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fleming, Pair who had spent two weeks with Mrs. Large Assortment. ~~ Large Selection of Shades. Fleming's brothers, ,George and $2,9S Fred Seeley, lef~ last week to visit :in Detroit, before returning to their Pair home in Akron, Ohio. and Mrs. John Gilchrist, who has been a patient in Morris Ho'spital, was able to be taken to her home i in Flint Sunday. Her daughter,! Miss Shirley Gilchrist, of Flint $3°** spent from Wednesday until Sun- Men's Fancy B@ys ~ day with her mother here. Mr. and M~s. George Seeley en- $©hooi tertained Mr. and Mrs. Archie Thane and ,family and Mi'ss Pauline Silvernail, all of Elling~on, at a New Shipment of ~, ~i~i:"~, t Sweaters birthday dinner Saturday night in New Styles and honor of the birthdays• of Glady~ UNXONSUXT$ Thane and Raymond Seeley. Patterns. Keith Klinkman, who has been a Part Woo1 patient in Pleasant Home Hospital All Sizes :as the result of a hunting accident, Now--Pair was taken ,to the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Klink- Sizes 14 to 17. ~~~ man, on South Seeger Street, Fancy Patterns and ~X!~ '1.O0 Thursday evening and is getting :along nicely. Plain Colors. ~ ~ ~"~[~i Mrs. Daniel Kroll was a delight- ful hostess to a number of her friends Thursday evening when bridge was played at ~seven tables, BOYS' iriW honors going to Miss Edith ,Carlin, Mrs. B. H. Starmann and. Mrs. Warren Wood. Mrs. Edward Baker $choe| ,3.4, won the ,traveling prize. A lunch- .con was served. Lmea Dresses A group meeting of the Woman's Home Missionary Societies of this. Men~s district was held in the Methodist All Sizes. Episcopal Church at Bad Axe Fri- day afternoon. Those from Cass Woo| Now Fast Color Materials. City who attended were Mrs. I. A. Suede Shir,s Fritz, Mrs. L. I. Wood, Mrs. George M lers Rohrbach, Mrs. Audley Kinnaird and Mrs. Charles Bayle~s. 59c $1 for Thursday afternoon of last week, Assorted Patterns. BOYS AND fourteen members of the Women's Bible Class of ,the Methodist Sun- MEN day School met at the home of Mrs. Nelson Perry for a social time. A planned potluck luncheon was ALL served. The next meeting will be I 49c held with Mrs. George Rohrbach COLORS and will be a Christmas meeting. Win ter Underwear Miss Ella Mae Rike entertained number of her friends at a de- lightful evening party Wednesday, November 2, in the Mrs. Roy Staf- ford home, on Garfield Avenue. a[ 69* Michigan poker was the pleasure of Bargain Prices MEN S the evening and prizes were won by Mi:ss Elsie Titsworth, Miss Ruth 79© 98c W. Hile and Miss Marion Hopkins. Ice cream and cake were served. Heavy Unionsuits Men's Unionsuits A delightful ,social evening was ° held Thursday of last week when Dr ess • ~}. .-'~,-. , ..':~~3-~:i. ~:'.:?" .~ Men's 25% ~9 /~Q the Bethel and Cass City parishes ::..-:"!~-'.~-" . ....~.~.. Cotton, for 7Qt- of the Methodist Episcopal Church Wool, Suit..._ ...... ~t=~ ®--~,j Winter, now ...... ~~~ Men s met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gloves : L. I. Wood. Rev. Arnold F. Run- kel, pastor of the Caro PresbyJe- . ..~ #~i:':•::.-..::.:.: Wool Sweaters rian Church, gave a talk using as SPECIAL--Pair .!:.~ ~i .:Y~ | !~.~ :!~i" ;."~ Girls' unionsuits hi~s subject, "The Meaning of FeN Boys' Unionsuits lowship." A stunt program in charge of Audley Rawson and his $--I Fleece- $t-~ /~t-~ committee furnished a great deal of |~~ Assortment. fun. Refreshments were served. lined ...... /4:~C ~)~C lined ...... ~L/~ | RESCUE. Boys' Unionsuits Ladies' Unionsuits [ sl.95 Mr. and Mrs. William A~shmore, Jr., and children spent Sunday ,at and %he John Davison home. Men's Mrs. Lee Clemons returned home rarW.i.nt_ _..49C 98c1 W°~:I • recently from Morris Hospital at 79c Cass City after having underwent $2.95 an operation there. Work Socks Mrs. Dorothea MacAlpine and Men's Umonsmts Mrs. DeEtte J. Mellendorf and ~on, Norris, were callers in Bad Axe Saturday evening. 10% Wool, ~1 ~-~r-~ For Large Men. ~ 1 ~r~ ] A large crowd attended the now, suit ...... ~ ~ ®vv Sizes 46 to 52, ~]J Al. ®~~ [ Men's .chicken supper at the Grant Church :Friday...... i,, i An Epworth League party will be held at the Dugal MacLach]an home Friday evening. FOR WINTER. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A~shmore and son, Richard, were visitors in :Bay Port Sunday. The Ladies' Aid held dinner and supper at .the John MacCallum PART WOOL home on election day. A number of the neighbor~ around here attended the funeral Now--P~ir services of Dennis O'Rourke at St. Agatha's Church at Gagetown on Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. William Ashmore, St., accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cass City $200.00 GIVEN AWAY DECEMBER 24 Barrow to visit ~t the Ralph Her- 49c rington home at Cass City Sunday afternoon. PAGE FOUR. CASS GITY CHRONICLE--FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1938. Cass C!ty., Michigan.

Mr. and Mrs. Almon Blashill Mr. and Mrs. William Bottrell of' were afternoon callers ~t the John Flint were Cass City visitors Sun- ATLANTIC AIRLINES BEAULEY. Gray home Sunday. day. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Yates of Mrs. Claude L. Wood and Mrs. RACE NEAR GETAWAY Our young people are urged to Rochester spent ,the week-end at C. E. Patterson were Saginaw attend Epworth League each Sun- visitors Friday. day evening at eight o'clock. the William Kibourn home. Planes of Five Powers Vie ocai Happentngs Robert Esau and Harry Walters, Harold Greenleaf spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Young of both of Detroit, were week-end and Monday with relatives at Kin- Gagetown and Mr. and Mrs. Alton For Best Routes. m guests of Mr. Esau'~ family here. ross. His sister, Mrs. Roy Consla, Young spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dulmage. Mr. arm Mrs. Albert Creguer and Mr. and M~s. Fred Bigelow and Mr. and Mrs. Claude L. Wood of Painsville, Ohio, who had spent NEW YORK.~Five nations en- daughter, Helene, were Bay City Miss Marie Darling were visitors and children, Betty and Bobby, several days with her sister, Mrs. gaged in a race for commercial air Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lester and visited friends i~ Pontiac Sunday. Ch~ie~ Vfaii~i~ies, aad otLe.~ ~e!a- S~p~eliiacy ~ the 2"~o:'tii~~iantic are .Gary ~pe~L a ~ew days wi~n Mro tives there, returned home with him conducting experimental flights over and Mrs. A. Moore and also visited Mrs.. J. Deighton of Detroit is Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reinke and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bohnsaek to spend a few days here and with routes which may soon be traversed in Kingston last week-end. the guest her aunt, Mrs. Earl children of Saginaw spent Sunday ...... of spent Sunday and Monday as guests her mother, Mrs. H. 0. Greenleaf, regularly by planes carrying pas- Holler, this week. with Mr. and Mrs. Owen Zapfe. at the home of their son, Harry D. Allison is busy shredding core in Millington, before returning to sengers, mail and cargo. By L. L. STEVENSON in our neighborhood at present. Mrs. William Collins of Avoca William McKenzie and danghtei4 Bohnsack, in Mt. Pleasant. her home in Painsville. For years aviation companies of and Mrs. Emily Warner of Deford Miss Marie, and Alberfc Jofies of A son was born Monday night, five nations have been jealously When William Fellow Morgan Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harris and A "Safety Day" program was commissioner of markets, an- William English of Kingston and spent Wednesday with Mrs. Celia Decker spent the week-end in Kala- November 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Lee presented at the Woman's Study watching each other's designs on the Edgerton. mazoo. Smith, at their home north of Cass North Atlantic. Each is hopeful nounced that he would issue no Mrs. James B. Hartsell called on Club meeting at Mrs. Edward more licenses to peddlers of hot the Manley Endersbee and C. E. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Otto of De- City. of beating its rivals to establish- Mrs. Agnes Bidelman of Pontiac Baker's home Tuesday afternoon. corn and baked sweet potatoes, he Hartsell families Sunday evening. is spending .two weeks with her troit visited Mrs. Orto's parents, Miss Vida Marie Ottaway of Mrs. A. A. Schmid,t, Mrs. Mason ment of air service over what, from struck a blow at tradition. His de- We were all glad to meet Mr. daughter, Mrs. Fred Withey, and Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Willy, over Flint came Thursday to spend Wilson and Mrs. C. Donahue pre- the viewpoint of nationalistic pres- cision means that venders, who and Mrs. Richard Nell and little with her son, John Crawford. the week-end. some time at the home of her uncle, sented papers on safety--Mrs. tige, is the most important route in have been a part of the sidewalk son, Jimmy, of Bad Axe at Ep- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stone of Floyd Ottaway. Schmidt on "Farm and Bicycle the world. The Bible Study Class will meet life of New York even in years be- worth League Sunday evening. this Friday evening at 7:30 at the Lapeer were Monday guests at the Mrs. Robert Esau and Miss Riding," Mrs. Wilson on "Home" Engaged in the race are Pan- American Airways of the United fore Fourteenth street was awayup home of Mrs. C. U. Brown. Sub- home of Mrs. Stone's sister, Mrs,. Joanna MeRae returned Saturday and Mrs. Donahue on "Highways." States and the following govern- town, will be seen no more next ject: "The Two Advents of Christ." Glenn Wright. from a few days' visit with rela- Mrs. Bernard Sargent was accepted PLEASANT HOME HOSPITAL ment-subsidized companies of for- year. Thus will be stilled the cry tives and friends in various places as a new member of the club. William Mattoon is a patient in Mr. and Mrs. Don Gage and eign countries: of "A-ah-t conn" and "Bay-kid in Ontario. Morris Hospital with a fractured daughter of Lapeer were enter- Imperial Airways, commissioned switts" to which the ears of New Patients who went home during hip as the result of being bumped tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Townsend expects to leave 173 LOCAL CITIZENS by the British government to es- Yorkers have become so accus- the week include Ernest Wills, Bad by a car two weeks ago. Glenn Folkert Sunday. Sunday for Rifle River where he ENROLL IN RED CROSS tablish an empire route connecting tomed. Vanished also will be the Axe; Mis's Evelyn Field, Mrs. Law- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Creguer and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hartman will be a guest in the home of Mr. England, Ireland, Newfoundland, men with the tinpails over charcoal rence Woodruff, Keith Klinkman, children, Harold and Helene, were and daughter, Ellen, of Saginaw and Mrs. Edward Struble while braziers and the sheetiron grids H. Willis, Sam Helwig, all of Cass Concluded from first page. Canada and the United States; Air entertained Sunday at the home of were Sunday guests at the homes deer hunting. France Transatlantique, subsidized heated by charcoal fires. But Com- City; Mrs. Zyrawski, Kingston. Schenck, Robert Keppen, J. Henry missioner Morgan is more interest- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mackey in of William and Fred Joos. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dillman and by the French government to the Patients still in the hospital are Smith, Frederick Pinney, Otto ed in public health than in tradition. Flint. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Pinney and daughter of Detroit spent the week- extent of $5,000,000; Deutsche Luf- Thomas Soper, Elkton; Bill SmLth- Prieskorn, J. Ivan Niergarth, Wal- Hence his stand that in the future Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. son, Gordon, of Richmond were end with the former's parents, Mr. thansa of Germany; Ala Li~toria of son, Cass City; Mrs. Win. Berry, ter Mann, G. A. Tindale. the only food peddlers will be li- Arthur Holmberg Were Dr. and week-end guests of the former's and Mrs. John Dillman, and other Italy. Kingston. A. T. Barnes, H. F. Lenzner, John censed to sell will be protected by Mrs. Hayden Palmer and children mother, Mrs. Edward Pinney. relatives here. Service by Fall Possible. Mrs. Catherine Schauer, Cass A. Sandham, Arthur Little, Dr. H. i Theoretically, Pan-American and wrappers or glass cases. and Mrs. L. N. Palmer, all of De- The Happy Dozen met Tuesday Mrs. William Martus, St., was a City, was admitted for surgical T. Donahue, Audley Rawson, Stan-[ Imperial Airways are neck and neck troit. evening with Mrs. Stanley Warner delightful hostess .to the Malfem care. ley Striffler, Ernest Schwaderer, l at this stage of the race, and it is Hot corn venders begin their work when a potluck supper was served. Club at her home Thursday after- Mrs. Clayton Schenck and daugh- John Reagh, Mrs. A. E. Goodall, possible that each will be in the air as early in the summer as roasting Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Per- ter, Miss Ruth, were guest.s in the Bingo was the pleasure of the eve- noon of last week. A soeiN time Delbert Profit, William Profit, R. ears are available at prices which ry of Cass City on Saturday, Nov. was enjoyed and a luncheon was by autumn, carrying mail and pas- home of their son and brother, ning. J. Knight, Herman Charter, George will allow them to make a profit on 5, a son. Mother and baby went served. sengers between England and New Donald Schenck, in Jackson from Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ball and Chanter, Albert Gallagher, Lyle York. the customer's nickel. Fished from home Monday evening. Friday to Sunday. two daughters of Lure were Sunday The ladies of the Presbyterian Kefgen. The Germans have made the most the tin pail, the roasting ear is Mr. and Mrs. Keith Day and visitors of Mrs. Bali's father, L. L. Church enjoyed a social afternoon, I drowned in melted butter, or the Mrs. Edwin Fritz, Mrs. Mary survey flights and have obtained USE OF LOCAL children, Richard and Barbara Jean, Holcomb, and brother, Bruce Hol- sponsored by the Ladies' Aid, on 1Karr, IVLargaret McArthur, Mrs. permission to make more from Lis- customer is given a dab of butter of Flint were week-end guests at comb. Thursday of las t week in .the l Andrew Barnes, Farm Produce bon, Portugal, via the Azores to to apply to the corn himself. What LIBRARY IS TRIPLED the home of Mr. Day's sister, Mrs. Mrs. Perry Livingston enter- church. Tea and wafers were Lumber Co., R. A. McNamee, Mrs. America. happens after the customer accepts Fowler Hutchinson. tained the Sunshine Ladies' Aid in served. G.W. Landon, Mrs. Thomas Flint, The Germans, French and Ital- his purchase is of no concern to the vender. Often I've suspected him Concluded from first page. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stirton from her home Thursday, November 3. Charles Hatfield and James, R. Bruce, Dr. H. B. Warner, fans already have established mail of having an interest in a dry clean- provides the background for this near Bad Axe and Alex Stir'ton, Jr., It was an all-day meeting with a Smith, students at Ferris Institute, !Mrs. Harold Benkelman, Dr. B. H. services across the South Atlantic, ing establishment or having rela- book. of Washington, D. C., spent dinner at noon. Big" Rapids, were guests of .the~ Starmann, Miss Louise Strange, but Pan-American, with its South tives in that line. A roasting ear "Arundel" by Kenneth Roberts is Wednesday with Mrs. R. N. Mc- letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hen-'Mrs. J. E. Eisenhour, Mrs. E. W. American and Pacific lines, has the James Klinkman and Harold dripping melted butter is bound to called "America's greatest histori- CuHough and Mr. and Mrs. John ry Smith, from Friday until Sun-~Kercher, Roy. P. J. Allured. most ocean-flying experience. Almquest, both of Detroit, spe~t leave souvenirs when eaten on the cal novel." West. day afternoon. 1 Novesta Farmers' Club, Mrs. P. Saturday night and Sunday with Both the American and British sidewalk. Still, thousands of Nww "Time Out of Mind"~Rachel Mr. and Mrs. John Gray had asiA. Schenck, W. t. Moore, H. L. Mrs. Nettle Otis filled the pulpit the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. companies have obtained full corn- Yorkers, particularly Coney Island Field. A thrilling story of an in the Pilgrim Holiness Church at Harve Klinkman. guests over the week-end Mr. and Hunt, Mrs. R. A. McNamee, Mrs. mercial flying rights over both North visitors and residents of the lower earlier period in New England. Pigeon Sunday afternoon in the Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Benkelman, Mrs. Lorn Deming and grand- Roy Stafford, A. C. Atwell, Mrs. H. I Atlantic routes--via Southampton, East Side, look on street sold roast- "Action at Acquilla" by Harvey absence of%he pastor, Roy. E. W. Jr, and daughter, Bonnie, visited daughter, Donnie Lousie, from Sim- T. Donahue, Ralph L. Ward, Mrs. Newfoundland and Canada to the ing ears as a delicacy. Allen. The author of Anthony. Ewers, and Mrs. Ewers. She ex- Mrs. Benkelman's parents, Mr. and coe, Ontario, and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bulen, H. M. Bulen, Clare l United States, or via Portugal, the Adverse, presents the Civil War pects to have charge of the service Mrs. W. B. Smith, at Grand Ledge William Topping of Detroit. Schwaderer, Stanley McArthur, : Azores and Bermuda. The others, What baked sweet potato sellers from a new standpoint. next Sunday. Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Skrine, Mrs. John Doerr, Mrs. Robert Esau,~ have or are in the process of ob- do during the summer, I don't know. "Mortal Storm"--Phyllis Bot- Mrs. Violet Bearss, Roy. Charles raining experimental rights only. Mrs. Edward Golding was host- Mrs. Harry Ostrander, Mrs. C. But they don't make their appear- tome. A novel of preserLt-day Ger- Mr. and Mrs. Grant VanWinkle Bayless~ Mrs. Floyd McComb. t Pan-American Ready. ess to the Art Club in her home and daughter, Sharlie, !spent Sun- Lyons, all of Pontiac, and Mrs. ance until fall. Thus they come out many. Tuesday afternoon when a social George Bullock of Evergreen spent Mrs. J. A. Caldwell, Mrs. Andrew l Pan-American flew the northern with the roasted chestnut venders day at 'the h~me of their son, Rich- Cross, Dr. K. I. MacRae, Mrs. I time was held and a dinner was ard VanWinkle. The VanWinkles the week-end at .the Floyd Otta- ' route twice and southern once last who trundle their carts to corners Florence Tindale, Mrs. C. E. Lar- summer, but plans no further sur- TUSCOLA HAS 27 served by .the hostess. The next moved to Wayne from Pontiac last way home. The ladies are all sis- and wait for customers, sometimes kin, Sommers' Bakery, E. W. Doug- veys because its personnel already FIFTY-POUND COWS meeting will be held at the home week. ters of Mrs. Ottaway. consuming part of their stock while of Mrs. William Simmons. Donald Cragg, who has spent the las, A. A. Ricker, Keith McConkey, has more than 4,000.000 relies o2 waiting. The chestnut venders are Mr. and M~s. John Deering and Thomas Farson, Doerr's Restau-ocean-flying experience. su,mmer with his grandparents, Mr. universal. But the baked sweet Concluded from page one. Mrs. Ione Sturm and Miss Mary daughter, Mona, of Caro spent Sun- rant, Gordon Hotel, Burke's Drug~ Imperial Airways made seven Striffler of Detroit spent Saturday and Mrs. Cole Reynolds, at Gilford, merchants do most of their business Michigan Farm Colony...... 52.3 day with Mrs. Deering's parents, Store, Bailey & Graham, Twila' round-trip survey flights via Ireland on the lower East Side. In fact, night and Sunday with their par- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Barnes. Mrs. returned to his home here Monday Horace Green, Fairgrove ...... 52.3 and expects to leave ,today (Fri- Green. i and Newfoundland last year, and I have yet to see one--or a hot corn enos, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Striffler. Deering and Mona remained to Wood's Drug Store, S., T. & H. will make more this summer. "All the cows in the fifty-pound Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Orr and day) for Grayling where he will vender either~in midtown. spend a few days here. Oil Co., Angus McPhail, A. Fort, Imperial is experimenting with class were Registered Holstein /~ childrel% John and Marjorie, of Announcements have been re- spend !some time hunting deer. Dr. Edwin Fritz, Dr. I. A. Fritz,! the Mayo composite craft, a small A long court fight followed an- white," says Robert Enos, ,tester. Pigeon were also Sunday dinner ceived o t ir h f a 10 l)ound] Dr R N Holsaple made a bust- "Those owned by the Michigan guests...... f _he b 't_ o _ "" "" " 1 D. A. Krug, Kenney's Grocery, plane capable of carrying little be- other order issued by Commissioner four ounce baby boy to Mr. and l ness trip to Howe I and other towns Young & Mater, Charles Patterson, side mail which is catapulted from Morgan, the one putting to death Farm Colony and George Foster Dr. L. F. Foster of Bay City, Mrs. Fr .k Afar 801 Van ylee here esda Weber- Mrs. L. A. Kennedy, Mrs~ William a larger plane. Paddy's Market, that line of push- were milked three times daily." secretary of the Michigan State Drive, Ann Arbor. He will answer nay • rio was acco panlea oy s Schwegler, Mrs. Cerlista Withey,~ Air France Transatlantique plans carts along Ninth avenue from Medical Society, will be tl~e speaker to ~.he na e ] Holsaple, and they were over-night ...... m_ of Robert Allen. Mrs. Robert Spurgeon, Mrs. Clinton to make its first survey flights with Forty-second to Thirty-sixth street CHURCH NOTES. before the Rotary Club next Tues- ...... I guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. which had been in existence more ivit: an~ lv~rs..~. ~. ~e~mweulc. F. Rudolph of Fowlerville, on Law, Angu's McDonald, Mrs. Ben I the 80.009 pound Lt. De Vaisseau day. The meting will be held at Schwegler, Mrs. John Marshall, Sr.,' Paris. A fleet of flying boats, strut- than half a century. The pushcart enver~mnea a~ (nnner ~unaay m Tuesd~, niche Church of Christ, NovestawAli 1:00 p. m. at the school auditorium honor of the letter's birthday, Mr. ~'z ~ ~" Mrs. Levi Bardwell. i lar to the Boeing 314, will not be men carried their battle clear to the and will be open to the public. B. Jarman, Minister. Sunday, No- and Mrs. George Hubbard and ram- ,~ Mr, :. and Mrs - Clare, Burnell. ~ of. Helmer Paulson, Mrs. Fred Me- ready for another year. Court of Appeals at Albany before Men and women are invited to at-] ilv of Port HoDe and Mr and Mrs ror~ tluron were guesvs oi ±wr. ana Eachern, Mrs. John Ross, David~. they gave up. While the fight was vember 13: tend and hear the address which l Bible School, 10:00 ,to 11:00. Cecil• Kettlewell' ~ and son" of Cass" Mrs • John West. from Friday until Murphy, Lester Ross, Mrs. Zora I Bachelor Is Host to 300 going on and even after it had been will be on "Socialized Medicine." City Sunday evening. Other Sunday Day, Erma Flint, Mrs. Mary Hol-! lost, the peddlers continued busi- Lesson: "The Sacredness of Human dinner guests at the West home Life." Ex. 20:13; Matt. 5:21-26, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Patterson of Mrs. Glenn Wright and daughter, comb, Mrs. Ella Price, Ruth I Weekly in Past Decade ness at their old stands, offering were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Patterson Schenck, Ruth Hile, Ella Mac Rike, bargains to housewives and being 38-42. Port Huron were entertained at the Mary Lou, visited relatives in La- i TAMPA, FLA.--More than 200,000 home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond of Port Huron, Mrs. R. N. MeCul-IMarion Hopkins, Donald Sehell, content with pennies as profits. Morning worship, 11:00 to 12:00. peer Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. guests have enjoyed the hospitality Subject: "Shadow Cas~rs." McCullough over .the week-end. Wright's sister, Mrs. Laverne lough, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Me- i Mrs. Malcolm Crawford, Henry , of Joseph F. Miyares, self-styled When the death knell finally Christian Endeavor, 7:30 to 8:30. Guests at dinner Friday evening Ivory, and daughter, Mona, who Cullough. I i Jordan, Mrs. Max Taylor, Mrs. "old bachelor," at his home during sounded, there was no mourning Beginning a :study of ,the "Book of besides the Pattersons were Mr. had spent the week in Cass City, Thirty-five pupils of the ocal i Dougald Brown, Arthur Moore, the last 10 years. Most of his visi~ among the market men, though Acts." Leader, Marion Jarman. and Mrs. Clare Burnell of Port returned to their home in Lapeer sehooI are planning to go to Wind-I5. E. Crawford, Mrs. Arehie Me- tors have been children of high some of them had been at that same Evening worship, 8:30 to 9:30. Huron, Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Arm- with them. sor next Tuesday by bus to present l Lachlan, Clay.ton Root, John H. school age. strong of Caro, Mr. and Mrs. John an assembly program at the Patter-! Moore. stand many years. In anticipation Subject: "If Thou Hadst Been H. J. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Miyares said "it's simply a hobby West and Dr. and Mrs. B. H. Star- s:on Collegiate Institute which has Chris Sehwaderer, Mrs. Sarah of final defeat, they had quietly Here." Warn Jackson and daughter, Nan- and the pleasure is all mine," as .... m~nn. 800 students. The program will MeWebb, Alex Milligan, Mrs. H. leased a vacant lot on Thirty-ninth icy, of Detroit were week-end he explained that reputable organi- include vocal and instrumental mu- F. Lenzner, Mrs. Geo. Hiteheock, street just off Ninth avenue. Having Cass City Nazarene Church-- The Fourth Division of the M. E. guests of Mrs. Jackson's parents, zations, high school fraternities and sic, tap dancing, style show and Mrs. Nellie Young, Dr. F. L. Mor- wired it for electricity and spaced Sunday, November 16: Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Tindale. Mrs. class parties were welcome to use other numbers, ris, Mrs. Curtis Hunt, Euphemia it off for stands, about 70 moved Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Mrs. H. T. Donahue for a seven Curtis Hunt, who had spent a week his home at any time for "gOod, clean, wholesome fun." there. Now they are safe from evic- Preaching at 11:00 a. m. o'clock potluck supper. Mrs. D ona- in Detroit, returned to her home Amatuer actors won acclaim in Hunter, Ivan Vader, Donald Lor- hue was assisted by Mrs. H. M. the presentation of the musical entzen, Burgess Gas and Oil, Mrs. An average of 300 guests a week tion-so long as the $300 a month Young people's meeting at 7:30 here with them. rent is paid. p.m. Preaching at 8:00 p. m. Bulen and Miss Irene Stafford. The comedy, "Coast to Coast," at the L. I. Wood, Marion Deabler, Verda during the past 10 years have taken * * * program was in charge of Mrs. Sunday guests at the home of school auditorium here last Thurs- Zuschnitt, Edith Carlin, J.H. Bohn- advantage of Miyares' "hobby," Special meetings are still being Only citizens, prospective citizens Arthur Holmberg, Mrs. John West Mr. and Mrs. William Zinnecker danced at his home, used his 50-foot held. Friday night of this week day and Friday evenings and were sack. or those living in the city for a year and Mrs. Delbert Profit. The next were Mr. and Mrs. John Zinnecker swimming pool and roamedthe two the Shabbona quartet will sing. ably supported by choruses of receive pushcart licenses in the fu- meeting will be held December 5 and son, Billie Jack, of Kingston, school students. Dale BuehEy and COMMUNITY CLUB acres of gardens which surround his Mr. and Mrs. Bower Connell of ture, Commissioner Morgan also an- with Mrs. Edward Baker. Lois Little were prize winners in ELECTS DIRECTORS home. First Press at Cambridge, Mass. Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Zin- The parties given at his home al- nounced. Persons engaged in other Honoring Mr. and Mrs. R. A. the children's popularity contest. businesses, those on home relief The first printing press in the necker and son, Bobby, and Mr. and ways are well chaperoned, Miyares American colonies was set up at Rich of Deckervitle on their 38th Mrs. Clark Zinnecker. The Evangelical League of Chris- Concluded from first page. or working on WPA projects will be wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. said, "but on some counts they mus t. Cambridge, Mass.. in 1639. tian Endeavor, who sponsored the sored by the elevator-condensery do as I say." denied licenses. And speaking of G. W. Landon entertained at a Joan Holmberg, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Holmberg, play, realized as their share of the group with Walter Mann as chair- charity reminds me of a well-known dinner in their home on West comedian who maintains a private entertained a number of her friends net proceeds approximately $851man" The dinner will be served by Bee-Lo~se Tiny Street. Guests besides Mr. and charity. He has a charge account in her home at West Main Street from ,ticket sales, advertising re- I the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid So- Solid Freezing of Earth The bee-louse, which clings to the Mrs. Rich were Mrs,. E. F. Kreiman ceipts and other sources of revenue, t ciety. at a small hotel where the down-and- Saturday afternoon in honor of her hairs of the honeybee, is six one- and Mrs. ft. A. Ippel of Saginaw; The annum chicken supper of Is Seen in 71,799 Years outers he recommends are given third birthday. Games were played hundredths of an inch long. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. McColl and the Cass City Grange was held in MIAMI.~After two years of re- dinner, bed and breakfast for which and the children were .shown pic- son, Hugh, of Greneleaf; Mrs. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bombay, "Gateway of India" search, Prof. Hirsch Yankelwitz, the comedian settles at the end ADDITIONAL LINERS George Cole and daughter, Nancy, tures of Shirley Temple. A birth- Schell Friday evening, November Bombay is called "the gateway of formerly of the i~stitute of Technob of the month. day dinner was served. of Wyandotte. Mrs. Rich is a sis- 4, when forty-five were present. India." ogy of St. Petersburg university, © Bell Syndicate.--WNU Service. ter of Mrs. Kreiman, Mrs. McColl Mr. and Mrs. Percy Read enter- The new officers were installed by declares that the earth will freeze and Mrs. Landon. Mr. and Mrs. tained at Sunday dinner Mr. and Mr. and M~s. Herbert Streeter of CASS CITY MARKETS. into a solid ball in 71,799 years. 7 Inmates Get Diplomas 1939 Cars Are Rich were married in Cass City. Mrs. Tom McCool and Leo McLean Unionville. Mr. and Mrs. Streeter ~ = It's all a question of determining On Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. of Shabbona and Mr. and Mrs. were delegates to the State Grange November 9, 1938. when the volcanic fires, which give In Prison High School life and vegetation, will burn out. McColl and Mr. and Mrs. La~don Herbert Bigham and two sons, convention. On Monday night, No- Buying price--- IONIA, MICH.--Seven inmates of were among a number who .sur- Vernon and B~sil. The dinner was vember 7, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Me- He reaches his figure by comparing the Michigan reformatory proudly Here! prised Mr. and Mrs. Rich in their in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Comb of Cass City installed the Grain. the dimensions of the earth, Mars held honest-to-goodness high school home at Deckerville. Read and .the 37th wedding anni- officers of the Unionville Grange Wheat, No. 2, mixed, bushel .... $0.52 and the moon, freezing three diplomas today. Used car prices are down. Will versary of Mr. and Mrs. Bigham. at Unionville. The December meet- Oats, bushel ...... 224 of relative size, letting them "Now all we have to do is 'gradu- The union church services in- form a coating of ice and then ate' from the reformatory," one of trade for small difference on cluding the Evangelical, Methodist Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Higgins at- ing of the Cass City Grange will be Rye, bushel ...... 36 tended the Unionville Methodist held with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Six-row Barley, cwt ...... 1.07 measuring the amount of moisture, them said. any of the following cars: and Presbyterian Church people In an unusual high school com- Church Sunday afternoon where Schwegler. Buckwheat, cwt ...... 87 held Sunday evening in the Metho- mencement program, the seven services were held marking the '37 Olds 2-door dist Church was featured by three The Evergreen Extension Group Shelled Corn, bushel ...... 38 youths, ranging in age from eight- 65th anniversary of the church. Beans. age groups. Two ninth grade boys met Friday, November 4, with Mrs. Town Without People een to twenty-one years, received '36 Ford 2-door presented a dramatic dialogue, re- Mr. and Mrs. J. Ivan Niergarth and A. Huessner. The first lesson, Michigan Navy Beans, cwt.., 1.70 regular state department of public peated by request. It was a fea- Mr. and Mrs. Otis Heath also at- "Fashion Trend,s," was given by Light Cranberries, cwt ...... 3.25 Has Two Railroads instruction diplomas for completing '35 Ford Tudor ture of the Sunday School assembly tended. Mrs. Heath, with Mrs. Mrs. Paul Auslander and Mrs. D. Dark Cranberries, cwt ...... 2.75 their high school course in the re- Niergarth at .the piano, sang three Light Red Kidney Beans, cwt. 2.75 ORLANDO, FLA. -- In 1886, '37 Willys Sedan at the Methodist Sunday School Leslie. Twenty-one were present. Dark Red Kidney Beans, cwt. 2.75 formatory's academic school. The solos at the afternoon meeting. when Toronto, near here, was ,that morning. Daniel Kroll was A luncheon was served at noon by Produce. first named by one of the engi- seven graduates are serving sen. '36 Ford Coupe the author of the dialogue. War- Miss Audrey and Miss Pauline the hostess, assisted by Mrs. H. neers supervising construction of tences for automobile theft, larceny ren Kelley and Charles Rawson,! Livingston of Bay City entertained Fleming, Mrs. Willard Harris and Butterfat, pound ...... 25 and petty crimes. '32 Ford Tudor pound 24 the Atlantic Coast Line railroad, recent high school graduates, spoke a number of friends Saturday eve- Miss Marie Heredith. A trip was~ Butter' its population was zero. Now, Fence of 1830 Still in Use for the older youth. Rev. P. J. ning in the home of their parents, planned ,to the ~Caro ~ugar factory[ Eggs' dozen ...... 30 52 years later, it is still uninhabit- MEXICO, MO.~A rail fence, buil~ Allured gave a digest of current Mr. and Mrs. Perry Livingston. and to the Michigan Farm Colony! Meats. ed. The town is represented on Cass Motor Sales in 1830 by William and Jerry West adult attitude as expressed at a Guests were Miss Mary and Robert at Wahjamega. A Christmas gift lCattle, pound ...... 04 .06 official maps and is served by on a farm near here, is still stand- state convention held recently at Joiner of Bay City, Miss Myrtle suggestion will be held at the home Hogs, pound ...... 07 two railroads and=, a trunkdine t ZERONE for your radiator at Sun- Lansing. Mrs. Earl Douglas sang Walters and Harley Dean of Caro of Mrs. Clare Auslander on Mon- Calves, pound ...... 10! ing. It is believed to be the oldest highway. fence of its kind west of the Mis- oco Service. Phone 224. We "Let Us Have Peace" and was ac- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Walters, I day, November 28. The next regu- Poultry. [ call for and deliver. companied at .the piano by Miss Clark Helwig and Miss Katherine ! lar meeting will be held with Mrs. Broilers, pound ...... 11 . 14 sissippi. Edith Carlin. Joos. James Wallace in January. Hens, pound ...... 10 .15 Advertise it in the Chronicle.

r ~ ~ass City, Mi'chigan. CASS CITY CHRONICLE--FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1988. . PAGE FIVE. .f ,]FOUR COWS for sale. All will Vegetable Habit t i i i ,mer Cross sper~t Sunday with rela- freshen soon. Henry Hulburt, ...... DEFORD 1 tives at Pontiac. 1 east, 3 north, 1 east of Cass Household Hints Charles Phillips is a victim of Chronicle City. 11-11-2p Liners I To Be Commended the only case of scarlet fever re- ] @ Farmers' Chtb--- / k ported in .our vicinity in a long CASH PAID for cream at Ken- By BETTY WELLS The club will be entertained RA~Liner of 25 words or WATCH for notice of Bendix home for| period of time. ney's, Cass City. Minerals and Vitamins dinner at the Deford Church annex, l less, 25 cents each insertion. Laundry demonstration at Baker ! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Budd and two Electric Shop.: 11-11-1 FOR SALE--Kindling wood, cut, Essential to Health November ii. Over 25 words, one cent a word E'RE always crabbing about sons of Detroit, Mrs. Evelyn Arm- for each insertion. ready for use. Raymond Kerby- strong and Miss Ira LaDue of WANTED--C u s t o m shreddingl W twin beds. For purely prav- ,son. Phone 208. 11-11-1 By EDITH M. BARBER The lady physician who gives the Flint were Sunday and Monday :FOR SALE--Two registered Short- New "New Idea" 6-roll corn ticaI reasons, rest assured. Because .... 1- ...... big ...... lectures to the women's groups will visitor.~ nf Mr ~d M~ M r~ horn bulls, one roan and one red, ~hredder. Douglas Allison, i iOi' ~ ~

We had a picture study of the studied Jules Breton% picture, picture, "The Corn. Field," pMr~ted "The Gleaners," for English. by John Constable. We are making turkey booklets Miss Lula Ashmore visited our for spelling. Only perfect papers Leek School. school .one day this week. are to be u~sed. |L|M|HA1 Teacher, Sarah Wright. Fourth grade are learning their The monitors this week are Cleo, Those receiving monthly certifi- 11 and 12 multiplication tables. Marie and Robert Shagena, Evelyn DRAI:TS cates were: Frank Skripy, Audrey Fifth grade have started addition and Leathea Palmateer,. June Now- @ of fractions. and Eugene Richards, Betty Jean land, Billy and Lance Robinson, < :i! and Martha Bruce, Joan and Nor- We will have our first term ,test and Steve Windy. SAVE FU| @ bert Kapala, Dolores Turner, the week of November 28. Those having one hundred in iV~ar]orie ~'iiiiam~on, ~owa~d ~- ~,y d~s week. ker and Joan Kapral. Windy, june Nowland and Dorothy We received a blue ribbo~ (first Those having one hundred in Klinkman. i spelling this week are Edward premium) for our agricultural The first, second and third exhibit at the Kingston Senior King, Marion King, Genevieve Mil- grades are learning: "Where Go the Fair. Betty Jeane and Martha jure, Florence Jackelowicz and Boats," by Robert Louis Stevenson. is Full!" Bruce received first premium on Aileen Kirby. The seventh grade are practicing WE USE their pie pumpkin. penmanship in preparing to earn a Audrey Richards brought a 1Lttte Batie School. Palmer certificate. bird to school this week that was Teacher, Mrs. Beatrice Miljure. Those tardy this week are Evelyn Unexpected weather found dro~med in a tub. In our Reporter, Mary Doerr. and Joe Palmateer, Guy and Thel-' changes won't cause bird book, we found it to be a We had a good time at our Hal- ma Whittaker. Farm Produce Company Golden-Crowned Kinglet. It winters lowe'en party Monday afternoon. No one has been absent thi~ you any worry if your coal bin is in United States. On the,top of its For entertainment we masquerad- week. Lumber Dept. Cass City filled with head was a black, yellow and ed, played games and had lunch : orange patch of feathers. Its consi, sting of chocolate milk, pie, Wood Peewee Builds on Bough body had a yellow tinge. apples and pears. With his plaintive little ditty, the i The beginners class is finishing ' . . Jack Robson, Frances Janik and wood pewee trusts his moss and @AVAl.,l lgl COAl, :thmr D~ck and Jane book and will Deloris Franzil are absent on ac- lichen nest to some woodland limb. i soon be reading in their new count of the chicken pox. He is one of the best architects of There's plenty of heat in Cavalier . , . primers. The third grade are learning to the bird world, his nest generally ~ The eighth grade have received divide by five. being so saddled to EMERGENCIESia bough that it no clinkers o o • and you need shake the their arithmetic work book and The seventh grade have had seems a part of the tree. grates only once a week. Order today also their grammar and have several experiments in science. started working in them. Mrs. Miljure, our teacher, w~s and be haD~.v We have the Ain't Family on indeed surprised when she arrived How Ant-Eater Protects Young the blackboard. We have quite a at ,school the morning following One of the South American ant- lot in it. We started it on Thurs- Hallowe'en. The windows were eaters has only one youngster, but day. We are each trying to keep soaped, toilets were tipped over, she protects it in an unusual way, our name from the board. the mail box torn off, and farm for if there is a heavy shower she Elkland Roller Mills We had a Hallowe'en party Mon- implements, rocks and stones piled spreads her tail over her back and day afternoon and had a lot of fun on the steps in front of the door. the little one rests in comfort under- Roy M. Taylor, Proprietor at the party. We had popcorn and Mr. Morey, the director, pulled the neath. candy. We played a lot of games. implements away with his car. Telephone 15 Cass City The beginners have a work book Original of 'Home, Sweet Home' for their classes and are qu~te far Rescue School. The original manuscript of in it. Teacher, Catherine MacLachlan. "Home, Sweet Home" is in the mu- The fourth graders are reading Our three new students are Al- seum of the Eastman school of mu- where "Alice Travels about in fred, Joseph and Frances Dom- sic, Rochester, N. ¥. Jungleland." In Eng]Jsh they are browski. going to read a story and tell it in We made Thanksgiving baskets Order for Publ{cation,.--Account.-- STYLE EXPERTS ACCLAIM :~: cla,ss. for ar~ Friday. State of Michigan, the Probate The fourth and fifth graders in We had an arithmetic match on Court for the County of Tuscola. geography are learning the zones. At a session of said court, held Thursday. Theodore Ashmore and They have learned the .seven con- at the probate office, in the Village Rowland Hartsell were captains. tinents and the five oceans, of Ca~o, in said county, on the 28th } Those receiving" 100 in spelling day of October, A. D. 1938. all week were Al`ton Summers, Present, Hon. H. Walter Cooper, Dillman School. Madely~ O'Rourke, Edna Ellis, Judge of Probate. :*°:,Scu leba Nets Teacher, Lucile Anthes. Theodore Ashmore, Isabel Martin, In the matter of the Repor`ters, Ruth Murphy and Jackie O'Rourke, Rowland Hartsell, l~state of Amy Holtz Sprague, ii Shirley H. Hudson. Elda Hartsell, Har.old Cummins and Mentally Incompetent. i The world's smartest motor car i~ Miss Anthes brought some gold Kenneth Martin. The Pinney State Bank of Cass :~ Priced almost as low as the lowest. [{i fish to school. Their names are Euleta Hartsell, Olga Dombrow- City, Michigan, having filed in said Pick and Pat. Ruth Murphy took :ski and Justis Ashmore were our cour~ its second annual account as them home Friday night. visitors this week. guardian of said estate, and his $ ASK FOR A DEMONSTRAT~0N petition praying for the albwance We had a Hallowe'en party Fri- thereof, day a~ternoon. Edwin Karr got Sand Valley School. It is ordered/that the 28th day first prize and Shirley Hudson re- Teacher, Mrs. Warner. of November, A. D. 1938, at ten ceived the second prize for drdss- Reporter, June Nowland. o'clock in the forenoon, at said @°~ Telephone 62-F3 Cass City ing the funniest. We played Lotto. Our new pupils are Thelma and probate office, be and is hereby Roland Silvernail, Rt~th Murphy, Guy Whittaker, Bobby Danials, appointed for examining and al- lowing said account; Albert MaCoon, Dale Brown and Clare Souden and Emerson Palma- Wilbur Silvernail all got prizes. It is further ordered, that Public teer. ~notice thereof be given by publica- We had a weenie roast. Donald The seventh and eighth gr~tdes! tion of a copy of this order, for Hutchinson's mother brought can- three successive weeks previous to dy. Betty Tuckey and Carol Louns- Order for Publicatiom~Determina- said day of hearing in the Cass bury made candy also. tio~ of Heirs.~State of Michi- City Chronicle, a newspaper print- [very HomeNeeds We made a big box of popcorn. jan, the Probate Court for the ed and circulated in said county. Mrs. Silvernail brought pop corn County of Tuscola. H. WALTER COOPER, Judge of balls. Ruth Murphy and Betty At a session of said court, held Probate. Tuckey were the helpers. at the probate office, in the Village A true copy. Wilbur Silvernail and Margaret of Caro, in said county, on the 27th Almon C. Pierce, Register of Pro- day of October, A. D. 1938. bate. 11-4-3 Peddle got the mumps Saturday. Present: Hon. H. Walter Cooper, COMPANY Our school is ~till getting hooks Judge of Probate. from the Cass City library. In the matter of the The third and fourth gra~es got Estate of Jacob Maier, III ~ I 'll new language work books, Deceased. Last Thursday a clown visited us Fred Maier, having filed in said IONA SCRATCH 8 O'CLOCK and did some tricks. court his petition praying that said The seventh grade are working" court adjudicate and determine who in their geography work books in were at the time of his death the FLOUR FEED COFFEE their spare time. They are al~o legal heirs of said deceased and working on the reading list.. entitled to inherit the real estate 24½ lb. of which said deceased died seized, 100 lb. lb. The sixth grade are studying the It is ordered, that the 28th day 59¢ bag '1.50 43¢ British Isles. of November, A. D. 1938, at ten We have ~ome Thankgsgiving o'clock in the forenoon, at said pictures on the bulletin board. probate office, be and is hereby Del Maiz Niblets ...... 2 cans 25c appointed for hearing said petition; It is further ordered, that public Corn, Peas, Tomatoes ...... 4 cans 27c Wright School. notice therof be given by publica- Teacher, Helen Fournier. tion of a copy of th~s order, for Apple Sauce ...... 3 cans 23c Reporters, Elmer Celik and Lyle three successive weeks previous to Holik. said day of hearing, in the Cass Pineapple, sliced ...... lge. flat can .... 10c We shellacked our casts of I City Chronicle. a newspaper print- leaves and painted them. Now ed and circulated in said county. Rolled Oats ...... 5 lb. bag 21c H. WALTER COOPER, Judge of they are home and we're proud of Probate. Cocoa, Iona_ ...... 2 lb. tin 17c them. A true copy. Chocolate Drops ...... lb. 10c Barbara King brought us a bit- Almon C. Pierce, Register of Pro- tersweet bouquet. ° ~bate. 11-4-3 DUTCH $UHAN Salad Dressing, Iona ...... quart jar 27c We enjoyed a cider ,treat that Donald Buehrly brought us one Order for Publication.~Probate of Sparkle Gelatin ...... 5 pkgs. 19c day. Will.~State of Michigan, the October 28 we had a Colonial Probate Court for the County of Syrup, Cane andMaple ...... quart jar 27c T~scola. [lectric CooLer Day in ~anguage. Yvonne Murphy I' ...... At a session of said Court, held and Lyle Holik made a ducking at the Probate Office in the Village Armour's ~tool and showed us how it worked. of Caro, in said county, on the 21st Your kitchen isn't complete if you haven't one of SOAP PINK Harry Kolton read a poem. Elmer day of October, A. D. 1938. 95 Corned Beef Celik drew a colonial ship. Bar- Present, Hon. H. Walter Cooper, these handy appliances as an adjunct to your range! CHmS SALMON bara King and Lawrence Holik Judge of Probate. It will do so many things better.., cook tough cuts of Hash made a long list of Indian names In the matter of the Rectangular Model 5 lb. Estate of Elizabeth Carola~t, meat to tenderness, bring out new and unsuspected (Other styles $9.50 up) cans given to rivers and cities in Michi- 27¢ 2 callslb. 25¢ gan. Edith Welch showed pictures Deceased. flavor in roasts, save time and trouble in the prepara- 25¢ of old colonial homes. Carlton Nora Howell, having filed her Buehrly told a story about colonial petition, praying that an instru- tion of meals. It's amazing what this compact elec- ment filed in said Court be admit- DILL PICKLES, Delish ...... quart jar 11c days and the India~s. tric cooker can accomplish! We had our Haloowe'en party on ted to Probate a's the last will and SNOWDRIFT ...... 3 lb. can 52c Monday. Ralph King and Elmer testament of said deceased and that % administration of said estate be Simply plug it into any electric outlet, and it will CORN FLAKES, Kellogg's ...... small 6c Celik won prizes for the prettiest granted to Fred A. Bigelow, one of PEP, Kellogg's ...... package 11c and funniest costumes. the executors named in said will fry eggs, steaks, chops, etc.; bake bread, cakes, pies, The following people were nei- or some other suitable person. MUSTARD ...... quart jar 12c ther tardy nor absent the second It is ordered, that the 22nd day pastries, biscuits and muffins; steam vegetables, SALADA TEA, Blue Label, Black ...... ½ lb. 39c marking period: Elmer Celik, of November, A. D. 1938, at ten fruits, puddings. With an 18-quart capacity, this MOTT'S JELLY...... 2 lb. jar 19c Yvonne Murphy, Carlton Buehrly, a. m., at said Probate Office is Barbara King, Edith Welch, Don- hereby appointed for hearing said large cooker will prepare as much food as you can WALDORF TISSUE. .... 2 rolls 9c ald Buehrly, Orvell Welch, Myrtle petition. It is further ordered, that public cook in the oven of a full-sized kitchen stove. In fact, LAUNDRY STARCH, A. & P ...... 3 lb. box 23c Welch. notice thereof be given by publica- you'll enjoy using it instead of the large stove, for DAILY DOG FOOD ...... can 5c In our .spelling contest the score tion of a copy hereof for three suc- T(~MATO JUICE ...... 50 oz. can 19c is: Busy Bees 7, Speeders 5. One cessive weeks previous to said day many of your meals. Its cost of operation is about 2c Convenient--cooks a more day left for the contest. of hearing in the Cass City Chron- W~tch for the winner. icle, a newspaper printed and circu- an hour. Several styles and sizes are available, from complete meal for 10 people, DAILY lateff in said county. all at one time CHIEF PONTIAC H. WALTER COOPER, Judge of $9.50 up. Fels Naptha Sharrard School. Probate. DAIRY Pancake Teacher, Miss Agnes E. Mac- A true copy. ~P_~ these electric cookers on display at hard- Soap Lachlan. Almon C. Pierce, Register of Pro- FEED Flour Reporters, Florence Jackelowicz, bate. 10-28-3 ware stores, jurniture and department stores, electric bars lb. Genevieve Miljure. appliance dealers and at all Detroit Edison offices 100 lb. '1.20 We are making a wind rose for bag for 18¢ bag 19¢ the month of November. Gas All Time We learned the song, "A Capital Mrs. Jam Filler says: "Gas on my stom- ach was so bad I couldn't eat or sleep. THE DETROIT EBISON COMPANY WE REDEEM WELFARE ORDERS Ship," for morning exercise this Gas even pressed on my heart. Adlerika week. brought me quick relief. Now, I eat as I We are studying county govern- wish, sleep fine, never felt better." TM ment for civics. Seventh and eighth grades are We are cooperatin~ studying adjectives for grammar. BURKE'S DRUG STORE i Cass City, Michigan. CASS CITY CHRONICLE--FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1938. PAGE SEVEN. Museum Named 'Victory' Fine Ancient Picture "'Elaine was in a panic when she "Just for a moment then." And, get together, go easy. He's been Northwest Elmwood. hit longer and harder than you. And I A museum which takes its name, The so-called "Aldobradine Nup- left your home. Her physical con- when the door had closed behind "Victory," from the name of Lord tials" in Rome is said to be one of dition had something to do with it, her: "I wanted to know if~if Pink it wasn't his fault. I'd have done The Euchre Club met at the home Nelson's flagship at Trafalgar, is the finest ancient pictures in exis- of course. When she was driven to had found Dale. He said he would. the same thing, I reckon. So would of Mrs. William Petiprin in Ash- operated at Portsmouth. Among tence. Dating from the Augustan take the step, she couldn't go back. I didn't hear anything . . . Lee's you. But you can take it from me~ more on Thursday afternoon. High the exhibits are Nelson's death period, it is a copy of a Greek pic- She couldn't go to her mother, for voice trembled a little in spite Of it's all right now. Next thing's to prize went to Mrs. Michael Bedore, mask and the original scale model ture of about 400 B. C., and fear you would find her. I'm sorry her effort to control it. "I couldn't get you home." was low prize to Mrs. Joseph Comment of the Victory. found about 300 years ago. if that hurts. It's the truth. You bear it any longer." Her brown eyes "I can walk." for ,the second straight week and see, she believed she had ruined looked up appealingly into Far- N "Guess you'll have to. I didn't the house prize to William Petiprin. your life and the right thing for her well's. pass no cabs comin' up. I'll cut Telling the Truth Hi He Saying Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hanson and to do was to fade out of the picture. "I see. Please sit down." you a stick and help you. There's "'Do not imagine," said Hi He, the "A man that always questions I'm not guessing now. She told me. Lee shook her head, waited. somethin' else I'd better tell you, son, Morris, who have been staying sage of Chinatown, "that you show people's veracity," said Hi He, the Almost two years afterwards, that "When was this Miss Brady?" at the Hebert LaFave home for the sa~e of Chinatown~ "may have s east twoweeksowiil ingot return to "Last night after dinner." ~,a~**~ the b~anches from a 0£ l,iie illU~b tliiii~tlib t,iiiil~ lh the g~'~+...... and abiding ...... ~; ...... ~ for +~,~.... For the first time, a Shade of in- "Last night .... " The minister substantial length of scrub oak. their home in Detroit but will re- world is to tell nothing but the truth truth or he may be one of those terest lighted Jonathan Farwell's ,repeated the words with an effort. "Before I give you this stick." main at the LaFave home until and still be entertaining." that always seek trouble." eves. Kelsey's steady voice went "Then he must have told your" "What?" their house, next to the S., T. & H. gas station in Gagetown, is com- Oil. "He did. Where is Dale? Hasn't "It's about the girl friend. I seen pleted. "This will sound almost unbeliev- he come back at all?" her last night. She's waitin'. Made able. I can see now. It was fate. "Not yet. Pinckney must be me promise I'd fetch you back." Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grady of The same as my~running across searching. SOmething tells me he "You mean ." Gagetown spent Tuesday evening Dale last week. I was in Chicago at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- will bring Dale with him. I am "Sure I told her. And, kid, I Beat "01d Man Winter" to the Punch! on business. A friend and I dropped waiting." want to take back any knockin' I liam Grappan. ~) Joseph MeCord WNU Service. into a Loop restaurant for lunch. "Oh, if we only knew where he ever done about dames. That's all." I saw Elaine waiting on tables. I was! If he was all right!" Lee's Dale half turned, sank down and Twin in One. CHAPTER XV could not believe my eyes. She had small hands clenched helplessly. "It buried his face against his arm. He Hartford~Added ,to all the gar- failed~very badly. I was afraid to wasn't his fault. I'm so afraid he lay prone, motionless. Pink re- den freaks that have been receiving" "We'll start with me. You'd best let her see me, but I found her thinks he mustn't love me f any more. mained where he was until he had newspaper publicity this fall is one make up your mind to accept what that night. This is going to hurt. He may even think that I don't the walking stick shaped to his sat- of a two-in-one variety reported I tell you. Is that understood?" She was working to support your love him now. And I do! I do!" isfaetion. Then he pocketed his here recently. Mrs. Edward Curtis said Kelsey. baby. Farwell took a step nearer. One knife. displayed a perfectly formed green A slight nod of the head was Far- "She made barely enough to keep of his hands came out to rest on her "Guess we'd better trek, kid. It's pepper grown inside a red pepper. well's reply. herself and the baby, Dale. She shoulder. goin' to be slow." "When you came to Middleton, I was forced to live in one of those "As much as that, my child?" The journey back to Locust Hill Biggest Michigan Pumpkin. t was a transit man with the old dingy rooming houses down near "Of course," she told him, Iook- was slow. Dale, his face set grim- G. & C. Starting out. I was en- the Loop and the fact that she had Lincoln~How big does a pump-[ ing bravely into his eyes. "I will ly, limped over the uneven ground gaged to Elaine. There's no good kin have to be to qualify for the I to leave the baby during the day always love him." with the aid of his cane and Pink's going into that. She loved you more title of biggest pumpkin? The 1 while she worked as a waitress "I believe you, Lee." His voice willing shoulder. Frequent halts for than she did me. But there is one local newspaper, The Herald, re- l didn't contribute any to her peace quivered a little as he said, "I never rest were made. thing you will have to believe. It of mind. About the only real time cently published a picture of some have known of a greater love. Save To add to Pink's uneasiness, the didn't keep me from loving her. she had to spend with the youngster oversize pumpkins, the largest one one. My dear, you will not be put sun had disappeared. Clouds were There never has been another wom- was on Sundays when the restau- measuring 75 inches in girth and to the test. Either of you." gathering thickly, a threat of more an in my life. From that day until rant was closed and then she was weighing 126 pounds. "Oh, what . ?" rain in the air. It wouldn't do the this. If you can get that , . ." exhausted from standing on her feet "I have learned the truth today. kid any good to get wet. When Farwell sat motionless. Staring all week. As far as she could see, Several Species of Chipmunks It might have been too late. But they got nearer town, he'd figure out in mute pain at the other man. the future was a stone wall There are some ten or more spe- now I know that God will bring a short cut that would bring them in "I don't want to be rough . ." 'Tlt it short for both our cies of chipmunks in the United cut my son back to us. Will you wait behind the burial ground. No use Kelsey seemed to find the going dif- sakes. Elaine didn't have much re- States and Canada. Those from the for a little here? Wait with me? It giving the villagers a treat. ficult. "I know now that Elaine sistance. The lake air had been Northern states are attractive. will not be long." The first big drops of rain were ,never opened her lips to a soul. doing her no good. I took her to Their stripes, consisting of a single "Oh, yes. Please }et me stay." falling when Pink assisted his Cheer up! Take a lesson from the But I saw . . . Though I never her mother where she belonged. black one in the center and two charge up the steps of the back talked with her after she sent me Then I began a search for you. white ones bordering~the Siberian squirrel and be ready for "Old Man Along the wooded slope of a high porch. He flung open the door with away. She was trying to fit herself chipmunk differs from the Ameri- You seemed to have dropped from hill some five miles from Locust Hill a sigh of relief. Winter" when these cooI mornings to a job that was beyond her. It sight. I stumbled across your trail can variety in having four light- a small figure was clawing its way A swift little rush across the floor had to be that way. It was bound once in 1915. Elaine had been dead colored and finer stripes on the body become colder. doggedly through the heavy under- of the half-dark kitchen. to end in a smash. several months. She hoped for you --are more clearly defined; like- growth, engaged in a zig-zag as- "Dale! Dale . . . You've come "I can guess what happened afte~ to the last. Wanted to put Dale in wise, the fur is of a denser texture. cent. It was Pinckney Mulgrew. back!" you took her away. She found her- your arms where he belonged. Now In natural surroundings a chipmunk Store up a supply of cold weather "Queer how the kid ever found self failing the job~and you. Fright it's your turn to help. Where were "Oh, Lady Lee!" will seek a hole in some log or that trail," he muttered. "It must comfort now by ordering your coal bin yOU?" Pink made hasty exit into the din- among the roots of a tree. and her nerves got the better of be around here somewhere." He her. I could piece it all together. "Overseas." ing room. filled at once. That's the thrifty, far- squinted thoughtfully at the summit, She clung to you and you gave her "We weren't in the war then." Lee was close in Dale's arms, her sighted way to forestall winter fuel revealed through an opening among face buried against his shoulder. no help. Perhaps you couldn't. "I joined the Canadians. Forget- the trees. "Must be," he repeated. That's not for me to judge. All I "I waited and waited, Dale dar- worries. Phone your order today. fulness was what I was seeking and After a brief progress, his search- know is that something snapped. It ling . . . I . . . I couldn't have Wanted I thought in furnace of battle and ing eyes were rewarded by a faint was bound to," he said again. stood it much longer. Are you all suffering there might be some tem- path leading in the desired direc- DEAD STOCK Farwell moistened his lips with pering that would heal my soul." right?" : PHONE 54 tion. With an exclamation of re- "Everything is all right now," he the tip of his tongue. Sat watching. "That explains it. I t~ought pos- Horses, Cows, Hogs and lief, he followed it. Within a quar- whispered, his cheek against her His face was expressionless. sibly you had gone over later. ter of an hour he found himself curls. Sheep took it up with Washington, but nearing the final sheer ascent, a "I know. And it would have been never got anywhere. Every time I Removed Promptly Directory. bald face of rock that rose almost all right. No matter what happened. had a chance to get to Middleton I Farm Produce Co. perpendicularly. T h e explorer did, for Mrs. Cameron's sake. On Phone Collect Cass City 207 13. H. STARMANN, M. D. moved warily now, making as little Your Warmest Friends for Years i Pltysician and Surgeon my last trip I found I had missed noise as possible. From a thicket, you. You found her dying and you Millenbach Bros. Office hours, 10:00 to 12:00 a. m., he peeped cautiously across a small took the boy away with you." 2:00 to 5:00 and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. clearing. Company Telephone 189-F2. Farwell nodded helplessly. He did There, propped against a boulder not trust himself to speak. in the sunshine, was Dale. MORRIS HOSPITAL "I see it all now. Mrs. Cameron "Hi," Mr. Mulgrew said casually, F. L. MORRIS, M. D. was not able to tell you what had and stepped into the open. happened. The neighbors did. They Office ho~rs, 1-4 and 7-9 p. m. Dale looked at him without speak- explained how I had come there ing or stirring. Phone 62-F2. • with Elaine and Dale. That was "I was out taking a stroll," Pink H. THERON DONAHUE, M. D. enough for them--and you. I never anticipated. "Thought I'd drop dreamed that gossiping tongues and Physician and Surgeon around this way. Nice little place the circumstantial suggestion of my X-Ray. Eyes Examined. you got here." His survey included being with Elaine and the boy would a shallow cavern in the face of the Phones: Office, 96; residence, 69. make it seem that there had been rock and a small spring outside the something between us--something DR. K. I. MacRAE entrance. "All set for housekeep- ether than my heartfelt wish to help ing. What's the matter with that Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon someone I deeply loved. Her cruel ankle?" tiC[On e Half block east of Chronicle office. l[fi] need naturally transcended every- "Turned it on a rock. What do Phone 226. thing else in my own mind. But I you want?" see it all now." "Shut up until I fix you." He knelt DENTISTRY Kelsey's voice trailed away. down and untied the soiled hand- On account of illness, I will sell the following property L A. FRITZ, Resident Dentist. There was silence in the room, a kerchief Dale had bmmd about his Office over Burke's Drug Store. silence broken by the slam of a bare ankle. "Wait . . ." Pink at auction on the farm opposite the Deford School, or 7 miles We solicit your patronage when distant door. Farwell seized the reached for his coat and tugged a in need of work. arms of his chair in his two hands. parcel from one of its pockets. north of Kingston, or six miles south and 1 mile west of Cass He pulled himself erect. There was "Brought myself a sandwich, but I "Everything is all right now." P. A. SCHENCK, D. D. S. a stern quality in his deep voice. ain't hungry. You eat it." City, on Dentist. "Is that the truth, Wide Kelsey?" "I don't care for it. Thanks." Don't you know it? Didn't you Graduate of the University of "You know that it is," was the "Eat it anyway." know!" Michigan. Office in ~aeridan Bldg., quiet answer. "I always wanted to Pink moved over to the spring "I wasn't sure . . . I am now." Cass City, Michigan. find you, I think. I told myself and dipped the handkerchief in the They clung to each other in si- H. B. WARNER that I would some day. That, after icy water. lence after that, clung until Lee re- Chiropractor all, you had the right to know that "Maybe that'll make her feel bet- leased herself gently and lifted her Elaine's last thought had been of ter, kid, You didn't have it tight tear-wet eyes to Dale's. She tried Monday, Nov. 14 Hours---9 to 1~ a. m., 1,:30 to enough nohow." He applied the p.m. Evening by appointment. you. I didn't know where you were. to flash him her old-time smile. I lead a busy life and a lonely• one. bandage with practiced fingers. "We're forgetting, dear. Your fa- A. McPHAIL Then Dale walked into the room "It's no good, Pink," Dale re- ther. I talked to him this after- starting at one o'clock where I sat talking to John Payne. marked wearily. "Why did you Funeral Director. noon. You . . . Dale, please be It was like looking into Elaine's come all the way up here? I want kind.'" Lady assistant. Dump rake eyes again. Everything came back. to be alone for a while. What made Pink was descending the front HORSES Phone No. 182. Cass City I had no rest until I came here. I you look for me here?" stairs when Dale started his slow Roller Disc only wish I had been in time to Team of black mares, 6 and 9 years old, E. W. DOUGLAS "That Saturday afternoon you ascent. "Say, Kid . . . He's in spare Dale. We must think of him took me explorin'. You said if you Three-section spring tooth drag Funeral Director. your room." weight 1,500 pounds now." ever was a hermit you'd come here. Lady assistant. Ambulance service. Dale paused outside the closed Two-horse cultivator Farwell lurched forward sudden- I figured it out." Pink, his minis- door of his room for a moment. Phone 188-F3. ly. He covered his face with his trations finished, settled back on his He drew a long breath, turned the CATTLE Two single cultivators hands. heels. "Now, you and toe's goin' latch softly. Entered. Shovel plow ROMAN TURNER "Elaine . . . Elaine . . ." Bean puller to have a talk." He paused with a slight gasp, Black cow, 6 years old, due Dec. 5 Kelsey relaxed in his chair. He Weeder General Plastering "No we're not. There's nothing leaning heavily on his stick. The Red heifer, 2 years old, due Dec. 20 found his own eyes suddenly wet. to talk about." Half mile south, 2½ east, ~£ barren little apartment was lighted Steel wagon and rack After a moment he crossed over "Lissen, kid. You're goin' to hear by an unfamiliar glow. Both can- Holstein • cow, 5 years old, due June 2 north of Wilmot. and laid a hand on the other man's. what I got to say because I got dles of the shrine were burning. For Feed cooker bowed shoulders. Jersey cow, 4 years old, due soon DOES BLADDER good news for you. It's . . . Every- the first time. Heavy harness One milk can "We've both been hurt, Jonathan. thing's all right!" Jonathan Farwell, his rugged face Jersey co~, 6 years old, due May 5 IRRITATION WAKE YOU It's over now. It's up to us to help "What do YOU mean?" gleaming strangely in the soft illu- Three ash wagon tongues that boy. He'll come back when he Jersey cow, 3 years old, due March 28 It's not normal. It's nature's "The dominie- he had it all mination, sat in a chair he had Iron wood stove warning, "DANGER AHEAD." gets over the shock. And now you'll wrong, kid." drawn directly before the shelf. A Jersey heifer, 2 years old, due Jan. 15 Make this 25c test. Use buchu be able to tell him it's all right. I'm "Pink! Do you mean it! He--no, book lay on his knee, one finger 35 cords of hard wood leaves, juniper oil and 6 other drugs going down to the hotel. I'll stay he couldn't be wrong." marking the page where he might Jersey calf, 5 months old made into green tablets. Help the ~ for a little. If you need me I'll "But he was, I'm tellin' you. It have been reading. Dale's glance Durham stock bull, 16 months old FEED kidneys flush out excess acids and be waiting." ain't so easy to wise a guy, but-- shifted involuntarily. His mother's Large quantity of timothy hay other wastes which can cause ,the There was another ringing of the oh: hell. He's your dad. That's what photograph lay betWeen the candles. irritation resulting in getting up parsonage bell in the early after- I'm tryin' to say. He always was. "Father." MACHINERY nights, frequent or scanty flow, Large quantity of alfalfa hay noon. A second and hesitating push That bird Kelsey squared every- Farwell's head turned slowly. His burning or backache. Ask any McCormick binder Stack of bean pods druggist for Bukets. Your 25c of the button brought Jonathan Far- thing. He showed up this mornin'. black eyes seemed to be staring back if not pleased in 4 days. Lo- well to the door. He walked with a Right after breakfast." from a great distance. A man in Superior grain drill Moore plow 41~ acres corn stalks cally at L. I. Wood & Co.~Adver- steady step, disp.laying his usual "Kelsey is here!" Dale said it a dream. With apparent difficulty tisement 263B. composure. His voice betrayed no unbelievingly. "That's strange." he rose to his feet, still holding to Deering mowing machine Numerous other articles surprise as he greeted the caller. "Sure. He beat it down here right his book. "Good afternoon, Miss Brady. after you. I'd have got here sooner, "Dale." His lips moved stiffly to TERMS---All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' time ANIMALS Will you walk in?" but I wanted to hear what he had shape another word. "Son . . ." DEAD "Good afternoon, Doctor Far- to say. I was sort of scared to "I've come back, father." on bankable notes at 7% interest. COST MONEY well." Lee colored faintly under the leave him and the dominie togeth- Neither man moved from his steady scrutiny of the minister's er, everything considered. So I hung place. Farwel!'s tall form weaved dark eyes. She gathered herself around to make sure they weren't slightly. The flickering lights laid together quickly, speaking in a goin' to mix things. I clamped my his shadow on the wall. Huge, gro- voice that matched the man's for ear right to the door. When I was tesque. " Write evermess. "I would like to speak to sure everything was on the up and "Do you know, my son?" BURIAN Prop. or PETER Mr Mulgrew if he is here." up, I beat it." Dale's oak stick clattered to the $H~P - H~$ - POULTRY - DOGS "I am afraid Pinckney is out at "Tell me!" floor. His hands reached out. present," was the grave reply. "Is 1 "No, sir. I done my part. You "I know everything now . . . Worthy TaR, Auctioneer Pinney State Bank, Clerk Wood's Drug Store there anything I can do for you? want to hear that from your dad. Dad." Perhaps you will come in." I And say, kid, when you and him (THE END.) I I Ill I I [ I "Ul I PAGE EIGHT. CASS Crl~" CHRONICt,E--' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1938. Cass City, Michigam

,, . ,,, Dairymen Trim Anagram Supplies Town's Name Discovered Sargasso Sea { A ETOW I An anagram supplies the name of The Sargasso sea was first report-- "ORPHANS OF THE STORM" Cows to 905,000 the historic Texas town of Goliad, ed by Columbus, who on his initia~ Death of I)~ais O'Reurke-- REMEMBER? according to research conducted by West Indian voyage was involved im historians of the National Park serv- it for several days. The widely Dennis O'Rourke, ill seven weeks Dairying in Michigan is operat- @ lust 20 years have ice. Component letters in the ana- credited stor~ of ships' becoming: from complications following ,the ing under trimmed sails but bidding gram were taken from the name of embedded in the seaweed beyond: breaking of his hip, died at Pleas- strongly for national honors in ad- passed ~ince the world ding to the Niagara of milk which Mexico's favorite hero, Hidalgo. all possibility of escape was dis- ant Home Hospital in ,Cass City, Prior to its rechristening, the town proved by the Michael Sars expedi-- on November 2. Funeral services flows annually into bottles and went wild with news o/ packaged products. was known as the Presidio of La tion in 1910. were conducted by Rev. John Mc- Bahia del Espiritu Santo. Cullough in St. Agatha's Church in For national rank Michigan is ---ARMISTICE ! Gagetown on Saturday, November in ninth place in fluid milk, fourth Stork Holland's Sacred Bird 5, ~iid L~z[~[ was i~! Li..e pz,~=i~L ~.; :.:~: :~: ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cemetery. cheese, sixth in evaporated i]liii~,..... The indian villages of ~ .... who keeps down the population ot Born in Canada 76 years ago, sixth in making ice cream and .~.::!:::~:a:.'::' .~'~ ~i-~i...... :+::::i:i:i:!,a:. ,~.~" .:~:;::~i~ Zuni and Oraibi all lay claim to toads and frogs common to such a ~-i:i~ ~2: "~ ~.' ..-x:.ff ::: ~.:~:: ~-'>:. " ..'"'.'.'+ being the oldest inhabited settle- Dennis O'Rourke came to Huron fourth in the production of dry ., ~- ..:.: ..... ×~ -:- ..,.... ,~. country. Formerly no Holland city County in 1886. He was a member milk. All this from 905,000 dairy ' ' :i~: 4:.!,'!!:~2 :':i-:i~ ments in the United States. was without its stork colony. cows. The figure is 9,000 more of the Holy Name Society. '!i. 'i.~ i~ He leaves .two brothers, Daniel than a year ago but 10,000 less and John O'Rourke, and many oth- than in the l~st census. er relatives. A. C. Baltzer, extension dairy- Those who came from a distance man at Michigan State College, is GUARANTEED BONDED to attend the funeral include Martin a~sisting in the drive to place dairying as a more profitable in- Courtney, Mr. and Mrs. Michael ANTI-FREEZE, Courtney and son, Martin, of Birch dustry in the state. He estimates Run and Mr. and Mrs. William its importance in the fact that 80 gallon ...... :...... (~ ~]~ Bowler of Clare. per cer~t, or 160,000 Michigan farms, report having cows. Where does the immense flow of sealed cans,m gallon ...... 49¢ Study Club Meeting~ milk reach ? Monday evening, the Woman's In Michigan the 905,000 cows Study Club met at the home of I estimated for 1938 will produce GAMBL~E STORES Mrs. Harry Russell. The program! this year 4,465,000,000 pounds of was devoted to National ]took] milk. Divided into forty-fourths, H. W. Waldie Week and was opened by singing] Just 20 years ago, on November 11, the disposition of this Michigan L918, the order to "cease firing" sped "Home Sweet Home." Mrs. Leslie I milk is as follows: from front to front on France's great Munro gave a talk on "Types of t For fluid milk consumption will battlefield. It marked an end to the Books Varied• Ages. '~ M r s. for require 18 forty-fourths or 42 per greatest armed conflict in history Donald Wilson.__ on "How Books l cent. Seven per cent or 3 forty- The world went deliriously happ3 fourths will be retailed as by- but it did not forget the brave sol products. Sold as cream ~11 ~e diers (above) who had learned the 36 per cent or 16 forty-fourths; the horrors of war and could now rest journed by singing "My Old Ken- calves will get four per cent or two SPECIALPURCHASE SALE !i%*~,. tucky Home." Mrs. Mose Freeman forty-fourths. Farmers wil utilize will be hostess to the club Monday, 11 per cent or 5 forty-four`tRs on OF 200 BRAND NEW DRESSES! * 4+" November 21. the farm in the form of milk, cream Specially Priced at $4.95. * Fleeing a tornado near Clyde, Texas, parents of these babies were killed, or churned into farm butter. Gerald Walsh~ driver of a car, Even slight increases in milk and thel~ automobile tossed a quarter-mi|e away. Hour= later a telephone ~." . :?.i .... Every Dress in This Group Is a Regulax $6.95 Value.i, i lineman heard a chiid'a whimper tn ~ rolid~sidt~ ditch. There he found 3- and three occupm~ts were u~n- butter consumption could remove N.:..~:. N!iii!ii year-old Jesse Donald Rutledge, water up to Snls chin, holding his 3-months- jured when the car in which they heavy surpluses from the ,market, SHOP AND COMPARE! old brother Daryi's head above water. Relatives being unable to care fop were riding crashed into a truck stabilize returns to dairy farmers the orphans, Red Cross workers arranged ~ maintenancv fund to support An extraordinary event in which we offer you a at Ashmore, parked without lights. ~nd still provide economical dairy ::.:.!i::$::::-:':;~k~ ~em until they are ~6= A Texas college promised soholarshlps and ranch- Walsh turned out for an approach-: products for the consumer, says , selection of the most successful new fashions at this ~ men started a herd of cattb for thetr benefit. The Red Cr@~ss w.Itl ~.,Ip If,~ boys make adjustments as they grow older, i~.g tar and crashed head-on into Baltzer. special saving. ~ the t~Ck, ~is car was badly N. .N ...... - ...... ~-i ...... ' , I damaged, i There are sizes for Juniors, Misses, Women and ' Expenses at University "~ .~ ' ~ .~ ::::::, WiLMOT. vzslted Wednesday evening at th~ l m. and Mrs. Mose Karr and :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: a large selection of Half-sizes. The most wanted Walter McArthur home. " [f~mily went to Ann Arbor Satur- Are Paid by 6,000 Hens colors: Teal Blue, Vintage Wine and plenty of black. Harry Garbutt of North Branch, I day to spend the week-end with