[Bucks.] Chesham. 444 (Post Office
[BUCKS.] CHESHAM. 444 (POST OFFICE. miles from Chesham. There is a place of worship for place ofimportance is Hyde Hall, the residence of Benjamin lJaptists. Fuller, Esq., .r.P. CHARTRIDGB is a hamlet in the parish of Chesham, WATERSIDE is a hamlet in the parish of Cheslmm, corn meucing at the verge of the town, and extending about 3! situated in a delightful valley, through which the river Chess miles from Cheshum, surrounded by woodland, on the road flows, which is famous for its abundant supply of trout. It to Aylesbury. There is one Baptist chapel. has extensive manufactories for paper, three flour mills, one HuNDRIDGE is a hamlet in the parish of Chesham, com silk mill, outworkers in the making of straw plait, :tlso wood mencing near the town, and extending about 2~ miles from turnery, and the manufactory of shovels for brewers tmd Chesbam, on tlte high road to Great Missenden; the only maltsters, brush handles and boards, and spoons of all sizes. Sexton, Josepb Bunker. Official Establishments, Local Institutions, &c. PosT OFFICE.-Mr. George Devereux, postmaster, l\Iarket Pu:oLIC OFFICERS:- square. Money orders are granted & paid at this office. Commissioner for taking Acknowledgments of Mm·ried Letters arrive from London, Beaconsfield & Taplow at 6.7 Women, ~ for taking Affidavits in Chancery ~ thu a.m. & are dispatched at 6.50 p.m.; letters arrive from Superior Courts at "Westminster, ~ Stewm·d of the Berkhampstead, North of England, Scotland, Ireland, & J.l:lanors o.f Chesham, Righam ~c. John Dunkin Francis, all the towns on the Birmingham railway, per foot post, High street at 6.10 a m.
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