88°43'0"W 88°42'0"W 88°41'0"W 88°40'0"W 88°39'0"W 88°38'0"W 88°37'0"W 88°36'0"W 88°35'0"W 88°34'0"W 88°33'0"W 88°32'0"W 88°31'0"W 88°30'0"W 88°29'0"W 88°28'0"W 88°27'0"W 88°26'0"W 88°25'0"W

020 37°38'0"N Emergency Contact Information National Forest Contact Numbers Shawnee National Forest Gallatin County Sheriff (618) 269-3137 Hidden Springs Ranger District Forest Supervisor’s Office GARDEN Hardin County Sheriff (618) 287-2271 602 N. First Street 50 Highway 145 South Hiker/Equestrian Trails Map Eagle Creek OF THE Pope County Sheriff (618) 683-4321 Route 45 North Harrisburg, IL 62946 Water s he d

462 Trails Designation Project Area

37°37'0"N Saline County Sheriff (618) 252-8661 Vienna, IL 62995 (618) 253-7114 Emergency cellphone service may not be available in all (618) 658-2111 (800) 699-6637 Lusk Creek and Upper Bay Creek STATE map areas Watersheds 37°37'0"N 465 408 : 464 HIGHWAY 34 Contour017 interval = 20 feet Trail Conditions Hotline 618-658-1312 463 Jackson Hollow Eddyville Vicinity 0 0.5 1 2 To report trail conditions and obtain updated information regarding wet -weather closures in the 460

408 460 Miles HORTON HILL RD

465 WWW.SNFFRIENDS.ORG Hiker Only 460

37°36'0"N [email protected] GARDEN OF THE GODS WILDERNESS Hiker Only

Shawnee National Forest website: www.fs.usda.gov/shawnee 37°36'0"N 25% of proceeds of this map support trail improvements Hiker Only 001E 88°42'30"W 88°42'0"W 88°41'30"W 88°41'0"W UPPER 467 SPRING RD CENTER Hitching Post TH 001 UPPER



K 001

7 7 O Jackson Falls 048 474D U BILL 156PC T 37°35'0"N

Map 6 RD

Scale 1:24000 OAK RD R 37°30'30"N

487L 474 D 049 37°30'30"N Watershed F A L L Boundary N S E R D 37°35'0"N D 457A 048 R 474 Herod U 457A 474B B 049


432 049E Burden Falls TH

R 048C

R R Little Lusk Lodge E 049D Private Campground 474 STATE HIGHWAY 145 OAK RD 34 W Cove

O 487 (!

049 T Hollow



G 001 37°34'0"N I 487

37°30'0"N 001T R 487 T 37°30'0"N 487 487K Big Grand Pierre

049 499 487K 457 Water s he d 37°34'0"N 145 LUSK CREEK WILDERNESS 001 (! 487 049B East Trigg TH 457

487 487H 459 474E 139 459 499 487H 459 001T 122 027 487 001 120

499M 484 001 457 121 001T Tin 459 480 One Horse Gap Trail Ride

120 37°33'0"N Whistle 499E Hart Bluff Private Campground Blanchard 459 37°29'30"N

487 Crossing 116 37°29'30"N


480 169A 457D 136 Lookout Point 492A 001 170 499M 481 001 D 032 499M 457 001 R 0 0.5 1 Natural Bridge R Miles Crossing LUSK CREEK WILDERNESS 34 Ranch E 457 Private Campground

W WILDERNESS CREEK LUSK 001 T O 481 481A 001 136 88°42'30"W 88°42'0"W 88°41'30"W 88°41'0"W 499G

G 499F 425 I G 492D R Saltpeter Cave 481 126 T BAY CREEK WILDERNESS Crossing Secret Canyon 486 145 136

37°32'0"N 473 457 178 Bell Smith Springs NA Lusk Creek TH 001 481B 483

179 See 457 Natural Bridge Bear Branch 001 Map 7 37°32'0"N Private Campground 425 490 Old Guest Farm 001 001 Hunting Branch TH Crossing Rocky Top Circle B 431 001 001 178 Private Campground 001 One Horse Gap 001B Bowed Tree 177 Hiker Only 129 431 431 Crossing 001 McVickers Cabins 179 472 Owl Bluff 001 Jackson Hollow NA Private Campground Double Branch Hole NA 001 (High Point) 177B 179A 404 175 001 178 472C 472C Lusk Creek 173A173B

37°31'0"N Bell Smith Springs TH 001 172 Canyon NA 173 406 432 171 431 498 106A 172 405 175 Jackson Hole 497 405 Indian Kitchen

001 See 173 37°31'0"N Map 9 Jackson Falls TH Hayes Canyon Bay Cr ee k Private Campground 493 172G 048 497 Hiker Only Water s he d 497B 433 001 176A Jackson Hole NA 498J 175B See Map 8 176 179

493 406 049 Cove 496 LUSK CREEK WILDERNESS 106 East Trigg TH 001 496B Hollow 048C Sand Cave 497 Indian Kitchen TH 178A

049 001 174 Maxwell 497 LUSK CREEK WILDERNESS

030 035 496A

37°30'0"N 001 Ford

178A 049B 493 001T Eddyville 174 001 001 001 37°30'0"N 409B 165D 001 030 Crow Knob 495 001 Lus k C re ek 415 030 001 178A Ruby Falls 491 496 Petticoat Junction Junction Water s he d Tin Rock House (west) Whistle 001 032 167A 032

496 174 167 491 496I Rock House Crossing on Lusk Creek will not be opened for Miller Grove use until it can be reconstructed approximately a half mile 032 Cemetery 168 032 north of its current location near the "Rock House". An 37°29'0"N 001 495G Hayes Creek interim trail will still lead to the high lines near the Rock 001 001 491 House but crossing of Lusk Creek at this location is not 144 032 currently authorized. 144 032 033A 031 37°29'0"N

Ruby Junction 032F 491A 491 491A 032 174 031 031 033 031

Hiker Only Bay Creek Ranch 031 491 174

174A Private Campground 034 031D TH 440 031H

041 174 37°28'0"N 041A 147 145 (! ! 37°28'0"N ( 041 88°33'30"W 88°33'0"W 88°32'30"W 446 481 (!146

457D 37°32'30"N 37°32'30"N 041 Hiker Only 37°27'0"N 481 481A 88°37'30"W 88°37'0"W 88°36'30"W 88°36'0"W 88°35'30"W

481 Map 8 37°27'0"N 481A Jackson Hole and Double Branch Hole 481B AG POND RD Scale 1:24000 37°31'0"N 481 37°31'0"N FLATWOODS RD 481 Natural Bridge Crossing S. HAYES CREEK RD 498 Saltpeter Cave Crossing 483 498 STATE HIGHWAY 145 Natural Bridge 497 493 486 Jackson Hole NA Jackson Hole Saltpeter Cave/ STATE HIGHWAY 146 37°26'0"N

457 481 Natural Bridge WALTERSBURG Saltpeter Cave 457 AIRPORT RD 457 486 498 37°26'0"N

37°32'0"N 481B Ride Through Only 497 RICHMOND RD 483 37°32'0"N Double Branch

001 37°30'30"N 498J Hole NA Lusk Creek TH 497B 37°30'30"N RD HAYES CREEK RD 493 001 042 496

Old Guest Farm 37°25'0"N

483 Highlines in the Lusk Creek Wilderness 001 Crossing 497 493 439 457 Access 001 496B 496 457 490 High Line Latitude Longitude Trails 042 497 37°25'0"N Indian 497 145 37° 30’ 53” N 88° 32’ 28” W 433, 405 (! Kitchen 490 001 497

001 Owl Bluff 37°30'0"N 37° 31’ 20” N 88° 32’ 37” W 001 496A 37°30'0"N 001 (High Point) 001 493 001 001 457 Natural Lusk Creek 37° 32’ 02” N 88° 32’ 33” W 457, 481 042 496 Bridge 001 001 Canyon NA 495 Secret 37°24'0"N 404 37° 32’ 20” N 88° 31’ 49” W 457 Canyon Petticoat 001 37°31'30"N Bowed Tree Other highlines in the Lusk Creek Watershed Junction 145 37°24'0"N Map 7 Crossing 37°31'30"N 496 (! Saltpeter Cave Area Rock House 37° 29’ 31” N 88° 31’ 33” W 409 491 Scale 1:14000 001 Bay Creek Watershed Highlines Crow Knob 37°29’ 55” N 88° 37’ 56” W 001 37°29'30"N

Sand Cave 37° 30’ 00” N 88° 38’ 52” W 030 37°29'30"N Owl Bluff For a list of Outfitter and Guides under permit with (High Point) Hayes Creek 37°29’ 10” N 88° 37’ 19” W 496 495 491 496 404 146 Petticoat the Shawnee National Forest, contact a Forest office (! 37° 29’ 45” N 88° 36’ 39” W 496, 001 0 0.5 1

37°23'0"N 0 0.5 1 Junction Miles or visit our website at www.fs.usda.gov/shawnee and 496 Miles Jackson 37° 30’ 40” N 88° 36’ 32” W 497 !É choose Recreation from the left menu bar. 88°33'30"W 88°33'0"W 88°32'30"W Hole 88°37'30"W 88°37'0"W 88°36'30"W 88°36'0"W 88°35'30"W 37°23'0"N

88°43'0"W 88°42'0"W 88°41'0"W 88°40'0"W 88°39'0"W 88°38'0"W 88°37'0"W 88°36'0"W 88°35'0"W 88°34'0"W 88°33'0"W 88°32'0"W 88°31'0"W 88°30'0"W 88°29'0"W 88°28'0"W 88°27'0"W 88°26'0"W 88°25'0"W

What is a Natural Area?

Lusk Creek, Bay Creek and Garden of 01.29.2013 the Gods Wilderness Areas The Shawnee National Forest sits at the edge of an ecological crossroads. The Legend J.V. p267DC Forest lies just south of a vast area that was once covered by glaciers. When the Scale 1:48000 glaciers receded, the changes to land form and plant and animal communities that !j Included on this map are three wilderness areas that were designated  Stock must not be tied within reach of a live tree. Use high occurred in more northerly areas had less of an impact here. No less than five Parking Area Existing Roads* * Road conditions vary widely; many by Congress in 1990 under the law set forth in the Wilderness Act of lines in the areasareas where thesethese areare provided: Indian Kitchen,Kitchen, OwlOwl !j distinct regional ecological types all converge in southernmost resulting in Parking Area (Hiker Only) are not passable by motor vehicle 1964. The Lusk Creek, Bay Creek and Garden of the Gods Bluff (High Point), Natural Bridge and Secret Canyon in the the presence of a tremendous diversity in flora and fauna. The unique blend of wilderness areas encompass 13,484 acres of the Shawnee National Lusk Creek Wilderness. For brief stops along the trail stock !C Trailhead (Hiker/Equestrian) Project Boundary Area Forest. In keeping with the Wilderness Act, these areas contain should be restrained with a method that will not damage trees. geologic and natural diversity make many areas of the Shawnee National Forest a !C Trailhead (Hiker Only) Streams special provisions for hikers and riders who wish to visit them. kind of living museum of natural history. To ensure the long term survival of this  Group size is limited to no more than ten people in the Bay diversity twenty-five distinct rare natural plant and animal communities are !É Horse Camps Lusk Creek ZA What is a Congressionally Designated Wilderness? Creek and Garden of the Gods Wilderness Areas. In the Lusk protected in a series of 80 Natural Areas (NA) that exist all across the Forest. !Ë Natural Areas Creek Wilderness, Wilderness, group group size size is islimited limited to ten to on ten the on trail the while trail. Horse Highline Area

A wilderness area is managed to protect the environment in its Howeverin the four in stockthe designated confinement stock areas confinement group size areas is limited group sizeto the is Wilderness Boundary Wilderness visitors possibly face Natural Areas are most easily identified by boundaries marked with slender, System Trail (Hiker/Equestrian) natural state in perpetuity. It is a place that should be affected only inherent risks when entering wilderness limitednumber to of the tying number points of providedtying points on provided the high lines.on the Groups high lines. are yellow, flexible posts. On the Interim Trails Map they are depicted by light yellow !!!!!!! National Forest Land by the forces of nature. Primitive and challenging recreation is such as, adverse weather conditions, Groupsasked toare stay asked out to ofstay sight out of and sight sound and sound of one of another.one another. If System Trail (Ride Through Only) encouraged in wilderness, and the management of wilderness is Ifencounters encounters with with other other groups groups cause cause you you to exceed to exceed the groupthe group size shading. These areas are managed for the preservation, protection or isolation, physical hazards, and lack of System Trail (Hiker Only) Non-National Forest Land designed to preserve opportunities for solitude and primitive rapid communications, etc. Search sizelimitation limitation please please separate separate out of out sight of orsight sound or sound of the ofother the groupother enhancement of their unique scientific, educational or natural values. Any groupas soon as as soon possible. as possible. recreation both for us and for generations to come. and rescue efforts may not be as rapid recreational use must be consistent with the protection of these values. Use with River to River System Trail Four-Watershed Area

as expected in an urban setting. stock is rarely authorized in these areas and only on the designated equestrian Special Provisions for Wilderness Use  Marking with paint or other material, or carving or River to River System Trail/Road otherwise defacing trees, rocks or other natural features is trails shown on this map. While foot travel is welcome, overnight camping, building Special provisions are enforced in wilderness to control the impacts Please learn, practice, and pass on prohibited. open campfires and rock climbing or rappelling are prohibited. of recreational use. Wilderness visitors are asked to share the Leave No Trace outdoor skills and ethics.  The Lusk Creek, Bay Creek and Garden of the Gods responsibility for preserving the character of wilderness by educating  The Lusk Creek, Bay Creek and Garden of the Gods Lusk Creek is what is known as a Zoological Area (ZA), from bank to bank, themselves on hiking, riding or camping techniques that preserve Wilderness Areas may be closed to stock use from December 1 solitude and primitive recreation as well as the natural plant and to March 31. Additionally, during the months of April, May, beginning near the northern tip of the Lusk Creek Wilderness. The sites where Color Coding for Labels animal communities that exist in these areas. The following September, October and November the Lusk Creek Wilderness trails cross Lusk Creek have been chosen, and the trail approaches are being regulations apply to the Lusk Creek, Bay Creek and Garden of will be closed to stock use whenever more than one inch of rain hardened, to mitigate impacts to this important stream. Please look for signs Ride Through Only Hiker/Equestrian Trailhead Landmark the Gods Wilderness Areas: falls within a 24 hour period. This temporary wet-weather, identifying the following authorized crossings of Lusk Creek: Hiker Only Hiker Only Trailhead Natural Area rainfall closure in the Lusk Creek Wilderness will last a Following these principles will help protect Designated Trail Crossings of the Lusk Creek Zoological Area  All saddle, pack or draft animals should be kept on trails minimum of one day. The need for both seasonal and wet- precious backcountry resources. weather closures will be evaluated yearly, based upon Crossing Latitude Longitude Highline Lusk Creek Crossing Private Campground designated for stock use, or in designated stock confinement areas  Plan ahead and prepare weather closures will be evaluated yearly, based upon (high lines). These trails and areas are depicted on this map. Hiking  Travel and camp on durable surfaces accomplishments that are made in bringing trails in these areas Blanchard Crossing 37° 32’ 43” N 88° 32’ 18” W to an all-weather standard. Call 618-658-1312 for updated is welcome anywhere.  Dispose of waste properly to an all-weather standard. Call 618-658-1312 for updated Natural Bridge Crossing 37° 32’ 09” N 88° 32’ 46” W  Leave what you find wilderness wet-weather closure information.  Minimize campfire impacts Saltpeter Cave Crossing 37° 32’ 07” N 88° 32’ 53” W  Mechanized equipment and wheeled vehicles, including carts,  Respect wildlife "The Friends of the Shawnee National Forest use the most current and complete map data available,  PortionsIn the Lusk of Creek Trails Wilderness #486 and the #481 stock are confinement designated area ride- at provided generously from the U.S. Forest Service. GIS data and product accuracy may vary. They wagons or bicycles, are not allowed in wilderness areas on the  Be considerate of other visitors Old Guest Farm Crossing 37° 31’ 47” N 88° 32’ 40” W throughSaltpeter onlyCave areas. has been Equestrians moved to are a location welcome east to of ride Natural these may be: developed from sources of differing accuracy, accurate only at certain scales, based on Shawnee National Forest. For more information on Leave No Trace, call modeling or interpretation, incomplete while being created or revised, etc. Using GIS products for 1-800-332-4100 trailsBridge. but Equestrians should not may stop stillat Saltpeter ride the Cavetrail onor the Natural east bank Bridge. of Bowed-Tree Crossing 37° 31’ 32” N 88° 33’ 00” W purposes other than those for which they were created, may yield inaccurate or misleading results. WWW.LNT.ORG ForLusk longer Creek visits through to thesethe old two confinement sites equestrians area but should stopping tie theirand (River-to-River Trail Crossing) The Forest Service reserves the right to correct, update, modify, or replace GIS products without  Camping with livestock is not allowed within the Lusk Creek, notification. The Forest Service and the Friends of the Shawnee will not be liable for any activity Bay Creek or Garden of the Gods Wilderness Areas. horsestying off at stockthe highline in this spotarea is just prohibited. east of Natural Bridge and walk Rock House Crossing (closed until new trail can be constructed) involving this information. Additionally, trails on this map maybe removed from use due to resource back to the sites. damage. The USDA Forest Service is an Equal Opportunity provider."