Present; Councillors Goodwin, (Chairman) Morris (Vice Chairman) R Ling, T Vincett, B Hodgkinson, M Poplar, M Moffat, J Robertson & C Binns. County Council - Cllr Hart, Erewash Borough Council – Cllrs Stevenson and Summerfield.

6 members of the public – see list attached. The Chairman commenced the meeting by welcoming everyone and wishing all a Happy New Year.

PART 1 – NON-CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 01/01/2016 - Apologies – PCSO Robert Stanesby 02/01/2016 - Variation of Order of Business –none 03/01/2016 – Declaration of Members Interests – Cllr Goodwin declared an interest in agenda item 12/01/2016 (a) and left the room when it was discussed. 04/01/2016 – Dispensations - To report on and consider any requests for dispensation in accordance with s31 of the Localism Act 2011. none 05/01/2016- a) Public Speaking – i) Mr and Mrs Ford reported their concerns about planning application ERE/1215/0018 – 4 Orchard Close. They are worried about the size of the proposals and the overshadowing effect they will have on their property. They are concerned at the loss of their privacy in the garden and house and also raised issues about the problems which will be faced with an increase in vehicles using the road into the close. b) Reports from Outside Bodies –

a) Cllr Hart reported that PC Russ Crooks had been moved to Long Eaton Police Station. b) Erewash Borough Council received their Government settlement on the 16th of December and had been working hard to organise their budgets since they had given Parish Councils an estimate of their Concurrent Budget Grants for 2016/17 but wouldn’t be able to finalise the figures until they were aware of all of the grants that they would be receiving for the new financial year – Cllr Hart reported that the figure given was the worst estimate and that it might be better once all details were known. c) Cllr Hart had been investigating the possibility of Breadsall Parish Council paying for the County Council’s highways team to set up their traffic monitoring equipment in the village – after conversations and correspondence with numerous officers it transpires that the Parish Council are able to pay for their own independent traffic survey but that DCC would not have the resources to implement any further traffic calming measures regardless of the findings of the report. Cllr Hart reported that the Clerk could contact Mr Neil Bennett at DCC for details of independent companies in the area. d) Cllr Summerfield reported that he had been contacted by a resident of Rectory Lane regarding the development at 4 Orchard Close and he would take up the issue with the Planning Team. e) Cllr Stevenson reported that the planning application for the OAP bungalows had been withdrawn. f) The Clerk read a report from PCSO Stanesby regarding issues with 4x4 vehicles of the land to the rear of Breadsall Priory.

06/01/2016 - Minutes – RESOLVED to confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 8th December 2015. 47 07/01/2016 – To determine which items if any from Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. If the Council decides to exclude the public, it will be necessary to pass a resolution in the following terms: - “In view of the confidential nature of item …. to consider a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, s1, in order to discuss the item.” -

none 08/01/2016 - Chairman’s Announcements. – a) The Chair reported that during the heavy rains in the week commencing 4th January she had concerns about the brooks bursting their banks and had visited various residents who had flooded in the past to check that they had sand bags etc. Rather disappointingly despite being offered assistance by the Clerk some residents still hadn’t organised any protection. Luckily the Clerk was able to arrange for DCC to deliver flood sax to the residents and fortunately the rain stopped and the level of the brooks dropped again. Cllr Goodwin was pleased however that a number of residents were observing the brook and ready to take action if necessary.

09/01/2016 - Report of the Parish Clerk. a) OAP Bungalow Site – it was RESOLVED that the Clerk should contact EMH to ascertain any further progress. b) Play Area Funding Application and Maintenance – it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would ask D Belfield for details of any sites nearby where Cllrs could view the proposed play equipment – this needed to be done as soon as possible as the deadline for the next funding round is 19.02.2016. c) A38 – it was RESOLVED that a good number of residents had contacted both Pauline Latham and Patrick McLoughlin regarding the A38. One or two residents had received responses from P McLoughlin who had forwarded their correspondence to Highways which was disappointing. Further action would be taken once Highways England produced a report shortly. d) Neighbourhood Planning– it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would contact the bookings clerk to hire the Memorial Hall for a public meeting regarding Neighbourhood Planning details of which would be included in the next newsletter. e) Mansfield Road - Durose Estates Proposals – it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would write to all parties again to reiterate the need for improvements to infrastructure as part of the proposed development. f) Precept and Concurrent Functions 2016/17 – it was RESOLVED that the Concurrent Functions budget was set at £6,351.00 and the Precept budget would remain at £10,500.00 for 2016/17. g) Flood Team Feedback – it was RESOLVED that following the recent flood scare officers at DCC and the Clerk would contact residents to impress upon them the importance of self- protection against flooding – once again offering free flood sax and sandbags. Clerk to chase DCC for an answer regarding the flood warning system for the Dam Brook. h) Derbyshire and Minerals Local Plan – it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would write to enquire if there were any plans that effected Breadsall area. i) Defibrillator Fund – it was RESOLVED that part of the budget would be used for the setting up of sessions training residents in CPR and how to use the defibrillator and for the costs of an electrician to fit the cabinet and further maintenance and upkeep of the defibrillator. The Clerk would also investigate the provision of a cctv camera to be sited near to the defibrillator box to protect against vandalism. Should there be any funds left residents would be asked for further ideas on what community projects the funds could be spent on. 48 j) Spring Litter Pick – it was RESOLVED to note that the next litter pick will be held on Saturday the 9th of April – Clerk to advertise in the next newsletter and invite local groups to take part – Cllr Binns to pass information to the Scout Group. k) Christmas Brass Band Concert 2016 – it was RESOLVED to note that the concert will be held on Saturday the 3rd of December.

10/01/2016 – Correspondence and items raised by Councillors. none

11/01/2016 Finance

(a) Accounts for Payment and receipts since the last meeting. E Mitchell Litter picking October (t/sheet late) 15.48 M Moffat Printing October 78.00 E Mitchell Litter picking November (t/sheet late) 38.70 Excel Office Equipment Stationery 58.19 Mrs N O’Leary Clerk’s Salary December 417.76 HMRC Clerk’s Income Tax December 38.39 Mrs N O’Leary Clerk’s Expenses December 58.33 Grasstrack Grounds Maintenance December 317.10 Park Hall Designs Website Maintenance and Newsletter 195.00 E Mitchell Litter picking December (t/sheet late) 49.34 Total 1266.29

Income M Flude Donation Defib 30.00 R Goodwin Income Christmas Carol Concert 332.50 Total 362.50 Grand Total 903.79

b) Account Balances – it was RESOLVED to note the balances.

Current Account - £18,598.96 Reserve Account - £17,696.01

12/01/2016 Planning – a) ERE/1215/0018 – 4 Orchard Close, Breadsall, Derbyshire, DE21 5LN – Remodelling of existing dwelling consisting of raising the roof height, two storey side and rear extension, single storey rear extension, front dormers, alterations to the front porch and new vehicular access and driveway to the front – it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would write to the Planning Authority to object to the proposals. a) ERE/1215/0039 – Smithcote Barn, Rectory Lane, Breadsall, Derbyshire, DE21 5LP – Alterations to elevations of existing dwelling and conversion of store to additional living accommodation. – it was RESOLVED that there were no objections to the application. b) ERE/1215/0040 – Land to the north of Mansfield Road, Breadsall, Derbyshire, DE21 4TJ – Outline planning application for residential development of up to 230 dwellings (use class C3) and associated works including means of access, with all other matters (appearance, landscaping, scale and layout) reserved. This is a cross boundary application with Derby City Council – it was RESOLVED to write to Erewash Borough Planners, Derby City Planners, Pauline Latham and Derbyshire County Council to request the appropriate improvements to infrastructure be included in the scheme. 49 Planning Approvals/Refusals – a) ERE/1015/0058 – Breadsall Cricket Club, Brookside Road, Breadsall, Derbyshire, DE21 5LH – Demolition of existing building and erection of replacement clubhouse building – approved with conditions 21.12.15. – it was RESOLVED to note the approval

13/01/2016 DALC Circulars - 26/2015- it was RESOLVED to note the information as circulated by the Clerk.

14/01/2016 Items for information only: a) Traffic Calming, Breadsall – it was RESOLVED to note the information as reported by Cllr Hart 05/01/2016 (b). b) Crocus WI – it was RESOLVED to note that the man hole has been made safe. d) Severn Trent Drainage and Fresh Water Pipes- it was RESOLVED to note that Severn Trent are investigating the letter sent in September. e) Local Council Awards – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk hopes to make progress on the scheme in the near future. f) WWI commemoration – it was RESOLVED that an article would be included in the Spring newsletter. g) HGV's Sat Navs and Weight Limits – See point 14/01/2016 (a) h) Breadsall Primary School – Listed Building? – it was RESOLVED that Cllr Hodgkinson would investigate applying for the school building to be listed.

PART II – CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 15/01/2016 To move the following resolution - “That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.” Next Meeting – 9th February 2016

The meeting closed at 8.58pm

Signed as a true record...... Date...... 50


Present; Councillors Goodwin, (Chairman) Morris (Vice Chairman) R Ling, T Vincett, B Hodgkinson, M Poplar, M Moffat, & J Robertson. Derbyshire County Council - Cllr Hart, Erewash Borough Council – Cllrs Stevenson and Summerfield. Derbyshire Constabulary – PCSO Robert Stanesby

7 members of the public – see list attached. The Chairman commenced the meeting by welcoming everyone.

PART 1 – NON-CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 01/02/2016 - Apologies – Councillor Binns 02/02/2016 - Variation of Order of Business –none 03/02/2016 – Declaration of Members Interests – none 04/02/2016 – Dispensations - To report on and consider any requests for dispensation in accordance with s31 of the Localism Act 2011. none 05/02/2016- a) Public Speaking – i) Mr and Mrs Hewitt read a statement regarding their planning application ERE/1215/0018: We wish to clear up some points relating to our planning application at 4 Orchard Close and your letter of objection dated the 13th January 2016 to Erewash Borough Council.

Firstly, the reason for this project is to create a “Forever Home” for our family and a “Home for Life” for my mother which will incorporate a Bedroom, Bathroom and Living room with kitchenette to allow her independent living but will enable us to take care of her in the future if needed.

Turning to the points of objection  The property has been designed in accordance with local and national planning policy and Erewash Borough Council space planning guidelines and has been recommended for approval. No part of the design is in contravention of these guidelines. With particular regards to loss of light, roof height, overlooking and loss of privacy on surrounding properties.  The proposed building footprint will be 21% of the total plot area.  The Derbyshire County Council Highways Authority have confirmed they have no objections.  In terms of parking, loading and manoeuvring we would like to point out the land directly in front of the garage (which is well over a car length) is owned by 4 Orchard Close and is not shared land as people perceive. Therefore, the parking provision for the new design is more than adequate.  During the construction period we will liaise with the builder and will give due consideration to our neighbours.

We strongly disagree with the comment that it will have a detrimental effect on the visual amenity of Orchard Close and we believe we are creating a very attractive building.

I would like to point out that Gillian Pritchard has resided in the village for over 60 years, myself for nearly 50 years and my husband 25 years. During this time, we have been actively involved in all aspects of village life and fundraising.

We are extremely upset and disappointed by the lack of support from this Parish Council, Friends and neighbours.

51 ii) Mrs Milner thanked Councillor Goodwin for the Live and Local event which was a great evening. iii) The church Quinquennial survey will be held on the 9th March 2016. iv) The Church would like to extend the Easter Flowers to all areas of the village and they are inviting all organisations and groups to get involved. v) the litter pick is on the pew sheets vi) They hope to install disabled access facilities in the kitchen at the Church. vii) They hope to run a Bring and Share lunch for the Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations on either the 11th or 12th of June. viii) Mr Brewster raised concerns about the proposals for the new school on Brookside Road – the road is already very busy at school start and finish times and the prospect of the school site being on Brookside Road with no evident provision for parent parking means the situation will be considerably worse. Cllr Hart confirmed that as yet there was no detailed planning application for the site but as soon as she had any news she would pass it on. b) Reports from Outside Bodies – a) Cllr Hart reported that she would be attending the budget meeting at Full Council on the 10th of February which promised to be interesting. b) reports that the subsidies on buses were to be completely removed in 2017 were going about and leaflets and notices were being prepared to let people know what was actually happening and when the consultation would take place and how people could get involved. Mr Brewster reported that Trent Barton were telling passengers that they would be able to go as far as Nottingham on their passes but would have to pay to come back. Cllr Hart said that the bus companies seem determined to put each other out of business instead of trying to provide a good service for the public. The more objections received the better chance there would be to save the services. c) Cllr Summerfield – nothing to report. d) Cllr Stevenson reported that Erewash Borough Council would be holding Chinese New Year celebrations on Saturday the 13th of February with a procession along Long Eaton High Street. Lantern making sessions would be held in Erewash Museum from 11- 3 and a lantern procession would take place from 17.30 from the museum to the market place in Ilkeston. e) PCSO Rob Stanesby was welcomed and introduced by Cllr Goodwin –and he reported the following incidents: One house break in the village, Nuisance bikes and 4x4s on the land behind Breadsall Priory, 2 reports of suspicious activity by a door stop seller on Pall Mall – he was apprehended on Croft Lane and was known to Police. Suspicious activity at Breadsall Priory. Three road traffic collisions in the village, 2 of which were cars in the ditch on Moor Road, And finally sheep on the road on Moor Road.

06/02/2016 - Minutes – RESOLVED to confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 12th January 2016.

07/02/2016 – To determine which items if any from Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. If the Council decides to exclude the public, it will be necessary to pass a resolution in the following terms: - “In view of the confidential nature of item …. to consider a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, s1, in order to discuss the item.” -

none 08/02/2016 - Chairman’s Announcements. – a) Live and Local - was again a great success and thanks to Derbyshire County Council for continuing to fund the Live and Local events.

52 09/02/2016 - Report of the Parish Clerk. a) OAP Bungalow Site – it was RESOLVED to note that an article would be included in the Spring Newsletter to inform residents that a new application would be submitted shortly and that any objections would need to be resent to the Planning Team. b) Play Area Funding Application and Maintenance – it was RESOLVED that the Clerk should commence the application process as soon as possible. c) A38 – it was RESOLVED that an article updating residents would be included in the Spring Newsletter. A new meeting had been organised by the A38 Action Group and that any further options for the requested photo montages would be passed to the Clerk as soon as possible following the meeting. The delivery of Highways England newsletters was discussed and they will be delivered along with the Parish Newsletters as soon as they are printed. d) Mansfield Road - Durose Estates Proposals – it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would write and question the lack of responses from both Erewash Borough Council and Derby City Council to the letters of objection sent. Also plans included to pipe waste water from the development out on to Croft Lane was discussed as the culvert there regularly floods and clearly this is not a good idea. Letter to be sent to Radleigh Homes chasing the original letter dated November. Cllr Hart reported that the EBC planners were currently short staffed and struggling training new employees which might explain the lack of response. She also reported that she had been contacted for comments about the issue of the link road in her role as County Councillor. e) Traffic Surveys – it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would start the ball rolling with the consultancy company and DCC and that a price would be circulated as soon as it was received. f) Defibrillator/CCTV – it was RESOLVED that the Clerk go ahead and get the Defibrillator installed and investigate the cost of the provision of CCTV cameras on the Memorial Hall Site.

10/02/2016 - Correspondence and Items raised by Councillors. a) Summer Brass Band Concert and Open Gardens – Cllr Binns – it was RESOLVED that the event was a community spirit building exercise and an opportunity for local groups to make some money for their organisations. Commercial stall holders would continue to be asked for a donation and a charity or Community project would be chosen for any funds raised by the Parish Council. b) Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations – Cllr Goodwin – it was RESOLVED to support the Church in their plans for the Queen’s birthday celebrations and include an article in the Parish Newsletter asking for ideas. c) Footpath Moor Road – Playing Fields – Cllr Ling – it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would contact the neighbourhood warden to look into the issues with the properties adjacent to the footpath onto the playing fields and also contact the Grounds Maintenance team about the muddy state of the path to investigate ways to alleviate the problem.

11/02/2016 Finance Payee Description £ Leisure Lites Limited Removal of Christmas Lights 378.00 Ilkeston Brass Deposit Christmas Brass Band Concert 50.00 Excel Office Equipment Ink Cartridges 202.08 Grasstrack Grounds Maintenance Repairs to posts on triangle 186.00 Mrs N O’Leary Clerk’s Salary January 364.92 HMRC Clerk’s Income Tax January 91.23 E Mitchell Litter picking January 57.08 Mrs N O’Leary Clerk’s Expenses January 76.04 Grasstrack Grounds Maintenance January Grounds Maintenance 317.10 Total 1722.45 53 Income Nat West Interest 0.75 Nat West Interest 0.75 Total 1.50 Grand Total 1720.95 b) Quarterly Budget Monitoring Report – it was RESOLVED to note the information as circulated by the Clerk.

12/02/2016 Planning – a) ERE/0116/0048 – Starbucks, Ford Lane, Breadsall, Derbyshire, DE21 5DA – Retrospective planning application for the retention of a single storey extension to building and extension to car park – it was RESOLVED to write and object to the application.

Planning Approvals/Refusals – a) ERE/1215/1594 – All Saints Church, Church Lane, Breadsall, Derbyshire – Works to protected trees and trees within the Conservation Area (4 x Lime Trees (T1-T4) – Crown Raise to 5M and Crown Clean to remove dead and damaged branches; 1 x Birch Tree (T5) Prune to reduce branch extension on braches overhanging no.3 Moorway; 1 Yew Tree (T6) Crown raise to 3m – Approved with conditions 22.1.16 – it was RESOLVED to note the approval.

13/02/2016 DALC Circulars - 27/2015 & 01/2016-02/2016- it was RESOLVED to note the information as circulated by the Clerk.

14/02/2016 Items for information only: a) Severn Trent Drainage and Fresh Water Pipes- it was RESOLVED to note the Clerk has left messages for C Mulligan who offered to speak to the Council – still await a response. b) Local Council Awards – it was RESOLVED to note that the clerk continues to strive to commence the award scheme. Cllr Goodwin reported that she and Cllr Morris had carried out the Clerk’s annual appraisal and that issues regarding copious emails were to be slimmed down to try and lighten the workload created by reading them. c) WWI commemoration – it was RESOLVED to note that an article would be included in the upcoming newsletter. d) Breadsall Primary School – Listed Building? – it was RESOLVED to note that Cllr Hodgkinson had made progress with the proposed listing he now needed to source some interior and exterior photographs of the building to include in the application process.

PART II – CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 15/02/2016 To move the following resolution - “That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.” Next Meeting – 8th March 2016

The meeting closed at 8.20pm

Signed as a true record...... Date...... 54


Present; Councillors Goodwin, (Chairman), R Ling, B Hodgkinson, M Poplar, C Binns, M Moffat, & J Robertson. Erewash Borough Council – Cllrs Stevenson and Summerfield. Derbyshire Constabulary – Inspector Katie Andrews

13 members of the public – see list attached. The Chairman commenced the meeting by welcoming everyone.

PART 1 – NON-CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 01/03/2016 - Apologies – Councillors Morris and Vincett. Cllr Hart and PCSO Stanesby. 02/03/2016 - Variation of Order of Business –none 03/03/2016 – Declaration of Members Interests – none 04/03/2016 – Dispensations - To report on and consider any requests for dispensation in accordance with s31 of the Localism Act 2011. none 05/03/2016- a) Public Speaking – i) Mrs Pollard thanked the Parish Council for the notice regarding the consultation relating to community buses being run by Derbyshire County Council – Mrs Pollard hoped that the Parish Council would be strongly objecting on behalf of the many residents who would be stranded without the number 59 bus that runs through the village. It is a vital service that provides a lifeline to residents. Mrs Pollard had contacted DCC and requested hard copies of the questionnaire and hoped that the Parish Council would also obtain hard copies which could be distributed to residents who were unable to get online access. It seems a contradiction when we are being urged not to use our cars to cut the only public transport available to many parishioners. Cllr Robertson volunteered to take hard copies out to residents. Cllr Hodgkinson suggested that not only would elderly residents be affected but those who live at the edges of the Parish e.g. Almshouses Lane would be completely cut off without the no.59. Staff without cars travelling to the Priory would also be unable to reach work if the service is removed.

ii) Mrs Gillibrand enquired about the story previously mentioned to Cllr Hart regarding the decision by Nottinghamshire County Council to charge anyone with a bus pass using the Red Arrow bus service – Cllr Ling reported that he had made enquiries and that the charges can be made and that they will be brought in on the 1st April 2016 – Clerk to ask Cllr Hart to investigate further.

iii) Mr Brewster reported that issues were being faced by residents living close to the Memorial Hall by cars being parked late at night and engines being revved and loud, heavy based music being played in the car park. The culprits also empty their cars of all rubbish onto the car park leaving a terrible mess to be cleared up the following morning. The Clerk urged Mr Brewster to report such issues to the Police 101 number. It is imperative that all anti- social behaviour such as this is reported to the Police so that they can build up a picture of issues faced by residents across the area.

iv) Mrs Mellor thanked the Clerk and Councillors for all their efforts on the Parish Newsletter and for making it such an informative and interesting read.

v) Mrs Easterbrook asked if anything was being done in regards of the amount of traffic travelling through the village with the possibility of future large developments close to the village a picture of the number of cars now was essential. The Clerk reported that the issue would be discussed as part of the agenda – number 9 (d)

vi) Mr Williams reported that there had been several incidents of fly tipping on Morley Lane

55 over the last few weeks and that rubbish everywhere was terrible. On a happier note he reported that large amounts of litter had been cleared along the A61 as part of the Clean for the Queen scheme. b) Reports from Outside Bodies – a) Cllr Summerfield – nothing to report from Erewash Borough Council

b) Cllr Stevenson reported that a coffee shop was being introduced at the Erewash Museum and that volunteers were being sought to help run the enterprise. He also reported that parking charges were being altered so that all car parks across the Borough were in line and that the 1-hour free parking was being retained. Free Dog Health Checks would be available to residents on the 21/3/16 – the 24/3/16 across the borough and that he would let the Clerk have further details to circulate in due course.

c) PCSO Rob Stanesby had passed a report of crimes reported since the last meeting: 18/2/16 – Abandoned car at Broomfield College 24/2/16 – Nuisance motorbikes Brackley Gate/rear of the Priory 25/2/16 – Nuisance motorbikes Brackley Gate/rear of the Priory 28/2/16 – Suspicious activity, swapping of car number plates Station Road. 01/3/16 – Straying Sheep Moor Road 02/3/16 – Road Traffic Collision with wall on Morley Lane.

d) Inspector Andrews section inspector from the Erewash Division of Derbyshire Constabulary attended the meeting to explain changes taking place in the way neighbourhood policing is carried out and to reassure residents regarding the fear of crime. She had taken over in October as the Inspector responsible for the whole of Erewash borough – it is a big challenge and a large area to control and the team have been looking at how resources can be best managed. Safer neighbourhoods work is very important. Things have changed no longer is there an officer in each area as the resources have been reduced and officers have to be deployed where they are most needed – they have been looking at protecting the most vulnerable such as child safety issues. The Ilkeston rural area has a very low number of incidents and having an officer dedicated to the area can’t be justified when areas such as Cotmanhay have such high crime rates and are classed as a priority. However, the move to using the PCSO to cover the rural area should lead to more visibility which reassures residents and gives them a point of contact. Inspector Andrews agreed that anti-social behaviour incidents should be reported and whilst an officer might not be able to attend straight away it builds a picture of issues being faced and can help the team prioritise more reactively. Cllr Hodgkinson reported that there had not been a police presence in the village for some time and that many crimes were being carried out in the early hours of the morning when no one was about to witness them. Inspector Andrews reported that there were officers working 24/7 across the whole area. Changes were to be made to the way that priorities were set and that reports of criminal activity would be assessed by Police officers on a more fluid basis so that the force could react accordingly and that Panel meetings would not be the way these priorities would be chosen as in the past. Councillor Moffat reported that she had been impressed when she had called to report people with guns on the Greenway as officers attended immediately every time she had made a call.

Inspector Andrews confirmed that the police couldn’t operate without information from residents and that any suspicious activity should always be reported. A target had been apprehended recently following a report of suspicious activity from a resident in West Hallam – this could not have happened without the help of the public. There had been a number of bogus callers in the area and residents were urged to report anything that aroused suspicion however minor it might appear. The Clerk thanked Inspector Katie Andrews for attending.

06/03/2016 - Minutes – RESOLVED to confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 9th February 2016.

07/03/2016 – To determine which items if any from Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. If the Council decides to exclude the public, it will be necessary to pass a resolution in the following terms: - “In view of the confidential nature of item 56 …. to consider a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, s1, in order to discuss the item.” -

none 08/03/2016 - Chairman’s Announcements. – a) The Chair requested that Councillors stay behind for five minutes at the end of the meeting.

09/03/2016 - Report of the Parish Clerk. a) OAP Bungalow Site – it was RESOLVED to note that a further planning application was still awaited from Homes. b) A38 – it was RESOLVED to note that a further meeting of stakeholders had been held the previous week and that Highways England still seemed set on continuing with Option 3 despite the arguments put forward by the Action Group. The Action Group had argued that there were no proper transport/footpath/cycleway connections to the surrounding area and that this should be improved as part of any implemented changes in particular a crossing for pedestrians and cyclists across the A61. The Action Group hopes to meet with Pauline Latham on the 1st April and will continue to feedback to the Parish Council as and when necessary. Cllr Goodwin thanked the Action Group for all of their hard work and effort on the Parishes behalf. c) Mansfield Road - Durose Estates Proposals – it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would use the draft letter circulated by Councillor Poplar to write and raise further concerns with Pauline Latham – the letter should be cc’d to both Erewash Borough Planners and the Derby City Head of Planning Paul Clarke. d) Traffic Surveys – it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would organise a meeting with Neill Bennett from Derbyshire County Council to discuss the details of the proposed traffic surveys. The Clerk also to organise a meeting with Paul Clarke from Derby City to discuss the need for a Section 106 claim for a relief road through the Durose Country Park proposed development. e) Defibrillator/CCTV – it was RESOLVED to note the quotation to and await two further quotations to be organised by the Clerk. Cllr Goodwin reported that a decision had to be made on whether to include cameras to cover the car park and bin store and that the MHPFA would be kept appraised of the situation. f) Derbyshire County Council - Highway Asset Infrastructure Management Strategy Consultation – it was RESOLVED that the Parish Council had no comment to make. g) Derbyshire County Council Buses Consultation – it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would draft a letter of objection to the loss of the number 59 bus and that the Clerk would request hard copies of the questionnaire to be delivered to residents affected by the proposals and to be located in the shop. h) Footpath Playing Fields to Moor Road – it was RESOLVED to accept the quotation from Grasstrack for the repairs to the footpath and drain on the playing fields and to request a further quote for the installation of a French drain in the ditch below the current drain. i) Derby City Local Plan – it was RESOLVED that Councillor Poplar would investigate ways that the workload could be shared and if it was possible to undertake the role of representing the Parish Council. j) Severn Trent Drainage and Fresh Water Pipes- it was RESOLVED that the meeting with Mr Mulligan from Severn Trent had been very positive and that the Clerk would await his report on the issues raised and then report back accordingly. k) Allotment – it was RESOLVED to await the copy of the deeds from the Land Registry to 57 confirm the status of the land and then make any further decision at the next Council meeting.

l) Queen’s 90th birthday commemorative coins – it was RESOLVED to go ahead with the purchase of commemorative coins for the pupils at the Primary school, Clerk to liaise with the head teacher.

m) Litter Campaign – it was RESOLVED to go ahead with a Litter campaign, Clerk to liaise with the Head teacher and the scout and guide leaders.

10/03/2016 - Correspondence and Items raised by Councillors.

a) Flagpole – Cllr Goodwin – it was RESOLVED to go ahead with plans to install a flagpole at the memorial hall conditional on cost and approval from the MHPFA and Planning authority.

11/03/2016 Finance Payee Description £ Access Display Art Club Boards 438.00 Excel Office Equipment Stationery 57.47 Breadsall Memorial Hall Hire of hall 72.00 Mrs N O’Leary Clerk’s Salary February 364.92 HMRC Clerk’s Income Tax February 91.23 Grasstrack Grounds Maintenance Grounds Maintenance February 317.10 E Mitchell Litter Picker Wages February 58.05 Mrs N O’Leary Clerk’s Expenses February 83.46 NJC Property Maintenance Installation of Defib Cabinet 220.81 Land Registry Copy of Deeds Allotment 7.00 Excel Office Equipment Stationery 25.08 E.on Christmas Lights Electricity 15.50 Mrs N O’Leary Reimbursement of Title Register Fee 6.00 Total 1756.62 Income HMRC VAT Return 632.91 NatWest Interest 0.70 Total 633.61 Grand Total 1123.01

b) Account Balances – to RESOLVE to note the information as circulated by the Clerk

Current Account - £15,870.50 Reserve Account - £17,697.46

12/03/2016 Planning –


Planning Approvals/Refusals – a) ERE/1215/0018 - 4 Orchard Close, Breadsall, Derbyshire, DE21 5LN – Remodelling of existing dwelling consisting of raising the roof height, two storey side and rear extension, single storey rear extension, front dormers, alterations to the front porch and new vehicular access and driveway to the front – Approved with conditions 11/02/16 - it was RESOLVED to note the approval.

13/03/2016 DALC Circulars - 03/2016-04/2016 it was RESOLVED to note the information as circulated by the Clerk.

14/03/2016 Items for information only:

a) Local Council Awards – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk had commenced the process of updating the website with the relevant information for the award scheme. b) WWI commemoration – it was RESOLVED to note that an article had been placed in the newsletter and that any responses would be reported back immediately. 58 c) Breadsall Primary School – Listed Building? – it was RESOLVED to note that Cllr Vincett had been to the school and taken the necessary photographs and that Cllrs Hodgkinson and Ling were liaising regarding historic photographs for the application. d) Play Area Funding Application and Maintenance – it was RESOLVED to note that the application had been submitted and that the Clerk awaited a response.

PART II – CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 15/03/2016 To move the following resolution - “That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.” Next Meeting – Would be the Annual Parish Meeting at 7pm on the 12th April 2016

The meeting closed at 8.50pm

Signed as a true record...... Date...... 59


Present; Councillors Goodwin, (Chairman), R Ling, B Hodgkinson, C Binns, L Morris (left early 830), T Vincett, M Moffat, & J Robertson. Derbyshire County Council – Cllr C Hart Digital Derbyshire – Robert Rowan 22 members of the public – see list attached. The Chairman commenced the meeting by welcoming everyone.

PART 1 – NON-CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 01/04/2016 - Apologies – Councillor Poplar, Cllrs Summerfield & Stevenson and PCSO Stanesby. 02/04/2016 - Variation of Order of Business –none 03/04/2016 – Declaration of Members Interests – none 04/04/2016 – Dispensations - To report on and consider any requests for dispensation in accordance with s31 of the Localism Act 2011. none 05/04/2016- a) Public Speaking – i) Mrs Millner reported that the children had started back working in the churchyard again as part of the programme started last year and that volunteers would be gratefully welcomed.

ii) Mrs Pollard thanked the Clerk for writing the letter of support for the number 59 bus, thanks also to Cllr Hart for her support with issues raised by residents regarding the bus service. Rumours being passed around that the service is ending are not true. Cllr Hart confirmed that she had spoken to the relevant officers at County and that the subsidy for the bus was good until September 2017. She would be providing more copies of the questionnaire in various areas affected by the planned cuts and was hopeful that as many people as possible had completed the forms and sent them in

iii) Mrs Gillibrand reported that the road closure circulated by the Clerk might affect the bus service and asked if Cllr Hart could investigate whether this was the case. Cllr Hart to look into. b) Reports from Outside Bodies –

a) Prior to the Annual Parish Meeting Robert Rowan from the Digital Derbyshire team gave a full report on the scheme and reported that a good number of residents in Breadsall should be able to upgrade to the fibre optic connections which would seriously increase the speed of their internet service. For more details see the website:

b) Cllr Hart reported that the LGA were investigating the possibility of bringing powers to act against HGV’s driving illegally on village roads to smaller authorities removing the requirement to have the involvement of the Trading Standards Team and the Police. Cllr Hart to enquire further at the annual conference shortly.

c) PCSO Rob Stanesby had passed a report of crimes reported since the last meeting:

i) Memorial Hall Car Park – anti social behaviour reported – Youths meeting in cars playing loud music, possible drug taking, littering. PCSO has found evidence of drug wrappers in the hedgerow and has reported to the Safer Neighbourhoods Team for further investigation. ii)Moor Lane/ Brackley Gate Problems continue with 4 x 4’s and quad bikes in the woods. iii) Sheep on Moor Road – 16/3/16.

60 06/04/2016 - Minutes – RESOLVED to confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 8th March 2016.

07/04/2016 – To determine which items if any from Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. If the Council decides to exclude the public, it will be necessary to pass a resolution in the following terms: - “In view of the confidential nature of item …. to consider a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, s1, in order to discuss the item.” -

none 08/04/2016 - Chairman’s Announcements. – a) Thank you to everyone who attended the litter pick on Saturday it was a great turn out and the village looked beautiful for a couple of hours at least! It was suggested that notices could be sited at the areas where fly tipping took place letting the culprits know that they could take up to 3 ½ ton of rubbish to the recycling centre at Ilkeston free of charge. b) In advance of the summer fair in preparation for a plant stall once again. Could anyone with any spare plants or plants ok for splitting let Cllr Goodwin have any suitable cuttings etc.

09/04/2016 - Report of the Parish Clerk. a) DALC Membership – it was RESOLVED to remain on the lower level of membership for this financial year. b) A38 – it was RESOLVED that there was little to report following the most recent meeting with HE. Correspondence from Little Eaton Parish Council was discussed and it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would seek advice from DALC and draft a letter in response. c) Mansfield Road - Durose Estates Proposals – it was RESOLVED that following a meeting with Paul Clarke the Head of Planning at Derby City Council that whilst sympathetic to the Parish Council’s position there was little he could do to help. Meetings have been requested with Derbyshire County Council and Erewash Planners. The general feeling was that the Parish Council needed to work closely with all three larger authorities and keep lobbying for the link road between Bishops Drive and the A61. d) Art Club Display Boards – it was RESOLVED to note the information. e) Defibrillator/CCTV – it was RESOLVED to note that following receipt of the quotations for CCTV cameras that the information had been passed to the MHPFA secretary with the suggestion that the cost of installation might be shared with the Parish Council. The Clerk to report back as soon as a response was received – next MHPFA meeting at the beginning of May. f) Footpath Playing Fields to Moor Road – it was RESOLVED to note that the Cricket Club Ground Force Team had laid gravel on the slippery area of the slope on the Easter Weekend. Clerk to report the information to Grasstrack and ask them to ascertain that the drain was still operational and carry out any work still required as per their quotation. Still await a price for the works to the lower ditch area. Clerk to circulate the information as soon as possible. g) CPR First Responders – it was RESOLVED to make a donation of £100.00 to the First Responders. h) Litter Campaign – it was RESOLVED to note that the deadline for entries to the competition is Friday the 27th of May – Prizes would be obtained for 1st place £15, 2nd place £10 and 3rd place £5 in both categories. To be paid for from Chair’s Allowance. i) Flagpole – it was RESOLVED to obtain an aluminium flagpole with internal halyard from Flags and Flagpoles. The Union Flag, George Cross and Derbyshire County Flag to be purchased from Hampshire Flag Company. Clerk to liaise with Grasstrack regarding a price to install. 61 j) Public Contracts Regulations 2015 – it was RESOLVED to note the alterations to the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations as per DALC Circular 05/2016. k) Seeds – it was RESOLVED to save some seeds for the planned wildflower bed at the end of Station Road, Cllr Moffat to prepare and plant. The remaining seeds were donated to Mrs Milner for the School Children to plant in their proposed wildflower bed in the churchyard.

10/04/2016 - Correspondence and Items raised by Councillors.


11/04/2016 Finance Payee Description £ Land Registry Allotment application 7.00 Go Digital Spring Newsletter 349.57 N O’Leary Clerk’s Expenses March 82.75 Excel Office Equipment Stationery 126.12 Breadsall Services Benches & Noticeboards 350.00 DALC Membership 2016 237.57 N O’Leary Clerk’s Salary March 312.08 HMRC Income Tax Clerk (march) & Litter picker October-March 198.47 Grasstrack Grounds Maintenance Grounds Maintenance March 317.10

Total 1980.66 Income Breadsall Art Group Cost of Display Boards 365.00 Total 365.00 Grand Total 1615.66 b) Quarterly Budget Monitoring Report – to RESOLVE to note the information as circulated by the clerk.

12/04/2016 Planning – a) ERE/0316/0024 – Land to the rear of the Bungalow, Hill Top, Breadsall, DE21 4FY – redevelopment of existing site to construct 8 residential dwellings including the demolition of the existing industrial unit – it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would draft a response detailing the Parish Council’s objections on the basis of traffic issues, increasing flood risk and building in the green belt.

Planning Approvals/Refusals – none

13/04/2016 DALC Circulars - 05/2016, 06/2016 & 07/2016 it was RESOLVED to note the information as circulated by the Clerk.

14/04/2016 Items for information only: a) Local Council Awards – it was RESOLVED to note that Bruce has been working on the information on the website as passed to him by the Clerk. b) WWI commemoration – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk has received no feedback from residents regarding the WW1 commemoration article in the newsletter. c) Breadsall Primary School – Listed Building? – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk passed the photos taken by Cllr Vincett to Cllr Hodgkinson who is now looking at which to use for the application. Cllr Hodgkinson thanked Cllr Vincett and said that he was working through them with Cllr Ling providing historical photographs. 62 d) Play Area Funding Application and Maintenance – it was RESOLVED to note that the application was submitted – further information was requested and has been passed to DCC and the Clerk awaits the decision in May. e) OAP Bungalow Site – it was RESOLVED to note that we still await the submission of a new application. f) Traffic Surveys – it was RESOLVED to note that a meeting has been organised for Wednesday the 27th of April at Cllr Binns house with Mr N Bennett from DCC. g) Derby City Local Plan – it was RESOLVED to note that following the meeting with Paul Clarke on the 5th of April Cllrs Moffat, Poplar and Goodwin have resolved to attend the hearings Clerk has contacted Programme Officer to advise. h) Allotment – it was RESOLVED to note that following unsuccessful applications to get a copy of the deeds from the land registry it seems that the land should be gardens but the documents are not very clear. The land is still in the green belt so building shouldn’t be allowed if EBC stick to their current policy. Cllr Binns reported that no further contact had been made to Mr Bowskill by the landowners. i) Severn Trent Drainage and Fresh Water Pipes- it was RESOLVED to note that Chris Mulligan had contacted DCC as promised regarding the issues raised at our meeting with him – the Clerk awaits any feedback from Mr Mulligan and his colleagues. Clerk to chase. j) Queen’s 90th birthday commemorative coins – it was RESOLVED to note that the coins have been ordered and that a card would be produced for each coin indicating that they were presented to the children by the Parish Council.

PART II – CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 15/04/2016 To move the following resolution - “That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.” Next Meeting – Would be the Annual General Meeting at 7pm on the 10th May 2016

The meeting closed at 9.00pm

Signed as a true record...... Date......



Present; Councillors Goodwin, M Poplar, R Ling, B Hodgkinson, L Morris, T Vincett, M Moffat, & J Robertson. Erewash Borough Council – Cllr A Summerfield.

5 members of the public – see list attached.

The Chairman commenced the meeting by welcoming everyone.

PART 1 – NON-CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 01/05/2016 ELECTION OF MEMBERS a) Election of Chairman. Christine Goodwin was proposed, seconded and elected to serve as Chairman of the Parish Council. b) Declaration of Acceptance of Office – Chairman. Christine Goodwin read the Declaration of Acceptance of Office which was signed accordingly. c) Election of Vice Chairman. Linda Morris was proposed, seconded and elected to serve as Vice Chairman of the Parish Council. d) Declaration of Acceptance of Office – Vice Chairman. Linda Morris read the Declaration of Acceptance of Office which was signed accordingly. e) Standing Orders and Financial Regulations – it was RESOLVED to continue to adopt the Financial Regulations and the Standing Orders. f) Risk Management Plan – it was RESOLVED to continue to adopt the Risk Management Plan. 02/05/2016 - Apologies – Councillor Binns, PCSO Stanesby, Cllr Hart & Cllr Stevenson. 03/05/2016 - Variation of Order of Business –none 04/05/2016 – Declaration of Members Interests – none 05/05/2016 – Dispensations - To report on and consider any requests for dispensation in accordance with s31 of the Localism Act 2011. none 06/05/2016- a) Public Speaking – i) Mr Williams reported that the next meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan group was to be held on Monday the 16th of May. b) Reports from Outside Bodies –

i) PCSO Rob Stanesby had sent a report of no reported crimes since the last meeting – issues still causing concern were 4x4’s behind Breadsall Priory and ASB on the Memorial Hall Car Park PCSO Stanesby had visited the Memorial Hall Car Park on a number of occasions late at night. In other areas of Erewash there had been a spate of thefts from vans. ii) Cllr Summerfield reported that it was Erewash Full Council and Mayor Making on Thursday the 12th of May.

07/05/2016 - Minutes – it was RESOLVED to confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 12th April 2016.

1 08/05/2016 – To determine which items if any from Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. If the Council decides to exclude the public, it will be necessary to pass a resolution in the following terms: - “In view of the confidential nature of item …. to consider a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, s1, in order to discuss the item.” - none

09/05/2016 - Chairman’s Announcements. – a) Cllr Goodwin reported that the latest edition of the Highways England newsletter had been received for delivery by the Councillors. It was resolved that as HE were not in a hurry for delivery it was acceptable to wait until the publication of the next Parish newsletter in June.

10/05/2016 - Report of the Parish Clerk. a) Adoption of Audit Report for 2015/16 – it was RESOLVED to adopt the Audit as circulated by the Clerk. b) Appointment of Auditor for 2016-17 – it was RESOLVED to appoint B Wood as auditor for 2016-17. c) Asset Register – it was RESOLVED to note the information and adopt the asset register as circulated by the Clerk. d) Hanging Baskets 2016-2018 – it was RESOLVED to take up a new contract for 4 hanging baskets with EBC. e) A38 – it was RESOLVED to note the information and that the Clerk should contact Pauline Latham’s secretary to get an answer to the Council’s previous question. Also to ask if Little Eaton Parish Council were amenable to the suggested meeting. f) Mansfield Road Durose Estate Proposals – it was RESOLVED to note that Cllrs Moffat, Poplar and Goodwin had met with Paul Clarke from Derby City Council and were due to meet Joe Battye from Derbyshire County Council to lobby for the provision of flood prevention measures and a relief road from Bishops Drive to the A61 as part of the proposals for Durose Country Park. The Clerk had spoken to Eilish Gardiner (planner at EBC dealing with the proposal) and she would furnish the Clerk with possible dates for a meeting. It was agreed that the draft letter to Paul Clarke in response to his letter to Pauline Latham should be sent and that the Clerk would send a letter to Pauline Latham asking her to lobby the three council’s on behalf of Breadsall Parish Council. g) Defibrillator/CCTV – it was RESOLVED to note that the Memorial Hall & Playing Fields Association had agreed at their last meeting to fund the 2 extra cctv cameras for the hall up to the value of £500.00 it was therefore necessary to decide which quotation to accept. 4 Cameras – Video Systems - £ 1,935.00 4 Cameras – Eagle Security - £1,104.00 + vat 4 Cameras – APS Security - £1,545.00 + vat It was resolved to go ahead with the Eagle Security Quote. Clerk also looking into the provision of paediatric pads for the defibrillator. h) Flagpole – it was RESOLVED to note that at their last meeting the Memorial Hall & Playing Fields Association accepted the proposal for the flagpole. Clerk to maintain the flag’s and change whenever necessary clerk to order flagpole and arrange installation by Chris Buck (approx. cost £50.00). i) Payback Application 2016 – it was RESOLVED to await the response from the Probation service as the price quoted seemed very high.

2 j) Traffic Surveys – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk had contacted the consultants and queried the cost and that a decision would be made upon receipt of their reply at the next meeting. k) Derby City Local Plan – it was RESOLVED to thank Councillors Poplar, Moffat and Goodwin for their attendance at the Core Strategy Hearings at Derby City. The Parish Council’s concern were put before the inspector and we await the results. It was reported that following the Parish submission a further item was raised regarding the green wedge at and Chaddesdon not being allowed (even after appeal) as it was important to have a gap between two large housing areas. This is almost identical to the green wedges on Mansfield Road and sets an important precedent. The Clerk had asked if further comments could be made but unfortunately it was now too late. Councillors discussed what could be done to oppose this clear injustice, it was resolved that the Clerk would ask Sarita on the 11th whilst at the DALC office on a training day. l) Derbyshire and Derby Minerals Local Plan – it was RESOLVED that the Parish had no comments to make. m) Emergency Item Insurance – it was RESOLVED to take up the Ecclesiastical quotation as suggested by Came and Company and dependant on the level of discount to sign up to the three-year scheme.

11/05/2016 - Correspondence and Items raised by Councillors. a) Correspondence List – Cllr Morris – it was RESOLVED to include a list of outgoing correspondence on the agenda and minutes of meetings.

12/05/2016 Finance Payee Description £ Amber Community First Responders Donation for training session 100.00 Chairman Chair’s Allowance 150.00 Excel Office Equipment Stationery 71.82 Mrs N O’Leary Clerk’s Salary April 364.95 HMRC Clerk’s Income Tax April 91.20 B Wood 2015/16 Internal Audit 68.00 Ilkeston Brass Balance for Christmas Concert 2016 150.00 Hydro Logic Services Charge for Site Survey 333.60 E Mitchell Litter picker Salary April 58.05 Grasstrack Grounds Maintenance Grounds Maintenance April 317.10 Mrs N O’Leary Clerk’s Expenses April 90.46 1795.18

Income Erewash Borough Council Concurrent Functions Grant 6351.00 Erewash Borough Council Precept 10500.00 16851.00 Grand Total 15055.82 b) Year End – it was RESOLVED to accept the Receipts and Payments Account for the year ended 31.03.16.

13/05/2016 Planning – a) CW8/0416/8 – Fourways, Ford Lane, Breadsall – Section 73a planning application seeking to remove Condition 2 of planning permission ref. CW8/0209/205 in order to make permanent the use of land for inert waste recycling – it was RESOLVED on a majority vote to send a letter of objection to the proposals.

3 b) ERE/0416/0041 – Smithcote Barn, Rectory Lane, Breadsall, Derbyshire, DE21 5LP – first floor extension, single storey glazed canopy & conversion of existing store to living accommodation – it was RESOLVED that there were no objections to the application.

Planning Approvals/Refusals – none

14/05/2016 DALC Circulars - it was RESOLVED to note that there hadn’t been any circulars since the last meeting.

15/05/2016 Items for information only: a) Local Council Awards – it was RESOLVED to note that the work continues. b) WWI commemoration – it was RESOLVED to note that as yet no suggestions have been forwarded to the Clerk. c) Breadsall Primary School – Listed Building? – it was RESOLVED to note that Cllr Hodgkinson is still working on the application. d) Play Area Funding Application and Maintenance – it was RESOLVED to note that the application was not successful as per email circulated by the Clerk. Following a conversation with D Belfield the Clerk was now completing an application to the Tesco Bags of Help fund. e) OAP Bungalow Site – it was RESOLVED to note that we still await a new application. f) Severn Trent Drainage and Fresh Water Pipes- it was RESOLVED to note that as yet despite chasing no response has been received from Severn Trent. g) Queen’s 90th birthday commemorative coins – it was RESOLVED to note that the coin distribution had been a great success the children were delighted and the Councillors were impressed by the children and their behaviour! The Clerk has some photos from the head which will be used in the next Parish Newsletter.

PART II – CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 16/05/2016 To move the following resolution - “That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.” - none Next Meeting – Would be the at 7.15pm on the 14th June 2016

The meeting closed at 8.25pm

Signed as a true record...... Date......



Present; Councillors Goodwin, (Chairman), R Ling, B Hodgkinson, C Binns, M Moffat, & M Poplar. Erewash Councillors: Abey Stevenson & Alan Summerfield. 7 members of the public – see list attached. The Chairman commenced the meeting by welcoming everyone.

PART 1 – NON-CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 01/06/2016 - Apologies – Councillors Robertson, Morris and Vincett and Cllr Hart (DCC). 02/06/2016 - Variation of Order of Business –none 03/06/2016 – Declaration of Members Interests – none 04/06/2016 – Dispensations - To report on and consider any requests for dispensation in accordance with s31 of the Localism Act 2011. none 05/06/2016- a) Public Speaking – i) Mrs Millner reported that she had read in the May minutes that there had been no offer of any suggestions for the WWI commemoration – she reported that the Church would gladly hold an exhibition in the Church over the period of commemoration. ii) The Queen’s 90th birthday celebration had been a great success with 80+ residents attending. iii) Rev Maddocks will be on secondment in Westminster for several months all queries to go to the Church Wardens in her absence. iv) Mr Dakin reported that the footpaths near to Almshouses Lane were very badly overgrown. Clerk had reported footpath 11 following a conversation with Cllr Morris but would investigate the footpath number across Mr Knifton’s Land and report to DCC. Cllr Hodgkinson agreed to talk to Mr Knifton. v) Mr Cawson reported that the footpaths on Brookside Road were still badly overgrown, the Clerk confirmed that she continued to chase DCC regarding the issue and would chase them again following the meeting. vi) Mrs Gillibrand reported that the bus stops on the A61 at Old Croft Lane were very badly overgrown and particularly dirty. The Clerk confirmed that she had reported the issues and would chase for the work to be completed. Cllr Summerfield suggested that any emails to DCC officers should be cc’d into Cllr Hart. vii) Mrs Mellor reported that the hedge at Ivy Cottage was growing out over the pavement quite badly. Clerk to contact Mr Green. b) Reports from Outside Bodies –

Cllr Goodwin congratulated Cllr Stevenson on his recent investiture as Mayor.

a) Cllr Stevenson reported that a new round of Councillors grants was now open and that any local organisations could apply for assistance. Clerk to circulate information to local groups. On Tuesday the 21st of June an event was taking place in Long Eaton called Beating the Retreat – it commences at 7pm on the Market Place.

06/06/2016 - Minutes – RESOLVED to confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 10th May 2016.

5 07/06/2016 – To determine which items if any from Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. If the Council decides to exclude the public, it will be necessary to pass a resolution in the following terms: - “In view of the confidential nature of item …. to consider a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, s1, in order to discuss the item.” -


08/06/2016 - Chairman’s Announcements. –

09/06/2016 - Report of the Parish Clerk. a) Exercise of Public Rights 2015/16 – it was RESOLVED to note the notice of the date of commencement of period for the Exercise of Public Rights for Accounts Year Ended 31.03.16. b) A38 – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk is in the process of organising a meeting with the A38 group and Pauline Latham on the 23rd of June Cllr Poplar to send the new drawings XI option to Cllrs Summerfield and Stevenson for the attention of Little Eaton Parish Council. Clerk to ascertain attendees. c) Mansfield Road Durose Estate Proposals – it was RESOLVED that a letter be sent to EBC relating to the water retention system plans and Cllrs Stevenson and Summerfield were asked to speak to the planners at EBC on our behalf. Clerk to send copies of letters sent to EBC to Cllrs Summerfield and Stevenson. d) Flagpole – it was RESOLVED to note that the flagpole was delivered – Clerk to organise the installation as soon as possible. e) Payback Application 2016 – it was RESOLVED to note that the work was programmed to commence on the 20th of June and would continue on following Mondays until the work is complete. f) Traffic Surveys – it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would contact Derbyshire County Council and make the necessary arrangements for the survey work to be carried out – it was also resolved that the information requested would include the direction vehicles travelled from before joining Brookside Road on the A608 (i.e. from Breadsall Hilltop, Lime Lane or Morley direction). Mr Moffatt has offered to translate the information once collated. g) Rights of Way Minor Maintenance Agreement 2016/17 – it was RESOLVED that Councillors should let the Clerk know of any areas of concern by Monday the 20th; the deadline for applications if none were received the Agreement wouldn’t be undertaken this year. h) Insurance – it was RESOLVED to note that the policy did include discount over the full three years and that the Clerk had taken the necessary steps to take up the offer. i) Art Club Request – it was RESOLVED not to make a donation as requested as funding was limited and the Parish Council could be faced with large numbers of requests from other groups. j) Litter Poster Competition – it was RESOLVED to note that the winners had been chosen and that Cllrs Morris and Goodwin would attend a prize giving later this week. k) Drainage – Memorial Hall Playing Fields – it was RESOLVED to note that Grasstrack has been let down by another contractor regarding the cost of digger hire and would let the Clerk have a price as soon as possible, Clerk to circulate price as soon as received.

6 l) Flood Warning System – it was RESOLVED to note that Hydro Logic Services had been selected to provide the flood warning system following investigation by the Flood Group and V Coombes, DCC Flood Alleviation Team and that the Clerk was organising a meeting with Hydro Logic and the flood group to fine tune the settings of the system and would write out to residents to confirm once the system is up and running.

10/06/2016 - Correspondence and Items raised by Councillors. a) Brass Band Concert – Cllr Goodwin – it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would write out to all groups to confirm stalls and that a message would be sent to the parish news group. Councillors were asked to make suggestions for a community project or charity that funds raised by the Parish Council could benefit. Cllr Moffatt suggested that the money be divided equally between all of the voluntary/charity groups in the village. Clerk to organise a list of groups for circulation.

Emergency Item b) Neighbourhood Plan – Cllr Hodgkinson – it was RESOLVED to note that the group had held two meetings and needed to clarify certain issues with the Parish Council; Status - Should the group be a sub-committee or an advisory group – following discussion it was RESOLVED that the group should run as an advisory group. Remit – the group are open to cover all issues and will feedback to the Parish Council following each meeting and the group will liaise with the Clerk for an article for the newsletter. Boundary – the group were required to set the area that the neighbourhood plan covers it was proposed that the Parish boundary could be used as the neighbourhood plan boundary it was RESOLVED to accept this proposal.

11/06/2016 Finance Payee Description £ Came & Company Insurance 2016 591.54 DALC Training Health & Safety Clerk 25.00 Mrs N O’Leary Clerk’s Salary May 372.29 HMRC Clerk’s Income Tax May 100.38 E Mitchell Litter picker Salary May + Back pay 102.78 Tower Mint Limited Queen’s 90th birthday commemorative Coins 309.40 Mrs N O’Leary Clerk’s Expenses May 172.72 Grasstrack Grounds Maintenance Grounds Maintenance May 325.72 Breadsall Memorial Hall Hall Bookings April/May/June 72.00 2071.83 Income Nat West Interest 0.70 Grand Total 2071.13 b) Bank Balances – to RESOLVE to note the information as circulated by the Clerk.

Current Account - £27,949.04 Reserve Account - £17,699.69

12/06/2016 Planning – a) none

Planning Approvals/Refusals – a) none

13/06/2016 DALC Circulars - 08/2016 & 09/2016 it was RESOLVED to note the information as circulated by the Clerk. 7 14/06/2016 Items for information only: a) Local Council Awards – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk is still working on the process. b) WWI commemoration – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk has received no feedback other than Mrs Milner’s offer. c) Breadsall Primary School – Listed Building? – it was RESOLVED to that Cllr Hodgkinson had been unable to further the application this month. d) Play Area Funding Application and Maintenance – it was RESOLVED to note that the application to BIFFA had been unsuccessful however the Clerk has now made an application to Tesco’s Bags of Help Fund and awaits the response. e) OAP Bungalow Site – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk had contacted EMH and that the Bat survey was now complete and that the new application would be submitted shortly. Once received residents who had previously objected would need to make a fresh application. f) Severn Trent Drainage and Fresh Water Pipes- it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk had received a message from Severn Trent and was awaiting a response to an email sent on the 13.6.16. j) Queen’s 90th birthday commemorative coins – it was RESOLVED to note that the distribution of the coins had been a success and that the children were pleased with their gifts.

PART II – CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 15/06/2016 Correspondence – it was RESOLVED to note the correspondence issued since the last Parish Meeting: a) Letter to Derby City Council in response to Consultation letter – 5/5/16 b) Letter to Derbyshire County Council Planning in response to Consultation Letter 18/5/16 c) Letter to Paul Clarke Derby City Planning in response to DC letter to P Latham 23/5/16 d) Letter to Secretary of State to request Durose planning application be called in 24/5/16

16/06/2016 To move the following resolution - “That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.” 17/06/2016

Date of Next Meeting – 12th of July 2016

Meeting closed at 8.30pm.

Signed as a true record...... Date......



Present; Councillors Goodwin, (Chairman), R Ling, B Hodgkinson, M Moffat, T Vincett & M Poplar. Erewash Councillors: Abey Stevenson Derbyshire County Councillor: Carol Hart 8 members of the public – see list attached. The Chairman commenced the meeting by welcoming everyone.

PART 1 – NON-CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 01/07/2016 - Apologies – Councillors Morris and Binns and Cllr Summerfield (EBC). 02/07/2016 - Variation of Order of Business –none 03/07/2016 – Declaration of Members Interests – none 04/07/2016 – Dispensations - To report on and consider any requests for dispensation in accordance with s31 of the Localism Act 2011. - none 05/07/2016- a) Public Speaking – i) Mrs Milner thanked the Parish Council for the Summer Fair which was held on Sunday the 10th of July and despite a relatively small turnout was a great success. ii) There is a planned work day on the 3rd of September to clear the gullies around the bottom of the church anyone free who feels able to help will be very welcome. iii) There will be a family picnic again on the 25th of September following the 1st harvest service starting at around 12 -1215pm. iv) The minnows group for babies and children aged 0-3 years is going very well and regularly 20 children and parents attend. v) Mrs Gillibrand reported that the hedge and verges along Croft Lane/Old Croft Lane are very overgrown with a lot of stinging nettles. Clerk to chase highways. Cllr Hodgkinson arranging hedge cutting. vi) Mr Cawson reported that the hedges on Brookside Road are getting worse and worse. The Clerk reported that she had chased the team on the Greenway to get the undergrowth cut back and Cllr Hart is to chase. Cllr Ling reported that the hedges on both sides of the windmill jitty have been cut. vii) The hedge at the Old Hall is overgrowing the pavement also Clerk to draft letter and Cllr Goodwin to deliver. viii) Mr Williams reported that the greenway was very overgrown in the Breadsall area. b) Reports from Outside Bodies –

a) Cllr Hart reported that in relation to the previous complaints about the Greenway there was a project to thin out trees and hedges etc. and that work would be undertaken in the near future.

b) Cllr Hart also suggested that it might be a good idea for the Parish Council to display/circulate a message to encourage residents to use the proposed new bus services to ensure that enough business was generated for the bus companies to break even and keep the services running.

c) Cllr Stevenson complimented the organisers of the Summer Brass Band Concert and thanked the residents who had baked the lovely cakes and teas!!!! Cllr Goodwin thanked him for coming to open the event.

d) The Clerk reported that the PCSO had been invited to attend the Parish Council meeting and report on any crimes in the Parish since the last Parish Council meeting. PCSO Stanesby had sent apologies and was pleased to report that there was nothing of importance on the system. It has since come to light that both Cllr Hodgkinson and the Village Shop were robbed in the period since the June meeting. Clearly this raised serious concerns regarding the report and following an email to query this PCSO Stanesby sent a further report that Cllr Hodgkinson’s crime could not be found on the system nor was there any obligation for him to attend or report on crime to Parish Councils. The Clerk had replied informing PCSO Stanesby that Inspector Katie Andrews had promised the PC at the March Meeting that the service to Parishes would not be diminished by the changes taking place.

9 The Clerk reported that she was aware of a change in the Erewash Safer Neighbourhoods Team with a new Sergeant and Inspector now in place. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk write to the Safer Neighbourhoods Team regarding the matter. Cllr Hart reported that she had recently attended a Local Strategic Partnership meeting and could confirm the changes as reported by the Clerk. She informed the meeting that residents could contact the Erewash Safety Partnership to get help with home security. Cllr Hodgkinson confirmed that he would try to revitalise the Neighbourhood Watch Group. During the course of the meeting Cllr Robertson noticed a group of young people with a large quad bike up on the top field of the Memorial Hall Playing Fields – she left the meeting to ascertain what they were doing. They said that they were involved with a car dealership in Derby that sponsored the cricket club and that they were therefore ok to damage the cricket field because their donations would fund any necessary repairs!!!!! Registration of road legal quad bike KE07 FLH. Clerk to report to PCSO Stanesby.

06/07/2016 - Minutes – it was RESOLVED to confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 14th June 2016.

07/07/2016 – To determine which items if any from Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. If the Council decides to exclude the public, it will be necessary to pass a resolution in the following terms: - “In view of the confidential nature of item …. to consider a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, s1, in order to discuss the item.” -


08/07/2016 - Chairman’s Announcements. – a) Councillor Goodwin asked Councillor Hart who was responsible for the maintenance and cleaning of the bus stop on the A61 at the Old Croft Lane. When the Parish Council were involved with the installation of the Micro Bus stop in the village part of the agreement was that the Parish would keep the shelter clean and tidy – the stop on the A61 was in a terrible state who should be keeping it clean? Cllr Hart said that there had been changes and that she would find out. b) A road sign has been abandoned just below the church on Moor Road complete with sand bags it seems to have been there since the works to the drains carried out by DCC in recent months. Cllr Hart to arrange collection.

09/07/2016 - Report of the Parish Clerk. a) A38 – it was RESOLVED following discussions about the delivery of HE newsletters that the Clerk would contact the Highways England team to enquire if residents in Little Eaton received the newsletters and how they were delivered and to suggest that they were considered to hold very little information if any import and that the money spent producing them could be better spent designing an improved road layout. Cllr Poplar reported on a meeting held with the Action Group and Pauline Latham MP – the meeting was useful and Mrs Latham was to contact the Secretary of State for Transport to ask him to ensure that the proposals raised by the Action Group should be taken seriously. Cllr Stevenson suggested that whilst the feedback from HE was very negative the Parish Council and Action Group should continue to lobby and fight the village’s cause. Their work up to now had been excellent. A vote was held on whether Councillors wanted to continue delivering the newsletters the majority voted in favour of discontinuing the delivery, however this could be discussed again once a response was received to the Clerk’s letter. b) Mansfield Road Durose Estate Proposals – it was RESOLVED that the Clerk should email the Parish News Group to encourage as many residents as possible to object to the current EBC planning application relating to the attenuation pond on the site. Cllr Stevenson had spoken to Richard Snow and Steve Birkinshaw from EBC Planning and it was suggested that the Clerk ask when the application would be going to committee and if we would be able to speak at the meeting, Cllr Stevenson suggested that we have a planned approach with a Councillor talking about the traffic issues and it was resolved to ask Mr King if he would be prepared to speak about the flood risk issues. 10 c) Flagpole – it was RESOLVED to note that the flagpole would be installed shortly in the area of shrubbery at the main entrance to the Memorial Hall Car Park. d) Traffic Surveys – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk had placed an order with the team at DCC for the surveys to be carried out as soon as the schools return in September. e) Rights of Way Minor Maintenance Agreement 2016/17 – it was RESOLVED to note that due to the lack of any suitable work that could be carried out to local ROW’s the agreement hadn’t been applied for this financial year. f) Drainage – Memorial Hall Playing Fields – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk had spoken to Grasstrack Grounds Maintenance regarding the possible works to the ditch and that the work was likely to cost over £1000 the Clerk to circulate the quotation as soon as it is received. g) Flood Warning System – it was RESOLVED to note that the system is now up and running and any residents interested in signing up for the flood alerts should contact the Clerk. h) Brass Band Concert – Funding –it was RESOLVED that the groups who participated in the summer fair would receive an equal donation from the funds raised by the Parish Council on the Plant Stall and selling refreshments at the fair. Funds raised amounted to £174.51. i) Neighbourhood Plan – it was RESOLVED to note the information as reported by Mr Williams and Cllr Poplar – See separate Neighbourhood Plan minutes attached and on Website. j) Severn Trent Drainage and Fresh Water Pipes- it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would write to Mr Walton of Severn Trent and invite him to meet with Councillors. k) Number 59 Bus – it was RESOLVED to write to the bus companies to support the proposals for the new 59 bus routes. l) Automatic Enrolment – it was RESOLVED to note that the Parish Council is not required to provide a pension scheme and that the Clerk would continue to feedback any further developments.

10/07/2016 - Correspondence and Items raised by Councillors. a) Public Wi-Fi – Cllr Poplar - it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would raise the proposal to provide public WI-FI with the Memorial Hall Secretary for investigation with the groups who use the hall.

11/07/2016 Finance Payee Description £ Excel Office Equipment Stationery 115.78 One Stop Promotions Flagpole 166.80 N O’Leary Clerk Salary June 368.52 HMRC Clerk Income Tax June 92.20 Grasstrack Grounds Maintenance Grounds Maintenance June/part April 334.34 E Mitchell Litter picking June 78.17 N O’Leary Clerk Expenses June 87.65 Hydro Logic Systems Installation & Report Equipment & Prep 2595.00 Go Digital Printing Summer Newsletter 300.00 Total 4138.46 Income Nat West Interest 0.78 Total 0.78 Grand Total 4137.68

11 b) Quarterly Budget Monitoring Report – it was RESOLVED to note the information as circulated by the Clerk. 12/07/2016 Planning – a) none

Planning Approvals/Refusals – a) ERE/0416/0041 – Smithcote Barn, Rectory Lane, Breadsall, Derbyshire, DE21 5LP – first floor extension, single storey glazed canopy & conversion of existing store to living accommodation – it was RESOLVED to note the approval. b) ERE/0416/0044 – Beardswood, 5 Church Lane, Breadsall, Derbyshire, DE21 5LD – Single Storey Rear Extension – approved with conditions on the 23.6.16.- it was RESOLVED to note that the Parish Council hadn’t been consulted regarding this application, the Clerk had raised the issue with the Planners who apologised and assured the Clerk that it wouldn’t happen again. This is one of several issues regarding admin of Planning that the Clerk had reported to EBC. Clerk to continue to monitor the EBC website. It was RESOLVED to note the approval.

13/07/2016 DALC Circulars - 10/2016 it was RESOLVED to note the information as circulated by the Clerk.

14/07/2016 Items for information only: a) Local Council Awards – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk continues to work on the application. b) WWI commemoration – it was RESOLVED to note that since the Church offer no further suggestions have been made. c) Breadsall Primary School – Listed Building? – it was RESOLVED to note that Cllr Hodgkinson has been discussing the application further with the Heritage England organisation and is commencing the completion of the application forms and is liaising with Cllr Ling regarding old and new photos of the site. d) Play Area Funding Application and Maintenance – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk awaits a response from the Tesco Bags of Help fund. e) OAP Bungalow Site – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk had contacted EMH on the 13.6.16 and that the bat reports were now in and that an application would be submitted during that week. The Clerk continues to monitor the EBC website as yet no sign of an application.

PART II – CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 15/07/2016 Correspondence – it was RESOLVED to note the correspondence issued since the last Parish Meeting: a) Letter to EBC – Durose Attenuation Pond – 24.6.16 b) Letter to Neighbourhood Plan Group 28.6.16 c) Letter to EBC – Durose Attenuation Pond letter 2 – 6.7.16

16/07/2016 To move the following resolution - “That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.” 17/07/2016

Date of Next Meeting – 13th of September 2016

Meeting closed at 8.45pm.

Signed as a true record...... Date......



Present; Councillors Goodwin, (Chairman), R Ling, B Hodgkinson, M Moffat, Morris, Binns & M Poplar. Inspector Jim Thompson & Sgt Damien Shannon Derbyshire Constabulary. 7 members of the public – see list attached. The Chairman commenced the meeting by welcoming everyone.

PART 1 – NON-CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 01/09/2016 - Apologies – Councillors Robertson and Vincett and Cllr Stevenson (EBC) & Cllr Hart (DCC). 02/09/2016 - Variation of Order of Business – The new Neighbourhood beat team to presented their report to the meeting first in order that they be able to leave in a timely manner. a) Insp Thompson & Sgt Shannon introduced themselves as the new Safer Neighbourhoods team and laid out their plans for policing the rural area they are keen to build a strong relationship with the Parishes and would like to build strong communication links – a member of the team will of course not be able to attend every meeting however if one of the relevant team is on duty on a night of a meeting attendance will be expected unless they are out on a call. They won’t be able to provide a complete, detailed report to the meeting but would like to keep residents up to date with issues that are prevalent in the area in order to help residents understand how best to protect themselves from crime and also feedback any successful arrests. Residents are encouraged to report any suspicious activity that they witness asap so that the necessary action can be taken. It is better to report anything you see at once than to leave it until the following morning when it is too late – DIAL 999. Each day the team have tasking meetings and the Inspector looks back at crimes and incidents that have taken place over night and allocates officers accordingly. This may lead to residents feeling like they’ve not seen the team for some time but this does not mean that they aren’t carrying out patrols. Officers on the way to and from the Police HQ in Derby will always pass through the outlying villages on their way to or from the site of the arrest. Sgt Shannon reported that during the past few weeks operations have been undertaken to deal with Auto crime and non-dwelling burglary. Officers patrol an area and look for cars, sheds and garages that are left insecure or vulnerable and then notify the owners of the error of their ways – this helps with Crime Prevention and the team also visit areas where crimes have already been committed and offer free security advice and products such as shed alarms and padlocks. This work is undertaken as part of the Community Safety Partnership and residents over the age of 60 can access a free advice session and products by calling the Safer Community Team, Insp Thompson acknowledged that residents in the Parish had been left feeling neglected by a lack of response following recent crimes and said whilst it was disappointing that officers weren’t able to attend all crime scenes unless they were guaranteed to be able to find some forensic evidence it would be a waste of resources to visit every victim. However, the data recorded was put to very good use identifying patterns in crime and enabled the team to take action to try and prevent it recurring. He did hope that when a crime was reported whilst CID etc. couldn’t attend every site he hoped that the SNT would pick up those calls and try and get out to the victims. There was a concern with Rural crime and a Farm Watch Scheme is to be implemented. The team are hoping to work closely with the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme and are hoping to get out and visit each Parish in the coming months. The Ilkeston Rural area is now “manned” by PC John Aldred, PCSO Matt Lewis and PCSO Steve Bowlzer. The area is larger but it is hoped that residents will notice an increased presence. New “Street Meet” Sessions will be commencing shortly and it was proposed that the best place to hold the sessions in Breadsall would be at the area at the bottom of Station Road. The Clerk asked if they would be able to start up the Speed watch sessions in the village again – the team were more than happy to work with Kim Percival at DCC Trading Standards and they would look into the possibility of running the sessions in the future.

Cllr Goodwin thanked Insp Thompson and Sgt Shannon for taking the time to come along and talk to the meeting and she hoped that we would see then again soon.

03/09/2016 – Declaration of Members Interests – none 04/09/2016 – Dispensations - To report on and consider any requests for dispensation in accordance with s31 of the Localism Act 2011. – none

13 05/09/2016- a) Public Speaking – i) Mrs Pollard reported that the state of Croft Lane was still almost impassable – the clerk confirmed that the problem had been reported on a number of occasions and that she would chase DCC once more. ii) Mrs Pollard reported that the new Y59 bus route along Croft Lane appeared to be very popular with residents and the community spirit engendered by the new service was up lifting. iii) Silvia reported that should the Parish Council wish they had two spare Cherry trees which could be planted on the Frog Lane triangle. The Clerk thanked them for the kind offer. iv) Mrs Swales reported that the Dam brook at Brookfields Farm was becoming seriously congested and also that there is growth of Himalayan Balsam there. The Clerk reported that she had been corresponding with EBC regarding the possibility of action being taken against landowners in the Parish who allow the unchecked growth of the invasive species. b) Reports from Outside Bodies –


06/09/2016 - Minutes – it was RESOLVED to confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 12th July 2016.

07/09/2016 – To determine which items if any from Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. If the Council decides to exclude the public, it will be necessary to pass a resolution in the following terms: - “In view of the confidential nature of item …. to consider a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, s1, in order to discuss the item.” -


08/09/2016 - Chairman’s Announcements. – a) Cllr Goodwin reported that we were in need of a new litter picker and that anyone was welcome to apply for the job. If any residents know of anyone who might be interested in the role, please get in touch with the Clerk as soon as possible.

09/09/2016 - Report of the Parish Clerk. a) A38 – it was RESOLVED to note that the Parish Council were disappointed with the recent letter from Little Eaton Parish Council to Pauline Latham MP and that the Clerk would write to Councillor Summerfield to ascertain the background to the content of the letter. Any response would be circulated as soon as possible in order that a letter could be drafted to Mrs Latham refuting the inaccuracies within. b) Mansfield Road Durose Estate Proposals – it was RESOLVED that at present no further action could be taken and that the item would be moved to the Information Only section of the agenda. c) Flagpole – it was RESOLVED to note that the flagpole had been installed and that currently the Derbyshire County flag was flying. d) Traffic Surveys – it was RESOLVED to note that the survey equipment had been installed on Monday the 12th of September and that the information gathered would be reported to the Parish Council in due course. e) Drainage – Memorial Hall Playing Fields – it was RESOLVED that Cllr Ling would meet with C Buck from Grasstrack to try to get to the bottom of the issue.

14 f) Flood Warning System – it was RESOLVED to note that there were 23 members on the system covering 18 properties, Residents have also been supplied with flood sax when requested. Anyone who requires any sax or to be included on the flood warning system should contact the Clerk. DCC continue to work on the application for funding towards the proposed works on the Boosemoor and Dam Brooks. g) Neighbourhood Plan – it was RESOLVED to note that the neighbourhood plan was progressing well. A draft memo of agreement was being completed, and the group would be moving on to the first stage of the grant application shortly. They are finalising the public questionnaire and will discuss with the Clerk shortly. The group had held a meeting which Joe Dugdale had attended. Mr Dugdale thought that the group needed to be larger and include a broader group of people with some younger people and some women if at all possible. The next stage requires the LPA to determine an area application within a prescribed period of eight weeks from the date that it was first publicized (August 9th 2016), a task necessary to comply to Reg 6A of current Regulations this will be included in the planning committee meeting on the 21st September. Mr Read reported that he had contacted EBC but received no reply. Clerk to contact Adam Reddish to query. h) Severn Trent Drainage and Fresh Water Pipes- it was RESOLVED to note that Severn Trent were being evasive and that the Clerk had contacted them again and asked for someone who could actually deal with the Council’s queries to come and speak to Councillors – still awaiting a response. i) Lay-by Croft Lane – it was RESOLVED that the removal of the layby was not necessarily the best proposal. Clerk to ask EBC to reinstall a litter bin at the site – site to be monitored and if littering and fly- tipping continues to be discussed again after 6 months. j) Triangle Rectory Lane/Brookside – it was RESOLVED that a new tree should be procured and that the Clerk would investigate the removal of the stump and any time limitation relating to the diseased tree. A resident had requested permission to site a carved wooden sign on the entrance to “Frog Lane” After considerable discussion it was resolved that the Clerk would contact EBC and investigate a street sign for the lane. k) Wi-Fi Memorial Hall – it was RESOLVED that no further action would be taken. Investigation into interest in the installation of wi-fi had received very little interest. l) Litter- Picker Post – it was RESOLVED to send out a further email and for residents and Councillors to publicise the vacancy as much as possible.

10. Correspondence and Items raised by Councillors a) White Posts – Cllr Goodwin – it was RESOLVED that Councillor Ling would complete the posts at the junction of Church Lane and Brookside Road once the broken post was replaced, Clerk to organise with C Buck. Cllr Binns to investigate whether residents would volunteer to paint the posts at the Village shop triangle and the Old Hall triangle.

11/09/2016 Finance Payee Description £ Mrs N O’Leary Clerk’s Salary July 368.72 HMRC Clerk’s Income Tax July 92.00 E Mitchell Litter Picker Salary July 79.50 Grasstrack Grounds Maintenance July 325.72 Breadsall Primary School Donation from Summer Fair 35.00 Breadsall WI Donation from Summer Fair 35.00 Breadsall Cricket Club Donation from Summer Fair 35.00 Breadsall Bowls Club Donation from Summer Fair 35.00 PCC to All Saints Donation from Summer Fair 35.00 Mrs N O’Leary Clerk’s Expenses July 79.78 Grasstrack Tree Work on park & Tree Felling 330.00 Mrs N O’Leary Clerk’s Salary August 368.52 HMRC Clerk’s Income Tax August 92.20 Grant Thornton Audit 2015/16 240.00

15 Erewash Borough Council Hanging Baskets 558.00 Breaston Parish Council Recharge for laminating & Printing 24.00 Grasstrack Flagpole/repairs to step 222.00 Grasstrack Grounds Maintenance August 325.72 The Play Inspection Company Annual Play Area Inspection 75.00 E Mitchell Litter picking August 76.85 Total 3433.01 Income

Various Summer Fair 174.51 HMRC VAT Refund 708.58 Nat West Interest 0.73 Nat West Interest 0.70 C Goodwin Comm Coins 14.33 Cllrs Ling/Moffat/Morris Comm Coins 27.07 Total 925.92 Grand Total 2507.09 b) Bank Balances – it was RESOLVED to note the balances as circulated by the Clerk. Current Account - £ 21,437.02 Business Reserve Account - £17,701.92

12/09/2016 Planning – a) ERE/0816/0027 – 11-21 Rectory Lane, Breadsall, Derbyshire – Demolition of 5 existing bungalows and erection of 8 dwellings and associated works. – it was RESOLVED that the objection letter and document as previously circulated had been sent to EBC and that the Clerk would send the draft letter as circulated to the members of the Planning Committee. Letter to be sent to Cllrs Stevenson and Summerfield regarding the possible Conflict of interest between the Planning Division and the Housing Division at Erewash Borough Council.

Emergency Item b) ERE/0116/0048 – Proposed Retrospective Planning Application for the retention of a single storey extension, addition of first floor rear extension to building and extension to car park at Starbucks, Ford Lane, Breadsall, Derbyshire, DE21 5DA – Application being considered again at the next Planning Committee on the 21st September 2016 – it was RESOLVED to send the objection correspondence as previously sent.

Planning Approvals/Refusals – a) ERE/1215/0040 – Land to the north of Mansfield Road, Breadsall, DE21 4TJ – Outline planning application for residential development of up to 230 dwellings (use class C3) and associated works including means of access, with all other matters (appearance, landscaping, scale & layout) reserved, this is a cross boundary application with Derby City Council. – approved with conditions 28.7.16- it was RESOLVED to note the approval. b) ERE/0716/2095 – 4 Ash Tree Close, Breadsall – Prior Notification orangery style rear extension – prior approval not needed – it was RESOLVED to note the approval.

13/09/2016 DALC Circulars 11/2016, 12/2016, 13/2016 & 14/2016 as circulated- it was RESOLVED to note the information

14/09/2016 Items for information only: a) Local Council Awards – it was RESOLVED to note the information – as per previous reports I continue to work on the award whenever I get a chance. b) WWI commemoration – it was RESOLVED to note that no further suggestions have been received. – Cllr Robertson had suggested some events involving the school children.

16 c) Breadsall Primary School – Listed Building? – it was RESOLVED to note that Cllr Hodgkinson continues to work on the application. d) Play Area Funding Application and Maintenance – it was RESOLVED to note that the application to Tesco Bags of Help was unsuccessful. Clerk to progress an Awards for all application.

PART II – CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 15/09/2016 Correspondence – it was RESOLVED to note the correspondence issued since the last Parish Meeting: a) Letter to Derbyshire Constabulary – Police Visibility in Rural areas – 13/017/16 b) Letter to Notts & Derby Buses – Proposed new bus service in Breadsall Village – 13/07/16 c) Letter to Your Bus – Proposed new bus service in Breadsall Village – 13/07/2016 d) Letter to Mr Dawson – Overhanging vegetation at the Old Hall. – 13/07/16 e) Letter to Severn Trent – Flood Issues & Village Drainage – 13/07/16 f) Letter to Erewash Borough Council – Starbucks planning application. – 28/07/16 g) Letter to Mr & Mrs Blount – Flood Warning System – 22/08/16 h) Letter to Mr & Mrs Dowling – Flood Warning System- 22/08/16 i) Letter to Mr & Mrs Easterbrook – Flood Warning System- 22/08/16 j) Letter to Mr Douglass-Treanor – Flood Warning System – 22/08/16 k) Letter to Mr & Mrs Hives – Flood Warning System – 22/08/16 l) Letter to Mr & Mrs Meakin – Flood Warning System – 22/08/16 - 22/08/16 m) Letter to Mr & Mrs Pearson – Flood Warning System – 22/08/16 n) Letter to Mrs Reed – Flood Warning System – 22/08/16 o) Letter to Mr & Mrs Tilforth – Flood Warning System – 22/08/16 p) Letter to DCC – Transportation Data & analysis Team Traffic Survey. – 30/08/16

16/09/2016 To move the following resolution - “That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.” 17/09/2016

Date of Next Meeting – 10th of October 2016

Meeting closed at 9.05pm.

Signed as a true record...... Date......



Present; Councillors Goodwin, (Chairman), R Ling, B Hodgkinson, M Moffat, J Robertson, C Binns, M Poplar & Vincett. Cllr Hart (DCC) & Cllr Summerfield (EBC). 9 members of the public – see list attached. The Chairman commenced the meeting by welcoming everyone.

PART 1 – NON-CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 01/10/2016 - Apologies – Councillors Morris and Cllr Stevenson (EBC). 02/10/2016 - Variation of Order of Business – none

03/10/2016 – Declaration of Members Interests – none 04/10/2016 – Dispensations - To report on and consider any requests for dispensation in accordance with s31 of the Localism Act 2011. – none

05/10/2016- a) Public Speaking – i) Mrs Milner reported that the Church’s young people’s groups were doing very well with numbers attending increasing. There is to be a Memorial Service on the 30th of October a 4pm. The Parish Council are cordially invited to attend the Remembrance Service on Sunday the 13th of November. Starting with the Scouts on Pall Mall. Mrs Milner to circulate the time. ii) Mr Brewster reported that a sneak thief had been caught by a resident on Darwin Fields – residents to take note and ensure that doors and windows are locked when they are upstairs or out in the garden. b) Reports from Outside Bodies –

i) Councillor Hart (DCC)– reported that a resident in Breadsall had been given a commendation for their entry in Erewash in Bloom. She referred to the Clerk’s request for information regarding the school move and reported that there was no news on timescales. However, a report had been due to go before the Cabinet shortly but it had been withdrawn – new report to go to cabinet on the 22/11/16. Cllr Hart to keep the Clerk informed. ii) Councillor Summerfield (EBC) – nothing to report.

06/10/2016 - Minutes – it was RESOLVED to confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 13th September 2016.

07/10/2016 – To determine which items if any from Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. If the Council decides to exclude the public, it will be necessary to pass a resolution in the following terms: - “In view of the confidential nature of item …. to consider a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, s1, in order to discuss the item.” -


08/10/2016 - Chairman’s Announcements. –


09/10/2016 - Report of the Parish Clerk. a) A38 – it was RESOLVED to note that there was a further stakeholders meeting, John Burton was representing the A38 Action Group unfortunately no one able to go along to represent the Parish Council on this occasion. It was agreed that morale was low as the group’s suggestions and comments were uniformly passed over. Clerk to draft letter to Pauline Latham in response to the recent correspondence from Little Eaton Parish Council. 18 b) Drainage – Memorial Hall Playing Fields – it was RESOLVED to note that Cllr Ling & C Buck had met on site and discussed how best to deal with the drainage problems on the path to Moor Way. A quotation of £875 was received and thought to be too high. Clerk to investigate ownership and the responsibility for the footpath from the playing fields to Moor Way and report back to the next meeting. c) Neighbourhood Plan – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk had circulated the Terms of Reference for the NPAG and the Service Level Agreement for the work to be undertaken by RAD. Cllrs to respond by email within 7 days so that the Clerk could pass any queries or comments to the group for action before they move forward with the contract with RAD. Cllr Poplar reported that the group had still had no liaison with EBC Planning and Councillor Hart was asked for comment. She reported that the team were short staffed and that they were looking at how best to proceed with the two applications for Neighbourhood Plans in the Borough. d) Severn Trent Drainage and Fresh Water Pipes- it was RESOLVED to note that the meeting held earlier in the evening with officers from Severn Trent was productive but still disappointing as there was little likelihood of a replacement sewage/drainage system. C Mulligan of STW to forward information and posters for the Clerk to circulate and publicise and fat traps for residents. An article to be included in the next Parish Newsletter. e) Lay-by Croft Lane – Following some discussion Cllrs were reluctant to enter into an agreement to pay for a litter bin and for it to be emptied and it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would investigate ownership of the land and layby with Derbyshire County Council. f) Triangle Rectory Lane/Brookside – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk awaits a response regarding the street naming issue and will report back accordingly. The stump of the diseased tree is to be ground out on the 14th of October and the Clerk had made enquiries with the Tree Officer at EBC regarding issues faced replanting following such infection. The Tree Officer had said it would be ok and that a reasonably small tree could be chosen by residents. Grasstrack had given a price to dig out the root and plant a new tree. There was some discussion regarding the type of tree to be planted and a Rowan was the favourite choice, there was still concern regarding the previous Rowan tree being diseased and the Clerk was asked to investigate further. g) Litter- Picker Post – it was RESOLVED to note that Mr Peter Dickinson had commenced work on Wednesday the 5th of October. h) White Posts – it was RESOLVED to accept the quote of £115 to replace the damaged post on Church Lane/Brookside Road once the work is complete Cllr Ling to paint the posts on that junction and on the Church Triangle. Cllr Binns confirmed that his father had agreed to paint the posts on the shop and telephone box triangles Cllr Goodwin thanked them for their offer. i) Holocaust Memorial Day – it was RESOLVED to lower the Union Flag to mark the day. (27th of January each year). Clerk to also organise the changing of the flag in readiness for Remembrance Sunday. j) Himalayan Balsam – it was RESOLVED to note that the village was completely awash with the invasive plant, the Clerk has reported the issue of the HB on the Greenway to DCC and awaits a response. Clerk to draft a letter to EBC to ask them to use their powers to enforce the law regarding the plant with the land owners allowing it to flourish. k) OAP Bungalows – it was RESOLVED to note that objection letters had been sent to the Planning team at EBC, the Planning committee members and representatives at both DCC & EBC. Cllr Goodwin raised a query regarding the ownership of the land surrounding the OAP bungalows. Clerk to make further investigations. l) Breadsall Primary School – it was RESOLVED to note the information as provided by Cllr Hodgkinson and that Cllrs Goodwin and Moffat would look at the forms and on what action can be taken. m) Christmas Lights – it was RESOLVED to accept the quotation for £735 from Leisurelites as circulated by the Clerk. 19 10/10/2016 - Correspondence and Items raised by Councillors a) Thank you – it was RESOLVED to go ahead with the proposal to arrange a thank you gift for Mr and Mrs Brewster for all of their hard work litter picking in the village over the summer.

11/10/2016 Finance Payee Description £ Eagle Security CCTV System 1324.80 Mrs N O’Leary Clerk’s Salary September 368.52 HMRC Clerk’s Income Tax September 92.20 Mrs N O’Leary Clerk’s Expenses August 66.86 Grasstrack Grounds Maintenance Grounds Maintenance September 325.72 Mrs N O’Leary Clerk’s Expenses September 83.79 Park Hall Designs Newsletter and Website maintenance 270.00 Total 2531.89 Income Nat West Interest 0.80 Total 0.80 Grand Total 2531.09 b) Quarterly Monitoring – it was RESOLVED to note the information as circulated by the Clerk.

12/10/2016 Planning – a) ERE/0816/0027 – 11-21 Rectory Lane, Breadsall, Derbyshire – Demolition of 5 existing bungalows and erection of 8 dwellings and associated works. – it was RESOLVED to note the information. b) EMERGENCY ITEM RECEIVED 10/10/16.

ERE/0916/0065 – 23 Rectory Lane, Breadsall, Derbyshire, DE21 5LL – Listed Building Consent for replacement of existing windows and doors – it was RESOLVED that there were no objections to the proposals.

Planning Approvals/Refusals – a) ERE/0116/0048 – Starbucks, Ford Lane, Breadsall, Derbyshire – Retrospective planning application for the retention of a single storey extension, the addition of first floor rear extension to building and extension of car park – Refused (Committee) 22.9.16 – it was RESOLVED to note the refusal.

13/10/2016 DALC Circulars 15/2016 as circulated- it was RESOLVE to note the information.

14/10/2016 Items for information only: a) Local Council Awards – it was RESOLVED to note the information b) WWI commemoration – it was RESOLVED to note the information c) Play Area Funding Application and Maintenance – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk had submitted an application to the Awards for All grant team and awaited the response. Cllr Vincett reported that he had investigated the issue of Marine Ply and had costed the materials accordingly. It was RESOLVED that Cllr Vincett would source the materials and replace the felted board as installed by Mr Wilton as soon as possible. d) Mansfield Road Durose Estate Proposals – it was RESOLVED to note the information.

20 PART II – CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 15/10/2016 Correspondence – it was RESOLVED to note the correspondence issued since the last Parish Meeting: a) Letter to EBC Planners – OAP Bungalows Invalid Letter – 7.9.16 b) Letter to EBC Planners - OAP Objection letter – 9.9.16 c) Letter to Mr Hiddleston – Riparian Responsibilities – 16.9.16 d) Letter to EBC Planning Committee Members – OAP Bungalows – 16.9.16 e) Letter to E Mitchell – Final Pay letter – 16.9.16 f) Letter to All Saints – Donation letter – 16.9.16 g) Letter to Bowls Club – Donation Letter – 16.9.16 h) Letter to Cricket Club – Donation Letter – 16.9.16 i) Letter to WI – Donation Letter – 16.9.16 j) Letter to PTFA – Donation Letter – 16.9.16 k) Letter to EBC Planners – OAP 2nd Objection Letter – 16.9.16

16/10/2016 To move the following resolution - “That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.” 17/10/2016

Date of Next Meeting – 8th of November 2016

Meeting closed at 8.20pm.

Signed as a true record...... Date...... 21


Present; Councillors Goodwin, (Chairman), R Ling, B Hodgkinson, M Moffat, J Robertson, M Poplar & Vincett. Cllr Hart (DCC) & Cllr Summerfield & Stevenson (EBC). 14 members of the public – see list attached. The Chairman commenced the meeting by welcoming everyone.

PART 1 – NON-CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 01/11/2016 - Apologies – Councillors Morris and Binns 02/11/2016 - Variation of Order of Business – none

03/11/2016 – Declaration of Members Interests – none 04/11/2016 – Dispensations - To report on and consider any requests for dispensation in accordance with s31 of the Localism Act 2011. – none

05/11/2016- a) Public Speaking – i) Mrs Milner reported that Revd Maddocks was leaving All Saints to take up a stewardship post in Worcester, her last day would be on the 1/1/17 and a brunch was being held in church to which everyone is welcome. ii) Mrs Milner reported that there would be the usual rehearsal for the Remembrance Service and that the Parish Council were invited to speak as part of the service, Cllr Robertson agreed to take part on behalf of the Parish Council. iii) Mrs Milner reported that the church run children’s groups are continuing to thrive. iv) Mrs Pollard asked about agenda item 9 (k) reporting that traffic speeds along Croft Lane were getting worse and could a Vehicle Activated Sign be installed to encourage motorists to slow down. The proposed housing developments on the Hilltop would make the situation worse. Residents on Beechcroft struggle to leave the end of the street in rush hour. Have the Parish Council still got a budget set aside for traffic calming, A VAS has been installed at Morley Smithy. Cllrs assured Mrs Pollard that the Parish Council continue to work hard trying to improve the traffic situation in the village. Traffic surveys have been carried out by DCC and we await the remaining reports. Cllr Summerfield responded on behalf of Morley Parish Council that whilst the VAS had been installed because of the school the issue of speeding had not been solved by its installation. Cllr Hart reported that DCC were trying to remove signs and clutter from the Highways and were refusing to do anything at the moment. A proven history of incidents, accidents and injuries must be shown before a site will even be considered for any traffic calming measures. Cllr Moffat asked Cllr Hart if all of the signs pointing to Breadsall could be removed from the A38 to discourage motorists from using Breadsall as an arm of the Derby ring road. Cllr Ling pointed out that the roads in Morley, and Ticknall were classified roads hence the different treatment regarding traffic calming. It was agreed that the chicanes which were alleged to slow down traffic often led to drivers speeding in order to get through before a car approaching from the other direction. The Parish Council has offered the ring fenced money to pay for a VAS but been refused by DCC who have to give their permission before anything can be installed on the highway. Clerk to write again to DCC to request the installation of a VAS in the village. b) Reports from Outside Bodies –

i) Councillor Hart (DCC)– reported that the possibility of a combined authority with Nottinghamshire County Council was still being pursued by a number of Councillors at DCC. ii) a) Councillor Stevenson (EBC) – queried whether the notice regarding the overnight speed limit on the A61 had been received – Clerk has circulated to Cllrs and the Parish News Group b) Cllr Stevenson still has funding available for small groups to claim – please contact Cllr Stevenson if your group requires a modest cash injection. 22 c) Cllr Stevenson reported that he had been extremely busy representing the Borough throughout the County and had been to some very interesting events. Cllr Goodwin Thanked Cllr Stevenson for continuing to attend Parish meetings.

iii) Councillor Summerfield (EBC) – nothing to report.

06/11/2016 - Minutes – it was RESOLVED to confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 11th October 2016.

07/11/2016 – To determine which items if any from Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. If the Council decides to exclude the public, it will be necessary to pass a resolution in the following terms: - “In view of the confidential nature of item …. to consider a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, s1, in order to discuss the item.” -


08/11/2016 - Chairman’s Announcements. –

It was RESOLVED to lift standing orders at item 12 (a) to allow residents to comment on the planning application for Brookside Farm.

09/11/2016 - Report of the Parish Clerk. a) A38 – it was RESOLVED to note that a letter had gone from the PC to Pauline Latham and the HE team regarding the issues relating to LEPC. No response as yet. The Action Group have also written to PL to enquire about progress with a meeting with the Secretary of State for Transport. A stakeholders meeting was attended by a member of the A38 Action group and the Highways England team were continuing to plough on with their plans for the preferred option – their option 3. It was expected that an announcement would be made regarding the preferred route some time in December. Residents would need to be informed of the need to respond to the planning consultation once it began its official way through planning. Clerk to inform all as soon as any news is available regarding the planning application. Mr Burton who had attended the stakeholders meeting reported that HE had no intention presently to include any noise mitigation measures in the proposed works to the island. b) Drainage – Memorial Hall Playing Fields – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk contacted DCC to ascertain ownership of the footpath between Moorway and the playing fields and still awaits a response. c) Neighbourhood Plan – it was RESOLVED to note that the group are arranging meetings with Steve Birkinshaw at EBC to discuss the way ahead and with Bruce Broughton to discuss IT issues and will report back accordingly. They hope to have produced the initial public questionnaire and would like if possible to deliver it alongside the next Parish Newsletter. The Clerk is currently collating articles and hopes to have the newsletter ready for distribution within the next 2 weeks. d) Severn Trent Drainage and Fresh Water Pipes- it was RESOLVED to note the Clerk had forwarded round the plans that Cllrs agreed to update with additional information at last month’s meeting with Severn Trent. Cllr Vincett confirmed that he had made some changes and would arrange to have the plans scanned in with the alterations for further circulation and other councillors would be asked to add any further changes. The Clerk had chased both Chris Mulligan and Zelia Lyne regarding any further information discussed at last month’s meeting – Mr Mulligan had provided posters which were to be included in the newsletter and a response was still awaited from Ms Lyne. e) Lay-by Croft Lane – it was RESOLVED to note that DCC were responsible for the layby as it formed part of the highway curtilage. After much discussion it was resolved that the Clerk would write to Derbyshire County Council enquiring on what their proposals for correct maintenance were for the lay-by and asking them to maintain or remove the lay-by. 23 f) Triangle Rectory Lane/Brookside – it was RESOLVED to note that no response had been received from the tree officer at the Peak Park. Mr Buck from Grasstrack who had felled the diseased tree confirmed that it wasn’t recommended to plant the same type of tree where disease had been present – he is to forward a list of possible species and the Clerk will circulate as soon as possible. g) Himalayan Balsam – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk had spoken to a countryside warden involved with the Greenway – they are currently understaffed and awaiting news on who will be made redundant in March so resources are stretched to the limit – investigations will be made into the HB on the greenway and the Clerk will be informed. A response to our letter to EBC is still awaited. h) Breadsall Primary School – it was RESOLVED to note the information as previously circulated – the school is not automatically listed due to its age as per email from English Heritage List Enquiries team. Cllrs Goodwin and Moffat to meet and go over the application form. j) Community Fibre Partnership – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk had received two letters asking the Parish Council to get involved with the Community Fibre Partnership Scheme one relating to Breadsall Primary School and one for Foremarke Hall. Cllr Morris had enquired with the school regarding the letter and they had not been contacted by BT either at the School or the Board of Governors. It was resolved that the scheme was no more than a sales pitch from BT and as such would be ignored. The school wouldn’t be looking to make improvements to their current building with the impending move into new buildings so close. k) Traffic Reports from DCC – it was RESOLVED to note that part of the reports from the recent traffic survey had been received and circulated. The clerk had contacted DCC to enquire when the remaining reports would be sent. Cllr Moffat circulated a series of maps and graphs produced using the information already received. Cllr Goodwin asked Cllr Moffat to pass on the Parish Council’s thanks to Mr Moffat for all of the work he had put in producing the graphs etc. It was resolved to organise a separate meeting of Councillors to look more closely at the information produced and to decide on how best to use it. Clerk to organise meeting.

10/11/2016 - Correspondence and Items raised by Councillors a) Christmas Brass Band Concert – Cllr Goodwin – it was RESOLVED on who is available to help on the day and who is able to sell tickets. The Clerk to contact Morrison’s and the Priory regarding wine and mince pies.

11/11/2016 Finance Payee Description £ Grasstrack Grounds Maintenance October 325.72 Excel Office Equipment Stationery 171.48 Mrs N O’Leary Clerk’s salary October 368.52 Mr P Dickinson Litter picker’s Salary October 86.40 HMRC Clerk & Litter picker income tax October113.80 O Marks Tree Stump 70.00 Mrs N O’Leary Clerk’s expenses October 54.63 Royal British Legion Poppy Wreath 18.00 Total 1208.55 Income Description £ Nat West Interest 0.73 Mr & Mrs Hewitt Hanging Basket invoice 55.00 Memorial Hall Hanging Basket invoice 55.00 Total 110.73 GRAND TOTAL 1097.82 b) Bank Balances – to RESOLVE to note the information as circulated by the Clerk. Current Account - £17,808.56 Business Reserve Account - £17,703.40

24 12/11/2016 Planning – a) ERE/1016/0017 – Brookside Farm, Rectory Lane, Breadsall, DE21 5LL– erection of two detached dwellings, conversion of two barns into two dwellings and extension of the existing dwelling house – it was RESOLVED that the Parish Council could only object to the current proposals due to the detrimental affect Plot 1 has on the conservation area and street scene.

Members of the family submitting the proposal and their planning consultant and residents concerned about the proposals discussed the matter and it is hoped that some amendments can be made to the proposals to satisfy all of those affected and that the applicants and neighbours can work together to resolve any issues. b) ERE/1016/0034 – 5 Church Lane, Breadsall, DE21 5LD – Side Extension – it was RESOLVED that there were no objections to the application. c) ERE/0816/0027 – 11-21 Rectory Lane, Breadsall, DE21 5LL – Demolition of 5 existing bungalows and erection of 7 dwellings and associated works – AMENDED PLANS – substitution of plots 3-5 with two bungalows – it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would write to EBC to confirm that the amendments to the plans were not sufficient to alter the Parish Council’s objections.

Planning Approvals/Refusals – a) none

13/11/2016 DALC Circulars 15/2016 & 16/2016 as circulated- it was RESOLVED to note the information.

14/11/2016 Items for information only: a) Local Council Awards – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk hopes to press on with the application in the next few weeks. b) WWI commemoration – it was RESOLVED to revisit the issue in the new year. c) Play Area Funding Application and Maintenance – it was RESOLVED to note that the application was submitted on the 6th of October and a response is awaited. d) Mansfield Road Durose Estate Proposals – it was RESOLVED to note that no further news has been received regarding the proposals.

PART II – CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 15/11/2016 Correspondence – it was RESOLVED to note the correspondence issued since the last Parish Meeting: a) Letter to Pauline Latham – LEPC A38 letter – 20.10.16 b) Letter to EBC – Himalayan Balsam – 20.10.16 c) Letter to DCLG – Changes to Precept – 20.10.16

16/11/2016 To move the following resolution - “That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.” 17/11/2016

Date of Next Meeting – 13th of December 2016

Meeting closed at 8.30pm.

Signed as a true record...... Date...... 25


Present; Councillors Goodwin, (Chairman), L Morris, C Binns, R Ling, M Moffat, J Robertson, M Poplar & Vincett. Cllr Hart (DCC) & Cllr Summerfield & Stevenson (EBC). 8 members of the public – see list attached. The Chairman commenced the meeting by welcoming everyone.

PART 1 – NON-CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 01/12/2016 - Apologies – Councillor Hodgkinson 02/12/2016 - Variation of Order of Business – none

03/12/2016 – Declaration of Members Interests – none 04/12/2016 – Dispensations - To report on and consider any requests for dispensation in accordance with s31 of the Localism Act 2011. – none

05/12/2016- a) Public Speaking – i) A resident enquired about the sale of the Bluebell Woods site – it was confirmed that the land had been sold and that the Auctioneers had promised to pass on the Clerk’s details to the new owner and ask them to contact the Parish Council. ii) A resident queried whether the police had been monitoring traffic behaviour in the vicinity of the build out on Croft Lane – Inspector Thompson had previously promised that the site would be monitored. Clerk to enquire with the SNT. iii) Mr Flude reported that speeding Traffic was a serious issue and when would the speed camera next be visiting the village – the Chair confirmed that speed watch sessions had been run for many months previously but unfortunately not enough volunteers turned out to make the sessions viable, Clerk to contact the Safer Neighbourhoods team and request further sessions and a visit from the CREST van. iv) Mr Flude reported that a large amount of wood dragged from the brook during the recent storms was still on the bank – Cllr Binns to check whether residents were still interested in removing the wood and then let the Clerk know so that the wood could be removed. b) Reports from Outside Bodies –

i) Councillor Hart (DCC) reported that she had been meeting with Insp Thompson regarding local policing and that he had been very busy but was implementing a new three tiered rota and that PCSO’s would be asked to attend PC meetings wherever possible and to report crime and other important information to Clerk’s when not able to attend. ii) Councillor Stevenson (EBC) Free Christmas parking commences from the 19.12.16. All EBC information is now available on social media. iii) Councillor Summerfield (EBC) – nothing to report.

06/12/2016 - Minutes – it was RESOLVED to confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 8th November 2016.

07/12/2016 – To determine which items if any from Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. If the Council decides to exclude the public, it will be necessary to pass a resolution in the following terms: - “In view of the confidential nature of item …. to consider a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, s1, in order to discuss the item.” -


08/12/2016 - Chairman’s Announcements. – 26 a) White posts – it was RESOLVED to leave the painting of the white posts until the spring unless weather conditions improve sufficiently for the work to be carried out sooner. b) Planning Committee -Cllr Goodwin asked if the Parish Council was happy for her to speak at the upcoming Planning Committee meeting at EBC. It was RESOLVED that it was acceptable for Cllr Goodwin to attend.

09/12/2016 - Report of the Parish Clerk. a) A38 – it was RESOLVED to note the information and to make a decision on any further action to be taken. Cllr Poplar reported that he and other members of the Action Group, Pauline Latham and members of the Highways England team had met recently and that HE continued to ignore suggestions and comments made by the Action Group. HE are due to make an announcement on their preferred option shortly. Action Group to continue to lobby on Breadsall Village’s behalf. Cllr Goodwin thanked the Action Group for all of their hard work. b) Drainage – Memorial Hall Playing Fields – it was RESOLVED to apply for minor maintenance funding towards the cost of the work for the next financial year. Clerk to enquire with EBC on whether they would quote for the work. c) Neighbourhood Plan – it was RESOLVED to note that the initial questionnaire had been delivered to every house in the Parish and posted out to other businesses, clubs and groups involved with the Parish. The Clerk had discussed the funding application form with Mr Dugdale and hoped to complete the electronic version before the end of the week. d) Severn Trent Drainage and Fresh Water Pipes- it was RESOLVED to note that Cllr Vincett had been over the plans and had almost completed the necessary amendments. As soon as it was complete the plans would be circulated to Councillors for comment. e) Lay-by Croft Lane – it was RESOLVED to note that a response from DCC was still awaited Clerk to chase. The damaged fence at the site has been repaired. f) Triangle Rectory Lane/Brookside – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk awaited a list of suitable trees and would circulate as soon as received. g) Himalayan Balsam – it was RESOLVED to note that EBC would not take any action against the landowners relating to the unrestricted growth of Himalayan Balsam. Clerk to write to landowners and request action to taken to remove the plants. h) OAP Bungalows – it was RESOLVED to note that the application was due to be considered by EBC’s planning committee on the 14th of December. i) Breadsall Primary School – it was RESOLVED to note that Cllr Hodgkinson was to pass the information to the Clerk in the new year so that the online form could be completed and sent to English Heritage. j) Traffic Reports from DCC – it was RESOLVED that the information received from Derbyshire County Council’s recent traffic survey could be posted on the Parish Website and circulated to residents – Clerk to action. The Clerk asked Cllr Moffat to thank Mr Moffat for all of his hard work analysing the information and producing tables and graphs for use by the Parish Council. Clerk to contact local businesses (Priory, Shop & School) to ascertain the number and type of delivery vehicles that visit their premises each week and to report back to the January Meeting. k) Lime Lane 2 – it was RESOLVED that the Parish Council would work together with the Oakwood Neighbourhood Watch Group to oppose plans for further development on Lime Lane. Clerk also to contact Cllr Frank Harwood to request his support. l) Bluebell Wood – it was RESOLVED to note the information as minuted above 5/12/2016 a)i). m) Dependant Carers Questionnaire – it was RESOLVED that the Parish Council had no comments regarding the questionnaire. n) Flood Warning System – it was RESOLVED to note that in the recent storm the system had activated and that it had worked well with only minor tweaking required. Cllr Binns to let the 27 Clerk know what levels the system needed setting at and which riparian owners should receive letters of thanks for their hard work clearing debris from the brook. The issue of providing flood sax was discussed and it was considered too costly for the Parish Council to provide residents with further sax. The Clerk is able to source sandbags from EBC should residents need them. o) Shale gas and fracking Information – it was RESOLVED to note the information. p) Concurrent Functions & Precept 2017/18 – it was RESOLVED to note the information as circulated by the Clerk and agreed that the standing orders should be amended at the AGM in May to allow for the annual delay in receiving information from EBC. q) Litter Pick 2017 – it was RESOLVED to note that the first community litter pick of 2017 will be held on Saturday the 1st of April 2017 at 10am meeting at the Memorial Hall Car Park r) Brass Band Concert 2017 – it was RESOLVED to accept the offer of a free band concert from EBC on the 25.06.17. Clerk to contact village groups to ascertain interest in running a summer fair again.

10/12/2016 - Correspondence and Items raised by Councillors a) Christmas Brass Band Concert – Cllr Goodwin – it was RESOLVED to note that the concert was once again a success despite numbers being down on previous years. It was agreed to book the band again for 2017 and the date of the concert was agreed for the 2nd of December 2017. Clerk to book band and send letters of thanks to the Priory, Morrison’s and Mrs Milner.

11/12/2016 Finance Payee Description £ Hydro Logic Services Maintenance Visit 395.70 T Vincett Reimbursement for cost of timber 50.02 Breadsall Memorial Hall Hire of Hall Nov/Dec 36.00 N O’Leary Clerk Salary November 368.72 HMRC Clerk/Litter picker Tax November 70.40 P Dickinson Litter picker November 129.60 Grasstrack Grounds Maintenance Grounds Maintenance November 325.72 Excel Office Equipment Stationery 34.75 Leisure Lites Christmas Lights installation 504.00 Grasstrack Grounds Maintenance White Post 138.00 Mrs N O’Leary Clerk’s Expenses November 82.27 SLCC Membership 2016/17 38.00 E Mitchell Replacement for chq no 001353 38.70 PCC to All Saints Contribution for churchyard maintenance & Christmas Lights 250.00 Total 2461.88 Income Description £ Nat West Interest 0.75 Mrs Milner Hanging Basket 60.00 Memorial Hall Contribution to cost of CCTV 500.00 Total 560.75

GRAND TOTAL 1901.13 b) Quarterly Budget Monitoring Statement – it was RESOLVED to note the information as circulated by the Clerk.

12/12/2016 Planning –

Emergency item a) ERE/1216/0011 – Brookfield, 36 Rectory Lane, Breadsall – Single storey side extension and re- site access- it was RESOLVED that there were no objections to the application. 28

Planning Approvals/Refusals – a) ERE/1116/1671 – 16 Brookside Road, Breadsall, Works to protected Silver Birch Tree – 30% crown thin and 4m crown reduction – withdrawn 19.11.16 – to RESOLVE to note the withdrawal.

13/12/2016 DALC Circulars 17/2016 & 18/2016 as circulated- it was RESOLVED to note the information.

14/12/2016 Items for information only: a) Local Council Awards – it was RESOLVED to note that the Clerk had been very busy with the budget and neighbourhood plan and not had time to work on the LCA. b) Play Area Funding Application and Maintenance – it was RESOLVED to note that the order for the replacement play equipment would be sent shortly. c) Mansfield Road Durose Estate Proposals – it was RESOLVED to note that no further information had been received.

PART II – CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 15/12/2016 Correspondence – it was RESOLVED to note the correspondence issued since the last Parish Meeting: a) Letter to Broomfield College – 9.11.16 b) Letter to DCC (VAS request) – 10.11.16 c) Letter to EBC (Brookside Farm) – 10.11.16 d) Letter to DCC (Lay-by) – 10.11.16 e) Letter to EBC (OAP Amended Plans) 12.11.16 f) Letter to Morrison’s (Mince pies) – 14.11.16 g) Letter to Girl Guides (Remembrance) – 14.11.16 h) Letter to Scouts (Remembrance) – 14.11.16 i) Letter to Awards for All – 15.11.16 j) Letter to Mr Hives (Flood System) – 23.11.16

16/12/2016 To move the following resolution - “That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.” 17/12/2016

Date of Next Meeting – 10th of January 2017

Meeting closed at 8.45pm.

Signed as a true record...... Date...... 29