Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 143 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1997 No. 10 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 4, 1997, at 12:30 p.m. Senate THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1997 The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was debate on the nomination of William Mr. MCCAIN addressed the Chair. called to order by the President pro Daley, to be Secretary of Commerce. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. At the expiration of that debate ator from Arizona. time, the Senate will vote on the con- Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, soon the PRAYER firmation of that nomination. There- Senate will vote on the nomination of The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John fore, all Senators should expect a roll- William Daley to be Secretary of the Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: call vote this morning at approxi- Department of Commerce. Yesterday, Holy God, show us Your high intent mately 10 a.m. Senator LOTT has an- the Commerce Committee reported fa- and keep us from ever being easily con- nounced that this vote will be the last vorably Mr. Daley’s nomination by a tent. This is Your Nation; we are here rollcall vote of the week. However, the vote of 19 to 1. I hope the full Senate to serve You. Just as Daniel Webster Senate may be asked to consider addi- will also vote overwhelmingly for Mr. said that the greatest conviction of his tional executive or legislative matters Daley. The confirmation of nominees by the life was that he was accountable to that can be cleared. Senate is a duty prescribed by the Con- You, we press on with intentionality in f stitution. The advise-and-consent obli- the duties and deliberations of this gation given to the Senate in the Con- day. We want to know what You desire RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME stitution is an extremely important in everything we do and say. Make us The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. task. It should not and must not be aware that You are the unseen guest at KYL). Under the previous order, leader- taken lightly. At the same time, I be- every meeting, the silent observer of ship time is reserved. lieve that it is the President’s preroga- all our actions, and the careful listener f tive to appoint whomever he chooses to at every conversation. Heighten our administration positions and that such awareness not only of Your presence EXECUTIVE SESSION nominees should only be opposed and but also of Your power. Give us cour- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under defeated if there is clear and compel- age to attempt what only You could the previous order, the Senate will now ling evidence that such nominee is help us achieve. Renew our enthu- go into executive session to consider unfit or unable to serve the Nation. siasm, reinvigorate our vision, revi- the nomination of William M. Daley, to Such decision should be made only talize our patriotism, replenish our be Secretary of Commerce. after exhaustive questioning of the strength. In the name of our Lord and f nominee and much soul searching. Saviour. Amen. Mr. William Daley has been asked by NOMINATION OF WILLIAM M. f the President to serve this Nation as DALEY, OF ILLINOIS, TO BE SEC- Secretary of the Department of Com- RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING RETARY OF COMMERCE MAJORITY LEADER merce. Three major lines of ques- The assistant legislative clerk read tioning were asked by the committee: The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The the nomination of William M. Daley, of What are Mr. Daley’s qualifications able acting majority leader, Senator Illinois, to be Secretary of Commerce. to serve as Secretary? What are Mr. MCCAIN, is recognized. The PRESIDING OFFICER. There Daley’s plans for the Department? And SCHEDULE will be 30 minutes for debate on this what are Mr. Daley’s policies that Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, on be- nomination to be equally divided be- would implement those plans? half of the majority leader, I would tween the chairman and ranking mi- Numerous questions regarding the like to announce today’s schedule. In a nority member of the Committee on Commerce Department have been moment, the Senate will proceed to ex- Commerce, Science, and Transpor- asked of the nominee. He has either ecutive session to begin 30 minutes of tation. fully answered the questions or has ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S823 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:30 Oct 24, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\1997SENATE\S30JA7.REC S30JA7 mmaher on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with SOCIALSECURITY S824 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 30, 1997 committed to providing the committee Let me reiterate that point. Based on He knows his subject of trade. He un- an answer in a timely fashion. the evidence presented by all con- derstands the business needs. He is a Mr. President, I am particularly cerned to the committee, the nominee very strong individual. He came to the pleased to announce that the Depart- has engaged in no activity that would assignment immediately going over to ment will cut 100 political appointees cause this Member to vote against him. brief himself on the Department and, from its ranks. The Department has a In fact, the nominee has taken great as the distinguished chairman has al- staggering 256 political appointment steps to rebut all allegations and ex- ready pointed out, has announced, in positions available. Mr. Daley pledged plain the facts surrounding them. After unique form for a nominee, that he was to reduce that number by 100. He such explanations were forthcoming by going to downsize some of the duplica- should be strongly commended for this the nominee, the committee moved ex- tions there in the Department itself action. peditiously to approve this nomina- and make sure that the trips were Additionally, at his confirmation tion. made for industry and not for politics. hearing, Mr. Daley announced that all In closing, the Commerce Committee More than anything else, he is really foreign trade missions would be halted has looked into Mr. Daley’s qualifica- intent on reestablishing the morale of until the Department, in consultation tions and his fitness to serve, and we the Department with the loss of Ron with the Congress, develops a set of cri- believe he is a fine individual who will Brown who did an outstanding job as teria designed to ensure such missions make an outstanding Commerce Sec- the Secretary of Commerce. And I say are not politicized. We have all read retary. Mr. Daley has a tough road that advisedly because I have been at the press reports alleging that political ahead of him. But I am confident he is least through a dozen or so in the last quid pro quos were a part of such trade up to the task. He has already begun to 30 years and worked with them in that missions. Promoting U.S. products demonstrate the leadership necessary 30-year period, not only with respect to abroad and opening foreign markets to to move the Department into the next the authorization of the Department, U.S. business, not electoral politics, century. but the appropriations there. should be the only purpose of such mis- I look forward—and I know I speak Ron Brown did an outstanding job. sions. for all Members on my side of the Yes, there were some solicitations. Again, I am very pleased that Mr. aisle—to working with the new Sec- Thank heavens it was not solicitations Daley has agreed to work with the retary and wish him and his family the by Ron Brown like most Secretaries of committee to ensure that the occur- very best during their time here in Commerce. We had one Republican rences of the past do not happen again. Washington. Mr. President, I strongly Secretary of Commerce go to jail for I am very pleased that Mr. Daley has urge the Senate to confirm this nomi- his solicitations. If we have to get into agreed to refrain from preferential pol- nation. solicitations, I am going to be glad to itics. Discretionary money appro- I yield the floor. make the record. priated to the Department of Com- Mr. HOLLINGS addressed the Chair. But the spirit here is one of biparti- merce should be allocated based on a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- sanship in the support for Bill Daley. I set of standards and fair criteria that ator from South Carolina. was particularly impressed that not do not give special treatment to any Mr. HOLLINGS. I am delighted to only the distinguished Democratic Sen- specific locality or region. serve with my distinguished white- ators, Senator MOSELEY-BRAUN of Illi- Mr. Daley’s commitment in this area haired chairman. My wife says when I nois, and our distinguished colleague, is commendable. Mr. Daley has also appear on TV I look like a Q-Tip. Senator DURBIN of Illinois, were there pledged to act expeditiously on any re- Mr. President, next week the Presi- to present him in enthusiastic fashion, quests for information for files if asked dent of the United States will be deliv- but he was presented to the committee for by any congressional committee. ering his State of the Union Message. by none other than the chairman of the Mr. President, I think it is appro- The Union is in somewhat disrepair, in- House Judiciary Committee, the most priate for me to say that we all know tense disrepair, I might say, because respected HENRY HYDE of Illinois, and that there are serious allegations con- for 50 years after World War II, with the campaign manager for Robert cerning individuals who were part of the Marshall plan, we sacrificed our Dole’s Presidency, the former Sec- the Department of Commerce.
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