From FHS To Go To Seven Personal Mention

Girls And Boys States M>.< Pamela Morns, of Appo- mattox. has been the guest of Mis. Seven Farmville H l g h School student': to give them an oppor- Louie Poster. juniors will attend Giles' State and tunity to live as self-governing citi- Mr. and Mrs Billy Druen and i Boys’ State model lattuvs :.t zens, and also io give them a daughter, Nancy, attended the New VPI and Radio tl, July 11. They clearer understanding of the duties | > ! ton tainil.v reunion in Halifax last wdl joyi about TOO beys and >i) responsibilities and ot 1 week. cirl.< front all parts of the state tor citizenship. the American I,-, ion sponsored pro Program Schedule f Mrs. ('. H. Newman. Jr., spent As m the past, the specially se- gram in good citizenship. last week in Frederick. Md., with and Attorney lected high school juniors will ar- Governor Almond her mother. Mrs, George Easter-. the list rive for the program in good citi- j headline ■ General Harrison day. to be near her lather who officials scheduled zenship Sunday afternoon. July 5. of government underwent surgery at Johits-Hop-j of the states. Both will have vespers and initial to address members kins Ho-pltal in Baltimore, kid. The Governor will spoak at a joint programs that evening. meeting of the two states at Fecit. City governments will be or- Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Layne. of Thursday afternoon. July ft. The At- ganized Monday, July 0. Ejection Lecklmvon. Pa., visited her sis! t, of such officials as torney General will make two sepa- mayors, state Mrs. Ck O. Ferguson, and Mr.' senators, rate talks’, one at Radford and an delegates, treasurers, ser- Ft rguson last week. • ■other at VPI Friday morning. geants. councilman and other of- ficers will be I'r. and Mrs.' J B. Clower and! Member- of the local del uatio; held that afternoon | Both Federalist and Nationalist ! daughter. Rosemary, sailed from; which were nominated by Ins or will i Norfolk Friday for a tour of Europe. her teacher and selected bv t<- lew parties hold conventions, July Girl. State 7, to nominate candidates for gov- cla sinates ar e for Mr and Mrs Paul liner were Aber ernor. lieutenant governor, and at Chariot te Mel Tung. Virginia in Wasiiin.;'. ton. I) C last week Fee torue.v general. Ejection will be that -(pithy. Flame Falls and Nancy w h r e Mr. Ill ii'i' attended tin Roys Stale nrdit and the inauguration at both Webster. Delegate- to Ainerican Library Assoeiulton meet Jed M'lu.ti lute.. will take place Wednesday include Jehu Arehart. tug. New Women Of The Moose Officers Tlie social highlight of the week and Alex Holllle s the annual, ball Delegate Sponsors governor's which Hr. and Mrs A, Tyree Finee were Tin: MOOSE I.OIKJE was the scene of installa- Hamilton, assistant guide; Mrs. Ilmira Davis, be will held at Hie Radford eampu. ill Charlottesville fur the week end tion rites for new officers of the Farmvillr Order Sponsors of the Girls' Stale .' 1" junior graduate regent; Mrs. John Wilson, guide; Friday evening. where Ur. Finch attended a Medi- of the Women of the Moose ■nates are site larmville Bttsmes ! Thursday evening. Mrs. O. A. Shepherd, senior regent; Mrs. Jeannie cal Service Committee meeting a; and Pnifeseona! Woman's c 1 u b. I John Varner, at left, conducted the ceremony. W'ehb. sentinel, and Mrs. A. T. Rice, treasurer and the .Jack Although it has been 100 University Hospital. New officers are. Junior Woman's Club years from left, Mrs. Fletcher VVilker- Mrs. Irene Spurlock, Argus, was not present. A American Legion Auxiliary.! since oil was discovered in Titus- son. Mrs. Garland Cathy Turner, of Roanoke, has chaplain; Woodrow Reynolds, recorder; dinner at ( edar Brook followed the ceremony. to ville. Penn., upwards of 11 million Sponsors of the delegates Boys'; been the guest of her grandpar- Mrs. Harold Rhea, junior regent; Mrs. VV. If. barrels of crude oil are. Stat" are: the Jack Garland post j annually ents. Mr. and Mrs. R J. Turner. of the .American Legion, the farm-: extracted in the Pennsylvania grade Mr. ar,;t Mrs. Leon Henderson anc E. F. Striplin is at Moultrie. Ga.. eers. who died ville Lions club. Farin', die Rotarv region, and known proven reserves Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Watson. Jr., Saturday of a heart are family art* relatives in Cot- he club, and the TPA. underground estimated at have returned from a trip to the visiting where attended funt ral services attack. Striplin left early Saturday to barrels. West Coast. La. Candidates for admission 233,5(10.000 tonport. for his brother-in-law. L. C. Rod- by car. Girls' and Boys' states are chosen j on the basis of leadership, char- acter. courage, honesty. sc!iolar.-hip FARMA1EEE !)HLK(iATKS to attend Girls' State and Boys’ and physical fit- Mate cooperativeness, _ at Radford College and A PI. July 5-11. are. from left. Elaine I'. Girl and \irginia Abernathy, and Charlotte .MeClung: Jed Molnar. The purpose of the ; \ie\ is to provide Holmes .111(1 I his '.rehart. Not pictured is Nancy Webster. Buy.-' state programs citizenship training for high school;



JULY tst SPECIALS, * .i -• ;*< ';.v £•. IN RUGGED AND CARE-FREE QUALITY SURE TO PLEASE MOTHERS STOSS HOURS 9:00 Til 5:30 |5gjr.'•» > : ■ THESE PRICES IN EFFECT BOYS' 2-PC. PRINTED PLISSE PAJAMAS Two-piece pajamas with short sleeves, boxer-type waist pants. In cool, no-iron printed cotton plisse. Assorted .patterns and colors. Sizes 4-8. SMART COTTON WEDNESDAY ALL DAY JUVENILE CABANA SETS IN PRINT POPLIN SPORT Famous Eruit-of-the-Loom cotton poplin in at- DEPARTMENT tractive prints. Set includes smart shirt and match- DEPARTMENT 4-8. 250 PAIRS ing . Wide range of colors. Sizes W hite, prints, solid colors BABY DOLL PAJAMAS JAMAICA SHORTS & BOYS' PRINT POPLIN CABANA SWIM SETS Famous Fruit-of-the-Loom cotton poplin in neW Pi P: P it N\l,-n and Pima C tt >n ip .!i/ PEDAL PUSHERS season selected patterns and colors. Set includes

•• ''<< Plaids and A -s',fii t B ,t t• iix' Solids in Wash printed shirt and matching swim trunks. S-M-L. N Wear Fabrics. BOYS' POLISHED COTTON CAMP SHORTS 52 98 Value Values ta S5.93 Reg. carded cotton—carefully tailored 3c Sturdy polished WEDNESDAY CHOICE $288 with 2-button whistband, elastic at sides, zipper FABULOUS VALUES! Manr fly, 4 pockets. Black, tan, charcoal. 4-14. styles in Wash ’n’ Wear and San- ——BBrnra—mg forized cottons. Ivy stripes, foulard POLISHED COTTON BOXER LONGIES prints, plaids, solids. Excellent *s construction with double Sturdy polished cotton play overalls with full boxer yokes, short sleeves* ■waist, bar-tack fly, 2 cargo pockets. Chuice of tan, I pocket, SANDALS red, black Boys’ sizes d to 7. 6 to 16 in 1' Sizes group. LARGE TABLE "JR. ROCK" FLAT KNIT TEE SHIRTS Reg. to $1.59 cotton New Sizes Newberry's own brand, famous-for-quality Styles—All Minimum knit tee shirts. Nylon-reinforced neck. S M ^121, L (14-16). VALUES TO $7.95 PR. shrinkage. (10), BOYS* HEAVY ARMY CHINO PANTS WEDNESDAY ALL DAY Super-sturdy “Yank-Jr.” brand—for sports, for play. Well made for hard wear, with zipper, tunnel four Sizes 0-18. BOYS' BOYS' belt loops, pocket-'. Reg. $11.98.

WASH ’N WFAR PANTS WHITE SPORT (OATS BOYS' KNIT-TRIMMED COTTON JUST ARRIVED Gij!e\ ond Lord Cords Four-button cardigan style in solid color polished One 14. Two 16, One 18, Two 20 cotton.- Knit-trimmed front, cuffs, waistband. 2 pockets. Red, tan, blue, black S-M-L. Reg. $3.93 Pr. WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY ONLY $5.00 MEN'S WASH 'N WEAR DRESS SHIRTS Lino, weave cotton with short sleeves, semi-spread short pointed collar with permanent stays. One MEN'S FASHION pocket. White'only. Sizes 14%, to 17. BOYS' DELUXE KNIT SHIRTS MEN KNIT SHIRTS BOYS’ SWIM SLACKS MEN'S NO-IRON PLISSE SPORT SHIRTS 99 Cool and care-free—need no ironing. Solid color to COTTON DENIM 299 CORD, soft plisse cotton crepe—well made with double TRUNKS \ AND CHINO yoke, one pocket. Sizes S-M-L. alues! 1.99 Exciting^V Printed and Many styles — mesh, VALUES TO $6.95 PR. pr. Famous make combed striped cotton honey comb and bulky poplins. Box- knit weaves in cotton MEN’S IMPORTED TOYO SPORT cotton or drip-dry acri- CAPS er style, with or acrilan. Convertible lan. Novelties, assorted So wonderfully cool and casually smart—for sports nylon sup- j.66 and button plaeket col- colors. MEN'S VAN HEUSEN or work. Imported Toyo straw cloth in popular siripes, patterns, ports. S-M-L. lars. Solid*, fancies. MEN S PAJAMAS legion shape. Assorted patterns. Sizes 6% to 7%. Sizes 6-Id. ^ S-M-L. AH Famous Make Short and SPORT SHIRTS Regular Styles. Reg. 54.CO to $6.95 Reg. $4.00 to $6.95 ONE-STOP SHOPPING FOR FASHIONS FOR THE WHOfcjE WEDNESDAY $299 WEDNESDAY $2-99