Theory and Methods of Polar Science: Proceedings of International Youth Scientific Conference on the Polar Geodesy, Glaciology, Hydrology and Geophysics
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Theory and Methods of Polar Science: Proceedings International youth scientific conference on the polar geodesy, glaciology, hydrology and geophysics Theory and Methods of Polar Science: Proceedings of International youth scientific conference on the polar geodesy, glaciology, hydrology and geophysics St. Petersburg, Russia, 17–19 May 2018 St. Petersburg 2018 Theory and Methods of Polar Science: Proceedings of International youth scientific conference on the polar geodesy, glaciology, hydrology and geophysics St. Petersburg, Russia, 17–19 May 2018 St. Petersburg 2018 Theory and Methods of Polar Science: Proceedings of International youth scientific conference on the polar geodesy, glaciology, hydrology and geophysics. St. Peters- burg, Russia, 17–19 May 2018 / eds. Popov S. V., Gavrilki- na S. A., Pryakhina G. V. — St. Petersburg, Russia, 2018. — 280 pр. ISBN 978-5-9651-1154-1 This digest contains the papers presented at the International Youth Scientific Conference on the polar geodesy, glaciology, hydrology and geophysics. The common aspects of the scientific investigations in Arc- tic, Antarctic and mountain glaciers were discussed. The papers are rec- ommended for a wide range of scientists and students interested in the Earth Sciences. The digest was published with the financial support of the RFBR within the framework of the project No. 18-35-10006. Proceedings of International youth scientific conference on the polar geodesy, glaciology, hydrology and geophysics СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ARTIFACTS IN THE ARCTIC DIGITAL BATHYMETRY MODELS1 A. S. Abramova. 1 МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ ГИДРОГРАФА СТОКА МАЛЫХ ЛЕДНИКОВЫХ РЕК ГОРНОГО АЛТАЯ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ Р. АКТРУ) Ю. Д. Аминова, Н. Г. Инишев, В. А. Земцов. 11 ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ИЗМЕНЕНИЯ ОБЪЁМА ЛЕДНИКА КОЛКА НА ОСНОВЕ ДАННЫХ НАЗЕМНОЙ СТЕРЕОСКОПИЧЕСКОЙ ФОТОСЪЁМКИ К.А. Аристов . 18 ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИЯ ТЕПЛОВОГО ПОТОКА НА ПОВЕРХНОСТИ ГРУНТОВ ПО ЗАМЕРАМ ТЕМПЕРАТУРЫ Т. А. Афанасьева, П. П. Пермяков, С. П. Варламов, П. Н. Скрябин. 27 ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ИЗОТОПНОГО МЕТОДА ПРИ ИЗУЧЕНИИ ОСОБЕННОСТЕЙ ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ ЛЕДНИКОВОГО СТОКА В АРИДНЫХ ВЫСОКОГОРЬЯХ ЮГО-ВОСТОЧНОГО АЛТАЯ Д. Банцев, Д. Ганюшкин, А. Екайкин, К. Чистяков, И. Токарев. 35 QUATERNARY SEDIMENTS OF THE NORTHERN GYDAN PENINSULA AND KARA SEA ISLANDS: EVIDENCE OF LATE NEOPLEISTOCENE-HOLOCENE RSL CHANGE A. V. Baranskaya, Kh. A. Arslanov, V. Yu. Kuznetsov, F. E. Maksimov, A. Yu. Petrov, V. A. Onoshko, Z. V. Pushina, N. E. Demidov. 44 МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ ТАЯНИЯ ЛЕДНИКОВ ТЯНЬ-ШАНЯ В XXI ВЕКЕ Е. В. Белозёров, Д. А. Петраков, М. Б. Киреева, Е. П. Рец. 54 DELINEATION OF UNDERBED TALIK IN THE LENA RIVER DELTA WITH THE USE OF GEOPHYSICS — RESULTS OF GPR, TEM AND ERT MEASUREMENTS N. Bobrov, A. Titov, A. Krekhov. 60 ДЕФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ ОТТАИВАЮЩИХ ГРУНТОВ О. КОТЕЛЬНЫЙ (НОВОСИБИРСКИЕ ОСТРОВА) И. С. Вахрин . 69 МНОГОЛЕТНЯЯ ДИНАМИКА ЛЕДОВОГО РЕЖИМА СРЕДНИХ РЕК АРКТИЧЕСКОЙ ЗОНЫ СИБИРИ Д. Д. Волкова Е. В. Румянцева . 76 TRANSFORMATION OF KHIBINY MOUNTAIN VALLEYS BY iii St. Petersburg, 17–19 May 2018 Theory and Methods of Polar Science SLUSHFLOWS, KOLA PENINSULA, NORTHWESTERN RUSSIA E. V. Garankina, V. R. Belyaev, Yu. R. Belyaev, A. L. Gurinov, M. M. Ivanov, N. V. Kuzmenkova, F. A. Romanenko, V. V. Surkov, E. D. Tulyakov . 85 ГЕОМОРФОЛОГИЯ И ДИНАМИКА АРКТИЧЕСКИХ ПОБЕРЕЖИЙ КАК ФАКТОРЫ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ ЧУВСТВИТЕЛЬНОСТИ К РАЗЛИВАМ НЕФТИ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ МОРЕЙ КАРСКОГО И ЛАПТЕВЫХ) А. А. Ермолов. 95 ВЛИЯНИЕ ИНФИЛЬТРАЦИИ ЛЕТНИХ АТМОСФЕРНЫХ ОСАДКОВ НА ТЕМПЕРАТУРНЫЙ РЕЖИМ МЕРЗЛЫХ ГРУНТОВ А. Ф. Жирков, М. Н. Железняк, П. П. Пермяков. 106 ЭВОЛЮЦИЯ ИНСОЛЯЦИИ В ЭКВИВАЛЕНТНЫХ ШИРОТАХ В АРКТИКЕ И АНТАРКТИКЕ И. И. Смульский, А. А. Иванова . 114 ТЕПЛОФИЗИЧЕСКИЕ СВОЙСТВА ОСНОВНЫХ ТИПОВ ГОРНЫХ ПОРОД КЫСТЫКТАХСКОЙ ПЛОЩАДИ НА СЕВЕРЕ КРАСНОЯРСКОГО КРАЯ А. Р. Кириллин, И. Е. Мисайлов, А. Ф. Жирков, М. Н. Железняк. 124 ASSESMENT OF THE MODERN STATE OF RIVER YANA ON HYDROCHEMICAL INDICATORS IN THE IMPACT ZONE OF THE EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRY M. I. Ksenofontova. 132 ГЕОМОРФОЛОГИЯ И ДИНАМИКА АРКТИЧЕСКИХ ПОБЕРЕЖИЙ КАК ФАКТОРЫ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ ЧУВСТВИТЕЛЬНОСТИ К РАЗЛИВАМ НЕФТИ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ МОРЕЙ КАРСКОГО И ЛАПТЕВЫХ) А. А. Ермолов. 141 ИЗОТОПНЫЙ СОСТАВ СНЕЖНОГО ПОКРОВА КАРЕЛИИ154 М. А. Левичев, И. А. Крайнюкова, Г. С. Бородулина, И. В. Токарев. 152 ЛЕДНИКИ И КАМЕННЫЕ ГЛЕТЧЕРЫ СЕВЕРО-ВОСТОКА ЯКУТИИ В. М. Лыткин. 162 НОВЫЕ ОСТРОВА НОВОЙ ЗЕМЛИ. ИЗУЧЕНИЕ ТАЯНИЯ ЛЕДНИКОВ АРХИПЕЛАГА НОВАЯ ЗЕМЛЯ ПО КОСМОСНИМКАМ НА ПРИМЕРЕ ЛЕДНИКОВ НАЦПАРКА «РУССКАЯ АРКТИКА» А. В. Макаренко, В. С. Саенко, А. А. Кучейко. 171 iv Proceedings of International youth scientific conference on the polar geodesy, glaciology, hydrology and geophysics ГЕОТЕРМИЧЕСКИЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ В ПРЕДЕЛАХ АНАБАРО- ХАТАНГСКОЙ СЕДЛОВИНЫ И. Е. Мисайлов, А. Р. Кириллин. 180 MODELING OF HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES AT THE VARIOUS LANDSCAPES OF THE PERMAFROST ZONE OF RUSSIA IN CONDITIONS OF POOR INFORMATION N. Nesterova, O. Makarieva, T. Vinogradova, L. Lebedeva . 187 РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ ДИАТОМОВОГО АНАЛИЗА ГОЛОЦЕНОВЫХ ОТЛОЖЕНИЙ В РАЙОНЕ ДУНДЕРБУХТЫ, ЗАПАДНЫЙ ШПИЦБЕРГЕН К.В. Полещук, С.Р. Веркулич, З.В. Пушина, А.С. Окунев. 197 DEBRIS FLOW PHEMOMENA IN LOVOZERSKIYE TUNDRY, KOLA PENINSULA, NORTHWESTERN RUSSIA A. I. Rudinskaya, Yu. R. Belyaev, A. L. Gurinov,E. V. Garankina, V R. Belyaev,. 204 ПОСЛЕЛЕДНИКОВЫЕ ИЗМЕНЕНИЯ ПРИРОДНОЙ СРЕДЫ В РАЙОНЕ ПОСЕЛКА БАРЕНЦБУРГ (ОСТРОВ ЗАПАДНЫЙ ШПИЦБЕРГЕН) Д. А. Соловьева, Л. А. Савельева, С. Р. Веркулич, Э. П. Зазовская . 213 INFLUENCE OF BOTTOM WATER TEMPERATURE VARIABILITY ON THE RESULTS OF GEOTHERMAL MAESUREMENTS IN THE KVITØYA TROUGH (BARENTS SEA) E. Sukhikh. 223 ОПЫТ ГЕОДЕЗИЧЕСКОГО ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ ГЛЯЦИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЙ НА ЛЕДНИКАХ МОНГОЛЬСКОГО АЛТАЯ А. Терехов, М. В. Сыромятина, П. Любицкий, К. В. Чистяков . 230 МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ ОЦЕНКИ КОМПОНЕНТОВ ТЕПЛОВОГО БАЛАНСА ГОРНОГО ОЛЕДЕНЕНИЯ НА ПРИМЕРЕ РЕПРЕЗЕНТАТИВНОГО ЛЕДНИКА ДЖАНКУАТ (ЦЕНТРАЛЬНЫЙ КАВКАЗ) П. А. Торопов, А. А. Шестакова, А. М. Смирнов, В. В. Поповнин. 240 CREVASSE DETECTION BY GEOMORPHOMETRIC MODELLING OF DATA FROM UNMANNED AERIAL SURVEY I. V. Florinsky, D. P. Bliakharskii. 247 БОРА В РАЗЛИЧНЫХ РЕГИОНАХ АРКТИКИ (НОВАЯ ЗЕМЛЯ, ПЕВЕК, ШПИЦБЕРГЕН) А. А. Шестакова. 256 v St. Petersburg, 17–19 May 2018 Theory and Methods of Polar Science ACCESS TO DRINKING WATER IN THE ARCTIC ZONE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS E. Shestakova. 264 ASSESSMENT OF EXTREME RIVER RUNOFF IN NORILSK INDUSTRIAL AREA E. Shestakova, E. Rumiantseva. 270 vi Proceedings of International youth scientific conference on the polar geodesy, glaciology, hydrology and geophysics ARTIFACTS IN THE ARCTIC DIGITAL BATHYMETRY MODELS A. S. Abramova 1 1 Geological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia ABSTRACT Several types of artifacts have been identified in digital bathymetry models which represent shape of the Arctic seafloor. This work presents the classifica- tion of the types of artifacts encountered in several versions of bathymetry grids such as IBCAO, GEBCO grid, SRTM30_Plus and Global Topography. All of the above-listed products are publicly available through the internet. The artifacts observed could mislead geological interpretations; therefore it is necessary to emphasize the limitations of the portrayal of the seabed by digital bathymetry models. Any digital bathymetry model is a compilation of various data sources with different accuracies, resolution and distribution. Artifacts in the bathyme- try grids are characterized by presence and distribution of the source data. They can be caused by systematic errors in the source data, differences in source data horizontal resolution, by the lack of source data, by gridding algorithm and interpolation method (e. g. filling data gaps with gravity, spline interpolation). The encountered artifacts were classified according to the sounding source data types which characterize them. These include: multibeam surveys, singlebeam surveys, single spot sounding, depth contours digitized from contour maps, “patching” different data sources, coastline dataset used for gridding, as well as the lack of any data. The observed artificial “morphology” in bathymetry grids include small and large scale artificial features: ridges and troughs, peak-like or pit-like features, flat areas, deeps and rises, artificial steps, terracing on slopes and negative depth values on land. Keywords: artifact, digital bathymetry model, IBCAO, GEBCO, Arctic INTRODUCTION The release of global (e. g. GEBCO [13], SRTM30_Plus [2], Global Topography and regional compilations (e. g. IBCAO [6]) improved our understanding in the most of earth processes, since bathymetry serves as the base map for any geological, geophysical, environmen- tal or oceanographic investigation. Beyond fundamental research bathymetric applications vary from navigation purposes to studies of coastal erosion and environmental issues. The off-shore conti- nental shelf bathymetry is of particular interest to coastal states’ resource sovereignty, exploration for natural resources, submarine cable planning, habitat mapping, fisheries management, predicting landslides and modeling tsunami impact [1]. Nowadays there is a drastic increase in the number of applications of digital bathymetry 1 St. Petersburg, Russia, 17–19 May 2018 Theory and Methods of Polar Science and not only for the scientific purposes. Ever since the release of such exploratory tool as Ocean layer in Google Earth, basically an- yone can explore and interpret marine environments and the shape of the ocean floor. Meanwhile even in the current bathymetric era of high resolution and accuracy multibeam echo sounding and global remote sensing technologies (satellite