NEUROPTERA INTERNATIONAL 111 (2) - 1984. p. 55-72. MEGALOPTERA, RAPHIDIOPTERA AND PLANlPENNlA IN SLOVENIA (YUGOSLAVIA). FAUNISTICAL CONTRIBUTION DuSan DEVETAK Slave Klavore 6, 62000 Maribor, Yugoslavia Résumé 96 espèces ont été relevées en Slovénie. Celles citées ci-dessous, sont nouvelles pour la faune de Yougoslavie : Helicoconis hirtinervis Tjeder, Coniopteryx borealis Tjeder, C. pygmaea Enderlein, Parasemidalis fuscipennis (Reuter), Drepanepteryx algida (Erich- son), Hemerobius perelegans Stephens, H. contumax Tjeder, Nineta guadarramensis (Pictet), N. inpunctata (Reuter) et Anisochrysa inornata (Navas). Summary From Slovenia 96 species are found. The following species are recorded for the first time for Yugoslavia : Helicoconis hirtinervis Tjeder, Coniopteryx borealis Tjeder, C. pygmaea Enderlein, Parasemidalis fuscipennis (Reuter), Drepanepteryx algida IErich- son), Hemerobius perelegans Stephens, H. contumax Tjeder, Nineta guadarramensis (Pictet), N. inpunctata (Reuter) and Anisochrysa inornata (Navas). The oldest records of Slovenian Neuroptera are given in the famous work (( Entomologia Carniolica )) by 1. A. SCOPOLI(1763). Later, only few works contai- ning scattered data were published. In the beginning of the 20th century more complete picture of Slovenian neuropteran fauna is given by Czech entomologist F. FLAPALEK (1900) and Austrian entomologist G. STROBL(1906). From that period also date J. STAUDACHER'S,J. STUSSINER'S and M. HAFNER'Scollection. In recent time, a greater number of entomologists has collected Neuroptera from the territory. Preliminary list of the Slovenian species was made by the author in 1980 (DEVETAK,in press). 2.1. More than 2.200 specimens belonging to 96 species were examined. A most of the studied insects is in the author's collection, most of them in alcohol. Less part of the material is deposed in Museum of Natural History of Slovenia, Ljubljana (J.
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