Level 3, Suite 3B, 110 Kippax St Surry Hills, NSW, 2010 Phone: 02 9212 7242 Fax: 02 9211 1407 Email:
[email protected] ACN 097 603 131 ABN 83 659 681 462 www.aftinet.org.au AFTINET Bulletin No. 140 September 2007 If you would like to contribute to the Bulletin, please contact us at
[email protected] or Phone (02) 9212 7242 Fax (02) 9211 1407 Previous AFTINET Bulletins and resources are available at www.aftinet.org.au. Contents: 1. Alternative APEC (APPEC) events a success 2. Activist comes with a health warning: Lori Wallach in the SMH 3 Did APEC achieve anything? 4. APEC fails to address sex slavery, people trafficking say unions 5. Foreign workers 'enslaved' by 457 visa 6. New free trade agreements update 7. Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA Sydney Annual Dinner September 26 8. PIAC 25th Anniversary Dinner and Conference October 18 and 19 9. John Pilger’s, ‘The War on Democracy’ opens nationally September 27 1. Alternative APEC (APPEC) events a success The events organised by the Asia Pacific People for Environment and Community were a great success with over 200 people attending both the forum and the conference to hear speakers from Australia and the region discuss alternative visions of fair trade to address the challenges of human rights, labour rights, poverty and environmentally sustainable development in the region. Congratulations to the AFTINET campaigners and volunteers who worked so hard to achieve this. Although the media was dominated by fear- mongering about security threats and demonstrations, there was also media coverage of the APPEC alternative events, which provided some fair trade voices contesting the APEC vision.