1902 /Ifcortarboarb Barnarb College BARNARD COLLEGE ARCHIVES 0? H. C. KOCH 6 CO. 125th Street, West ; bet. Lenox and Seventh Avenues EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY in this, the most accessible and comfortable department store in Manhattan. Advance styles, dependable grades and lowest prices, the rule without exception here. SUITS. : JACKETS. : FURS. : MILLINERY. : UNDERWEAR, : SHOES, : GLOVES, RIBBONS, : NECKWEAR, : HANDKERCHIEFS, : UMBRELLAS, : ETC.. ETC. THREE ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST NOT OBTAINABLE ELSEWHERE: Sole Agents for New York of the " Z. Z. ELAINE" CORSETS. THE -CECIL" GLOVE. Famous Shoe for Women . Sole importers of this celebrated make A reliable, stylish Glove imported by " QUEEN QUALITY." — a large assortment of shapes show- us from France and high-grade in every ing many decided improvements, thus particular. A host of regular patrons Beauty, ease and service are the dis- covering every demand of varying appreciate this value—and each new tinguishing features of these famous figures, perfect comfort arid absolute customer means a new endorser. An Shoes. Many styles to choose from symmetry in every pair. enormous variety of the best colors, in for street, dress, home, or outing, A great variety of colors—complete both suede and kid, always to be Boots, $3.00 . Oxfords, $2.50 range of prices, every one moderate. found here . $1.00 *sgT Broadway Cars with Free Transfer to 125th Street line bring you right to our door.^^i Piatt's Persons of taste carry FIN DESIECLT UMBRELLAS Smallest- Rolling Lightest, Strongest hlorides , f 1 BARCLAY ST., near Broadway The Household Disinfectant. B. Ladies' Umbrellas, for Birthday and Instantly N. — An odorless, colorless liquid ; powerful, safe and cheap.
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