The Diamond of Psi Upsilon June 1939
mmm^Hi^Hm | ^[gIaIII] S I rii/w^^^wq m DIAMOND of ^si %Cpsilon i=c [5) ^ June, 1939 VOLITME XXir NUMBER FOITR i Bg'w'TO^|[|][B[Tigg[S5litaa^ 4 *,^4i '4 The Diamond of Psi Upsilon OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF PSI UPSILON FRATERNITY Published in November, January, March and June by THE diamond of PSI UPSILON, a Corporation not for pecuniary profit, organized under the taws of Illinois. Volume XXV June, 1939 Number 4 ^A^ OPEN FORUM FOR THE FREE DISCUSSION OF FRATERNITY MATTERS EDITOR Albert C. Jacobs, Phi '21 ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE DIAMOND LeRoy J. Weed, Theta '01, Chairman Warren C. Agey, Zeta '11 John C. Esty, Gamma '22- A. Noethey Jones, Beta Beta '17 Olivee D. Keep, Delta Delta '25 William D. Kennedy, Delta Delta '16 J. J. E. Hessey, A'^m 'IS Scott Turner, Phi '02 LIFE SUBSCRIPTION TEN DOLLARS, ONE DOLLAR THE YEAR BY SUBSCRIPTION, SINGLE COPIES FIFTY CENTS Bu.nness and Editorial Offices, 450 Ahnaip St., Menasha, Wis. or Room 510, 420 Lexington Ave., New York City Entered as Second Class Matter January 8, 1936, at the Post Office at Menasha, Wisconsin, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Paragraph 4, Section 638, Act of February 28, 1925, authorized January 8, 1936. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Endowment and The Diamond, by Edward L. Stevens, Chi '99 195 The Scholarship-Loan Problem, by Thomas R. Bodine, Xi '37 199 Available Scholarship Loan Systems 203 Edward Hungerford, Pi '99, General Director�"Railroads on Parade" Pageant, New York World's Fair� 1939, by Peter A.
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