Andaman and Nicobar Islands

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Andaman and Nicobar Islands CENSUS OF INDIA 1971; SERIES-23 ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS PART II A GENERAL POPULATION TABLES M. C. JOSHr OF THE UTTAR PRADESH CIVIL SERVICE Director of Census Operations Andaman and Nicobar Islands CONTENTS Pages ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS V-Vl INTRODUCTION 1- 6 A-I AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION Chart of distribution of population and Area by Tahsil, 1971 Sa Map of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India-Density of Population, 71 Sb Fly Leaf 9-10 Table A-I 11-12 Appendix I 13 Appendix III 14-16 A-II DECADAL VARIATION IN POPULATION SINCE 1901 Map of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Indian-Decennial Population growth rate 1961-71 ... lSa Map of Andaman and Nicobar Islands-Growth of Population 1901-1971 lSb Fly Leaf 19 Table A-II 20-21 Appendix 22 A-III VILLAGES CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION Fly Leaf 25 Table A-III 26-27 Appendix 28 A-IV TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1971 WITH VARIATION SINCE 1901 National map of Port Blair Town .•• 30a Fly Leaf 31 Table A-IV 32 Appendix 32 STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Fly Leaf 35-41 State Primary Census Abstract 42-47 URBAN BLOCK/VILLAGEWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Fly Leaf 50-52 Map of Diglipur Tahsil 54 Alphabetical list of villages in Diglipur Tahsil. 55 Urban Block/Villagewise Primary Census Abstract of Diglipur Tahsil 56-57 Map of Mayabunder Tahsil 60 Alphabetical list of villages in Mayabunder Tahsil ... 61 Urban Block/Villagewise Primary Census Abstract of Mayabunder Tahsil 62-65 Map of Rangat Tahsil 69 Alphabetical list of villages in Rangat Tahsil 70-71 Urban Block/Villagewise Primary Census Abstract of Rangat Tahsil 72-75 Map of South Andaman Tahsil 78 Alphabetical list of villages in South Andaman Tahsil 79-S1 Urban Block/Village wise Primary Census Abstract of South Andaman Tahsil 82--93 Map of Car Nicobar Tahsil 96 Alphabetical list of villages in Car Nicobar Tahsil 97 Urban Block!VilIagewise Primary Census Abstract of Car Nicobar Tahsil 98-99 Map of Nancowry Tahsil 103 Alphabetical list of villages in Nancowry Tahsil 104-107 Urban Block/Villagewise Primary Census Abstract of Nancowry Tahsil 108-115 ( iii ) ( iv ) ANNEXURES Houselist, Establishment Schedule. Individual Slip, Population Record, Houselist Abstract, Enumerator's Daily Posting Statement, Enumerator's Abstract and Instructions to Enumerator for filling up the Houselist and Establishment Schedule and Individual Slip and Edit Instructions for treatment of omissions or internal in consis­ tencies in the returns of Individual slips and Instructions for coding broad industrial category and National Industrial classification (NIC)-1970 117-197 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Collection of the Housing data of over a quarter lakh houses and writing out of over a lakh individual enumeration slips containing some important demographic, social and economic data regarding every man. woman and child of this Union Territory living in different Islands sepa­ rated from each other by deep seas, interspersed with dense forests and presenting a variegated linguistic mosaic, verily called for a herculean effort for all those called upon to undertake this stupendous undertaking almost as a labour of love. At the time of presenting to them some of the tabula­ ted results of the enquiry made from the people in this volume we first of all gratefully acknowledge our deep sense of gratitude to the people of these Islands without whose generous co-operation the operation could not have been successful. Their appreciation that an unbiased census was necessary for all well co-ordinated socio-economic plans and aspirations generated a favourable disposition towards its successful conduct. We are simultaneously reminded of our debt to hundreds of enumerators and supervisors whot by going from door to door for days together in good or bad weather and in disregard of their personal comforts, cheerfully shoul­ dered this gigantic task alongwith their normal duties treating it as a work of national importance. Acknowledgements are also due to the other ranks in the census hierarchy such as Charge Superintendents and Sub-Divisional Officers. Though not directly in the chain of Census Organisation, the various heads of departments and offices also deserve our thanks. Where all did so much to make our task easy and fruitful, it is rather difficult to single out any names, but I must mention the names of a few. At the head of such a list are, of course, Shri H. S. Butalia, the then Chief Commis­ sioner and Shri B.K. Halve, the then Chief Development-cum-Rehabilitation Commissioner in these Islands, who not only took keen interest in the census work but also exhorted the officers and other staff under them to make the census a success. Among others is Commander K. P. Nair~ Harbour Master, without whos~ assi.stance contact across the seas was impossible. He not only afforded facilities for such: ~ontacts inspite of his limited resources but also ensured that the shipping programme suited. both the General Elections and the Census both being time-bounel 'safaries' . I cannot forget my own office staff for the splendid work done by them with devotion. Shri Ardaman Singh, Assistant Director, performed very heavy and at times difficult duties to my entire satisfaction. Shri M. Karuppaswamy, who wa£ associated with census work initially as a Head Clerk for over a decade and subsequently as a Tabulation Officer, proved very helpful to us. My Stenographer, Shri K. V. K. Nair, who. laboriously worked for me also deserves my sincere thanks. I am grateful to all of my colleagues in other States and Union Territories and to those in the Office of the Registrar General, Shri K. D. Ballal, the then Deputy Registrar General, Shri K. K. Chakravorty and ( v ) ( vi ) Shri S. C. Sharma, Assistant Registrar Generals for their unstinted co­ operation and sympathetic attitude. I cannot conclude without expressing my profound gratitude and sincere thanks to my Chief. Shri A. Chandra Sekhar, I. A. S., Registrar General, India, for his unfailing courtesy, uniformly sympathetic under­ standing of the difficulties and unobtrusive help and guidance in matters official and personal. M. a.JOSHI Port Blair, Director of Census Operations -6th August, 1973 Andaman and Nicohar Islands INrRODUCTIO~ This volume contains Part II-A General Popu­ Preparatory work lation Tables and Villagewise Primary Census Preparatory work started with drafting of Abstract based on data tabulated on full count. census schedules and instructions and appointment Village wise Primary Census Abstract should have of Directors of Census Operations. Census sche­ normally appeared in the District Census Hand­ dules and instructions were drafted after obtaining book but as this is a unidistrict Union TerritorY, requirements of data users like Planning Com­ it was not considered useful to bring out a District mission, Central Statistical Organisation, National Census Handbook separately. It was, however, Building Organisation, etc., and Research and decided to include Villagewise Primary Census Educational Institutions in a series of con­ Abstract in the present volume and the Town and ferences and discussions. The schedules thus Village Directory in Part I Census General Report. evolved were put to pre-tests and the difficulties General Population Tables deal with general encountered in canvassing the schedules were populaticn, its growth, sex ratio and densi~y, etc., assessed alongwith the reliability of the returns without touchin!1 social, civic, economIC and and were then analytically examined. After the migration characteristics. General Population first pre-test, new schedules and instructions were Tables have five tables in A-Series and one State evolved and again put to pre-test and the results level Primary Census Abstract. Having only one analysed. Final schedules were formulated in the district in this Union Territory, Union Primary first conference of the Directors of Census Opera­ Census Abstract is not being presented in this tions where all important data users were also volume. A-series tables consist of the following present. Questions and schedules evoking poor five tables: response and/or inaccurate returns were dropped. Realising the limitations of honorary enumeration 1. A-I Area, houses and population. agency, simplified schedules were finally adopted. 2. A-II Decadal variation in population since The schedules and forms finally adopted are. 1901. 1. Houselist Form: Besides serving as a frame 3. A-III Villages classified by population. or list of houses and households, it also collected 4. A-IV Towns and urban Agglomerations clas­ very useful data for every house and household sified by population in 1971 with varia­ e. g., predominant material used in the construction tion since 1901. of wall, predominant material used in the construc­ 5 A-V Standard urban areas. tion of roof, whether the census house was vacant or occupied, if vacant, reasons of vacancy and Primary Census Abstract has been presented if occupied, purpose/purposes for which it was at two levels (1) State Primary Census Abstract being used and whether it was being used as an which gives data for the Union Territory, Tahsils establishment. If used wholly or partly as resi­ and Islands and (2) Urban BlocklVillagewise dence, the following particulars for each house­ Primary Census Abstract which gives data down hold residing in it were collected: to the town, ward, enumerator's block and village (a) Whether the head of the household was a level according to Islands and their Tahsils. member of a scheduled tribe and if so, All tables are more or less similar to 1961 which tribe; Census except A-V table which is based on a new (b) Was the household living in owned or concept of standard urban area evolved for the rented house? 1971 Census. (c) Number of persons normally residing in All tables have been processed on full count the census household with sex break up; from the Individual Slips.
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