A Note on Systena Frontalis

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A Note on Systena Frontalis Document généré le 30 sept. 2021 05:04 Phytoprotection A note on Systena frontalis [Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae] adults on lowbush blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium Une note sur la présence de Systena frontalis [Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae] adulte sur le bleuet nain, Vaccinium angustifolium P.M. Maltais et M.C.. Ouellette Volume 81, numéro 3, 2000 Résumé de l'article L'altise à tête rouge, Systena frontalis, est observée pour la première fois sur le URI : https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/706207ar bleuet nain, Vaccinium angustifolium. DOI : https://doi.org/10.7202/706207ar Aller au sommaire du numéro Éditeur(s) Société de protection des plantes du Québec (SPPQ)l ISSN 0031-9511 (imprimé) 1710-1603 (numérique) Découvrir la revue Citer cet article Maltais, P. & Ouellette, M. (2000). A note on Systena frontalis [Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae] adults on lowbush blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium. Phytoprotection, 81(3), 129–131. https://doi.org/10.7202/706207ar La société de protection des plantes du Québec, 2000 Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d’auteur. L’utilisation des services d’Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d’utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne. https://apropos.erudit.org/fr/usagers/politique-dutilisation/ Cet article est diffusé et préservé par Érudit. Érudit est un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif composé de l’Université de Montréal, l’Université Laval et l’Université du Québec à Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. https://www.erudit.org/fr/ Short communication / Communication brève A note on Systena frontalis [Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae] adults on lowbush blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium Patrick M. Maltais1, and Marc C. Ouellette2 Received 2000-06-06; accepted 2000-12-19 PHYTOPROTECTION 81 : 129-131 Systena frontalis, the red-headed flea beetle, is reported for the first time feeding on the foliage of lowbush blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium. [Une note sur la présence de Systena frontalis [Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae] adulte sur le bleuet nain, Vaccinium angustifolium] L'altise à tête rouge, Systena frontalis, est observée pour la première fois sur le bleuet nain, Vaccinium angustifolium. Contrary to most Alticinae [Coleoptera : (Polygonum convolvulus L), common Chrysomelidae] which are specialized burdock (Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh.), and well adapted to their host plant, cabbage {Brassica oleracea L), chrysan- members of some gênera such as Sys­ themum {Chrysanthemum sp.), white tena are polyphagous (Jolivet 1988). clover {Trifolîum repens L), red clover Such is the case with Systena frontalis {Trifolium pratense L), corn {Zea mays Fabricius, the red-headed flea beetle, L), cranberry {Vaccinium macrocarpon which has been recorded from the prov­ Ait.), dahlia {Dahlia variabilis (Willd.) inces of Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Desf.), daisy {Chrysanthemum leucan- Québec and New Brunswick in Canada themum L), dogbane {Apocynum can- (Campbell et al. 1989) as well as from nabinum L), forsythia {Forsythia sp.), several states in the U.S. (Chittenden giant foxtail {Setaria faberii Herrm.), 1902). This chrysomelid was first noted goldenrod {Solidago sp.), gooseberry in Canada in 1882 feeding on leaves of {Ribes sp.), g râpes (Vitis sp.), heal-all grape (Chittenden 1902). Sincethen, it {Prunella vulgaris L), helichrysum {He- has been recorded in the adult stage, in lichrysum sp.), hibiscus {Hibiscus mili- this country and in the U.S., feeding on taris Cav.), Japanese honeysuckle the leaves, flowers and fruits or in the {Lonicera japonica Thunb.), hop vines larval stage feeding on the roots of a {Humulus lupulus L), lady's-thumb number of plants including aster (/Aster {Polygonum persicaria L), lamb's-quar- sp.), wax and other beans (Phaseolus ters {Chenopodium album L), lettuce vulgaris L. and Phaseolus sp.), sugar {Lactuca sativa L), wild lettuce {Lactuca beet {Beta vulgaris L), beggar-ticks canadensis L), marsh mallow {Althaea (Bidens frondosa L), black bindweed officinalisL), rose mallow {Hibiscussp.), 1. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Université de Moncton, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada E1A 3E9; e-mail : maltaip@umoncton.ca 2. Department of Fisheries and Océans, Science Branch, Gulf Fisheries Centre, P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada E1C 9B6 129 pear {Pyrus communis L), pigweed 1994, and from 18 May to 25 October (Chenopodium sp.), rough pigweed 1995 (Ouellette 1998). S. frontalis adults {Amaranthus retroflexus L), ragweed were observed on the plants both yr, (Ambrosia trifida L), smartweed from late July to the third wk of Sep- {Polygonum pensylvanicum L), soy- tember, making numerous small holes beans (Glycine soya (L.) Sieb. & Zucc), in the leaves while feeding. strawberry {Fragaria grandiflora Ehrh.), sunflower {Helianthus annuus L), sweet- At présent, we hâve limited informa­ potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.), tion on the habits and hosts of S. fron­ Canada thistle {Cirsium arvense (L.) talis in New Brunswick. It was first re- Scop.), turnip {Brassica râpa L), velvet- ported from the province in 1934 where leaf (Abutilon theophrastiN\ed\c), weige- it was found feeding upon the foliage of lia {Weigelia florida (Sieb. & Zucc.)), and potato, turnip, beans and clover during zinnia (Zinnia elegans Jacq.) (Beirne a small local outbreak (Gorham 1935). 1971; Bouchard et al. 1993; Caesar and In our fields, no larvae were found on Ross 1929; Campbell et al. 1989; Chit- the roots and the adult beetles, appear- tenden 1902; Gibson 1921,1934; Guppy ing after formation of the fruit, fed only 1958; Hawley 1922; Hudon and Martel on foliage. Consequently, because of 1980; Jacques and Peters 1971; Peters relatively low population numbers (Ta­ and Barton 1969; Rivard et al. 1975; ble 1), the insect should not be of éco­ Scammel 1917; Storch et al. 1979). nomie concern to blueberry growers of this province. Since this is the first re- During the course of a study on the ported case ever of the insect being blueberry flea beetle, Altica sylvia Mal­ recorded on blueberry plants, this oc­ loch, at Losier Settlement and Val Dou- currence is probably accidentai, the cet near Tracadie (47°55' N, 64°95' W), in primary hosts being a number ofweeds the northeastern part of New Brunswick, such as asters, goldenrods, heal-all and Canada, the présence of this red-head- lady's-thumb commonly found in blue­ ed flea beetle was noted on lowbush berry fields of New Brunswick. blueberry plants (Vaccinium angustifo- lium Ait.). Sweep nets, sticky traps, In our efforts to study the blueberry pitfall traps, and soil samples were used flea beetle adult populations, sticky traps to monitor ail the life stages of A. sylvia were used on which a number of red- over 2 yr, from 23 May to 8 November headed flea beetles were caught. This Table 1. Number of A. sylvia and S. frontalis adults captured in sweep nets and on sticky traps at Val Doucet (1994, 1995), and Losier Settlement (1995), N.B. Sweep nets Sticky traps Date3 A. sylvia S. frontalis A. sylvia S. frontalis Val Doucet (1994) August 8 56 26 34 0 30 5 11 16 4 Val Doucet (1995) July 27 0 1 0 1 Losier Settlement (1995) August 8 31 17 0 23 0 September 7 0 20 0 Even though sampling was carried out over 5 months each year, only the dates where S. frontalis was captured are included in Table 1. 130 MALTAIS, OUELLETTE : SYSTENA FRONTALIS ON BLUEBERRY proved to be confusing because both Gibson, A. 1921. Common garden insects insects are about the same size and their control. Agric. Can. Entomol. (4-4.5 mm). S. frontalis is dark black Div. Cire. 9. 20 pp. with a reddish-yellow head while A Gibson, A. 1934. Insects of the flower gar­ den and their control. (Rev.). Agric. Can. sylvia is cupreous with metallic reflec- Bull, (n.s.) 99. 56 pp. tions. The glue of traps, however, dark- Gorham, R.P. 1935. Field crop and garden ens A. sylvia making both beetles al- insects of the season 1934 in New Brun­ most similar in appearance, more so if swick, in The Canadian Insect Pest Re- the glue coating is thick and the head view. Res. Branch, Agric. Can. Ottawa, is not readily visible. Thus, unless care Ont. 1 : 34. is taken when counting spécimens on Guppy, J.C. 1958. Insect surveys of clovers, sticky traps, erroneous blueberry flea alfalfa, and birdsfoot trefoil in eastern beetle population numbers will resuit. Ontario. Can. Entomol. 90 : 523-531. Hawley, I.M. 1922. Insects and other animal pests injurious to field beans in New York. N.Y. Agric. Exp. Stn. Ithaca Mem. 55 : ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 949-1037. Hudon, M., and P. Martel. 1980. État des We thank L. LeSage, Agriculture and insectes nuisibles dans certaines cultures Agri-Food Canada, for confirming iden­ du sud-ouest du Québec en 1978. Ann. Soc. Entomol. Que. 25 : 68-71. tification of insect species. We also Jacques, R.L., and D.C. Peters. 1971. Biology thank C. Ouellette for her technical as­ of Systena frontalis, with spécial référ­ sistance. We express our deep grati­ ence to corn. J. Econ. Entomol. 64 : 135- tude to the participating growers and 138. their employées for their coopération Jolivet, P. 1988. Food habits and food sélec­ during this study. Support for this re- tion of Chrysomelidae. Bionomic and search was provided by the Canada- evolutionary perspectives. Pages 1-24 in New Brunswick Coopération Agreement P. Jolivet, E. Petitpierre, and T.H. Hsiao on Economie Development project no. (eds.), Biology of Chrysomelidae. Kluw- er Académie Publishers, Norvell, USA. 500-240-147. Extensive support was Ouellette, M. 1998. Description du cycle bio­ also given by the New Brunswick De­ logique, de la dynamique et de la gestion partment of Agriculture and Rural De­ des populations de l'altise de l'airelle velopment, Agriculture and Agri-Food (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae) dans des Canada, and the Université de Monc- bleuetières cultivées au nord-est du Nou- ton, Moncton, New Brunswick.
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