YARN Adriafil

MATERIALS 250 g. Magic yarn periwinkle blue no. 42. needles 4 and. 4 1/2. Circular no. 4 1/2. Tapestry needle

SIZE: 42 (44)

PATTERN STITCHES Elastic rib Rib stitch 1/1 Knitted stitch Fancy stitch: work over 4 sts + 1 (the number of the stitches will vary as you work so that reference is made to the number of stitches of Rows 3 and 4). Row 1: k1, *6 sts in 1 st. (= in the same st work k1, p1 and k1 in back loop) *. Rep. from * to *, k1, (k1, pass over the prev. st on the stitch just worked) twice, k1 Row 2 and even rows: on reverse side. Row 3: k21, * 3 sts in 1 st., k1, (k1, pass over the prev. st on the st just worked) twice. Rep. from * to *, 3 sts in 1 st., k1 Row 5: repeat from Row 1

TENSION 10 x 10 cms with knitting needles 41/2 in fancy st = 17 sts and 18 rows

WORKING INSTRUCTIONS Back: With knitting needles 4 1/2 Cast on 73 (77) sts and, for the border, work 4 rows in elastic rib and 4 rows in rib st 1/1, for a total of 2 cm.. Cont. in fancy st at the ends decs. 1 st every 6 rows 4 times. When work measures 20 (21) cm. from the beg., inc. at the ends 1 st every 4 rows 4 times. When work measures 33 (34) cm. from the edge, to shape the sleeve holes bind off on the sides, every 2 rows, 2 sts and 1 st twice. When work measures 18 (19) cm. from beg. of sleeve holes, for the shoulders bind off on the sides 6 sts every 2 rows 3 times. (7 sts, 6 sts twice.) and, after 2 rows, bind off rem. sts.. Front: Work to match Back until work measures 44 (46) cm. from beg. to shape neckline bind off the 13 (15) centre sts and end the two sections separately again centre-wise, every 2 rows, 4 sts, 1 st 4 times. When work measures 7 cm. from beg. of neckline, shape the shoulders to match the Back. Sleeves: With knitting needles 4 1/2 cast on 45 (49) sts and work the border to match Back. Cont. in fancy st. When work measures 7 (9) cm. from the edge, to shape the sleeve holes bind off on the sides, every 2 rows, 4 sts, 1 st 8 times, 3 sts when work measures 11 cm. from beg. of sleeve holes, bind off rem. sts. Belt: With knitting needles 4 1/2 cast on 6 sts and work 15 rows in rib st 1/1; bind off all the sts. Sew the casting stitches to the corresponding binding off stitches, to form a ring, at the 3 sts; work k1 and p1 in each of the first 5 sts and k1 in the last sts and cont. in rib st 1/1 for a length of cm. 90; bind off all the sts.

MAKING UP AND FINISHING Using the needles knit up 87 (91) sts along the neckline beg. at the ends of the 3 centre sts the neckline of the Front; holding the work on the reverse side, for the collar, work 24 rows in knitted stitch. inc. at each end, inside the first and the last stitch., 1 st every 6 rows twice and 4 rows in elastic rib for a total of 10 cm.; graft the stitches with the tapestry needle. With knitting needles 4 1/2 knit up 53 (55) sts along the sides of the collar and along the centre of the neckline of the Front; work 4 rows in elastic rib and graft the sts with the tapestry needle. Sew the sides. Join sleeves.

2,5 10,5 17 10,5 2,5 2,5 10,5 17 10,5 2,5 (11) (18) (11) (11) (18) (11) 3 10 18 (19)

27 44 (46) (29) 33 (34) 1 1 7 (9) 2 2 2 43 43 (45) (45)