The Blackpool Sixth Form magazine. By the students, for the students. SENSE

SIXTH Issue 15 - July 2012

Surviving Summer A guide to fun, festivals and your future

Plus: Join the Tribe - Projects Abroad - Battle Of The Bands - Online Only!

Visit us online at: sixthsensemagazine. for exclusive content!

All work has been printed with the All articles printed are the Winners of ‘best permission of the relevant authors. expressed opinion of the author and magazine’ and ‘best Editors-in-chief No copyright infringement is intended do not necessarily reflect the views of cover’ at the 2012 Ellie Millard with the images used. Sixth Sense Publishing, heck, it may not Sarah Caulfield Contact: Ellie Millard via FirstClass or even be the views of the author, aliens Shine Media awards! [email protected] could have planted those too. This magazine has been printed with Published June 2012 the intention of purely entertainment The Sixth Sense Logo is a copyright, Editors intent, Sixth Sense Publishing does but we dont have lawyers, so we Craig Hodgkinson not accept liability for any dire effects can’t really do anything about it, but Stephanie Heyes from consumption of this magazine, please dont steal it! such as hardware damage, missing All works copyright of respective Dominic Lui lessons or abduction by aliens. owners. Dayna Larkin @SixthSenseMag Welcome Hi, and welcome to this, our ‘Your Summer’ issue. There’s a lot of new and exciting things to expect from this here magazine, Alternative Festivals 4 not least the fact that this is being written entirely by the new Editorial team. That’s right. Unfortunately, Johnny and Jacob have begun the process of handing their beloved Sixth Sense over to us in the hope that we don’t manhandle it too much. We’re very sorry to see them go, but we’re also certain not only that the magazine is in safe hands, but ones who are all-too-eager to see the magazine become even more brilliant! With that in mind, let us present to you our first issue as the new Editorial team. There’s festivals! There’s fashion! There’s throwing yourself off a bungee jump for charity! There’s….not as much glitter as Sarah believes there should be, but we can work on that. We have, after all, had our previous issue nominated for Festival Survival the Shine Media Awards. 7

Articles to keep an eye out for include Dom’s gaming review of the summer’s newest offerings and interview with Paralympic Torch-bearer Maisie McGarvey! Not to mention advice on universities, surviving your fest of choice and graffiti art.

So, go on. Take a gander. We hope you like it!

Ellie Millard & Sarah Caulfield Editors-In-Chief @eloisemillard Sand, sea and spray 9 Issue Highlights

> Projects abroad Becca Shaw tells all about her exciting scholarship to Africa this sum- mer and information on how you can get involved Pg. 2 > Outdoor Sport Sarah spills the beans on how extreme sport doesn’t have to be for the extremely experienced Pg. 3 > Battle of the Bands Craig’s detailed account of an evening of music extravaganza! Pg. 5 > Torch Talk Summer of Arcade 11 Maisie McGarvey reveals her part in Britain’s big year Is the Costa del Sol too tedious for your liking? Do you know London like the back of your hand? Sixth Sense’s Ellie Millard interviews Becca Shaw, a lower sixth student just weeks away from making her summer spectacular after being chosen as one of few to participate in Virgin Airway’s ‘free the children’ summer scholarship scheme...

Ellie: Have you always had an interest in commu- nity projects and is it something you’ve done before? Becca: I’ve never really done this kind of thing before, but I’ve always thought it would be amazing to take part in something like this project in Africa. You always see charity projects in third world countries on the television but you never imagine that you’d be able to do it yourself! It’s always been the case that if I ever got offered a chance to get involved in a community or charity project abroad, I’d snap up the opportunity.

Ellie: Are you having any preparation or training for the trip? Becca: There isn’t much preparation really, besides than the practi- cal, neccesary things like injections and trying to overcome my fear of insects!

Ellie: Do you think it will help you plans for the future in terms of university and a career? Becca: I think it will be great experience to mention on my UCAS appli- Ellie: How did you get the opportunity to go to cation for university seeing as it’s not the sort of thing that many young Africa? people will be able to say they have done. Hopefully it will impress Becca: It was advertised through college that ‘Virgin Airways’ were many offering the scholarships to go on a project to Kenya. I had to go different employers when applying for jobs as well, as it shows I have through an application process which meant submitting essays saying an experience of diverse cultures and why I should be chosen to go to Africa. Fortunately, I was very lucky to working out of my comfort zone. be chosen to be one of the 30 young people to go! By Ellie Millard @eloisemillard Ellie: So, What is the project about, what are you going to do whilst in Africa? Becca: The project is with a charity called “free the children” which has organised a scholarship programme which sends young people over to Kenya to improve the Kenyan communities by building schools for the children and helping find secure access to clean water.OUT OF

Photographs: Becca Shaw 2012

1 AFRICA JOIN THE Sixth Sense TRIBE Feeling inspired by Becca’s story? Dayna Larkin explores the possibility of leaving your Investigates! own stamp on deprived communities, enriching not just your summer, but your future... Here at Sixth Sense, we love a good As a great man once said, ‘We make a living by what we get, but we bargain! For the good of student interest make a life by what we give’. This and our own curious minds, we put four inspirational saying is followed by thousands of people in Britain, some even taking it overseas. Every year, around 62.8 million people own brand chocolate bars to the taste dedicate their time to volunteering with those less fortunate than themselves. Volunteering test. So here are our findings, so now covers everything from working in a charity shop, to helping out at you’ll have something to spend your re- Rainbows or Brownies. maining few pence on after the summer Although perhaps the most worthy work comes from the selfless of a lifetime! people that travel overseas, to third world countries like Africa, to help the desperate civillians.

‘Volunteer Africa’ is one of the biggest volunteering companies in the world. Their dedication is clear through the change In first place, came the joint they have made and their well-known reputation. To volunteer for this organisation, people must commit cheapest choice. ASDA rated a to either 4, 7 or 10 weeks (one week for training, and the rest on the whopping 4/5 from our team of project). They have experts. At just 30p, our team contributed to the building of schools and bringing water to where is needed; they really are the definition of heroes. can’t stress enough how much of a bargain the superstore’s own Volunteering is something that will make you stand out from the brand will be to keep you crowd, especially on a university application – it demonstrates your ability and willingness to fundraise, and your commitment to the going through open days or open community. Although it is tough to get going, and you do have to raise fields! a substantial amount of money, the challenge is one that is definitely worthwhile. ‘Volunteer Africa’ provides no money for you to actually do the volunteering, meaning every penny you need, you must find. Morrisons, slight more upmarket, Daunting, eh? Not if there is such a thing for own really, actually. brands, came a close second.

Some volunteers for the organisation have been known to go on spon- it was a lot more substantial in sored walks, car boots, and even putting music concerts on all to raise weight, but a let down with the the money! The majority of the money that is made goes towards price, coming in at whopping Development Grants, ensuring that the work needed can be completed. Both the dedication from the organisation and the £1.39! volunteers themselves, is extraordinary and to be greatly admired. Volunteering doesn’t just have to be building houses and collecting Happy Shopper made our team water, there are hundreds of fantastic not as happy as promised! It was opportunities to get involved in every aspect of life. From the ‘Macaw Release Programme’ in Costa Rica, to the ‘Cheetah Conservation Proj- lagging behind, and at almost ect’ in Botswana, there are so many animal projects that you can get double the price of the involved in. There is literally a volunteering course for everything! seemingly unbeatable ASDA bar

So, why not check out the website? Something like this would look at 45p absolutely fantastic on your UCAS statement. Rise to the challenge; you only get the opportunity once.

Find out more at: In a well deserved last place in Tesco, it looked bad, smelled By Dayna Larkin bad, tasted bad... but it was 30p @daynalarkin - so we didn’t expect much more. Shame on you Tesco! AllArtwork Katie Lock 2012 2 COME OUTSIDE

So, group sports aren’t for everyone. If you’re one of the unfortunates who was perpetually overlooked when choosing netball teams – and no, not just because of your diminiutive height – then you’ll understand exactly what I’m talking about. Anyone else been a recipient of the shrieked, pained instructions to ‘catch’, whilst you ran away from the various missiles thrown around the court? Compulsory PE, in all its glory, was pretty much enough to put me off for life.

So, with such a past history and skin so pale I attract half-joking, half-hopeful queries from the Twilight fans, I suppose the gaping shock about my interest in sport is to be expected. I have done everything from kayaking to surfing, although climbing is my first discipline.

Yes, I’m talking about outdoor sports.

Before you conjure up a mental image of nauseatingly ruddy- cheeked, booted anoraks and dismiss it out of hand, allow me to elaborate. You see, I don’t play well with others – at least, not when it comes to netball or football. Although climbing requires a lot of trust and good communication between partners, in a way you are mostly self-sufficient. Nobody can drag you up the cliff face except yourself. It takes stamina, upper body strength, physical control and stubborness. It means that you’re not certain if you can climb fifty feet up a sheer rockface, but you have some ropes, a climbing partner and you’re going to try anyway. When you do manage it, the adrenaline rush is exhilirating.

And it’s not just climbing; we’re fairly close by to the Lake District, the mecca of mountain bikers, white water rafters and windsurf- ers (although we don’t bring up that one time with the windsurfing. Like, ever.)

Why not try it? I mean, hey, at least with this type of exercise, no one is throwing things at your head. Death by badmintion raquet is near impossible.

By Sarah Caulfield

Artwork Elys Kent 2012 3 Festival Flipside...

Brony UK Convention (B.U.C.K)

In October 2010 the TV show “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,” created by Lauren Faust, (the creator of such popular cartoons as “The Powerpuff Girls” and “Foster’s Home for Imagi- nary Friends”), aired on the Hub TV Network in America and attracted more than just the crowd of young girls - The show made an impression on a lot of male anime fans and the show became an internet sensation, becoming one of the largest memes on the web, bringing in viewers of every age, both male and female. The huge popularity has reached the UK and now, almost two years from the shows release, the (prominantly male) fanbase has pulled together to make “B.U.C.K.” The UK’s first ever convention for all fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic! Bronies and pegasisters from across the country are meeting at the Bridgewater Hall in Manchester on the 18th and 19th of August to join in with assorted pony themed events, such as toy raids, art workshops, clubbing to music made by the fanbase, a charity auction and various show related competitions. In addition to the events, an official Bronycon Documentary, led by Lauren Faust, Tara Strong, John De Lancie and Michael Brockhoff, will be recorded at the convention! It’s a chance for UK bronies to shout out to the global community about why they love the show and the difference they make because of it. If that’s not all, guest stars from the community behind some awe-inspiring art and music will be showing up and performing live music as well as joining in with the crowd. This years VIP guest is none other than John De Lancie, voice of Discord, but known more-over as “Q” from Star Trek: Next Generation! So get your pony on, check out the show and investigate the convention! For more informa- tion, check out where you can see all the developments and book tickets. For people looking to make some money too, the convention is looking for vendors to sell your own merchandise and make Brony UK Convention even more engaging for the fans; see the site for more details.

All artwork Callum Taylor 2012 A Journey Into Steampunk Festival

Grab your monocles, goggles, top hats and assorted brass gears; Steampunk is taking Wales by storm this year! For those that like alternative music, Victorian cosplay and clockwork machinery, jump aboard your airship and make your way down to “The Work- house” in Llanfyllin Powys, Wales, on the 24/25th of August, where all UK steampunk enthusiasts will be listening to revolutionary fuelled musicians living it large! Guest stars and musicians such as Professor Elemental, Ellen Elizabeth Cox, Ghostfire and Victor Menace are just a few of the many amazing performances to expect at the festival. The steampunk genre of music is so versatile and original there’s something there for everybody to groove to – a definite must for all music lovers! If that’s not enough for you hardcore Steampunk fans, the face of the Neo-Victorian movement and the steampunk music genre, Abney Park, are flying all the way from Seattle, Washington, to make the convention all the more amazing with their famous sound! These guys, and several others attending the festival, have been seen in The Steampunk Bible by Jeff Vandermeer! Some particular cool traits of Abney Park are that they have featured the artwork of Greg Broadmore (Doctor Grordbort), sold thousands of their albums worldwide, published their fictional steampunk adventure story “Wrath of Fate” and even set up their very own Role Playing Game called “Airship Pirates!” You do not want to miss out on meeting the legends themselves in Wales this year! The event will take place on the grounds of The Workhouse under a massive marquee - Free Camping will be available throughout the weekend and will have an outside bar and food stalls for all hungry punks. For more info, check out

By Callum Taylor Visit Callum’s blog: 4 All Artwork Elys Kent 2012

BATTLE OF THE BANDS The 29th May saw the Sixth Form host a ‘Battle of the Bands’. The theatre holding the stage and audience was as nigh on full when the opening band begun, a guest band from Arnold called ‘Until Dawn’. The number of people attending did not drop throughout the whole event, which can only be testament to the skill of the students and the high of entertainment granted to the audience for just under £5. Considering that the cheapest ticket for most concerts is over £10, I strongly feel that anyone who took the opportunity to attend the Battle of the Bands took advantage of a great bargain. Another guest band playing was from Fleetwood High, and they kicked off the second half with an impressive act.

Each band played one cover, and one original song that they had written. Throughout the event, the bands would be judged on a number of factors within their performance such as stage presence and audience interaction. One of the judges, the music journalist John Robb, attended Sixth Form before pursuing a musical career. After every band had played, the judges decided on their favourite three bands, with ‘To Be Announced’ winning overall. They went on to perform a further couple of covers which were very impressive. A representative from Cancer Research also attended, accepting any donations.

There will be a DVD recording of the night released, the proceeds of which will go to Cancer Research. I definitely recommend investing in one as it was a great night, with a series of highly talented and enjoyable performances.

As well as being a great concert for everyone attending and performing, it was also an exam for the music students involved. We wish them the best of luck, for they all performed their songs with impressive skill, and provided a highly enjoyable night for everyone attending.

By Craig Hodgkinson @Muluks


Artist: Pink Floyd Album: Dark Side Of The Moon This album always seems to be included in lists like this, and for good reason. Despite being a little psychedelic (or weird), it remains without a shadow of doubt a mas- terpiece. Its front cover is the iconic spectrum of light through a prism, which is plastered all over anything Pink Floyd nowadays - though I suppose it works better as an iconic image than the cow on the front of Atom Heart Mother, so I’m not complaining.

Artist: Marvin Gaye Album: What’s Going On Regardless of whether you’re a soul fan or not, the fact remains that this album is great. The album is, in my opinion, appropriately “right on”. With songs that are not only thoroughly enjoyable, but preach kindness and peace “for only love can conquer hate”, this is certainly not just food for thought, but food for the soul. Seriously recommend a good long listen to this album, everyone.

Artist: Fleetwood Mac Album: Rumours Honestly, if you’re looking for varying lyric styles then you’re not look- ing for this album, what with pretty much every song being about love. But don’t let that put you off, for this album is absolutely spot on -- with classics such as ‘The Chain’, which is featured on the title sequence of F1. Don’t forget ‘Don’t Stop’ which is just a happy feel-good song that anyone could enjoy.

Artist: Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip Album: Angles An album full of “good new-fashioned fun y’all”, but also making com- ment on various issues such as child abuse, self-harm and suicide. The lyrics to every song in this album are without flaw. It could easily be argued that the songs are just vocalised poetry with a beat behind them, but that is exactly why it is such a track-perfect album.

Artist: The Beatles Album: 1 Of course it is kind of cheating to use a “best of” style album in one of these lists, but The Beatles have so many stunners that no single album by them could do them justice. Not even this can really, with its 27 songs not including songs such as ‘I Am The Walrus’ and ‘Helter Skelter’ which are just two among a list of greats not included. But this is the closest I think any one Beatles album can get to including every great song by everybody’s favourite Liverpudlian quartet. By Craig Hodgkinson @Muluks 6 It's a hard (not) life! If you’ve been lucky enough to get your hands on tickets for a festical this year, Sixth Sense’s Alfie McKenzie shares with us his top tips and advice to enjoy a Step three: Forget about the sun. You may have seen it on postcards and in documentaries, but for all intents and pur- successful festival experience... poses it does not exist for the next 3 or 4 days. Remember: if you put it completely out of your mind and decide you’re Festivals: last summer a few of us did it, this summer a lot of us are going to spend hundreds and hundreds of pounds keeping dry doing it. Nothing can make a teenager feel more quintessentially with North Face coats and Millets accessories, it will surely be British during the summer than standing in a field in a buzzing torrent as baking-hot as the Bahamas all weekend long. of like-minded people, soggy all over, roaring anthems as loud as the actual band who wrote them. Step four: Smile! I may have offered you the bleakest of out- looks, but it’s really not all that bad. Well it is, but, acknowl- But if you’re going to do it, you better do it right. Otherwise for the edging how bad it is can only make things worse; when you other 90% of the weekend you’ll be biding your time out in the rain wake up in the morning and your liver’s laid out on the pillow as it reluctantly refills your £1 cup of soup from the Salvation Army next to you, grin a shiny grin and put it down to being young stand. It ain’t pretty, and if you want to avoid it you’ll have to take and foolish! certain measures: Step five: Abandon your standards. With toilets that would Step one: Buy a gazebo. Trust me, when you’re stumbling around in receive complaints in a shanty town, your principled standards the freezing cold looking for a camping stool to fall onto, you’ll not are going to get you nowhere. Turn them in at the front gate, catch sight of a smug face than that which belongs to the group sat take a toilet seat with you and all will be well. under the gazebo. They’ll be sat there with a stereo, a campfire, and crates of you-know-what, whilst you’re stood out in the rain like Tom So there you have it. Five pearls of wisdom that should get you Hanks at the end of Castaway. Get a gazebo. back on your feet when you wake up in a puddle of god-only- knows-what. Whether it be Leeds, Reading, V or Creamfields Step two: Stop caring about anybody else but yourself and people that you end up hanging your hat, just remember what I who are of benefit to you. I don’t mean to sound cold or bitter - but said: No standards, no sadness, no sun, no sympathy and the then I am so that’s probably how it comes out. I’d like to expell the gazebo shall set you free. myth that festivals are a big community effort where everybody treks around loving each other and holding hands at every given opportu- By Alfie McKenzie nity. In reality it’s a field of miserable people who could’ve afforded a holiday in the Algarves. If you do a good deed for somebody, do not @alfiejmck expect anything back. Expect a look of distaste and maybe even a bit of spit on your cheek.

All artwork Katie Lock 2012 7 It's a hard (not) life!

Females can be very indecisive when thinking about what to take with Festival fashion: do's and don'ts! them clothes wise to a festival. Remember, you are camping and it is either going to rain or be sunny, so perhaps consider taking a light- weight jacket just incase it is cold and raining (It wouldn’t be a bad idea to check the weather forecast before you go.). You should take things that you are going to be comfortable in and don’t mind getting slightly muddy as well, especially when considering which shoes or boots you are going to take. (Sturdy boots and well fitted wellies are a wise choice because you will want to keep your feet dry and comfort- able seeing as you will be on them for most of the time!)

Note to ladies: At festivals, anything you wear goes. style is just a bonus... not a necessity, but for those who wish to buy some stylish items here’s a small selection! Do's

River Island shorts £35.00 Office wellies £33.00 These light bleach denim hotpants with Look, wellies aren’t exactly the most studded detail make the perfect item attractive things you could put on to wear at summer festivals, even if the your feet, but why would you wear weather isn’t all you want it to be! They not anything that risked getting ruined by only look stylish, but are a better alternative mud? Why not buy a pair of to wearing jeans if there’s a high chance of stylish wellies? These ones look like the ground being wet and muddy. (It’s much the traditional wellie but have a large easier to wipe mud off your legs than off the bow on the front of each to make bottom of your jeans!) them appear more feminin and taste- ful, however you can get many types River Island Sunglasses £15.00 of patterned wellies too! Oh aviators how we do love you! These have become a recent trend and are often worn even when the sun isn’t shining, but if it is Don'ts they will protect you from the sun too! This Unless you are using them to anchor yourself into the mud pair of aviators have a diamante top frame so that people can’t push you in crowds, don’t be the one to make them look even more chic, so when who gets people pointing at you because you decided to you’re not staring into your binoculars at the wear a pair of stiletto heels! Don’t wear flip flops, sandals or tiny dots on stage because you were pushed dolly shoes either! to the back of the crowd, these will look DON’T WEAR WHITE! White is definitely a no no unless great! you want to look like the ground has given you a hug. You shouldn’t take anything you would resent getting ruined! Miss Selfridge bra top £26.00 As gorgeous as this playsuit is for the summer, playsuits Colourful and patterned clothing is great aren’t very ideal for festivals as they can be annoying when for the festival season, even if it is only a going to the tiny toilet cubicles, if anything the only few items you take to a festival. This scarf suit you should be wearing is a hazmat suit to prevent you print bra top would work well with a pair from all of those nasty ‘materials’ that will be lurking in of denim shorts and would be perfect for those cubicles! showing off your figure with the tight fitted Expenisve jewellery would be a bad idea! You should buy style. (This would also be beneficial if you’re some affordable jewellery that you wouldn’t cry with dis- jumping and dancing because even though sapointment for if it went missing. (Hooped earings and tassles are said to be great on tops for long necklaces should be avoided. Instead perhaps get some festivals, it would be very easy for someone colourful bracelets.) to rip them if you’re all crammed together By Steph Heyes like sardines.) @stephheyes 8 In the Sand, sea and spray... The 16th-18th of June saw Blackpool host the second year of Sand, Sea and Spray, where artists from around the world come to clearing Blackpool to turn it to a visual spectacular. A few fellow students and I were lucky enough to take part in the school and colleges Have you ever wondered what you might possibly section of the competition, in which we painted a wall with our own do if you don’t get the overall grades that you were design. Despite the relentless rain for most of the weekend event it was a truly unique experience to work side by side with hoping for in August? What you’d do if you can’t get professionals from many different fields within art. Our completed into the University of your choice? piece represents three of the most iconic locations in Blackpool, the Well there’s no need to panic, as there are lots of zoo, promenade and the sea life centre. This both gave a chance to choices that you may not know about or may not be showcase the colleges best art talent, but also to show off Blackpool’s finest landmarks in a creative way! familiar with regarding what steps to take next... By Katie Lock

There are several routes that you may be able to take if you don’t manage to get the grades that you were hoping for. These are just naming a few key and easy ones;

• Maybe talk to the University of your choice as they might be willing to accept the grades that you have received, even though they do not meet the minimum requirements for the course that you are planning on taking (After all, showing that you’re willing and independent to ask questions like this shows a skill in its self.)

• You could re-sit the subject again. Maybe you weren’t too focused on the subject the first time round and so a second time may be more beneficial to you as you know what to expect this time around. After all, the teachers are there to help you, not judge you and so therefore will do everything that they possibly can in order to help you get into the University of your desired choice.

• Maybe you could look at doing some work experience whilst taking a gap year and then re-applying to get into university as a more mature and willing student.

• If you don’t get into the University which was in fact your first choice then you could look at your second choice of university as they may have different (possibly lower and possibly higher) grade requirements.

The most important thing to do however, if you do not get the grades in which you expected/were required to get, then you should talk to your personal tutors and maybe even the subject tutors as well as they will be ex- perienced and will know exactly what steps to take next in which will help to shape your future in the way that you wish for it to be. Remember that you are not the first student to be in this situation and you most definitely won’t be the last.

By Imy Thompson

9 All photographs Sophie Bursnoll 2012 Flying open Without Opportunity

Whatever your future intention, what ever your learning style, the Wings North West is swamped in fantastic institutes for higher and further Following up from Dayna’s article in the last issue, she reports on education. Whether you don’t want to be too far from home or you her experience… fancy aiming for one of the prestigious Russell Group univiersities, you’ll be spoilt for choice with so many brilliant universities I have never been so terrified. My heart was racing, my palms were practically on your doorstep. Here at Sixth Sense we reckon checking sweaty and my breathing was jagged; the whole shebang. If I’m out a few open days or campus tours will be more than worth your honest, I don’t even know how I did it. But, I did. And, you see that time. So hope on a train, share a lift, hitchhike. Whatever it take! picture? Yeah, that’s me. Don’t miss out on these unmatchable opportunities!

I was not scared in the run up to the bungee – call me crazy, but I just wasn’t! “Let’s get your harness on”. Fine by me. “Let’s take you North-West university open days 2012: up in this 160ft crane”. Go for it. I’ve always loved rollercoasters, and anything that gives you that kick of adrenaline; for me, this was just like that. Jump, and it’s done. If you called me crazy, you were right to. - University of Manchester: 6th October I got to the top. That was it. Crazy thoughts spiralled through my head - ‘What if the cord snaps? What if I throw up?’ - and I thought I was about to burst into tears. - Manchester Metropolitan University: 27th June

And then I went. - Liverpool Hope University: 27th June, 12th

And I screamed. September, 6th October, 27th October

A lot. - University of Liverpool: 29th September, 13th

The feeling when you’re sailing through the air is incredible. You focus October on nothing but the fact you’re falling. It is terrifyingly magnificant. Although you are hurtling towards the ground at a gazillion miles per - Liverpool John Moores University: 4th July, 6th hour, every inch of the world can be seen so clearly. I probably sound absolutely off my trolley but that is the only way I can describe it. I’d October, 13th October, 31th October. definitely recommend it, but be warned about how scary it actually is to force yourself off the crane! - University of Bolton: 30th June, 18th August

After all, #YOLO. - Edge Hill University: 18th August 2012, Saturday By Dayna Larkin 13th October, 17th November @daynalarkin - Lancaster University: 29th August, 22nd September

- UCLan: 30th September, 27th October, 24th No- vember

- Chester: 13th October

- Cumbria: 5th July, 19th September, 29th September, 6th October, 18th October, 31st October, 2nd November, 7th November, 21st November.

By Ellie Millard @eloisemillard 10 SUMMER OF ARCADE

As the dry spell of Triple A gaming fast approaches in the summer Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD’ season, indie game developers put the finishing touches on their Xbox Pretty much your standard HD remake. Those who played the original Live Arcade titles that come under the annual ‘Summer of Arcade’. ‘Pro Skater’ will see this and get hit with a wave of nostalgia. I know Last year’s sweet deal was purchasing all 5 titles allowed you to I did. However, this game would struggle to attract a new audience, download a 6th for free; this year Microsoft have announced that as only the graphics have been updated while the mechanics remain the purchase of any 3 Summer of Arcade titles will net you 400 free as clunky as they were on the PlayStation 1. Nevertheless this game Microsoft Points. A lucrative offer indeed! With a strong precedent set spawned the franchise that is Tony Hawk himself, so if you want to by previous titles such as ‘Limbo’, ‘Bastion’, and ‘’, see where it all started off but in sparkly High Definition, then look no this year’s selection of 5 may not all be on par. Speculation aside, here further! is the line-up for the 2012 Summer of Arcade…

‘Hybrid’ ‘Deadlight’ A team based shooter for XBLA? It’s been done before, but shoot- This 2.5D side scroller (I’ll explain it later) is definitely one to watch. As ers only go so far these days - especially arcade shooters. However, a puzzle platformer set in a post- apocalypse, the game itself ‘Hybrid’ do away with the conventional controls and replace move- is original in terms of genre. I very much doubt Mario will ever find ment from cover to cover with a simple tap of the ‘A’ button. Cover himself facing a horde of . The 2.5D aspect, a phrase I coined is not only on the ground, but also on the walls and ceilings. Expect myself, limits the player to a 2D plane, but the environments in the lots of nauseating flips as you move into ceiling cover and everything background are all 3D. This means that no matter how many zombies is upside down. A perhaps overly complicated mechanic for a simple hunt you down you still get a pretty awesome backdrop to die in front shooter, but innovation is always welcome. Just look at ‘George Fore- of. You never know, that motorway environment that stretches to man’s Lean Mean Grilling Machine’! beyond the horizon - which is filled with crashed cars and maniacal zombies - might just be enough for you to press that continue button one more time. With this year’s offer only requiring the purchase of 3 of these, my personal pick would have to be ‘Deadlight’, ‘Dust: An Elysian Tail’ and ‘Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD’. Although the line-up this year may not ‘Dust: An Elysian Tail’ be as strong as we had hoped, at least we have a myriad of Triple A This is another game to enter the hallowed halls of games made titles coming to us after the summer. Winter is Coming. entirely by one person. A 2D action RPG that has heavy emphasis on combo attacks and juggling enemies -- or for those of us who are By Dom Lui unfamiliar with this style of gaming, insane amounts of button mash- ing. Stunning, almost hand-painted visuals are what this game puts on the table with any other great action RPG’s, with upgradeable skills and powers culminating in a nicely built progression system. ‘Dust: An Elysian Tail’ should be a major success in itself. Oh, and you play as a sword wielding cat-man, your companion is a flying fox/bat thing called Fidget and the sword talks. Yeah.

‘Wreckateer’ Basically a Kinect exclusive version of ‘Crush the Castle’. As will all Ki- nect games, you use your body motions to do everything. In ‘Wrecka- teer’ your goal, as the operator of a massive catapult that shoots can- non balls, is to destroy castles in this physics-based game. The motion control means you have to repeat actions again and again; walking back and forth as you pull back a virtual draw string and alter the can- non ball’s flight as it hurtles towards a tower by waving your arms in a particular direction. Somewhat tedious, but it may prove itself to be a fun casual game when you suddenly possess the inevitable urge to destroy a castle for no apparent reason, you know…as you do.

Artwork Elys Kent 2012

11 Torch Talk...

2012 is such an exciting year for Britain’s sporting community. Blackpool Sixth’s very own Maisie McGarvey is set to carry the paralympic torch. Sarah Caulfield finds out more!

1. For those who aren’t aware, can you explain what being a Paralympic torch-bearer entails and what the process of nomination involved? Well, the Paralympic Torch Relay will be taking place across the country, just as the Olympic one is. There will be several groups. Each group has five individuals which have been nominated. The process of nomination involved, on my part, sending off my information such as date of birth and then writing up something on why I was nominated, This was put in the “Charity work” section of the apllication.

2. How did you get involved in this process? I have been working with a charity called Go Kids Go! (formerly Association Wheelchair Children) for the past seven years now. They promote independence for young wheelchair users to become independent adults. I get involved in as much charity work as I possibly can for them, as they are pretty much my second family. Lately I have been organising a half marathon event to raise money for the charity. I hope to carry on raising money for them and devoting all of my spare time to helping them out as much as I possibly can. Because of this, I was nominated to be a torchbearer for the Paralympics.

3. What does both the Olympics, and particularly the Paralympics, mean to you? For me, the Paralympics and the Olympics have always been one of the most exciting things for me to see on TV. When I was younger, some would say I was a tomboy, others would say I genuinely enjoyed sports – not to mention the social side of it. When I was ten, I really cherished the thought of possibly being a part of the Paralympics one day. Even though today, I am not taking part as an athlete but as a torchbearer, it is still such an incredible honour for me to be able to be a part of this. Para- lympians have always been my main role-models in life. For instance, former Paralympic basketball player Ade Adepitan has always been the person I have looked up to in terms of what he has achieved in his life, and his positive attitude towards life in general. I have had the pleasure of meeting him a few times and would call him a good friend of mine as we are both a part of Go Kids Go! as a charity.

4. What are you looking forward to most about being a torch bearer?

I’m just looking forward to being within the atmosphere and the anticipation of it all is also really exciting for me. I’m also really looking forward to being among so many inspirational people which will hopefully drive me to do so much more in terms of charity work and organising charity events.

5. When will this be occurring, and where should people in the area go to see the torch?

28-29th August 2012 is when the Paralympic 24 hour Torch Relay will be taking place. I’d say that when the Paralympic Torch does come into the area that it will be highly publicised as it is a global event so check radio stations, television channels, or around your local area.

By Sarah Caulfield

Artwork Callum Taylor 2012 (C) 12 VICTORIA THOMPSON STUDYING BSC (HONS) APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY Want to see your advert here?

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