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(NMDC) Public Comments.Pdf No. MoRTH/PIU/ARAKU/NMDC/ROWPermission/NH-516E/02 Government of India Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (Project Implementation Unit, Araku) ZP Colony, Near CBM Church, Araku Valley, Visakhapatnam - 531149 Dated the to'" August, 2021 INVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS Subject: Right of Way (ROW) permission for laying of underground Slurry Pipeline for carrying iron ore concentrate (in slurry form) and Water Pipeline along with Optical Fibre Cable (OFC) at Km 23.430 in Kotarubilli Village across Bowdara to Vizianagaram section (Km 0.00 to Km 26.937) of NH-516E in the State of Andhra Pradesh- Reg. Please find enclosed herewith the proposal in accordance with Ministry's guidelines dated 22.11.2016 received from Project Manager (Phase-II), Slurry Pipeline Project, NMDC Limited vide letter no.lSPLlPhase-2/AP12021 /1623 dated 07.04.2021 for laying of underground Slurry Pipeline for carrying iron ore concentrate (in slurry form) and Water Pipeline along with Optical Fibre Cable (OFC) from Bailadila to Visakhapatnam across Bowdara to Vizianagaram section (Km 0.00 to Km 26.937) at Km 23.430 in Kotarubilli Village in Gantyada Mandal coming under NH-516E project in the State of Andhra Pradesh. 2. As per the guidelines, issued by the Ministry vide Circular No. RW /NH­ 33044/29/2015/S&R(R) dated 22.11.2016, the proposal for highway crossing permission along & across National Highways shall be put out in the public domain for 30 days for seeking claims and objections on grounds of public inconvenience, safety and general public interest. 3. In view of the above, comments of the public on the above mentioned proposal is invited on the address mentioned below: The Project Director, Project Implementation Unit, Araku Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, ZP Colony, Near CBM Church, Araku Valley, Visakhapatnam - 531149 Email ID:[email protected] Yours faithfully, Encl.: As above. 1. Senior Technical Director, NIC, MoRTH, New website Copy for information to: 1. Regional Officer, MoRTH, Vijayawada 2. The Project Manager (Phase-II), Slurry Pipeline Project - NMDC Limited, Hyderabad --- -- -- ------ -v ~~ NMDC Limited Fax : 07782·222nO ('Iffi! m<f;R om ;ro>I) (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE) Ph. , onS2.225599 ~ QlifQC1I;f.;t til Sl <tC SLURRY PIPELINE PROJECT Email . [email protected] aC'1I~i'1I~. ~ ~ . Gl'l<::t'ig'(, 'iR("R' (D.lT.) 494 001 Bailadila Bhawan . Geedam Road, Jagdalpur, Bastar, c.o 494001 f.\11'1"tre"lA~ / Corporate Identity Number : L13100AP1958 GOI 001674 No./SPL/Phase-2/AP/2021/ 1623 Dt. D7.04.2D21 To, The Project Director, I " ~ ,, ""~ ~ Project Implementation Unit, Araku v Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Andhra Pradesh. ~ CjlJAl '~) Sub: - Laying of underground Slu rry Pipeline for carrying iron ore concentrate (in slurry form) : Perm ission for crossing the National Highway . NH-516E at Km 10/4 Kotarubiili Village Gantyada Mandal - reg. Ref: - Gazette Notification published by Government of India vide Notificati on Dt. 23.08.12 (enclosed) Dear Sir, NMDC a Navarat na category PSU under the Ministry of Steel, is operati ng iro n ore mines at Bailadila sector sit uated in Dist. Dantewada, Chhattisgarh State. As a forward int egration of it!" iron ore mining acti vity, NMDC is also setting up a 3 MTPA Integrated Iron and Steel Plant at Nagarnar in t he State of Chhati sgarh. Now, NMDC has taken up' construct ion of Sl urry Pipeline Project which is as an alternate mode of t ransport for t ransporta tio n of iron ore fines in slurry form subsequent to its cor-version into iron ore concentrate. This Slurry Pipeline Project involves construction of Slurry Pipeline system from Bailadila to Vizag via Nagarnar passing through three states Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Andh ra Pradesh. This pipeline wi ll be laid besides roads to th e maximum ext ent feasible and will follow the guidelines as per Petrol eum and Minerals Pipeli nes.Act, 1962. In the above context, as required, Gazette Notification (enclosed) was published by Government of India to enabl e NMDC proceed with various activities as per Petrole'Jm and cioll~~ "'I ~kt~ : 10-3-311 ~ <§f.\or 'f1l'l, 'l'ml" t..., @<:<Ial<: - 500028 ~l'iI Il~1 Regd. Office : 10-3·311 /AKhanij Bhavan. MasabTan k, Hyderabad· 500028Telangana Minerals Pipelines Act, 1962. The detai led Route Survey was don e by WAPCOS (a Govt of "'India u/t), under the supervision of our Consultant, Mecon (a Govt of India u/ t) . NMDC has obtained all th e required statutory clearances viz Road crossings, water body crossings & Railway crossing s in th e state of Chhattisgarh t o enable fi rst phase of construction of the Pipeline .svstem between Bailadila and Nagarnar. To continue with construction of th e portion of the slurry pipeline syste m between Nagarnar and Vizag, we arc applying fo r various clearances by adop ting similar procedures as done in Chhattisgarh State. Under your jurisdiction, in Vizianagarm District, in the Sta te of Andhra Pradesh, th e proposed Slurry Pipeline enro ute has to cross th e Nati onal Highway-516E at Kot aru billi village in Gantyada mandaI. The draw ing of National Highway Road crossing indicati ng RoU, XY co-ordi nates, is enclosed. Earlier the above said road was under th e pur view of Executive Engineer, R&B INH Division ) Mampalem, Visakhapatnam. Application was subm itted to f .E., R&B along with th e following documents:• 11) Affldavit (2) Agree ment 13)Power of Attorney (4) Checklist (SI Method of Crossing (6) Crossing Drawings '(71Rout e Map (8) Cadast ral Map Subsequently jo int inspection was conducted and at the time of giving clearance th e purview of t'te road has been transferred to PIU, MaRTH, Visakhapatnam. E.E, R&B had forwarded all th e documents to the Assist ant Project Director, PIU, MaRTH, Visakhapatn am vide letter No. 067/6irl. Group/326-A/ATO/2020. Dt. 25.11.2020. In view of the above, NMDC requests yo ur good office to kind ly accord permission to lay the Slurry Pipeline and Water Pipeline along with Optical fiber cable crossing these Roads at these locati ons. Thanking you , YOUr \()fai!\,fUllY• '\ ~ IJ'I-\ . I .>f('n\uu, . 1M. R,jgOP ~ Project Managcr (Phase -II) Slurry Pipeline Project • Ma illd: [email protected] Contact No.- 942526G,t49 End :- (1) letter from E.E. (R&B) NH Division, Marripal em. !2) Method of Crossing (3) Crossing Drawings • " ~~ NMDC Limited (.ffl(f m<PR lIiT i3"C'1' ) (AGOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE) Fax : 07782-222770 . Ph. : 07782-225599 ~ QI!ftll'1llf.;t l'lj~Cfc SLURRY PIPELINE PROJECT Email: [email protected] a<'1lgj<'11 \{CA ,1ftGll~, \J111C;<'1g'<, 1ffiR (9".1'1.) 494001 Sailadila Shawan, Geedam Road, Jagdalpur, Sastar, e.G 494001 f.Wr~~/ Corporate IdentityNumber : L13100AP1958 GOI001674 No./SP[/Phase-Z/AP/ZoZl/ Of. B .O}.2021 To The Assistant Executive Engineer, Project Implement at ion Unit, Araku Ministry of Road Transport &Highways, Andhra Pradesh-531149 Sub:- Right of Way (RoW) permission for laying of underground Slurry Pipel ine fo r carrying Iron ore concentrate (in slurry form) and Wate r Pipe line along w ith Optical Fibre Cab le (OFC) at Km.23/430 in Kotarubilli Village across Bowdara to Vizianagaram section (Km.O.OO to Km 26.937 of NH-516E in the sate of Andhra Pradesh-Reg. Ref:- 1. This office letter no./SPl/Phase-2/ AP/2021/1623 dated 07.04.2021 2. Your office letter No.MoRTH/PIU/ARAKU/NMDC/RoWpermission/NH-516E/1 dated 23.06.2021. Madam, With reference to the above cited letter at Sl.no .2 the following documents are submitted here with for your kind reference and further needful action. 1. The chainage of NH-516E where ROW permission for crossing the NH has been incorporated in the drawing enclosed. 2. The Ro W wi dth and the No.of Existing and proposed lanes corrected in the checklist. 3. Furnished construction Methodology of laying/crossing of pipel ine. 4. Enclosed an undertaking/certificate intimating therein that the laying of above lines wi ll not have any material effect on the safety of the road users as per Ministry's circular nO.RW/Nh-33044/29/2016/S&R{R) dated 22.11.2016. 5. Enclosed revised checklist along with all the relevant data . NM DC requests your good offices to kindly accord permission to lay t he Slurry Pipeline and Wate~ Pipeline along with CFCcrossing of this road at above mentioned location. Thanking you, YOur .~~f ~\ Ot(t']1b ~) . (M. ~a ~~ ~ Copy to : The Project Director, PIU Project Man ager (Phase-II) Slurry Pipeline Project Mailld: [email protected] Contact No.- 9425266449 tiuflwr <t>i4f<'14 : 10-3-311 11 ~ \{CA, '1mI i<t>, @ C;~I ~iC; - 5 0 0 0 2 8 <1<4111'11 Regd. Office : 10-3-3 11 /A Khanij Shavan, Masab Tank, Hyderabad - 500028 Telangana ~~ NMDC Limited 'l{"ffif W<cfiR q;r \rolf) (A GOVT OF INDIA ENTERPRISE) Fax : 07782·222770 ( . Phone : 07782·225599 ~ ql~q('jl:h Sl~Jl<t<: SLURRY PIPELINE PROJECT Email : [email protected] ~ClIJlClI 'lCR, -.ftGJf m, """m'I ""c; CI"'g~'( , i!ffiR (~Fr. ) 494001 Bailadila Bhawan, Geedam Road, Jagdalpur Bastar (C.G.)494001 f.l>Tq ~ ~ Corporate Identity Number . L13100TG1958GOI001674 NO.SPL/P hasc II / N H / 7 07 1 /6 ~ Date: 15/01/7071 10, The As sistant Executive Engineer, Project Implementation Unit (PIU),Araku Ministry o f Road Transport & Highways. Subject Rig ht of Way (ROW) permission for laying of underground Slurry Pipeline for carrymq iron ore concentrate (in slurry form) and Wa ter Pipelme along with Optical Fibre Cable (OFC) at Km 10.400 in Kotarubtlli Village across Bowc ara to Vizianaqaram section (Krn 000 to Km 26 .93l) of NH-516E in the State of Andhra Prade sh - Reg , ~ef .
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