Sunflower October 18, 1968
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The Sunflow er VOL. LXXm NO. 9 WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY -FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18. I968( Nixoa 1# Be Next Presidert •' » “*«" Soy Nolioe’s College EdHon *Dec. 20 -Transm it final plans M INNEAPOLIS-(ACP) Rich- aUsm and mass communication 50 per cent indicated they and specificatlras to contractors for bidding. ofM lm w so^ H u m & a^ro^Sd cS st^^alid^Ld- *Jan. 14 1969 - Construction ^ of tte United ^ t e s accord- Criteria Inciuded i ^ ^ i lo- ^ schedule, Thursday, in ing to 91 per crat of the nation’ s cation, circulation and frequency cent eacn lor ueorge wauaceana « • •'* bids opened by State purchasing division. coU^ newspaper editors o(puWlcaa<». SldScidS*"^ S'Architect William Hale •Jan. 16, 1969 - Regents re The opinion survey conducted Editors classified themselves unaeciara. a„thnri PH hv pHp RAOPntK 7 ceive request that awarding of by Assorted Collegiate Press as 46 per cent Independent, 30 °"to electS ^ ®" assMlate a^ltect contracts begin. Bond bids was based on a reprewntaUve Per <=«* Republican and 24 per rey ^ e c t ^ ^ opened. Regents award sale of mail poll of 7 per cent of college cent Democrat. ^ individual party af- stadium bonds. editors selected by the research If the election had been held su ^ey Indicated the Reaents' action followed •Feb. I, 1969 - Construction division of the school of journ- during the second week of Oct- foilw in g results; week*s 3 186 to 2.097 af- If the presidential election ® . begins. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■nnMIUdlllininMMflBBinillini were held today, I would vote for: Qrimtive vote by V\^l) students •Sept. I, 1969 - Stadium com to Incroase the student campus pleted. I REPUBLICAN - 30% privilege fee 25 cents per cre- In other matters relating to mm 0 ■ I N i » m ...............................83% (^t hour per semester to support WSU, the Regents gave approval ^ 1 A l A f ■ O I Humphrey............................. 6% a $750,000 bond Issue to be paid to a proposed budget for e7q>and- ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Wallace................................. 4% off In not more than 20 years. Ing the residue of the 11/2 mill W w I 1 ■ G re g o ry ............................0% The cost of the stadium ex- levy on real property In Wichita. ■ 'Undecided........................7% pension is estimated at $1.5 mil- The tax residue totals $314,273. ■ DEMOCRAT - 24% Hon - half of the fUnds to come WSU also was authorized by N ixon ................................ 20% from private donations and half the Regents to enter Into a VIETNAM The United States presses its bombing halt dis- Humphrey......................... 64% from the increased student pri- rental-lease agreement with the cussion with the allies as Hanoi denounces President Johnson’ s W a llace................................. 0% vilege fee. University Methodist Church, call for matching military restraint. G re g o ry ........................... 8% The Regents approved the fol- 21st and Yale, for the rental of U.S. fighter-bombers get the ‘*Go** for sorties against North Undecided........................ 8% lowing schedule for construction classroom and office space for Vietnam Friday after U.S. Ambassador Bunker meets again with INDEPENDENT - 46% and funding of the project, sche- the College of Education’s read Presldrat Thieu. N ix o n ................................. 43% duled to be completed by Sept. ing center. The rental fee would Humphrey......................... 30% 1, 1969: be $1,500. APOLLO The Apollo 7 astronauts put on a sparkling visual W a lla c e .................................4% *Nov. 15 - Regents building The Regents also approved the show for early rising Californians, pluRograph Hurricane Gladys G r^ory ................................2% committee approval of prellmi- sale of $3.95 millira bond issue and prepare for a major test of their spacecraft engine. No o n e ................................. 4% nary plans and specifications and for construction of an addition A qjace agency official says a decision whether to send a three- ALL CLASSIFICATIONS beginning of community sollcita- to the student union and a swim man Apollo crew around the moon at Christmas time will not N ix o n ................................... 50% tion program for the $250,000 ming pool at Ahearn Fleldhouse be made until mid-November. Humphrey........................... 37% for the football program. at Kansas State University. W a lla c e............................1.5% *Nov. 20 - Letter from Uni- The bonds were bought by John THB O AM PA IilN Hubert Humphrey wins a major victory G r e g o r y ..............................1.5% verslty Endowment Association Nuveen and Co. of Chicago at i as New York State’ s h ip est court rules Sen. Eugene McCarthy Undecided or no one. 10% to the Regents assuring that the an average annual interest rate off the presidential ballot, agreeing ho should not have to run $750,000 cash will be available of 504 per cent. The second against his w ill. I believe the following man will when needed. low bidder on the 25-year re be elected president: *Nov. 21 - Regents building venue bonds was Wright, Weld NATIONAL Hurricane Gladys heads for the lightly populated REPUBLICANS committee reports to Regents on and Co. of Kansas City, Mo., beaches of northwest Florida after a westward turn that apparently N ixon ................................... 99% review of prelimlnaryplans. Re with an average interest rate spares the metr<volltan Tampa Bay area from her 90-mile per Humphrey.............................. 1% gents authorize bond attorney to of 509. hour winds. Undecided............................. 0% prepare bond resolution for sale DEMOCRATS of bonds. INTERNATIONAL Soviet troops settle into vacated Czecho- N ixon .................................. 80% *Dec. 9 - Transmit final plans Slovak army barracks to make permanent occupation quarters as Humphrey............................ 16% and specifications toState Archi- iNside Index Premler Kosygin gets a cool sendoff to Moscow. Undecided............................. 4% tect and R^ents. Yasunari Kawbata, a Japanese whose best known novel is cen- INDEPENDENTS *Dec. 19 - Request approval tered around a tea cup, wins the 1968 Nobel Prize for literature. N ixon ................................... 96% for final plans for release to High School Journalifts 3 Increasing confirmations of events in the Bible have ^rred Humphrey.............................4% bidders. Final report to R^ents scholars and Israeli officials to depict the details In life-size Undecided............................. 0% on successful completion of Student Discounts 4 recreation near Tel Aviv. ALL CLASSIFICATIONS $750,000 capital campaign. Re- Nixon ................................ 91% port to Regents that $250,000 Shockers Face 'Cats 11 Humphrey........................... 7% operating fund requirement has Undecided........................... 2% been met. Varied Views of Student Revolt Offered at 'Issues ’ 68’ Session A conglomeration, 0 1 views on •Financial power. Kenyon said, “ I don’t think student rebellion waP aired at •Political Influence In the com SDS Itnows what It wants.” *'Issues ’66,” Thursday. munity. Kaiser said that the basic pur Panelists speaking with ap Stucky affirmed that a quiet 1^ pose of the organization was to proximately 30 students and revolution has been going on at seek justice, expccially in the faculty members were: Scott WSU, meaning, a quiet one work Viet Nam situation. Otlier goals Stucky, SGA senator; Don Kaiser, ing through the channels of such brought out were that SDS ^ould SDS member; Dr. Grant Kenyon, organizations as SGA. sensitize others to the discre professor of psychology; and Dr. Stucky also admitted to the pancies and Inequities In Ameri David Farnsworth, professor and apathy of students at WSU. can life, and the problems in chairman of political science. Dr. Farnsworth said the rea American democracy. However, Modoritor was Dr. Lyle Gohn, sons for apathy were a lack of later dlscusslra among those assistant dean of students. information circulating through present revealed that SDS was an Kaiser first sprite about the the campus, and the feelL-ig of extremely loosely organized as college student. “ Students want many students that change In their sociation which is not bound by a peaceful thing. they are academic life Is not possible. a national policy. apathetic,’’ he said. “ They are The fheuity sponsor of SDS apathetic because they know they The likelihood that SDS, asop- at WSU, Dr. Kenyon, said that posed to SGA, could effect fUntta- are powerless; for this reason s c e n ts are not apathetic, though they don’t go to SGA meetings.” mental changes in University life they may beapattietlc about things w asanalyz^. Some present said Stucky of the SGA rr^lied to SDS members are concerned Kaiser’ s comments, saying that no, because of the SDS’s preoc with. He said that students of 15 cupation with protesting and dis to gain student power, or the years ago were fairly well satis power to determine one’ s own senting Instead of constructively fied with the status quo. Now, getting down to the chore of destiny, one must work through however, fhat is no longer true. channels, or the political pro changing policy and exercising N EVER TOO YOUNG TO LEARN--Slx-year-old Danny Jacoby, cess. Through these channels The purpose and function of student power. ^ (above), of New York, tries preparing data cards on a key four types of change may be the Students for Democratic Society, which at WSU numbered However the premise remained punch machine at New York University. He plans to be a com effected: that nine students could make an •Revision of dorm hours, nine members last year, was puter programmer when he grows up to be 11 years old, but impression - one being felt smoking privileges, etc. discussed. “ What does tiilsgroup now attends computer classes at NYU after his regular grade of students want?’ ’ was asked. throughout the campus. school day. wirephou>> •Academic chaqge. } Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives . .L JSSi, tit iMrtItwtr, PrItiT, OeMItr It, INS WSU Head Theatre to O pen Attends 51st Three Films , 1 , Two more productions are ACE Meeting Experimental theatre w III planned by the theatre and will Dr.