Building 2 1 Church Farm Crate Lane Sedgehill Shaftesbury Wiltshire SP7 9JH

April 2020

Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill


Contact information 3 Apple Environmental company information 4 1 Introduction and objectives 5 2 Site history 6 3 Current setting 9

4 Environmental setting 14 5 Geology 15 6 Hydrology 17 7 Waste and other infilled land 19 8 Available contaminated land information 20 9 Conceptual site model 21 10 Summary and recommendations 28

11 Limitations 31 12 References 32


I Proposed plan 32

II Historical maps 35 III Environmental datasheets 43 IV Geological datasheets 99

CL/2879b/1CF 2 Apple Environmental Limited

Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

Contact information

Site address

Building 2 Contact: Edward Dyke

1 Church Farm Telephone: 01258 474261

Crate Lane E-mail: [email protected]





Report co-ordinator

Apple Environmental Limited Contact: Laura Charman Unit 3 Estevan Farm Telephone: 01420 563377 Stoney Lane E-mail: [email protected] GU34 5EL

Report checking

Author: Laura Charman

Final check by: Adrian Whittle

CL/2879b/1CF 3 Apple Environmental Limited

Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

Company information

Unit 3 Estevan Farm, Stoney Lane, Medstead, Alton, Hampshire GU34 5EL

Telephone: 01420 563377 e.mail: [email protected]


This report, and the information and advice which it contains, is provided by Apple Environmental Limited solely for internal use and reliance by its Client in performance of Apple Environmental Limited’s duties and liabilities under its contract with the Client. Any advice, opinions, recommendations within this report should be read and relied upon only in the context of the report as a whole. The advice and opinions in this report are based upon the information made available to Apple Environmental Limited at the date of this report and on current UK standards, codes, technology and construction practices as at the date of this report. Following final delivery of this report to the Client, Apple Environmental Limited will have no further obligations or duty to advise the Client on any matters, including development affecting the information or advice provided in this report. This report has been prepared on behalf of Apple Environmental Limited in their capacity as environmental consultants. The contents of this report do not, in any way, purport to include any manner of legal advice or opinion. The report is prepared in accordance with the terms and conditions of Apple Environmental Limited’s contract with the Client. Regard should be had to those terms and conditions when considering and/or placing any reliance upon this report. Should the Client wish to release this report to a Third Party for that party’s reliance, Apple Environmental Limited may, at its discretion, agree to such release provided that:

(a) Apple Environmental Limited’s agreement is obtained prior to such release, and;

(b) By release of this report to the Third Party, that Third Party does not acquire any rights, contractual or otherwise, whatsoever against Apple Environmental Limited and;

(c) Apple Environmental Limited accordingly, assumes no duties, liabilities or obligations to that Third Party, and;

(d) Apple Environmental Limited accepts no responsibility for any loss of damage incurred by the Client, or for any conflict of Apple Environmental Limited’s interests rising out of the Clients release of this report to the Third Party.

CL/2879b/1CF 4 Apple Environmental Limited

Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

1 Introduction and objectives

1.1 Introduction

Apple Environmental Limited has been appointed to provide a Phase I environmental desk study report in support of the prior approval for the proposed change of use of an agricultural building to residential, to create a new dwelling.

1.2 Aim

The principal aim of a Phase I environmental report is to gather the information needed in order to be in a position to assess the presence and/or significance of any land contamination on this site. The resultant information then enables a preliminary risk assessment to be carried out to conclusions in which an acceptable degree of confidence can be placed. These conclusions form the basis of the conceptual site model (CSM), which therefore highlight any potential pollutant linkages at the site based on current and historical use of the land and its immediate surroundings, and if appropriate, proposes further investigation. Any such further investigation will focus on areas currently and previously used for purposes that may give rise to contamination and will take account of land use in the proposed future development, one of the principal goals being the reduction of any uncertainty in the CSM (BSI 10175:2011+A2:2017).

1.3 Objectives

The broad objectives of this report are to obtain information in order to:

 provide information from which likely contaminant-pathway-receptor relationships can be identified;

 evaluate the environmental setting of the site and to identify sensitive receptors;

 assess the likelihood of finding contamination on site, its nature and extent; and

 determine the need or requirements for further investigation, by means of generic or detailed risk assessment.

CL/2879b/1CF 5 Apple Environmental Limited

Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

2 Site history

2.1 Introduction

The site is located in Sedgehill, near Shaftesbury , Wiltshire.

2.2 Historical maps

Historical mapping and other archive material has been consulted to ascertain the past use of the site.

1886 - 1890

The site is currently unoccupied. Two structures are present to the southeast which appear to be agricultural type buildings and collectively are labelled as Church Farm. Other structures associated with Church Farm are located to 50m to the south and southwest of the subject site curtilage.

Church Farm itself appears to be accessed via Crate Lane, which runs in a north to south direction 100m to the west of the site at its closest. Wellgrove Lane to the south of the site also appears to lead to Church Farm. Several other structures and an associated pump are present 50m to the northwest of the site.

1900 - 1902

No significant changes visible within 250m of the site.

1925 - 1931

A structure located 20m to the southwest of the site appears to have been demolished.


One of the farm buildings located at Church Farm to the southeast of the site appears to have been extended.

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Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

1978 - 1983

The site is now occupied by a large structure. Church Farm to the southwest, now comprises four structures and a slurry pit; of which the latter is located 20m to the west of the subject site.

Two buildings located 40m to the southeast appear to have been extended or altered in shape. The buildings located 50m to the northwest of the site are dwellings labelled as Church Farm Cottages.


No significant changes visible within 250m of the site.

2001 - 2003

The subject building appears to have been extended southwards.

A slurry pit is also now present 80m to the southwest of the site.

2010 - 2019

The slurry bed located 20m to the west of the site appears to have been infilled.

2.3 Historical and archaeological records

Sedgehill is a village located in Wiltshire, 3 miles north of the town of Shaftesbury.

Settlement of the village has always been of a dispersed nature with farmsteads and hamlets linked by a network of lanes. The principal industry has been agriculture, although glove manufacturing had also been an important historical local trade.

By the 19th Century Sedgehill reportedly contained nineteen farms, twelve of which were less than 50 acres. Of these, there were 670 acres of pasture land maintaining 100 sheep and 187 cows, and some 328 acres of arable land.

Sheep grazing became almost non-existent by the turn of the 20th Century, and dairy farming had been concentrated into just ten farms at this time. In 1954 there were twelve recorded farms, which had fallen in number to ten by 1984.

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Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

These changes in agriculture are also reflected in the population of the village throughout this time. More specifically, in 1801 the population was reportedly 199, whereupon by 1831 it had risen to 235, and by 1871 it stood at 216.

The village population then saw a dramatic fall in the first part of the 20th Century, whereby it was recorded as being just 120 in 1931, only to increase to just 162 by 1981. Subsequent census records only detail a combined population figure, of Sedgehill and neighbouring Semley.

2.4 Identified historical commercial/industrial sites

Through reference to historical data, there have been no potentially significant features within 200m of the site.

There have been no recorded historical tanks existing within 200m of the site, nor have there been any recorded historical energy features within this same distance.

There are no recorded historical petrol and fuel sites having operated within 200m of the subject site, nor are there any records of historical garages which were once in operation within this same distance.

More recent activities within the area are discussed below in Section 3.

CL/2879b/1CF 8 Apple Environmental Limited

Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

3 Current setting

3.1 General

The subject building is located on a disused dairy farm and accessed via Crate Lane to the west. The outer-lying site has a southwesterly slope down towards Crate Lane.

The subject barn is a former cattle shed constructed from corrugated metal panelling with timber supports and concrete flooring. The latter also has some visible cracking. The building is currently unused apart from a small amount of general storage.

The barn is surrounded by a concrete yard area to the south and soft landscaping to the north. The former has some visible cracking.

To the west of the subject barn there is an area of soft landscaping, where a slurry bed had been previously located. This has since been drained and infilled using the spoil that had previously been removed from the bed during its construction.

To the southwest of the site is Church Farm, which comprises two agricultural barns. the first of which is located 30m to the southwest, which is constructed from concrete blocks and metal panelling, with (presumed) cement-bonded asbestos roofing and concrete flooring. The barn is currently used for the storage of hay, which prevented the condition of the flooring to be visually assessed during the walkover.

The second building is located 50m to the southwest of the site. This is constructed from brick with (presumed) cement-bonded asbestos roofing and concrete flooring. The floor is in a reasonable condition with only some small cracks and holes noted. The building was previously used for the storage of bulk tanks for dairy farming and general storage.

To the rear of this barn is a steel-framed barn with corrugated steel-panelled roofing.

Photographs 1 to 7 below show some of the features described above.

CL/2879b/1CF 9 Apple Environmental Limited

Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

Photograph 1 Showing the subject barn

Photograph 2 Showing inside the subject barn

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Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

Photograph 3 Showing the area to the north of the subject barn

Photograph 4 Showing the concrete yard area to the west of the subject barn

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Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

Photograph 5 Showing the soft landscaped section where the slurry bed was previously located

Photograph 6 Showing one of the barns at Church Farm to the southwest

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Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

Photograph 7 Showing Crate Lane looking southwards

3.2 Development surrounding the site

Through reference to environmental datasheets, there has been one potentially significant feature which currently exists within 250m of the site.

This refers to the aforementioned slurry bed located to the west of the site which as stated is no longer in use, and has been infilled. It is noted also that there has also been a slurry pit located 80m to the southwest, which has also been infilled. This feature does not appear on the environmental datasheets.

There are no recorded petrol or fuel sites located within 250m of the site.

There are no underground high pressure oil or gas pipes recorded within 500m of the site, nor are there any underground electricity transmission cables within this distance.

CL/2879b/1CF 13 Apple Environmental Limited

Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

4 Environmental setting

Ordnance Survey maps were used in conjunction with the MAGIC website (formerly English Nature’s Nature on the Map) in order to ascertain the location of sensitive habitat areas and other places of special or scientific interest within the vicinity of the site.

The site itself is not located within an environmentally sensitive area. The nearest of such is the Cranborne Chase & West Wiltshire Downs, which is an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), located 455m to the east of the site.

There are also ten woodland areas located within 2km of the site; the closest of which is an ancient and semi-natural woodland area known as Hayes Copse, located 760m to the southwest of the site.

Figure 1 below shows the proximity of these highlighted areas.

Figure 1 Location of nearest environmentally sensitive areas

Subject site (Reference: Natural (MAGIC)

CL/2879b/1CF 14 Apple Environmental Limited

Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

5 Geology

5.1 Bedrock

Geological data states that the underlying geology of the specific area upon which this site lies consists of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation. This sedimentary bedrock was formed approximately 155 million years ago in the Jurassic Period. The thickness of this formation at the subject site has not been confirmed.

5.2 Superficial deposits

This bedrock is reported to be overlain by river terrace deposits comprising clay, silt, sand and gravel. These were formed up to 3 million years ago during the Quaternary Period. The extent and depth of these deposits at the subject site has also not been confirmed.

5.3 Artificial deposits

BGS mapping does not record any artificial deposits overlying the geological deposits at this site location; however considering the characteristics of the site it is quite likely that there could be made-ground or possibly hardcore present beneath the concrete site surface and buildings.

5.4 Borehole data

British Geological Survey (BGS) borehole data has been consulted for this study. Two borehole logs have been detailed below, which are expected to share similar geological strata to that which is present beneath the site.

ST82NE21 refers to a borehole located to the south of East Knoyle (TP2) 730m to the southeast of the site, which continued to a depth of 2m.

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Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

The log details 0.15m of topsoil underlain by 0.3m of dry, light-brown stiff/firm silty clay. This was subsequently underlain by 0.1m of slightly moist soft/firm mottled yellow/brown fissured silty clay with fine roots. For the next 0.4m very moist, medium grey mottled yellowish orange/brown very soft friable silty clay was present. This was underlain by 0.4m of wet, very grey mottled orange/brown very soft silty clay. From here to the base of the borehole wet, soft/firm dark-grey clay with rusty brown mottling in places was present. Groundwater was recorded at a depth of 1100mm (bgl). http://scans.bgs.ac.uk/sobi_scans/boreholes/394964/images/10722964.html

ST82NE17 refers to a borehole also located to the south of East Knoyle (TP6) some 790m to the southeast of the site, which continued to a depth of 4m.

The log details 0.13m of topsoil underlain by 0.2m of dry, medium-brown mottled orange/brown silty clay. This was subsequently underlain by 0.3m of slightly moist grey mottled orange/brown firm silty clay. For the next 0.4m moist, blue/grey mottled orange/brown orange/brown soft/firm fissured silty clay was present. This was underlain by 0.8m of moist, grey, slightly mottled orange soft silty clay. From here to the base of the borehole wet, brownish/grey soft/firm mudstone was present. Groundwater was recorded at a depth of 2200mm (bgl), with a final rest level of 3500mm. http://scans.bgs.ac.uk/sobi_scans/boreholes/394968/images/10722968.html

5.5 Radon affected areas

According to the Health Protection Agency (HPA) mapping, the site is not located within a radon affected area, as less than 1% of properties are expected to be above the ‘Action Level’.

Through reference to BR211, radon protective measures are not deemed necessary for any new residential development in this area.

5.6 Non-coal mining

According to the Coal Authority the site is not located within an identified mining or quarrying area.

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Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

6 Hydrology

6.1 Groundwater

The expected geology for the specific area of the site is bedrock of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation. According to the Environment Agency this bedrock has been classified as an ‘unproductive’ aquifer, with low permeability status.

This is designated when there are rock layers or drift deposits that have negligible significance for water supply or river base-flow.

There are also expected to be superficial head deposits beneath the site, which have been classified as a ‘secondary (undifferentiated)’ aquifer. This classification is assigned when the geology has the potential to provide water storage, and/or supply, and river base-flow on a local scale.

In view of the generally impermeable bedrock in this area, it is not expected for there to be any significant groundwater presence at depth, at the site, although it is possible that there could be some shallow groundwater presence within the superficial deposits.

This absence of accessible or utilisable groundwater in this area is supported by the fact that the site does not lie within an Environment Agency designated Groundwater Source Protection Zone (SPZ). Similarly there are no groundwater abstraction licences within 2km of the subject site.

6.2 Surface water

There are no significant surface water features within 200m of the site, although it is quite possible that there may be some land drains in the vicinity of the farm.

With regards to the movement of surface run-off at the site, much of the land is hard-surfaced, and consequently it is not expected for water to percolate directly into the ground within such areas.

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Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

6.3 Flooding

Through reference to Environment Agency flood data the site falls within a designated Flood Zone 1, hence the annual probability of flooding from rivers here overall is deemed to be ‘low’.

Figure 2 below shows the presence of the nearest Flood Zones 2 and 3 located approximately 850m to the northwest.

These have been designated due to possible flooding of the River Loddon.

Figure 2 Showing the nearest flood risk areas to the site

© Crown copyright Proposed development site

Flood Zone 2 Flood Zone 3

CL/2879b/1CF 18 Apple Environmental Limited

Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

7 Waste and other infilled land

7.1 Landfill

Environment Agency data, environmental datasheets and historical maps referenced during the compiling of the report indicate that there have been no historic landfill sites within 1500m of the site.

7.2 Infill

Environmental datasheets indicate that no land infilling appears to have occurred within the surrounding area.

Despite this, it is understood that the former slurry bed, located to the west of the site has been infilled with soil; as has a former slurry pit 80m to the southwest of the site.

Of these, the slurry bed to the west has been infilled with the spoil previously removed from this feature, whereas the source of the infill used for the slurry pit is not known.

7.3 Other waste facilities

There have been no other recorded waste facilities within 250m of the site.

CL/2879b/1CF 19 Apple Environmental Limited

Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

8 Available contaminated land information

8.1 Statutory contaminated land

Environmental datasheets state that there are no sites determined as Contaminated Land under Part 2A of the EPA 1990 within 500m of the site.

8.2 Planning search

Previous planning applications have been referred to for this area of Shaftesbury in order to determine whether or not land contamination had been a material consideration in any corresponding decision notice, and if so, to consider any effect that these sites may have had on the subject site.

Through reference to Wiltshire Council planning records there appear to have been no requests for contaminated land investigations within the vicinity of the site; hence no other reports were consulted during the compiling of this current report.

8.3 Environmental incidents

Environmental datasheets state that there have been no recorded pollution incidents within 500m of the site.

8.4 Discharge consents

There are no active licensed discharge consents within 250m of the site, although there has been one historical licence, which was operational from 1963 to 1996. This was located 85m to the southwest of the site at 3 Church Farm, and relates to the discharge of water used for arable farming into unknown receiving water.

CL/2879b/1CF 20 Apple Environmental Limited

Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

9 Conceptual site model

9.1 Sources

The subject barn has been present since at least the late 1970s.

The ground surface surrounding the subject barn is principally concrete covered, with an area of soft landscaping to the north. The concrete is cracked throughout, thereby possibly not providing complete protection to the underlying soils from any associated leakages or spillages. It is expected that agricultural machinery and/or vehicles may have been kept or used on the site, either within the barn or within the yard area.

It is also expected for the concrete to be underlain by hardcore and possibly made-ground; both of which has the potential to introduce ground contamination.

With regards to nearby off-site features, a slurry bed was once located to the west of the site and subsequently infilled within the last 10 years using the banked spoil surrounding the feature.

In addition, further farming activities to the south of the site; including a former slurry pit have been identified.

In considering these highlighted activities and features, potential contaminants would appear to include the following:

 heavy metals and other inorganics from general activities, demolition waste, or possible hardcore and made-ground deposits;

 hydrocarbon residue from the use/storage/repair of agricultural vehicles/machinery or possibly within hardcore or made-ground;

 asbestos residue originating from the existing structure, or within hardcore/made-ground; and

 ground gases from possible made-ground and on/off-site slurry residue.

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Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

9.2 Receptors

The receptors that would need to be considered in this instance are:

 construction workers;

 future site occupiers; and

 buildings, structures and associated services.

The presence of groundwater beneath the subject barn is not known, however considering the information made available for this report, there is little to suggest that groundwater or other off-site media have been at risk from contamination in this location. These are therefore not considered to be viable receptors in this instance.

9.3 Pathways

The development proposal is to redevelop the existing agricultural building for residential use, with a small garden area.

In considering this, the potential contamination pathways to receptors would appear to include the following:

 direct and indirect ingestion of soil and soil-dust during construction and occupation;

 direct dermal contact with soil and soil-dust during construction and occupation;

 direct inhalation of soil-dust during construction and occupation;

 consumption of home-grown vegetables;

 inhalation or ignition of gases and/or vapours; and

 direct contact with main services and building fabric below ground.

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Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

9.4 Possible pathway linkages

9.4.1 Heavy metals and other inorganics

 Direct and indirect ingestion of soil and dust - contaminated soil may be ingested by construction workers or future occupiers;

 dermal contact with soil and dust - inorganic contaminants may be absorbed through direct contact with contaminated soils by construction workers or future occupiers;

 inhalation of dust - airborne contaminated soil particles could be inhaled by construction workers or future occupiers; and

 contact with building materials and services - some inorganic contaminants within the soil may affect the properties of either through direct contact.

9.4.2 Hydrocarbons (petroleum and poly-aromatic)

 Direct and indirect ingestion of soil and dust - hydrocarbon contaminated soil may be ingested by construction workers or future occupiers;

 dermal contact with soil and dust - hydrocarbon contaminants may be absorbed through direct contact with contaminated soils by construction workers or future occupiers;

 inhalation of dust (indoors and outdoors) - airborne hydrocarbon contaminated soil particles could be inhaled by construction workers or future occupiers;

 inhalation of vapours (indoors and outdoors) - hydrocarbon vapours may be inhaled by construction workers or future occupiers; and

 contact with building materials and services - hydrocarbons within soil may affect the properties of either through direct contact.

9.4.3 Ground gases

 Inhalation - toxic ground gases may be present due to the possible breakdown of organic material within any made-ground or slurry residue, such that these could be inhaled by construction workers and future occupiers of the dwellings; and

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Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

 ignition - explosive gases may be present due to the possible breakdown of organic material within made-ground or slurry residue.

9.4.4 Asbestos

 Inhalation of dust - airborne fibres may be inhaled by construction workers, or future occupiers.

9.5 Assumptions and uncertainties

9.5.1 Site history

It has been assumed that all uses of the site have been identified. Where there is any uncertainty a precautionary approach will generally have been made.

9.5.2 Geology, surface water and groundwater

It has been assumed that the geological map is representative of the site; however any unexpected variation could affect the risk to groundwater beneath the site (if present). In addition to this, the nature and presence of groundwater beneath the site is similarly not known.

This includes the possible rest level and flow direction; although this report has concluded that a significant groundwater presence is unlikely in this location due to only limited superficial deposits and impermeable bedrock.

9.5.3 Contaminants

Although the presence of several contaminants is possible, their nature, location, concentration and mobility are not known.

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Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

9.5.4 Pathways

The absence of preferential flow paths such as pipe work, drains and service runs has not been confirmed.

9.5.5 Future site use

The likelihood or details of any future alteration or redevelopment of the site is not known, hence risk can only be ascertained with regard to the proposed layout and use.

9.6 Assessment of risk

The perceived risk associated with the above identified linkages has been assessed below in Table 1, based upon the identified sources, pathways and receptors.

The corresponding risk algorithm used has been shown below in Figure 3, where risk has been assessed on the understanding that the site will be developed for residential use with a small area of soft recreational landscaping.

Figure 3 Risk assessment algorithm

Severity Probability of Risk rating Overall risk of hazard hazard

5 5 10 15 20 25 5 = Fatality 1 = Improbable 1 - 6 Low

4 4 8 12 16 20 4 = Major 2 = Remote 8 - 12 Moderate

3 3 6 9 12 15 3 = Minor 3 = Possible 15 - 25 High

2 2 4 6 8 10 2 = Negligible 4 = Probable 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 = None 5 = Certainty Potential severity Potential 1 2 3 4 5

Probability Severity of hazard x probability = risk rating

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Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

Table 1 Perceived risk to receptors

Identified Source(s) identified Overall risk Comments pathways

The potential for touching soil during construction work, gardening or recreation is high. It is also possible that some of the contaminants potentially present could exert a biological effect from absorption Dermal contact through the epidermis, or with soil or 12 alternatively be transferred to the soil-derived dust mouth. In either instance the extent of uptake is still expected to be low, although as the possibility exists for harmful contaminants to be present, the corresponding risk must be considered to be moderate. Possible heavy metals and other inorganics, The likelihood of ingesting soil during hydrocarbons construction work, gardening or (including PAHs), recreation is low. Ingestion is most asbestos and likely to be limited to trace quantities ground gases through unwashed hands or Direct ingestion of 12 ingesting airborne dusts etc. soil and soil dust However the possibility exists for harmful contaminants to be present, therefore the corresponding risk must at least be considered to be moderate.

The potential for ingesting harmful levels of contaminants from either home-grown vegetables or from soil Ingestion of soil attached to these vegetables is low, attached to 8 however as the possibility exists for vegetables harmful contaminants to be present, the corresponding risk must at least be considered to be low-moderate.

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Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

Table 1 (Cont.) Perceived risk to receptors

Identified Source(s) identified Overall risk Comments pathways

The potential for inhaling soil or airborne soil-derived dust during construction work, gardening or recreation can be high. Furthermore Inhalation of soil the possibility exists that amongst or soil- derived 15 other possible contaminants the soil dust could contain asbestos fibres. In consideration of this the corresponding risk must be deemed to be potentially high.

There is a possibility that hydrocarbon residue could be Possible heavy present within the soil such that this metals and other could release vapours, although the inorganics, likelihood of this occurring is low. hydrocarbons The possibility also exists for made- ground deposits and slurry residue to (including PAHs), Inhalation and/or be present such that these could be asbestos and ignition of gases 12 generating ground gases, although ground gases and vapours again however it is doubtful that these will present a significant concern here. Despite this, until such time that the absence or presence of either can be confirmed the risk must be considered to be potentially moderate.

Some of the substances identified as potentially present, could be a risk to Direct contact building fabric or underground with buildings and 12 services. For precautionary reasons main services the risk must be considered to at least be moderate due to the current level of uncertainty.

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Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

10 Summary and recommendations

10.1 Summary

This report has highlighted the fact that the subject building has long been used for agricultural purposes; the precise uses of which are not fully known, although it has most recently been associated with dairy farming.

As a former agricultural building it must be considered possible that activities could have occurred in such a way that they may have had some degree of adverse effect on the land. It is recognised that some of the site land area has concrete cover, however, not only is this in poor condition in places, but there are also areas without impermeable hard cover.

The conceptual site model has therefore identified a potential contamination concern due to on-site features, namely; general farming activities, the storage and use of farm vehicles and machinery and other items and the possible presence of asbestos materials and slurry residue/made- ground/hardcore beneath the surface of the site.

In addition to the possibility of residual soil contamination, the conceptual model has also identified pathway linkages, suggesting that there could be some degree of unacceptable risk to receptors, namely: construction workers and future site occupiers, along with the proposed buildings and associated underground services.

Groundwater and other off-site receptors have also been considered, but are not believed to be at significant risk from in-situ or migrating contamination.

10.2 Recommendations

In view of the above conclusion further assessment of risk will need to be undertaken, in the form of an intrusive site investigation.

This should concentrate on areas where contamination hotspots may possibly exist, although specific regard should be paid to areas where soft recreational landscaping is to be introduced.

It is firstly recommended that the sub-surface is physically characterised to a depth of at least 1000mm below the surface in order to determine the nature of the sub-surface material and presence of made-ground, in at least 2 separate locations, as proposed below in Figure 4.

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Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

Secondly, representative soil samples should (at least) be obtained from each location at depths of 100 - 200mm and 500 - 600mm below the surface; thereby representing the direct and indirect soil contact zones.

Samples should be analysed for the determinands highlighted in the conceptual model.

Figure 4 Proposed soil sampling locations

Proposed sampling locations

Finally it is recommended that an informal observation strategy should be put in place during all ground-works that may take place as part of this redevelopment. Care should be taken during the working of the site to investigate any soils, which are suspected by sight, odour or suspicion, to be contaminated.

In the event of any discovery of potentially contaminated soils or materials, the location, type and quantity should be recorded, and the contaminated land officer for the Wiltshire Council notified immediately. Approval should be sought prior to continuing groundworks or implementing any mitigation.

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It is suggested that this proposed action should provide satisfactory reassurance in this instance. The findings from the investigation should allow any uncertainties or presumptions within the conceptual site model to be readdressed, and the risk reassessed accordingly.

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11 Limitations

The results, comments and recommendations within this report are based upon the information made available at the time of undertaking this work, and relate to this specific work only. They must not be used to assess similar concerns at any other time, or at any other location.

Furthermore it should be pointed out that Apple Environmental Limited has been contracted to provide an objective preliminary risk assessment only, and as such has made every effort to achieve this aim.

Apple Environmental Limited will not be held responsible for the accuracy of information quoted from third party sources, and furthermore will not be held responsible for any subsequent outcomes arising from the implementation of recommendations herein based on this information.

CL/2879b/1CF 31 Apple Environmental Limited

Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

12 References and other sources of information

1. Investigation of potentially contaminated sites - code of practice (BSI 10175:2011+A2:2017)

2. Groundsure EnviroInsight - historical mapping and environmental data report.

3. Natural England Nature on the map: http://www.natureonthemap.naturalengland.org.uk/MagicMap.aspx.

4. British Geological Survey website: http://www.bgs.ac.uk.

5. Environment Agency website: http://apps.environment-agency.gov.uk/wiyby/default.aspx.

6. https://history.wiltshire.gov.uk/community/getcom.php?id=196

7. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/wilts/vol13/pp169-176

8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sedgehill

9. https://www.sedgehillandsemleyparishcouncil.org.uk/sedgehill-history/

10. https://www.wiltshire-footprints.co.uk/sedgehill

CL/2879b/1CF 32 Apple Environmental Limited

Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill


Proposed plan

CL/2879b/1CF 33 Apple Environmental Limited

Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill

CL/2879b/1CF 34 Apple Environmental Limited

Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill


Historical maps

CL/2879b/1CF 35 Apple Environmental Limited

Site Details:


Client Ref: CL-2879-2880-CF Report Ref: GS-6506278 Grid Ref: 386773, 128269

Map Name: County Series N Map date: 1887 W E Scale: 1:2,500

S Printed at: 1:2,500

Produced by Groundsure Insights T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

© Crown co pyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey 100035207

Production date: 06 December 2019

Map legend available at: www.groundsure.com/sites/default/files/groundsure_legend.pdf

Site Details:


Client Ref: CL-2879-2880-CF Report Ref: GS-6506278 Grid Ref: 386773, 128269

Map Name: County Series N Map date: 1901 W E Scale: 1:2,500

S Printed at: 1:2,500

Produced by Groundsure Insights T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

© Crown co pyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey 100035207

Production date: 06 December 2019

Map legend available at: www.groundsure.com/sites/default/files/groundsure_legend.pdf

Site Details:


Client Ref: CL-2879-2880-CF Report Ref: GS-6506278 Grid Ref: 386773, 128269

Map Name: County Series N Map date: 1925 W E Scale: 1:2,500

S Printed at: 1:2,500

Produced by Groundsure Insights T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

© Crown co pyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey 100035207

Production date: 06 December 2019

Map legend available at: www.groundsure.com/sites/default/files/groundsure_legend.pdf

Site Details:


Client Ref: CL-2879-2880-CF Report Ref: GS-6506278 Grid Ref: 386773, 128269

Map Name: National Grid N Map date: 1978 W E Scale: 1:2,500

S Printed at: 1:2,500

Produced by Groundsure Insights T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

© Crown co pyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey 100035207

Production date: 06 December 2019

Map legend available at: www.groundsure.com/sites/default/files/groundsure_legend.pdf

Site Details:


Client Ref: CL-2879-2880-CF Report Ref: GS-6506278 Grid Ref: 386773, 128269

Map Name: National Grid N Map date: 1994 W E Scale: 1:2,500

S Printed at: 1:2,500

Produced by Groundsure Insights T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

© Crown co pyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey 100035207

Production date: 06 December 2019

Map legend available at: www.groundsure.com/sites/default/files/groundsure_legend.pdf

Site Details:


Client Ref: CL-2879-2880-CF Report Ref: GS-6506278 Grid Ref: 386773, 128269

Map Name: LandLine N Map date: 2003 W E Scale: 1:1,250

S Printed at: 1:1,250

Produced by Groundsure Insights T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

© Crown co pyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey 100035207

Production date: 06 December 2019

Map legend available at: www.groundsure.com/sites/default/files/groundsure_legend.pdf

Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill


Environmental datasheets

CL/2879b/1CF 43 Apple Environmental Limited

Enviro Insight


Date: 6 Dec 2019

Reference: GS-6506276

Client: Apple Environmental Ltd



SW S SE Aerial Photograph Capture date: 26-Mar-2017 Grid Reference: 386772,128253 Site Size: 0.1581ha

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 2 Contents Page

Contents Page 3 Overview of Findings 6 Using this report 10 1. Historical Land Use 11 1. Historical Industrial Sites 12 1.1 Potentially Contaminative Uses identified from 1:10,000 scale Mapping...... 12 1.2 Additional Information – Historical Tank Database...... 12 1.3 Additional Information – Historical Energy Features Database...... 12 1.4 Additional Information – Historical Petrol and Fuel Site Database...... 12 1.5 Additional Information – Historical Garage and Motor Vehicle Repair Database...... 12 1.6 Historical military sites...... 13 1.7 Potentially Infilled Land...... 13 2. Environmental Permits, Incidents and Registers Map 14 2. Environmental Permits, Incidents and Registers 15 2.1 Industrial Sites Holding Licences and/or Authorisations...... 15 2.1.1 Records of historic IPC Authorisations within 500m of the study site:...... 15 2.1.2 Records of Part A(1) and IPPC Authorised Activities within 500m of the study site:...... 15 2.1.3 Records of Red List Discharge Consents (potentially harmful discharges to controlled waters) within 500m of the study site:...... 15 2.1.4 Records of List 1 Dangerous Substances Inventory Sites within 500m of the study site:...... 15 2.1.5 Records of List 2 Dangerous Substance Inventory Sites within 500m of the study site:...... 15 2.1.6 Records of Part A(2) and Part B Activities and Enforcements within 500m of the study site: ...... 16 2.1.7 Records of Category 3 or 4 Radioactive Substances Authorisations:...... 16 2.1.8 Records of Licensed Discharge Consents within 500m of the study site:...... 16 2.1.9 Records of Water Industry Referrals (potentially harmful discharges to the public sewer) within 500m of the study site: ...... 16 2.1.10 Records of Planning Hazardous Substance Consents and Enforcements within 500m of the study site:...... 16 2.2 Dangerous or Hazardous Sites...... 17 2.3 Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales Recorded Pollution Incidents...... 17 2.3.1 Records of National Incidents Recording System, List 2 within 500m of the study site:...... 17 2.3.2 Records of National Incidents Recording System, List 1 within 500m of the study site:...... 17 2.4 Sites Determined as Contaminated Land under Part 2A EPA 1990...... 17 3. Landfill and Other Waste Sites Map 18 3. Landfill and Other Waste Sites 19 3.1 Landfill Sites...... 19 3.1.1 Records from Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales landfill data within 1000m of the study site: ...... 19 3.1.2 Records of Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales historic landfill sites within 1500m of the study site: ...... 19 3.1.3 Records of BGS/DoE non-operational landfill sites within 1500m of the study site:...... 19 3.1.4 Records of Landfills from Local Authority and Historical Mapping Records within 1500m of the study site:...... 19 3.2 Other Waste Sites...... 19 3.2.1 Records of waste treatment, transfer or disposal sites within 500m of the study site: ...... 19 3.2.2 Records of Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales licensed waste sites within 1500m of the study site: ...... 20 4. Current Land Use Map 21 4. Current Land Uses 22 4.1 Current Industrial Data...... 22 4.2 Petrol and Fuel Sites...... 22 4.3 National Grid High Voltage Underground Electricity Transmission Cables...... 22 4.4 National Grid High Pressure Gas Transmission Pipelines...... 23 Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 3 5. Geology 24 5.1 Artificial Ground and Made Ground...... 24 5.2 Superficial Ground and Drift Geology ...... 24 5.3 Bedrock and Solid Geology ...... 24 6 Hydrogeology and Hydrology 25 6a. Aquifer Within Superficial Geology 25 6b. Aquifer Within Bedrock Geology and Abstraction Licences 26 6c. Hydrogeology – Source Protection Zones and Potable Water Abstraction Licences 27 6d. Hydrogeology – Source Protection Zones within confined aquifer 28 6e. Hydrology – Watercourse Network and River Quality 29 6.Hydrogeology and Hydrology 30 6.1 Aquifer within Superficial Deposits...... 30 6.2 Aquifer within Bedrock Deposits...... 30 6.3 Groundwater Abstraction Licences...... 31 6.4 Surface Water Abstraction Licences...... 31 6.5 Potable Water Abstraction Licences...... 31 6.6 Source Protection Zones...... 31 6.7 Source Protection Zones within Confined Aquifer...... 31 6.8 Groundwater Vulnerability and Soil Leaching Potential...... 32 6.9 River Quality...... 32 6.9.1 Biological Quality:...... 32 6.9.2 Chemical Quality:...... 32 6.10 Ordnance Survey MasterMap Water Network...... 32 6.11 Surface Water Features...... 33 7a. Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales Flood Map for Planning (from rivers and the sea) 34 7b. Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales Risk of Flooding from Rivers and the Sea (RoFRaS) Map 35 7 Flooding 36 7.1 River and Coastal Zone 2 Flooding...... 36 7.2 River and Coastal Zone 3 Flooding...... 36 7.3 Risk of Flooding from Rivers and the Sea (RoFRaS) Flood Rating...... 36 7.4 Flood Defences...... 36 7.5 Areas benefiting from Flood Defences...... 36 7.6 Areas benefiting from Flood Storage...... 37 7.7 Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Areas...... 37 7.8 Groundwater Flooding Confidence Areas...... 37 8. Designated Environmentally Sensitive Sites Map 38 8. Designated Environmentally Sensitive Sites 39 8.1 Records of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) within 2000m of the study site:...... 39 8.2 Records of National Nature Reserves (NNR) within 2000m of the study site:...... 39 8.3 Records of Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) within 2000m of the study site:...... 39 8.4 Records of Special Protection Areas (SPA) within 2000m of the study site:...... 39 8.5 Records of Ramsar sites within 2000m of the study site:...... 39 8.6 Records of Ancient Woodland within 2000m of the study site: ...... 40 8.7 Records of Local Nature Reserves (LNR) within 2000m of the study site:...... 40 8.8 Records of World Heritage Sites within 2000m of the study site:...... 40 8.9 Records of Environmentally Sensitive Areas within 2000m of the study site: ...... 40 8.10 Records of Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) within 2000m of the study site: ...... 41 8.11 Records of National Parks (NP) within 2000m of the study site: ...... 41 8.12 Records of Nitrate Sensitive Areas within 2000m of the study site:...... 41 8.13 Records of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones within 2000m of the study site:...... 41 Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 4 8.14 Records of Green Belt land within 2000m of the study site:...... 41 9. Natural Hazards Findings 42 9.1 Detailed BGS GeoSure Data...... 42 9.1.1 Shrink Swell...... 42 9.1.2 Landslides...... 42 9.1.3 Soluble Rocks...... 42 9.1.4 Compressible Ground...... 43 9.1.5 Collapsible Rocks...... 43 9.1.6 Running Sand...... 43 9.2 Radon...... 44 9.2.1 Radon Affected Areas...... 44 9.2.2 Radon Protection...... 44 10. Mining 45 10.1 Coal Mining...... 45 10.2 Non-Coal Mining...... 45 10.3 Brine Affected Areas ...... 45 Contact Details 46 Standard Terms and Conditions 48

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 5 Overview of Findings

For further details on each dataset, please refer to each individual section in the main report as listed. Where the database has been searched a numerical result will be recorded. Where the database has not been searched '-' will be recorded.

Section 1: Historical Industrial Sites On-site 0-50 51-250 251-500

1.1 Potentially Contaminative Uses identified from 1:10,000 scale 0 0 0 0 mapping

1.2 Additional Information – Historical Tank Database 0 0 0 0

1.3 Additional Information – Historical Energy Features Database 0 0 0 0

1.4 Additional Information – Historical Petrol and Fuel Site 0 0 0 0 Database

1.5 Additional Information – Historical Garage and Motor Vehicle 0 0 0 0 Repair Database

1.6 Historical military sites 0 0 0 0

1.7 Potentially Infilled Land 0 0 0 0

Section 2: Environmental Permits, Incidents and On-site 0-50m 51-250 251-500 Registers

2.1 Industrial Sites Holding Environmental Permits and/or Authorisations

2.1.1 Records of historic IPC Authorisations 0 0 0 0

2.1.2 Records of Part A(1) and IPPC Authorised Activities 0 0 0 0

2.1.3 Records of Red List Discharge Consents 0 0 0 0

2.1.4 Records of List 1 Dangerous Substances Inventory sites 0 0 0 0

2.1.5 Records of List 2 Dangerous Substances Inventory sites 0 0 0 0

2.1.6 Records of Part A(2) and Part B Activities and Enforcements 0 0 0 0

2.1.7 Records of Category 3 or 4 Radioactive Substances 0 0 0 0 Authorisations

2.1.8 Records of Licensed Discharge Consents 0 1 0 0

2.1.9 Records of Water Industry Referrals 0 0 0 0

2.1.10 Records of Planning Hazardous Substance Consents and 0 0 0 0 Enforcements within 500m of the study site

2.2 Records of COMAH and NIHHS sites 0 0 0 0

2.3 Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales Recorded Pollution Incidents

2.3.1 National Incidents Recording System, List 2 0 0 0 0

2.3.2 National Incidents Recording System, List 1 0 0 0 0

2.4 Sites Determined as Contaminated Land under Part 2A EPA 0 0 0 0 1990

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 6 1000- On-site 0-50m 51-250 251-500 501-1000 Section 3: Landfill and Other Waste Sites 1500

3.1 Landfill Sites

3.1.1 Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales Registered 0 0 0 0 0 Not searched Landfill Sites

3.1.2 Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales Historic 0 0 0 0 0 0 Landfill Sites

3.1.3 BGS/DoE Landfill Site Survey 0 0 0 0 0 0

3.1.4 Records of Landfills in Local Authority and Historical 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mapping Records

3.2 Landfill and Other Waste Sites Findings

3.2.1 Operational and Non-Operational Waste Treatment, 0 0 0 0 Not searched Not searched Transfer and Disposal Sites

3.2.2 Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales Licensed 0 0 0 0 0 0 Waste Sites

Section 4: Current Land Use On-site 0-50m 51-250 251-500

4.1 Current Industrial Sites Data 1 0 0 Not searched

4.2 Records of Petrol and Fuel Sites 0 0 0 0

4.3 National Grid Underground Electricity Cables 0 0 0 0

4.4 National Grid Gas Transmission Pipelines 0 0 0 0

Section 5: Geology

5.1 Records of Artificial Ground and Made Ground present beneath None identified the study site

5.2 Records of Superficial Ground and Drift Geology present Identified beneath the study site

5.3 For records of Bedrock and Solid Geology beneath the study site see the detailed findings section.

Section 6: Hydrogeology and Hydrology 0-500m

6.1 Records of Strata Classification in the Superficial Geology Identified within 500m of the study site

6.2 Records of Strata Classification in the Bedrock Geology within Identified 500m of the study site 1000- On-site 0-50m 51-250 251-500 501-1000 2000 6.3 Groundwater Abstraction Licences (within 2000m of the study 0 0 0 0 0 0 site)

6.4 Surface Water Abstraction Licences (within 2000m of the study 0 0 0 0 0 0 site)

6.5 Potable Water Abstraction Licences (within 2000m of the study 0 0 0 0 0 0 site)

6.6 Source Protection Zones (within 500m of the study site) 0 0 0 0 Not searched Not searched

6.7 Source Protection Zones within Confined Aquifer 0 0 0 0 Not searched Not searched

6.8 Groundwater Vulnerability and Soil Leaching Potential (within 1 0 1 0 Not searched Not searched 500m of the study site)

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 7 Section 6: Hydrogeology and Hydrology 0-500m 1000- On-site 0-50m 51-250 251-500 501-1000 1500 6.9 Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales information on No No No No No No river quality within 1500m of the study site

6.10 Ordnance Survey MasterMap Water Network entries within 0 0 0 6 Not searched Not searched 500m of the site

6.11 Surface water features within 250m of the study site No No No Not searched Not searched Not searched

Section 7: Flooding

7.1 Enviroment Agency Zone 2 floodplains within 250m of the None identified study site

7.2 Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales Zone 3 None identified floodplains within 250m of the study site

7.3 Risk of flooding from Rivers and the Sea (RoFRaS) rating for Very Low the study site

7.4 Flood Defences within 250m of the study site None identified

7.5 Areas benefiting from Flood Defences within 250m of the study None identified site

7.6 Areas used for Flood Storage within 250m of the study site None identified

7.7 Maximum BGS Groundwater Flooding susceptibility within 50m Potential below Surface of the study site

7.8 BGS confidence rating for the Groundwater Flooding High susceptibility areas

1000- Section 8: Designated Environmentally Sensitive On-site 0-50m 51-250 251-500 501-1000 Sites 2000

8.1 Records of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) 0 0 0 0 0 0

8.2 Records of National Nature Reserves (NNR) 0 0 0 0 0 0

8.3 Records of Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) 0 0 0 0 0 0

8.4 Records of Special Protection Areas (SPA) 0 0 0 0 0 0

8.5 Records of Ramsar sites 0 0 0 0 0 0

8.6 Records of Ancient Woodlands 0 0 0 0 1 9

8.7 Records of Local Nature Reserves (LNR) 0 0 0 0 0 0

8.8 Records of World Heritage Sites 0 0 0 0 0 0

8.9 Records of Environmentally Sensitive Areas 0 0 0 0 0 0

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 8 1000- Section 8: Designated Environmentally Sensitive On-site 0-50m 51-250 251-500 501-1000 Sites 2000

8.10 Records of Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) 0 0 0 1 0 1

8.11 Records of National Parks 0 0 0 0 0 0

8.12 Records of Nitrate Sensitive Areas 0 0 0 0 0 0

8.13 Records of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones 0 0 0 0 0 0

8.14 Records of Green Belt land 0 0 0 0 0 0

Section 9: Natural Hazards

9.1 Maximum risk of natural ground subsidence Low

9.1.1 Maximum Shrink-Swell hazard rating identified on the study Low site

9.1.2 Maximum Landslides hazard rating identified on the study Very Low site

9.1.3 Maximum Soluble Rocks hazard rating identified on the Negligible study site

9.1.4 Maximum Compressible Ground hazard rating identified on Negligible the study site

9.1.5 Maximum Collapsible Rocks hazard rating identified on the Very Low study site

9.1.6 Maximum Running Sand hazard rating identified on the Negligible study site

9.2 Radon

9.2.1 Is the property in a Radon Affected Area as defined by the The site is not in a Radon Affected Area, as less than 1% of properties Health Protection Agency (HPA) and if so what percentage of are above the Action Level. homes are above the Action Level?

9.2.2 Is the property in an area where Radon Protection are required for new properties or extensions to existing ones as No radon protective measures are necessary. described in publication BR211 by the Building Research Establishment?

Section 10: Mining

10.1 Coal mining areas within 75m of the study site None identified

10.2 Non-Coal Mining areas within 50m of the study site boundary None identified

10.3 Brine affected areas within 75m of the study site None identified

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 9 Using this report The following report is designed by Environmental Consultants for Environmental Professionals bringing together the most up-to-date market leading environmental data. This report is provided under and subject to the Terms & Conditions agreed between Groundsure and the Client. The document contains the following sections: 1. Historical Industrial Sites Provides information on past land uses that may pose a risk to the study site in terms of potential contamination from activities or processes. Potentially Infilled Land features are also included. This search is conducted using radii of up to 500m. 2. Environmental Permits, Incidents and Registers Provides information on Regulated Industrial Activities and Pollution Incidents as recorded by Regulatory Authorit- ies, and sites determined as Contaminated Land. This search is conducted using radii up to 500m. 3. Landfills and Other Waste Sites Provides information on landfills and other waste sites that may pose a risk to the study site. This search is conduc - ted using radii up to 1500m. 4. Current Land Uses Provides information on current land uses that may pose a risk to the study site in terms of potential contamination from activities or processes. These searches are conducted using radii of up to 500m. This includes information on potentially contaminative industrial sites, petrol stations and fuel sites as well as high pressure gas pipelines and un- derground electricity transmission lines. 5. Geology Provides information on artificial and superficial deposits and bedrock beneath the study site. 6. Hydrogeology and Hydrology Provides information on productive strata within the bedrock and superficial geological layers, abstraction licences, Source Protection Zones (SPZs) and river quality. These searches are conducted using radii of up to 2000m. 7. Flooding Provides information on river and coastal flooding, flood defences, flood storage areas and groundwater flood areas. This search is conducted using radii of up to 250m. 8. Designated Environmentally Sensitive Sites Provides information on the Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), National Nature Reserves (NNR), Special Areas of Conservation (SAC), Special Protection Areas (SPA), Ramsar sites, Local Nature Reserves (LNR), Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), National Parks (NP), Environmentally Sensitive Areas, Nitrate Sensitive Areas, Nitrate Vulnerable Zones and World Heritage Sites and Scheduled Ancient Woodland. These searches are conduc- ted using radii of up to 2000m. 9. Natural Hazards Provides information on a range of natural hazards that may pose a risk to the study site. These factors include nat- ural ground subsidence and radon.. 10. Mining Provides information on areas of coal and non-coal mining and brine affected areas. 11. Contacts This section of the report provides contact points for statutory bodies and data providers that may be able to provide further information on issues raised within this report. Alternatively, Groundsure provide a free Technical Helpline (08444 159000) for further information and guidance. Note: Maps Only certain features are placed on the maps within the report. All features represented on maps found within this search are given an identification number. This number identifies the feature on the mapping and correlates it to the additional information provided below. This identification number precedes all other information and takes the following format -Id: 1, Id: 2, etc. Where numerous features on the same map are in such close proximity that the numbers would obscure each other a letter identifier is used instead to represent the features. (e.g. Three features which overlap may be given the identifier “A” on the map and would be identified separately as features 1A, 3A, 10A on the data tables provided). Where a feature is reported in the data tables to a distance greater than the map area, it is noted in the data table as “Not Shown”. All distances given in this report are in Metres (m). Directions are given as compass headings such as N: North, E: East, NE: North East from the nearest point of the study site boundary.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 10 1. Historical Land Use



SW S SE © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 11 1. Historical Industrial Sites

1.1 Potentially Contaminative Uses identified from 1:10,000 scale Mapping

The systematic analysis of data extracted from standard 1:10,560 and 1:10,000 scale historical maps provides the following information:

Records of sites with a potentially contaminative past land use within 500m of the search boundary: 0

Database searched and no data found.

1.2 Additional Information – Historical Tank Database

The systematic analysis of data extracted from High Detailed 1:1,250 and 1:2,500 scale historical maps provides the following information.

Records of historical tanks within 500m of the search boundary: 0

Database searched and no data found.

1.3 Additional Information – Historical Energy Features Database

The systematic analysis of data extracted from High Detailed 1:1,250 and 1:2,500 scale historical maps provides the following information.

Records of historical energy features within 500m of the search boundary: 0

Database searched and no data found.

1.4 Additional Information – Historical Petrol and Fuel Site Database

The systematic analysis of data extracted from High Detailed 1:1,250 and 1:2,500 scale historical maps provides the following information.

Records of historical petrol stations and fuel sites within 500m of the search boundary: 0

Database searched and no data found.

1.5 Additional Information – Historical Garage and Motor Vehicle Repair Database

The systematic analysis of data extracted from High Detailed 1:1,250 and 1:2,500 scale historical maps provides the following information.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 12 Records of historical garage and motor vehicle repair sites within 500m of the search boundary: 0

Database searched and no data found.

1.6 Historical military sites

Certain military installations were not noted on historic mapping for security reasons. Whilst not all military land is necessarily of concern, Groundsure has researched and digitised a number of Ordnance Factories and other military industrial features (e.g. Ordnance Depots, Munitions Testing Grounds) which may be of contaminative concern. This research was drawn from a number of different sources, and should not be regarded as a definitive or exhaustive database of potentially contaminative military installations. The boundaries of sites within this database have been estimated from the best evidence available to Groundsure at the time of compilation. Records of historical military sites within 500m of the search boundary: 0 Database searched and no data found.

1.7 Potentially Infilled Land

Records of Potentially Infilled Features from 1:10,000 scale mapping within 500m of the study site: 0

Database searched and no data found.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 13 2. Environmental Permits, Incidents and Registers Map



SW S SE © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 14 2. Environmental Permits, Incidents and Registers

2.1 Industrial Sites Holding Licences and/or Authorisations

Searches of information provided by the Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales and Local Authorities reveal the following information:

2.1.1 Records of historic IPC Authorisations within 500m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

2.1.2 Records of Part A(1) and IPPC Authorised Activities within 500m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

2.1.3 Records of Red List Discharge Consents (potentially harmful discharges to controlled waters) within 500m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

2.1.4 Records of List 1 Dangerous Substances Inventory Sites within 500m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

2.1.5 Records of List 2 Dangerous Substance Inventory Sites within 500m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 15 2.1.6 Records of Part A(2) and Part B Activities and Enforcements within 500m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

2.1.7 Records of Category 3 or 4 Radioactive Substances Authorisations:


Database searched and no data found.

2.1.8 Records of Licensed Discharge Consents within 500m of the study site:


The following Licensed Discharge Consents records are represented as points on the Environmental Permits, Incidents and Registers Map:

Distance ID Direction NGR Details (m) Address: CHURCH Receiving Water: - FARM(SEDGEHILL,SHAFTESBURY), Status: LAPSED UNDER SCHEDULE 23 SEDGEHILL, SHAFTESBURY, DORSET 386800 ENVIRONMENT ACT 1995 1 45 SE Effluent Type: AGRICULTURE - ARABLE 128200 Issue date: - FARMING Effective Date: 19-Feb-1963 Permit Number: 050498 Revocation Date: 30/09/1996 Permit Version: 1

2.1.9 Records of Water Industry Referrals (potentially harmful discharges to the public sewer) within 500m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

2.1.10 Records of Planning Hazardous Substance Consents and Enforcements within 500m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 16 2.2 Dangerous or Hazardous Sites

Records of COMAH & NIHHS sites within 500m of the study site: 0

Database searched and no data found.

2.3 Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales Recorded Pollution Incidents

2.3.1 Records of National Incidents Recording System, List 2 within 500m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

2.3.2 Records of National Incidents Recording System, List 1 within 500m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

2.4 Sites Determined as Contaminated Land under Part 2A EPA 1990

Records of sites determined as contaminated land under Section 78R of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 are there within 500m of the study site 0

Database searched and no data found.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 17 3. Landfill and Other Waste Sites Map



SW S SE © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 18 3. Landfill and Other Waste Sites

3.1 Landfill Sites

3.1.1 Records from Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales landfill data within 1000m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

3.1.2 Records of Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales historic landfill sites within 1500m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

3.1.3 Records of BGS/DoE non-operational landfill sites within 1500m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

3.1.4 Records of Landfills from Local Authority and Historical Mapping Records within 1500m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

3.2 Other Waste Sites

3.2.1 Records of waste treatment, transfer or disposal sites within 500m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 19 3.2.2 Records of Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales licensed waste sites within 1500m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 20 4. Current Land Use Map



SW S SE © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 21 4. Current Land Uses

4.1 Current Industrial Data

Records of potentially contaminative industrial sites within 250m of the study site: 1

The following records are represented as points on the Current Land Uses map.

Distance Directio ID Company NGR Address Activity Category (m) n 386782 Waste Storage, Processing Infrastructure and 1 0 On Site Slurry Pit Wiltshire, SP7 128289 and Disposal Facilities

4.2 Petrol and Fuel Sites

Records of petrol or fuel sites within 500m of the study site: 0

Database searched and no data found.

4.3 National Grid High Voltage Underground Electricity Transmission Cables

This dataset identifies the high voltage electricity transmission lines running between generating power plants and electricity substations. The dataset does not include the electricity distribution network (smaller, lower voltage cables distributing power from substations to the local user network). This information has been extracted from databases held by National Grid and is provided for information only with no guarantee as to its completeness or accuracy. National Grid do not offer any warranty as to the accuracy of the available data and are excluded from any liability for any such inaccuracies or errors.

Records of National Grid high voltage underground electricity transmission cables within 500m of the study site: 0 Database searched and no data found.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 22 4.4 National Grid High Pressure Gas Transmission Pipelines

This dataset identifies high-pressure, large diameter pipelines which carry gas between gas terminals, power stations, compressors and storage facilities. The dataset does not include the Local Transmission System (LTS) which supplies gas directly into homes and businesses. This information has been extracted from databases held by National Grid and is provided for information only with no guarantee as to its completeness or accuracy. National Grid do not offer any warranty as to the accuracy of the available data and are excluded from any liability for any such inaccuracies or errors.

Records of National Grid high pressure gas transmission pipelines within 500m of the study site: 0

Database searched and no data found.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 23 5. Geology

5.1 Artificial Ground and Made Ground

Database searched and no data found.

The database has been searched on site, including a 50m buffer.

5.2 Superficial Ground and Drift Geology

The database has been searched on site, including a 50m buffer.

Lex Code Description Rock Type HEAD1-XCZSV HEAD, 1 CLAY, SILT, SAND AND GRAVEL

5.3 Bedrock and Solid Geology

The database has been searched on site, including a 50m buffer.


(Derived from the BGS 1:50,000 Digital Geological Map of Great Britain)

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 24 6 Hydrogeology and Hydrology 6a. Aquifer Within Superficial Geology



SW S SE © Crown copyright and database rights 2019 Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 25 6b. Aquifer Within Bedrock Geology and Abstraction Licences



SW S SE © Crown copyright and database rights 2019 Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 26 6c. Hydrogeology – Source Protection Zones and Potable Water Abstraction Licences NW N NE


SW S SE © Crown copyright and database rights 2019 Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 27 6d. Hydrogeology – Source Protection Zones within confined aquifer NW N NE


SW S SE © Crown copyright and database rights 2019 Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 28 6e. Hydrology – Watercourse Network and River Quality



SW S SE © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 29 6.Hydrogeology and Hydrology

6.1 Aquifer within Superficial Deposits

Records of strata classification within the superficial geology at or in proximity to the property Yes

From 1 April 2010, the Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales's Groundwater Protection Policy has been using aquifer designations consistent with the Water Framework Directive. For further details on the designation and interpretation of this information, please refer to the Groundsure Enviro Insight User Guide.

The following aquifer records are shown on the Aquifer within Superficial Geology Map (6a):

Distanc ID Direction Designation Description e (m) Assigned where it is not possible to attribute either category A or B to a rock type. In Secondary 3 0 On Site general these layers have previously been designated as both minor and non-aquifer (undifferentiated) in different locations due to the variable characteristics of the rock type Assigned where it is not possible to attribute either category A or B to a rock type. In Secondary 4 233 NE general these layers have previously been designated as both minor and non-aquifer (undifferentiated) in different locations due to the variable characteristics of the rock type Assigned where it is not possible to attribute either category A or B to a rock type. In Secondary 5 246 W general these layers have previously been designated as both minor and non-aquifer (undifferentiated) in different locations due to the variable characteristics of the rock type Permeable layers capable of supporting water supplies at a local rather than 1 289 W Secondary A strategic scale, and in some cases forming an important source of base flow to rivers. These are generally aquifers formerly classified as minor aquifers Assigned where it is not possible to attribute either category A or B to a rock type. In Secondary 6 333 W general these layers have previously been designated as both minor and non-aquifer (undifferentiated) in different locations due to the variable characteristics of the rock type

6.2 Aquifer within Bedrock Deposits

Records of strata classification within the bedrock geology at or in proximity to the property Yes

From 1 April 2010, the Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales's Groundwater Protection Policy has been using aquifer designations consistent with the Water Framework Directive. For further details on the designation and interpretation of this information, please refer to the Groundsure Enviro Insight User Guide.

The following aquifer records are shown on the Aquifer within Bedrock Geology Map (6b):

Distanc ID Direction Designation Description e (m) These are rock layers or drift deposits with low permeability that have negligible 1 0 On Site Unproductive significance for water supply or river base flow

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 30 6.3 Groundwater Abstraction Licences

Groundwater Abstraction Licences within 2000m of the study site None identified

Database searched and no data found.

6.4 Surface Water Abstraction Licences

Surface Water Abstraction Licences within 2000m of the study site None identified

Database searched and no data found.

6.5 Potable Water Abstraction Licences

Potable Water Abstraction Licences within 2000m of the study site None identified

Database searched and no data found.

6.6 Source Protection Zones

Source Protection Zones within 500m of the study site None identified

Database searched and no data found.

6.7 Source Protection Zones within Confined Aquifer

Source Protection Zones within the Confined Aquifer within 500m of the study site None identified

Historically, Source Protection Zone maps have been focused on regulation of activities which occur at or near the ground surface, such as prevention of point source pollution and bacterial contamination of water supplies. Sources in confined aquifers were often considered to be protected from these surface pressures due to the presence of a low permeability confining layer (e.g. glacial till, clay). The increased interest in subsurface activities such as onshore oil and gas exploration, ground source heating and cooling requires protection zones for confined sources to be marked on SPZ maps where this has not already been done.

Database searched and no data found.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 31 6.8 Groundwater Vulnerability and Soil Leaching Potential

Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales information on groundwater vulnerability and soil leaching potential within 500m of the study site Identified

Distance Direction Classification Soil Vulnerability Category Description (m) Soils in which pollutants are unlikely to penetrate the soil layer because Minor Aquifer/Low Leaching 0 On Site L either water movement is largely Potential horizontal, or they have the ability to attenuate diffuse pollutants. Soils in which pollutants are unlikely to penetrate the soil layer because Minor Aquifer/Low Leaching 249 NE L either water movement is largely Potential horizontal, or they have the ability to attenuate diffuse pollutants.

6.9 River Quality

Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales information on river quality within 1500m of the study site None identified

6.9.1 Biological Quality:

Database searched and no data found.

6.9.2 Chemical Quality:

Database searched and no data found.

6.10 Ordnance Survey MasterMap Water Network

Ordnance Survey MasterMap Water Network entries within 500m of the study site

This watercourse information is provided by Ordnance Survey MasterMap Water Network. The data provides a detailed centre line following the curve of the waterway precisely, so all distances provided in the report should be understood as measurements to the centreline rather than a measurement to the nearest point of the watercourse. Underground watercourses are inferred from entry and exit points so caution is advised in using these to indicate precise locations of underground watercourses when planning site investigation and development.

The following Ordnance Survey MasterMap Water Network records are represented on the Hydrology Map (6e):

Distance/ ID Name Type of Watercourse Additional Details Direction 1 306 - Inland river not influenced Catchment Area: Stour Dorset

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 32 Distance/ ID Name Type of Watercourse Additional Details Direction Relationship to Ground Level: On ground surface Permanence: Watercourse contains water year round (in normal Alternative Name: - by normal tidal action. W conditions) Average Width in Watercourse Section (m): Not Provided Catchment Area: Stour Dorset 306 Relationship to Ground Level: On ground surface - Inland river not influenced 1 Permanence: Watercourse contains water year round (in normal Alternative Name: - by normal tidal action. W conditions) Average Width in Watercourse Section (m): Not Provided Catchment Area: Stour Dorset 332 Relationship to Ground Level: On ground surface - Inland river not influenced 2 Permanence: Watercourse contains water year round (in normal Alternative Name: - by normal tidal action. NE conditions) Average Width in Watercourse Section (m): Not Provided Catchment Area: Stour Dorset 332 Relationship to Ground Level: On ground surface Not - Inland river not influenced Permanence: Watercourse contains water year round (in normal shown Alternative Name: - by normal tidal action. NE conditions) Average Width in Watercourse Section (m): Not Provided Catchment Area: Stour Dorset 409 Relationship to Ground Level: On ground surface - Inland river not influenced 3 Permanence: Watercourse contains water year round (in normal Alternative Name: - by normal tidal action. N conditions) Average Width in Watercourse Section (m): Not Provided Catchment Area: Stour Dorset 409 Relationship to Ground Level: On ground surface Not - Inland river not influenced Permanence: Watercourse contains water year round (in normal shown Alternative Name: - by normal tidal action. N conditions) Average Width in Watercourse Section (m): Not Provided

6.11 Surface Water Features

Surface water features within 250m of the study site None identified

Database searched and no data found.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 33 7a. Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales Flood Map for Planning (from rivers and the sea)




© Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 34 7b. Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales Risk of Flooding from Rivers and the Sea (RoFRaS) Map



SW S SE © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 35 7 Flooding

7.1 River and Coastal Zone 2 Flooding

Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales Zone 2 floodplain within 250m None identified

Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales Zone 2 floodplains estimate the annual probability of flooding as between 1 in 1000 (0.1%) and 1 in 100 (1%) from rivers and between 1 in 1000 (0.1%) and 1 in 200 (0.5%) from the sea. Any relevant data is represented on Map 7a – Flood Map for Planning:

Database searched and no data found.

7.2 River and Coastal Zone 3 Flooding

Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales Zone 3 floodplain within 250m None identified

Zone 3 shows the extent of a river flood with a 1 in 100 (1%) or greater chance of occurring in any year or a sea flood with a 1 in 200 (0.5%) or greater chance of occurring in any year. Any relevant data is represented on Map 7a – Flood Map for Planning.

Database searched and no data found.

7.3 Risk of Flooding from Rivers and the Sea (RoFRaS) Flood Rating

Highest risk of flooding onsite Very Low

The Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales RoFRaS database provides an indication of river and coastal flood risk at a national level on a 50m grid with the flood rating at the centre of the grid calculated and given above. The data considers the probability that the flood defences will overtop or breach by considering their location, type, condition and standard of protection.

RoFRaS data for the study site indicates the property is in an area with a Very Low (less than 1 in 1000) chance of flooding in any given year.

7.4 Flood Defences

Flood Defences within 250m of the study site None identified Database searched and no data found.

7.5 Areas benefiting from Flood Defences

Areas benefiting from Flood Defences within 250m of the study site None identified

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 36 7.6 Areas benefiting from Flood Storage

Areas used for Flood Storage within 250m of the study site None identified

7.7 Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility Areas

7.7.1 British Geological Survey groundwater flooding susceptibility areas within 50m of the boundary of the study site Identified Clearwater Flooding or Superficial Deposits Flooding Superficial Deposits Flooding

Notes: Groundwater flooding may either be associated with shallow unconsolidated sedimentary aquifers which overlie unproductive aquifers (Superficial Deposits Flooding), or with unconfined aquifers (Clearwater Flooding).

7.7.2 Highest susceptibility to groundwater flooding in the search area based on the underlying geological conditions

Potential below Surface Where potential for groundwater flooding of property situated below ground level is indicated, this means that given the geological conditions there may be a groundwater flooding hazard to basements and other below surface infrastructure. Unless other relevant information, e.g. records of previous flooding, suggests groundwater flooding has occurred before in this area you need take no further action in relation to groundwater flooding hazard. If there are records of previous incidences of groundwater flooding, then is recommended that other information e.g. rainfall history, property type, and land drainage information in addition to previous records of flooding be investigated in order to establish relative, but not absolute, risk of groundwater flooding.

7.8 Groundwater Flooding Confidence Areas

British Geological Survey confidence rating in this result High

Notes: Groundwater flooding is defined as the emergence of groundwater at the ground surface or the rising of groundwater into man-made ground under conditions where the normal range of groundwater levels is exceeded.

The confidence rating is on a threefold scale - Low, Moderate and High. This provides a relative indication of the BGS confidence in the accuracy of the susceptibility result for groundwater flooding. This is based on the amount and precision of the information used in the assessment. In areas with a relatively lower level of confidence the susceptibility result should be treated with more caution. In other areas with higher levels of confidence the susceptibility result can be used with more confidence.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 37 8. Designated Environmentally Sensitive Sites Map



SW S SE © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 38 8. Designated Environmentally Sensitive Sites

Designated Environmentally Sensitive Sites within 2000m of the study site Identified

8.1 Records of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) within 2000m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

8.2 Records of National Nature Reserves (NNR) within 2000m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

8.3 Records of Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) within 2000m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

8.4 Records of Special Protection Areas (SPA) within 2000m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

8.5 Records of Ramsar sites within 2000m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 39 8.6 Records of Ancient Woodland within 2000m of the study site:


The following records of Designated Ancient Woodland provided by Natural England/Natural Resources Wales are represented as polygons on the Designated Environmentally Sensitive Sites Map:

Distance ID Direction Ancient Woodland Name Data Source (m) Ancient & Semi-Natural 3 748 SW HAYES COPSE Woodland Ancient & Semi-Natural 4 1242 SW DEWDOWN COPSE Woodland Ancient & Semi-Natural 5 1339 E Unknown Woodland 6 1406 E Unknown Ancient Replanted Woodland 7 1440 E Unknown Ancient Replanted Woodland Not Ancient & Semi-Natural 1714 N GREAT GROUND COPPICE shown Woodland Not Ancient & Semi-Natural 1726 NE PARK COPPICE shown Woodland Not Ancient & Semi-Natural 1741 SE COPPIT DENNIS shown Woodland Not Ancient & Semi-Natural 1903 N GREAT GROUND COPPICE shown Woodland Not Ancient & Semi-Natural 2000 NE PARK COPPICE shown Woodland

8.7 Records of Local Nature Reserves (LNR) within 2000m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

8.8 Records of World Heritage Sites within 2000m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

8.9 Records of Environmentally Sensitive Areas within 2000m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 40 8.10 Records of Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) within 2000m of the study site:


The following Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) records provided by Natural England/Natural Resources Wales are represented as polygons on the Designated Environmentally Sensitive Sites Map:

Distance Directio ID AONB/NSA Name Data Source (m) n 1 469 E Cranborne Chase & West Wiltshire Downs Natural England Not 1699 N Cranborne Chase & West Wiltshire Downs Natural England shown

8.11 Records of National Parks (NP) within 2000m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

8.12 Records of Nitrate Sensitive Areas within 2000m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

8.13 Records of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones within 2000m of the study site:


Database searched and no data found.

8.14 Records of Green Belt land within 2000m of the study site:

0 Database searched and no data found.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 41 9. Natural Hazards Findings

9.1 Detailed BGS GeoSure Data

BGS GeoSure Data has been searched to 50m. The data is included in tabular format. If you require further information on geology and ground stability, please obtain a Groundsure Geo Insight, available from our website. The following information has been found:

9.1.1 Shrink Swell

Maximum Shrink-Swell** hazard rating identified on the study site Low

The following natural subsidence information provided by the British Geological Survey is not represented on mapping:

Hazard Ground conditions predominantly medium plasticity. Do not plant trees with high soil moisture demands near to buildings. For new build, consideration should be given to advice published by the National House Building Council (NHBC) and the Building Research Establishment (BRE). There is a possible increase in construction cost to reduce potential shrink-swell problems. For existing property, there is a possible increase in insurance risk, especially during droughts or where vegetation with high moisture demands is present.

9.1.2 Landslides

Maximum Landslide* hazard rating identified on the study site Very Low

The following natural subsidence information provided by the British Geological Survey is not represented on mapping:

Hazard Slope instability problems are unlikely to be present. No special actions required to avoid problems due to landslides. No special ground investigation required, and increased construction costs or increased financial risks are unlikely due to potential problems with landslides.

9.1.3 Soluble Rocks

Maximum Soluble Rocks* hazard rating identified on the study site Negligible

The following natural subsidence information provided by the British Geological Survey is not represented on mapping:

Hazard Soluble rocks are present, but unlikely to cause problems except under exceptional conditions. No special actions required to avoid problems due to soluble rocks. No special ground investigation required, and increased construction costs or increased financial risks are unlikely due to potential problems with soluble rocks.

* This indicates an automatically generated 50m buffer and site.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 42 9.1.4 Compressible Ground

Maximum Compressible Ground* hazard rating identified on the study site Negligible

The following natural subsidence information provided by the British Geological Survey is not represented on mapping:

Hazard No indicators for compressible deposits identified. No special actions required to avoid problems due to compressible deposits. No special ground investigation required, and increased construction costs or increased financial risks are unlikely due to potential problems with compressible deposits.

9.1.5 Collapsible Rocks

Maximum Collapsible Rocks* hazard rating identified on the study site Very Low

The following natural subsidence information provided by the British Geological Survey is not represented on mapping:

Hazard Deposits with potential to collapse when loaded and saturated are unlikely to be present. No special ground investigation required or increased construction costs or increased financial risk due to potential problems with collapsible deposits.

9.1.6 Running Sand

Maximum Running Sand** hazard rating identified on the study site Negligible

The following natural subsidence information provided by the British Geological Survey is not represented on mapping:

Hazard No indicators for running sand identified. No special actions required to avoid problems due to running sand. No special ground investigation required, and increased construction costs or increased financial risks are unlikely due to potential problems with running sand.

* This indicates an automatically generated 50m buffer and site.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 43 9.2 Radon

9.2.1 Radon Affected Areas

Is the property in a Radon Affected Area as defined by the Health Protection Agency (HPA) and if so what percentage of homes are above the Action Level? The site is not in a Radon Affected Area, as less than 1% of properties are above the Action Level.

The radon data in this report is supplied by the BGS/Public Health England and is the definitive map of Radon Affected Areas in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The dataset was created using long-term radon measurements in over 479,000 homes across Great Britain and 23,000 homes across Northern Ireland, combined with geological data. The dataset is considered accurate to 50m to allow for the margin of error in geological lines, and the findings of this report supercede any answer given in the less accurate Indicative Atlas of Radon in Great Britain, which simplifies the data to give the highest risk within any given 1km grid square. As such, the radon atlas is considered indicative, whereas the data given in this report is considered definitive.

9.2.2 Radon Protection

Is the property in an area where Radon Protection are required for new properties or extensions to existing ones as described in publication BR211 by the Building Research Establishment? No radon protective measures are necessary.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 44 10. Mining

10.1 Coal Mining

Coal mining areas within 75m of the study site None identified

Database searched and no data found.

10.2 Non-Coal Mining

Non-Coal Mining areas within 50m of the study site boundary None identified

Database searched and no data found.

10.3 Brine Affected Areas

Brine affected areas within 75m of the study site None identified Guidance: No Guidance Required.

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 45 Contact Details

Groundsure Helpline Telephone: 08444 159 000 [email protected]

British Geological Survey Enquiries Kingsley Dunham Centre Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG Tel: 0115 936 3143. Fax: 0115 936 3276. Email: Web:www.bgs.ac.uk BGS Geological Hazards Reports and general geological enquiries: [email protected] Environment Agency National Customer Contact Centre, PO Box 544 Rotherham, S60 1BY Tel: 03708 506 506 Web: www.environment-agency.gov.uk Email: [email protected]

Public Health England Public information access office Public Health England, Wellington House 133-155 Waterloo Road, London, SE1 8UG www.gov.uk/phe Email:[email protected] Main switchboard: 020 7654 8000

The Coal Authority 200 Lichfield Lane Mansfield Notts NG18 4RG Tel: 0345 7626 848 DX 716176 Mansfield 5 www.coal.gov.uk

Ordnance Survey Adanac Drive, SO16 0AS Tel: 08456 050505

Local Authority Authority: Wiltshire Council Phone: 0300 456 0100 Web: http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/ Address: County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 Gemapping PLC Virginia Villas, High Street, Hartley Witney, Hampshire RG27 8NW Tel: 01252 845444

Report Reference: GS-6506276 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 46 Environmental desk study - Building 2, 1 Church Farm, Sedgehill


Geological datasheets

CL/2879b/1CF 99 Apple Environmental Limited

Geo Insight


Date: 6 Dec 2019

Reference: GS-6506277

Client: Apple Environmental Ltd



SW S SE Aerial Photograph Capture date: 26-Mar-2017 Grid Reference: 386772,128253 Site Size: 0.1581ha Contents Page Contents Page...... 3 Overview of Findings...... 5 1:10,000 Scale Availability...... 8 Availability of 1:10,000 Scale Geology Mapping...... 9 1 Geology (1:10,000 scale)...... 10 1.1 Artificial Ground map (1:10,000 scale)...... 10 1. Geology 1:10,000 scale...... 11 1.1 Artificial Ground...... 11 1.2 Superficial Deposits and Landslips map (1:10,000 scale)...... 12 1.2 Superficial Deposits and Landslips...... 13 1.2.1 Superficial Deposits/ Drift Geology...... 13 1.2.2 Landslip...... 13 1.3 Bedrock and linear features map (1:10,000 scale)...... 14 1.3 Bedrock and linear features...... 15 1.3.1 Bedrock/ Solid Geology...... 15 1.3.2 Linear features...... 15 2 Geology 1:50,000 Scale...... 16 2.1 Artificial Ground map...... 16 2. Geology 1:50,000 scale...... 17 2.1 Artificial Ground...... 17 2.1.1 Artificial/ Made Ground ...... 17 2.1.2 Permeability of Artificial Ground...... 17 2.2 Superficial Deposits and Landslips map (1:50,000 scale)...... 18 2.2 Superficial Deposits and Landslips...... 19 2.2.1 Superficial Deposits/ Drift Geology...... 19 2.2.2 Permeability of Superficial Ground ...... 19 2.2.3 Landslip...... 19 2.2.4 Landslip Permeability...... 19 2.3 Bedrock and linear features map (1:50,000 scale)...... 20 2.3 Bedrock, Solid Geology & linear features...... 21 2.3.1 Bedrock/Solid Geology...... 21 2.3.2 Permeability of Bedrock Ground...... 21 2.3.3 Linear features...... 21 3 Radon Data...... 22 3.1 Radon Affected Areas...... 22 3.2 Radon Protection...... 22 4 Ground Workings map...... 23 4 Ground Workings...... 24 4.1 Historical Surface Ground Working Features derived from Historical Mapping...... 24 4.2 Historical Underground Working Features derived from Historical Mapping...... 24 4.3 Current Ground Workings...... 24 5 Mining, Extraction & Natural Cavities...... 26 5.1 Historical Mining...... 26 5.2 Coal Mining...... 26 5.3 Johnson Poole and Bloomer...... 26 5.4 Non-Coal Mining...... 26 5.5 Non-Coal Mining Cavities...... 27 5.6 Natural Cavities...... 27 5.7 Brine Extraction...... 27 5.8 Gypsum Extraction...... 27 5.9 Cornwall and Devon Metalliferous Mining...... 27 5.10 Clay Mining...... 28 6 Natural Ground Subsidence...... 29 6.1 Shrink-Swell Clay map...... 29 6.2 Landslides map...... 30 6.3 Ground Dissolution of Soluble Rocks map...... 31 6.4 Compressible Deposits map...... 32 6.5 Collapsible Deposits map...... 33 6.6 Running Sand map...... 34

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 3 6 Natural Ground Subsidence...... 35 6.1 Shrink-Swell Clays...... 35 6.2 Landslides...... 35 6.3 Ground Dissolution of Soluble Rocks...... 36 6.4 Compressible Deposits...... 36 6.5 Collapsible Deposits...... 36 6.6 Running Sands...... 36 7 Borehole Records...... 38 8 Estimated Background Soil Chemistry...... 39 9 Railways and Tunnels map...... 40 9 Railways and Tunnels...... 41 9.1 Tunnels ...... 41 9.2 Historical Railway and Tunnel Features ...... 41 9.3 Historical Railways...... 42 9.4 Active Railways...... 42 9.5 Railway Projects...... 42

Report Reference: GS-6506277 CL-2879-2880-CF 4 Overview of Findings The Groundsure Geo Insight provides high quality geo-environmental information that allows geo- environmental professionals and their clients to make informed decisions and be forewarned of potential ground instability problems that may affect the ground investigation, foundation design and possibly remediation options that could lead to possible additional costs. The report is based on the BGS 1:50,000 and 1:10,000 Digital Geological Map of Great Britain, BGS Geosure data; BRITPITS database; Non-coal mining data and Borehole Records, Coal Authority data including brine extraction areas, PBA non-coal mining and natural cavities database, Johnson Poole and Bloomer mining data and Groundsure's unique database including historical surface ground and underground workings. For further details on each dataset, please refer to each individual section in the report as listed. Where the database has been searched a numerical result will be recorded. Where the database has not been searched '-' will be recorded.

Section 1: Geology 1:10,000 Scale

1.1 Artificial Ground 1.1 Is there any Artificial Ground/ Made Ground present beneath No the study site at 1:10,000 scale?

1.2 Superficial 1.2.1 Is there any Superficial Ground/Drift Geology present beneath Geology and Yes Landslips the study site at 1:10,000 scale?*

1.2.2 Are there any records of landslip within 500m of the study site No boundary at 1:10,000 scale?

1.3 Bedrock, Solid 1.3.1 For records of Bedrock and Solid Geology beneath the study Geology and linear site* see the detailed findings section. features 1.3.2 Are there any records of linear features within 500m of the Yes study site boundary at 1:10,000 scale?

Section 2: Geology 1:50,000 Scale

2.1 Artificial Ground 2.1.1 Is there any Artificial Ground/ Made Ground present beneath No the study site?

2.1.2 Are there any records relating to permeability of artificial No ground within the study site*boundary?

2.2.1 Is there any Superficial Ground/Drift Geology present beneath 2.2 Superficial Yes Geology and the study site?* Landslips 2.2.2 Are there any records of permeability of superficial ground Yes within 500m of the study site?

2.2.3 Are there any records of landslip within 500m of the study site No boundary?

2.2.4 Are there any records relating to permeability of landslips No within the study site* boundary?

Report Reference: GS-6506277 CL-2879-2880-CF 5 Section 2: Geology 1:50,000 Scale

2.3 Bedrock, Solid Geology and linear 2.3.1 For records of Bedrock and Solid Geology beneath the study features site* see the detailed findings section.

2.3.2 Are there any records relating to permeability of bedrock Yes ground within the study site boundary?

2.3.3 Are there any records of linear features within 500m of the Yes study site boundary?

Section 3: Radon

3. Radon 3.1Is the property in a Radon Affected Area as defined by the Health The property is not in a Radon Affected Protection Agency (HPA) and if so what percentage of homes are Area, as less than 1% of properties are above the Action Level? above the Action Level.

No radon protective measures are 3.2Radon Protection necessary.

Section 4: Ground Workings On-site 0-50m 51-250 251-500 501-1000

4.1 Historical Surface Ground Working Features from Small Not Not 0 0 0 Scale Mapping Searched Searched

4.2 Historical Underground Workings from Small Scale Mapping 0 0 0 0 0

4.3 Current Ground Workings 0 0 0 0 0

Section 5: Mining, Extraction & Natural Cavities On-site 0-50m 51-250 251-500 501-1000

5.1 Historical Mining 0 0 0 0 0

5.2 Coal Mining 0 0 0 0 0

5.3 Johnson Poole and Bloomer Mining Area 0 0 0 0 0

5.4 Non-Coal Mining* 0 0 0 0 0

5.5 Non–Coal Mining Cavities 0 0 0 0 0

5.5 Natural Cavities 0 0 0 0 0

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 6 Section 5: Mining, Extraction & Natural Cavities On-site 0-50m 51-250 251-500 501-1000

5.6 Brine Extraction 0 0 0 0 0

5.7 Gypsum Extraction 0 0 0 0 0

5.8 Cornwall and Devon Metalliferous Mining 0 0 0 0 0

5.9 Clay Mining 0 0 0 0 0

Section 6: Natural Ground Subsidence On-site

6.1 Shrink-Swell Clay Low

6.2 Landslides Very Low

6.3 Ground Dissolution of Soluble Rocks Negligible

6.4 Compressible Deposits Negligible

6.5 Collapsible Deposits Very Low

6.5 Running Sand Negligible

Section 7: Borehole Records On-site 0-50m 51-250

7 BGS Recorded Boreholes 0 0 0

Section 8: Estimated Background Soil Chemistry On-site 0-50m 51-250

8 Records of Background Soil Chemistry 2 0 0

Section 9: Railways and Tunnels On-site 0-50m 51-250 250-500

9.1 Tunnels 0 0 0 Not Searched

9.2 Historical Railway and Tunnel Features 0 0 0 Not Searched

9.3 Historical Railways 0 0 0 Not Searched

9.4 Active Railways 0 0 0 Not Searched

9.5 Railway Projects 0 0 0 0

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 7 1:10,000 Scale Availability




1_10,000 Availability Legend © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 8 Availability of 1:10,000 Scale Geology Mapping The following information represents the availability of the key components of the 1:10,000 scale geological data.

Artificial ID Distance Superficial Coverage Bedrock Coverage Mass Movement Coverage Coverage Some deposits 1 0.0 Full Full Some deposits are mapped are mapped Some deposits N2 1699.0 Full Full Some deposits are mapped are mapped Some deposits N3 1747.0 Full Full No coverage are mapped

Guidance: The 1:10,000 scale geological interpretation is the most detailed generally available from BGS and is the scale at which most geological surveying is carried out in the field. The database is presented as four types of geology (artificial, mass movement, superficial and bedrock), although not all themes are mapped or available on every map sheet. Therefore a coverage layer showing the availability of the four themes is presented above.

The definitions of coverage are as follows:

Geology Full Coverage Partial Coverage No Coverage Bedrock The whole tile has been Some but not all the tile has No coverage mapped been mapped Superficial The whole tile has been Some but not all of the tile has No coverage mapped been mapped Artificial Some deposits are mapped on - No deposits are mapped this tile Mass Movement Some deposits are mapped on - No coverage this tile

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 9 1 Geology (1:10,000 scale). 1.1 Artificial Ground map (1:10,000 scale) NW N NE



Artificial Ground Legend © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 10 1. Geology 1:10,000 scale

1.1 Artificial Ground

The following geological information represented on the mapping is derived from 1:10,000 scale BGS Geological mapping.

Are there any records of Artificial/ Made Ground within 500m of the study site boundary at 1:10,000 scale? No

Database searched and no data found.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 11 1.2 Superficial Deposits and Landslips map (1:10,000 scale) NW N NE



Artificial Ground Legend © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 12 1.2 Superficial Deposits and Landslips The following geological information represented on the mapping is derived from 1:10,000 scale BGS Geological mapping 1.2.1 Superficial Deposits/ Drift Geology

Are there any records of Superficial Deposits/ Drift Geology within 500m of the study site boundary at 1:10,000 scale? Yes

Distance ID Direction LEX Code Description Rock Description (m) 1 0.0 On Site HEAD2-XCZSV Head, 2 - Clay, Silt, Sand And Gravel Clay, Silt, Sand And Gravel 2 231.0 NE HEAD-XCZSV Head - Clay, Silt, Sand And Gravel Clay, Silt, Sand And Gravel 3 245.0 W HEAD-XCZSV Head - Clay, Silt, Sand And Gravel Clay, Silt, Sand And Gravel 4 294.0 W ALV-XCZSV Alluvium - Clay, Silt, Sand And Gravel Clay, Silt, Sand And Gravel 5 322.0 W HEAD-XCZSV Head - Clay, Silt, Sand And Gravel Clay, Silt, Sand And Gravel

1.2.2 Landslip

Are there any records of Landslip within 500m of the study site boundary at 1:10,000 scale?


Database searched and no data found. The geology map for the site and surrounding area are extracted from the BGS Digital Geological Map of Great Britain at 1:10,000 scale

This Geology shows the main components as discrete layers, these are: Artificial / Made Ground, Superficial / Drift Geology and Landslips. These are all displayed with the BGS Lexicon code for the rock unit and BGS sheet number. Not all of the main geological components have nationwide coverage.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 13 1.3 Bedrock and linear features map (1:10,000 scale) NW N NE



Bedrock and linear features Legend © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 14 1.3 Bedrock and linear features The following geological information represented on the mapping is derived from 1:10,000 scale BGS Geological mapping. 1.3.1 Bedrock/ Solid Geology

Records of Bedrock/Solid Geology within 500m of the study site boundary at 1:10,000 scale.

Distance ID Direction LEX Code Description Rock Age (m) 1 0.0 On Site KC-MDST Kimmeridge Clay Formation - Mudstone Kimmeridgian Age

1.3.2 Linear features

Are there any records of linear features within 500m of the study site boundary at 1:10,000 scale? Yes

ID Distance (m) Direction Category Description Feature Description 2 0.0 On Site ROCK Cementstone bed

The geology map for the site and surrounding area are extracted from the BGS Digital Geological Map of great Britain at 1:10,000 scale.

This Geology shows the main components as discrete layers, these are: Bedrock/ Solid Geology and linear features such as faults. These are all displayed with the BGS Lexicon code for the rock unit and BGS sheet number. Not all of the main geological components have nationwide coverage.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 15 2 Geology 1:50,000 Scale 2.1 Artificial Ground map




© Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 16 2. Geology 1:50,000 scale

2.1 Artificial Ground

The following geological information represented on the mapping is derived from 1:50,000 scale BGS Geological mapping, Sheet No: 297 2.1.1 Artificial/ Made Ground

Are there any records of Artificial/ Made Ground within 500m of the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found.

2.1.2 Permeability of Artificial Ground

Are there any records relating to permeability of artificial ground within the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 17 2.2 Superficial Deposits and Landslips map (1:50,000 scale) NW N NE



© Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 18 2.2 Superficial Deposits and Landslips 2.2.1 Superficial Deposits/ Drift Geology

Are there any records of Superficial Deposits/ Drift Geology within 500m of the study site boundary? Yes


2.2.2 Permeability of Superficial Ground

Are there any records relating to permeability of superficial ground within the study site boundary? Yes

Distance (m) Direction Flow Type Maximum Permeability Minimum Permeability 0.0 On Site Mixed High Very Low

2.2.3 Landslip

Are there any records of Landslip within 500m of the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found. The geology map for the site and surrounding area are extracted from the BGS Digital Geological Map of Great Britain at 1:50,000 scale.

This Geology shows the main components as discrete layers, there are: Artificial/ Made Ground, Superficial/ Drift Geology and Landslips. These are all displayed with the BGS Lexicon code for the rock unit and BGS sheet number. Not all of the main geological components have nationwide coverage.

2.2.4 Landslip Permeability

Are there any records relating to permeability of landslips within the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 19 2.3 Bedrock and linear features map (1:50,000 scale) NW N NE



© Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 20 2.3 Bedrock, Solid Geology & linear features The following geological information represented on the mapping is derived from 1:50,000 scale BGS Geological mapping, Sheet No: 297 2.3.1 Bedrock/Solid Geology

Records of Bedrock/Solid Geology within 500m of the study site boundary:

ID Distance Direction LEX Code Rock Description Rock Age KIMMERIDGE CLAY FORMATION - 1 0.0 On Site KC-MDST KIMMERIDGIAN MUDSTONE

2.3.2 Permeability of Bedrock Ground

Are there any records relating to permeability of bedrock ground within the study site boundary? Yes

Distanc Direction Flow Type Maximum Permeability Minimum Permeability e 0.0 On Site Fracture Low Very Low

2.3.3 Linear features

Are there any records of linear features within 500m of the study site boundary? Yes

ID Distance Direction Category Description Feature Description 2 4.0 NW ROCK Cementstone bed

The geology map for the site and surrounding area are extracted from the BGS Digital Geological Map of Great Britain at 1:50,000 scale.

This Geology shows the main components as discrete layers, these are: Bedrock/Solid Geology and linear features such as faults. These are all displayed with the BGS Lexicon code for the rock unit and BGS sheet number. Not all of the main geological components have nation wide coverage.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 21 3 Radon Data 3.1 Radon Affected Areas

Is the property in a Radon Affected Area as defined by the Health Protection Agency (HPA) and if so what percentage of homes are above the Action Level? The property is not in a Radon Affected Area, as less than 1% of properties are above the Action Level.

The radon data in this report is supplied by the BGS/Public Health England and is the definitive map of Radon Affected Areas in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The dataset was created using long-term radon measurements in over 479,000 homes across Great Britain and 23,000 homes across Northern Ireland, combined with geological data. The dataset is considered accurate to 50m to allow for the margin of error in geological lines, and the findings of this report supercede any answer given in the less accurate Indicative Atlas of Radon in Great Britain, which simplifies the data to give the highest risk within any given 1km grid square. As such, the radon atlas is considered indicative, whereas the data given in this report is considered definitive.

3.2 Radon Protection

Is the property in an area where Radon Protection are required for new properties or extensions to existing ones as described in publication BR211 by the Building Research Establishment? No radon protective measures are necessary.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 22 4 Ground Workings map NW N NE



Ground Workings Legend © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 23 4 Ground Workings

4.1 Historical Surface Ground Working Features derived from Historical Mapping

This dataset is based on Groundsure's unique Historical Land Use Database derived from 1:10,560 and 1:10,000 scale historical mapping

Are there any Historical Surface Ground Working Features within 250m of the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found.

4.2 Historical Underground Working Features derived from Historical Mapping

This data is derived from the Groundsure unique Historical Land Use Database. It contains data derived from 1:10,000 and 1:10,560 historical Ordnance Survey Mapping and includes some natural topographical features (Shake Holes for example) as well as manmade features that may have implications for ground stability. Underground and mining features have been identified from surface features such as shafts. The distance that these extend underground is not shown.

Are there any Historical Underground Working Features within 1000m of the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found.

4.3 Current Ground Workings

This dataset is derived from the BGS BRITPITS database covering active; inactive mines; quarries; oil wells; gas wells and mineral wharves; and rail deposits throughout the British Isles.

Are there any BGS Current Ground Workings within 1000m of the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 24 5 Mining, Extraction & Natural Cavities map



SW S SE Mining, Extraction and © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Natural Cavities Legend Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 25 5 Mining, Extraction & Natural Cavities 5.1 Historical Mining

This dataset is derived from Groundsure unique Historical Land-use Database that are indicative of mining or extraction activities.

Are there any Historical Mining areas within 1000m of the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found.

5.2 Coal Mining

This dataset provides information as to whether the study site lies within a known coal mining affected area as defined by the coal authority.

Are there any Coal Mining areas within 1000m of the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found.

5.3 Johnson Poole and Bloomer

This dataset provides information as to whether the study site lies within an area where JPB hold information relating to mining.

Are there any JPB Mining areas within 1000m of the study site boundary? No

The following information provided by JPB is not represented on mapping: Database searched and no data found.

5.4 Non-Coal Mining

This dataset provides information as to whether the study site lies within an area which may have been subject to non-coal historic mining.

Are there any Non-Coal Mining areas within 1000m of the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 26 5.5 Non-Coal Mining Cavities

This dataset provides information from the Peter Brett Associates (PBA) mining cavities database (compiled for the national study entitled “Review of mining instability in Great Britain, 1990” PBA has also continued adding to this database) on mineral extraction by mining.

Are there any Non-Coal Mining cavities within 1000m of the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found.

5.6 Natural Cavities

This dataset provides information based on the Peter Brett Associates natural cavities database. The dataset is made up of points and polygons. Where polygons are used these represent an area in which it is expected the cavities could be found. It does not indicate that cavities are present everywhere within the polygon, and caution should be used in the interpretation of this data.

Are there any Natural Cavities within 1000m of the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found.

5.7 Brine Extraction

This data provides information from the Cheshire Brine Subsidence Compensation Board.

Are there any Brine Extraction areas within 1000m of the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found.

5.8 Gypsum Extraction

This dataset provides information on Gypsum extraction from British Gypsum records.

Are there any Gypsum Extraction areas within 1000m of the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found.

5.9 Cornwall and Devon Metalliferous Mining

This dataset provides information on metalliferous mining areas in Cornwall/Devon and is derived from records held by Mining Searches UK.

Are there any Cornwall and Devon Metalliferous Mining areas within 1000m of the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 27 5.10 Clay Mining

This dataset provides information on Kaolin and Ball Clay mining from relevant mining records.

Are there any Clay Mining areas within 1000m of the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 28 6 Natural Ground Subsidence 6.1 Shrink-Swell Clay map



SW S SE Shrink Swell Clay Legend © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 29 6.2 Landslides map



SW S SE Landslides Legend © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 30 6.3 Ground Dissolution of Soluble Rocks map



SW S SE Ground Dissolution © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Soluble Rocks Legend Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 31 6.4 Compressible Deposits map



SW S SE Compressible Deposits Legend © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 32 6.5 Collapsible Deposits map



SW S SE Collapsible Deposits Legend © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 33 6.6 Running Sand map



SW S SE Running Sand Legend © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 34 6 Natural Ground Subsidence

The National Ground Subsidence rating is obtained through the 6 natural ground stability hazard datasets, which are supplied by the British Geological Survey (BGS).

The following GeoSure data represented on the mapping is derived from the BGS Digital Geological map of Great Britain at 1:50,000 scale.

What is the maximum hazard rating of natural subsidence within the study site** boundary? Low 6.1 Shrink-Swell Clays

The following Shrink Swell information provided by the British Geological Survey:

Distance ID Direction Hazard Rating Details (m) Ground conditions predominantly medium plasticity. Do not plant trees with high soil moisture demands near to buildings. For new build, consideration should be given to advice published by the National House Building Council (NHBC) and the Building Research 1 0.0 On Site Low Establishment (BRE). There is a possible increase in construction cost to reduce potential shrink-swell problems. For existing property, there is a possible increase in insurance risk, especially during droughts or where vegetation with high moisture demands is present.

6.2 Landslides

The following Landslides information provided by the British Geological Survey:

Distance ID Direction Hazard Rating Details (m) Slope instability problems are unlikely to be present. No special actions required to avoid problems due to landslides. No special ground 1 0.0 On Site Very Low investigation required, and increased construction costs or increased financial risks are unlikely due to potential problems with landslides.

* This includes an automatically generated 50m buffer zone around the site

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 35 6.3 Ground Dissolution of Soluble Rocks

The following Ground Dissolution information provided by the British Geological Survey:

Distance ID Direction Hazard Rating Details (m) Soluble rocks are present, but unlikely to cause problems except under exceptional conditions. No special actions required to avoid problems due to 1 0.0 On Site Negligible soluble rocks. No special ground investigation required, and increased construction costs or increased financial risks are unlikely due to potential problems with soluble rocks.

6.4 Compressible Deposits

The following Compressible Deposits information provided by the British Geological Survey:

Distance ID Direction Hazard Rating Details (m) No indicators for compressible deposits identified. No special actions required to avoid problems due to compressible deposits. No special ground investigation 1 0.0 On Site Negligible required, and increased construction costs or increased financial risks are unlikely due to potential problems with compressible deposits.

6.5 Collapsible Deposits

The following Collapsible Rocks information provided by the British Geological Survey:

Distance ID Direction Hazard Rating Details (m) Deposits with potential to collapse when loaded and saturated are unlikely to be 1 0.0 On Site Very Low present. No special ground investigation required or increased construction costs or increased financial risk due to potential problems with collapsible deposits.

6.6 Running Sands

The following Running Sands information provided by the British Geological Survey:

Distance ID Direction Hazard Rating Details (m) No indicators for running sand identified. No special actions required to avoid problems due to running sand. No special ground investigation required, and 1 0.0 On Site Negligible increased construction costs or increased financial risks are unlikely due to potential problems with running sand.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 36 7 Borehole Records map



SW S SE Borehole Records Legend © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 37 7 Borehole Records

The systematic analysis of data extracted from the BGS Borehole Records database provides the following information.

Records of boreholes within 250m of the study site boundary: 0

Database searched and no data found.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 38 8 Estimated Background Soil Chemistry

Records of background estimated soil chemistry within 250m of the study site boundary: 2

For further information on how this data is calculated and limitations upon its use, please see the Groundsure Geo Insight User Guide, available on request.

Distance (m) Direction Sample Type Arsenic (As) Cadmium (Cd) Chromium (Cr) Nickel (Ni) Lead (Pb) 0.0 On Site Sediment <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 60 - 90 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg <100 mg/kg 0.0 On Site Sediment <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 60 - 90 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg <100 mg/kg

*As this data is based upon underlying 1:50,000 scale geological information, a 50m buffer has been added to the search radius.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 39 9 Railways and Tunnels map



SW S SE Railways and Tunnels Legend © Crown copyright and database rights 2019. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207. © OpenStreetMapContributors

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 40 9 Railways and Tunnels

9.1 Tunnels

This data is derived from OpenStreetMap and provides information on the possible locations of underground railway systems in the UK - the London Underground, the Tyne & Wear Metro and the Glasgow Subway.

Have any underground railway lines been identified within the study site boundary? No

Have any underground railway lines been identified within 250m of the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found.

Any records that have been identified are represented on the Railways and Tunnels map.

This data is derived from Ordnance Survey mapping and provides information on the possible locations of railway tunnels forming part of the UK overground railway network.

Have any other railway tunnels been identified within the site boundary? No

Have any other railway tunnels been identified within 250m of the site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found. Any records that have been identified are represented on the Railways and Tunnels map.

9.2 Historical Railway and Tunnel Features

This data is derived from Groundsure's unique Historical Land-use Database and contains features relating to tunnels, railway tracks or associated works that have been identified from historical Ordnance Survey mapping.

Have any historical railway or tunnel features been identified within the study site boundary? No

Have any historical railway or tunnel features been identified within 250m of the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found. Any records that have been identified are represented on the Railways and Tunnels map.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 41 9.3 Historical Railways

This data is derived from OpenStreetMap and provides information on the possible alignments of abandoned or dismantled railway lines in proximity to the study site.

Have any historical railway lines been identified within the study site boundary? No

Have any historical railway lines been identified within 250m of the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found. Multiple sections of the same track may be listed in the detail above Any records that have been identified are represented on the Railways and Tunnels map.

9.4 Active Railways

These datasets are derived from Ordnance Survey mapping and OpenStreetMap and provide information on the possible locations of active railway lines in proximity to the study site.

Have any active railway lines been identified within the study site boundary? No

Have any active railway lines been identified within 250m of the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found. Multiple sections of the same track may be listed in the detail above Any records that have been identified are represented on the Railways and Tunnels map.

9.5 Railway Projects

These datasets provide information on the location of large scale railway projects High Speed 2 and Crossrail 1 .

Is the study site within 5km of the route of the High Speed 2 rail project? No

Is the study site within 500m of the route of the Crossrail 1 rail project? No

Further information on proximity to these routes, the project construction status and associated works can be obtained through the purchase of a Groundsure HS2 and Crossrail 1 Report.

The route data has been digitised from publicly available maps by Groundsure. The route as provided relates to the Crossrail 1 project only, and does not include any details of the Crossrail 2 project, as final details of the route for Crossrail 2 are still under consultation.

Please note that this assessment takes account of both the original Phase 2b proposed route and the amended route proposed in 2016. As the Phase 2b route is still under consultation, Groundsure are providing information on both options until the final route is formally confirmed. Practitioners should take account of this uncertainty when advising clients.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 42 Contact Details

Groundsure Helpline Telephone: 08444 159 000 [email protected]

British Geological Survey Enquiries Kingsley Dunham Centre Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG Tel: 0115 936 3143. Fax: 0115 936 3276. Email:[email protected] Web:www.bgs.ac.uk BGS Geological Hazards Reports and general geological enquiries British Gypsum British Gypsum Ltd East Leake Loughborough Leicestershire LE12 6HX

The Coal Authority 200 Lichfield Lane Mansfield Notts NG18 4RG Tel: 0345 7626 848 DX 716176 Mansfield 5 www.coal.gov.uk

Public Health England Public information access office Public Health England, Wellington House 133-155 Waterloo Road, London, SE1 8UG https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/public-health- england Email: [email protected] Main switchboard: 020 7654 8000

Johnson Poole & Bloomer Limited Harris and Pearson Building, Brettel Lane Brierley Hill, West Midlands DY5 3LH Tel: +44 (0) 1384 262 000 Email:[email protected] Website: www.jpb.co.uk

Ordnance Survey Adanac Drive, Southampton SO16 0AS

Tel: 08456 050505 Website: http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/

Getmapping PLC Virginia Villas, High Street, Hartley Witney, Hampshire RG27 8NW Tel: 01252 845444 Website:http://www1.getmapping.com/

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 43 Peter Brett Associates Caversham Bridge House Waterman Place Reading Berkshire RG1 8DN Tel: +44 (0)118 950 0761 E-mail:[email protected] Website:http://www.peterbrett.com/home

Acknowledgements: Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright and/or Database Right. All Rights Reserved. Licence Number [03421028]. This report has been prepared in accordance with the Groundsure Ltd standard Terms and Conditions of business for work of this nature.

Report Reference: GS-6506277 Client Reference: CL-2879-2880-CF 44