URIAH TOBEY 171 Moultrie Street, LeTellier Hall Room 311, Charleston, SC 29409 843-953-1355;
[email protected] SUMMARY Skillful Associate Professor of Mathematics/Engineering at Des Moines Area Community College teaching: algebra, trigonometry, pre-calculus, calculus, finite math, math for liberal arts, statistics, introduction to engineering, C++/MATLAB/Visual Basic computer programming, engineering graphics, engineering computations, and business statistics courses. Proficient Course Director in charge of developing, planning, and facilitating the learning process for sixteen separate courses. Effective Academic Advisor orchestrating the assessment of student achievement and guidance for academics. Advisor and mentor to campus STEM club. EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy, Computer Science, Iowa State University Ames, IA, Anticipated Completion Date: December 2021 - Completed 43 credit hours to date - Thesis Advisor: Dr. Yan-bin Jia - Dissertation topic: Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Robotic Classification and Decision-Making - Area Proficiency: Human Computer Interaction / Graphics and Robotics - Breadth Area 1: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Breadth Area 2: Software Engineering and Programming Languages - Inducted into Eta Kappa Nu International Electrical and Computer Engineering Honor Society Master of Science, Astronautical Engineering, Air Force Institute of Technology Dayton, OH, March 2010, GPA: 3.81 - Completed 76 credit hours (12 for thesis); focus on Advanced Astrodynamics and Rocket Propulsion - Thesis: Mission