
Goddess Champion * wins 10 free QQW matches EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda (1,332-213-45) *19 $2,706,000 … #88 or 501

Temptress Champion * wins 5 free QQW matches EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! (1,210-264-48) *10 $1,920,800 … #68 or 502 Aphrodite Champion Epic/AoS: Sofia Pecadora (77-32-7) *3 $170,400 … #90 or 503 Exquisite Champion EPIC/AoS: Pinkee (560-142-23) *6 $995,000 … #70 or 504 Magnificent Champion Epic/AoS: Tabitha Pecadora (82-32-8) *4 $174,400 … #91 or 505 Divine Champion SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze (24-9-1) *3 $44,400 … #82 or 506 Angelic Champion GR: Edsel Frost (526-112-38) *14 $1,093,800 … #111 or 507 Hellion Champion LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Sexy Dog Days 2021 (18-14-6) *4 $128,500 … #99 or 508 Radiant Champion * from the battle royal HORDE: Pagan De la Croix (449-106-38) *17 $1,011,600 … #106 or 509 Pegasus Champion * from the battle royal Perspectiva Tres (329-95-17) *14 $663,800 … #105 or 510 Venus Champion HORDE: “The Valkyrie” Frea Blackheart (174-76-13) *8 $330,300 … #121 or 511 Pearl Champion VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmit (560-234-33) *22 $2,365,300 … #63 or 512

Wildcats Champions EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! and “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda #68 & #88 or 789 Ladybugs Champions Epic/AoS: Sofia Pecadora and Tabitha Pecadora #90 & #91 or 987

Divas Champions * win 5 free matches RNR/EPIC: Huntress, The American Dream, and Hillbilly Holly #107, #114, & #115 or 789 Violets Champions LPPF/VIRUS: “The Beat” Alexus Stewart, Dominant Factor Envy, and Dominant Factory Beauty #69, #118, & #119 or 987

Battle Royal Winner * wins 23 free QQW matches EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda (1,332-213-45) *19 $2,706,000 … #88 1. EPIC/YmY: Calypso Colada (178-50-15) *3 $340,500...... #116 55. Tabitha Christie (0-17) $4,100...... #51 2. EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa (1,509-246-55) *18 $2,329,200...... #103 56. Theresa Blankenship (0-19) $7,500...... #50 3. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido (1,483-251-58) *19 $2,666,800...... #64 57. Laura Hardwood (0-20) $1,800...... #58 4. EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori 58. Tori Masterson (0-23) $8,100...... #55 (1,385-271-58) *13 $2,255,600...... #61 59. Miss Labanc (0-23) $7,900...... #27 5. EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura 60. Margarita Rodriguez (0-23) $4,700...... #44 (1,312-235-50) *17 $2,319,700...... #62 61. Sasha Blankenship (0-24) $6,500...... #13 62. Misty Brownwall (0-25) $7,900...... #17 63. Susan George (0-27) $6,000...... #15 6. DOD/ORDER: Spitfire Jeannie Briggs (1,105-159-31) *13 $1,460,100...... #66 64. Tabitha Deranged (0-28) $8,400...... #59 7. RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty (868-208-28) *10 $1,700,500...... #113 65. Danielle Upton (0-28) $6,400...... #41 8. RNR/EPIC: Huntress (815-189-37) *10 $1,452,300...... #107 66. Janet Danger (0-28) $5,500...... #60 9. EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes (613-126-30) *6 $1,095,200...... #104 67. Charlotte York (0-29) $6,300...... #53 10. EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom (546-106-17) *7 $978,300...... #100 68. Roberta Shackleford (0-30) $7,800...... #7 69. Amanda Fedora (0-31) $7,300...... #52 70. Erica Twistfall (0-33) $8,800...... #57 71. Christina Redgrave (0-36) $6,300...... #54 11. HORDE: Skad the Impaler (567-138-22) *15 $1,172,800...... #120 72. Henrietta Redgrave (0-40) $8,500...... #48 12. DOD/ORDER: Queen Vixen Red (506-170-28) *21 $1,437,900...... #85 73. Paulina Redgrave (0-41) $4,800...... #21 13. DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastempowski (436-115-17) *17 $654,100...... #87 74. Misty Blue (0-43) $10,800...... #49 14. RNR/EPIC: The American Dream (395-105-18) *6 $859,200...... #114 75. Maxine Schwarzenegger (0-45) $6,600...... #18 15. RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly (382-103-21) *6 $874,800...... #115 76. Terri Redgrave (0-54) $5,800...... #19 16. DOD/ORDER: Hillbilly’s Daughter Laura Joyner (294-52-8) *8 $405,100...... #96 77. Jasmine Spivey (0-56) $10,600...... #56 17. VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf (186-89-23) *12 $499,500...... #89 78. Benita Gonzalez (0-134) $11,500...... #28 18. DB: Eden Withers (155-73-21) *6 $436,100...... #78 79. Carmella Monsoon (0-143) $16,200...... #43 19. DOD/ORDER: Ice Cold Samantha Matthews (191-129-22) *10 $574,600....#122 80. Miss Zero (0-170) $18,500...... #34 20. DOD/ORDER: Amazing Amy Blitz (158-97-18) *6 $653,000...... #123 81. Samantha Jarrett (0-170) $7,300...... #37 21. DOD/ORDER: Dr. BB (76-33-9) *4 $379,200...... #77 82. Barbara Upton (0-205) $23,800...... #39 22. LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Love (59-17-3) *5 $213,900...... #92 83. Donna Speer (0-208) $4,000...... #35 23. DOD/ORDER: Muskrat Jill (68-28-11) *8 $193,400...... #97 84. Betty Trump (0-210) $15,400...... #26 24. LPPF/VIRUS: “The Beat” Alexus Stewart (70-38-6) *11 $305,000...... #69 85. Francis McLoserton (0-217) $26,300...... #22 25. LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Courage (43-11-4) *4 $274,700...... #117 86. Bonnie Canoli (0-217) $20,700...... #38 26. VIRUS/Luniz: Judy Sessions (110-85-14) *9 $471,000...... #67 87. Helixia (0-217) $7,300...... #20 27. DOD/ORDER: Deadly Darlene Blitz (112-88-13) *7 $492,200...... #124 88. Georgia Redgrave (0-228) $26,400...... #32 28. DOD/ORDER: Selene Bloodrose (33-12-5) *1 $97,400...... #84 89. Sandra Zillions (0-229) $31,000...... #40 29. SOS/|: Beans “Hit Girl” Hart (25-10-2) *1 $52,800...... #98 30. VIRUS/X-Army: Patchwork (45-36-6) *4 $231,200...... #101 31. LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factory Beauty (45-37-17) *15 $274,200...... #119 32. SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi (15-20-3) *1 $35,600...... #79 90. The Wild Woman JoAnna Simpson (0-232) $33,400...... #29 33. LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Envy (14-19) *2 $112,000...... #118 91. Taylor Geraldson (0-232) $24,200...... #9 34. DOD/ORDER: Catfish Josie (76-84-13) *10 $399,700...... #86 92. Smokin’ Jacqueline Fire (0-232) $14,800...... #24 35. SOS/|: Lady Agnis (42-57-7) *3 $201,500...... #83 93. Jacqueline Speer (0-233) $38,000...... #36 36. SOS/|: Malison Bedlam (12-31-3) *1 $51,400...... #80 94. Jacqui Smiley (0-233) $27,900...... #31 37. SOS/|: Solosolo Pondo (16-43-5) *1 $132,500...... #81 95. Bailey Confet (0-233) $6,100...... #12 38. VIRUS: Rainbow Roads (64-111-14) *17 $401,100...... #65 96. Ashley Carlisle (0-234) $15,700...... #30 97. Charlotte Blake (0-235) $27,400...... #11 98. Nancy Toombs (0-236) $12,000...... #16 99. Heather Salazar (0-237) $7,300...... #14 39. HOH: Rhonda Bazler (200-123-40) *2 $770,700...... #109 100. Masked Diva (0-282) $18,500...... #10 40. HOH: Sarya Naito (206-136-15) *1 $576,100...... #110 101. Angelina Hate (0-285) $37,800...... #8 41. Shannon “Super Star” Hinkel (95-33-7) *1 $173,300...... #102 102. Martha Edwards (0-291) $36,100...... #5 42. HOH: “The Queen” Jessica (186-133-25) *1 $807,400...... #108 103. Anne Zorborg (0-294) $28,700...... #25 43. Lin “Sunshine” Misterico (63-28-7) *3 $133,600...... #112 104. San Francisco Heat Isabella Stipson (0-302) $38,500...... #4 44. AI: “Trashy” Tamara Pureheart (5-4) $62,600...... #76 105. Jessica Francisco (0-305) $22,900...... #3 45. AI: “Mermaid” Merida Pureheart (3-5) *1 $94,300...... #74 106. Gina Peterson (0-306) $29,700...... #6 46. AI: “Chaotic” Carly Pureheart (2-6-1) *2 $100,800...... #71 107. Carly Snarly (0-345) $43,800...... #2 47. AI: “Latina Heat” Maria Pureheart (2-6) $48,000...... #75 108. Grandma Wrestling (0-347) $53,000...... #23 48. AI: “Maniacal” Mary Pureheart (1-8) *1 $97,000...... #72 109. Sally the Custodian (0-360) $30,100...... #1 49. AI: “Lovely” Lacey Pureheart (15-29-2) *2 $129,300...... #73 50. Lena Milliman (0-15) $7,400...... #33 51. Roberta Graves (0-15) $2,300...... #42 52. Regina Crawfish (0-15) $700...... #46 Send your matches, strategies, and trash talk to: 53. Maxine Kauffield (0-16) $6,900...... #47 IWA, c/o QQW, Box 5275, Willowick, OH 44095 54. Juliet Crawford (0-17) $5,400...... #45 We must receive your envelope by September 21st! Card 1: Held in Pretoria (Atendance: 32,258) VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt destroyed DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastempowski at 27:53 (Brainbuster) by 1. EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori outmuscled Sally the Custodian at SOS/|: Malison Bedlam won over EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom at 29:30 (Double Leg 3:18 (Headlock) by 100. Choke) by 2. HORDE: Pagan De la Croix beat Martha Edwards at 3:11 (Headlock) by 107. RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly annihilated EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom at 28:23 (The Pitch- EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! destroyed Bailey Confet at 3:55 (Headlock) by 72. fork) by 3. EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes beat Anne Zorborg at 6:11 (Side Slam) by 95. Main event: RNR/EPIC: Huntress outmuscled EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido at EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa annihilated Jacqueline Speer at 3:37 (Head- 41:43 (Death Slam) by 4. lock) by 88. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt annihilated SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi at 28:10 (Brainbuster) by 1. Card 5: Held in Seville (Atendance: 36,452) VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf pinned SOS/|: Malison Bedlam at 29:06 (Jamie Wolf) by 2. RNR/EPIC: Huntress destroyed EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom at 20:44 (Death Slam) by 6. EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! annihilated Sally the Custodian at 4:23 (Headlock) by Main event: EPIC/YmY: Calypso Colada outmuscled EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom at 100. 47:59 (Dizzy Dance) by 5. EPIC/YmY: Calypso Colada won over Martha Edwards at 1:31 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 106 (non-title). HORDE: Pagan De la Croix defeated Bailey Confet at 3:53 (Headlock) by 74. Card 2: Held in Salem (Atendance: 36,468) RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly defeated Anne Zorborg at 5:44 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 91. EPIC/YmY: Calypso Colada decked Jacqueline Speer at 5:16 (Turnbuckle Smash) by EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura won over Sally the Custodian at 4:26 90 (non-title). (Turnbuckle Smash) by 100. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda destroyed VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” RNR/EPIC: Huntress outmuscled Martha Edwards at 2:02 (Rib Breaker) by 105. Nina Schmitt at 28:51 (Open the Gates) by 4. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda over Bailey Confet at 6:56 (Disqualifica- SOS/|: Malison Bedlam won over VIRUS/X-Army: Patchwork at 29:24 (Double Leg tion: used belt to hit opponent). Choke) by 1. HORDE: Pagan De la Croix won over Anne Zorborg at 5:35 (Headlock) by 95. HORDE: Skad the Impaler outmuscled EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom at 27:23 (Wasteland HORDE: Pagan De la Croix destroyed Jacqueline Speer at 6:47 (Headlock) by 91. Burial) by 5. Pearl title: VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt overpowered SOS/|: Mali- Main event: SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze beat RNR/EPIC: Huntress at 42:39 (Ezaaze son Bedlam at 28:55 (Brainbuster) by 4. Chokeslam) by 2. Epic/AoS: Sofia Pecadora decked SOS/|: Malison Bedlam at 22:16 (Aplastamiento de Muslos) by 9 (non-title). GR: Edsel Frost defeated EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom at 21:40 (Frost Bite) by 7. Card 6: Held in Lincoln (Atendance: 33,062) Main event: EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes drew EPIC/YmY: Calypso Colada at 9:08 (No Con- test). EPIC/AoS: Pinkee overpowered Sally the Custodian at 2:52 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 97. EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori defeated Gina Peterson at 1:02 (Rib Card 3: Held in Reynosa (Atendance: 46,528) Breaker) by 122. RNR/EPIC: Huntress destroyed Bailey Confet at 4:50 (Rib Breaker) by 72. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt beat Sally the Custodian at 1:55 EPIC/YmY: Calypso Colada won over Anne Zorborg at 6:48 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 94 (Mounted Punches) by 106. (non-title). RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty destroyed Martha Edwards at 1:46 (Side Slam) by 87. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt decked Samantha Jarrett at 2:06 VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf bested Bailey Confet at 6:35 (Mounted Punches) by 78. (Mounted Punches) by 117. RNR/EPIC: Huntress defeated Anne Zorborg at 6:55 (Rib Breaker) by 93. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt decked EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki RNR/EPIC: Huntress pinned Jacqueline Speer at 4:51 (Rib Breaker) by 89. Ishikawa at 17:48 (Brainbuster) by 8. SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze overpowered VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina SOS/|: Malison Bedlam beat EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa at 28:30 (Double Schmitt at 27:58 (Ezaaze Chokeslam) by 2. Leg Choke) by 4. Epic/AoS: Tabitha Pecadora beat SOS/|: Malison Bedlam at 16:23 (Hermoso Poache) VIRUS/X-Army: Patchwork pinned EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa at 27:49 by 9 (non-title). (Brainbuster) by 3. EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom over RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty at 3:02 (Count Out). Main event: SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze annihilated SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi at 55:45 Main event: RNR/EPIC: Huntress destroyed EPIC/YmY: Calypso Colada at 50:08 (Ezaaze Chokeslam) by 3. (Death Slam) by 1.

Card 7: Held in Fort Wayne (Atendance: 43,900) Card 4: Held in Dublin (Atendance: 48,970) EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda bested Sally the Custodian at 2:50 (Turn- EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido pinned Sally the Custodian at 4:18 (Turnbuckle buckle Smash) by 101. Smash) by 100. EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura beat Gina Peterson at 2:05 (Cross- RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly pinned Martha Edwards at 4:39 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 103. Armbar) by 124. EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa bested Bailey Confet at 3:03 (Headlock) by RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty bested Bailey Confet at 6:49 (European Uppercut) by 81. 71. EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori annihilated Betty Trump at 2:50 RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty annihilated Anne Zorborg at 5:10 (Side Slam) by 75. (Cobra Clutch) by 145. RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty bested Jacqueline Speer at 5:24 (European Uppercut) by EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido annihilated Samantha Jarrett at 1:41 (Turn- 96. buckle Smash) by 111. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt defeated EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes at 29:12 EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes outmuscled EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa at 21:55 (Brainbuster) by 1. (“She“nanigans) by 7. EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes bested SOS/|: Malison Bedlam at 28:44 (“She“nanigans) by 3. Main event: EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda decked DOD/ORDER: Heather EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes pinned VIRUS/X-Army: Patchwork at 29:41 (“She“nanigans) Zastempowski at 40:57 (Open the Gates) by 5. by 4. Main event: SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze beat EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa at 47:39 (Ezaaze Chokeslam) by 10. Card 11: Held in Hanoi (Atendance: 37,511)

EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom pinned Sally the Custodian at 5:47 (Side Slam) by 97 (non- Card 8: Held in Mentor-on-the-Lake (Atendance: 30,668) title). EPIC/AoS: Pinkee annihilated Gina Peterson at 2:19 (Back Elbow Smash) by 123. VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf bested Sally the Custodian at 4:33 (Mounted Punches) by EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido over Heather Salazar at 9:45 (Disqualification: 106. hit ref). VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt pinned Gina Peterson at 0:20 (Head- EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! destroyed Betty Trump at 1:11 (Cobra Clutch) by 150. lock) by 128. RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty beat Samantha Jarrett at 4:16 (Side Slam) by 93. EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori beat Heather Salazar at 4:58 (Head- EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! annihilated EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido at lock) by 92. 22:08 (Jungle Jungle Jungle Power!!!) by 7 (non-title). EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura destroyed Betty Trump at 0:51 RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly decked SOS/|: Malison Bedlam at 29:57 (The Pitchfork) by (Cobra Clutch) by 145. 1. EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! pinned Samantha Jarrett at 4:20 (Headlock) by 111. RNR/EPIC: Huntress destroyed EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa at 18:58 (Death VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt drew RNR/EPIC: Huntress at 5:31 (Dou- Slam) by 8. ble Count Out). Main event: EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda won over SOS/|: Malison Bed- RNR/EPIC: Huntress destroyed SOS/|: Malison Bedlam at 29:21 (Death Slam) by 4. lam at 22:02 (Open the Gates) by 8. RNR/EPIC: Huntress beat VIRUS/X-Army: Patchwork at 29:29 (Death Slam) by 5. Main event: EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda decked SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze at 58:41 (Open the Gates) by 2. Card 12: Held in Tampa (Atendance: 35,595)

EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa outmuscled Sally the Custodian at 6:47 (Head- Card 9: Held in El Paso (Atendance: 40,137) lock) by 99. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda overpowered Gina Peterson at 1:25 Epic/AoS: Sofia Pecadora pinned Sally the Custodian at 3:50 (Mounted Punches) by (Mounted Punches) by 128. 104. EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! over Heather Salazar at 2:44 (Count Out). EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido outmuscled Gina Peterson at 3:09 (Rib Breaker) EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda overpowered Betty Trump at 2:35 (DDT) by 123. by 147. EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura annihilated Heather Salazar at 2:34 EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura pinned Bonnie Canoli at 1:17 (Turn- (Turnbuckle Smash) by 92. buckle Smash) by 121. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt over Betty Trump at 0:42 (Count Out). DB: Eden Withers bested EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido at 29:42 (Season of EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa outmuscled Samantha Jarrett at 3:55 (Head- Wither) by 3. lock) by 110. LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Envy decked SOS/|: Malison Bedlam at 27:25 (Super- VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt bested RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly at 27:59 plex) by 3. (Brainbuster) by 3. EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa over RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty at 9:36 (Dis- SOS/|: Malison Bedlam pinned RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty at 8:32 (Double Leg Choke) qualification: refused to break choke). by 23. Main event: EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda overpowered EPIC/GRSF: RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly beat VIRUS/X-Army: Patchwork at 29:02 (The Pitchfork) by “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori at 47:33 (Open the Gates) by 5. 2. Main event: EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda won over RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly at 20:50 (Open the Gates) by 7. Card 13: Held in Midland (Atendance: 35,756)

EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes bested Sally the Custodian at 3:41 (Side Slam) by 102. Card 10: Held in New York City (Atendance: 34,811) VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf outmuscled Gina Peterson at 0:56 (Headlock) by 128. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda outmuscled Heather Salazar at 2:49 (Turn- Epic/AoS: Tabitha Pecadora defeated Sally the Custodian at 3:17 (Side Slam) by 101. buckle Smash) by 93. EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! outmuscled Gina Peterson at 1:31 (Chickenwing) by 124. EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa defeated Betty Trump at 1:59 (DDT) by 142. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt bested Heather Salazar at 5:38 VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt beat Bonnie Canoli at 0:50 (Mounted (Mounted Punches) by 98. Punches) by 127. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido won over Betty Trump at 2:02 (DDT) by 142. SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi annihilated EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido at 27:55 RNR/EPIC: Huntress won over Samantha Jarrett at 4:23 (Rib Breaker) by 111. (Hair Whip) by 3. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido pinned VIRUS: Rainbow Roads at 27:51 (Quest HORDE: “The Valkyrie” Frea Blackheart destroyed SOS/|: Malison Bedlam at 27:24 in the Skies) by 3. (Flight of the Valkyrie) by 5 (non-title). RNR/EPIC: The American Dream decked SOS/|: Malison Bedlam at 27:02 (Patriot RNR/EPIC: The American Dream outmuscled EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa at Slam) by 2. 18:13 (Big Splash) by 8. Main event: EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda defeated EPIC/UD: “Elegant Card 17: Held in Managua (Atendance: 36,874) Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura at 17:39 (Open the Gates) by 9. RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly outmuscled Sally the Custodian at 5:15 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 98. Card 14: Held in Brussels (Atendance: 33,212) EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa beat Gina Peterson at 4:59 (Rib Breaker) by 122. HORDE: Pagan De la Croix pinned Sally the Custodian at 1:11 (Headlock) by 102. RNR/EPIC: Huntress bested Heather Salazar at 4:34 (Rib Breaker) by 92. Epic/AoS: Sofia Pecadora annihilated Gina Peterson at 3:56 (European Uppercut) by EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori over Benita Gonzalez at 9:42 (Count 124. Out). VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf decked Heather Salazar at 6:26 (Mounted Punches) by 98. RNR/EPIC: Huntress bested Bonnie Canoli at 2:01 (Rib Breaker) by 121. RNR/EPIC: Huntress beat Betty Trump at 0:57 (DDT) by 142. DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastempowski outmuscled EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido bested Bonnie Canoli at 2:10 (Turnbuckle Tokido at 28:26 (Mind Fooking Experience) by 3. Smash) by 121. SOS/|: Solosolo Pondo destroyed RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly at 27:44 (Pondo Splash) EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido tied SOS/|: Malison Bedlam at 3:25 (Double by 3. Count Out). EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes pinned RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty at 5:22 (“She“nanigans) by EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda bested SOS/|: Solosolo Pondo at 27:57 26. (Open the Gates) by 4. RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly defeated EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa at 28:57 (The Pitchfork) by 5. Card 18: Held in Omaha (Atendance: 42,224) Main event: EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda outmuscled DOD/ORDER: Spitfire Jeannie Briggs at 19:49 (Open the Gates) by 6. EPIC/YmY: Calypso Colada defeated Sally the Custodian at 1:48 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 101 (non-title). EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes bested Gina Peterson at 2:55 (Ankle Lock) by 128. Card 15: Held in Algiers (Atendance: 42,939) RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty decked Heather Salazar at 4:20 (European Uppercut) by 100. RNR/EPIC: Huntress pinned Sally the Custodian at 3:37 (Rib Breaker) by 100. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt pinned Benita Gonzalez at 6:46 Epic/AoS: Tabitha Pecadora pinned Gina Peterson at 2:36 (Ankle Lock) by 127. (Mounted Punches) by 57. EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa over Heather Salazar at 5:29 (Disqualification: RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty won over Bonnie Canoli at 3:25 (Side Slam) by 103. used powder). EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda destroyed EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty over Betty Trump at 4:42 (Count Out). Tokido at 15:04 (Open the Gates) by 8 (non-title). EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! destroyed Bonnie Canoli at 1:16 (Headlock) by 121. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda decked SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze at SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze overpowered EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido at 27:29 (Open the Gates) by 2 (non-title). 15:44 (Ezaaze Chokeslam) by 6. EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes outmuscled RNR/EPIC: The American Dream at 28:50 SOS/|: Solosolo Pondo won over EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes at 28:12 (Pondo Splash) by (“She“nanigans) by 1. 1. LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factory Beauty beat EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa at 29:18 (Big Splash) by 5. Card 19: Held in Pineville (Atendance: 42,050) Main event: EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda outmuscled EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! at 35:09 (Open the Gates) by 1. EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori decked Carly Snarly at 0:51 (Head- lock) by 104. HORDE: Pagan De la Croix overpowered Gina Peterson at 2:01 (Side Slam) by 127. Card 16: Held in St. Louis (Atendance: 31,456) RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly beat Heather Salazar at 5:20 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 90. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido over Benita Gonzalez at 4:54 (Count Out). RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty overpowered Sally the Custodian at 6:10 (European EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori overpowered Barbara Upton at 5:58 Uppercut) by 90. (Headlock) by 83. EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom annihilated Gina Peterson at 1:23 (Ankle Lock) by 123 VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf annihilated EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido at 27:40 (non-title). (Jamie Wolf) by 2. HORDE: Pagan De la Croix pinned Heather Salazar at 6:23 (Headlock) by 94. SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze beat VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf at 29:06 (Ezaaze EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda outmuscled Miss Labanc at 5:03 (Turn- Chokeslam) by 4. buckle Smash) by 94. EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes won over RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly at 28:57 (“She“nanigans) EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa won over Bonnie Canoli at 4:32 (Headlock) by by 2. 120. DOD/ORDER: Queen Vixen Red overpowered EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido at 28:22 (Red Driver) by 2 (Destiny Crown). Card 20: Held in Dover (Atendance: 42,045) SOS/|: Solosolo Pondo drew RNR/EPIC: Huntress at 8:54 (Double Count Out). RNR/EPIC: Huntress defeated EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes at 28:52 (Death Slam) by 1. EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura defeated Carly Snarly at 3:09 (Turn- Main event: EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda defeated RNR/PPA: Blackjack buckle Smash) by 104. Betty at 20:20 (Open the Gates) by 31. RNR/EPIC: Huntress pinned Gina Peterson at 4:51 (Rib Breaker) by 88. EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori won over Nancy Toombs at 2:31 (Fall- away Slam) by 106. EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! over Benita Gonzalez at 4:00 (Count Out). EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura pinned Barbara Upton at 2:31 (Turn- Perspectiva Tres defeated RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly at 27:36 (Burning Hammer) by 2. buckle Smash) by 83. Magnificent title: Epic/AoS: Tabitha Pecadora destroyed EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido at 16:00 (Hermoso Poache) by 9. Card 24: Held in South Los Angeles (Atendance: 40,228) Epic/AoS: Sofia Pecadora decked SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze at 27:07 (Aplas- tamiento de Muslos) by 3 (non-title). EPIC/AoS: Pinkee bested Carly Snarly at 0:18 (Back Elbow Smash) by 138. EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes outmuscled LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Courage at 27:57 EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori pinned Angelina Hate at 6:45 (Head- (“She“nanigans) by 3. lock) by 96. EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! beat Nancy Toombs at 1:03 (Fallaway Slam) by 106. EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura annihilated The Wild Woman Card 21: Held in Dacca (Atendance: 39,513) JoAnna Simpson at 4:21 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 121. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda outmuscled Barbara Upton at 6:06 (Turn- VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt destroyed Carly Snarly at 0:46 buckle Smash) by 84. (Mounted Punches) by 110. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido defeated EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty pinned Gina Peterson at 1:53 (Back Elbow Smash) by 99. at 28:32 (Quest in the Skies) by 4. EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura over Nancy Toombs at 3:49 (Dis- SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze annihilated EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom at 24:07 (Ezaaze qualification: hidden spike). Chokeslam) by 8. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda over Benita Gonzalez at 3:53 (Disqualifica- Pegasus title: HORDE: Pagan De la Croix destroyed RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly at tion: used belt to hit opponent). 29:32 (Dark Ritual) by 4. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt defeated Barbara Upton at 2:48 (Mounted Punches) by 89. LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Love won over EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido at Card 25: Held in Norwalk (Atendance: 46,536) 29:16 (Brainbuster) by 2. Epic/AoS: Tabitha Pecadora outmuscled SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze at 29:36 (Her- EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda outmuscled Carly Snarly at 2:49 (Turn- moso Poache) by 3 (non-title). buckle Smash) by 105. EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes tied HORDE: Skad the Impaler (Time Limit). EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura beat Angelina Hate at 2:00 (Turn- buckle Smash) by 96. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda over Nancy Toombs at 18:49 (Disqualifica- Card 22: Held in Gulf Shores (Atendance: 40,197) tion: used steel chair). VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt defeated The Wild Woman JoAnna EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido destroyed Carly Snarly at 4:36 (Turnbuckle Simpson at 2:02 (Mounted Punches) by 127. Smash) by 104. EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa annihilated Barbara Upton at 2:32 (Headlock) RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly destroyed Gina Peterson at 4:35 (Back Elbow Smash) by by 82. 120. EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes outmuscled EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido at 27:42 VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt over Nancy Toombs at 6:43 (Disqualifi- (“She“nanigans) by 3. cation: razor in boot). SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze defeated VIRUS/X-Army: Patchwork at 15:15 (Ezaaze EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa decked Benita Gonzalez at 2:51 (Headlock) by Chokeslam) by 7. 50. GR: Edsel Frost outmuscled RNR/EPIC: Huntress at 29:30 (Frost Bite) by 1 (Empress). EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido beat Barbara Upton at 3:03 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 83. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido destroyed EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom at 28:01 Card 26: Held in Garden City (Atendance: 46,444) (Quest in the Skies) by 2. SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze bested DOD/ORDER: Muskrat Jill at 27:38 (Ezaaze VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf pinned Carly Snarly at 4:12 (Mounted Punches) by 110. Chokeslam) by 3. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt defeated Angelina Hate at 2:49 HORDE: “The Valkyrie” Frea Blackheart beat EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes at 28:46 (Flight (Mounted Punches) by 102. of the Valkyrie) by 2. VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf over Nancy Toombs at 4:48 (Disqualification: refused to break choke). EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido bested The Wild Woman JoAnna Simpson at Card 23: Held in Macao (Atendance: 32,189) 2:08 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 121. RNR/EPIC: Huntress defeated Barbara Upton at 5:19 (Rib Breaker) by 83. EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! bested Carly Snarly at 2:44 (Headlock) by 104. RNR/EPIC: Huntress beat EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido at 27:07 (Death Slam) EPIC/YmY: Calypso Colada outmuscled Gina Peterson at 2:16 (Back Elbow Smash) by by 4. 124 (non-title). SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze decked EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa at 24:57 EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido overpowered Nancy Toombs at 2:18 (Fallaway (Ezaaze Chokeslam) by 10 (non-title). Slam) by 107. RNR/EPIC: Huntress bested LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factory Beauty at 29:17 (Death EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori won over The Wild Woman JoAnna Slam) by 3. Simpson at 3:34 (Headlock) by 121. EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! decked Barbara Upton at 3:30 (Headlock) by 83. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido annihilated VIRUS/X-Army: Patchwork at 28:42 Card 27: Held in Nashville (Atendance: 33,935) (Quest in the Skies) by 1. SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze won over LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Sexy at 28:00 Epic/AoS: Sofia Pecadora decked Carly Snarly at 4:05 (Mounted Punches) by 108. (Ezaaze Chokeslam) by 1. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido overpowered Angelina Hate at 2:32 (Turn- SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze won over RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty at 6:15 (Ezaaze buckle Smash) by 96. Chokeslam) by 29. EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa over Nancy Toombs at 4:35 (Count Out). VIRUS/Luniz: Judy Sessions* and DOD/ORDER: Ice Cold Samantha Matthews over EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! bested The Wild Woman JoAnna Simpson at 4:29 (Head- Betty Trump* and Barbara Upton at 3:37 (Count Out). lock) by 121. RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty outmuscled Barbara Upton at 3:37 (European Uppercut) by 89. Card 31: Held in Helena (Atendance: 43,203) EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido beat RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty at 15:43 (Quest in the Skies) by 23. EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes decked Carly Snarly at 1:02 (Side Slam) by 106. SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze won over EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes at 28:30 (Ezaaze VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf bested Angelina Hate at 3:41 (Mounted Punches) by 102. Chokeslam) by 3. RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly overpowered Nancy Toombs at 3:03 (Side Slam) by 101. RNR/EPIC: Huntress decked HORDE: Skad the Impaler at 27:55 (Death Slam) by 1. HORDE: Pagan De la Croix overpowered The Wild Woman JoAnna Simpson at 4:02 (Headlock) by 123. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido outmuscled Sandra Zillions at 3:19 (Arm Drag Card 28: Held in Riyadh (Atendance: 38,241) Takedown) by 109. HORDE: “The Valkyrie” Frea Blackheart annihilated EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Epic/AoS: Tabitha Pecadora outmuscled Carly Snarly at 0:32 (Side Slam) by 105. Tokido at 28:36 (Flight of the Valkyrie) by 5. EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! pinned Angelina Hate at 3:20 (Headlock) by 96. SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze beat RNR/EPIC: The American Dream at 27:38 (Ezaaze HORDE: Pagan De la Croix over Nancy Toombs at 8:29 (Disqualification: nail file). Chokeslam) by 4. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda decked The Wild Woman JoAnna Simpson VIRUS/Luniz: Judy Sessions* and DOD/ORDER: Ice Cold Samantha Matthews out- at 2:52 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 122. muscled EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori and “Spirit of Rock” Reina EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori overpowered Sandra Zillions at 4:10 Fukuda* at 27:51 (Superplex) by 3. (Back Elbow Smash) by 108. RNR/EPIC: The American Dream decked EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido at 27:47 (Patriot Slam) by 2. Card 32: Held in Fredericksburg (Atendance: 30,742) SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze pinned RNR/EPIC: Huntress at 28:30 (Ezaaze Chokeslam) by 2. HORDE: Pagan De la Croix defeated Carly Snarly at 0:30 (Side Slam) by 142. HORDE: “The Valkyrie” Frea Blackheart overpowered RNR/EPIC: Huntress at 29:18 Epic/AoS: Sofia Pecadora won over Angelina Hate at 2:33 (Mounted Punches) by (Flight of the Valkyrie) by 1. 100. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda defeated Misty Brownwall at 2:42 (Cross- Armbar) by 132. Card 29: Held in Echo (Atendance: 48,979) RNR/EPIC: Huntress won over The Wild Woman JoAnna Simpson at 4:13 (Rib Breaker) by 121. EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom pinned Carly Snarly at 4:26 (Side Slam) by 101 (non-title). EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! outmuscled Sandra Zillions at 3:37 (Back Elbow Smash) EPIC/AoS: Pinkee defeated Angelina Hate at 6:28 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 93. by 108. RNR/EPIC: Huntress over Nancy Toombs at 15:29 (Count Out). DOD/ORDER: Ice Cold Samantha Matthews bested EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf defeated The Wild Woman JoAnna Simpson at 2:13 Tokido at 27:37 (Ice Cold Stunner) by 1. (Mounted Punches) by 127. SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze overpowered RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly at 28:58 (Ezaaze EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura outmuscled Sandra Zillions at 4:48 Chokeslam) by 5 (non-title). (Arm Drag Takedown) by 109. LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Love and Dominant Factor Envy* outmuscled RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly destroyed EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido at 27:08 EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori and “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda* (The Pitchfork) by 1. at 29:02 (Superplex) by 5. SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze defeated GR: Edsel Frost at 29:51 (Ezaaze Chokeslam) by 1. VIRUS/Luniz: Judy Sessions and DOD/ORDER: Ice Cold Samantha Matthews* annihi- Card 33: Held in Gary (Atendance: 31,036) lated Sally the Custodian* and Grandma Wrestling at 4:41 (Headlock) by 69. RNR/EPIC: Huntress beat Carly Snarly at 0:31 (Rib Breaker) by 104. Epic/AoS: Tabitha Pecadora annihilated Angelina Hate at 3:50 (Side Slam) by 97. Card 30: Held in Madison (Atendance: 42,137) VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt won over Maxine Schwarzenegger at 2:45 (Mounted Punches) by 82. EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa destroyed Carly Snarly at 4:52 (Headlock) by RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty won over The Wild Woman JoAnna Simpson at 0:57 (Side 103. Slam) by 103. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda defeated Angelina Hate at 2:13 (Turn- EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda overpowered Sandra Zillions at 1:59 (Back buckle Smash) by 97. Elbow Smash) by 109. RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty bested Nancy Toombs at 6:03 (European Uppercut) by 80. SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi annihilated VIRUS: Rainbow Roads at 16:52 (Hair Whip) by 6. EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa annihilated The Wild Woman JoAnna Simpson SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze destroyed LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Envy at 28:12 at 0:40 (Headlock) by 120. (Ezaaze Chokeslam) by 3. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt decked Sandra Zillions at 4:47 (Mounted DOD/ORDER: Amazing Amy Blitz* and Deadly Darlene Blitz destroyed EPIC/GRSF: Punches) by 109. “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori and “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda* at 28:36 EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido drew LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Courage at (The Pain Express Town) by 3. 4:24 (Double Count Out). Card 34: Held in Boise (Atendance: 37,156) EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori decked Carmella Monsoon at 5:49 (Headlock) by 91. RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty bested Carly Snarly at 3:25 (European Uppercut) by 98. DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastempowski bested VIRUS: Rainbow Roads at 22:46 (Mind EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom outmuscled Angelina Hate at 4:53 (Side Slam) by 93 (non- Fooking Experience) by 6. title). RNR/EPIC: Huntress pinned SOS/|: Lady Agnis at 27:44 (Death Slam) by 3. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt bested Terri Redgrave at 2:22 (Mounted VIRUS/Luniz: Judy Sessions* and DOD/ORDER: Ice Cold Samantha Matthews Punches) by 105. destroyed EPIC/AoS: Pinkee* and Izzy Rhodes at 27:01 (Superplex) by 4. EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori annihilated Ashley Carlisle at 5:25 (Headlock) by 77. EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa pinned Sandra Zillions at 0:34 (Arm Drag Take- Card 38: Held in Lansing (Atendance: 40,710) down) by 108. SOS/|: Malison Bedlam won over VIRUS: Rainbow Roads at 29:10 (Double Leg EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura bested Jessica Francisco at 2:01 Choke) by 3. (Fallaway Slam) by 120. SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze annihilated HORDE: “The Valkyrie” Frea Blackheart at RNR/EPIC: Huntress destroyed Angelina Hate at 1:35 (Rib Breaker) by 96. 28:23 (Ezaaze Chokeslam) by 1. RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty destroyed Helixia at 4:21 (European Uppercut) by 89. VIRUS/Luniz: Judy Sessions* and DOD/ORDER: Ice Cold Samantha Matthews over EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! overpowered Ashley Carlisle at 3:24 (Headlock) by 77. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido* and “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa at 2:39 EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura won over Carmella Monsoon at 6:56 (Count Out). (Turnbuckle Smash) by 91. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda annihilated VIRUS: Rainbow Roads at 19:55 (Open the Gates) by 11. Card 35: Held in Yonkers (Atendance: 40,264) SOS/|: Lady Agnis drew RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly at 29:13 (Double Disqualification). VIRUS/Luniz: Judy Sessions and DOD/ORDER: Ice Cold Samantha Matthews* out- RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly outmuscled Carly Snarly at 3:34 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 102. muscled AI: “Chaotic” Carly Pureheart* and “Latina Heat” Maria Pureheart at EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa pinned Angelina Hate at 5:45 (Headlock) by 95. 10:23 (Headlock) by 33. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt annihilated Helixia at 1:39 (Mounted Punches) by 78. EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura won over Ashley Carlisle at 5:18 Card 39: Held in New Haven (Atendance: 47,129) (Turnbuckle Smash) by 77. RNR/EPIC: Huntress defeated Sandra Zillions at 3:46 (Side Slam) by 107. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt overpowered Jessica Francisco at 3:44 SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze pinned VIRUS: Rainbow Roads at 15:59 (Ezaaze (Chickenwing) by 121. Chokeslam) by 9. RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty outmuscled Angelina Hate at 0:35 (Brainbuster) by 137. DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastempowski overpowered SOS/|: Lady Agnis at 28:22 VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt destroyed Paulina Redgrave at 7:16 (Mind Fooking Experience) by 2. (Mounted Punches) by 69. LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Love* and Dominant Factor Envy over EPIC/QR: EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda destroyed Ashley Carlisle at 2:18 (Turn- “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido* and “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa at 2:43 (Count Out). buckle Smash) by 78. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt won over Carmella Monsoon at 2:51 (Mounted Punches) by 97. Card 36: Held in Jackson (Atendance: 30,054) VIRUS: Rainbow Roads overpowered EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa at 29:51 (Brainbuster) by 1. EPIC/YmY: Calypso Colada defeated Carly Snarly at 3:26 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 105 DOD/ORDER: Selene Bloodrose drew VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf at 8:07 (No Contest) (non-title). (Lethal Angel). EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes defeated Angelina Hate at 3:17 (Side Slam) by 98. VIRUS/Luniz: Judy Sessions and DOD/ORDER: Ice Cold Samantha Matthews* over AI: EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa defeated Helixia at 3:17 (Headlock) by 71. “Maniacal” Mary Pureheart* and “Lovely” Lacey Pureheart at 9:26 (Disqualifica- VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt outmuscled Ashley Carlisle at 1:38 tion: hidden spike). (Mounted Punches) by 83. RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty destroyed Sandra Zillions at 2:05 (Side Slam) by 85. DOD/ORDER: Catfish Josie defeated VIRUS: Rainbow Roads at 28:54 (Catfish Brain- Card 40: Held in Manchester (Atendance: 44,529) buster) by 4 (Lethal Angel). EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes outmuscled SOS/|: Lady Agnis at 29:55 (“She“nanigans) by 2. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido annihilated Jessica Francisco at 3:26 (Fallaway DOD/ORDER: Amazing Amy Blitz* and Deadly Darlene Blitz over EPIC/QR: “Aerial Slam) by 120. Queen” Nao Tokido* and “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa at 12:27 (Count Out). RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly bested Angelina Hate at 4:03 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 94. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt beat Francis McLoserton at 3:30 (Mounted Punches) by 77. Card 37: Held in Paradise (Atendance: 39,995) VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf annihilated Ashley Carlisle at 3:50 (Mounted Punches) by 83. EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori defeated Jessica Francisco at 4:15 EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido overpowered Carmella Monsoon at 2:07 (Turn- (Fallaway Slam) by 119. buckle Smash) by 91. HORDE: Pagan De la Croix beat Angelina Hate at 1:49 (Headlock) by 98. EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes annihilated VIRUS: Rainbow Roads at 15:43 (“She“nanigans) RNR/EPIC: Huntress beat Helixia at 5:21 (Rib Breaker) by 72. by 6. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido decked Ashley Carlisle at 6:55 (Turnbuckle DOD/ORDER: Selene Bloodrose defeated RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly at 27:36 (The Smash) by 77. Bloodline Snap) by 1. Epic/AoS: Sofia Pecadora* and Tabitha Pecadora destroyed VIRUS/Luniz: Judy Ses- Card 44: Held in Birmingham (Atendance: 48,737) sions* and DOD/ORDER: Ice Cold Samantha Matthews at 27:52 (Truenos Y Rayos) by 5 (Lethal Angel). VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf bested Jessica Francisco at 2:32 (Chickenwing) by 121. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt outmuscled Taylor Geraldson at 1:06 (Mounted Punches) by 134. Card 41: Held in Englewood (Atendance: 48,675) RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty annihilated Francis McLoserton at 2:15 (DDT) by 118. RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty decked Ashley Carlisle at 6:01 (Side Slam) by 59. EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! overpowered Jessica Francisco at 0:35 (Fallaway Slam) EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido won over Juliet Crawford at 2:07 (Turnbuckle by 119. Smash) by 106. EPIC/YmY: Calypso Colada bested Angelina Hate at 1:33 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 97 DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastempowski pinned VIRUS/Luniz: Judy Sessions at 28:38 (non-title). (Mind Fooking Experience) by 1. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda beat Francis McLoserton at 1:06 (Big Epic/AoS: Sofia Pecadora defeated DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastempowski at 16:25 Splash) by 147. (Aplastamiento de Muslos) by 6 (non-title). EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa defeated Ashley Carlisle at 6:46 (Headlock) by EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! and “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda* drew LPPF/VIRUS: 76. Dominant Factor Love and Dominant Factor Envy* at 3:00 (No Contest). EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! destroyed Carmella Monsoon at 5:56 (Headlock) by 91. RNR/EPIC: Huntress overpowered VIRUS: Rainbow Roads at 17:07 (Death Slam) by 7. Card 45: Held in Istanbul (Atendance: 32,718) RNR/EPIC: Huntress destroyed DOD/ORDER: Queen Vixen Red at 27:14 (Death Slam) by 2. Epic/AoS: Sofia Pecadora outmuscled Jessica Francisco at 0:49 (Arm Drag Takedown) LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Love and Dominant Factor Envy* outmuscled by 121. VIRUS/Luniz: Judy Sessions* and DOD/ORDER: Ice Cold Samantha Matthews at EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido won over Taylor Geraldson at 1:46 (Turnbuckle 28:31 (Superplex) by 2. Smash) by 128. EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori beat Grandma Wrestling at 6:44 (Headlock) by 75. Card 42: Held in Tokyo (Atendance: 36,820) EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori pinned Jacqui Smiley at 2:32 (Head- lock) by 111. EPIC/AoS: Pinkee defeated Jessica Francisco at 0:35 (Arm Drag Takedown) by 117. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt over Henrietta Redgrave at 3:56 (Count EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori defeated Taylor Geraldson at 2:23 Out). (Headlock) by 128. EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes outmuscled VIRUS/Luniz: Judy Sessions at 28:20 (“She“nani- EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa pinned Francis McLoserton at 2:35 (Atomic Leg gans) by 1. Drop) by 138. DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastempowski overpowered LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor HORDE: Pagan De la Croix annihilated Ashley Carlisle at 2:17 (Headlock) by 79. Love at 29:08 (Mind Fooking Experience) by 1. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda annihilated Carmella Monsoon at 3:30 Wildcats titles: EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! and “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda* (Turnbuckle Smash) by 92. defeated DOD/ORDER: Amazing Amy Blitz* and Deadly Darlene Blitz at 29:57 RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly annihilated VIRUS: Rainbow Roads at 29:37 (The Pitchfork) (Save the World!!!) by 2. by 4. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda pinned DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastem- powski at 28:57 (Open the Gates) by 5 (non-title). Card 46: Held in Pierre (Atendance: 30,523) VIRUS/Luniz: Judy Sessions* and DOD/ORDER: Ice Cold Samantha Matthews out- muscled EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom* and Calypso Colada at 23:26 (Superplex) by Epic/AoS: Tabitha Pecadora won over Jessica Francisco at 4:07 (Fallaway Slam) by 6. 121. EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! over Taylor Geraldson at 3:05 (Disqualification: hidden spike). Card 43: Held in Boston (Atendance: 49,535) EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura decked Grandma Wrestling at 6:38 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 75. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda destroyed Jessica Francisco at 3:47 (Fall- EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura bested Jacqui Smiley at 4:32 (Turn- away Slam) by 120. buckle Smash) by 111. EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura outmuscled Taylor Geraldson at EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! bested Henrietta Redgrave at 3:53 (Fallaway Slam) by 2:27 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 128. 107. RNR/EPIC: Huntress defeated Francis McLoserton at 1:47 (Big Splash) by 142. EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! beat SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi at 20:35 (Cobra Clutch) by 8 RNR/EPIC: Huntress pinned Ashley Carlisle at 6:02 (Rib Breaker) by 77. (non-title). EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa outmuscled Carmella Monsoon at 4:48 (Head- DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastempowski overpowered SOS/|: Beans “Hit Girl” Hart at lock) by 90. 17:06 (Mind Fooking Experience) by 6. DOD/ORDER: Spitfire Jeannie Briggs decked EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa at LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Love and Dominant Factor Envy* defeated EPIC/AoS: 22:07 (Springboard RKO) by 6 (Lethal Angel). Pinkee* and Izzy Rhodes at 18:17 (Superplex) by 6. DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastempowski bested VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf at 28:28 (Mind Fooking Experience) by 1. VIRUS/Luniz: Judy Sessions* and DOD/ORDER: Ice Cold Samantha Matthews drew Card 47: Held in Gulfport (Atendance: 36,658) DOD/ORDER: Amazing Amy Blitz* and Deadly Darlene Blitz at 9:41 (Double Count Out) (extreme rules). EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom beat Jessica Francisco at 0:58 (Fallaway Slam) by 117 (non-title). EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda pinned Taylor Geraldson at 1:27 (Turn- EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda bested EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! at buckle Smash) by 129. 27:00 (Open the Gates) by 1. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt annihilated Grandma Wrestling at 4:10 DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastempowski tied EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes at 16:22 (No Con- (Mounted Punches) by 81. test). VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt overpowered Jacqui Smiley at 2:38 LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Love and Dominant Factor Envy* decked EPIC/YmY: (Mounted Punches) by 117. Apple Blossom* and Calypso Colada at 20:10 (Superplex) by 8. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda defeated Henrietta Redgrave at 0:57 (Fall- away Slam) by 108. EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! overpowered SOS/|: Malison Bedlam at 23:21 (Jungle Card 51: Held in Smyrna (Atendance: 41,075) Jungle Jungle Power!!!) by 7 (non-title). DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastempowski outmuscled EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom at 29:03 RNR/EPIC: Huntress annihilated Jessica Francisco at 1:59 (Arm Drag Takedown) by (Mind Fooking Experience) by 5. 117. DOD/ORDER: Amazing Amy Blitz* and Deadly Darlene Blitz defeated EPIC/AoS: Pin- RNR/EPIC: Huntress outmuscled Taylor Geraldson at 0:33 (Rib Breaker) by 128. kee* and Izzy Rhodes at 27:47 (The Pain Express Town) by 4 (Lethal Angel). EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda overpowered Grandma Wrestling at 6:00 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 76. VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf beat Jacqui Smiley at 2:40 (Mounted Punches) by 117. Card 48: Held in Baltimore (Atendance: 34,282) EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! decked Amanda Fedora at 4:45 (Back Elbow Smash) by 100. EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa pinned Jessica Francisco at 1:47 (Fallaway Temptress title: EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! won over EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom at Slam) by 119. 22:41 (Jungle Jungle Jungle Power!!!) by 9. VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf won over Taylor Geraldson at 0:32 (Mounted Punches) by RNR/EPIC: Huntress defeated DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastempowski at 29:18 (Death 134. Slam) by 1. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido won over Grandma Wrestling at 3:50 (Turn- LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Love and Dominant Factor Envy* won over RNR/EPIC: buckle Smash) by 75. Huntress and RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty* at 21:15 (Superplex) by 6. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido overpowered Jacqui Smiley at 1:02 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 111. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt over Misty Blue at 3:36 (Count Out). Card 52: Held in Harrisburg (Atendance: 40,483) EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! decked SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze at 27:57 (Jungle Jun- gle Jungle Power!!!) by 1 (non-title). RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty over Jessica Francisco at 9:03 (Count Out). DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastempowski pinned VIRUS/X-Army: Patchwork at 28:08 RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty overpowered Taylor Geraldson at 2:01 (Side Slam) by 110. (Mind Fooking Experience) by 4. VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf outmuscled Grandma Wrestling at 5:39 (Mounted LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Love and Dominant Factor Envy* pinned Punches) by 81. DOD/ORDER: Selene Bloodrose* and Catfish Josie at 27:52 (Superplex) by 2. EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa won over Jacqui Smiley at 4:54 (Headlock) by 110. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt overpowered Christina Redgrave at 2:06 Card 49: Held in Richmond (Atendance: 38,905) (DDT) by 154. EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! outmuscled EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa at EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes defeated Jessica Francisco at 4:38 (Side Slam) by 86. 16:14 (Jungle Jungle Jungle Power!!!) by 11 (non-title). EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa won over Taylor Geraldson at 0:56 (Headlock) DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastempowski destroyed RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty at 8:54 by 127. (Mind Fooking Experience) by 26. EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! decked Grandma Wrestling at 5:35 (Headlock) by 75. LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Love and Dominant Factor Envy* overpowered EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! won over Jacqui Smiley at 4:39 (Headlock) by 111. RNR/EPIC: The American Dream and Hillbilly Holly* at 29:32 (Superplex) by 2. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda destroyed Theresa Blankenship at 7:34 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 72. EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! pinned DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastempowski at 29:06 Card 53: Held in Bern (Atendance: 47,837) (Jungle Jungle Jungle Power!!!) by 4 (non-title). DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastempowski won over EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly destroyed Jessica Francisco at 3:05 (Side Slam) by 114. at 19:16 (Mind Fooking Experience) by 7. EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori bested Masked Diva at 5:13 (Head- Ladybugs titles: Epic/AoS: Sofia Pecadora* and Tabitha Pecadora bested lock) by 85. LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Love and Dominant Factor Envy* at 28:41 Epic/AoS: Sofia Pecadora won over Grandma Wrestling at 3:52 (Mounted Punches) (Truenos Y Rayos) by 3. by 79. HORDE: Pagan De la Croix defeated Jacqui Smiley at 2:39 (Headlock) by 113. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda outmuscled Tori Masterson at 4:47 (Back Card 50: Held in Mexicali (Atendance: 35,599) Elbow Smash) by 96. EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! outmuscled EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes at 28:39 (Jungle Jun- HORDE: Pagan De la Croix beat Jessica Francisco at 0:54 (Mounted Punches) by 122. gle Jungle Power!!!) by 4 (non-title). HORDE: Pagan De la Croix won over Taylor Geraldson at 2:11 (Headlock) by 130. DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastempowski decked RNR/EPIC: The American Dream at EPIC/AoS: Pinkee bested Grandma Wrestling at 6:43 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 72. 28:28 (Mind Fooking Experience) by 1. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda decked Jacqui Smiley at 1:28 (Turnbuckle DOD/ORDER: Amazing Amy Blitz* and Deadly Darlene Blitz destroyed EPIC/YmY: Smash) by 112. Apple Blossom* and Calypso Colada at 22:44 (The Pain Express Town) by 6. EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa won over Theresa Blankenship at 7:56 (Head- lock) by 70. Card 54: Held in Akron (Atendance: 30,406) EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! overpowered Masked Diva at 6:57 (Headlock) by 85. EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes beat Grandma Wrestling at 5:19 (Side Slam) by 77. EPIC/YmY: Calypso Colada beat Jessica Francisco at 0:37 (Arm Drag Takedown) by VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt overpowered Georgia Redgrave at 2:58 118 (non-title). (DDT) by 146. EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura over Masked Diva at 7:01 (Disquali- EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda beat Laura Hardwood at 3:55 (Turnbuckle fication: loaded elbow pad). Smash) by 102. Epic/AoS: Tabitha Pecadora pinned Grandma Wrestling at 1:46 (Side Slam) by 76. SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi defeated LPPF/VIRUS: “The Beat” Alexus Stewart at 27:43 RNR/EPIC: Huntress annihilated Jacqui Smiley at 3:35 (Rib Breaker) by 111. (Hair Whip) by 3. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt beat Jasmine Spivey at 2:50 (Chicken- EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda overpowered VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf at wing) by 126. 24:22 (Open the Gates) by 6. EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! decked HORDE: Pagan De la Croix at 28:09 (Jungle Jun- RNR/EPIC: Huntress, The American Dream*, and Hillbilly Holly outmuscled Sally the gle Jungle Power!!!) by 2 (Solar Star). Custodian*, Carly Snarly, and Grandma Wrestling at 7:11 (Mounted Punches) by DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastempowski annihilated RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly at 27:15 65. (Mind Fooking Experience) by 2. DOD/ORDER: Amazing Amy Blitz* and Deadly Darlene Blitz overpowered RNR/EPIC: Huntress and RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty* at 27:39 (The Pain Express Town) by 4. Card 58: Held in Milan (Atendance: 45,424)

EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido overpowered San Francisco Heat Isabella Stip- Card 55: Held in Monterey (Atendance: 39,141) son at 1:40 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 107. EPIC/AoS: Pinkee over Masked Diva at 2:31 (Disqualification: hit ref). EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori destroyed San Francisco Heat Isabella HORDE: Pagan De la Croix bested Grandma Wrestling at 6:05 (Headlock) by 77. Stipson at 3:59 (Headlock) by 107. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido annihilated Georgia Redgrave at 0:34 (Big VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt annihilated Masked Diva at 5:29 Splash) by 145. (Mounted Punches) by 91. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido destroyed Tabitha Deranged at 2:11 (Turn- EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom destroyed Grandma Wrestling at 4:56 (Side Slam) by 72 buckle Smash) by 97. (non-title). DOD/ORDER: Hillbilly’s Daughter Laura Joyner decked LPPF/VIRUS: “The Beat” RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty annihilated Jacqui Smiley at 6:40 (Side Slam) by 93. Alexus Stewart at 27:24 (The Lawn Dart) by 1 (Lethal Angel). EPIC/YmY: Calypso Colada destroyed Jasmine Spivey at 2:29 (Turnbuckle Smash) by EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda defeated EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom at 88 (non-title). 16:18 (Open the Gates) by 10 (non-title). EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! won over RNR/EPIC: Huntress at 29:39 (Jungle Jungle LPPF/VIRUS: “The Beat” Alexus Stewart, Dominant Factor Envy*, and Dominant Fac- Jungle Power!!!) by 3 (non-title). tory Beauty overpowered EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori*, Jungle DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastempowski beat LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factory Beauty at Power!!!, and “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda at 20:35 (Mounted Punches) by 8. 29:04 (Mind Fooking Experience) by 2 (Lethal Angel). RNR/EPIC: The American Dream and Hillbilly Holly* drew DOD/ORDER: Amazing Amy Blitz* and Deadly Darlene Blitz at 8:53 (Double Disqualification). Card 59: Held in Youngstown (Atendance: 47,996)

EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! bested San Francisco Heat Isabella Stipson at 1:28 Card 56: Held in Montgomery (Atendance: 36,785) (Headlock) by 107. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda destroyed Masked Diva at 1:36 (Turn- EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura beat San Francisco Heat Isabella buckle Smash) by 86. Stipson at 4:14 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 107. RNR/EPIC: Huntress overpowered Grandma Wrestling at 3:46 (Rib Breaker) by 75. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido annihilated Masked Diva at 4:24 (Turnbuckle EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! bested Georgia Redgrave at 2:44 (Atomic Leg Drop) by Smash) by 85. 149. EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa annihilated Grandma Wrestling at 5:41 (Head- EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda defeated Tabitha Deranged at 2:49 (Turn- lock) by 74. buckle Smash) by 98. EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura decked Georgia Redgrave at 2:15 EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes defeated LPPF/VIRUS: “The Beat” Alexus Stewart at 29:54 (Atomic Leg Drop) by 144. (“She“nanigans) by 3. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt annihilated Erica Twistfall at 3:02 (Head- EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda pinned VIRUS/X-Army: Patchwork at 20:12 lock) by 115. (Open the Gates) by 9 (Lethal Angel). EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! bested RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly at 24:29 (Jungle Jungle RNR/EPIC: Huntress, The American Dream*, and Hillbilly Holly defeated EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!!) by 6 (non-title). “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori*, Jungle Power!!!, and “Spirit of Rock” Reina Venus title: HORDE: “The Valkyrie” Frea Blackheart destroyed DOD/ORDER: Fukuda at 22:53 (Mounted Punches) by 8. Heather Zastempowski at 29:43 (Flight of the Valkyrie) by 2. LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Love and Dominant Factor Envy* won over DOD/ORDER: Amazing Amy Blitz* and Deadly Darlene Blitz at 28:22 (Superplex) Card 60: Held in Leeds (Atendance: 40,689) by 2. EPIC/AoS: Pinkee decked San Francisco Heat Isabella Stipson at 0:56 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 104. Card 57: Held in Mobile (Atendance: 37,678) VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf defeated Masked Diva at 2:44 (Mounted Punches) by 91. RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty pinned Grandma Wrestling at 4:07 (European Uppercut) VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt bested San Francisco Heat Isabella Stip- by 88. son at 2:04 (Mounted Punches) by 113. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda bested Georgia Redgrave at 0:39 (Big EPIC/AoS: Pinkee overpowered DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastempowski at 29:19 (Void Splash) by 150. Gate) by 4 (non-title). EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori outmuscled EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda overpowered RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty at Nao Tokido at 27:50 (Never Ending Voyage) by 3. 7:22 (Open the Gates) by 31. EPIC/AoS: Pinkee pinned SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi at 29:14 (Void Gate) by 4 (non- RNR/EPIC: Huntress, The American Dream, and Hillbilly Holly* destroyed title). LPPF/VIRUS: “The Beat” Alexus Stewart, Dominant Factor Envy, and Dominant EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda outmuscled EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Factory Beauty* at 29:33 (The Pitchfork) by 2. Ishikawa at 11:00 (Open the Gates) by 12 (non-title). LPPF/VIRUS: “The Beat” Alexus Stewart, Dominant Factor Envy, and Dominant Fac- tory Beauty* bested EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido, DOD/ORDER: Spitfire Card 64: Held in Copenhagen (Atendance: 49,678) Jeannie Briggs*, and EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa at 10:18 (Big Splash) by 14 (Guest Referee: Taylor Geraldson). Epic/AoS: Tabitha Pecadora outmuscled San Francisco Heat Isabella Stipson at 1:09 (Side Slam) by 108. EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa won over Masked Diva at 5:26 (Headlock) by Card 61: Held in Fall River (Atendance: 42,931) 84. EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura overpowered Smokin’ Jacqueline EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda decked San Francisco Heat Isabella Stipson Fire at 3:11 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 96. at 4:50 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 108. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt over Miss Zero at 12:51 (Disqualifica- Epic/AoS: Sofia Pecadora over Masked Diva at 6:12 (Disqualification: nail file). tion: refused to break choke). RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly beat Grandma Wrestling at 7:15 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 73. EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori drew DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastem- EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa destroyed Georgia Redgrave at 0:27 (Atomic powski at 2:19 (Double Count Out). Leg Drop) by 141. EPIC/AoS: Pinkee overpowered EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom at 18:08 (Void Gate) by 9. EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori drew SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi at 0:35 EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda outmuscled RNR/EPIC: The American (Double Disqualification). Dream at 17:25 (Open the Gates) by 6. EPIC/AoS: Pinkee annihilated SOS/|: Malison Bedlam at 17:17 (Void Gate) by 7 (non- title). EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda overpowered EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes at Card 65: Held in Hiroshima (Atendance: 38,067) 28:03 (Open the Gates) by 5 (non-title). RNR/EPIC: Huntress, The American Dream, and Hillbilly Holly* annihilated EPIC/QR: EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom annihilated San Francisco Heat Isabella Stipson at 2:12 “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido, DOD/ORDER: Spitfire Jeannie Briggs*, and EPIC/QR: (Side Slam) by 104 (non-title). “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa at 9:36 (The Pitchfork) by 16. EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes beat Masked Diva at 4:02 (Side Slam) by 87. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt bested Smokin’ Jacqueline Fire at 1:24 (Mounted Punches) by 102. Card 62: Held in Fairbanks (Atendance: 36,414) EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido over Miss Zero at 4:16 (Count Out). EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda annihilated EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf overpowered San Francisco Heat Isabella Stipson at 0:32 Historia Tomori at 28:30 (Open the Gates) by 5. (Mounted Punches) by 113. Exquisite title: EPIC/AoS: Pinkee bested RNR/EPIC: Huntress at 28:43 (Void Gate) Epic/AoS: Tabitha Pecadora outmuscled Masked Diva at 3:54 (Side Slam) by 86. by 3. EPIC/YmY: Calypso Colada annihilated Grandma Wrestling at 1:35 (Turnbuckle EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda destroyed RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly at Smash) by 76 (non-title). 18:34 (Open the Gates) by 7 (non-title). RNR/EPIC: Huntress defeated Georgia Redgrave at 0:16 (Big Splash) by 145. EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori outmuscled SOS/|: Malison Bedlam at 28:44 (Never Ending Voyage) by 3. Card 66: Held in Fairview (Atendance: 45,560) EPIC/AoS: Pinkee outmuscled SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze at 27:25 (Void Gate) by 1 (non-title). EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa annihilated San Francisco Heat Isabella Stipson EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda overpowered RNR/EPIC: Huntress at 28:10 at 4:33 (Headlock) by 106. (Open the Gates) by 4 (non-title). HORDE: Pagan De la Croix destroyed Masked Diva at 5:28 (Headlock) by 87. RNR/EPIC: Huntress, The American Dream, and Hillbilly Holly* defeated LPPF/VIRUS: EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido pinned Smokin’ Jacqueline Fire at 1:41 (Turn- “The Beat” Alexus Stewart, Dominant Factor Envy, and Dominant Factory buckle Smash) by 96. Beauty* at 29:08 (The Pitchfork) by 2. EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! beat Miss Zero at 5:19 (Headlock) by 75. EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori outmuscled EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom at 29:11 (Never Ending Voyage) by 5. Card 63: Held in Louisville (Atendance: 39,655) DOD/ORDER: Dr. BB pinned EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa at 27:58 (The BB Injection) by 5. Epic/AoS: Sofia Pecadora outmuscled San Francisco Heat Isabella Stipson at 4:10 EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda bested LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor (Mounted Punches) by 111. Courage at 22:10 (Open the Gates) by 8. EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom pinned Masked Diva at 4:43 (Side Slam) by 82 (non-title). EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori pinned Smokin’ Jacqueline Fire at 1:55 (Headlock) by 96. RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty bested Georgia Redgrave at 4:23 (DDT) by 121. SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze overpowered EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori at 29:37 (Ezaaze Chokeslam) by 3. Card 67: Held in Durban (Atendance: 38,747) EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes beat VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf at 29:34 (“She“nanigans) by 1.

EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes defeated San Francisco Heat Isabella Stipson at 0:44 (Side Slam) by 109. Card 71: Held in the Bronx (Atendance: 35,659) RNR/EPIC: Huntress over Masked Diva at 4:16 (Count Out). EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! overpowered Smokin’ Jacqueline Fire at 5:09 (Headlock) RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly annihilated San Francisco Heat Isabella Stipson at 2:49 by 96. (Turnbuckle Smash) by 105. EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa over Miss Zero at 29:02 (Count Out). EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori overpowered Charlotte Blake at 0:38 EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori overpowered EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” (Headlock) by 125. Miki Ishikawa at 21:21 (Never Ending Voyage) by 7. HORDE: Pagan De la Croix overpowered Smokin’ Jacqueline Fire at 1:38 (Headlock) SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze defeated DB: Eden Withers at 29:42 (Ezaaze Chokeslam) by 98. by 3. EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura won over Donna Speer at 6:28 EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda bested HORDE: “The Valkyrie” Frea Black- (Turnbuckle Smash) by 54. heart at 27:09 (Open the Gates) by 3. EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori won over RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly at 27:15 (Never Ending Voyage) by 2. Epic/AoS: Tabitha Pecadora defeated SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi at 23:34 (Hermoso Card 68: Held in Cheyenne (Atendance: 47,679) Poache) by 6 (non-title). RNR/EPIC: Huntress won over VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf at 29:34 (Death Slam) by 2. HORDE: Pagan De la Croix won over San Francisco Heat Isabella Stipson at 4:50 (Headlock) by 109. RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty defeated Masked Diva at 2:30 (Bull Ride) by 148. Card 72: Held in Knoxville (Atendance: 42,697) EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda decked Smokin’ Jacqueline Fire at 6:56 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 97. EPIC/YmY: Calypso Colada destroyed San Francisco Heat Isabella Stipson at 3:14 RNR/EPIC: Huntress bested Miss Zero at 4:11 (Rib Breaker) by 75. (Turnbuckle Smash) by 108 (non-title). EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori drew EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes at 13:47 EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura pinned Charlotte Blake at 1:43 (No Contest). (Turnbuckle Smash) by 125. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda outmuscled SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi at RNR/EPIC: Huntress won over Smokin’ Jacqueline Fire at 6:41 (Rib Breaker) by 96. 29:22 (Open the Gates) by 5 (non-title). VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt pinned Donna Speer at 6:05 (Mounted EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda won over DOD/ORDER: Deadly Darlene Punches) by 60. Blitz at 20:57 (Open the Gates) by 7. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido outmuscled EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura at 29:09 (Quest in the Skies) by 1. SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi pinned EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom at 29:57 (Hair Whip) by 5. Card 69: Held in Tunis (Atendance: 46,195) VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf bested RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly at 27:02 (Jamie Wolf) by 1.

RNR/EPIC: Huntress beat San Francisco Heat Isabella Stipson at 3:06 (Rib Breaker) by 107. Card 73: Held in Brooklyn (Atendance: 42,437) RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly decked Masked Diva at 5:04 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 83. VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf defeated Smokin’ Jacqueline Fire at 4:17 (Mounted EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori won over Martha Edwards at 1:07 Punches) by 102. (Headlock) by 105. RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty over Miss Zero at 4:09 (Disqualification: used powder). VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt outmuscled Charlotte Blake at 1:19 RNR/EPIC: Huntress destroyed EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori at (Mounted Punches) by 131. 28:09 (Death Slam) by 1. RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty defeated Smokin’ Jacqueline Fire at 3:07 (European SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi overpowered VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf at 27:16 (Hair Whip) Uppercut) by 102. by 1. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido decked Donna Speer at 3:51 (Turnbuckle VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf beat EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa at 20:54 (Jamie Smash) by 54. Wolf) by 6. SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi annihilated EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura at 29:31 (Hair Whip) by 4. SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi defeated VIRUS/X-Army: Patchwork at 28:23 (Hair Whip) by Card 70: Held in Nairobi (Atendance: 38,448) 4. Aphrodite title:Epic/AoS: Sofia Pecadora outmuscled EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes at RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty decked San Francisco Heat Isabella Stipson at 6:17 (Side 24:43 (Aplastamiento de Muslos) by 6. Slam) by 89. EPIC/YmY: Calypso Colada over Masked Diva at 5:15 (Disqualification: tied opponent up) (non-title). Card 74: Held in Barbours Cut (Atendance: 31,907) EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa annihilated Smokin’ Jacqueline Fire at 5:30 (Headlock) by 95. EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura bested Martha Edwards at 4:38 EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori bested Donna Speer at 2:54 (Head- (Turnbuckle Smash) by 105. lock) by 54. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido won over Charlotte Blake at 1:16 (Turnbuckle EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori pinned RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty at Smash) by 125. 6:17 (Never Ending Voyage) by 26 (Lethal Angel). EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori decked Anne Zorborg at 2:18 (Head- Epic/AoS: Sofia Pecadora annihilated SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi at 19:41 (Aplas- lock) by 93. tamiento de Muslos) by 6 (non-title). EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! pinned Donna Speer at 7:41 (Headlock) by 54. EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! annihilated Anne Zorborg at 3:33 (Headlock) by 93. SOS/|: Malison Bedlam outmuscled EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty bested Donna Speer at 3:12 (European Uppercut) by 70. at 27:31 (Double Leg Choke) by 1. EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura destroyed EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi pinned EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa at 17:06 (Hair at 29:28 (Mainstream to Success) by 1. Whip) by 7. Angelic title:GR: Edsel Frost defeated SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi at 29:16 (Frost Bite) Epic/AoS: Tabitha Pecadora outmuscled RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly at 22:33 (Hermoso by 2. Poache) by 8 (non-title). RNR/EPIC: Huntress bested SOS/|: Beans “Hit Girl” Hart at 20:36 (Death Slam) by 7.

Card 75: Held in Lynn (Atendance: 37,483) Card 79: Held in Prague (Atendance: 37,971)

VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt pinned Martha Edwards at 3:47 EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda beat Martha Edwards at 4:22 (Turnbuckle (Mounted Punches) by 111. Smash) by 106. EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! beat Charlotte Blake at 2:03 (Headlock) by 125. HORDE: Pagan De la Croix outmuscled Charlotte Blake at 2:20 (Headlock) by 127. EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura pinned Anne Zorborg at 5:31 (Turn- EPIC/AoS: Pinkee annihilated Anne Zorborg at 6:29 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 90. buckle Smash) by 93. EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori over Jacqueline Speer at 7:54 (Count EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda outmuscled Donna Speer at 6:39 (Turn- Out). buckle Smash) by 55. EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura won over EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” SOS/|: Commander Ezaaze won over EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Naka- Miki Ishikawa at 27:53 (Mainstream to Success) by 3. mura at 20:20 (Ezaaze Chokeslam) by 7. SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi annihilated RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty at 6:15 (Hair Whip) by SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi tied EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes at 6:14 (No Contest). 26. EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes pinned DOD/ORDER: Hillbilly’s Daughter Laura Joyner at RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly decked SOS/|: Beans “Hit Girl” Hart at 28:41 (The Pitchfork) 29:39 (“She“nanigans) by 2. by 4.

Card 76: Held in Singapore (Atendance: 40,851) Card 80: Held in Waco (Atendance: 34,792)

EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido defeated Martha Edwards at 2:05 (Turnbuckle VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf destroyed Martha Edwards at 3:50 (Mounted Punches) by Smash) by 105. 111. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda pinned Charlotte Blake at 2:56 (Turnbuckle RNR/EPIC: Huntress bested Charlotte Blake at 2:15 (Rib Breaker) by 125. Smash) by 126. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda defeated Anne Zorborg at 3:05 (Turn- VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt destroyed Anne Zorborg at 5:53 buckle Smash) by 94. (Mounted Punches) by 99. EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura outmuscled Jacqueline Speer at EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa over Donna Speer at 1:18 (Disqualification: 5:08 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 89. loaded elbow pad). EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes outmuscled EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura DOD/ORDER: Heather Zastempowski beat EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya at 29:09 (“She“nanigans) by 4. Nakamura at 29:43 (Mind Fooking Experience) by 4. SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi defeated RNR/EPIC: The American Dream at 27:09 (Hair SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi drew Perspectiva Tres at 17:18 (Double Count Out). Whip) by 1. SOS/|: Beans “Hit Girl” Hart defeated EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa at 28:40 Hellion title: LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Sexy defeated EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” (Sharpshooter) by 1. Miki Ishikawa at 23:48 (Superplex) by 9.

Card 77: Held in Avila (Atendance: 30,111) Card 81: Held in Orlando (Atendance: 46,243)

EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! beat Martha Edwards at 3:14 (Headlock) by 105. Epic/AoS: Sofia Pecadora beat Martha Edwards at 4:50 (Mounted Punches) by 109. VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf pinned Charlotte Blake at 1:45 (Mounted Punches) by 131. RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty won over Charlotte Blake at 1:59 (Stunner) by 173. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido won over Anne Zorborg at 1:40 (Turnbuckle VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf pinned Anne Zorborg at 5:03 (Mounted Punches) by 99. Smash) by 93. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt outmuscled Jacqueline Speer at 3:15 RNR/EPIC: Huntress over Donna Speer at 4:47 (Count Out). (Mounted Punches) by 95. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda destroyed EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Perspectiva Tres won over EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura at 29:53 Saya Nakamura at 16:34 (Open the Gates) by 9. (Burning Hammer) by 4 (Lethal Angel). RNR/EPIC: Huntress beat SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi at 28:26 (Death Slam) by 1. SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi beat RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly at 28:13 (Hair Whip) by 2. EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes defeated SOS/|: Beans “Hit Girl” Hart at 19:57 (“She“nani- LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Sexy bested RNR/EPIC: Huntress at 29:38 (Superplex) gans) by 6. by 1.

Card 78: Held in Cancun (Atendance: 33,160) Card 82: Held in Edinburgh (Atendance: 31,356)

EPIC/AoS: Pinkee outmuscled Martha Edwards at 3:38 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 102. Epic/AoS: Tabitha Pecadora destroyed Martha Edwards at 1:35 (Side Slam) by 106. EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa decked Charlotte Blake at 0:49 (Headlock) by EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori over Bailey Confet at 12:31 (Disqual- 124. ification: tied opponent up). Epic/AoS: Sofia Pecadora won over Anne Zorborg at 3:34 (Mounted Punches) by 97. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido outmuscled Jacqueline Speer at 1:57 (Turn- Interleague Matches buckle Smash) by 89. RNR/EPIC: Huntress won over EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura at VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt (QQW) overpowered EPIC/TKE: “Sen- 28:09 (Death Slam) by 5. sual Star” Ayumi Matsuda (DKW) at 23:22 (Brainbuster) by 8 (EG Valkyrie). SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi annihilated LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Courage at 27:56 DOD/ORDER: Spitfire Jeannie Briggs (QQW) destroyed VIRUS/Luniz: Big Bad (Hair Whip) by 3. Momma (GPLL) at 29:47 (Springboard RKO) by 1 (EG Hellfire). LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Sexy outmuscled RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly at 29:16 RNR/EPIC: The American Dream and Hillbilly Holly (QQW) annihilated EPIC/AoS: (Superplex) by 4 (non-title). Winry Rockwell and Luci Belle (DKW) at 20:09 (Patriot Slam) by 9 (EG Enchantresses). EPIC/YmY: Sake Bomb and LPPF: Candy Wallace (DKW) decked RNR/EPIC: Huntress (QQW) and EPIC/TC: “Perfect Crime” Drago Tanaka (DKW) at 22:58 (I Say Sake Card 83: Held in Tuscaloosa (Atendance: 46,861) You Say Bomb) by 6 (Commissioner’s Choice). EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom pinned Martha Edwards at 3:54 (Side Slam) by 102 (non- title). EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura over Bailey Confet at 5:04 (Count Battle Royal Out). Epic/AoS: Tabitha Pecadora bested Anne Zorborg at 6:56 (Side Slam) by 94. Held at the NOW Arena, Chicago (Atendance: 41,049) EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! won over Jacqueline Speer at 3:52 (Headlock) by 89. RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly beat EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura at DOD/ORDER: Dr. BB earned $1,000 after EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido set 28:06 (The Pitchfork) by 2. him up for a pin. SOS/|: Zashiki Warashi destroyed DOD/ORDER: Amazing Amy Blitz at 29:56 (Hair DOD/ORDER: Spitfire Jeannie Briggs was awarded a cool $1,100 when she was set Whip) by 1. up for a pin by EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori. EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom beat EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa at 29:05 (Sexy DOD/ORDER: Queen Vixen Red grabbed $1,200 after getng set up for a pin by Plex) by 2. RNR/EPIC: The American Dream. DOD/ORDER: Muskrat Jill collected $1,300 after he got set up for a pin by EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori. Card 84: Held in Rio de Janeiro (Atendance: 49,729) RNR/PPA: Blackjack Betty made $1,400 after EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda set her up for a pin. EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa beat Martha Edwards at 1:34 (Headlock) by EPIC/UD: “Elegant Trendsetter” Saya Nakamura nabbed $1,500 when Epic/AoS: 104. Tabitha Pecadora got the three-count. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt beat Bailey Confet at 6:45 (Mounted EPIC/YmY: Calypso Colada was given $1,600 after EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes put her in a Punches) by 78. submission hold. EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom defeated Anne Zorborg at 5:22 (Side Slam) by 90 (non- EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa was awarded $1,700 in imaginary earnings title). after she got pinned by Perspectiva Tres. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda over Jacqueline Speer at 29:41 (Count RNR/EPIC: Huntress picked up $1,800 when EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! set him up Out). for a pin. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt bested EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido snatched $1,900 when she was pinned by Tokido at 29:54 (Brainbuster) by 4. EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori. DOD/ORDER: Catfish Josie won over SOS/|: Malison Bedlam at 28:10 (Catfish Brain- VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt and RNR/EPIC: The American Dream buster) by 1. made $2,000 and $2,100, respectively, after they got thrown into each other and EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes annihilated EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom at 28:11 (“She“nani- pinned by RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly and Epic/AoS: Tabitha Pecadora. gans) by 5. EPIC/GRSF: “Voyage Princess” Historia Tomori was awarded $2,200 in imaginary earnings after EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda got the pin. Epic/AoS: Tabitha Pecadora won $2,300 when EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom pinned her. Card 85: Held in Willowick (Atendance: 41,532) EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom earned $2,400 when she got set up for a pin by Epic/AoS: Sofia Pecadora. EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes outmuscled Martha Edwards at 1:16 (Side Slam) by 107. RNR/EPIC: Hillbilly Holly earned $2,500 when she got pinned by Perspectiva Tres. EPIC/QR: “Aerial Queen” Nao Tokido decked Bailey Confet at 3:33 (Turnbuckle EPIC/AoS: Izzy Rhodes was awarded $2,600 when EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Smash) by 72. Fukuda got the pin. EPIC/QR: “Dark Heart” Miki Ishikawa beat Anne Zorborg at 5:05 (Headlock) by 92. Perspectiva Tres grabbed $2,700 after he got set up for a pin by EPIC/GRSF: Jungle VIRUS/Luniz: Jamie Wolf decked Jacqueline Speer at 1:44 (Mounted Punches) by 95. Power!!!. VIRUS/Luniz: “White Phoenix” Nina Schmitt bested DB: Eden Withers at 27:16 EPIC/GRSF: Jungle Power!!! grabbed $2,800 when she was pinned by HORDE: Pagan (Brainbuster) by 1 (Lethal Angel). De la Croix. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda annihilated SOS/|: Malison Bedlam at Epic/AoS: Sofia Pecadora was paid $2,900 when HORDE: Pagan De la Croix got the 24:04 (Open the Gates) by 8 (non-title). three-count. HORDE: Pagan De la Croix destroyed EPIC/YmY: Apple Blossom at 15:46 (Dark Ritual) HORDE: Pagan De la Croix made $3,000 after being pinned by EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of by 7. Rock” Reina Fukuda. EPIC/AoS: Pinkee pocketed $3,100 when she submitted to EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda. EPIC/GRSF: “Spirit of Rock” Reina Fukuda won the battle royal and the $30,000 prize, not to mention 23 free QQW matches. QQW #21 BOW DOWN TO THE QUEENS A QUEEN'S RULE IS HER TRUE WONDERLAND THE ELITE GENERATION DIGEST


ISSUE 21 Welcome to my true Wonderland. My name is Willow Lovestone and I am the first lady and commissioner of the QQW. Last tour saw the QQW show the world why we are the absolute premiere women's brand across the entire IWA. Not only did we make the top 10 once again, but we also brought home our 5th strategy average of 2021! On top of this we saw some stars break the IWA report!

A big congratulations goes out to Apple Blossom on winning the IWA Ladies' U.S. Championship and Alexus Stewart, Dominant Factor Beauty & Envy on winning the IWA U.S. Six-woman championships!! I guess we like it here in the grand ol' U.S.A., huh? Let's see what we can bring home this tour!

Speaking of this tour, the moment has finally arrived as our 2nd biggest show of the year, QQW Lethal Angel will be airing tonight! Who will walk out as our Empress, Destiny Crown and Solar Star champions? Those are the main questions lingering in everyone's minds, but as far as I am concerned any match on this card can be the one that steals your breath away! QQW is just packed with that much female talent!

The main thing coming out of tonight however, is who will take advantage of their moment and make the most out of it? It's make or break to become a possible contender, so go out there and shine everyone!

Speaking of shining, the Cinderella tournament has reached it's finals as we will see Miki Ishikawa take on Selene Bloodrose. Winner will get to face Huntress or Edsel Frost on the next episode of QQW . Could it end up being a short reign for Edsel? Or will Huntress finally be hunted?

The Revolution Championship and Heart of The Revolution matches will both take place this tour as we see Huntress defend the Revolution against Izzy Rhodes. The winner of this match will face either Calypso Colada or Jeannie Briggs and this tour's battle royal winner next tour.

Do you see a common theme here? Huntress sure has her plate full, so thankfully for her, the EG World Championship is not on the line on EG Road to Glory during it's upcoming episode. Now with all of this said, I must bid you a adieu. Go out there and have a hell of a night ladies! Show the world why we are the best in the game!

https://www.facebook.com/groups/iwaelitegeneration/ The QQW Staff

Willow Lovestone Rebel Danger Autumn Paris Eva Delgado (QQW Commissioner) (Rebellion Commentary) (Rebellion Commentary) (Rebellion Commentary)

Sofia Fischer Emily Carmichael Rachel Jones Allison Lee (Ring Announcer) (Senior Referee) (Secondary Referee) (Fill-In Referee)

Daisy Winter-Bourne Chiaki Uno Laura Starr Isla Taylor (Coach/Trainer) (Interviewer) (Reporter) (Reporter)

Elizabeth Choi Crystal Kay Nancy Hendricks Sally The Custodian (Legal Team) (Legal Team) (Legal Team) (Resident Janitor/Jobber) The Talent Of QQW

Nao Tokido Reina Fukuda Miki Ishikawa Historia Tomori

Jungle Power!!! Saya Nakamura Edsel Frost Pagan De la Croix

Perspectiva Tres Eden Withers Skad the Impaler Frea Blackheart

Jeannie Briggs Samantha Matthews Heather Zastempowski Laura Joyner

Amy Blitz Darlene Blitz Izzy Rhodes Pinkee Apple Blossom Calypso Colada Sofia Pecadora Tabitha Pecadora

Blackjack Betty Huntress Hillbilly Holly The American Dream

Queen Vixen Red Catfish Josie Selene Bloodrose Dr. BB

Nina Schmitt Judy Sessions Jamie Wolf Rainbow Roads

Patchwork Alexus Stewart Dominant Factor Beauty Dominant Factor Sexy Dominant Factor Love Dominant Factor Envy Dominant Factor Courage Lady Agnis

Commander Ezaaze Solosolo Pondo Malison Bedlam Zashiki Warashi

Beans Hart ??? ??? ???

??? ??? ??? ???

??? ??? ??? ??? QQW Contender System

-Trash Talk Required-

EPW, QQW, GPLL and DKW share the same contender based system (BBL being the only one that is a little bit different). We have built our system around our PPV system.

Under it, it will take 2 tours to decide the new number one contender and then the remaining 3 tours will be used to build up the storyline for the PPV.

Where ever the titles are held is where they will be defended. So for example, if EPW holds the Legion of Cyber it be defended on EPW PPV and if GPLL holds the Enchantresses then it be defended on GPLL PPV.

If the Prestige, Lucha Heritage, Dragon's Fury, Commonwealth, Hidden Skull, Rising Sun, Empress, Goddess of Phoenix, Ice Princess, Destiny Crown, Great British or Solar Star champion wants to defend their title on a episode of Revolution, Cause & Effect, Rebellion, Ladies Night, Urban Warfare, Vendetta, Dragon's Den or Dragon's Garden anytime before a PPV they can under The Champion's Right rule.

Trash talk is a requirement to be considered for all of our titles and also to retain them. We want the titles to mean something and have character to them, so trash talk is a must to hold onto them. The titles have to be brought up in value and have purpose after all. This activity rule also applies towards our frontpage race 60 free matches. QQW Empress Championship

We will take the top 2 women's strats from the PPV tour and have them face off. We will use the QQW battle royal winner during the PPV tour to decide who they will end up facing after. A made up women's battle royal will be used if the PPV tour battle royal winner is currently Empress or Destiny Crown champion or is one of the top 2 women's strats from PPV tour. The winner of the battle royal will face the winner of the other match on the next television episode to decide the next number one contender for the Empress Championship.

QQW Destiny Crown Championship

We will randomly select 2 frontpage titles in a generator and have whoever holds those titles face off. We will also take the best 2 strats in the 1-10 rankings and have them face off. Winner of these 2 matches will then go head to head on the next television episode to decide the next number one contender for the Destiny Crown Championship.

QQW Solar Star Championship

After the final contenders to the Empress and Destiny Crown Championship are decided, all of the remaining women will be re-ran through a random generator with the top 8 facing off during the 3rd and 4th tours between the PPVs. QQW CHAMPIONSHIP HISTORY

QQW Empress Championship (Formerly EPW Empress Championship)

Saya Nakamura (January 2020-Holidays 2020) Miki Ishikawa (Holidays 2020-Spring 2021) Huntress (Spring 2021-Present)

QQW Destiny Crown Championship (Formerly QQW Diamond Cut Championship)

Gabrielle Gambino (July 2020-September 2020) Queen Vixen Red (September 2020-Present)

QQW Solar Star Championship (Formerly EPW All Star/Rising Star Championship)

Wildcat Blue (January 2020-Winter 2020) Jennifer Brown Bear (Winter 2020-Spring 2020) Saki Ishikawa (Spring 2020) -VACATED- Blackjack Betty (March 2021-Spring 2021) Pagan De la Croix (Spring 2021-Present)

QQW Revolution Championship Huntress (July 2021-Present) QQW Quest Of Championships

Top 5 contenders QQW Empress Championship 1) (avg) H2u) n(avtgr)ess The QQW Empress Championship is the main 3) (avg) championship of the league. 4) (avg) 5) (avg)

QQW Destiny Crown Championship

Queen Vixen The QQW Destiny Crown Championship is the Red mid-card championship of the league.

QQW Solar Star Championship

Pagan de

The QQW Solar Star Championship is the lower La Croix card championship of the league. Current Champion: Huntress

Introducing the new QQW specialty championship, the Revolution Championship!

This championship will be defended every tour and is worth 5 points in the point race.

The first champion will be decided by whomever is this tour's battle royal winner!

The Revolution Championship was named in honor of the fallen LRW (which IWA has officially closed down).

To qualify for this championship, it will use the rules of LRW's main title, the Revolt X!

The top strat on the frontpage will face the top strat in the 1-10 rankings in a Heart of the Revolution match.

Winner will then go on to face the current Revolution champion and the previous tour's battle royal winner in a triple threat match!

Rebellion #18 Results

















The first wrestler to check off all the front page championships wins their manager 60 free QQW matches! Once completed, the quest starts over again. In event of a rare tie, a previous battle royal win will break the tie. If a battle royal win can not break it due to both/neither having one, then 30 free matches will be rewarded to the 2 managers.

Quest Achieved Goddess Temptress Aphrodite Exquisite Magnificent Divine Angelic Hellion Radiant Pegasus Venus Pearl

Miki Ishikawa

Skad the Impaler

Edsel Frost

Jungle Power!!!

Laura Joyner

Eden Withers

Selene Bloodrose


Tabitha Pecadora

Catfish Josie

Blackjack Betty


The American Dream

Apple Blossom

Pagan De la Croix

Calypso Colada Quest Achieved Goddess Temptress Aphrodite Exquisite Magnificent Divine Angelic Hellion Radiant Pegasus Venus Pearl

Perspectiva Tres

Hillbilly Holly

Historia Tomori

Saya Nakamura

Nao Tokido

Queen Vixen Red

Sofia Pecadora

Izzy Rhodes

Frea Blackheart

Alexus Stewart

Dominant Factor Love

Dominant Factor Beauty

Dominant Factor Courage

Heather Zastempowski

Samantha Matthews

Dominant Factor Envy

Judy Sessions

Jamie Wolf

Tabitha Pecadora Quest Achieved Goddess Temptress Aphrodite Exquisite Magnificent Divine Angelic Hellion Radiant Pegasus Venus Pearl

Dominant Factor Sexy

Reina Fukuda


Commander Ezaaze

Zashiki Warashi

Malison Bedlam QQW LETHAL ANGEL Dog Days 2021 / QQW #21

Catfish Josie vs Rainbow Roads

Judy Sessions & Samantha Matthews vs Sofia Pecadora & Tabitha Pecadora vs Skad the Impaler & Frea Blackheart

Selene Bloodrose vs Jamie Wolf

Laura Joyner vs Alexus Stewart

Nina Schmitt vs Eden Withers vs Calypso Colada

Heather Zastempowski vs Dominant Factor Beauty

Reina Fukuda vs Patchwork

Amy Blitz & Darlene Blitz vs Izzy Rhodes & Pinkee Blackjack Betty vs Historia Tomori

Miki Ishikawa vs Jeannie Briggs

Saya Nakamura vs Prospectiva Tres

EG Enchantresses Championship Winry Rockwell & Luci Belle (DKW) vs (c) The American Dream & Hillbilly Holly (QQW)

QQW Solar Star Championship Jungle Power!!! vs (c) Pagan De la Croix

QQW Destiny Crown Championship Apple Blossom vs Nao Tokido vs (c) Queen Vixen Red

QQW Empress Championship Edsel Frost vs (c) Huntress

Suji Sato: QQW! These women you see before you are here to take on the toughest women in IWA! We heard that QQW is the toughest league here! Now it is time for you to prove it!

Beans: Time for the Hit Girl to take over!

Solosolo: Nah kid, it is time for Pondo!!!

Commander Ezaaze: I’ll take over and when I do, I will make the announcers say my name right!!!

“FIX ME or DIE!”

IT CONTINUES The light goes out and the

Bedlam sits in the middle whole arena goes dark as of the ring with one red Bedlam can be heard light shining on her while laughing. After a few she holds a mic in one minutes the big screen hand while the other pulls comes back on and shows at her hair. images of the QQW roster in the back running for the Bedlam: When I was exit screaming. Alarms young, they all told me I sound and fans run for the would never make it… exit as laughter continues MAKE IT!!! But here I am! over the loudspeaker as wild animals roam the I am here! FIX ME!!! backstage area and by I know who will suffer ringside. The lights go out first. The sacrificial lamb again and when they to slaughter will be come back on Bedlam is named #1. You will know sitting in the ring again who #1 is very shortly and with the wild animals you might not expect it… surrounding the ring. FIX ME!!!

Bedlam: FIX ME!!!!

A shot opens to Nina Schmitt, her two sons Wesley Spickelmier and Carlos Spickelmier along with Nina's uncle Rob Spickelmier. Nina is setting at a table with her sons . Nina: I am so proud of you two. Signing your first wrestling contracts and going to Japan. You will be great. I know you two have been waiting years for this. I have kept you out of the spotlight, but now you are literally the spotlight and the monster. Damn i am so proud.

Wesley: Mom watching you have such a incredible career has made us proud. We used to stay at Aunt Jamie or Aunt Dawn's house and watch you on TV. Win or lose, you are our champion.

Carlos: Every time i jumped off of that roof and into the boxes i was pretending i was you flying through the air. You are one of my heroes.

Rob: You got a tough fight. Eden Withers and Calypso. You better be ready, you dont even have to be pinned to lose.

Nina: My experience and power will be the deciding factor Uncle Rob. I have gotten into the best shape of my life and i hope to go on a win streak. But i am for all women's prospering. I am the White Phoenix.

Wesley: Mom you need to find your inner monster, your inner wolf like us and hunt them down and make your trophy.

Nina: Sounds like a plan son.

They all howl together as the scene ends

Judy Sessions and Samantha Matthews riding out to there theme song using a army tank. They are riding slow and Matthews and Judy posing.

Judy: Yeah look at my sister in arms guns. Bang, Bang. Samantha: So we figured we would have some fun. It looked great when D-X did it. But we got beer in here. Lots of beer. Sessions and Matthews get out of the tank and bring out a huge tray of beer

Sessions and Matthews hand out some beer The fans are starting to cheer, we got free stuff, we got free stuff.

Judy and Samantha set the tray down in the ring and slide into the ring. Judy asks for a microphone. Judy: You can call us the copyright infringers if you want. Maybe we was out of ideas. But we wanted to have some fun. Matthews: Hell yeah buddy, kick ass and have fun. Judy: We see Skad the Impaler and Frea Blackheart and we are not the slighest bit scared. We are not little cry babies, but we respect there love for violence and work ethic. Even if they knocked us the f%ck out, we are still glad we faced them at the pay per view.

Judy: But folks, anyone who wants to face one of us or either of us, just step up. Just step up. We are not hard to find. Matthews grabs the tray and throws beers to fans who catch it Judy: But on to other matters, Sofia and Tabitha you are a highly decorated team. We will see who is the best team. I know you would give us a run for our money, but that is the fun of wrestling. Three teams going at it and wham, bam, boom. It will be a long Session of pain for everyone.

Matthews grabs a beer and gulps it down and enters the ring.

Judy: Amy Blitz and Darlene Blitz, we would like a go round. Even if its in a steel cage or whatever match you want. I know the fans feel like its call out talent night. But we want to face the best and just kick more ass. Have some fun. That is what being Sessions of Pain is all about.

A surprise happens at Jo-Ann Sessions appears out of the Tank and grabs a microphone. Jo-Ann: Nothing will break our bond as sisters and you better believe that. Jo-Ann's Racoon Velcro climbs on her shoulder as the three women laugh as the scene ends.

Patchwork is in a attic and has a bucket on her head. She is wearing over alls and black shirt underheath. She is also wearing boots. She giggles and begins to speak.

Patchwork: Yes Mommy's little monster is having fun in the attic. This bucket is like my helmet, i may wear it to ringside and ram it into someones stomach. Wham, Wham.

She laughs again.

Patchwork: So i get to play in the ring at Lethal Angel , i get to play with Reina Fukada. She is the Spirit of Rock. Maybe after the match we can go do Karoake!!!

Patchwork begins to sing.

Patchwork: I want to Rock and Roll all night, and party EverEEEEEE DAYYYYYY!!!

She strums the air guitar and speaks.

Patchwork: I feel so special you feel we can tear the house down. I know you want to win, but i want to win too. I will choose the third door, behind the door will be a chair and another chair and we can chair sword fight. Wham, Wham!! Five star match coming to the pay per view. Reina i love you, Wham, Wham

Patchwork flips and holds the bucket on her head and when she lands its in a Black Widow pose as the scene ends

Jamie Wolf is in a garden with several nuns. They are picking berries and they are pulling carrots as Jamie is helping them.

Jamie takes a break and speak.

Jamie: I know you all are wondering what i am doing. But alot of these women helped shape my life. Nowhere near as much as my Mom, Grandma and family. But they have shown so much devotion to god and took me in and made me smile, when all i could do is drown. Losing those two important angels and mother wolves ripped me apart. So So much. But i face a talent i know i need to ground myself for. Go back to nature and my patience. Rather then punching a bag, pulling a carrot. Harvesting and helping this family of sisters. Selene I will be in tune with the elements and one kiss can end it. I do know you are not to be taken lightly. So drip drip drip, let the blood flow.

Jamie poses and smiles as the scene ends

A graphic plays as a shot opens to Rainbow Roads. She is getting ready for her match at the QQW Pay Per View. She puts her hair up and puts her rainbow MMA Gloves on. Rainbow: Well hello again, My trainer Tommy Two Ace was right. Less attitude outside the ring and more inside. But you are still blessed to see me. But my dream, to become one of the best wrestlers ever. One of the toughest companies for women. Tommy Two Ace appears out of the blue. TTA: Rainbow baby, you will be holding gold, sooner then later. But Catfish Josie is nothing to sneeze at. Keep eating that protein and building that muscle mass. Masses will love my Rainbow She-Hulk. Rainbow Roads laughs. Rainbow: I know Catifish Josie is a tough woman, but i will surprise her. The gloves are off Josie. You know I love Jennifer Walters Tommy, but i am no She-Hulk. But i will Rainbow up. Rainbow Smash. Two Ace laughs as Rainbow poses and snarls. The scene ends

Tonight the next chapter of my career will finally begin when I finally hold that QQW Destiny Crown Championship that Queen Vixen Red has held for far too long now. You can call it destiny indeed since I held the card or should I say chip for this chance thanks to last year's Heist For It All. But, here's the thing, my career is filled with great moments that I treasure and the Destiny Crown will be a nice accolade in my record books, but the real reason I want it is so I can eventually build off of it on my way to the QQW Empress. Tonight at Lethal Angel, I will be taking the risks needed to seal my fate. The world will learn what the Tokido legacy truly is. I am only one step away from winning the QQW Cinderella tournament after repeating history of taking Saya Nakamura's head off with one of my swift deadly kicks. The only obstacle remaining in my way from trying to reclaim the QQW Empress Championship? Selene Bloodrose. Now, Selene is no doubt a up and coming star, the fact she has made it this far proves that, but her momentum is about to come to a crashing halt when she steps in that square ring with me. For you see Selene, I came into this tournament with a purpose, I have tasted the Empress and EG world title before and I plan to be back on top of that mountain soon enough. Like Saya, it will only take one kick to the back of the head. Pitch black from there as my hand is raised in victory. T H E T I D E S A R E T U R N I N G

The waves have been crashing down hard on me as of late, but I see a unknown land ahead and where the unknown lives tends to be some amazing treasures.

This tour, QQW Lethal Angel is upon us and I will be facing some strong opposition in Blackjack Betty. I know the battle ahead will be a rough one. The seas are not nice, villagers on the land usually do not welcome outsiders and will protect their territory.

But, with that said, as a voyager, I am always prepared for war. My ship is well built, my cannons are loaded and the plank is always ready to be used. I plan to take down Blackjack Betty and her armor, weaken her and send her to the deep sea below.

Along my journey, I also plan to capture the QQW Revolution Championship. I have two threats to throw of course in Huntress and Izzy Rhodes for that one, but in the honor of my former homelands, the LRW, which the Revolution is named after, I will gain the treasure and hold it in honor.

Tonight will be the night off miracles all around the world! L E T ' S G E T R O C K I N G ! ! ! My stock has continued to rise in the QQW. It is no where near what it was back in the LRW, but things can be heading in that direction with a big win at QQW Lethal Angel tonight!

My opponent heading into this match is none other then QQW returnee Patchwork. Now, I do not know much about Patchwork as we come from different sides of life, but I am excited to work with some fresh new talent!

For you see, that is one of the main reasons why I chose to come to the QQW in the first place. Back in LRW, I had done it all and was just treading the waters.

I expect a great match with Patchwork. It might not be the top one of the night, but I believe we can put on a clinic. A victory at this big show can lead to greater things for either of us. JUNGLE JUNGLE JUNGLE POWER!!! After much struggle and the will to fight on, I find myself getting the opportunity to challenge for the QQW Solar Star Championship tonight at Lethal Angel.

To say this was a long climb back to the top would be a understatement, but I am willing and ready to take advantage of the moment that has been handed to me.

Pagan De la Croix is a bit of a legend here in the QQW. She has made waves before I stepped front in this company and for me to write her off would surely be foolish.

I know I am in for a fight, but a fight is what got me to this point. It was through desire and strength that allowed me to survive the journey here.

So Pagan, you have all my respect in the world, you are worthy of your status, but it will come crashing to an end at QQW Lethal Angel.

Once you feel my strength, my power, there will be nothing you can do to combat it. Be ready to drop the Solar Star Championship to me! miki ishikawa has once again earned my respect as she beat me in another big moment to advance to the finals of the qqw cinderella tournament. clearly it was not my story to be told and I wish her a lot of luck against selene bloodrose.

so now that the tournament is over for me, I turn my attention to tonight's big show, qqw lethal angel pay per view. my opponent for the night is prospectiva tres.

now tres is someone that I have encountered briefly during my run in the yjw, so I know a thing or two about her. to put it lightly she is pretty bad ass and I mean that in a good sense.

tres is someone tough as nails and will do anything for a win, so I don't take facing her very lightly. If I am to get the big w tonight then I will need to have my a+ game.

but, with that in mind, I always try to bring my best to the ring, especially during these high level moments, for you see, a good performance can springboard me back to success as a possible contender. who knows what the future may hold? it could even be miki winning cinderella, winning the empress and me becoming a contender. history does tend to repeat itself. it's just my job to get me there. so expect the best from saya nakamura tonight!


QQW Empress Championship

EG Enchantresses

Blackjack Betty, The American Dream, and Hillbilly Holly corner Gavin Rothchild.

Betty, “Make sure Frost understands that Huntress will not be on her meds. We cannot, and do not want to control her. Your and her life will be in harm.”

The Ladies then immediately begin to the beat down leaving Rothchild beaten and bloody on the ground.

“Remember, Frost may remain a whole lot more healthy by staying home.”

Bronze Federation

Count Out: 15 Disqualification: 17

1. Ankle Lock...... 28 31. Hammerlock...... 13 61. Atomic Leg Drop...... 41 2. Arm Drag Takedown...29 32. Headbutt...... 23 62. Backbreaker...... 43 3. Arm Wrench...... 16 33. Headlock...... 29 63. Big Splash...... 45 4. Atomic Drop...... 15 34. Hip Toss...... 14 64. Boston Crab...... 44 5. Back Elbow Smash.....28 35. Irish Whip...... 19 65. Brainbuster...... 43 6. Bear Hug...... 23 36. Knee Drop...... 19 66. Camel Clutch...... 39 7. Big Boot...... 22 37. Knee Lift...... 20 67. Cobra Clutch...... 45 8. Bodyslam...... 24 38. Knife-Edge Chop...... 22 68. Cradle Suplex...... 39 9. Bulldog...... 21 39. Lariat...... 20 69. Cutter...... 40 10. Catapult...... 21 40. Leg Sweep...... 13 70. DDT...... 42 11. Chair Shot...... 17 41. Low Blow...... 18 71. Death Valley Driver....38 12. Chickenwing...... 27 42. Mongolian Chop...... 8 72. Diving Headbutt...... 38 13. Chokeslam...... 16 43. Monkey Flip...... 18 73. Figure Four...... 37 14. Clothesline...... 15 44. Mounted Punches...... 30 74. Gorilla Press Slam...... 37 15. Crescent Kick...... 24 45. Palm Strike...... 14 75. Gourdbuster...... 40 16. Cross-Armbar...... 26 46. Pumphandle Slam...... 3 76. Guillotine Choke...... 35 17. Double Axehandle...... 17 47. Rear Naked Choke...... 6 77. Hurricanrana...... 32 18. Dropkick...... 4 48. Rib Breaker...... 25 78. ...... 31 19. Eagle Split...... 3 49. Rope Burn...... 1 79. Neckbreaker...... 31 20. Elbow Smash...... 4 50. Savate Kick...... 2 80. Piledriver...... 41 21. Enzuigiri...... 11 51. Shoulder Block...... 12 81. ...... 32 22. European Uppercut....25 52. Shoulder Breaker...... 11 82. Powerslam...... 33 23. Eye Gouge...... 7 53. Side Slam...... 27 83. Scorpion Deathlock....36 24. Face Rake...... 10 54. Snapmare...... 10 84. Sleeper...... 35 25. Fallaway Slam...... 30 55. Spinning Back Fist...... 8 85. Slingshot Suplex...... 34 26. Flying Body Press...... 1 56. Step-Over Toe Hold...... 9 86. Spear...... 34 27. Flying Dropkick...... 6 57. Suplex...... 5 87. Spinebuster...... 36 28. Flying Elbow Drop...... 7 58. Tree of Woe Kicks...... 2 88. Stunner...... 42 29. Forearm Smash...... 5 59. Turnbuckle Smash...... 26 89. Sunset Flip...... 33 30. Full Nelson...... 12 60. Wristlock...... 9 90. Superplex...... 44

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