ACTIVITY REPORT NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF QUÉBEC 2015 2016 Hôtel du Parlement Québec (Québec) G1A 1A3
[email protected] 1 866 DÉPUTÉS ACTIVITY REPORT NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF QUÉBEC 2015 2016 This publication was prepared in collaboration with the senior management and personnel of all National Assembly of Québec administrative units. Unless otherwise specified, the information in this activity report covers the National Assembly’s activities from April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Isabelle Giguère COORDINATION AND TEXTS Jean-Philippe Laprise LINGUISTIC REVISION Martine Dignard FRENCH-ENGLISH TRANSLATION AND CONCORDANCE Legislative Translation and Publishing Directorate COLLABORATION Marie-Josée Dufour COVER Manon Paré FORMATTING Isabelle Jacques PHOTOS National Assembly of Québec collection, National Assembly of Québec holdings, Kyoto Prefectural Assembly, © Sénat/C. Lerouge, Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie, Le consortium GLCRM + P_R architectes PHOTOGRAPHERS Claude Mathieu, Christian Chevalier, Clément Allard, Valérie Cliche, Jean-Yves Cliche, Roch Théroux, Renaud Philippe, François Laliberté, François Nadeau, Daniel Lessard, Cécile Picard-Tardif Communications, Educational Programs and Visitor Services Directorate PRINTING National Assembly Reprography and Printing Division ISSN 1492-5753 ISBN 978-2-550-75645-3 Legal deposit – Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, 2016 Legal deposit – Library and Archives Canada, 2016 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE It is my honour and privilege to present the National Assembly of Québec’s 2015–2016 Activity Report for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2016. The year 2015–2016 was rich in achievements and activities—parliamentary, administrative, citizenship, cultural and heritage-related—reflecting the vitality and openness of our democratic institution.