The State of Ras Mohammed National Park

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The State of Ras Mohammed National Park The State of Ras Mohammed National Park An Evaluation of Management Effectiveness State of RMNP: Evaluation of Management Effectiveness 1 Document Information This report and the related workshops were undertaken for the Nature Conservation Sector Capacity Building Project under the Egyptian- Italian Environmental Cooperation Programme. The programme is funded by Italian Cooperation and Debt for Development Swap Initiative. Citation: Paleczny, Dan. Khaled Allam Harhash, Mohamad Talaat (2007). The State of Ras Mohammed National Park, An Evaluation of Management Effectiveness. Egyptian- Italian Environmental Cooperation Programme, Nature Conservation Sector Capacity Building Project, Cairo. This report was prepared by Khaled Allam Harhash and Dan Paleczny © Nature Conservation Sector, Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency, 2007 July 11, 2007 State of RMNP: Evaluation of Management Effectiveness 2 The State of Ras Mohammed National Park An Evaluation of Management Effectiveness Dan Paleczny, Khaled Allam Harhash, Mohamad Talaat Table of Contents Executive Summary .................................................................................................................5 Executive Summary—Arabic .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 12 Part I. Evaluation Framework and Objectives ................................................................... 14 Objectives for Site Level Management Effectiveness Evaluations in Egypt ................... 14 Site Level Evaluation Process and Methods................................................................... 15 Key Inputs for this Evaluation.......................................................................................... 17 Part II. Current Context: Ras Mohammed National Park ................................................. 18 Part III. Evaluation Results ................................................................................................... 22 1.0 Biodiversity, Natural and Cultural Resources ........................................................... 23 1.1 Coral Reef ................................................................................................................. 23 1.2 Mangroves ................................................................................................................ 40 1.3 Sea grasses .............................................................................................................. 46 1.4 Birds .......................................................................................................................... 52 1.5 Spawning ground in RMNP ....................................................................................... 56 2.0 Ecotourism-Recreational Resources ........................................................................ 61 2.1 Beaches and camp site in RMNP ............................................................................. 61 State of RMNP: Evaluation of Management Effectiveness 3 2.2 Land features (including the Visitor Centre).............................................................. 65 3.0 Community Well-being .............................................................................................. 69 3.1 Sharm El-Sheikh Area (Economic values) ................................................................ 69 Part IV. Synthesis: Effective Management ......................................................................... 75 4.0 Threats ...................................................................................................................... 75 5.0 Outputs and Outcomes ............................................................................................. 79 5.1 Outputs ...................................................................................................................... 79 5.2 Outcomes .................................................................................................................. 79 Part V. Toward the Future .................................................................................................... 81 6.0 Strategic Considerations ........................................................................................... 81 6.1 Sustainable financing ................................................................................................ 81 6.2 Management plan and objectives ............................................................................. 82 6.3 Collaborate, Communicate and Conserve ................................................................ 82 References ............................................................................................................................. 85 Appendices ............................................................................................................................ 87 Appendix 1. Workshop Agenda and Participants ........................................................... 88 Appendix 2. Evaluation of Past Actions in RMNP ............................................................ 89 Appendix 3. Summary of Recommended Actions ........................................................... 93 Appendix 4. Results of Stakeholder and Visitor Surveys ............................................. 104 Appendix 5. National RAPPAM Results ........................................................................... 116 Appendix 6. Site Level Management Effectiveness Evaluation Procedure ................ 128 Appendix 7. Workshop Participant Evaluation ............................................................... 130 State of RMNP: Evaluation of Management Effectiveness 4 Executive Summary The National Parks of Egypt contain the nation’s most treasured natural assets. Ras Mohammed National Park (RMNP) was established in 1983 and today is one of the most famous diving sites in the world. The coral reef ecosystems are a key element of the region's economy. Ras Mohammed National Park is an important ecological, economic, social and cultural asset for Egypt and beyond. This report provides an assessment of the status of the 8 key values at RMNP (see table below). Through discussions with rangers, and input from stakeholders and visitors, this report examines the main threats affecting the key values and the underlying causes of the threats. Actions are identified that should address the existing threats. Where possible, indicators have been described for monitoring and measuring changes in the condition of the park’s values. The table below summarizes the current situation in RMNP. Management concern and actions should be primarily focused on addressing the most important threats, improving the conditions of the ecosystems and other values that are in a poor state, and on maintaining the values that are in a good state. The State of Ras Mohammed National Park Value Threats Status 1. Biodiversity/Natural Resources/Cultural Resources H S Coral reefs Mangroves M S Sea grasses M S Birds M I Spawning ground M I 2. Ecotourism/Recreational Resources Beaches and camp sites M W Land features L S 3. Community Well-being (socio-economic) Sharm El-Sheikh area M I Status Today vs Threat Today 5 Years Ago Very high VH Improved I High H Stable S Medium M Worsened W Low L State of RMNP: Evaluation of Management Effectiveness 5 This assessment found the following: • The coral reef and spawning ground are high value resources with a high level of threats and should be the top priority for conservation. As the park is developed for more visitors to improve local economic benefits, these sensitive natural resources must be maintained, and over-development or over-use from tourism and fishing must be avoided. Over-exploitation and the resulting degradation of these natural assets will have a direct negative effect on the area’s economy. • While Sharm El-Sheikh city and the region enjoy substantial economic benefits derived from the coral reef ecosystems, the management of the park is substantially under-funded. The past investments of the EU support program and current work of the park are undermined by lack of adequate funding for patrolling, monitoring ecosystems, research, and public and stakeholder awareness. Declining infrastructure (visitor centre – camp sites – WCs – exhibits) poses a huge threat and can be expected to result in a loss of customers and revenues. However, there is also a huge potential to effectively solve this threat by employing active management techniques, such as a concession for the camping area, and a “Friends of RMNP” NGO. These tools for sustainable financing should complement sufficient government funding (an adequate annual budget), which is estimated to be 2-3 million Egyptian pounds/year, for RMNP alone. • There is a very large potential to increase revenues through tickets sales to the hundreds of thousands of visitors entering the park by sea on boats. This is a great business case for revenues generation and retention of funds at RMNP. • The condition of the RMNP beaches has worsened over the last years due to lack of well defined maintenance program for infrastructures and lack of funds. • Visitors expressed a low degree of awareness about RMNP and the benefits the protected area brings to the communities. As such, this situation is a threat to effective management and also a missed opportunity for resolving issues. Improvements in this area
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