:::ano~) ~""''""""" ........... .. ,..,.~fill .... ...... ~~ No. RTDC/Shimla Smart City/2019- \~l1\- ~ 6 Dated: a'\ /02/2020 To Advertisement Manager, Indian Express, Shimla (HP) Advertisement Manager, Dainik Bhaskar Shimla (HP) ~ sement Manager, Divya Himachal, Shimla (HP) Subject: Advertisement for REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL for Designing, Manufacturing /Procurement, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Lifts under Smart City Area Based Development in Shimla on EPC Basis. Sir, Kindly find enclosed herewith the subject cited notice for publishing it in your respective newspapers. You are requested to publish the same on Chandigarh, Himachal & Delhi editions of your respective newspapers and immediately and bills along with adverting clipping and approved rates of advertisement be sent to this office. Yours faithfully, Chief( ~ General Manager,a) Ropeway & Rapid Transport System ;() P¢lopment ~orporation H.P. Limited (Jj.tf.s. Club, Sh1mla-l. Email:
[email protected] Copy forwarded to the Principal Secretary (Transport) to the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh, for information please. Copy forwarded to the Director Transport, Parivahan Bhawan, Shimla along with 2Nos. RFP for uploading the same on the Transport Department website. Copy forwarded to the Managirlg Director, Shimla Smart City Ltd . along with tender document for approval of the same please. (Er. Ajay Sharma)I Chief General Manager, Ropeway & Rapid Transport System Development Corporation H.P. Limited U.S. Club, Shimla-1. Email: