Changes on CRAN 2014-07-01 to 2014-12-31
NEWS AND NOTES 192 Changes on CRAN 2014-07-01 to 2014-12-31 by Kurt Hornik and Achim Zeileis New packages in CRAN task views Bayesian BayesTree. Cluster fclust, funFEM, funHDDC, pgmm, tclust. Distributions FatTailsR, RTDE, STAR, predfinitepop, statmod. Econometrics LinRegInteractive, MSBVAR, nonnest2, phtt. Environmetrics siplab. Finance GCPM, MSBVAR, OptionPricing, financial, fractal, riskSimul. HighPerformanceComputing GUIProfiler, PGICA, aprof. MachineLearning BayesTree, LogicForest, hdi, mlr, randomForestSRC, stabs, vcrpart. MetaAnalysis MAVIS, ecoreg, ipdmeta, metaplus. NumericalMathematics RootsExtremaInflections, Rserve, SimplicialCubature, fastGHQuad, optR. OfficialStatistics CoImp, RecordLinkage, rworldmap, tmap, vardpoor. Optimization RCEIM, blowtorch, globalOptTests, irace, isotone, lbfgs. Phylogenetics BAMMtools, BoSSA, DiscML, HyPhy, MPSEM, OutbreakTools, PBD, PCPS, PHYLOGR, RADami, RNeXML, Reol, Rphylip, adhoc, betapart, dendextend, ex- pands, expoTree, jaatha, kdetrees, mvMORPH, outbreaker, pastis, pegas, phyloTop, phyloland, rdryad, rphast, strap, surface, taxize. Psychometrics IRTShiny, PP, WrightMap, mirtCAT, pairwise. ReproducibleResearch NMOF. Robust TEEReg, WRS2, robeth, robustDA, robustgam, robustloggamma, robustreg, ror, rorutadis. Spatial PReMiuM. SpatioTemporal BayesianAnimalTracker, TrackReconstruction, fishmove, mkde, wildlifeDI. Survival DStree, ICsurv, IDPSurvival, MIICD, MST, MicSim, PHeval, PReMiuM, aft- gee, bshazard, bujar, coxinterval, gamboostMSM, imputeYn, invGauss, lsmeans, multipleNCC, paf, penMSM, spBayesSurv,
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